Top Stories by Year

Top stories of the year as determined by story view and by star-voting.

Below are lists of the most popular stories on the site by 2024 views and by 2024 star-votes. There are three sets of lists: (a) top stories overall by 2024 views and by 2024 star-votes; (b) top stories updated in 2024 by 2024 views and by 2024 star-votes; and (c) top BRK stories by 2024 views and by 2024 star-votes.

Posted 27 December 2024: The setup for this year’s top-stories lists is the same as last year’s. As before, the top stories by views and votes are first listed unfiltered; then only with stories updated in 2024; then just with BRK stories. As previously, the lists are weighted by diversity of IP addresses, so that stories that are getting attention from a wider range of visitors get more of a boost in the rankings.

I don’t have much of a wrap-up write-up this time. It’s been quite a good year, I think, with some record views (especially over the summer) and a rich mix of new and continuing authors. I was quite proud of both the stories that have been posted and shared every week and of what I wrote myself. It’s good to see tales I spent a lot of time on placing highly on the charts—not just “Sex-Phi,” which was a major ongoing epic (which somehow actually finished), but also the sleeper hit “Stadium Brew,” which ranked higher than I’d realized and with fewer installments sparking exposure and votes; and “Unboxing Viktor,” which I enjoyed returning to each time.

One of the consequences of having these ongoing commissions like “Sexi-Phi” and “The Right Blend” is that I’ve worked on relatively few stories this year, and the Vignette Parties are almost the only times I do one-offs and new ideas; so the BRK charts have the heavy hitters and then a string of shiny VP standalones that were quite a fun change of pace.

I want to extend my deepest thanks to the writers, my Patreon supporters, and to all the people who visit the site. I’m truly grateful to you all. I wish you all a safe new year’s holiday and a 2025 full of security and contentment.

Most Popular Stories by 2024-Cast Votes
  1. When Evan started growing by JuicyJ
  2. Give or take by Bigmusclenm
  3. The Double B Ranch by Absman420
  4. Hunger by MaxMorphs
  5. Growth drive by Musclesaber
  6. Our pleasure by Thorn
  7. Jötnar by Maximalist
  8. The dwindling by Dream Big
  9. Sexi-Phi by BRK
  10. Altered state by YellowJester
  11. The procedure by UberPump
  12. Went wrong? by Bigmusclenm
  13. The house by Writ Bro
  14. Stadium brew by BRK
  15. Humbled by the himbo by MegaMaker
  16. Teacher's testimony by Six Pecs
  17. Shared looks by Badboola
  18. The thief and the amulet by BRK
  19. The Enhancements and Enchantments Bureau by Quiet94
  20. Custom fit by HumbleBrag
  21. Miracle Grow Boys (Revised) by Bulklore
  22. Sweet gains by Bigmusclenm
  23. Farmer's boy by Hairymusclemorphs
  24. Critical mass by UberPump
  25. Delivery by Hairymusclemorphs
  26. An unexpected inflation by UberPump
  27. Pansexuality—An Abyssus Abbey Story by Pen Darke
  28. Ride sharing at night by Hairymusclemorphs
  29. On the wrong track by Hairymusclemorphs
  30. It's academic by screamingmoist
  31. Cave of worshippers by SomeMuscleGuy
  32. Jason's big problem by Joven
  33. Novus homo by BRK
  34. All good things by Anon Amon
  35. Axel breaks his record by MegaMaker
  36. The alpha touch by Caliburn
  37. An unstoppable force by SomeMuscleGuy
  38. Big changes by Ziel
  39. By the light of the moon by JJ Staxx
  40. Growing above mediocrity by EychVee
  41. Adam University by OneLuckyGuy89
  42. Call of the incubus by DaBook
  43. The river god by BRK
  44. A real man by DoubleCream
  45. An airplane parasite by SomeMuscleGuy
  46. Three giant guys by MegaMaker
  47. Outgrowth by BRK
  48. Happy birthday! by Musclesaber
  49. The boarder by Mikeytron
  50. Not so small anymore by Beastly Muscle
Most Popular Stories by 2024 Views (Stories Updated in 2024)
  1. Our pleasure by Thorn
  2. Sexi-Phi by BRK
  3. When Evan started growing by JuicyJ
  4. Cave of worshippers by SomeMuscleGuy
  5. Give or take by Bigmusclenm
  6. Hunger by MaxMorphs
  7. The Double B Ranch by Absman420
  8. Went wrong? by Bigmusclenm
  9. Growth drive by Musclesaber
  10. The house by Writ Bro
  11. Stadium brew by BRK
  12. The dwindling by Dream Big
  13. The right blend by BRK
  14. Growing above mediocrity by EychVee
  15. Big changes by Ziel
  16. Out of control by MegaMaker
  17. Adam University by OneLuckyGuy89
  18. The thief and the amulet by BRK
  19. An unstoppable force by SomeMuscleGuy
  20. Teacher's testimony by Six Pecs
  21. Jötnar by Maximalist
  22. Shared looks by Badboola
  23. Axel breaks his record by MegaMaker
  24. Critical mass by UberPump
  25. Sweet gains by Bigmusclenm
  26. Delivery by Hairymusclemorphs
  27. Altered state by YellowJester
  28. Humbled by the himbo by MegaMaker
  29. Farmer's boy by Hairymusclemorphs
  30. Call of the incubus by DaBook
  31. The procedure by UberPump
  32. Titanification: Legacy by Azerreza
  33. Miracle Grow Boys (Revised) by Bulklore
  34. Roommate juice by TheSizeKing
  35. Bad day at the beach by MegaMaker
  36. The bodybuilding bulge cum-petition by UberPump
  37. The river god by BRK
  38. Juice by BigStories
  39. Growing out of control by Lionel E. Linklander
  40. Serial breeder by Musclesaber
  41. Three giant guys by MegaMaker
  42. Special pills by MegaMaker
  43. Ricky's big secret by MegaMaker
  44. Three wishes by Mr.Dick
  45. By the light of the moon by JJ Staxx
  46. Outgrowth by BRK
  47. The big college roommate by MaxMorphs
  48. Happy birthday! by Musclesaber
  49. A growing family by OneLuckyGuy89
  50. Not so small anymore by Beastly Muscle
Most Popular Stories by 2024-Cast Votes (Stories Updated in 2024)
  1. When Evan started growing by JuicyJ
  2. Give or take by Bigmusclenm
  3. The Double B Ranch by Absman420
  4. Hunger by MaxMorphs
  5. Growth drive by Musclesaber
  6. Our pleasure by Thorn
  7. Jötnar by Maximalist
  8. The dwindling by Dream Big
  9. Sexi-Phi by BRK
  10. Altered state by YellowJester
  11. The procedure by UberPump
  12. Went wrong? by Bigmusclenm
  13. The house by Writ Bro
  14. Stadium brew by BRK
  15. Humbled by the himbo by MegaMaker
  16. Teacher's testimony by Six Pecs
  17. Shared looks by Badboola
  18. The thief and the amulet by BRK
  19. The Enhancements and Enchantments Bureau by Quiet94
  20. Custom fit by HumbleBrag
  21. Miracle Grow Boys (Revised) by Bulklore
  22. Sweet gains by Bigmusclenm
  23. Farmer's boy by Hairymusclemorphs
  24. Critical mass by UberPump
  25. Delivery by Hairymusclemorphs
  26. Pansexuality—An Abyssus Abbey Story by Pen Darke
  27. Ride sharing at night by Hairymusclemorphs
  28. On the wrong track by Hairymusclemorphs
  29. It's academic by screamingmoist
  30. Cave of worshippers by SomeMuscleGuy
  31. Novus homo by BRK
  32. Axel breaks his record by MegaMaker
  33. An unstoppable force by SomeMuscleGuy
  34. Big changes by Ziel
  35. By the light of the moon by JJ Staxx
  36. Growing above mediocrity by EychVee
  37. Adam University by OneLuckyGuy89
  38. Call of the incubus by DaBook
  39. The river god by BRK
  40. Three giant guys by MegaMaker
  41. Outgrowth by BRK
  42. Happy birthday! by Musclesaber
  43. Not so small anymore by Beastly Muscle
  44. Titanification: Legacy by Azerreza
  45. Special pills by MegaMaker
  46. Juice by BigStories
  47. Roommate juice by TheSizeKing
  48. An average night out by Hairymusclemorphs
  49. A growing family by OneLuckyGuy89
  50. The big college roommate by MaxMorphs

Below are lists of the most popular stories on the site by 2023 views and by 2023 star-votes. There are three sets of lists: (a) top stories overall by 2023 views and by 2023 star-votes; (b) top stories updated in 2023 by 2023 views and by 2023 star-votes; and (c) top BRK stories by 2023 views and by 2023 star-votes.

Posted 29 December 2023: The setup for this year’s top-stories lists is the same as last year’s. As before, the top stories by views and votes are first listed unfiltered; then only with stories updated in 2023; then just with BRK stories. As previously, the lists are weighted by diversity of IP addresses, so that stories that are getting attention from a wider range of visitors get more of a boost in the rankings.

It feels like this was a year of continuing stories catching people’s attention and imaginations. Several of the top-ranking stories from this year were sagas stretching over several updates, amping up the stakes and deepening the connections between the characters. There was a great mix of new writers and experienced hands, bringing a variety of interest and perspectives. Readership remained high in 2023, reaching 5.9 million story views, compared to 6.0 million, 4.9 million, and 4.5 million in 2022, 2021, and 2020.

As for my own stuff: as usual, it’s never been a surprise or a matter of chagrin to me that I don’t top the tallies on my own website, since as an author my views and votes are distributed across the scores of stories I post every year: the 82 chapters I wrote this year were distributed across 41 stories (compared with 96 chapters/47 stories in 2022, 106 chapters/49 stories in 2021, and 86 chapters/37 stories in 2020); and Metabods is about alternative erotica, not just my brand of it.

There were a few stories I was working on for months, some of them still ongoing, and those have generated a lot of attention, votes, and views (notably the long-term commissioned stories “Casey’s Mancock,” “Mountainheart,” “Sexi-Phi,” and “The Right Blend”), so it’s gratifying to see them ranking well. But there are a few one-offs mixed in with them, like “Stadium Brew,” and I love seeing one of those ranking well just from one go.

It’s been a great year in my book. I’ve had a lot fun writing and running the site in my first post-quarter-century year, and I’m looking forward to new and exciting things in 2024.

Most Popular Stories by 2023 Views
  1. One more drop by MegaMaker
  2. Think bigger by MaxMorphs
  3. The boarder by Mikeytron
  4. Justin (the bigger the better) by Giant Worshipper
  5. An unexpected inflation by UberPump
  6. The alpha touch by Caliburn
  7. 5D Super User: Brandon by pkak2k12
  8. The house by Writ Bro
  9. Above average by Ziel
  10. Coach's big surprise (Revised) by SomeMuscleGuy
  11. All good things by Anon Amon
  12. Spice by Mr. X
  13. It's never enough by K. Theeunknown
  14. Casey's mancock by BRK
  15. Sexi-Phi by BRK
  16. Max's wish by Bulge101
  17. Chuck, the size thief by spacevlad
  18. So you wanna be a hunk? by YellowJester
  19. A fucking god by Jerkoffcentral
  20. The book of desires by SomeMuscleGuy
  21. My roommate (complete) by LenZelig
  22. Jason's big problem by Joven
  23. Freshman, fresh men by West
  24. The right blend by BRK
  25. Incubus dreams by JJ Staxx
  26. MG Project: Test Subject #5 by HeyDaddy01
  27. Containment breach by SomeMuscleGuy
  28. Short stories, big muscles by RoidTeen
  29. When Evan started growing by JuicyJ
  30. An airplane parasite by SomeMuscleGuy
  31. Puberty is a bitch by Lover Boy 2
  32. Cave of worshippers by SomeMuscleGuy
  33. Hank and Greyson by Greggrth
  34. Nobody's perfect by Also Known As
  35. Conner's massive reveal by MegaMaker
  36. The Body Builder by Greggrth
  37. Parasitic paradise by SomeMuscleGuy
  38. The pump by UberPump
  39. Jon the growing stepdad by spacevlad
  40. Big changes by Ziel
  41. Rise of the new alpha by MoonlightSerenade
  42. The potion shop by Alpha Pup Templar
  43. Medicine show by Fafhrd
  44. Forced growth by hyperboi
  45. The problem with patrons by SpaceWerewolf
  46. The simulated universe by Thorn
  47. A real man by DoubleCream
  48. Nightmare at the Pump House Gym by UberPump
  49. Bull's strength by muscl4life
  50. Mind and body by BRK
Most Popular Stories by 2023-Cast Votes
  1. The boarder by Mikeytron
  2. One more drop by MegaMaker
  3. 5D Super User: Brandon by pkak2k12
  4. The house by Writ Bro
  5. Think bigger by MaxMorphs
  6. The alpha touch by Caliburn
  7. Sexi-Phi by BRK
  8. Casey's mancock by BRK
  9. It's never enough by K. Theeunknown
  10. A fucking god by Jerkoffcentral
  11. So you wanna be a hunk? by YellowJester
  12. Freshman, fresh men by West
  13. When Evan started growing by JuicyJ
  14. The last month by Michverdun
  15. The simulated universe by Thorn
  16. The problem with patrons by SpaceWerewolf
  17. An unexpected inflation by UberPump
  18. Justin (the bigger the better) by Giant Worshipper
  19. Abyssus Abbey 2 by Pen Darke
  20. Stadium brew by BRK
  21. Bloodpact by Michverdun
  22. Pup frat by Newbie Pup
  23. Coach's big surprise (Revised) by SomeMuscleGuy
  24. A father and son's inseparable bond by Salem Noctua
  25. The right blend by BRK
  26. Chuck, the size thief by spacevlad
  27. Incubus dreams by JJ Staxx
  28. The book of desires by SomeMuscleGuy
  29. Max's wish by Bulge101
  30. Containment breach by SomeMuscleGuy
  31. MG Project: Test Subject #5 by HeyDaddy01
  32. Bull's strength by muscl4life
  33. The new guy by Also Known As
  34. The Body Builder by Greggrth
  35. A real man by DoubleCream
  36. Hank and Greyson by Greggrth
  37. Ezra by TreborNawoc
  38. An airplane parasite by SomeMuscleGuy
  39. A.I. by Corwin
  40. Reality Pack by Thorn
  41. Parasitic paradise by SomeMuscleGuy
  42. His brother drains his manhood by Ballmeat
  43. The potion shop by Alpha Pup Templar
  44. Rise of the new alpha by MoonlightSerenade
  45. Mountainheart by BRK
  46. The pump by UberPump
  47. Cave of worshippers by SomeMuscleGuy
  48. Jon the growing stepdad by spacevlad
  49. Short stories, big muscles by RoidTeen
  50. Conner's massive reveal by MegaMaker
Most Popular Stories by 2023 Views (Stories Updated in 2023)
  1. One more drop by MegaMaker
  2. Think bigger by MaxMorphs
  3. The boarder by Mikeytron
  4. An unexpected inflation by UberPump
  5. The alpha touch by Caliburn
  6. 5D Super User: Brandon by pkak2k12
  7. The house by Writ Bro
  8. Coach's big surprise (Revised) by SomeMuscleGuy
  9. It's never enough by K. Theeunknown
  10. Casey's mancock by BRK
  11. Sexi-Phi by BRK
  12. So you wanna be a hunk? by YellowJester
  13. A fucking god by Jerkoffcentral
  14. Freshman, fresh men by West
  15. The right blend by BRK
  16. Incubus dreams by JJ Staxx
  17. MG Project: Test Subject #5 by HeyDaddy01
  18. Containment breach by SomeMuscleGuy
  19. Short stories, big muscles by RoidTeen
  20. When Evan started growing by JuicyJ
  21. Cave of worshippers by SomeMuscleGuy
  22. Hank and Greyson by Greggrth
  23. Nobody's perfect by Also Known As
  24. Conner's massive reveal by MegaMaker
  25. The Body Builder by Greggrth
  26. Parasitic paradise by SomeMuscleGuy
  27. The pump by UberPump
  28. Big changes by Ziel
  29. Rise of the new alpha by MoonlightSerenade
  30. The potion shop by Alpha Pup Templar
  31. The problem with patrons by SpaceWerewolf
  32. The simulated universe by Thorn
  33. A real man by DoubleCream
  34. Nightmare at the Pump House Gym by UberPump
  35. A little somethin' by MegaMaker
  36. Mountainheart by BRK
  37. My big dummy by MegaMaker
  38. A Tale of Two Brothers: Donnie & Marco by Artotter92
  39. The new guy by Also Known As
  40. Super serum by Jack is Jacked
  41. The Vale by CockTFBoi
  42. #bigdickproblems by BRK
  43. The cursed ride by SomeMuscleGuy
  44. The biggest so far by MaxMorphs
  45. Pup frat by Newbie Pup
  46. Frat crisis by BRK
  47. The right settings by RoidTeen
  48. The last month by Michverdun
  49. Jolias and Max: The cock rings by Azerreza
  50. Moocows by Meddler Incs
Most Popular Stories by 2023-Cast Votes (Stories Updated in 2023)
  1. The boarder by Mikeytron
  2. One more drop by MegaMaker
  3. 5D Super User: Brandon by pkak2k12
  4. The house by Writ Bro
  5. Think bigger by MaxMorphs
  6. The alpha touch by Caliburn
  7. Sexi-Phi by BRK
  8. Casey's mancock by BRK
  9. It's never enough by K. Theeunknown
  10. A fucking god by Jerkoffcentral
  11. So you wanna be a hunk? by YellowJester
  12. Freshman, fresh men by West
  13. When Evan started growing by JuicyJ
  14. The last month by Michverdun
  15. The simulated universe by Thorn
  16. The problem with patrons by SpaceWerewolf
  17. An unexpected inflation by UberPump
  18. Abyssus Abbey 2 by Pen Darke
  19. Stadium brew by BRK
  20. Bloodpact by Michverdun
  21. Pup frat by Newbie Pup
  22. Coach's big surprise (Revised) by SomeMuscleGuy
  23. A father and son's inseparable bond by Salem Noctua
  24. The right blend by BRK
  25. Incubus dreams by JJ Staxx
  26. Containment breach by SomeMuscleGuy
  27. MG Project: Test Subject #5 by HeyDaddy01
  28. The new guy by Also Known As
  29. The Body Builder by Greggrth
  30. A real man by DoubleCream
  31. Hank and Greyson by Greggrth
  32. Parasitic paradise by SomeMuscleGuy
  33. The potion shop by Alpha Pup Templar
  34. Rise of the new alpha by MoonlightSerenade
  35. Mountainheart by BRK
  36. The pump by UberPump
  37. Cave of worshippers by SomeMuscleGuy
  38. Short stories, big muscles by RoidTeen
  39. Conner's massive reveal by MegaMaker
  40. A little somethin' by MegaMaker
  41. The blue reception by BRK
  42. Moocows by Meddler Incs
  43. Canis drainem edit by Ziel
  44. Jolias and Max: The cock rings by Azerreza
  45. Shaming the boastful centaur by DracumSum
  46. I don't even go here! by Quick Master
  47. Boost by oswaldthefiasco
  48. The sleepover by Mad Dog
  49. Dad's water balloon by PumpedBalloon
  50. Lumen by Ziel

Below are lists of the most popular stories on the site by 2022 views and by 2022 star-votes. There are three sets of lists: (a) top stories overall by 2022 views and by 2022 star-votes; (b) top stories updated in 2022 by 2022 views and by 2022 star-votes; and (c) top BRK stories by 2022 views and by 2022 star-votes.

Posted 30 December 2022: This year’s top-stories lists are set up pretty much the way they were last year: the top stories by views and votes are first listed unfiltered; then only with stories updated in 2022; then just with BRK stories. As previously, the lists are weighted by diversity of IP addresses, so that stories that are getting attention from a wider range of visitors get more of a boost in the rankings.

The lists all boast a pleasing diversity of theme and tone, which is exactly right for the site. It’s also gratifying to note the mix of multi-chapter epics with shorter stories that contain their passion within a chapter or two. A lot of work and creativity goes into producing an erotic story for others to appreciate, whether it’s a thousand words or 50 thousand, and every story on these lists reflects that. Stories posted to Metabods got seen more overall this year than ever before: the total overall recorded story view count for 2022 was just shy of 6.0 million, up from 4.9 million in 2021 and 4.5 million in 2020.

As for my own stuff: for those wondering, it’s never been a surprise or a matter of chagrin to me that I don’t top the tallies on my own website. For one thing, as I’ve noted before, my views and votes are distributed across the scores of stories I post every year: the 96 chapters I wrote this year were distributed across 47 stories (compared with 106 chapters/49 stories in 2021 and 86 chapters/37 stories in 2020). More to the point, Metabods exists to share all sorts “alternative gay erotica” (as I’ve taken to calling it) from as many writers as possible, not just me. Even so, I have six entries in the top views and seven in the top views for stories updated in 2022, a change from the last two years when I only had three stories in the top views list. The one-off Vignette Party tales account for a lot of the BRK story count; leaving those aside I mostly continued ongoing stories this year, which might partially explain my boosted presence on the views list. Four recurring stories accounted for 32 of the chapters I posted in 2022.

Most Popular Stories by 2022 Views (Stories Updated in 2022)
  1. The alpha touch by Caliburn
  2. Think bigger by MaxMorphs
  3. All good things by Anon Amon
  4. An unexpected inflation by UberPump
  5. The breakthrough by Gigantic Mr.B
  6. The Body Builder by Greggrth
  7. Casey's mancock by BRK
  8. Nobody's perfect by Also Known As
  9. Tit hype by Writ Bro
  10. One hot summer by BRK
  11. Jon the growing stepdad by spacevlad
  12. As you please by Ybara Montefiore
  13. Bull's gene by Opin
  14. The hulk pill: Contagion by Azerreza
  15. Patient zero by SomeMuscleGuy
  16. Hard body by Also Known As
  17. The electro-stimulation belt by Azerreza
  18. The extreme muscle growth fraternity by Bruce
  19. Time to bulk up by spacevlad
  20. Unequal exchange by Fallon Ives
  21. Hyper puberty by MartinMori427
  22. I think... by EdIam
  23. No reason by MaxMorphs
  24. Adam's fury by Chronologious
  25. Tell me about my boner by BRK
  26. Primal attraction by Mikeytron
  27. The price by Mikeytron
  28. Big changes by Ziel
  29. An airplane parasite by SomeMuscleGuy
  30. Dude, look what I found! by Alex Anders
  31. Sensational summer growth by OneLuckyGuy89
  32. Doubling device by Musclesaber
  33. Changing Nick by BRK
  34. Custom fit by HumbleBrag
  35. Little brother gets big by pkak2k12
  36. Check this mate by brazboy
  37. The test subjects by Azerreza
  38. Resolutions by BRK
  39. Dude, that's a really thick cock by John Perrot
  40. Milo's big secret by BRK
  41. Cursed to swell with cum by BigManBigBelly
  42. Mountainheart by BRK
  43. Slimed by Dylan Utah
  44. Dickville by OneLuckyGuy89
  45. Moocows by Meddler Incs
  46. The solitary flesh by Mikeytron
  47. The cum fairy by brazboy
  48. The radiation zone by SomeMuscleGuy
  49. Magic throat by Harvey Church
  50. Nightmare at the Pump House Gym by UberPump
Most Popular Stories by 2022-Cast Votes (Stories Updated in 2022)
  1. The alpha touch by Caliburn
  2. Think bigger by MaxMorphs
  3. Sebastian by TreborNawoc
  4. The legend of Ben by TreborNawoc
  5. Casey's mancock by BRK
  6. Primal attraction by Mikeytron
  7. Nobody's perfect by Also Known As
  8. The Body Builder by Greggrth
  9. The breakthrough by Gigantic Mr.B
  10. Jon the growing stepdad by spacevlad
  11. As you please by Ybara Montefiore
  12. The solitary flesh by Mikeytron
  13. The price by Mikeytron
  14. Custom fit by HumbleBrag
  15. Molten wings by Mikeytron
  16. Life of Tre by TreborNawoc
  17. Rowan by TreborNawoc
  18. Dylan by TreborNawoc
  19. An unexpected inflation by UberPump
  20. All good things by Anon Amon
  21. Magic throat by Harvey Church
  22. Magic numbers by YellowJester
  23. The radiation zone by SomeMuscleGuy
  24. Ezra by TreborNawoc
  25. Fabian: Vore Day by TreborNawoc
  26. Quentin by TreborNawoc
  27. Bad suggestion by pkak2k12
  28. Tit hype by Writ Bro
  29. One hot summer by BRK
  30. Bull's gene by Opin
  31. The hulk pill: Contagion by Azerreza
  32. Mountainheart by BRK
  33. Little brother gets big by pkak2k12
  34. Becoming a family of their own by TreborNawoc
  35. Tell me about my boner by BRK
  36. Slimed by Dylan Utah
  37. Hard body by Also Known As
  38. The extreme muscle growth fraternity by Bruce
  39. Unequal exchange by Fallon Ives
  40. Adam's fury by Chronologious
  41. Doubling device by Musclesaber
  42. No reason by MaxMorphs
  43. An airplane parasite by SomeMuscleGuy
  44. Hyper puberty by MartinMori427
  45. Check this mate by brazboy
  46. Patient zero by SomeMuscleGuy
  47. The electro-stimulation belt by Azerreza
  48. The test subjects by Azerreza
  49. Dude, look what I found! by Alex Anders
  50. Time to bulk up by spacevlad

Below are lists of the most popular stories on the site by 2021 views and by 2021 star-votes. There are three sets of lists: (a) top stories overall by 2021 views and by 2021 star-votes; (b) top stories updated in 2021 by 2021 views and by 2021 star-votes; and (c) top BRK stories by 2021 views and by 2021 star-votes.

Posted 31 December 2021: This year, I decided to run three different kinds of lists. First, I did the standard most-popular lists by 2021 views and by 2021 votes. These lists, especially the by-views list, always contain a number of “evergreens”—vintage stories that get consistently a lot of views despite not having been updated in many years. This made me curious to see what the lists would look like including only stories updated in 2021, so I did another set of lists that way, counting down the most popular 2021-updated stories by 2021 views and by 2021 votes. Finally, I did a set of lists just for the most popular BRK stories by 2021 views and by 2021 votes. As previously, the lists are weighted by diversity of IP addresses, so that stories that are getting attention from a wider range of visitors get more of a boost in the rankings.

Looking at these lists, I’m gratified at the range and breadth of writing on the site. Metabods is a niche gay erotica site, but the writers drawn to this flame are bringing our visitors into so many different kinds of fantasies, with pleasures ranging from shallow and shimmering to deep and intricate. For me the biggest surprise was the presence of one of my own stories in the top ten of the views list—that never happens! My prolific output tends to avert BRK yarns showing up much in the year-end lists, as my viewer eyeballs are spread across a lot of stories over the year (49 stories and 106 chapters in 2021, up from 86 chapters over 37 stories in 2020). So I was pleasantly surprised to see “One Hot Summer” popping up in the top ten by 2021 views amidst all the evergreens, though as the story I updated the most last year it was the likeliest candidate for greatest visibility.

Most Popular Stories by 2021 Views (Stories Updated in 2021)
  1. An unexpected inflation by UberPump
  2. Be careful what you wish for by Tereshky
  3. One hot summer by BRK
  4. My roommate (complete) by LenZelig
  5. The Body Builder by Greggrth
  6. Reality Pack by Thorn
  7. The bodyguards by Alakazam1988
  8. The Benefactor by Proteus
  9. Resolutions by BRK
  10. Big changes by Ziel
  11. Red pills by Alakazam1988
  12. Hulkster and Hoppy by Also Known As
  13. Acclimating by Dream Big
  14. My best friend's muscles by Mikeytron
  15. Nightmare at the Pump House Gym by UberPump
  16. Bull's gene by Opin
  17. The heart is a muscle by Mikeytron
  18. Spice up your life by Musclesaber
  19. The formula by hyperboi
  20. Empire by LenZelig
  21. Make the fur fly by LordTronimator
  22. Dick note by Thorn
  23. A real man by DoubleCream
  24. Finding Owen by BRK
  25. Kyle's himbo transformation by Joven
  26. Click bate by Dream Big
  27. Jock bros by John Perrot
  28. What a dear deer boy by Thatbadwriter
  29. The need to obey by Musiker
  30. C is for… by King Dave
  31. Anthony by Chronologious
  32. The Wizard of Hot by hyperboi
  33. To wish for cock by CockTFBoi
  34. Sean goes to prison by Joven
  35. Tit hype by Writ Bro
  36. The chronicles of Besar Otot by OneLuckyGuy89
  37. The Ixlutani by Lloyd Irving
  38. Costumemania: The sticky super suits by Redouan
  39. Body game: Encounter 813 by BRK
  40. When you grow upon a star by OneLuckyGuy89
  41. Tying the knot by DracumSum
  42. Moocows by Meddler Incs
  43. Abyssus Abbey 2 by Pen Darke
  44. Muscle seduction by Azerreza
  45. Unequal exchange by Fallon Ives
  46. Basso profundo by BRK
  47. Tell me about my boner by BRK
  48. Don't talk about me! by jewelbee
  49. Hollyville by Tereshky
  50. Jolias and Max: The cock rings by Azerreza
Most Popular Stories by 2021-Cast Votes (Stories Updated in 2021)
  1. An unexpected inflation by UberPump
  2. Hulkster and Hoppy by Also Known As
  3. The heart is a muscle by Mikeytron
  4. Dick note by Thorn
  5. My best friend's muscles by Mikeytron
  6. Don't talk about me! by jewelbee
  7. The Body Builder by Greggrth
  8. A real man by DoubleCream
  9. The bodyguards by Alakazam1988
  10. Abyssus Abbey 2 by Pen Darke
  11. Make the fur fly by LordTronimator
  12. Resolutions by BRK
  13. One hot summer by BRK
  14. The formula by hyperboi
  15. Click bate by Dream Big
  16. My roommate (complete) by LenZelig
  17. Acclimating by Dream Big
  18. Reality Pack by Thorn
  19. Stories to tell in the dark by Thorn
  20. The Champion by Mikeytron
  21. The legend of Ben by TreborNawoc
  22. The source by TestoWriter
  23. Tying the knot by DracumSum
  24. Spice up your life by Musclesaber
  25. The Ixlutani by Lloyd Irving
  26. Kyle's himbo transformation by Joven
  27. The elevator ride by BRK
  28. From the files of the Magic Misuse Office by BRK
  29. Software upgrades by King Dave
  30. Life of Tre by TreborNawoc
  31. The pinball machine by Thorn
  32. Threefer by BRK
  33. Out of control by Sammas6
  34. Meat by Mikeytron
  35. The Benefactor by Proteus
  36. Changing fortunes by MuscleAndBulge
  37. Dylan by TreborNawoc
  38. Tell me about my boner by BRK
  39. Be careful what you wish for by Tereshky
  40. Anthony by Chronologious
  41. Memories by TreborNawoc
  42. Ascension by Ziel
  43. New normal by brazboy
  44. What a dear deer boy by Thatbadwriter
  45. Knighthood by Architect of Men
  46. Moocows by Meddler Incs
  47. Meta massage therapy by M.M.69
  48. C is for… by King Dave
  49. Sean goes to prison by Joven
  50. Honey and cum by Ro_burrr

Below are lists of the most popular stories on the site by 2020 views and by 2020 star-votes. There are three sets of lists: (a) top stories overall by 2020 views and by 2020 star-votes; (b) top stories updated in 2020 by 2020 views and by 2020 star-votes; and (c) top BRK stories by 2020 views and by 2020 star-votes.

Posted 1 January 2021: As I did for 2018 and 2019, I’ve put together lists of the top stories on the site in 2020 according to the votes and views received during the last 12 months, which are shown below. There aren’t too many surprises, so think of it as a Golden Globes where you already know who’s been talked about so much they’re bound to be up on stage with a goofy smile and a weird-looking tux.

Last year’s most-viewed list was not just a straight view count, but gave weight to stories with views from more discrete IP addresses, giving stories with broad appeal some priority over ones that looked at more often by a smaller group within the overall cascade of views. I did the same thing this year. The list contains a number of evergreens that always get a lot of hits, of course, but I’m very glad to see new stories, some from authors brand new to the site, occupying a significant proportion of the list.

A view-count list like this tends to favor stories that keep getting updated with new chapters, so a story that was already a hit such as “An Unexpected Inflation” kept getting boosted (appropriately enough) by the frequent addition of new chapters. My own writing tends toward starting new stories over continuing old ones, which tends to limit my presence on the year-end tote board; the exceptions mostly are stories like “One Hot Summer” that I updated repeatedly thanks to ongoing Patreon commissions—but “Mind and Body”, one of my most popular stories and one I’ve been meaning to get back to, is in there too.

For the top-rated stories, I again weighted stories with votes from a wider range of IP addresses to goose those stories that had wide appeal. This list is based on votes cast in 2020 and includes stories with the highest star ratings that had at least 5 votes during the year. In both lists, IP addresses banned for abuse of the star system were excluded.

The ranking by votes, in contrast to the ranking by views, tends to highlight new stories that got a lot of attention and positive reaction during the year. My own presence on this list is stronger (and some of the BRK stories appearing here surprised me), but this list also calls out a lot of new authors who have made some valuable contributions to the site, and whose hard work is much appreciated by me and the Metabods visitor community.

Most Popular Stories by 2020-Cast Votes
  1. An unexpected inflation by UberPump
  2. Best birthday ever by TheSizeKing
  3. Abyssus Abbey by Pen Darke
  4. All good things by Anon Amon
  5. Under control by Alakazam1988
  6. Make the fur fly by LordTronimator
  7. Side effects by TheSizeKing
  8. Damien by bulkscribe
  9. grUV by quickquezzed
  10. Acclimating by Dream Big
  11. Jock Pussy Syndrome Information Video #1 by SC Walker
  12. Alpha Luke goes camping by Eric Aaldersen
  13. What a little confidence can do by TheSizeKing
  14. The pills by LordTronimator
  15. The blue smoothie by BRK
  16. My roommate by LenZelig
  17. Alpha Dave returns home by Eric Aaldersen
  18. Alpha Dave goes camping by Eric Aaldersen
  19. Be careful what you wish for by Tereshky
  20. The blue pumpkin by BRK
  21. Beta Logan and his big brother by Eric Aaldersen
  22. Altered by Dream Big
  23. Don't talk about me! by jewelbee
  24. Click bate by Dream Big
  25. Little plant of horrors by PiggiestJ
  26. My roommate: The next generation by LenZelig
  27. Alpha Luke saves the party by Eric Aaldersen
  28. Alpha Luke grows his circle by Eric Aaldersen
  29. Alpha Coach and Mike by Eric Aaldersen
  30. Peter and the magic forest by Shamash
  31. Tips welcome by TheSizeKing
  32. Alpha Jamie and Alpha Jordan spread their seed by Eric Aaldersen
  33. Field agent by BRK
  34. Pholus reborn by Absman420
  35. Metatation by BRK
  36. Empire by LenZelig
  37. Brotherly love by TheSizeKing
  38. Pollination by Absman420
  39. The CVN link by BRK
  40. Reality Pack by Thorn
  41. One hot summer by BRK
  42. Anomalous Materials Research Facility 3‑DL by Mad Dog
  43. Hey, buddy by Dream Big
  44. Induced transformation: a brief history by BRK
  45. Alpha Luke and the wrestling team by Eric Aaldersen
  46. Vice (Sometimes drugs offer more than a high) by Tereshky
  47. Mandemic by Ziel
  48. Alpha Dave and Alpha Luke reunite by Eric Aaldersen
  49. From the files of the Magic Misuse Office by BRK
  50. Finding Owen by BRK
Most Popular Stories by 2020 Views (Stories Updated in 2020)
  1. Be careful what you wish for by Tereshky
  2. An unexpected inflation by UberPump
  3. All good things by Anon Amon
  4. Under control by Alakazam1988
  5. The Benefactor by Proteus
  6. The perfect fit by TheSizeKing
  7. Best birthday ever by TheSizeKing
  8. Altered by Dream Big
  9. One hot summer by BRK
  10. Coach's big surprise by MuscleMike
  11. Big changes by Ziel
  12. Just a little bigger by Dream Big
  13. The pills by LordTronimator
  14. Damien by bulkscribe
  15. A fucking god by Jerkoffcentral
  16. What a little confidence can do by TheSizeKing
  17. Side effects by TheSizeKing
  18. My roommate by LenZelig
  19. Acclimating by Dream Big
  20. Skin tight by Dream Big
  21. My brother's boyfriend by Richard Jasper
  22. No limits by Corwin
  23. What's yours is mine by Ziel
  24. 10th anniversary by Richard Jasper
  25. Finding Owen by BRK
  26. Gym maniac over his head by MuscularEmperor
  27. The Tank by Tereshky
  28. Big Dick Energy by Ziel
  29. Empire by LenZelig
  30. Brotherly love by TheSizeKing
  31. Another nerd story by Sithspawn
  32. Beta Logan and his big brother by Eric Aaldersen
  33. Abyssus Abbey by Pen Darke
  34. King size by BRK
  35. Hey, buddy by Dream Big
  36. Red pills by Alakazam1988
  37. The cock blog by TheSizeKing
  38. The Change by Richard Jasper
  39. Hollyville by Tereshky
  40. Boyfriend destroys my cock by Steve McMoon
  41. The chronicles of Besar Otot by OneLuckyGuy89
  42. A warm feeling inside by Nightingale
  43. Muscle milk by Alakazam1988
  44. Anomalous Materials Research Facility 3‑DL by Mad Dog
  45. A fine bromance by Richard Jasper
  46. My quarantine get in shape plan by Dream Big
  47. The blue smoothie by BRK
  48. Mandemic by Ziel
  49. Best buds by Richard Jasper
  50. Changing Nick by BRK
Most Popular Stories by 2020-Cast Votes (Stories Updated in 2020)
  1. An unexpected inflation by UberPump
  2. Best birthday ever by TheSizeKing
  3. Abyssus Abbey by Pen Darke
  4. All good things by Anon Amon
  5. Under control by Alakazam1988
  6. Make the fur fly by LordTronimator
  7. Side effects by TheSizeKing
  8. Damien by bulkscribe
  9. Acclimating by Dream Big
  10. Jock Pussy Syndrome Information Video #1 by SC Walker
  11. Alpha Luke goes camping by Eric Aaldersen
  12. What a little confidence can do by TheSizeKing
  13. The pills by LordTronimator
  14. The blue smoothie by BRK
  15. My roommate by LenZelig
  16. Alpha Dave returns home by Eric Aaldersen
  17. Be careful what you wish for by Tereshky
  18. The blue pumpkin by BRK
  19. Beta Logan and his big brother by Eric Aaldersen
  20. Altered by Dream Big
  21. Don't talk about me! by jewelbee
  22. Click bate by Dream Big
  23. Little plant of horrors by PiggiestJ
  24. Alpha Luke saves the party by Eric Aaldersen
  25. Alpha Luke grows his circle by Eric Aaldersen
  26. Alpha Coach and Mike by Eric Aaldersen
  27. Peter and the magic forest by Shamash
  28. Tips welcome by TheSizeKing
  29. Alpha Jamie and Alpha Jordan spread their seed by Eric Aaldersen
  30. Field agent by BRK
  31. Pholus reborn by Absman420
  32. Empire by LenZelig
  33. Brotherly love by TheSizeKing
  34. Pollination by Absman420
  35. The CVN link by BRK
  36. Reality Pack by Thorn
  37. One hot summer by BRK
  38. Anomalous Materials Research Facility 3‑DL by Mad Dog
  39. Hey, buddy by Dream Big
  40. Induced transformation: a brief history by BRK
  41. Alpha Luke and the wrestling team by Eric Aaldersen
  42. Mandemic by Ziel
  43. Alpha Dave and Alpha Luke reunite by Eric Aaldersen
  44. From the files of the Magic Misuse Office by BRK
  45. Finding Owen by BRK
  46. Alpha Luke passes on the lore by Eric Aaldersen
  47. Alpha Luke releases the beast by Eric Aaldersen
  48. My quarantine get in shape plan by Dream Big
  49. Harvard man by JayPat
  50. First costume by Cockatrice

Below are lists of the most popular stories on the site by 2019 views and by star-votes.

Posted 3 January 2020: For this year’s lists I’ve used the same methodology as before. The outcome on both lists is a great mix of different kinds of stories, reflecting a diversity of tastes, tones, genres, and interests. I’m also pleased that both lists boast several authors new to the site alongside the steady contributors with more familiar handles. There are even a few authors on the lists who’d shared stories with us before and returned this year after a long gap. As I said last year, though Metabods remains, from my point of view, first and foremost an outlet for my own writing, it will always mean a great deal to me to be able to provide a safe place for stories about men who exceed the confines of mundane reality.

With the most popular list, I wanted to show which stories were popular with lots of readers, so while I ranked the stories by page view count per story in 2019 I also factored in the diversity of IP addresses to a small extent so that high page views come from primarily from the same happy visitors gave some ground to stories that pleased a lot of people. This should result in a list that more directly shows actual popularity with site visitors as a whole this year. IP addresses that were banned for abuse of the star rating system were excluded.

As I noted last year, my own showing on this list is partly the ironic result of my being the site’s most prolific contributor. Most authors write a small number of stories and keep adding chapters to them, piling their view counts onto a limited number of story titles. This year I wrote 62 chapters across 31 stories, 19 of them new. (Last year it was 56 chapters over 37 stories, 10 new, so I’ve written more, but slacked in my general resolution to continue old stories rather than starting new ones—though to be fair I did a pile of vignettes in June, and I had a few new commissions this year. My wordcount this year was 254,893, down 13k from 2018 but consistent with what I’ve been writing from 2017 on; the previous four years I was closer to 100k a year, and less before that.)

So my views are a lot more spread out than those of the other authors on the site. (If you’re wondering, my stories get about 11-12% of the site views every year.) I am happy to see “Touch” on the list—it’s one of my favorites out of my recent efforts, and I’ll definitely be returning to it very soon.

For the highest-rated list, I combined the average star ranking for votes cast in 2019 in a weighted formula with the number of votes, to reward the stories that have attracted a large number of positive votes. Again, banned IP addresses were excluded, as were stories with 5 or fewer votes in 2019. In the list below, the stars reflect only 2019 votes.

Below are lists of the most popular stories on the site by 2018 views and by star-votes.

Posted 27 December 2018: For the most popular list, I wanted to show which stories were popular with lots of readers, so while I ranked the stories by page view count per story in 2018 I also factored in the diversity of IP addresses to a small extent. This had the effect of slightly lowering the ranking of certain stories, like “Medicine Show” for example, whose high page views come from primarily from the same happy visitors. This should result in a list that more directly shows actual popularity with site visitors as a whole this year. IP addresses that were banned for abuse of the star rating system were excluded.

The results aren’t too surprising at the top, in that the highest-ranked stories are ones that are both well-written and updated several times throughout the year, bringing people back for fresh chapters. At presstime the total number of nonbanned story views in 2018 was 2,843,059, which means that “All Good Things”, for example, got 1.3% of all the story views this year. Further down there are some sleepers, though, that hadn’t really been on my radar but that have had a broad and loyal viewership this year. To all the authors, well done, and to the readers, I’m so glad you found stuff you enjoyed on my site.

Am I shocked, or miffed, that my own stories didn’t dominate the rankings? Not at all. I tend to rotate my attention. It turns out I wrote 56 chapters this year across 37 stories; if I return to a story it tends to be months or years later, but the ones I did return to more than once in 2018, such as the bimonthly commission “Love/Shift”, do surface higher for this list. All told I have 174 stories on the viewership list for 2018, accounting for about 12% of the total story views.

For the highest-rated list, I combined the average star ranking for votes cast in 2018 in a weighted formula with the number of votes, to reward the stories that have attracted a large number of positive votes. Again, banned IP addresses were excluded, as were stories with 5 or fewer votes in 2018. In the list below, the stars reflect only 2018 votes.

Most Popular Stories by 2018 Views
  1. All good things by Anon Amon
  2. Above average by Ziel
  3. Ben's escapades by Kaelan
  4. Jason's big problem by Joven
  5. Bull's strength by muscl4life
  6. Justin (the bigger the better) by Giant Worshipper
  7. Growth school by Writ Bro
  8. Max's wish by Bulge101
  9. His cock gets huge by Jack Hardwood
  10. The beefening by Benjamin Skipper
  11. Grrrroooowwwwing by Kaelan
  12. His brother drains his manhood by Ballmeat
  13. Alpha product series by Chet Boner
  14. Grow lamp by Dream Big
  15. Practice by Massim0
  16. Grow lamp 2: Peter principle by Dream Big
  17. Love/shift by BRK
  18. Tim's adventure by WordShop
  19. Frat boys, bro!! by Seth Peterson
  20. Mysterious kidnapping by Joven
  21. Medicine show by Fafhrd
  22. Mind and body by BRK
  23. Spice by Mr. X
  24. The brothers by FanTCMan
  25. Hard body by Also Known As
  26. Sometimes drugs offer more than a high by Tereshky
  27. Chuck, the size thief by spacevlad
  28. A big year by Dancer
  29. Becoming a muscle god by Corwin
  30. Bottom mega-alfa by Jerkoffcentral
  31. Changing Nick by BRK
  32. Basically a god by CurlyJin
  33. Alpha by CharitysSongbird
  34. Sam and Bolt by Alakazam1988
  35. Payback by muscl4life
  36. Juggernaut by ghostwriter
  37. Andy finds Cockr gives and takes away by Clearlyhere
  38. Adam's first growth spurt by MDS
  39. Just take one by LoverBoy
  40. Lazarus by muscl4life
  41. Night at the carnival by muscl4life
  42. Massive musclemonsters by TonnyGiant
  43. Enlargement by Boston Guy
  44. Daddy's boy by Seth Peterson
  45. More than advertised by LookinToGrow
  46. Thoros by Ziel
  47. Forced growth by hyperboi
  48. All your wildest dreams by FloralSpaded
  49. grUV by quickquezzed
  50. Naked by Also Known As

Commenting and star-upvoting helps others find the good stuff  (Credit: Paul Atkinson)


For more on BRK commissions click here or go to  (Credit: Aaron Amat)