A real man

by DoubleCream

A douchey gym bro wakes up in another world, in another body.

6 parts 30k words Added Jan 2021 Updated 4 Mar 2023 47k views (#157) 4.9 stars (72 votes)

Part 1 A douchey gym bro wakes up in another world, in another body. (added: 16 Jan 2021)
Part 2  (added: 23 Jan 2021)
Part 3 Lucas finds out more about his body and this new world. (added: 30 Jan 2021)
Part 4 Lucas finds his craving for Max is only increasing. (added: 6 Feb 2021)
Part 5 Lucas has been changed forever, and finds out what it means to really be Max’s Beta. (added: 17 Jul 2021)
Part 6 Lucas is still adjusting to his new life. What else lies in store for him? (added: 4 Mar 2023)
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Part 1

Some guys just don’t have it in ’em to be a man, you know? I’ve seen the same kid coming into the university gym for about six months now. And I think he’s gained about one pound of muscle in all that time. He’s skinny, and he’s short with a mop of blond hair. I don’t think all the protein shakes in the world would help him overcome being a beta. He’s benching the bar with just five pounds on either side, poor kid. He’ll probably be lean and small and weak the rest of his life. I know he wants to be an alpha like me, what guy doesn’t? I see him staring at me and the other big guys at the gym as we’re lifting weights. Maybe he’s gay, honestly that would make sense. That’s why he looks so young even though he must be in college too. As I’m doing my last set of bicep curls I think about that party tonight. I need to get a nice pump because girls always love holding onto my arms as we’re playing drinking games. They like to feel the power, feel how in control I’ll be as I’m piping them.

I rack my weights, done with my workout and head to the locker room. I take off my clothes, wrap a towel around my waste and check my pump in the mirror, flexing my arms and checking out my back, damn I’m looking good. 6’1, 195 pounds of muscle. Dark brown hair and hazel eyes, it’s no wonder I’ve never had a problem getting pussy when I go to parties. I chub up a little thinking about bringing one of those sluts back to my apartment tonight. I can’t let myself get to my full 8½ inches without being lewd so I give one last flex in the mirror and head over to the showers. As I walk over I see that same faggot checking me out, except this time, just for a second, I see him look down at the bulge in my towel. That’s what he is, just a faggot, not a real man like me. As I turn to head to the showers I give him a nod. He looks shocked and blushes. That’s the last confirmation I needed, he’s gay and he checks out all the guys at the gym, how pathetic.

It’s about noon as I grab my bike and head back to my apartment. I’m looking forward to that party tonight, imagining some blonde chick riding me, her tits bouncing up and down. I’m spacing out not thinking about biking or the road and then, bam, I’m hit, I’m on the ground. I can’t really move my legs to get up, my head is throbbing. A woman is above me saying something but I can’t hear anything. I’m trying to tell her I’m okay but I can’t hear myself speak either, I look up at the sky and the last thing I see is the sun as everything fades to black.

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I wake up in a bed, but it isn’t my bed, and this isn’t my apartment. Where the fuck am I? It doesn’t look like a hospital, it looks like a bedroom. There is one large window on the other side of the room and it looks like a quiet street and a park outside. I don’t recognize this area of town, maybe that lady felt bad and took me to her home? She should have just called an ambulance. As I move to get up and look around the room I feel a little dizzy, I must still be injured. I’m shirtless, wearing some loose sweatpants that are a bit big on me.

I feel a bandage wrapped around my head, and as I reach up I notice my arms look different. The hair on my forearms used to be brown, but looks finer and blond now. On top of that my arms look smaller. I just had a pump at the gym didn’t I? Have I been out that long that I’m wasting away? Maybe I’ve been in home care or in a coma or something.

There’s a door ajar on the left side of the room that looks like it leads to a bathroom. The door on the right is closed I’m not ready to meet whoever else is here yet. I shakily stand up and head into the room to look at myself in the mirror. When I look at my reflection it is a stranger staring back at me, with a bandage around his head. Is that me? Is this a prank? His movements mimic mine perfectly, but why do I look this way? Instead of my strong jaw and stubble I see softer more rounded features and barely the faintest hint of peach fuzz on my cheeks. I look like I could be my own kid brother. My dark brown hair has been replaced by a light chestnut color. The only thing that seems to be the same are my hazel eyes.

As I look down I’m horrified. I’m so skinny. I barely have any definition, just small pecs a barely visible 4 pack. Not anything like the 6 pack and ridges I had before. There’s no hair beneath my navel headed towards my hemline either. I reach up to flex my arms in the mirror and my biceps are nowhere to be found, just little mounds flex back at me. I feel so weak. What’s worse is where I used to have dark tufts of armpit hair, I have light brown feathery fuzz.

How am I going to get laid looking like this?

At least I still have my big dick, but I have to check to make sure. Just as I’m about to pull my sweatpants down I feel someone else is in the room and I stop to turn and see the other door in the bedroom open. I look over to see a man walk through the door. He’s tall and broad, almost having to squeeze through the door frame. I can see his chest and arm muscles pressed against his t-shirt, and his V-shaped physique narrows to his waste. He has the body I’ve been trying to get at the gym ever since I’ve been working out. He’s basically what I picture when I imagine myself as aesthetic as I can get.

“You’re up!” he exclaims with some excitement in his voice. “Are you sure you can be standing right now? You look like you’re about to pass out. Why don’t you sit on the bed?” His voice is deep and authoritative, matching his stature. Looking at how tall he is I realize I’m not as tall as I was before, either.

“I’m fine,” I say, but the voice that comes out isn’t my own either. It sounds like me sure, but in a higher tenor than the lower baritone I’m used to. I get a little dizzy and gingerly sit down on the bed like he said, trying not to appear as frail as I feel in front of this guy. “What’s your name?” I ask.

“I’m Max. You?”

“My name is Lucas. Or Luc.” He approaches me to shake my hand giving me a good look at him. He has black hair and a matching full thick beard trimmed very short. His icy blue eyes are looking at me curiously and I have to admit he is really attractive, definitely an alpha male like me. Or rather like I was before I woke up today. Maybe this is all just some horrible nightmare. My mind wanders thinking about what could have happened when he flashes me a smile and I realize I’ve been staring at his face a little too long. His hand is still extended so I reach up to shake it. His hand engulfs mine and squeezes firmly, I try to squeeze back but can’t muster much of a firm grip. I’m embarrassed I let myself get caught staring at him like some kind of gay boy.

“Nice to meet you, Lucas,” he says with a smile and I feel my cheeks flush.

Why am I blushing like some school girl? A flash of anger pangs through me so I ask, “So what are you? Some kind of perv that’s been keeping me here for weeks?”

“Weeks?” he says taken aback. “You’ve only been here for a few hours. You biked into the middle of the road when I had a green light and I couldn’t stop in time. I tried to find some ID or insurance on you but there was nothing, no wallet, no phone. Your injuries didn’t seem too bad and we were just around the corner from my place… so I brought you here and bandaged you up. Why do you say weeks?”

“My body,” I respond. “I look like you, or I should. I woke up and now I’m so skinny, it’s going to take years for me to get all my muscles back.”

He sits down on the bed across from me. “You look like a healthy boy to me, about the size you should be,” he says. “I don’t want to surprise you too much but this is what you looked like when you crashed.”

“A healthy boy? Don’t call me ‘boy’, I’m a man,” I say angrily. “I’ve probably gotten more pussy than you!”

He laughs then, deep and boisterous. His laughter shakes the bed and it takes him a second for his chuckles to subside. “What!?” I say, feeling myself getting more heated.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh but you must know…” he smiles kindly. I stare at him, confused, and he continues. “You’re a boy, not a man like me. I saw you looking at yourself in the mirror, checking yourself out. It doesn’t take a doctor to see. I had more muscles and facial hair than you when I was fourteen. How old are you? 19?” He asks.

“20,” I say indignantly.

“I was close, you seem about right for a beta that age. Look, I’m 24 and you can see which one of us is the alpha,” he says as he casually lifts his arm closest to me up for a flex. His bicep is huge, at least 18 inches around and with better definition than I ever had. His shirt is damp underneath his arm and I catch a glimpse of the thick black hair in his pit. Just then, I’m hit with the smell of something delicious. Like citrus, spices and earthy musk mixed together and two things happen at once. I feel blood rush to my dick, and more disgustingly I feel my asshole twitch. “Not that that’s a problem, you’re not doing too bad yourself, boy. You’re cute,” he says with a wink.

I’m dumbstruck at this point. This huge guy, this alpha male, thinks I’m cute? “Hey, I don’t care if you’re gay but—”

He cuts me off. “Gay? What do you mean gay?”

“You like dudes right? Or you must be bi then, that makes more sense.”

“Bi? Gay? What are you talking about? I’m an alpha.”

“Do you fuck girls or not?”

“Girls, do you mean females? How hard did you hit your head?”

“What the fuck are you talking about bro?” I try to sound intimidating but my voice cracks as I say bro.

“You learned about this in school, you must’ve. There are no women left. Ever since the plague, the disease.” I’m listening in disbelief. He must see the expression on my face. “Do you really not know?” He continues: “It was supposed to be a bio-weapon to control populations, designed to the stop breeding during war as a means of oppression. It spread around the world.”

“Don’t lie to me with some bullshit!” I yell.

“Shhh,” he chastises me as he sits up a little straighter. “Let me explain. You know about sex chromosomes, X and Y?” he asks me. I nod. “Well, the disease inserted itself into X chromosomes, anyone with two would die. Men only have one X chromosome and would live. Geneticists weren’t able to change the disease, to stop it from effecting the X chromosome, it was too insidious. It is still part of my DNA today. The disease spread around the world and infected all of humanity. Humans can live as long as they have a Y chromosome.”

A world with no women? I don’t believe it.

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“This can’t be real,” I say and look down. “This is all just some bad dream.”

He puts his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I look up at him, “In my world, just before I woke up, there were men and women. I was muscular and tall, I was at university, I was a stud…” I trail off.

He gives my shoulder a squeeze and asks, “Maybe that was just a vivid dream after the accident. I can show you I’m not lying. Do you think we could go to a coffee shop? How do you feel? Let me take a look at your head.”

I remove the bandage and walk over to the bathroom sink to look in the mirror. It’s a small bump but nothing too bad. As he walks up next to me I feel even smaller than the first time I saw my reflection. The top of my head doesn’t even reach the top of his shoulder.

“How tall are you?” I ask.

“I’m 6’4. Don’t tell me, in your dream you were taller too?”

“Oh god,” I sigh dejectedly, “I really am that short. What happened to me?”

“You look about 5’7”. That’s a perfectly good size for a beta,” he responds and tousles my hair, pushing me down a little. I try to stand up taller but he’s already walking out of the room. “Sorry those sweatpants don’t fit you, it was the smallest thing I had. I washed the clothes you were wearing when you crashed. Get dressed and we can head out.” He tosses the clothes on my bed and leaves me be to get changed, shutting the door behind him.

This is the moment of truth. Please let my manhood be the same, I pray. I pull down my sweatpants and step out of them as I look at my package. I was always a grower not a shower, but even soft I can tell it’s smaller, and strangely enough it’s uncut. I give it a few tugs to test this new foreskin, pulling it over and then back onto the head of my soft dick. It feels less sensitive than it was before, too, I barely feel anything. I notice my once dark thick pubes are now light and wispy, my thighs are basically hairless and my calves have the same blond hair as my arms. I lift up my dick to check my balls. My dick was great, but I was always proud of my nuts. They were big and hairy, in a heavy sack, and they were always full, ready to blast a thick load. What I had now wasn’t more than grapes in a little pouch. Naturally hairless, the balls of a beta. So much for the family jewels.

Max couldn’t be right. I’m not a boy, I’m a man. I hate this body, I don’t want to be a beta. I want to be alpha. I can work out and look how I used to, even if I’m a bit shorter. I look at the clothes and see boxer briefs, sandals, shorts, and a tight t-shirt. Was this really what I was wearing? Why would I want to show off my arms or legs when I have no muscle? I get dressed, feeling much less woozy than when I first woke up.

I head out into the hallway and see a bigger apartment than I expected. The front door is to my left and the laundry room is in front of me. To my right the hallway opens up to big kitchen and living room. Max comes walking towards me wearing the same white T-shirt and athletic shorts as before. This time I notice his bulge swinging as he’s walking. I feel jealousy mixed with something else, excitement? Why does he get to have a big dick while I’m stuck like this? “Let’s go!” he says enthusiastically, and steps past me to open the door. I smell that fantastic scent again, is it him? More pronounced this time, deeper in my nostrils making them flare. I feel my hole twitch and twitch and I quickly step outside to try and smell fresh air instead.

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We walk a few blocks towards this coffee shop and I can’t believe it but Max is right. In every car, every window, everyone who passes us on the street, it is all guys. No women anywhere. Not a single one. I try not to walk too close to Max but I keep feeling myself wanting to be closer to him. To get that smell again. We walk into the coffee shop and are greeted by a handsome barista with a long thick brown beard. He’s tall, with a man bun and a V-neck showing off his chest hair and huge pecs. “The usual, Max?” he asks.

“Sure thing, James, and my friend here will get a flat white.” Max pays and we take a seat by the window with a small table between us. We sit silently as I look out to make sure, but every passerby is a guy. Some are taller, some smaller, but all dudes. After a few minutes I turn to Max.

“So, when you say alpha and beta, do you mean everyone is one or the other?” I ask Max.

“Well, yeah, and it’s pretty easy to tell which are which. Even if you’re not used to it like you say, I bet you would get it 100% right.” He goes to grab the coffees from the barista and heads back to our table. A short pale blond guy is walking by as Max gets back.

“So you and James are alphas. That guy that just passed outside, he’s a beta. And I’m… I’m a beta too.” Max nods and takes a sip. “And what about sex?” I ask quietly. “It can’t be that every guy on earth fucks other guys, can it?” I drink my coffee slowly.

“You don’t have to whisper when you talk about sex,” Max chuckles. “And yeah, but not exactly, alphas are attracted to betas and vice versa. You must have noticed by now that men like me were checking you out, and boys like you were giving me looks as we walked over here. I know you’re attracted to alphas.”

“No,” I try to say firmly. “I’m attracted to women.”

“That’s nonsense, Lucas, come on. I saw you looking at James.” I glance over at James behind the counter and he’s looking at me smiling, with what I can only assume is lust in his eyes. He is handsome, I admit to myself, with those big muscles, his chest dusted with hair. I feel desire, I feel defeated, I feel confused. I stare into my coffee. “Don’t look so sad Lucas, it’s only natural. It’s who you are, I saw it when you first looked at me—you think I’m hot. Admit it, I think it will help you remember who you are where you are.”

I look up at Max. His elbows are on the table, fingers interlaced in front of him as he’s looking at me. His forearms have black hair and are thick and corded with muscle. I can’t help but wonder if his chest and happy trail has that same color. I notice his prominent Adam’s apple, the way his traps stretch his T-shirt, even his neck has muscles. “I, I, I—” I stammer.

“It’s okay, I think you’re sexy as hell,” he says assuring me.

“Fine, I think you’re hot. You’re a stud,” I admit quietly.

“Good boy.” he says in his deep bass voice. When I hear that, the worst thing imaginable happens. I feel blood rush to my dick, and I get fully hard under the table. “Now let’s finish up our coffee and head back to my place,” he says and then downs his drink.


Part 2

As we’re walking back to Max’s place I notice he’s walking closer to me this time. Almost in a protective way. I try and create some space between us, but before I can he wraps his arm around me and pulls me into him. He’s warm, his muscles firm beneath his T-shirt. And with his armpit that close to my head I’m hit full blast by his scent. I try to resist but I can’t, I have to turn and get a whiff. I breathe in, orange peel, cardamom, clay, musk, alpha, daddy, my hole is twitching uncontrollably. I can’t think, I can only breathe it in. And then I feel him bellow out a deep laugh and pull my head back with his other hand so I’m facing forward.

“You must have forgotten about alpha scent too. Pheromones. Try not to be so obvious that you want me to fuck you—you’ll get me hard in the street like you.” I try to look up at him but he holds me firmly against him, I put a hand in my pocket to try and hide my throbbing boner. I try not to look at anyone’s eyes as we approach his apartment and the fog in my mind from his scent fades.

I walk up the steps to Max’s apartment in front of him and I reach to open the door when I feel his presence just behind me. I turn around and Max puts his arm against the door next to my head and leans down for a kiss. As much as I try to convince myself I don’t want this, I feel myself leaning into the kiss, feeling his hot sweet breathe as our mouths crash. I feel his beard tickling my smooth skin and my entire body gets goosebumps. He presses me up against the door as his tongue enters my mouth, dominating me even there, coating my mouth with his spit, his essence. My hands try to wrap around his back but can’t meet. I feel the heat and virility of his entire body as he surrounds me with his huge form, and it is at this point when something starts to break inside of me. The alpha male I thought I was is gone, I’m not an alpha, Max is.

He breaks the kiss and I look at his rugged, beautiful, masculine face with more appreciation. I see his full eyebrows, thick lips behind that rough luscious beard, his blue eyes flecked with white and gray. Any dad would be proud to have this man as a son. I want more kisses, to taste him again right there, but he leads me inside.

When we get inside he picks me up into his arms, I feel so small, so helpless, so turned on. He takes me through his apartment to his room. I can’t believe how strong he is, how good he tastes. I wonder if this is what those girls felt when I brought them back to my room, safe but powerless, scared but horny. This thought is cut short as he pushes me down onto his soft bed and hovers over me. I can see the primal energy in his eyes as he grabs both my hands and holds them above my head with one arm, while the other arm pulls my shirt off.

Max kisses me again, this time rougher, more aggressive. His saliva tastes like mint and anise and I want more and more. His tongue is going deeper, almost in my throat and I feel a heat, but just then he pulls away. He looks down at my smooth pale body and brings his mouth down to my small pink nipples. He begins to nibble and suck and it’s like my whole body is covered in soft tingly fire. I love it but it tickles and I’m squirming underneath him, trying to get away. It’s impossible, and he moves to my other nipple as I struggle against his muscles. I can’t make him budge an inch, I’m powerless as he uses the beard on his chin to tickle my armpits while watching my face twist in agony and pleasure. “You’re so fucking cute,” he sighs. Then he stands up to take off his shirt.

My question is answered: his chest is covered in soft black down. His hair is trimmed short but clearly shows he is pure alpha male, absolutely full of testosterone. His black hair surrounds his hard quarter sized pink nipples, and continues in a line from the center of his chest down to his happy trail while lightly dusting his abs. His body is muscular and fit beyond belief, like a statue of Zeus. There are prominent veins on his biceps, shoulders, traps, and lower abs. He climbs back on top of me and we start to make out again. This time rolling around in his big bed. I want to feel everything, every muscle, every hair, every vein. My mouth is overwhelmed by his taste, my cheeks getting tickled by his bristly beards. We stop with me sitting on top of his waist, my eyes still taking everything in when I sit back and feel an incredible heat, even stronger than the rest of his body coming from his crotch. But more than that I feel something large, pulsing against my bottom and I feel that familiar twitch in my hole. Max smiles and I feel him flex his dick underneath me.

In the haze of lust I hadn’t stopped to think about Max’s dick, how big it was, how he said he wanted to fuck me. I can feel the length, there’s no way that thing will fit inside of me. As if reading my mind he says, “Don’t worry, we’ll start slow boy.”

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Max moves and I slide off of his waste onto my back and he gets up. He leans down to unbutton my shorts, my dick is throbbing against the fabric but I say, “Stop, I’m embarrassed. It’s not big like you.” He smiles knowingly and continues to take off my shorts I look down at the outline and see that it can’t be more than 5 inches, straining against my underwear. He pulls off my underwear and my little cock springs free. He gives it a squeeze, but it doesn’t feel like it used to. I used to feel so much pleasure if a girl did that, but now it’s a weak rush. It still feels good, but almost like it’s slightly numb compared to before.

“Don’t worry, Luc, this isn’t your primary sex organ anyway. You should be focusing on your pussy.” As he finishes his sentence, before I can react to him using pussy to describe any part of my body, I feel his hand move down to brush against my hole and it twitches against his fingers. My body subconsciously begging him to enter me. He looks happy. “You’re a virgin?” I don’t know what to say but then he leans down, and suddenly beard is scratching the softest most sensitive part of my body. His tongue begins rubbing against my hole, prodding gently, coating it with his spit and my hole is twitching madly.

When Max’s tongue enters me I let out a moan and lean back, lost in the pleasure he is giving me. And I feel not just the end of my hole but inside where is tongue is exploring start to come to life. I feel a heat inside of me as he starts to tongue in and out. I can’t even control the moans, the whimpers I’m making as he loosens me up. Going from tonguing, to lapping at my pussy. That’s what it is, oh god, I have a pussy. It’s okay, I reassure myself, a man can have a pussy. I realize most of the pleasure that I used to get from my dick has moved there. There is a different feeling down there, a pulsing, a pulling. And I hear Max start to moan as well. His deep voice sending vibrations through my spine to my entire body. “

I feel my hands reach down and push his head into me, trying to force his tongue to go deeper as he’s eating me out. I never spent any time eating out girls, I just tried to get to fucking as fast as possible, and I bet I was never as good as Max. His tongue was nimble, big, and everywhere he left his spit I felt as though new nerve endings were sprouting there. After a while, he got up with a huge grin on his face. “You’re starting to self-lube now. Gotta love alpha spit.” I stare at him, confused what he means. “Your pussy, it’s making lube for me now that it’s reacted to my spit. Your throat probably has too a little when we made out. Can’t you feel it? It tastes so good, here, try.” He sticks a finger in my pussy and swirls it around, eliciting a moan from me and brings it up to my mouth. I taste it, and he’s right. Other than the freshness of his spit I taste something salty and savory; it tastes like me.

Max stands up straight and starts to loosen his belt. I can only sit quietly, mesmerized by his alpha scent that has now filled the room. I stare at his body in motion, how every muscle on his body is defined, to watch them all work together for him to move is like listening to a symphony. His shorts fall to the ground and I see his white boxers, barely containing the monster lurking underneath. The thin fabric stretched almost to the point of tearing trying to stop his enormous cock from bursting free. Around his head there is a wetness from his dick leaking precum, showing the end of his perfect dark pink head underneath. This is a real man’s cock, made to fuck. It was designed by nature to conquer any pussy it wants, and it’s here all for me. The sight of it made something else click deep in my mind, even at my best I could never be as much of an alpha as Max is.

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Max is standing in front of me, arms raised up to rest behind his head, flexing his biceps and showing off his dark damp patches of think armpit hair. I couldn’t help myself, I almost lunge towards Max’s crotch as I kneel in front of him. Once I catch sight of his manhood I can’t think of anything else but getting it inside of me. I see his abs ripple with a small laugh when I bring my face towards his underwear and started licking his head through the fabric. I feel his hands on the back of my head as he controls where my mouth moves, up and down the shaft, soaking his underwear. Then up to his fuzzy abs, forced to lick the ridges between his 8 pack and then back down. He would let out a deep moan of approval if I did something right. Eventually he kept my mouth at the head of his shaft and let me suck the precum from the tip through his underwear. It reminded me of his spit, but stickier, saltier, and more musky.

Max pulled my head away and then lowered his boxers, releasing his dick. The other thing that was released was a blast of pheromones straight from the mat of black hair that covered his crotch. Once again his scent overwhelmed me, conquered my mind, and filled it with thoughts only of Max and of lust. I think I blacked out because the next thing I remember I’m moaning, tasting and smelling every part of his pubes I can get to.

I can hear the low, animalistic growls coming from him as he lifts his hefty shaft to give me access to his balls. They’re heavy, hairy, so full and plump. His nuts are closer to the size of lemons, and exude his intoxicating smell as I watch them undulate in their sack. I take them into my mouth one at a time, suckling on them, worshipping them. Only after I spend a few minutes massaging each of his balls does he pull my head back and bring me face to face with his mighty tool. It is long, thick, and pale, 9½ inches of pure man. I see it throbbing with his energy and desire. I admire each of the long veins that ran up the length of his cock. His pink shaft lightens up to white where is foreskin bunches just above the ridge of his head. The head of his dick was a deep pink, still partially covered by his foreskin and I see a string of precum leaking out. My body moves before I even think to catch it on my tongue and chase the flavor back to its source. I can’t believe I did that, like some cum hungry slut. I couldn’t let it go to waste right? I try to convince myself it was just common sense. But then I lick the tip of his cock to get the last bit of pre left, and I know he is going to churn out more delicious sticky pre soon. I feel a familiar feeling in my throat as I swallow his precum, a heat, like all the nerves are being awoken.

His cock is fully hard in front of me, demanding attention. I can’t believe I’m about to suck this beautiful dick—24 hours ago this would have been appalling, and now the thought has my own dick at full attention, standing in the wings. I’ve never done this before and I hesitate, I realize I want to do a good job. I look up beyond the chiseled muscle of Max’s torso to make eye contact with him. A quick silent look between us let’s me know what he’s thinking, I better suck his cock now or he’s going to force me onto it.

I place one hand at the base of his tool, and open my lips to make contact with my prize. I taste his precum steadily leaking into my mouth and all I want is more, I want to make him feel good so I can milk as much of this ambrosia out of him as possible. My tongue explores under his foreskin around the ridge of his head and I taste like a concentrated version of his precum. I lick every bit clean and use my hand to pull his foreskin back revealing his dark pink head in its entirety. I remember I hated when girls use teeth so I try my best to hide them behind my lips. I dive back down, taking more of him into me this time, using my hand to stroke his shaft as my other hand finds his balls. I keep pulling my mouth back and then diving further until his shaft reaches my throat and I begin to gag.

Max pulls me off of his dick and I see his manhood in all its glory. There is something base and primal about his cock, veiny and long, dripping with eagerness. His balls are hanging low and full, covered in black fuzz, I can feel them pulling me towards them like they had their own gravity. When I see his complete package I finally understand what it is to be an alpha male, what it is to be a man. Max was born to carry all that power, that life giving essence, and it became his confidence, his dominance, his beauty. Then the last part of me that was holding on to being a stud, to fucking girls, to ever getting pussy shatters into a million pieces. I not an alpha, I’m not even a man, I’m a beta boy.

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He pulls me up by the armpits and throws me onto the bed kissing me again, he rests some of his weight on me and I feel his body hair meet my smooth skin. He starts to push his huge cock against mine, grinding into me. Max stops the kiss and he pulls his face away from mine, and puts one hand around my neck, gripping my throat slightly. “Open,” he commands, his voice resonating with dominance. Just as I open my mouth, he spits a huge glob of clear saliva into my mouth. “Swallow,” he commands now. I’m horrified at the degradation but for the look in his eyes, and his arm around my neck I don’t want to disobey him, so I swallow.

That warmth I felt as he was eating me out earlier is now taking root in my throat. And his strong calloused hand slowly massages my neck as the feeling spreads. “All right,” he smiles. “Now try again.” He turns me around once so his manhood is now above my face, and slowly lowers his cock so it rests at the entrance of my mouth. “Go at your speed,” he encourages. Then he slurps my entire cock into his mouth. He’s on his knees above me so I rest my hands on his thick muscular ass and slowly pull his cock towards me. I work his cock deeper into my mouth towards my throat, his delicious precum spreading across my tongue. This time I don’t gag as I pull him deeper, but the angle is wrong. I feel one of his digits slide into my pussy but right back out when he realizes his cock can’t go any deeper.

Max stands up from the bed, pulls me towards the edge so I’m facing up, head hanging off the side of the bed. His places his cock just at the entrance of my mouth obscuring my view. But I feel him gathering more saliva on his fingers and now sticking two digits into me. It’s only slightly uncomfortable but the pleasure far outweighs any mild pain. My hands are resting on his large glutes again as I pull his cock into my mouth. This time, he can keep going and before I know it his balls are resting on my face. There’s no way my throat should be able to take this entire cock, but I can feel is pliable to his cock, massaging it as he stretches my gullet. I can only breathe through my nose, and every breathe of his pheromones is like the hit of a drug. My throat feels so full, so right. “You can take all of me—are you ready? I’m not going to stop until we’re both finished.” He pulls out of my throat but I can’t even form words lost in the scent of his balls, I merely moan around the tip of his dick.

Once again he wraps his mouth around my dick as his thick beard tickles my soft pubes. He starts slowly then, like an old engine booting up, slow and small, but picking up the pace. He matches the thrust of his cock with his fingers in my pussy. But he’s gathering speed, each time pushing in a little farther, and thrusting a little faster. I realize I better hold on for dear life as I grip onto his ass. He’s reaching top speed, fucking me like an animal in heat. Thrust after thrust, I’m drunk on his pleasure, his smell, his power. I don’t know how long he fucks me for, I’m completely inebriated by him, feeling the muscles of his ass thrusting as he fucks my throat. Sweat is dripping from his body due to the exertion of his fuck. It gathers down to his balls and then onto my face. Another salty smell of man to add to the bouquet. He’s rutting me, his balls slapping into my face with every thrust of his cock, but he keeps going and going, never losing his rhythm. He fucks like a pro, like he was born to do it, every part of his body helping him open me up, go deeper.

Max is fingering my pussy deeper and making me squirm with pleasure, but his mouth is holding onto my cock and I feel myself lightly thrusting into him. My thrusts are so weak compared to the absolute power of the face-fucking his is giving me. Max knows my pussy better than I do, he knows where to focus where to explore with his deft fingers, making me feel pleasures I never could have imagined. Then he slips a third finger into me it sends me over the edge. But the orgasm is centered around my pussy, not my cock. My pussy is throbbing around his fingers, contracting and pulling them deeper and I feel my cock go off in his mouth. Each time I pulse, my pussy contracts, my cock shoots, and a wave of pure ecstasy surges through me. Max let’s out a huge groan of pleasure as I cum in his mouth and I watch his nuts pull up towards his shaft. He pushes in as deep as he’s ever gone and the first shot of cum hammers my throat like a drum. He’s blasting load after load into my throat, each blast of cum punctuated by another thrust of his cock. 6 shots go down my throat before he pulls out a little, still thrusting but into my mouth as he deposits 6 more dollops of thick creamy cum onto my tongue. It tastes like love, it tastes like life. I savor ever bit of it in my mouth and swallow the last drop with a drunk grin on my face. I feel exhausted, I feel full, and I feel safe.


Part 3

I’m laying down in bed next to Max, catching my breathe after that amazing sex. I feel my mind clearing, but with it comes a small sense of guilt. Did I really just let a man face fuck me? Did I swallow his load? Did I love it? I feel embarrassed, I don’t want to open my eyes, I don’t know if I can look at him right now. I feel Max slowly get out of bed and head towards his bathroom.

I open my eyes to see him standing over the toilet, the bathroom door left open. I drink in his physique with my gaze, taking it all in. His legs are enormous, sturdy with muscle and covered in his black hair. His thighs must be as thick as my waste, and his calves are strong and defined, tense with muscle. His ass is a marvel, better than any I’d seen at the gym. Two huge globes, full and powerful and muscular. It’s no wonder he could generate so much force with his thrusts. His ass was sparsely covered with his fur that became denser towards his crack. Even his stream was impressive as he started to piss, like opening flood gates, loud and strong, resonating in the bowl. I couldn’t stop my eyes from wandering up his back. The ridge along his spine was lined with muscle, even standing normally the muscles of his upper back were defined. And his lats spread out like wings underneath his shoulders, I remember not being able to clasp my arms around his back.

I heard him finish and saw him shake his dick and then he turned to face me, his eyes closed as he absentmindedly scratched his fuzzy abs. Now I can admire this side, first I focused on his pecs, they are like slabs of marble on his chest punctuated by his quarter sized pink nipples, always hard. His body hair is perfect, not too thick, not too thin, he keeps it trimmed just right like his pubes. And then his dick drew my eye, like it was the center of his being. Even soft it was impressive, surrounded by his black pubes. It must be 5 inches soft, and his large balls swung in their sack beneath him, emphasizing his gift.

Why couldn’t I have woken up in my old body, or even better, a body like Max’s? My dick is so small, I want alpha muscles, I want an alpha cock. But then he opens his eyes and they meet mine. He smiles at me and I find myself smiling back just a little, his grin is infectious. “Like whatcha see?” He teased, and then shakes his dick back and forth, slapping it against his thighs.

“I… why do I have this body? Why aren’t I an alpha like you, I feel so small, so weak, so ugly.” I respond.

Max looks concerned, his eyebrows furrowing. “You don’t know how beautiful your body is do you?” I give him an incredulous look. “Come here, stand next to me, I’ll show you.” He says, his voice soft but still firm. I get up to stand next to him and we both face the mirror.

I don’t know why he thinks this would help, seeing us contrasted side by side makes me feel even worse about my body. I am almost a foot shorter than him, and I must weigh less than half what he does. I’m so slender, like a teenager who hasn’t started working out. I’m pale and hairless, no happy trail no chest hair nothing. My Adam’s apple is barely visible, my traps even less so. My dick is soft and so small, maybe an inch and a half at most, Max’s soft cock is bigger than mine when I’m fully hard. I’m pathetic.

Then Max starts to speak. “Look how tight your body is, you don’t have an ounce of body fat on you, you must do cardio every day. There’s a v from your shoulders to your thin waste, you’re perfectly proportional. Your nipples are so cute, the size of dimes.” He reaches over and pinches one sending shivers through me and making me pull away a little, I feel it harden, reacting to his touch. “Turn around and look at your butt.” I do so and notice a prominent feature of my body I had been ignoring. It’s perky and tight, soft but with some muscle. My ass is also milky white and totally smooth. “A perfect bubble butt.” Max sighs. I turn back to face the mirror and then Max slaps my ass. It stings slightly but I feel my hole twitch in response, and a slight rush of blood to my dick. Does he know what he’s doing, casually reminding me of his dominance?

“You’re not meant to be an alpha, you just don’t have it in you to be a real man, and that’s perfect because I’m enough man for both of us. You’re a beta, so don’t worry. You look exactly how you should, better even!” There’s something so genuine in his voice that I’m caught off guard.

I want to feel angry about being told I’m lesser, that I’m not a real man. But looking in the mirror, comparing us, I know what Max is saying is true. It feels right to be smaller than him, to be weaker, to be protected by him. “You really think I’m that cute?” I ask.

“You don’t know the half of it.” He says with a grin, and I feel myself smiling back.

“Thanks,” I say sincerely. “That really did make me feel better about this body.”

“No problem, boy,” Max says tousling my light brown hair. Pushing me down just a little so I can’t stand as straight, just like when we first stood in the mirror together. “Now, I’m starving so I’m gonna grub. You’re probably full but feel free to shower.”

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Max walks out of his room towards the kitchen and I hear the fridge open up. I’m still looking at myself nude in the mirror and realize he’s right. I’m not hungry at all, must be the coffee. I do feel kinda sticky from all that sweating so I hop in the shower. Finally having some alone time with my body I start to explore. Feeling the short, soft, light hairs under my arms and around my cock. Watching the rivulets of water run down my flat chest to my abs, barely visible under my tummy. I grab my cock and pull my foreskin back from my head and then back over, stroking, trying to get hard but it’s not working.

Then I remember my hole, my primary sex organ as Max called it. It’s not really a pussy, I was just horny, I was just in the moment and deluding myself. But I stroke and stroke and can’t seem to get hard, barely past a mild chub. So I reach down with my other hand and feel around my hole. It’s so sensitive, so soft, I work up the courage to touch it with my pinky and it doesn’t feel bad. It feels kind of good, I keep going, sticking a pinky in my hole, and as I do so my cock starts to come alive. Responding to my finger, I keep stroking and pushing my finger in deeper, it’s slick and wet inside of me, and it feels good. Why does it feel so good, like scratching an itch inside of me and I want to go deeper. I find myself thinking about Max, his body, his cock. How strong he is, how huge he is. How I want to feel his big hairy muscles. I remember how large and full his balls were, how good they tasted in my mouth. Now I’m fully hard. I try my middle finger. It’s thicker and can go deeper, and I get lost in the sensations, stroking feels better now, but it’s nothing compared to fingering myself. Max’s fingers were bigger, they went deeper, they played with my pussy better than I can. I’m thinking about adding another finger when I realize I’m supposed to be showering, not jacking off. I find shampoo, conditioner, and soap to use, and try to finish the shower as fast as possible and calm down.

When I’m finished showering I step out I dry myself off using his towel. It smells like him just a little bit and I love it. I look around for deodorant, cologne, and can’t find anything. And then I realize his soap, his shampoo, everything is unscented. Is Max’s intoxicating smell really just his pheromones, his essence? Why does it smell so good, so right? I hear Max walk into the room, he must already be done with dinner. How long was I playing with myself for? I calm down and then walk out of the bathroom to see he’s still naked.

“I hope you don’t mind but I never wear clothes inside. And you don’t have to either.”

“I don’t mind,” I say. And I’m telling the truth, I could look at Max’s body every day and find new details to appreciate.

“I’m gonna rinse off this sweat but, I need to talk with you about something,” Max says. “If you’re thirsty there’s a filter in the kitchen.”

As Max rinses himself off I head into his apartment, it’s a nice bachelor pad. Other than the guest room I woke up in, there’s a kitchen and big living room on this side. I grab a glass of water and drink a few gulps, then head back into his room. I sit down on his bed and feel slightly nervous, what does he want to talk to me about? Does he think I’m crazy, pretending to be a man from another world, trapped in this body?

Max finishes his shower and brushes his teeth, I can’t help but watch him the whole time. I think he’s pretending not to notice I’m staring. How can I not? His arms slightly flexing as he’s brushing, the fur of his chest and abs stuck to his firm muscles, still a little wet from the shower. When he’s finished he sits on the bed next to me.

“I haven’t been completely honest with you,” he starts. “You probably don’t remember this, you don’t seem to remember much about alphas and betas. Well, for guys in this world, social interaction is based a lot on scent. Alphas can tell apart other alphas by smell, and can identify different betas by smell too. Everyone has a unique scent, and some people smell good to us, and some… not so much. It’s like nature’s way of telling us if we’re compatible with someone.”

“I see… Is that why you smell so good to me, because we’re compatible?”

“Yeah,” Max says, apprehensively. “Even if you weren’t conscious of it, instinctively your body knows when it likes an alpha.”

“So, do I smell good to you too?”

“So good,” Max says. “Like apples and pine and and fresh cut grass. You smell amazing, like a perfect boy should. And that’s what I mean when I said I wasn’t totally honest with you. When you crashed into me, when I first saw you. I ran over to check if you were okay and you were so cute, so helpless. Then I caught your scent and I knew I had to protect you, to have you. Instinct took over, that’s why I took you here, patched you up. And then I saw the way you looked at me, how you reacted to my smell. I don’t regret it but I’m sorry I didn’t tell you right away, I didn’t mean to take advantage you.”

That must be why I’m so attracted to Max. It’s like his scent has hijacked my sex drive, made it about him. But it feels so natural, so right. “It’s okay,” I hear myself saying to him. “I’m glad you found me.”

“I’m glad I found you too.” He says, and then leans in for a kiss. Pulling us down so we’re laying on the bed. This kiss is passionate, tender, full of care. His lips are firm but gentle, his hand on the back of my head controlling the kiss. The bristles of his beard tickling my smooth skin. When he finishes the kiss I lay my head down on his chest, he starts to rub my back, massaging slightly. I want to feel his fur so my hand starts to slightly scratch his pec. He gives a yawn and I move my hand down to scratch his abs as well. His hand moves downs and is now resting on my butt, squeezing slightly.I feel warm and content, and sleep begins to take hold. His free arm shuts off the light and I drift off to sleep, my whole body slightly wrapped around Max’s.

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As I’m waking up the first thing I notice is that I smell something delicious, and it’s making my stomach rumble in hunger. My head is laying just beneath the mounds of Max’s pecs, and as I open my eyes I’m met with the source of that delicious smell. Just above the canyons of his hairy abs, Max’s morning wood is awake, the tip glistening with a pearl of precum. He’s breathing deeply, still asleep, but fully hard. His thick cock is moving slightly up and down with his heartbeat, it’s like it has a mind of its own: eager, ready, taunting me. Now a new feeling is added to my hunger, lust. I watch in awe his cock slowly start to drip a stream of prefuck down, creating a small puddle in the crevasse of his abs. I want to look away, to not be so hypnotized watching his body demonstrate his manhood, his fertility, but I can’t. I need to lick it, to taste it, but I don’t want Max to wake up and think I’m some slut who can’t resist him. Just one taste, that’s it, I won’t even like it and then I’ll stop. I slowly twist my body, positioning my head and then lightly stick out my tongue to taste the pre on his abs. But one taste turns to two, and then three, and then the hunger takes over and I take a big lick.

“Mmmmm,” Max grumbles. I feel his hand move to rest on my head, pushing me into his abs. I’m licking up every last drop. And then his other hand is on my head, twisting his fingers into my hair. He lifts my head up to his dick, he flexes it in front of me a few times, teasing me.

“Good morning,” he says, his voice raspy with sleep, and then he pushes me onto his cock. He’s moving my head, forcing himself into me, I try to resist but I can’t. He pulls me off, pushes me into his hairy groin, coating me in his scent. I try not to breathe it in but it’s stuck to me and I can’t help it. I’m feeling the effects, the haze of his lust takes hold over my brain. Then he moves me back to his cock, he’s controlling how deep he goes, and then I get another taste of precum and instinctively start to suck to get more. I’m using my tongue to explore, to find more flavor and anytime my tongue does something he likes he flexes his cock to let me know he likes it. I’m lost in the scent of his manhood, the taste of his cock, I feel it spread across my mind like a warm blanket. Then I start thinking happy thoughts. I’m glad I make Max feel good, he deserves it. I’m so lucky to get to taste his cock.

He’s pushing me deeper onto his thick uncut tool. His cock brushing the entrance of my throat. My drool is mixing with his precum in my mouth. I’m sucking the best I can, swallowing everything. Warmth spreading through my throat as he pulls me out then pushes deeper. He’s thrusting slightly with his hips but my eyes are fixated on his hairy orbs, still hanging low, swinging slightly with every push.

Then he pulls me off so just the end of his dick is resting on my tongue, just outside my reach. “You love sucking a real man’s cock don’t you?”

“Mmhmm,” I respond. I’m trying to move my head closer, to start sucking again but he’s holding me firm.

“Say it,” he commands. “Say what you love.”

“I love sucking your cock.”

“Not quite, try again.”

“I… I love sucking a real man’s cock,” I admit.

“Good boy,” he says, most of the sleep gone from his voice. I love when he says that, I want to be his good boy. He lets me dive back onto his cock. One hand still on my head, his other tracing circles on my back. My hole is twitching, my cock starts to harden. And then I feel it, a wetness around my hole. I hear Max start to sniff.

“I can smell you getting wet. But this morning’s all about me, I’m not going to play with your pussy yet. I’ll save that for later.” He’s moving my mouth to meet his thrusts, his cock stretching my throat but I want more. He’s getting into his rhythm now, fucking my throat. Both his hands are on my head again, using me like a sex toy, making me service him.

“Ready for breakfast?” he asks gruffly. I can only hum around his thick cock in affirmation. He starts fucking into me faster, never taking a break, I can’t catch my breath but I don’t care. My eyes are still fixated on his heavy nuts as I watch them start their ascent, getting closer, full of his delicious cum. I want it so bad, I want to taste his thick cream again. “Fuck yeah.” He growls as he thrusts deep and the first shot goes down my throat, but he quickly pulls his cock back, unloading in my mouth, filling it. He’s jacking his cock into my mouth and I’m watching every blast from the best angle, seeing his balls spasm, his dick flex with every pump. 6 shots in and I have to swallow to keep from overflowing. But he’s still going, 4 more powerful shots and he’s finished, and I have another mouthful. His load is so creamy, so smooth. I’ve never known a better flavor, it’s nutty and rich, complex. I swirl it around in my mouth before swallowing. I make sure I haven’t wasted a single drop before allowing his dick to fall out of my mouth, it lands with a thud on his abs. I’m watching it start to soften slightly, I can’t look away, and I can’t believe I just did that again.

“Don’t you have something you want to say?” Max asks. I turn to look at Max and he’s eyeing me expectedly. I give him a quizzical look, I don’t know what to say. “It’s polite to thank your alpha for breakfast.” He says, a hint of a grin on his face. Do I really need to do this? I just debased myself twice by sucking him off, but, I really did love it. And it tasted so good, I was thankful, even if I didn’t want to admit it. He seems serious enough, and I don’t want this to be the last time.

“Thank you Max,” I say, and the sincerity in my voice was real. I can’t believe I just thanked a man for cumming down my throat.

“You’re welcome,” he says with a kind laugh, he scratches my head in a patronizing kind of way. He hops out of bed to go make himself some breakfast. Then I notice that my hunger is gone, it’s been satiated. What’s wrong with me?

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I’m still in shock on his bed as I hear him in the kitchen cooking for himself. Did that just happen again? Am I starting to like this body? Am I comfortable being a beta, with not being a real man? All I know is around Max I feel comfortable, I feel right. So I head out into the kitchen to join him.

He’s cooking an omelet for himself at the stove, so I sit on a stool to watch him work. I want to know more about this world, about my body, about what it is to be a beta.

“You were just joking about breakfast, right? I’ll be hungry soon?” I ask, hopeful.

He turns around to plate his omelet. “Well… this is more something for a health class.” he says, hesitating slightly. “No, I was serious. Your body is very efficient, betas have a mostly liquid diet, protein shakes and such. All your waste is liquid, you just pee it out. Alphas are efficient too but we need more solid food. And when a beta is with an alpha well, let’s just say a lot of your meals will be coming from here from now on.” He says laughing, then shakes his heavy package at me with his free hand, emphasizing his point. He can’t be serious, this is some joke. But then why was I so full after last night, after this morning. It’s starting to make sense but I don’t want it to be true. Do all betas live like this? What if they don’t have an alpha male to, to… oh no… to feed them. I’m slightly dumbstruck, as if this world couldn’t get any weirder. I’m lost in thoughts when Max brings me back to reality.

“Why don’t we go to the park today. It’s a beautiful Saturday, you can see more of what it’s like. You can test your body out too, I’ll bring a frisbee, it’ll be fun.” I don’t know what else to do, Max is all I really know in this place. And I feel safe with him, so I nod in agreement.

After his breakfast we got ready to head out. Max had ordered me some clothes, so I changed in the spare room. They fit surprisingly well. I was surprised to see a tank top among the clothes he bought, I wouldn’t think I had the body for it but maybe Max likes that, so I slipped it on with shorts and sandals. I met him in the hall and he looked me up and down approvingly. He’s wearing a tight t-shirt, well tight on him. It would be huge on me, but his frame is barely contained by the fabric.

“Wow, you’re cute,” he says.

“You’re such a stud.” I say back to him, looking at his gigantic pecs, his nipples hard and pressing against shirt.

“Thanks.” He says and flexes his pecs, bouncing them a little. Then he lifts his arm to scratch the back of his head, casually flexing his bicep while showing off the thick patch of fur in his pit. His pheromones hit me before I even realize what he’s doing. He smells so good, but before I get too distracted I playfully punch him in the stomach, his abs are like a brick wall. He pretends like he took a huge hit and buckles over. We both start to laugh and then head out of his place.

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The park is huge and green, full of grassy hills and tall shady trees. I see some alphas tossing a baseball back and forth who give a nod to Max. There’s also a few beta’s sunbathing in the grass, trying to catch some wandering eyes.

We found a nice open space and started to toss the frisbee back and forth. My hand-eye coordination was good, and my aim with the frisbee too. We start close but gradually get farther apart. Then Max started to use more power in his throws, but I was able to run down every toss, I barely felt winded. It felt great to be in the sun, sweating, exercising like this. We must have played for a few hours when I wanted to test my strength and signaled Max to go back a little farther. I whipped the frisbee as far back as I could, but it went high and ended up in a tree.

“I’ll get it!” I shouted, a little embarrassed. I quickly ran up to Max who was standing beneath the tree looking up at the frisbee caught in a high branch. I ditched my sandals and then grabbed a low branch and was surprised how easy it was to pull myself up, I could basically do a muscle up with a little help from my legs. And I was surefooted as I climbed, my grip and legs strong enough to hold my frame. I reached the frisbee and tossed it down to Max who caught it with one hand. I climbed back down but just as I was on the last branch my foot slipped and I tumbled down onto Max.

But he was ready, catching me in his arms he fell back to the ground, but with much less impact. We were both a little sweaty from the game, and on top of his warm body I was surrounded by his scent. I turned my head to say thanks but when our eyes met, his hand went behind my head and pulled me into a deep kiss. Would I ever get used to his kisses, his taste, the soft scratch of his beard? With one hand under my leg and the other still cradling my head he easily turned me over onto the grass so the firm muscles of his body engulfed me without breaking the kiss. He kissed deeper then, his strong tongue wrestling mine into submission. The armpits of his shirt were visibly damp with his sweat, and I can almost see the Steam of his pheromones rising, snaking towards my nose. I breathe in deeply, relishing his musk. Bitter orange, black pepper, earthy clay, daddy, alpha, protector, safe here. He’s lifting one of my legs up with his arm, but when I feel myself getting hotter, my dick hardening, my hole winking and getting wet he breaks the kiss.

“Well, that’s enough of a show I think.” He jokes. And I see a few of the other guys at the park quickly glancing away, trying not to get caught staring at our display of affection. We get up and try to brush ourselves off.

I’m trying to think of other things, I don’t want Max to see me getting hard, to know how easily he turns me on. I feel my stomach rumble with a little bit of hunger. I’ll distract myself with food, what do I want to eat? I’m craving something rich and creamy. Not too sweet but more savory, more, more nutty. Like a big load of Max’s… the thought hits me like a ton of bricks. Oh no, oh please no. My stomach rumbles again, I know what I’m craving but I can’t admit it. It’s okay, I’ll play it cool, we’ll just head back to his place and see what happens.

“Hey, uhh Max?” I say to him as he’s trying to turn to get some grass off of his back.

“Hmm?” he rumbles inquisitively.

“I’m a bit hungry. Can we head—”

“Yeah, let’s grab a snack,” he says, cutting me off before I can ask him for what I really want. Maybe he doesn’t know. It’s probably just a fluke, I’m hungry that’s all. One regular meal and I’ll be fine. We head towards the city but this time as we walk through the park he grabs me by the hand. His hand, like the rest of his body, dwarfs mine. His grip is strong but comfortable, and his hand is warm to the touch.

I look down at his arm, I’d always had trouble getting my forearms to the size I wanted, to be vascular for the ladies like they love. Max’s are strong and masculine. Veins run along the pale underside of his forearm, I want to trace them, to feel the work he’s put into his arms. The other side is tan, a few freckles here and there, but still clearly corded with muscle under his black arm hair. I find my thumb tracing circles along his hand, and he would gently squeeze me from time to time. I’m getting butterflies in my stomach, I feel like a schoolgirl with my first crush. I want him to like me, to squeeze me, to guide me. I should be horrified that I feel this way about a man, but Max is an alpha. It feels natural to desire him, to follow him, he knows best.


Part 4

Before I know it we’re at what seems to be a smoothie bar. The menu is shakes, smoothies, juices, stuff like that. Max orders for me from a beta behind the counter, he’s checking Max out. Green-eyed jealousy washes over me and I give the beta a glare. He catches my eye and looks a bit taken aback, then turns to make my order. Max doesn’t seem to notice this whole exchange.

We sit and I take a look around the store. There’s a few other betas in the store sipping drinks, but no alphas. I remember what Max said, a mostly liquid diet, only betas must eat at places like this.

“This is one of the most popular restaurants in the city,” Max says.

“For betas right?”

“Yeah, of course,” Max replies. “Alphas need a bit more protein, more substance. Ever since the plague all human bodies are more efficient, but alphas still need solid food to keep on the mass.” I look at Max’s traps, bulging with muscle in his t-shirt, his size, he would definitely eat more than me to keep his physique. The drink Max ordered for me is fruity and milky, like pineapple and cashews. It’s delicious, and after the first sip I casually slurp it down as Max watches. I don’t fully know what’s in it but after the 8oz cup I feel satisfied.

Max then takes me through the city to go to get his food, alpha food. The city is like one in my world, cars, streetlights, crosswalks. But like before, only guys, only alphas and betas. Max’s late lunch is like a wrap full of meat and veggies, but not as large as I thought it would be for his size. His body must really be more efficient if he eats like this but maintains his frame, his mountains of muscle, his full balls.

“So does any of this feel familiar to you? Are you still uncomfortable here?” Max asks me after he finishes eating. We’re heading back through the city, towards his place.

“I don’t know. It still feels like a dream, I can remember everything about where I was. What I used to look like, who I used to be. There’s still part of me that thinks this isn’t real.”

“Well you seem real to me,” Max says, pulling me into him. “I don’t want you to be confused, I want you to be comfortable with yourself, with your body.”

“I do too,” I say and move out from under his arm. But would I ever be comfortable as a beta? Being dependent on someone else, on another man makes me feel weak. But with Max it doesn’t feel so bad. He’s confident, masculine, like he can handle anything, and that makes me trust him, desire him. “You make me comfortable. I feel safe around you, like everything is going to be okay,” I say and look towards him.

He flashes a smile at me, and in this light I’m stunned by his good looks. His strong jaw, his dark beard framing his face. The way his blue eyes stand out, I could feel myself getting lost in them. I realize I’m smiling back at him with a goofy smile, smitten. I really do have a crush on another man. No, not another man, an alpha male, my alpha. This time I make the first move, I walk closer next to him and wrap my arm around his waist, his arm falls across my shoulders.

I can feel his pit, still damp with his scent, on my shoulder. It takes all my willpower not to turn and shove my face into him. Despite this, I’m still breathing him in as we walk, it makes my mind feel warm and happy. I’m getting turned on, my pussy is coming alive, I feel it moistening. Max knows, I can hear his nostrils sniffing my scent. I look down to see a bulge in his shorts, slowly growing down. I want more control, I want him, but it will be on my terms. I won’t let his pheromones make me into such a slut this time, I’ll be strong. I glance back down and see it won’t be long before his monster is full and breaks through those shorts. Luckily we arrive at his place just in time, and he lets go of me to open the door. I take a few deep breaths of fresh air to clear my mind, and step inside as Max closes the door behind me.

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I look down to see his dick is almost fully hard, tenting his shorts. I look up to his face and I’m caught off guard by the look in his eyes, it’s intense, primal and lusty. And all directed at me.

“Bedroom,” he says. I can tell it’s an order, and I walk in front of him through his apartment to his room. Not fast enough because he’s walking right behind me, a hand grabs my ass and his other arm wraps around my neck. He uses his knee to scoop me up into his arms. He picks me up so easily, like I weigh nothing at all. Instead of letting me down onto his bed we crash into it together, his weight on top of me. Then his lips are on mine, his tongue forcing its way into my mouth, coating it in his spit. His kissing me intensely, passionately, his beard scratching my face. He’s grinding into me, I feel his massive hard cock insistently pressing into me. I’m trying to fight his tongue with mine, to take control of the kiss but I can’t. I’m struggling against his body as well, wanting to move away from his beard roughing up my smooth skin. I’ll be on top of him, that way I’m more comfortable. I’m trying to resist his weight, his force, but I’ve never felt this helpless.

With both my hands on his chest I push against him, and I realize I couldn’t move him an inch. He breaks the kiss and moves his body away from mine slightly. I’m scared by the look he’s giving me, but I’m also undeniably turned on by the intensity of his desire. He must notice some resistance in my eyes, a fight still left in me. He leans up and takes his shirt off, showing off his perfect body to me. He’s so beautiful, so masculine, his body is like a dream. And then one of his hands is behind my head, and his pelvis and legs are on top of mine preventing me from moving. He moves up onto the bed more, angling his body, his other arm extending over me. And then he turns my face towards his arm, dropping the weight of his shoulder onto my face and forcing me into his pit. His pheromones are going to cloud my mind, to make me docile and horny.

“Shomm,” I try to say ‘stop’ with my mouth closed. I want to vocalize but I don’t want to open my mouth, to take his essence in.

“Shhhh,” Max chides. “Take a deep breath boy.” I hold out as long as possible, trying not to breathe. But he’s holding me still, I can’t turn my head away, and eventually I break and gasp for air. He pushes my head in deeper when he hears me breathe in. I feel him filling my lungs, filling my mind. He smells so good, so right, like home. I feel myself calming down, my hands fall to my side. Every breath I take more of his scent in and I begin to want it more and more, it’s delicious and masculine and perfect, just like Max. I feel the damp hair of his armpits against my lips and I open my mouth to taste.

“Good boy,” he says approvingly when I take my first lick. His pit tastes so good, his salty sweat is musky while still feeling clean and fresh. I’m licking every inch of his fur, it’s thickest here under his arm where it can hold onto his scent. Why didn’t I want this before? He smells so good, tastes so good. I love how I feel when I breathe him in, content and fuzzy and horny. I’m fully hard, my pussy twitching and almost leaking with desire. He’s not holding my head still anymore but I keep going, licking his armpit trying to get every iota of his taste. He pulls his arm back and he shifts so his other pit is above me now. I get into that one too, his strong pheromones hit me again. My mind recedes even further back into the pleasure. Max is alpha, Max is sex, I belong to him. I’m so lucky he worked up a sweat today, I get to taste his perfection.

As I’m worshipping his pit his legs are between mine, spreading them open. When he’s satisfied with my tongue bath he leans back smiling down at me, I want to kiss him so badly. He takes of my shirt in one swift pull and starts to kiss me again while undoing my shorts one handed. His other hand is holding my jaw, his thumb stroking my cheek as we make out. I help him pull down my shorts with my underwear and then he’s unbuttoning his too. My hands are on his waste and I’m pulling his shorts and boxers down.

His dick springs free, fully hard. Then he positions himself so his package is lined up with mine. I feel the warmth of his heavy nuts as his sack completely surrounds my balls. And his dick is laying on mine, throbbing against me. His cock is almost twice the length of mine, but with his girth and heft it has to be at least three times as big. He lifts his huge tool up and drops it against mine making a big thwap.

“Remember when you thought you were a real man?” Max teases. Thwap, his cock slaps into mine again. I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment. If it could, my dick would recede into my body, hiding in shame compared to Max’s endowment. But he’s making me so painfully hard. I don’t say anything but I can’t look away from Max’s cock.

“You told me you got more pussy than me when we first met.” He laughs a little bit, I can see his abs tensing in my peripheral vision, but my eyes are glued to his cock, he slaps it into my little dick again. I feel myself twitching against him, my pussy is throbbing. I know I shouldn’t like this, but hearing his deep voice degrade me is turning me on. “Well…” he pauses, dropping his massive cock onto mine again, this time some precum droplets splash against my body. “We both know who’s going to be getting pussy tonight.” His voice is full of conviction, of authority, and deep inside me I know it’s true.

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Max stands up from the bed and pulls me towards the edge, my legs hanging over. He gathers some of the precum he splattered across my body on his fingers, then gets some more from the tip of his head and offers it to me. I suck on his fingers, getting all of his sticky precum into my mouth and swallowing it. He uses his forearm to lift both of my legs back towards my body and hold them there, my hard cock pressing into my abs. My pussy is quivering and he spits a glob of his saliva onto my entrance. He uses the fingers I was just sucking onto to massage it into my pussy, mixing it with the lube I’m already making for him.

The head of my cock is pressed into my stomach, but everything else is exposed. Max leans down and starts making out with the base of my cock, his beard tickling my smooth balls. He licks each one, then goes back to nibbling on my cock, fingering me at the same time, in and out, past his last knuckle now and I’m writhing in ecstasy. Then 2 fingers, I can feel myself contracting around his digits.

Max pulls his fingers out of me with a slight pop and I feel my pussy leaking with desire. His hands move to spread my cheeks and he brings his face to my hole. I want him to eat me out but he waits, teasing me. I feel his hot breath against my hole, making it twitch wantonly, leak more juice for him. His breath is getting closer, hotter, and then I feel the bristle of his beard and shivers go through my whole body. And then he’s kissing my pussy, licking it, chewing it gently. He licks all over and then his tongue forces its way into me, I moan in delight. He starts pushing deeper, making circles with his tongue. I’m as hard as diamonds, his tongue feels like fiery pleasure as he stretches me open.

My hands are gripping the sheets, I’m white knuckling to keep myself from taking off. I’m focusing solely on my pussy, trying to control it. I want to pull him deeper, and I realize flexing my cock is the same as squeezing my pussy. I try to control it but I’m having trouble, the pleasure he’s giving me makes me flex and squeeze uncontrollably. Max is moaning into me, I think he loves my taste because I feel him taking in deep breathes as he eats me out and I think I can hear him swallowing. He keeps eating me out, I don’t know how much time passes as his tongue fucking stretches me open, lighting a fire inside of me.

He lifts his head from my pussy and catches his breath a little bit, then stands up, my legs falling to the ground. My eyes meet his and then wander down to his beard, down to his huge pecs, following the trail of his fuzz to his 8 pack, then to his happy trail, and then settle on his cock. It’s leaking precum down his shaft like a faucet, past his foreskin just covering the pink head. It’s so thick, covered in veins, I’ve never seen anything more erotic. His balls are like two heavy weights swinging in their hairy sack under his shaft. They’re bigger than I remember, full of his delicious cum, all for me. I want him in me so bad, but am I ready? Can I handle it?

It doesn’t matter because he kneels down and places my legs on his shoulders and then moves me back so his knees are on the bed. Leaning down his face is just above mine and his cock is resting against my hole. It feels warm and sticky, but way too big, like a fleshy baseball bat. His precum mixes with the wetness of my pussy as he ever so slightly flexes his cock against my entrance. All the pheromones in the world couldn’t keep me from being afraid of his beastly cock.

“I’ll go easy,” he says, seeing the trepidation in my face. And then leans down to kiss me as his cock starts pressing against my pussy. He’s kissing me, his tongue trying to distract me as his cock presses ever into me, leaking more and more pre, lubing me up naturally. He pushes slightly harder and I feel my hole start stretching around him, he doesn’t stop. He’s relentless, I moan into Max’s mouth in pleasure and pain. I twitch around him as he pushes harder and then the head is in. He leaves just the head in as my pussy contracts around him, squeezing him, I want him out, he’s too big, I can’t take it. But I feel myself getting wetter, his precum is making my pussy lube, my body wants him deeper even if my mind doesn’t.

He’s pushing more into me now. My pussy is so sensitive, I can feel each vein of his tool as he forces his way deeper. I’m quivering around his girth, my dick is as hard as possible against my stomach even through the pain. He’s going deeper than his fingers or his tongue have explored, his precum spreading warmth where there wasn’t feeling before. And then the tip of his head grazes against something inside of me, I moan louder into his mouth, my whole body shakes with pleasure.

“Found your spot,” he says, flexing his cock against it. And then he gyrates his hips slightly, pushing into that button inside of me. My cock fires off without being touched. I feel my cum shooting onto my stomach. My pussy is contracting with each shot of my orgasm, pulling him slightly deeper. When I finish cumming I’m gasping into Max but he’s still going.

“One,” he moans into my mouth, then resumes making out with me, his taste is filling my mouth, I can feel his spit spreading warmth down my throat. He’s pushing deeper still, his cock is getting thicker towards the base and I feel my pussy struggling with the sheer size of his pole. But Max’s cock is a force of nature, nothing could stop it at this point from going all the way. My dick doesn’t go soft, and his cock is still moving past that button inside of me sending pleasure through my whole body as he continues deeper. Finally, excruciatingly, he pushes the last bit of his 9.5 inch cock into me and bottoms out, his full nuts resting against my ass. I’m certain I would be split in two if his cock didn’t make so much precum, if I wasn’t so wet with lust for this alpha male.

He pulls away from the kiss and stands up straight but leaves his cock in balls deep, feeling my pussy squeeze against his manhood. I want it out, he’s going to break me, it’s too much. I feel my pussy trying to squeeze but it can’t, I’m stretched to my limit. But Max doesn’t move an inch, and I slowly start to get used to his size, his shape. As the discomfort from his thick cock fades, it’s replaced by a feeling of fulfillment. I feel complete, like the final piece of a jigsaw puzzle was just put into me. He scoops up my cum from my stomach onto his fingers, it’s almost clear, not the thick white I used to have. Then he slurps it down like a delicacy, when he’s finished he looks at me in the eyes.

“You ready?” he asks, but I know it’s a rhetorical question. Max is going to fuck me now, and I want nothing more in the whole world.

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I nod in agreement, staring into his eyes, wordlessly begging him to rail me. He starts slow like when he face fucked me last night, just moving slightly in and out, he doesn’t break eye contact with me. He starts moving faster now, he’s watching my face to see my expression, to know what I’m feeling. He wants to know if he goes too fast or too far and I feel pain. Mostly it’s pleasure as I feel him move past the G spot deep in me, but whenever I wince in pain he slows down, letting his cock and my pussy create more lube to ease his fuck. Pretty soon the pain is dimmed, and all I feel is the pleasure of his cock squeezing into me.

He lets my legs drop and wrap around his lower back while his arms move to either side of my head, holding himself up. He’s going faster now, getting his whole body into the fuck, pulling his cock farther out, pushing more into me. My arms are holding onto the muscles of his back. He’s in his rhythm now, deep fast long strokes, his balls slapping against my ass. My cock is trapped between his abs and my stomach as he pumps into me relentlessly. We’re both getting sweaty now, his scent filling up my mind even more. He’s laying more of his weight onto me, my head turns to get closer to his pit. He moves his armpit over my face then moves his mouth to my ear. He’s kissing my ear, grunting deeply matching his thrusts. I’m making out with his furry pit, moaning uncontrollably. The fuck feels so good, like his dick is massaging an orgasm out of me. I feel it building from inside of me and I fire off again, cumming between his muscular abs and my flat stomach. My pussy is contracting harder with this second orgasm around him. Max never stops pumping, never loses his rhythm. He’s thrusting and thrusting and thrusting, pushing my cum out of me. I don’t even know the noises I’m making as I cum.

“Two,” he moans into my ear as I finish ejaculating between us. Then he’s goes into overdrive, fucking me with a reckless abandon. I’m getting jackhammered, my insides pummeled by his cock, like he’s rearranging my insides to suit his fucking. My legs are around his ass, feeling the huge globes of muscle work as he thrusts into me. My cum is slippery between our stomachs, my cock is still hard sliding between his abs as he fucks me. As much as I’m loving his fuck, even more I want to feel him unload in me.

“Tell me what you need,” he grunts into my ear.

“I need you to fuck me,” I moan, hoping it’s what he wants to hear.

“Tell me what you want,” he demands.

“I want you to breed me,” I gasp out. He must like that answer because he moans in approval. He lifts his torso above mine and I look into his eyes. He slows down his fuck to move all the way out his head leaves my pussy with a pop and feel totally empty, my entrance winking in protest. And then suddenly thrusts into me as hard as he can, demonstrating his power, watching my eyes roll back into my head with pleasure and pain. He does it again, pounding into me so hard, my pussy is clenching around him and I know I’m going to cum again. He keeps this up, shaking the whole bed with each of his long hard thrusts.

“I’m going to knock you up,” je says with the last of these long thrusts, towering above me, and I cum. This time just one or two shots of watery cum dribble out of my dick, but my pussy is clenching madly around him. He lays back down into me, my head turns to go into his other pit, his face against my other ear.

“Three,” he says and then starts again. This time I can feel his fuck getting more erratic, more wild, more uncontrollable. This is what my body is for, this is what I was made to do. To get fucked by an alpha male, to get bred by a real man. The thought crashes into me and everything makes sense, I’m not a real man, I’m a beta, I’m a pussy boy, no I’m Max’s pussy boy. I’ve finally accepted these truths and I love it, I feel at peace with my body. I’m still moaning into his pit as he begins a deep howl and his whole body shudders. He keeps thrusting into me as his orgasm starts, his huge balls pulling up to his shaft.

I can feel his cum moving through his entire cock as he unloads pump after pump. He’s still thrusting as I feel his hot cum flood my insides, there’s so much of it, filling me up and he’s not stopping just yet. A firehose of his perfect DNA has been opened in my guts, it’s filling up every part of my insides. He thrusts one last time, as deep as he can go and unloads more of his seed into me. He has to have fired 15 or 16 shots into me, and we’re both panting as he finishes. I feel so full, like I just ate a huge meal, satisfied and happy. His dick still inside of me, he moves his face to mine and we begin to kiss, softly, tenderly. This kiss isn’t as sexual, or as dominant as before. It’s just full of affection. His lips caressing mine, his tongue is gentle. I feel appreciated, I feel wanted. Max pulls away.

“I love you,” Max says, softly but in his deep rich voice.

“I love you too,” I say, looking into his icy blue eyes. It’s true. I’m so lucky I found Max, he’s perfect. Strong and kind, noble but not too serious. He’s going to take care of me, and I can trust him. I’ve never felt more protected, more safe then in that moment, underneath Max. His cock still inside of me, his huge muscular frame around me, his beautiful face staring back at mine.

“Good,” he laughs, “because there’s a 100% chance I just got you pregnant.” He’s smiling at me. Funny joke, I start to chuckle.

“Yeah, I bet,” I joke sarcastically back to him, chuckling a little.

“There must be over a cup of my baby batter in you, and I know it’s potent. I said I was going to knock you up,” he says matter-of-factly.

“Yeah right,” I laugh back at him. “As if.” His dick is softening but still deep inside of me. I reach down my hand to scratch his chest, and I try to kiss him again but he pulls away. He’s looking at me intently now, what did I do?

“Lucas,” he says seriously. “Where do you think babies come from?”


Part 5

Where did babies come from? What was I for? But the more Max’s question hung in the air, the more I realized I hadn’t thought about it at all. In a world of only alphas and betas, how else would they, would I, reproduce? Back in the day I’d worried about knocking some chick up who lied about being on the pill. My friends and I would joke about whose swimmers were stronger. But now, do I even have swimmers? Are my balls just for show?

Max wouldn’t lie about how boys get pregnant.

I sit up on my elbows to look at Max above me, his cock still gently pulsing in my pussy, slowly deflating but still stretching me full. And there’s a deeper fullness, about a cup of his baby batter, as he called it. I can almost feel his sperm moving around in me, searching for their prize. “Oh fuck,” I say and fall back down.

“What’s the matter?” Max says to me, his deep voice filled with concern. “You were practically begging me to knock you up just now.”

“But I didn’t think it was actually possible! I’m a guy, I’m supposed to be the one who impregnates someone!”

“Oh, Lucas, not this again. You’re a beta boy, boys get fucked, they get pregnant. You’re not a real man, remember?” Max slowly slides his cock out of me, I could feel my pussy involuntarily squeezing at his manhood. Pulling at his alpha cock, like my body was thanking him and asking him to come back again. As much as I wanted to be revolted, it felt like my body was finally at peace.

His cock is there, still half hard, beautiful and wet with the fuck he just gave me. He strokes it a few times. “This is a man’s cock, this is a cock meant to impregnate, to breed,” he explains, and I know it’s true. I know it in my very core, no one could stop that cock from fulfilling its design. “Your cock Lucas, well it’s cute, but it’s not meant for fucking. Look at it.” I looked down at my cock, so delicate and small. Soft barely a few inches, and hard it wasn’t much better. I looked at my abs, slick with the cum I made when Max fucked three orgasms out of me. My cum is clear, watery, not like the thick load Max makes. I watch as he runs his finger into my belly button and scoops some up, then swirls it around in his mouth. At least Max likes my cum.

Then it occurs to me. My mind feels clear—the most clear it’s been since I woke up in this place. I can think about something other than sex, about something other than Max. How long have I been here? A week? Oh no, it had only been two days. Two days and I was already asking this man to fuck me, craving his cum. What’s happened to me? I could think straight now, like post nut clarity I used to get after a big load, but magnified, when I’m horny here I can’t think straight at all. Right now I’m still the Lucas I was before all of this, but how long would it last? I know that my body wants, even needs: Max. And right now my body is winning the fight with my mind. If I see Max, and even worse if I smell him, he’ll be in total control.

Lost in thought, in the back of my mind I heard Max say “Open.” in his low tone. The next thing I know, a huge glob of his spit lands in my mouth. I hadn’t even thought about opening my mouth but my body had done it. Reality snaps back into focus and Max is still looming above me, a trail of his saliva between us and another glob falls onto my tongue. It tastes so good, I’m holding it on my tongue and see his face turn into a smile. I swallow and feel his taste, followed by his warmth spread from my mouth down into my throat. He gently slaps my face twice and says, “Good boy.”

The pleasure I got from hearing him say that was like winning the state championship. My whole being lit up, and I couldn’t help but smile. Max lays down next to me and pulls my body onto him. He’s slick with sweat, and very warm. His whole body is radiating his alpha scent and I feel it spreading into my mind. I feel that lucidity I just had slip away. I realize that the post nut clarity, when I’m the old Lucas, is shorter this time. It’s been getting shorter. More and more of the old me is fading away every time this happens. Soon all that will be left is beta boy Lucas. The Lucas with a pussy, the Lucas who just begged this alpha male to breed him.

He picks me up and brings us into the shower, rinsing the sweat and the cum off of us. My hole is tight though, after receiving his load it’s sealed shut, keeping his cum deep within me. I explore Max’s body with a bar of soap, lathering up his furry muscles. Watching rivulets of water run down his bowling ball shoulders. I can’t help but stand on my toes to lick his pit when he lifts his arms to wash his hair. His abs tense as he laughs. He soaps me up carefully too, lathering me gently. He pulls my smooth body close to his for a hug as the running water rinses me off. Then we dry off together, his towel smells like him, sending shivers down my spine. It feels huge wrapped around me. It is huge, just like Max is. I forget sometimes he’s basically twice my size.

He picks me up easily and then he takes us naked back to bed, and laying next to Max, I feel warm. I feel the safest and most content I have ever been, like I would never have to worry again. Absent-mindedly, I start to run my fingernails across his pecs. Scratching his fur there and then down to his perfect eight pack. If I were pregnant, if it was even possible, and if that’s the only way I could have kids, would I want that? And if there had to be a father, well no one would be a better choice than Max. He’s tall, strong, confident, smart, handsome. He’s what every man would want to be, my kids would be lucky to share his DNA. I can’t think of anyone more perfect.

For a long time I scratch his taut muscles, exploring every part. His nipples are pert, and he likes when my fingertips glide over them. His hand starts to rub my back as well, giving me goosebumps. My thoughts drift back to what just happened; what I just let this man do to me. Did I want this? Did I want to lose the old me? I would never be a real man again. I’m stuck here, stuck in this body, stuck being a beta boy. There’s no way I can get back, I don’t even know how I got here. But pregnant? Why did I ask him to breed me? Sex gives pleasure, but in nature it’s for making babies. I reach down into my thoughts. Why did I want him so bad? I realize I wanted him to fuck me, to put a baby in me. My body knows this, needs it. And the beta Lucas part of my mind wants this too. Can I reconcile that with what the other half of mind wants now, what the old Lucas used to want? But my thoughts were interrupted again by Max. “Better get some dinner,” he says, his voice reverberating through me.

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I glance down to see his cock at full attention again. And all those thoughts fade away at the sight of his manhood. I can’t believe he is ready to go already. As I fixate on the length of his perfect cock, I watch a pearl of precum form at the pink head and I have a reaction that would make Pavlov proud. My lips find their way to Max’s cock instantly and I begin to worship his manhood with my mouth. His hand rests on my head and the warm spicy musk of his groin fills my brain. With my mouth sucking at this pinnacle of Max’s superiority, right then it hit me, it really didn’t fucking matter what my mind wanted. My body needs him, craves him. I would never be a real man again. If Max wants to put a baby in me, who am I to say no?

But it seems like Max isn’t so sure. He starts to think out loud to me as I’m sucking him. I’m mostly focused on trying to get another load of his delicious seed, but his deep voice commands some of my attention as well. “You know, Lucas, I’ve noticed you seem to have a lot of anxiety after you cum. You seem to get all worried and not understand the world. But when you’re like this…” He scratches my head for emphasis. “You’re my perfect boy.”

Max stops talking for a minute or two. I figure he’s done, just concentrating on the pleasure I was giving him. I’m going deeper, focusing on my breathing, trying to have my mouth and throat work in tandem. His steady stream of precum is letting me know I’m doing a good job. But then he starts again. “You know you belong to me now right?” he asks me in a serious voice. I moan an affirmation around his cock but that isn’t enough for him, I feel his hands pull me off of his thick pole and I turn to face him. His beard has gotten longer, so full and dark. His other hand is behind his head, revealing the furry depth of his pit, His eyes are intensely looking at me. “Say it,” he commands.

I think about it for a second. Belong, like he owns me. Old me would never accept that, old Lucas was a lone wolf, looking out for only himself. This is the total opposite of that. But looking at him, it starts to make sense. Max is a big alpha, a real man. He’ll protect me, feed me, provide for me. I need him, I need to be owned by him. “I belong to you,” I respond.

“You’re mine now. You understand what that means? I have total control and final say about everything. I’m your alpha now.”

“I… I understand,” I say sheepishly. Max nods to me. A silent moment passes between us as we stare into each other’s eyes. And I get a wide variety of emotions, his desire for me, his love, his kindness. But also his superiority, his knowledge that he was born to dominate me, and that I don’t really have a choice. There was already no going back after the breeding he gave me, but now, I’m finally getting the big picture.

“All right, bud, get back to work, and don’t stop until you’re full,” he says gruffly. And I turn to see his cock, he flexes it as another stream of his alpha lube is dripping from the head. I lick up the stream and take him deep into me again, pushing against the depths of my throat. I can feel my cock hard between my legs, but more so I feel the twitches of my pussy. I could suck him forever. I love his taste, the feel of his cock. I love watching his bull nuts churn his alpha cum in their hairy sack. Then Max starts to talk to me again between grunts of pleasure and affirmation.

“All betas, even you, tend to be more submissive when they’re horny. You’ve probably noticed. And after they’ve cum, well, some betas become more… independent.” The words are registering but as I’m going deeper onto his cock, the pheromones from his pubes are getting stronger and stronger. How can he smell so good, so perfect? I belong here, this is home.

“And like I was saying, the last times you’ve cum you bring up that dream of you being an alpha, questioning who you really are.” Why would I question Max? He’s the alpha, he’s never been wrong so far. That doesn’t make any sense, I can smell his superiority, taste his dominance right now. It seems like he’s noticed the same thing I have, how I think of who I was before I woke up here.

“I’m almost certain I just put a baby in you. I need to make sure we’re in this together, all the way. So I’ve decided I’m not going to let you cum anymore.” Not let me? I try to get off of his cock to ask what he means but his hand keeps impaled, deep throating him. He won’t let me off, and as I struggle he’s flexing his dick into my throat.

“I didn’t say stop boy.” Max says matter-of-factly, then continues. “I don’t want to have to do it, but I have a small cage for you. It’ll stop you from getting hard, I think that’ll stop these delusions of yours.” He wants to lock my cock in a cage!? Please no, god no. My mouth and throat full of his dick, I moan a negative response. I may be a beta boy, I may have a pussy now, but I still love my cock. It’s the last remaining vestige of my manhood. I can still get hard, I can still cum, I’m not completely gone… right?

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“You don’t want that?” Max asks me, as his hips are getting into the throat fuck now, he’s pushing me as deep as I can go. Using me like a flesh-light. His other hand fools around with a drawer by the bed, and I hear him grab something metallic. “Many Alphas use cages to help their boys feel better. And a lot of the beta boys like it, they like how happy they are when they’re horny. It keeps them focused on what’s important.”

“I think you need it boy.” He continues throat fucking me. I’m trying to moan a no, but his massive cock is blocking my airway. “Alphas use it to show when a beta has been claimed,” he continues, thrusting into me with a force. “It symbolizes that you found your alpha. That you’re my property now.” Then his other hand comes down, and my eyes spot the device he’s holding in his hand. A small metal cage, just slightly smaller than my dick when it’s soft, is in his hand. It doesn’t cover the cock completely, just metal bars around it, and there was a place to piss through it, and a ring that looks like it would lock my balls in place as well. It scares me more than anything I’ve seen since I’ve been in this new world. Why would any boy want that?

“You’ll stay my good boy, Lucas. Locked up and horny. You won’t have to think about anything.” He thrusts hard into me, as if he can read my mind, knows what I’m thinking. “Except about my cock of course,” he chuckles. He wags the device in front of my eyes, teasing me with it.

“I ow ahn ahh,” I moan around his cock, it’s almost all the way in my throat. I can feel all the veins of his shaft, making his superior cock harder than steel. My words of protest are vibrating it, only making him feel better as he uses me.

“What did you say?” He pulls me up so his cock is resting in my mouth, his copious precum still leaking onto my tongue. He’s keeping his cock in my mouth at all times.

“I don wan ihh.” I try to say, my mouth stretched across the flared head of his godly phallus. He pushes me back down, all the way, his cock fully lodged in my esophagus. He holds me there, just flexing his cock in my throat, letting his lube leak directly into me. I’m trying to breathe through my nose, but I’m getting more pheromones than air. Like a rush to the head an emotion comes over me. I need this, more than anything I need Max, his musk, his cum. But now he’s holding me down too long, I can’t breathe. I start to struggle and try to use my hands to push me off but his other hand joins in, holding my head down. He’s too strong, I can’t move my head an inch.

I feel like I’m going to pass out, but his alpha scent is still filling my brain. His pheromones are telling me I’m safe, and they’re winning out against my survival instinct to breathe. I’m still struggling when he finally lifts my head up, I’m gasping for air but he still won’t let me off his cock. I am breathing around the head of his dick, my alpha’s dick, the one who owns me. “You really want to keep your little dicklet free Lucas? It matters to you that much?” he asks, almost in a joking tone. Dicklet? I mean it’s nothing compared to his cock, but dicklet? That’s so embarrassing. But fuck, he’s right, I’m pathetic. I guess it is really more of a dicklet now. A boy’s dicklet, it can’t compete with Max’s huge dick. Do I deserve to cum? Do I deserve to get hard compared to him? Yes, I still love it, it’s mine, I’m still a man, well, a boy anyway.

“Fwease.” I say, still gasping. I notice now that my mouth and throat are on fire. All the nerves tingling at once with the pure essence of alpha he’s been putting into me. He lets me catch my breath for a bit, thinking about what he’s going to do. Before I’m breathing normal again though he forces me all the way back down again, two hands resting on my head. His pubes tickling my nose and my lips as he holds his cock in my throat like the sword in the stone.

“You’ll try it on for a few days, it doesn’t really matter if you get hard anyway, your pussy will still get all wet for me. You just won’t cum, you’ll stay horny and happy.” He’s explaining this to me as I can feel his hard cock slowly pump his precum into my gut. I’m getting more lightheaded, my brain is losing oxygen. But I can feel how much better his cock is, what it was meant to do. What is my dicklet meant to do other than get played with as I’m getting bred? Even if there was a girl around would she want to fuck me now? Couldn’t I even fuck her at all? But despite all of that, I still want it free. I start to struggle against him again, he’s going to suffocate me. This is the last part of the old Lucas I’ll hold onto, just this. Please let me have this, don’t lock me up.

I bang my hands against his thighs, strongly at first. And then I’m losing energy. My vision is fading, I land one last soft hit and then he finally moves me up onto the head of his cock again, letting me breathe. He’s harder than he’s ever been it seems. Max must really love this. When I have enough air to talk, I utter a pleading moan around his shaft. I think he can tell I’m begging him, I love him, I’ll do anything, just don’t make me do that. But Max is just a silent presence behind me, radiating dominance, still thinking. After a minute of me getting more air he resumes one handedly pushing my throat onto and off of his cock. A little slower now, like my throat is just helping him lazily jack off.

Maybe I’ve gotten to him. I try to make his cock feel as good as ever. I’m trying to control my throat, to please him like he deserves. I’m sucking him like I want to drain all the cum from his body, which is easy because it’s true. I’ll be good for Max, I love him. He’s still quiet behind me, milling this over in his head. But I’m just diligently sucking him off during his silence, working his cock. Tonguing every vein, relishing the clean manly taste. Coaxing as much precum into me as possible. How can he make so much? It’s as though his alpha cock has an infinite supply.

After about five quiet minutes of him using me, he finally speaks. “Fine, I guess I don’t have to lock it up right now. But you have to promise me you’ll be a good boy. No more bringing up this other life you think you had. My son is in you now, things are different. You’ll listen to your alpha, no questions. You’ll mostly be worshipping me like this. I’ll only fuck your little pussy and make you cum when you’ve been my perfect boy. Got it?”

Sounds like a good deal to me, if his cock was leaking into me forever I’d be happy. By now the haze of his pheromones has completely enveloped my mind. “Mmhmm,” I respond to the upstroke of his thrusts. My whole body is like I’m floating on a cloud, I’m a good boy, I get to worship him. Then—thwack, his other hand slaps my ass hard, leaving a sting and making my Pussy throb, I feel my juice drip down. This is how he seals our deal. He must like the mark he left because his cock leaks a large spurt of precum into me. I should make deals with Max more often.

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“Good boy,” he says. “You’ve been sucking me like a champ, you ready for my load?” He asks. But he already knows the answer. I want nothing more. My eyes focus on his balls, so huge and full in their pouch. They’re working overtime for me, making so much cum, full of his alpha essence. I’m going to get to worship Max every day and drink his alpha cum, I’m so lucky. But if I want to get fucked, if I want to cum, I’ll need to be perfect. I want to make Max happy, to make him proud. This is my place now, I need this.

I’m sucking on his cock now like my life depends on it, I’m giving it my all. I’m forcing myself down as hard as he wants me to. I’m focusing on what he likes, experimenting. Grabbing his balls, tugging them one at a time in their massive sack. Feeling their fullness makes me proud this is the source of the child he put in me. He likes when I hold onto his thick muscular thighs as he flexes them to push into me. I hold onto each as he fucks my throat rough, slamming into me, showing me who’s boss. I remember he likes my scent so I wiggle my ass towards his, my pussy still winking and leaking my natural lube.

I know he’s caught my scent because he lets out a deep guttural moan as his balls climb closer to his shaft. Ready to blast into me, fulfill his purpose as an alpha, as a real man. To breed, to conquer, to dominate, to feed, to impregnate. My pussy is twitching like mad when I see his balls move like that. I’m dripping wet, max spits onto my hole, but doesn’t get closer. He said he wouldn’t play with my pussy yet. I gasp as I feel his spit mingle with my beta lube, spreading warmth there.

Then he smacks my ass again hard, the other cheek now. At last his balls start to contract. He’s unloading into me now, the pleasure centers in my brain are all going off. This is my reward for worshipping him. Spurt after spurt of his cum, the seed that turned me into a beta. The seed that knocked me up. His superior cum, the cum of the man who owns me. How can he still shoot so many shots, it’s so thick, coating my throat. I can’t think, only feel as he blasts his final shot, satiating my hunger. I’m not a real man, I’m carrying a real man’s son in me right now. And nothing makes me happier.

Drunk on his cum, Max flips me down onto the bed and hovers over me again. His hand grasps my hard dicklet and gives it a few tugs; then explores down to my pussy. Instinctively I pull my legs up to give him access. He’s on his knees now, the fingers of one of his hands stroking the outside of my wet hole. His other hand is balled into a fist to support himself as he leans down to kiss me. Just his tongue enters my mouth, two of his fingers push into my pussy making me squirm and moan into him. I must have done a good job sucking him off if he’s going to make me cum already, I feel proud for doing good work.

He starts fingering me right away, while simultaneously coating my mouth in his spit. His beard is longer now, I love the feel of it on my smooth face. Prickling me, roughing up my soft skin. He’s going fast, sliding his fingers in and out of me, curling them in me making my eyes roll back. I’ve been so horny from sucking him, and so spent already from the fuck I can feel a weak orgasm approaching fast. He’s still making out with me intensely as my orgasm hits, my pussy squeezing his three fingers as they fuck me. I feel the soft dribble of a tiny load onto my abs as my orgasm subsides.

Breaking the kiss, Max pulls his fingers out of my hole and moves them into my mouth so I can suck on my own juices. He moves his balled fist down, and before I know it the hand that was in my mouth is wrapped around my throat.

“Don’t move,” he commands sternly. Then I see his other hand open and move down to my cock. And I realize, inside his balled fist, was the cage he showed me earlier. Before I can say a word he shushes me and squeezes my throat. He’s so strong, he could move my entire body with just this one arm. I know better than to try and speak again. My cock is soft now, that’s why he made me cum. He spits a glob of cum onto my cock and balls and spreads it around to lube them up. Then deftly, with one hand, he slides my cock into the cage. He squeezes my little testicles through the ring, and locks the device into place, a small padlock on top closing me in.

He looks down at me. Sees the shocked look on my face. But he only smiles knowingly. “I didn’t mean to lie to you but you’re mine now. Locking you up, proving that you’re my beta, that means a lot to me.”

“But—” I start to say but he cuts me off.

“That’s my final say on it, Lucas,” he says in a low tone, like a father chastising me.

“No!” I exclaim raising my voice, and then his face twists to an authoritative look. He picks me up, holding my arms into my torso. His hands are huge, I’m struggling against him but his alpha muscles are much too strong. He sits down on the edge of the bed, laying me face down ass up. One arm is holding me onto his thighs, the other lifts up.

Don’t” smack! The first spanking hits me like a train. Stinging my pale ass red I’m sure.

Talk” smack! I feel tears coming. The pain is bad, but worse, I disappointed Max.

Back” smack! My body starts to shake.

Ever” smack! The last one hits the hardest, pain shoots through me. Then I feel two sensations. The first is familiar, I feel my pussy getting moist. The thought turns my world upside down. Part of me just got turned on by Max’s dominance, by his violence. The second sensation though, was miserable. I felt my cock start, it tried to get hard, but it couldn’t. The cage was squeezing me tight. I’m horrified. Not only did Max hitting me like a bitch get me horny, but my cock really was locked up. I won’t be able to get hard at all. The tears come strong now, falling down my face, as I start to sniffle.

Then Max picks me up again and lays me against his chest. His hands rubbing my back, comforting me. “Shhhhh, shhhhh. I’m sorry baby, but you needed discipline. I don’t want to have to do this,” he says softly. I’m still sniffling onto his hairy pec but I know he’s right. I agreed that he owns me. I wanted this, and everything that comes with it. “This is what the cage will help with, I won’t need to spank you, you’ll be my obedient boy. Don’t you want that Lucas?” He asks me. My sniffling has stopped, the pain is much duller now. I look up at Max and give him a small nod. I’m happier when I’m horny, when the haze of Max’s lust has taken over my mind. Right now, I have clarity in my thoughts. And I’ve decided I don’t want clarity anymore. I want to be his submissive good boy, I want to be happy, I don’t want to question him.

Laying on top of Max we both start drifting off to sleep. I think of all that’s happened to me, how much of it I wanted. I could have run away, I could have stopped him before. I could have asked more questions, but I wanted Max more than anything. His son is growing in me, and now he owns me, I’m his property. He’s going to be feeding me cum every day. My dicklet is locked in a cage. If I’m lucky he’ll play with my pussy. And If I’m a perfect boy, he might even let my cock out to cum. But for now, this is how it will be. I hear Max start to snore, and I realize this is my last chance to change something. If I get horny again then that’s it. I’m pretty sure the clarity, the old Lucas, will be gone forever the next time he turns me on. So I push myself up, and take a huge whiff of his pit. Max’s pheromones flood over my mind, enveloping me in a warm haze, and I fall asleep happy.

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Sorry it took so long between chapters, just needed the horniness and to be struck by the right inspiration. I loved reading all the comments for the last two parts so please let me know if you like the direction and if you want more. Thanks for reading!


Part 6

I wake up the next morning curled up next to Max, my Max. My face is still in his pit, the dark hair infused with his scent fills my brain with every breath. The next thing I notice is a dull pressure around my package. I can feel my body trying to get my cock hard, but despite Max’s pheromones telling my system it’s time, I can’t. The cage won’t budge. I reach my hand down, my balls are outside of the metal, so much smaller than I remember from my old body. I try to touch my dick, to relieve some pressure, but only feel a little skin under the metal. No relief. Why would he want this for me? He wants to own me, to keep me safe. Mmm he smells so good. But I need to get this off of me, don’t I? Daddy is so warm and cozy though. If I can just make him happy, please him, he’ll be in a good mood and he’d for sure listen to me. Right? I’ll be a good boy, he loves me, I’d do anything for him.

I can’t help but take a lick of his perfect pit. Then I hear a deep groan from Max as he starts to stretch. His sheer size traps me close to him and his palm rests on my lower back. His other hand reaches over to scratch my head softly and slowly pushes me down. I can’t wait for breakfast. My hands trace the tiny muscles of his ribs, he’s built like a statue of Zeus. But I know what I crave and my eyes can only see his thick cock, hard as ever, the pink head hovering above his belly button. The fuzzy black hair not quite obfuscating the intricate veins of his lower abs supplying his massive organ. I hesitate just a second, resisting Max, waiting for the beautiful liquid crystal of his essence to form at the tip before taking him into my mouth. Then slowly working deeper as I feel his precum set me alive, awakening my mouth to fulfill my purpose.

“Such a good boy,” he grumbles, his rich voice even deeper with the rasp of sleep. I wiggle my butt in happiness hearing him say that and he responds with a firm smack. Shocking me and jumping his beautiful baby maker deeper into me. I moan as his juices drip into my throat, vibrating his cock, a cascade effect for his body to make more alpha lube and slide deeper into me. I’m aware again of the pressure of my cage, pressing against me. I balance on one hand to reach down to adjust it and just then Max’s big paw surrounds my whole package. “You have to get used to it, boy.” His cock flexes in my throat, leaking more of his potent precum. “No claimed boy is supposed to get hard. That’s only for real men.”

The taste of his huge pole in my mouth, the smell coming off of his large nuts. My mind accepts what he says, it makes sense, I need to listen to my protector, my alpha. I get into the rhythm of pleasing him, going all the way down his monstrous tool and then back. He must know I’m hungry because he starts thrusting to meet me. My cock would be throbbing and hard, but it can’t even get close. I’m so frustrated but that sexual energy has to go somewhere, so it makes its way to my hole. I can feel myself getting wetter as my eyes start to water from Max’s assault on my windpipe. I start to drip and I feel his finger pick up some of my beta lube and I hear him taste it. Then he’s fingering me, feeling all around my pussy with two fingers. His spit mixing with it, then back in his mouth like a bear with a jar of honey over and over. I’m squirming, vocalizing uncontrollably, it feels so good. The taste must excite him because after a few minutes we’ve picked up speed until he’s holding my head with his other hand, thrusting furiously like a piston. Then he erupts the most important meal of the day directly down my throat. My favorite part is watching his big balls tighten to his shaft as they prepare his seed for takeoff. I remember to thank him afterwards, but I can’t think of anything except him. I can’t see straight. The haze is overwhelming.

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That night I’m aware of getting tossed into the bed. What happened to the day? I vaguely remember cooking Max breakfast. Eggs I think. Picking out clothes, maybe? I cleaned his place a bit. Everything is so blurry. I remember doing what he said, listening intently, following his orders and receiving praise. Getting a kiss, tasting his saliva if I did well. He was working on a laptop of some kind, but I don’t know what. I’m safe and content though, this is what I wanted, no clarity. I was happy, more importantly I was making Max happy. He was above me now on the bed, staring lovingly. I notice for the first time a chain around max’s neck. At the end dangling above my face a small key.

It takes all my effort to focus my mind to think of something other than Max, sex, my alpha. But I know what the key is for. I pry my eyes from him to look down at my cage. Both my hands are pinned to the bed by him, I raise my head to look down but all I can see is Max’s erection, dwarfing my locked cock. He’s leaking precum, a drop falls onto my cage and I shiver. He leans down and we start to kiss. I notice his beard is a bit longer now, he’s coating my mouth with his spit, his strong tongue is irresistible. My hole is throbbing, getting moist and then I feel the hairy muscles of his legs come between mine and open me up. I’m thirsty, swallowing his spit as we make out and I feel the undeniable heat of his shaft as it approaches its target.

Max moves my arms above my head so he can hold them with one hand as the other roughly pinches my nipple, my hole throbs and he enters me. It’s like he knows my body better than I do, he can play me like a fiddle. I feel his mouth form a smile as he finishes the kiss, his arm still holding my hands up as he leans down to nibble on my other nipple. His scruffy beard tickling my smooth pale chest. I’m squirming as best I can, I can’t help but giggle. Ever so slowly his cock continues into me, an unstoppable force of masculinity. It feels better than ever to have Max inside of me, I want him deeper, I’m trying to use my hole to get him all the way in. But he continues at his languid pace, making me experience every vein, every throb.

By the time Max bottoms out it feels like a strong hand is squeezing my package, keeping me soft and contained. His cock is just sitting there, flexing every so often, all the way as deep as can be. My pussy surrounding him, I’m trying to work it, to squeeze him, to give him pleasure with just my hole. I’m finding myself getting better at controlling my muscles there now. But then he starts to pull out, I feel myself trying to keep him inside of me, as deep as possible. He’s concentrating as his pulsing iron shaft slowly moves out of me, he’s searching for something.

When Max’s cock has found that button in me he lingers, and his godly precum is starting to spread on it. He’s flexing incessantly, with each press my pussy twitches and my little cock tries to move in its cage. It feels amazing and horrible all at once. But it doesn’t stop there, now he’s thrusting just slightly with his hips, he’s found it and he keeps pressing and pressing. I feel my orgasm building, climbing closer, but still my cock is soft, locked. It feels like he’s pushing me against a wall of pleasure but I can’t get any further, I’m stuck. What’s going to happen if I cum while I’m caged? I can’t help myself but want to find out, I feel like it’s possible, if I could just…

“Can I?” I ask Max meekly. He looks down from above me and smiles knowingly as he pulls himself out of me, resting the key on my lips. He flips over to lay down on his back, both arms behind his head, showing off his mountainous biceps and bushy pits. I climb on top of my alpha, straddling his oversized frame, my hands resting on the meaty slabs of his hairy pecs. Max’s cock is like a heat seeking missile, as I slide back it’s already aligned with my hole, copious precum allowing him to barely squeeze in. It feels weird to be the one controlling the fuck, deciding the rhythm, how deep I’ll take it. But Max doesn’t seem to mind, in fact he has this knowing look on his face like he’s in on something I don’t quite understand yet. When I find that beautiful sensitive area in me I start riding max. Moving up and down, forcing his dick roughly against it, I feel my orgasm building and building and building.

But still I hit a wall, closer now, the pleasure inside of me is intense, centered deep within. I’m moving up and down on Max’s shaft with wild abandon. He’s not even thrusting, just laying back casually, watching me impale myself over and over again in the throws of pleasure. But no matter how hard I go, how roughly I ride, I still can’t bring myself close. Eyes closed, for as long as I can I ride Max. I’m trying everyone with my body, trying to squeeze my pussy around him, anything to bring me to a close. Then my legs begin to tire out, I’m exhausting myself riding him like this, I think he can see the exhaustion on my face.

I sit down on his massive cock fully, panting, red in the face. Max smiles and flexes his cock as if to say, “That’s it?” I’m struck by his sexual endurance. I rode him as long as I can muster and still he’s here, fully hard, lubing me up from the inside. He reaches down and flips my nub in its cage. I realize that this whole time, I haven’t thought about my cock at all. Just Max’s, and my pussy pleasing him. “That’s the beauty of the cage baby, you can ride that wave forever. We’re only limited by me. Isn’t it nice? I knew you’d love it.”

Does he mean it’s not that I can’t get hard, but I can’t even orgasm now? I try and think of something to say. Max’s cock inside of me is distracting me, I can’t put a sentence together. He feels so good, so right, like the last piece of my puzzle is his dick filling me up.

“Now all of your focus is on me, Lucas. It’ll take some getting used to, but I’m here to help you through it as always. I know the first time I bred you, you came a few times, but too much of that and a beta can hurt themselves. I would never want to hurt you, I want to protect you and please you.” I’m slowly sliding off of him, laying down, approaching his pit and the comfort of his manly scent. It always makes me feel better. Max’s hand is rubbing my back, just the head of his dick remains in my pussy, I’m breathing him in, the warm embrace of lust clouding my mind.

When I’ve licked both his pits clean he puts me on my hands and knees on his bed. One hand around my neck, the other on my hip, he enters me again, even know it’s still a tight squeeze. This time, his hand around my throat, he has total control. He moves all the way in than out, teasing me slowly picking up the pace. When he gets fast enough, he’s using so much force he pushes my head down into the mattress as he is railing me. My pussy is on fire, squeezing him, trying to keep him in but he’s relentless. Pushing past my button over and over again. Every fiber of my being is being controlled by Max’s cock right now and nothing has ever felt this good. His other hand is free, and moves down to hold onto my package.

“Even though you don’t know what it feels like to fuck, you love this, don’t you baby?” Max asks rhetorically. I can only respond with muffled moans. “You can’t get hard, you shouldn’t, that’s a man’s job.” He’s fucking me so hard, I can feel the bed shaking. He’s squeezing my package, but I can barely tell. My mind is overwhelmed with pleasure. It feels like I’m about to cum this whole time, like I’m on cloud nine and will never come down. “Only my dick matters, you’re my pussy boy. Ahh Lucas you feel so fucking good.” Max’s full balls are slapping against me with every thrust. Just one of his nuts is bigger than my whole package now. Every time I feel them hit my butt I’m reminded of his superiority, how he was born to breed, and I was meant to get bred. “You’ll never cum again and you’ll thank me for it!” he strains.

He’s right, I want to feel like this forever. He falls on top of me, still pumping like a champion. His hard hairy body engulfs me and I can feel every muscle of his torso against my smooth back as he breeds me. One of his hands covers my mouth, the other still squeezes my cage hard, making me yelp into his hand. Then he roars like a wild animal and unloads into me. I feel every pump of his cock, his baby batter floods me with warmth and love. He pulls me on top of him as he rolls over, cock still inside of me, keeping his whole load in me. And I fall asleep like that, his arms wrapped around me, my pussy still pulling on him, my little cock still caged.

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The rest of the week goes by in a blur, a lot of it the same. I remember bits and pieces, sucking Max off for breakfast, cooking, sitting under his desk smelling and licking his musky nuts as he’s on a work call. I think we worked out or went on a run? I remember playing in the park. Fetch? That doesn’t make sense, maybe catch? I know I was getting bred every night, sometimes for hours. But a lot I don’t remember, the sexual haze I’m stuck in I’m still not used to. When it’s not about Max, or sex with Max, I don’t really remember. On Friday night, after Max busts two nuts as deep as he can in me, he’s stroking my hair in bed. He lets me know his best bro from college is coming over tomorrow with his beta. I fall asleep like usual, nestled into his pit, looking forward to the next day and meeting another couple.

The next day Max and I were play wrestling on the ground when we heard a knock at the door. Max goes to grab it, tucking his half hard cock away and brings back with him two people. The first I notice is clearly the alpha. He looks like a Viking prince. He has long blond hair pulled back, and a full dark blond beard to match. His sapphire blue eyes are striking, and he’s more tanned than Max. Almost as tall, and looks to be just as muscular. He walks with the confidence of an alpha, standing tall, broad, and strong. I can see the blond hair on his muscular forearms, and just below his neck. The beta by his side is just a little taller than me, but lankier. He has a shock of ginger hair on his head, and emerald-green eyes. He is slender and boyish, with cute freckles.

The alpha introduces himself to me as Xander, he shakes my hand roughly with a huge, excited grin. And the beta is introduced by Xander as Sam. The boy smiles sweetly and gives me a hug. “It’s so nice to meet you. Max has been overdue in finding his match. You’re a lucky one,” Sam says jokingly. He hasn’t done so bad for himself either, I think, looking at Xander. He and Max are pinnacles of masculinity, handsome and tall.

“I’ve brought some drinks to celebrate finding your beta! I’m so happy for you bro, a boy all your own, I know how much you’ve wanted this.” Xander seems so genuinely happy for him, they must be good friends. He’s holding what looks like a six-pack of beer, but it’s no brand I recognize. Max looks elated for the gift and gives Xander a huge hug, then he grips Sam on the shoulder in welcome.

Soon Max and Xander are on the couch, shooting the shit, punching each other in the arm. Laughing about college and old stories. They’ve turned on the screen, waiting for some kind of game to start. Sam and I are on the floor, chatting when I hear them open the cans and start drinking. I look up a bit expectantly, Xander notices and reaches over to pat me on the head. “These aren’t for you, little guy, not yet,” he says, admonishing me gently. It must be some kind of Alpha drink. Maybe I’ll get to try later with Max.

The game comes on and soon our Alphas distracted watching it. I want to take the time to get to know another Beta, ask Sam about his life, what it means to be owned by another man. “So how did you meet Xander?” I ask, wondering if it was as quick as Max’s and my courtship. If you could even call it that. He had me locked and claimed on the second night I knew him. Hell, the first time I saw him, my body knew something I didn’t.

“Well it was two years ago, I was 19, still living with my dads. You know how it is, I didn’t want to be a burden on them anymore, I wanted to find my Alpha. They had enough on their plate teaching my younger brother, he’s an alpha, what it means to be a man. I was hanging around the University one day taking an elevator up to the green house when in steps Xander. He had run to catch the door and must have been a little sweaty. When he leaned past me to push the button for the top floor I got a whiff of him. I knew right away he was the one, but he didn’t seem to notice. I knew I had to say something so I cleared my throat, and then poked him on the shoulder. He turned to look at me and those eyes locked on me like an eagle.

“He really noticed me, like, he actually was the first alpha to see me… and then he smiled his big goofy smile and I melted a bit. We talked at the greenhouse the whole rest of the day into the night and then he walked me home. That night I couldn’t sleep, I was tossing and turning, just thinking of him. The next day we met, talked all day, and by that night we both knew I was his. But still all he did was kiss me goodnight. I would have done anything for him by then, I was so frustrated and ready for him. The next night he showed up at my house and asked my dads if he could own me. Of course they agreed when they saw how serious I was. When you know you know.”

Well, that story sounds a bit familiar. I guess it was as fast for him as it was for me, so at least that’s normal. “Sorry if this is too much, I know I just met you, but how have you not had a kid yet? Or are you… now?” I ask.

“There’s a pill you know, once a month, takes care of it. But I think we’re ready now. I haven’t taken it lately, and knowing Xander’s determination I’ll have a baby in me soon. Are you?”

“If I’m not yet I will be soon,” I say, thinking about it. I guess there’s an option if I didn’t want to be growing Max’s son in me. But I really do want his baby. I need it, I love him, it makes sense. Not only that I know he wants a baby. And, pragmatically, if anyone’s genes are gonna be split with mine to make a son, it should be Max’s. “It’s been so quick… but I think I’m ready.”

“Oh, Lucas, I’m so happy for you, we’ll go through it together. And our sons can be raised like brothers—it will be perfect.” I can’t help but smile back. It does sound nice, wghat with their fathers being best friends. Maybe Sam and I will form a fast friendship too.

“I wanted to ask,” I begin. I glance up at our Alphas and see them enthralled with the game, finishing up their first cans, talking about good defense or something. “Does Xander, uhh, have you wear a cage too?” I ask blushing.

Sam giggles a bit. “Of course! With the amount he wants to fuck me it’s good, I could never handle him without it. Are you not used to yours yet?”

“Well no, not at all. And I can’t seem to think straight, everything is just a blur.”

“Ahh yeah that’s normal at first, your body and mind will adjust. You seem to be doing okay with me, it gets better over time.”

Just then I hear two more cans pop open, and the clink of a tacit cheers. “Hey Sam, what’s the deal with those drinks? What are they?”

“Xander mentioned you might not know some common stuff. It’s called Unsip. Apollo brand is the best, it’s like a designer party drink, makes you loose and feel good.” As Sam is telling me about it I look up and notice that both Max and Xander do look relaxed, leaning back. They’ve both taken off their shirts. I also see they both are starting to form a thin sheen of sweat on their pecs. I can’t help but stare at the dark fur on Max’s chest. Sam laughs. “Ah yeah, it makes alphas run a little hotter too.” Then something happens in the game and Max and Xander cheer and slam their drinks in celebration. And then open a third.

“Betas don’t drink it?” I ask curiously. I know that they are above us, and there’s a hierarchy, but Max has been mostly generous and giving the whole time I’ve know him.

“Oh Lucas… well… we do. Just not from the can. It’s too strong for us, betas are more affected by it.”

“What do you mean, not from the can?”

But before Sam can tell me, Xander gruffly calls to him. “C’mere boy!” As Sam crawls over on his knees, I watch Xander unzip his pants, and pull them down to his knees. Exposing his soft cock, crowned with golden pubes damp with sweat. It’s resting over big low hanging nuts, dusted with more of his golden fur. Sam gets close and Xander’s hand pulls his face into his crotch, I hear him taking a deep breath. I glance at Max to see him watching the game, paying no notice.

Then Sam takes his Alpha’s soft cock into his mouth. Is he going to suck him off so casually in front of us? Usually I would expect Xander to be hard, seems like Max always is. And then something weird, Xander breaths a sigh of relief, and Sam is gulping, like he’s swallowing something. Did Xander get hard that fast? Only then did I notice the can in Xander’s hand. Written under the sun logo “UnssiP” like unzip I guess, because it makes them warm, but why two S’s? And then, only then, it dawns on me. I’m piecing it together, watching Sam, he’s drinking. He’s gulping, one of Xander’s hands is resting on his head, absentmindedly scratching his hair.

“Great pass,” Max says.

“Mmm,” agrees Xander. “Bulls are gonna take this for sure.”

When Xander is finished, he lets Sam’s head up, red face, hair messy, looking delighted. I can’t believe it, there’s no way. Sam turns, but Xander’s legs trap him, so hit sits down beneath him against the bottom of the couch. He licks his lips, then let’s out a satisfying “ahh.” I can’t help but stare. Reading the shocked expression on my face, Sam says a little slowly, “They gotta… metabolize… it first.” He looks so content, sitting there, his Alphas legs around him.

“Is it safe for…?” I whisper, gesturing to my taught stomach.

Sam, eyes closed, replies, “Of course, an Alpha would never.”

“Damn, but the Bears are coming back! Look at that offense,” says Max. I turn to look and watch as a droplet rolls down from Max’s pit down his side onto the couch. I want to lick it up. “Damn, now I gotta break the seal too. Lucas, your turn.” For a split second I’m frozen, I should be running away. But I can’t resist an order from my alpha and I find myself slowly approaching Max. He unzips his shorts, revealing his massive soft package. Sensing my trepidation, Max reassures me. “You’re gonna love it babe, trust me.”

I’m right in front of his crotch now. His pheromones are overwhelming. I’m licking his huge nuts, nose deep in his pubes. This is home, this is safety, this is where I belong. “Don’t spill a drop,” Max orders me grabbing my chin with his hand and guiding me away from his balls. I take his soft cock into my mouth, my chin resting on his heavy sack. His crotch is hot, like he has a fever, every breath through my nose is Max’s citrusy musk and sweat filling my brain.

Then it starts, I feel the pressure flow through his beautiful soft cock, then a torrent is filling my mouth. My tastebuds explode, he’s delicious. Of course it is, Max is making it, my Max, everything his body makes is delicious. It’s tangy and sweet and I’m gulping down as he fills my mouth. I can’t believe I doubted Max even for a second. Then the warmth hits my stomach. This must be the buzz, it’s like a warm calm starting from the inside. I feel zen and at peace, I open my eyes to look up at Max but he’s just watching the game still. “Growing out your beard? It looks good, bro,” Xander says, reaching over and scratching Max’s beard. It does look good, so full and dark.

“Yeah, now that I found Lucas I want to look the part you know? Plus he loves the tickle,” Max says. His stream finishes up, then he pats my head. “Atta boy, Lucas.” I feel heavy and warm, like some of Max’s heat is now in me. There’s a little sun warming me up from the inside. I sit down between his legs, mirroring Sam’s position. Letting the feeling wash over me. I’m basking in the glow of drinking Max’s piss, I love him. I love everything, my skin is so sensitive. My hands feel funny. I touch the hair on Max’s leg and it tickles me. I run my hands down his muscled calves to his huge feet. His foot is like the size of my thigh. Why is he so big? Big Max. Big Mac. Do they have those here? Hmm I’m kinda hungry, and thirsty. I rub my face against his leg. Then nibble at him. He flexes his legs to pin me against the couch and I hear a chuckle coming from him and Xander.

“This is the life isn’t it man? Sure is sweet,” Xander says.

“Exactly like how we pictured it bro, we made it,” Max replies. I look over at Sam and he looks back at me, and we share a knowing smile. He reaches out and I grab his hand. Some beta solidarity. I let out a yawn, it feels like I’m floating in jelly, I feel so safe protected by my Alpha. Time passes but I can’t really tell. I feel half asleep when I’m roused by Max’s voice. “Damn, gotta piss again.”

“Yeah, I’m ready too. Up up boys.” Sam and I both are released from our Alphas’ legs, I turn to face Max again, eyes locked on the center of his being. His whole form looks reddish with exertion, the veins across his muscles more prominent than ever like he’s just had an intense workout. Wordlessly this time, without Max even looking down, I take his thick fleshy soft cock into my mouth. This time tonguing his foreskin before he starts emptying his beautiful river into me. I savor the taste, swallowing when I need to, letting it flow over my tongue. The heat from Max is intense, sweat is rolling down his muscles. His alpha scent has never been this strong. I feel my hole start to get wet from him, but for Max this doesn’t seem to be all that sexual. His cock is still soft. But Max’s pheromones are pure sex to me, I feel my cage tight around my little dick.

When he finishes I swallow, and then start licking the sweat from his pubes. I couldn’t stop myself, I don’t care if Xander and Sam can see. But then I take Max’s cock into my mouth again, and my hand reaches up to grab his heavy sack. I want him so bad, I need his cum. But then Max says, “That’s enough Lucas.” And pushes me away gently as he pulls up his shorts. Xander does the same. I think Sam had the same idea I had. I should feel ashamed for wanting him so desperately, but it is just shame that I did something that made Max say no.

The feeling this time is stronger. The sun of Max’s warmth in me has gotten bigger, and I feel drowsy. I sit down again between Max’s tree trunk legs, head leaning back. His hand rests on my head, gently stroking my hair, scratching me behind the ears sometimes. My eyes feel heavy, I feel so content and protected. I love Max. I love…

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The next thing I’m waking up in our bed. It’s night time, Max is playing with my cage, slipping it back on? “I didn’t mean to wake you. Sorry,” he says, his low masculine voice is genuine and kind. “Xander and Sam went home, you two passed out. It was a lot of UnssiP. Did you like it?”

I stretch, the warm sun in me now so small, faded. “Mmhmm,” I yawn in agreement, it was so nice. “Why were you uncaging me?” I’m curious. I thought he never would.

“Ahh, well, I talked to Xander. This one is more generic, and he says there might still be some blood flow. That’s why you’re uncomfortable. So I measured you to get the perfect size. I want you to be comfortable Lucas, I love you,” Max says with a warm smile. He’s so caring, he wants the best for me.

“I love you too,” I respond. Not just out of reflex. I really mean it. Max is perfect. However I ended up here I’m lucky, I’m with him. And now I don’t care about my past life. I’m just looking forward towards the future. Maybe this is heaven and it just took me some time to figure that out. I feel like I need to piss, so I head to his bathroom. My stream is so much lighter than his, but I can almost still smell a tinge of UnssiP on it.

“Well Lucas, you haven’t got your nightly load yet. And daddy has some pent up energy. You okay if I go rough on you boy?” he calls from the bedroom. When I walk back in the room I can see the massive outline of his python, stretching his shorts.

“Sure,” I say excitedly. “But first I want to feel that new beard.” I lay on the bed turn over, revealing my pale supple butt to him.

“Call me sir, and ask nicely,” he responds, firm and low. His deep voice feels like it rumbles my insides.

“Please sir,” I beg, and then wiggle my ass at him. And then he dives in face first. His hands spread and hold me open. His tongue is going as deep as possible into my pussy. His beard tickling my sensitive, it scratches and hurts but feels so good. I’m in pain and pleasure and I’m starting not to be able to tell the difference. He eats me out like an animal, I try to crawl away but he pulls me back to him. I’m laughing and moaning. He keeps going, trying to get his beard to tickle inside of me. It’s the sweetest torture. I look back to see his beard wet with his spit and my love juices. His eyes look crazed, and then he smiles and dives back in. Nibbling on my ring with his teeth, his tongue pressing against me every which way from the inside.

I want him deeper. “Fuck me sir, please fuck me.” But he just keeps eating me out. Spanking my ass. I’m using my pussy to try and pull his tongue into me, but it can’t go deep enough. “I need your cock sir,” I’m begging him. But he doesn’t let up. He’s driving me mad with lust, I’m pounding on the bed. Then he pulls my legs over his shoulders. He’s kneeling off the bed, face still lined up with my pussy. His hands holding my slim pale thighs, I have to support myself with my arms on the bed as I’m lifted up helplessly.

“You asked for it, now you’re gonna get it boy,” Max says, nibbling and kissing my thighs. His tongue starts to scoop my pussy, opening me up, I’m twitching like mad, I can feel how wet it is. In this position his big arm can reach to pinch each of my nipples hard. Eliciting a high whine from me. Then he rattles my cage, literally, reminding me I belong to him. Still his tongue and beard are ravaging my most sensitive area. He’s writing a novel inside of me. His hand gently flicks each of my nuts, the pain making me squeeze him with my legs but it’s futile. He’s so strong.

Max’s hands move away from me. I push myself up on my hands and look to see him removing his shorts, releasing his enormous white cock. It looks bigger than usual, the veins more prominent. His heavy dick is so slick with precum it’s literally dripping on the floor. I can’t stand to see his essence go to waste, not a drop. “Please Max please sir please. I need you so bad please I’ll do anything,” I beg, he holds me still then, pondering for a few seconds before releasing me. I crawl down onto the bed and then quickly turn.

He has stood up now, his perfect body on full display. This Man, this wild beast that owns me. His cock standing tall and straight aimed at me. I see his precum about to drop and rush to catch it. Then start from his balls, licking all of him, all the way up his meaty shaft to the tip. It feels as good as ever, I’ll never get tired of his flavor. I start to take the pink head of him into me, licking all around the concentrated flavor of his foreskin, then continue down but Max is too excited to go slow. His hands holding my head he starts fucking my throat with a fury. I can barely breathe through my nose but he doesn’t care, he’s in a rut now. I hold onto his huge thighs. His balls slamming into me, how are they always so full, so large? The enormous orbs in his hairy sack, how many more sons does he have in there for me?

Seems like I’m about to find out. Max is leaking more precum than I’ve ever had in me, I can tell he’s getting close. I can feel his huge nuts pulling up to his shaft. This has gotta be the fastest he’s ever cum. But that doesn’t mean his load is smaller, just the opposite. His pumps of cum are powerful, pulsing through his cock. I rest the tip on my tongue so I can taste his thick cream. My hands move to his balls, one in each I try to gently coax as much out as possible and he rewards me with a last dollop. “First one’s free,” Max chuckles with a sinister undertone. “But this next one, you’re gonna have to beg for. Cause I’m not stopping until I think you really mean it.”

“No,” I say, “please, sir.” I start to crawl back away from him. I know he wants it rough tonight so I’m going to play like I don’t want it. He pounces on me, trying to pin me. I’m squirming as best I can but his weight is on me. “No, no, don’t breed me” I say, hoping for the exact opposite. His head is next to mine and hes growling, biting softly at my neck and chest. His arms and legs spread my legs wide. I beat his back with my fists as hard as I can, and then his teeth are at my throat with a deep growl. And then Max’s thick throbbing cock has found my entrance. He licks my neck sending a shiver down my spine and then forces himself in me all at once. I half moan and half scream at the sudden large intrusion but he covers my mouth.

Max’s cock stays in me, balls deep, he’s letting me get adjusted. My legs have wrapped around his back and my hands run along the hard muscles of his arms. The hand covering my mouth now pries it open, and he drops a fat glob of spit into me, I swallow eagerly. He growls in approval, still not speaking. Then starts slow shallow pumps still as deep as he can, barely pulling out like he’s trying to find somewhere deeper in me to conquer. His hand moves down to surround my neck, applying a little pressure as he begins to kiss my face. He bites and pulls my lip. Nibbles on my ears. His beard contrasted with my smooth face is just another reminder of his superiority.

His hand still around my throat he starts the pick up the pace, I’m my legs still holding on to him. Then he leans back, still fucking me, and flexes his other arm, bicep straining making the veins prominent. I can only watch in awe as he checks himself out. Then his hand grabs sweat from his pit and he shoves it in my mouth, then he does the same with the other arm. I suck on his fingers and he rewards me with two very light slaps on the face. All the while, perfectly in sync, never missing a beat of his fuck. He was made for this, it’s what he’s best at. Breeding.

Now he’s made eye contact and he won’t break it. He’s fucking full speed, I don’t even know the noises coming out of my mouth. My eyes roll back or close, but every time I open them it’s Max above me, intensely staring as if into my soul. I can read his face too, his expression isn’t blank, just intense. I’m learning what makes him feel the best by reading him as he fucks. When to squeeze my pussy against him, just as he starts to pull out. He likes when my feet feel the muscles of his back. He loves the way I react when I get a big hit of his alpha scent or a glob of his spit. He even smiles when I push against his chest, my weak arms unable to make him budge an inch.

The exertion of his fucking, and maybe some leftover effects of the UnssiP are making him hotter and sweatier than usual. I catch the rivulets of sweat on his abs with my hand and drink their irresistible taste in. Then Max pauses, I’ve never seen him pause mid fuck. He pulls out and I hear myself whine for him, I need his cum. He disappears into the bathroom but comes back quickly. Chugging a big glass of water and wiping the sweat from his whole body with a small cloth. He signals with his finger for me to turn around, onto my hands and knees.

From behind Max shoves the sweaty towel into my mouth and against my nose. All the musk from his pits, balls, crack, his entire hairy alpha body is concentrated at one spot. My pussy is twitching so much it’s like I’m vibrating when he enters me. He roughly starts pounding me again, but for how long I couldn’t say. I was completely lost in him at this point, outside of time. He’s pushing me against that wall of orgasmic pleasure again. I want to cum so bad, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it. I will myself to cum. I try with all my might to pass the threshold, anything to stop this torturous edging pleasure. But no relief, there’s nothing I can do to cross the line. My only hope, my only chance for this fuck to end is for Max to unload in me.

When I come to, experiencing other senses than just touch. I’m moaning against the towel in my mouth. Sucking out the remaining drops of his essence. I get the towel out of my mouth. “Please cum in me, Max, please. I can’t take it anymore,” I hear myself begging him. The breeding, the ritual of Max’s virility is entirely dependent on Max’s sex now. My only agency is my ability to pleasure him enough that he can’t help but rope load after load of his life giving seed deep inside of me. “Please sir,” I whimper, exasperated, maxed out on his pleasure. He reaches down with one hand to engulf my caged nub, the other hand pushes my upper back so my chest is in the mattress, head turned to the side. He’s toying with my cage, roughly jiggling me, his fingers pinch my small balls making my pussy squeeze hard as I moan “please.” And finally, finally Max starts to cum. He is thrusting still, matching the pulses of his cock, his enormous nuts pulled up tight now. I hear the deep guttural sigh of his satisfaction and it’s the most amazing feeling; I made him feel this good. It’s better than being able to cum, I get to make Max cum, no limits. And now I understand.

He falls on top of me again, slightly to the side. We’re both panting in the afterglow of his ritual, his sacred right to breed me. And slowly I feel him calm down and drift off to sleep. He’s still sweaty and hot and musky but I’ve never felt cleaner than now, surrounded by his pheromones. His seed deep inside me, I can almost feel the effect of his DNA. If I wasn’t pregnant already I must be after this week. It feels so good, to have this purpose. I can’t wait for what the future holds. I have Max and our sons to look forward to, nothing else matters.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

It took me awhile to get inspiration for this part and to decide how I wanted to continue the story, but here it is. I really appreciate all the feedback I’ve received on the previous chapters. So please let me know how you like this chapter as well. Thanks for reading!—DoubleCream

6 parts 30k words Added Jan 2021 Updated 4 Mar 2023 47k views (#157) 4.9 stars (72 votes)

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