
Stories that feature guys whose bodies merge together, so that they share a body (become conjoined). See also Multihead, which may involve this or a guy having more than one of his own head.

  Child of:  Partner-Related Changes. Related tags:  Absorption;Body Swap;Hyper Pheromones;Infectious;Merging;Shared Body.

  Tag Group:  Extras.

67 stories found Sorted alphabetically Total word count: 645,526

A 2

Ahead of his behind by nvb2 1,604 words Added Jul 2009 19k views 4.5 stars (13 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Balls•Huge Cock•Multicock•Boytaur•Multiarm•Muscle/Strength•Merging

An air of detachment by BRK Special Agent Greg Simmons receives some surprising evidence in the mail in relation to the Berlinger kidnapping case, which he’s not even on yet. Intriguingly, not only is it a piece of the puzzle—it’s also a piece of the victim. 3 parts 14k words Added Jul 2021 Updated 14 Jan 2023 5,789 views 5.0 stars (4 votes) No comments yet •Extra digits•Detachable•Merging •M•M/M

B 7

Bar wishes by Salem Noctua There’s a new bar in town, and Eric believes that this will be the place that he’ll get to hook up with someone and, in the long run, form a relationship with. Little did he know that if you wish upon a bar’s private room, even fantasies can come to life. 3,174 words Added Aug 2021 6,128 views 5.0 stars (10 votes) No comments yet •Cockfucking•Huge Cock•Nonconsensual change•Merging

Birthday surprise by Kjarri Noah hopes, with some help from a friend, to give his boyfriend a birthday surprise he’ll never forget. 3,108 words Added Jul 2021 15k views 4.8 stars (16 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Balls•Huge Cock•Human to Cock•Hyper Cock•Stretchy•Absorption•Merging

A blended harmony experiment by IamYurNayboor A very short young crewman and an older, very tall officer get merged during an emergency evacuation in space to a strange and distant planet. 4 parts 5,558 words Added Feb 2018 Updated 3 Feb 2024 16k views 3.7 stars (3 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Muscle Growth•Getting Taller•Merging•Mind Control •M/M

The blue pumpkin by BRK Dominic is sure his blue pumpkin jack-o’-lantern will be a hit. What he doesn’t know is what will be brought forth when he lights the candle within… 6 parts 8,774 words Added Oct 2020 13k views 5.0 stars (20 votes) No comments yet •Always Hard•Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Hyper Cock•Hyper Cum•Multiarm•Multilimb•Multitongue•Replication•Muscle Growth•Muscle/Strength•Stretchy•Getting Taller•Mouthcock•Incest•Twins•Selfcest•Merging•Supernatural•Halloween•Complete •M/M•M/M/M•M/M/M/...

Boardwalk muscle by Lou Garou 78 A randy bathroom encounter leads to an unexpected transformation. 1,965 words Added Feb 2022 8,029 views 4.8 stars (15 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Muscle Growth•Muscle/Strength•Transformation•Merging •M/M

The Body-Jack 9000 by The Gecko Rose A young man discovers the most incredible jackoff device ever, and he just can’t stop playing with it! 6 parts 6,176 words Added Feb 2018 Updated 30 Mar 2018 19k views 4.9 stars (25 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Self-suck•Multiarm•Multilimb•Merging •M/M

Brotherly love by Seth Peterson Two brothers get the best weekend they can imagine through the use of some very special, very wonderful powers. Rest assured, the results are BIG. 7,666 words Added Dec 2015 48k views 4.9 stars (20 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Balls•Huge Cock•Hyper Cock•Muscle Growth•Muscle Gut•Muscle/Strength•Getting Taller•Size Increase•Incest•Brothers•Merging

C 6

Changing Nick by BRK Nick’s computer starts offering him choices between one kind of transformation and another. He soon learns he’s been drawn into a strange conspiracy, even as the changes start to spread to friends, strangers, and secret allies. 18 parts 70k words (#45) Added May 2013 Updated 16 Jul 2022 120k views 4.7 stars (40 votes) No comments yet •Always Hard•Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Nipcocks•Multi-abs•Multicock•Multihead•Lots of Legs•Multiarm•Multileg•Multilimb•Three Legs•Multipec•Multitorso•Replication•Stacking•Straight to Gay•Muscle Growth•Muscle/Strength•Always Shirtless•Increased Libido•Getting Handsomer•Getting Taller•Size Increase•Tongue Growth•App•Retcon•Selfcest•Nonconsensual change•Merging•Witch/Warlock/Wizard•Invisibility •M/M•M/M/M•M/M/M/...

The Christmas parcel by Salem Noctua When Anthony woke up and saw a mysterious little parcel on the table the morning of Christmas Eve, he did not expect to find a strange, golden necklace with a broken eagle charm inside. Who gave him the present? How did it get inside his flat? And where was its other half? 4 parts 18k words Added Dec 2022 Updated 31 Dec 2022 4,647 views 4.8 stars (21 votes) No comments yet •Multicock•Multihead•Straight to Gay•Nonconsensual change•Dildos/Toys•Merging•Christmas•Complete •M/M

Click bate by Dream Big Andy didn’t remember ordering this weird butt and cock pleasuring equipment, but, hey, it looked like it might be fun to play with… 26 parts 23k words Added Nov 2020 Updated 5 Mar 2022 31k views 4.9 stars (36 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Hyper Cock•Self-suck•Other Mental Changes•Increased Libido•Transformation•A.I.-Controlled Change•Dildos/Toys•Merging•Set during the Pandemic •M/M•M/M/M/...

Conjoining cream by frooooooo Cole’s sexy roommate Alex admits he got help with his body from a website called ModBod. Cole then discovers they sell other stuff besites muscle enhancers. 1,291 words Added Feb 2012 15k views 4.9 stars (13 votes) No comments yet •Merging •M/M

Costume for two by Cockatrice One year after the events of “First Costume,” Luke and Jeremy are invited to the Halloween party again—but this time Dan seems strangely silent. 7,185 words Added Nov 2023 2,771 views 5.0 stars (4 votes) No comments yet •Multihead•Wristfeet•Detachable•Transformation•Human to Inanimate•Mouthcock•Merging•Centaurs•Demons•Halloween •M/M•M/M/M•M/M/M/...

Costumed by Tym Greene Two buddies get one of those two-man costumes for a party, and find themselves growing…closer. 4,977 words Added Mar 2021 7,081 views 4.8 stars (17 votes) No comments yet •Transformation•Human to Animal/Anthro•Merging•Centaurs

D 6

A day at the park by frooooooo Chris and Phil are wandering the park eager to join a couple cute guys together, when they see the perfect candidates. 1,793 words Added Nov 2014 14k views 4.5 stars (23 votes) No comments yet •Multihead•Nonconsensual change•Merging •M/M

DeadGuy by BRK Wyatt downloads an app called DeadGuy, which is supposed to be the app responding randomly to your questions in the voice of a fake cartoon ghost. What Wyatt doesn’t know is, the ghost isn’t fake at all. 3,502 words Added Feb 2021 9,437 views 4.8 stars (12 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Muscle Growth•Gradual Change•Getting Taller•App•Suggestion•Merging•Ghosts•Supernatural•Complete •M/M•M/M/M

Derek and Simon by BRK Newlyweds Derek and Simon suspect their new house might be haunted, and after sharing a few bottles of wine one night testing that theory starts to sound like a good idea. 5,244 words Added Jul 2022 9,934 views 4.6 stars (13 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Balls•Huge Cock•Muscle Growth•Transformation•Voice Deepening•Getting Taller•Plausible Size Difference•Size Increase•Age Progression•Hair Growth/Getting Hairy•Dom/Sub•Merging•Shared Body•Ghosts•Supernatural•Complete•Alcohol •M/M•M/M/M

A different kind of closeness by Salem Noctua When Liam found a suspicious e-mail that led him to an even more suspicious website, he didn’t know how to react... until he got to know the “special changes” that came with the site’s product. And who else would he test it with other than his best friend and roommate? 2 parts 25k words Added Jul 2022 5,322 views 4.8 stars (34 votes) No comments yet •Multicock•Multihead•Multitorso•Nonconsensual change•Merging•Shared Body•Complete •M/M

The double room by Tyler Wilson Tyler is confused to find two roommates listed for his double room at the university, but quickly finds that this new arrangement will work very well. 3 parts 7,922 words Added Jul 2017 Updated 2 Feb 2019 17k views 4.9 stars (25 votes) No comments yet •Huge Cock•Multicock•Multihead•Multiarm•Multilimb•Multitorso•Incest•Twins•Triplets•Merging •M/M•M/M/M

Doubling up by BRK All the dorm rooms in Bryce’s building are being combined with another, and everyone’s doubling up. What isn’t immediately apparent is that it isn’t the rooms that are being merged—it’s the roommates. 3 parts 7,007 words Added Jun 2013 Updated 1 May 2015 28k views 4.9 stars (23 votes) No comments yet •Always Hard•Multi-abs•Multicock•Multihead•Multiarm•Multilimb•Multipec•Multitorso•Stacking•Incest•Twins•Merging •M/M•M/M/M•M/M/M/...

E 1

The expedition by BRK An archaeologist and his research assistant, joined at the last minute by a jock desperate to boost his GPA, embark on a preliminary exploration of a mysterious Aegean island. 16 parts 37k words Added Jul 2021 Updated 1 Oct 2022 21k views 4.9 stars (16 votes) No comments yet •Always Hard•Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Multicock•Multihead•Boytaur•Four Legs•Lots of Legs•Multiarm•Multileg•Multilimb•Three Legs•Multitongue•Replication•Stacking•Hyper Strength•Muscle Growth•Muscle/Strength•Always Shirtless•Increased Libido•Getting Taller•Giants•Plausible Size Difference•Size Decrease•Size Increase•Tongue Growth•Age Difference•Selfcest•Infectious•Merging•Shared Body•Centaurs•Pagan gods •M/M•M/M/M

F 5

A father and son’s inseparable bond by Salem Noctua Ezekiel finds a way to make his fraught relationship with his dad, Lucas, a little more intimate. 12k words Added Jan 2023 7,325 views 4.7 stars (30 votes) No comments yet •Human to Cock•Incest•Father/Son•Nonconsensual change•Merging •M/M

First costume by Cockatrice Luke is invited to a special Halloween party, though he does not know yet just how special that party is going to be. 6,359 words Added Oct 2020 12k views 4.9 stars (16 votes) No comments yet •Cockless•Multihead•Wristfeet•Crotchhead•Detachable•Transformation•Body Suit•Human to Inanimate•Mouthcock•Rubber/Latex•Merging•Androids/Cyborgs•Centaurs•Halloween •M/M•M/M/M

For my next trick by Alex Anders A naked magician performs for an eager bachelor party, and even gets a few surprises of his own. 10 parts 7,555 words Added Nov 2022 Updated 17 Dec 2022 7,245 views 4.8 stars (9 votes) No comments yet •Human to Cock•Multicock•Three Legs•Wristfeet•Crotchhead•Stretchy•Detachable•Body Part Rearrangement•Transformation•Mouthcock•Merging•Complete •M/M

Friendly transformations by Richard Buttstuff A group of four college guys leave a wrestling match angry at each other and at the world. They meet an entity that makes them learn to love instead of hate. 7,424 words Added Sep 2023 7,911 views 4.3 stars (9 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Cock Shrinking•Cock Theft•Cockless•Human to Cock•Hyper Cum•Multi-balls•Multicock•Boytaur•Four Legs•Getting Dumber•Straight to Gay•Muscle Growth•Public Nudity•Man Scent•Stretchy•Getting Handsomer•Transformation•Size Increase•Hair Growth/Getting Hairy•Hairless•Nonconsensual change•Nonconsensual sex•Merging•Centaurs•Urban Fantasy•Complete •M/M•M/M/M/...

From the files of the Magic Misuse Office by BRK High-ranking magilegal investigator Liam O'Brien reports on a YouTube video in which twin college students have an illicitly magical effect on anyone watching. 6 parts 20k words Added Sep 2017 Updated 4 Sep 2021 20k views 4.9 stars (35 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Multicock•Multihead•Multiarm•Multilimb•Multitorso•Replication•Straight to Gay•Muscle Growth•Increased Libido•Transformation•Social Media•Incest•Twins•Selfcest•Merging•Witch/Warlock/Wizard •M/M•M/M/M

G 2

Gettin’ merged by Jefftaur Roommates and friends Mark and Eric are told their dorm is too small for the both of them. Thankfully, they have a solution. 3,207 words Added Aug 2009 22k views 4.7 stars (27 votes) No comments yet •Multicock•Multihead•Multiarm•Multileg•Multilimb•Multipec•Merging •M/M

Greg and Jesse by BRK Greg and Jesse are already pretty close. But the addition of a little premium weed combined with a video chat session makes them even closer. 3 parts 6,991 words Added Mar 2009 Updated 5 Jan 2018 33k views 4.7 stars (27 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Multicock•Multihead•Multiarm•Multileg•Multilimb•Multipec•Replication•Stacking•Brothers•Selfcest•Merging•Cannabis •t/t•t/t/t

H 5

The Halloween costume by frooooooo A Halloween costume you share with your brother? Might be fun. What's the worst that could happen? 2,220 words Added Oct 2012 21k views 4.6 stars (16 votes) No comments yet •Incest•Brothers•Merging•Halloween •M/M

Hard to hide by BRK Jooyong is working his uncle’s demolition site when he encounters a man in need of protection, but it’s more complicated than your average plea for help. For one thing, the man who needs help is not an ordinary man. And the kind of help he needs is something Jooyong isn’t even a little prepared for. 7 parts 20k words Added Jun 2017 Updated 27 Jul 2019 25k views 4.9 stars (20 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Hyper Cock•Muscle Growth•Muscle/Strength•Gradual Change•Getting Taller•Size Decrease•Size Increase•Merging•Shared Body •M/M

Helping a friend out by TC Travis, a local bodybuilder, has decided to help a man and his wife become pregnant. The only thing is, Travis has an ability that lets him help in his own, exceedingly alpha-male way. 1,154 words Added Feb 2021 11k views 4.6 stars (7 votes) No comments yet •Human to Cock•Human to Body Part•Hetero Sex•Humiliation•Nonconsensual change•Absorption•Merging

Homeward by BRK Getting home by teleport is tough enough, but it's even more of a hassle when the teleporter is malfunctioning and doesn’t register that you’ve already been reconstructed on the other side. 1,912 words Added Dec 2002 11k views 5.0 stars (5 votes) No comments yet •Replication•Getting Taller•Selfcest•Merging•Space Travel•Set in the Future •M/M•M/M/M•M/M/M/...

HUSH by The Gecko Rose A young man, an Acolyte of cHurch of Universal Scientific Hedonism (HUSH), finally becomes a full Brother, and learns all the secrets of the Brotherhood. Including all their special transforming abilities... 4 parts 9,806 words Added Dec 2018 11k views 4.8 stars (12 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Hyper Cock•Self-suck•Multi-balls•Stretchy•Detachable•Transformation•Hyper Tongue•Merging•Goo People •M/M•M/M/M•M/M/M/...

J 2

Joined by BRK Dylan wakes up kissing an incredibly beautiful man he’s never met before, and finds that he’s more connected to this man than any lover he’s ever had. 5 parts 23k words Added Sep 2017 Updated 6 Feb 2021 19k views 4.9 stars (31 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Extra digits•Multicock•Multihead•Multitongue•Multitorso•Replication•Muscle Growth•Muscle/Strength•Getting Taller•Size Increase•Selfcest•Nonconsensual change•Merging •M/M•M/M/M

Joined at the hip by Cockatrice Gabe joins his friends for one of their regular board game evenings. There is just one thing he forgot to tell them… 2,689 words Added Mar 2023 2,369 views 4.9 stars (13 votes) No comments yet •Cock to Human•Merging •M/M

K 1

Keep your promises by NioSatyr A rock band has risen to fame overnight, although not through conventional means. When the lead singer decides to not uphold their promise to the mysterious person responsible, things start to go out of control on the night of their big concert. 7,703 words Added Sep 2021 14k views 4.6 stars (7 votes) No comments yet •Always Hard•Cock Growth•Huge Balls•Huge Cock•Human to Cock•Cock Body•Hyper Cock•Nipcocks•Self-suck•Always Cumming•Hyper Cum•Nipple Emissions•Public Orgasm•Multi-balls•Multicock•Multiarm•Multilimb•Multipec•Stacking•Wings•Hyper Muscle•Muscle Breast•Muscle Growth•Public Nudity•Pointy Ears•Stretchy•Increased Libido•Transformation•Getting Taller•Giants•Plausible Size Difference•Size Increase•Human to Animal/Anthro•Tailcock•Nonconsensual change•Merging•Anthro/Furry•Anthro/Scaly•Dragons•Demons•Satyrs•Supernatural•Flying•Alcohol •M/M•M/M/M/...

L 2

Like summer rain by Cockatrice Andrew and Clement are in a happy relationship, until Clement meets Andrew’s friends… 6,392 words Added Jul 2022 4,070 views 4.5 stars (6 votes) No comments yet •Human to Cock•Transformation•Merging •M/M

A little more by BRK A lonely barista makes friends with three sexy brothers, leading to a drunken night of fun where he gets a chance to make a few changes in his life. 3,282 words Added Feb 2024 3,995 views 5.0 stars (6 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Balls•Huge Cock•Nipple Emissions•Extra digits•Multi-abs•Multicock•Boytaur•Four Legs•Multileg•Multilimb•Multitorso•Muscle Growth•Increased Libido•Getting Handsomer•Getting Taller•Tongue Growth•Suggestion•Incest•Brothers•Merging•Complete •M/M/M/...

M 6

Me two by BRK Chris has some time off from his celluloid heroics as an A-list movie star and is going through fan mail when he finds a joke twin-making machine. Amused, he tries it out, with… unexpected results. 2,725 words Added Jan 2021 6,263 views 5.0 stars (16 votes) No comments yet •Multicock•Multihead•Multileg•Multilimb•Three Legs•Multipec•Replication•Incest•Twins•Selfcest•Merging•Complete •M/M

The merger by Richard Jasper When wannabe musclebear Rik Farnsworth and sexy twink Ryan Steinmetz finally get together, something surprising ensues! 2,481 words Added Jun 2020 7,107 views 4.5 stars (6 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Muscle Growth•Muscle/Strength•Merging

The merger by frooooooo Some dares have awkward consequences. Daring two guys to get merged definitely falls into that category. 942 words Added Feb 2012 15k views 4.9 stars (11 votes) No comments yet •Merging •M/M

Metaboi by BRK There’s a special clothing store that caters especially to the meta boi. If you’re their kind of customer you already know it—or you’ll soon find out. 8 parts 31k words Added Jun 2010 Updated 24 Nov 2017 67k views 4.8 stars (18 votes) No comments yet •Always Hard•Huge Cock•Hyper Cum•Multi-abs•Multicock•Multihead•Multiarm•Multilimb•Multipec•Multitongue•Replication•Stacking•Muscle Growth•Getting Taller•Plausible Size Difference•Retcon•Selfcest•Body Swap•Merging•Thanksgiving •M/M•M/M/M

MultiGeoff by BRK New recruit Geoff reports for duty on a gigantic space station and learns that his first task is to reshape himself—and not in a figurative sense. 2,556 words Added Aug 2023 3,896 views 5.0 stars (3 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Balls•Huge Cock•Public Orgasm•Multi-balls•Multicock•Boytaur•Four Legs•Lots of Legs•Multileg•Multilimb•Multitongue•Public Nudity•Merging•Space Travel•Complete•Stories with Images•Set in the Future •M•M/M

Mythlings, Inc. by Tym Greene Four years after the events of University Admythion, Jason Leander has graduated and is out to find a job, and Midland Monetary, Inc. is bound to provide him with more career satisfaction than he could have possibly imagined. 8,279 words Added Apr 2024 1,897 views 4.7 stars (3 votes) No comments yet •Public Orgasm•Multihead•Muscle Growth•Public Nudity•Belly Growth•Transformation•Size Increase•Retcon•Age Difference•Merging•Anthro/Furry•Centaurs•Minotaurs•Anthro/Scaly•Dragons•Supernatural•Early/Mid 20th Century •M/M•M/M/M

N 2

The new cook by Tym Greene A potions student decides to use his part time job to test out some of his homework. Hilarity ensues. 6,529 words Added Feb 2021 4,371 views 4.8 stars (8 votes) No comments yet •Multihead•Transformation•Size Increase•Human to Animal/Anthro•Merging•Anthro/Furry•Satyrs•Supernatural

The nightly ritual by Cail Smith Two men finally come to an agreement about their bedtime activities. 697 words Added Feb 2024 1,611 views 5.0 stars (3 votes) No comments yet •Multihead•Dom/Sub•Restraints•Merging•Shared Body•Complete •M/M

P 2

The perfect body by Cockatrice Nathan’s vision of having the perfect body involves being part of another person’s body. 3,972 words Added Jan 2020 8,381 views 4.9 stars (17 votes) No comments yet •Human to Cock•Straight to Gay•Merging

The permanent cuddle by Cail Smith An unfortunate victim of the Merge Wave tells his story.  1,306 words Added Apr 2023 3,319 views 4.7 stars (16 votes) No comments yet •Multicock•Bisexual•Nonconsensual change•Merging•Shared Body•Complete •M/M•M/F

R 3

Randy and Roberto by BRK Randy and Roberto are both eager to get into the one remaining slot in Prof. Warren's History of Transformation class. Fortunately, there's a way to get both of them into that sole remaining chair. 1,130 words Added Sep 2010 19k views 4.5 stars (15 votes) No comments yet •Extra digits•Multicock•Multilimb•Replication•Selfcest•Merging

The reform party by NBCK99 Will attends a gathering that turns out to be devoted to some radical transformations, where the invitees have sexual desires that can’t be fulfilled in the real world and long for their roleplay fantasies to be made real in ways even they don’t expect. 2 parts 8,602 words Added Sep 2016 Updated 14 Oct 2016 21k views 4.4 stars (11 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Human to Cock•Hyper Cock•Multicock•Multihead•Multiarm•Multileg•Multilimb•Replication•Muscle Growth•Muscle/Strength•Detachable•Size Decrease•Size Increase•Selfcest•Merging

The rent boy who saved Christmas by BRK Cody and his extra-large cock have a premium gig going, until a few random words to the wrong person turn him into the magical nephew of a very real supernatural being—and this year, Uncle Kris needs his help. 2 parts 8,386 words Added Dec 2022 5,941 views 5.0 stars (10 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Balls•Huge Cock•Replication•Muscle Growth•Size Increase•Retcon•Selfcest•Merging•Supernatural•Christmas •M/M•M/M/M•M/M/M/...

S 4

Seeing stars by OneLuckyGuy89 12 young, muscular and beautiful men have begun protecting Starlight City. Adam Berry has been having weird dreams lately and has a feeling that his life is about to change. 2 parts 8,520 words Added Mar 2020 Updated 30 May 2020 13k views 4.3 stars (7 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Huge Balls•Huge Cock•Hyper Cock•Gay to Straight•Muscle Growth•Muscle Gut•Getting Taller•Size Increase•Hair Growth/Getting Hairy•Incest•Twins•Nonconsensual change•Infectious•Merging•Superhero/Supervillain

Sharing cocks by CockTFBoi Cameron, Dakota, and Zack head out for a sex-filled weekend at a remote cabin. Once there, things take a bit of a turn for the weird as the trio experience some unexpected transformations. 5 parts 13k words Added Aug 2020 Updated 17 Oct 2020 10k views 4.9 stars (7 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Cock Shrinking•Cockless•Detachable•Merging •M/M/M

The solitary flesh by Mikeytron A pair of space mercenaries are dispatched to a strange alien world to guard the manufacture of a massive quantity of the medical and cosmetic wonderdrug SynthStem, which allows humans to reshape their bodies. In part one, the stage is set and the stakes are raised. 4 parts 24k words Added Sep 2022 Updated 8 Oct 2022 15k views 5.0 stars (78 votes) No comments yet •Huge Cock•Other Mental Changes•Hyper Muscle•Immobility•Muscle Growth•Muscle/Strength•Gradual Change•Merging•Aliens•Space Travel•Complete•Set in the Future •M/M

A Surgeon General’s warning by Portowulf Dr. Ethan Carter has become a bit of an underground celebrity in the medical field as the only doctor to successfully un-fuse patients who’d used a new drug on the market meant for cocking. 1,741 words Added May 2020 4,484 views 5.0 stars (8 votes) No comments yet •Human to Cock•Nonconsensual change•Merging

T 3

Tales of Summerstone by TF_Mage A trapped ancient spirit with a fondness for transforming young men recalls the old days as he seeks a way of escaping his prison. 4 parts 7,837 words Added Oct 2023 Updated 11 Nov 2023 7,555 views 4.7 stars (10 votes) No comments yet •Cock Growth•Cock Shrinking•Cock Theft•Cock to Human•Human to Cock•Public Orgasm•Multicock•Multihead•Replication•Hyper Muscle•Muscle Growth•Muscle Theft•Muscle/Strength•Muscle Worship•Detachable•Getting Taller•Forced Growth•Size Decrease•Size Increase•Age Regression•Human to Animal/Anthro•Human to Body Part•Merging•Witch/Warlock/Wizard•Hypnosis•Flying•Invisibility •t•M/M•M/M/M/...•t/t

A thing called curiosity by papermoon Out for a jog, 19-year-old Cameron decides to investigate an abandoned house that holds some unexpected secrets. 6,529 words Added Jan 2014 45k views 4.4 stars (25 votes) No comments yet •Huge Balls•Huge Cock•Hyper Cum•Nipple Emissions•Muscle Breast•Muscle Growth•Muscle/Strength•Transformation•Size Increase•Merging •M/M

TransformiMate: Product presentation by Cockatrice TransformiLabs unveils their latest transformation device: The TransformiMate. A product presentation you don’t want to miss! 2 parts 10k words Added Sep 2022 Updated 22 Oct 2022 5,935 views 5.0 stars (6 votes) No comments yet •Human to Cock•Nosecock•Multicock•Four Legs•Multileg•Multilimb•Three Legs•Wristfeet•Muscle Growth•Crotchhead•Body Parts in Strange Places•Detachable•Transformation•Merging•Tentacle •NS

U 3

An unexpected party by TheLegendOfSam Fashion model Zeke gets more than he bargained for at the agency’s annual Halloween party, this year hosted at one of the summer homes of his new billionaire colleague, and finds a whole new meaning for the phrase “sexy costume”… 2 parts 4,699 words Added Oct 2020 6,952 views 4.5 stars (4 votes) No comments yet •Extra facial features•Multi-abs•Multicock•Multihead•All Legs•Multiarm•Multileg•Multilimb•Three Legs•Multitorso•Replication•Selfcest•Merging•Aliens•Centaurs•Mermen•Supernatural•Halloween

Unicorn Frappuccino by Tym Greene A wizard causes a little transformational pandemonium at a franchise coffee/sandwich shop. 4,430 words Added May 2021 4,946 views 4.3 stars (7 votes) No comments yet •Transformation•Human to Animal/Anthro•Human to Inanimate•Nonconsensual change•Merging•Anthro/Furry•Witch/Warlock/Wizard •M/M•M/M/M

University admythion by Tym Greene It’s 1958, and a new university student is getting ready for his first day of classes…too bad he read that old spellbook his father gave him… 11k words Added Nov 2021 8,987 views 4.6 stars (5 votes) No comments yet •Public Orgasm•Multihead•Muscle Growth•Public Nudity•Belly Growth•Transformation•Size Decrease•Size Increase•Human to Animal/Anthro•Getting Fatter•Retcon•Merging•Anthro/Furry•Centaurs•Anthro/Scaly•Dragons•Ogres•Supernatural•Early/Mid 20th Century •M/M•M/M/M

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Dragon’s Horde: Waking up long by STrRedWolf A new series of adventures involving the Dragon’s Horde club, as anthro folks of all sorts and situations—judges, cops, mechanics, and more—find their way to the club and its transforming drinks. 7 parts 20k words Added Aug 2013 Updated 3 Oct 2014 24k views 3.6 stars (7 votes) No comments yet •Extra digits•Multi-abs•Multihead•Multiarm•Multilimb•Multipec•Replication•Stacking•Hermaphrodite•Stretchy•Nanotech•Selfcest•Merging•Anthro/Furry•Anthro/Scaly•Dragons•Alcohol

Welcum to Hell by Alex Anders The forces of Hell welcome their newest recruit. 10 parts 19k words Added Oct 2022 Updated 9 Dec 2023 12k views 4.9 stars (7 votes) No comments yet •Huge Cock•Hyper Cock•Prehensile Cock•Self-suck•Extra facial features•Multiarm•Multileg•Multilimb•Three Legs•Muscle Growth•Stretchy•Plausible Size Difference•Tongue Growth•Mouthcock•Age Difference•Merging•Goo People•Demons •M/M

When two dudes love each other veeeeery much... by Alex Anders When two dudes love each other very much, lots of good things can happen. 763 words Added Feb 2024 2,305 views 5.0 stars (3 votes) No comments yet •Multi-abs•Multicock•Multihead•Multiarm•Multileg•Multilimb•Three Legs•Multipec•Merging•Valentine’s Day•Complete •M/M

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You and I by BRK and Jockmorphr When two lovers with the power to transform each other reunite after a separation, the results can be explosive. 4 parts 12k words Added Oct 2011 Updated 16 Feb 2019 44k views 4.8 stars (14 votes) No comments yet •Always Hard•Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Nipcocks•Nipple Emissions•Multi-abs•Multicock•Multihead•Multiarm•Multilimb•Multipec•Multitorso•Replication•Stacking•Muscle Growth•Muscle/Strength•Getting Handsomer•Tongue Growth•Mouthcock•Selfcest•Infectious•Merging •M/M•M/M/M•M/M/M/...

You’re stuck with me, and I’m stuck with you by Salem Noctua All Erwin wants is to keep on sleeping. Unfortunately, he soon realises he is no longer in his room, and an older man who should not have been there is lying next to him! Where is he? Who is this man? And why can't he get away?! 18k words Added Jul 2023 2,952 views 5.0 stars (6 votes) No comments yet •Multicock•Multihead•Plausible Size Difference•Age Difference•Merging•Complete •M/M

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