Serial breeder

by Musclesaber

A group of frat brothers get a strange visitor. After meeting him, things start to take a turn as the frat brothers all fall under the spell of his manly charm.

3,709 words Added May 2024 9,269 views 4.0 stars (12 votes)

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Author’s Note

Here’s the first part to an exclusive story I’m doing over on Tumblr. If you want to read the rest of it, DM me on any of my links in my Linktree.


Part 1: It was a Dark Stormy Night

Cole rounded the corner of the frat house heading towards the main entrance. The big jock briskly walked towards the door as red and blue lights shined through the glass. Standing on the welcome mat leading outside, Cole paused for a second. He straightened up his spine and took a deep breath in and out, his mouth settling into a warm smile. Reaching for the door handle, he opened it and looked down to see a couple of men in brown jackets. “Good evening officers! How can I help you?” said Cole with a cheery tone.

“Good evening, sir, my name is Detective Gonzalez and this is Detective Dawson. Sorry to bother you so late, but we’re looking for a Cole Garrison. Is he here by chance?” said the man on the left. He was about 6 feet tall and had a slender build to him.

“I’m Cole Garrison. I’m not in trouble, am I?” asked Cole with a cheesy grin on his face.

“No, we’re just here to ask a few questions regarding the whereabouts of some of the members of your fraternity,” said Detective Gonzalez.

“I can answer as best as I can. But I can only do so much to keep tabs on all of my guys,” said Cole as he stepped to the side to let the detectives in. Detective Gonzalez walked in first followed by Dawson. Detective Dawson was significantly smaller than Cole at maybe 5’6 and he had somewhat of a gut to him.

“Thank you for being so cooperative. Is there somewhere we can meet privately?” asked Detective Gonzalez.

“Sure, most of the guys are out seeing a movie tonight so we have the house almost entirely to ourselves,” said Cole as he led them through the house towards a dining room with a table that could hold 50 people at it. Cole closed the door to the room and took a seat across the table from the two detectives. “So, what can I tell you gentlemen?”

“Just a moment, do you mind if we record this?” asked Detective Gonzalez.

“Not at all.”

“Thank you, son.” Detective Gonzalez pulled out his phone and tapped a few buttons on the screen then set it down on the table.

“Now sir could you state for the record who you are, your age, and your official title?” asked Detective Gonzalez.

“Of course. My name is Cole Garrison, I am 23 years old, and I am the current president of Alpha Sigma Zeta.”

“Thank you. Now we are here to discuss the events of the night of August 4th. We have multiple claims from eyewitnesses that link a few members of your fraternity to a party where there was an incident with a few of the other partygoers.”

“An incident? What kind of incident?” asked Cole.

“We can’t disclose that at this time,” stated Detective Dawson in a flat tone.

“Cole, we’re just trying to get a clear picture here of the events of that night. And some things are just not adding up. Like when we first approached some of your brothers about the party, they all claimed to be here doing some initiation that they refused to disclose. But then we have multiple eyewitness accounts that put them at the party. We’re just trying to get the story straight. So, if you don’t mind, could you tell me the whereabouts of these five members of your fraternity?” Detective Gonzalez pulled out a sheet of paper with five names on it.

“Well, I can confirm that they were here on the night of the 4th. We always have one of our meetings for the new recruits the Friday night before school starts.”

“Yes but that’s only for new recruits. All of the members we are looking for are current members of the frat. Are they required to come?”

“They are not, but all of these gentlemen on this list are members of the cabinet here in Alpha Sig. See Devon Hodges, he’s my VP. And Hayden Smith, he’s our treasurer. Any member of leadership is required to come to all events for the new members,” said Cole.

“Ah, I see. Now this might sound a bit…invasive, but do you happen to have any proof that they were here? Because currently, the only thing we’re going off is one person’s word against another.”

“Well, I somewhat do. But you won’t like it.” Cole bared his teeth at the officer and sharply inhaled. “So, I’m going to be completely honest with y’all. That first Friday before the start of school, we always have an initiation party. The initiation is optional to the members, we just encourage them because it’s a fun thing to do.”

“And how is that proof?” asked Detective Dawson.

“How the initiation works is that pledges have to say certain phrases and do actions in a very specific way in order to pass. It’s nothing bad, just really long and really hard to get right on the first couple of tries. Once they get it right, they’re officially in and we have fun.”

“Fun?” asked Detective Gonzalez.

“I won’t lie to you detectives, we do drink a bit. Especially the members who are over 21 years old. Which leads me to why I have proof. Because some of our members have a little bit too much fun, there used to be a problem of remembering who had succeeded and failed. So we started to record the initiation so that we can go back and see who did and didn’t make it. If you would like to see, by all means, I have the tape on my laptop,” said Cole pointing back to his room.

“That would be greatly appreciated,” said Detective Gonzalez.

“I’ll be right back.” Cole got up and left the room to go upstairs. He climbed the stairs to the second floor where all of the rooms were for the frat. Cole walked down to the very end of the hall passing by many rooms. Hearing the sound of footsteps, a brunette gentleman poked his head out from one of the rooms.

“Are they gone?” asked the brother.

“No Devon, they want proof that y’all were here so I have to get them proof. Might get a few fines for catching some of the 19- and 20-year-olds drinking, but cops in this town rarely care about underage drinking,” said Cole as he opened the door to his bedroom.

“And what are the cops gonna say when they realize that video is from last year’s initiation party?” asked Devon.

“They’re not gonna know. AI is great for just changing the date of old videos. Doesn’t give it a whole lot to mess up. Especially if the video itself is authentic, only the date isn’t,” said Cole grabbing his laptop out of his room. “Helps when we know exactly what we’re dealing with in advance.”

“Yeah, thanks dude for getting all of this taken care of. We really owe you,” said Devon standing in Cole’s doorway.

“Nothing we haven’t done before.” Cole walked past Devon and down the stairs to see the detectives. “I’ve got your proof right here gentlemen.” Cole put his laptop down and started up a video. The time stamp on it was for 9:42 pm, August 4th, when many frat members could be seen in the dining room. One by one, many of them demonstrated and participated in the initiation including all of the names on Detective Gonzalez’s list.

The two detectives watched the video in disbelief as they saw the men they thought were at the party all on the video. “Well, I guess that settles that. We will have to hit your organization with a few fines for the minors in possession in the video, but other than that, I think we are all set. We have what we came for,” said Detective Gonzalez as he got up from the table.

“Yeah, but now we’re back to square one,” said Detective Dawson. “But thank you for your time, sir. Sorry to bother you this evening.”

“It’s no problem detectives. I am happy to comply with law enforcement.” Cole shut his laptop and shook their hands.

“It always makes our job easier when people cooperate,” said Detective Gonzalez as the pair walked to the door.

“And if I can do anything else for you, please feel free to give me a call. Or call the number on our website and typically I’ll answer,” said Cole as he opened the door. He gave the detectives a warm smile as they walked outside.

“Will do. Have a good rest of your evening,” said Detective Gonzalez. A large beam of lightning flashed in the distance followed by a roar of thunder.

“And be sure to keep all your brothers inside tonight with that storm on the horizon,” said Detective Dawson.

“Yes sir,” said Cole, giving the pair a salute with a smile. The two detectives turned and walked back to their car as Cole shut the door. Breathing out a sigh of relief, Cole’s back hit the wall beside him.

“Devon, you owe me big time!” shouted Cole up the stairwell. He walked back into the living room as Devon ran down the stairs.

“Yeah, me and half of the frat does,” said Devon as he landed on the bottom floor. “I’ll Venmo you the money later. Do you know when the guys are getting back?” asked Devon. As he spoke, the back door of the house came flying open as two dozen men filtered through it.

“Right about now,” said Cole as he turned around to see his frat brothers all getting into the frat house. Cole put two of his fingers in his mouth and blew a loud whistle that silenced everyone in the room. “ALPHA SIG!” yelled Cole as all of the frat brothers turned to him.

“Yes, Mr. President!” replied the frat in unison.

“We had some cops sniffing around our house just a little bit ago and we don’t need anymore suspicion being drawn our way!” yelled Cole. “Now I want you all to go up to your rooms and go to bed! I mean it tonight. We’ve got too much heat on us right now. So no booze, no girls, no weed, no anything! Now get to bed!”

“Yes Mr. President,” said the brothers less enthused. They all begrudgingly went up the stairs to their own individual rooms and started to prepare for bed.

“It’s probably for the best that we don’t do anything tonight. Ya know besides the cops being on our ass,” said Devon as he walked through the downstairs turning off the lights with Cole. “There’s supposed to be one hell of a storm tonight by the looks of it. We don’t need any of our boys getting caught in that.”

“You and the pigs worry too much,” said Cole, flicking the lights off in the living room. “It’s just a little rain. It can’t be that bad.” As the words left his mouth, a lightning strike hit the telephone pole outside and every light in the house shut off in an instant.

“You were saying?” said Devon in the dark.

“I can’t see it, but wipe that shit-eating grin off your face.” Cole fished around in his pocket for his phone and turned his flashlight on. “I’m going upstairs to call the electric company to see if we can get power back any time soon. You go check the breaker outside.”

“On it!” In the short amount of time the brothers came back from the movies and when the power shut off, the rain had already started pouring down. Devon walked outside with an umbrella as he trudged through mud and grass to get to the side of the house where the breaker was. Opening the box, Devon started flipping all the switches to try and get the power back on to no avail. The massive frat house remained dark other than the occasional phone flashlight that shined out of the windows. Defeated, Devon walked back through the mud to the front door and started to walk inside.

“Excuse me?” Devon nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice from behind him. “Woah, sorry man. Didn’t mean to scare you.” Devon blinked a couple times as he shined his flashlight on a dark figure on the front porch. “My name is Chris and I crashed my car on the road outside y’all’s frat house.” The stranger pointed back towards the road where, in the darkness, a silhouette of a car could be seen. “Do you mind if I come inside while I call a tow truck?” As his vision focused in, Devon could see a man around his age standing there in a soaked t-shirt and jeans.

“Uh, yeah. Sure man. We don’t have any power at the moment, but it’ll at least keep you dry.” Devon closed his umbrella and shook off the water.

“Thanks, bro,” said Chris as they walked inside. Devon shucked off his muddy shoes and shook his head of what little water was in it. Chris however was dripping from head to toe with water. “That rain really came out of nowhere and drenched me in a few seconds.”

“Yeah, I was just telling our president the same thing,” said Devon as Chris tried to wring what water he could out of his clothes. “Here, you go put your clothes in our laundry room. It’s just right through that door. Let me go grab you a towel and a fresh change of clothes so you don’t catch pneumonia,” said Devon putting the umbrella away.

“You don’t have to do that. Just a towel is fine,” said Chris.

“I insist. I’ll be right back.” Devon quickly ran up the stairs of the house and saw that many of the brothers had gone to their rooms for the night with not much to do with no electricity in the house. After grabbing a pair of athletic shorts, a t-shirt, and a towel, Devon popped his head into Cole’s room. “Any word from the electric company?”

“Yeah, it’s the whole block. They’re sending someone out, but we probably won’t see power till tomorrow morning,” said Cole as he played a game on his phone from his bed.

“Okay. By the way, we have a guest downstairs. His car crashed outside and I told him he could chill here until a tow truck comes.”

“All right, but don’t let him snoop around. Keep him downstairs on the couch if he crashes here. I was serious about no funny business. We already had two cops here. We don’t need anymore.”

“I can do that. Goodnight.”

“Night.” With that, Devon shut the door and headed back downstairs. Still in the dark and using his phone as a flashlight, he made his way over to the laundry room. “Hey Chris, I think these should fit y—” Devon’s sentence was cut short by the sight of a Greek adonis standing in his laundry room fully naked.

He hadn’t gotten a good look at Chris before in the dark, but now with a spotlight on him, Devon couldn’t look away. At 6 feet tall, Chris had the perfect swimmer’s body. He had thick pecs for his slender shoulders that even with Devon’s flashlight shining on him, there was a small shadow being cast from them. His arms had veins running up and down them with biceps bigger than baseballs. Moving down to his washboard abs, they looked like they were chiseled from a block of marble by a master sculptor. His powerful V led to the biggest part of his body. His massive dick. It hung down 8 inches as thick as a silver dollar coin with two egg sized balls behind it. Lastly his thick quads that could crush a watermelon between them and they supported a nice plump bubble butt behind him. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you coming,” said Chris as he remained facing Devon.

“I uh, I…I…I” Devon could hardly form a word as Chris sauntered forward. His cock slapped his thighs as his hips swayed.

“What’s wrong Devon? Cat got your tongue?” asked Chris as he closed the gap between them. Their bodies were almost touching.

“How did you- how do you know my name?” Devon blinked for a second as an aroma filled the air. He couldn’t tell what it was, but it was intoxicating to his senses.

“Shh shh shh, none of that now. Just come here and take it alllllll in.” Chris reached his arms out and wrapped Devon in a bear hug. Pulling the 5’8 Devon in between his pecs. Devon’s head was spinning when he took a whiff of Chris’s musk. It smelled like…bacon frying. “You came in here to do something. What was it?” asked Chris as he rubbed the small of Devon’s back with his hand.

“I- I can’t remember.” Devon rested his head on Chris’s pecs and relaxed into his embrace. “It had something to do with clothes.”

“I know! It was to take your clothes off. It’s hard for a dumb jock like you to remember these things.” Chris reached down and pulled the back of Devon’s shirt up and above his head.

“Dumb jock,” repeated Devon. He grabbed at his belt and started to pull his pants down to reveal his own throbbing cock. Devon himself was only 5’8, but he looked like he had been playing sports and going to the gym all his life. He had a similar build to Chris, except he looked unrefined and unpolished compared to Chris’s godly figure.

“Yes, that’s it. You’re just a dumb jock.” Chris leaned forward and kissed Devon sensually. Holding him as the smaller man’s knees gave out from under him. “Don’t you want to service your Big Daddy?” asked Chris as he shoved his now hard cock forward into Devon’s abs.

“Yes Big Daddy.” Chris released Devon from his grip and he fell to his knees, now eye level with Chris’s 11-inch hard-on. Without skipping a beat, Devon leaned forward and shoved Chris’s cock into his mouth. Chris stifled a moan as Devon’s tongue danced around his slit, head and shaft.

“Wow Devon, if I didn’t know any better, you’ve done this before,” said Chris as he grabbed Devon’s head and shoved it down to his balls. Chris let a moan slip out of his mouth when Devon sucked on his cock like a lollipop. “Oh yeah, you’ve definitely done this before.” Chris began to buck his hips as Devon choked on his cock.

Chris licked his lips as he leaned his body forward and reached down towards Devon’s ass. He put his fingers between Devon’s supple cheeks and, despite Devon’s fairly thin athletic build, he had always had a nice ass. It was perky and created a nice shelf behind him when he walked. Using both of his hands, Chris slapped each of the cheeks and massaged them. “Oh yeah, I bet you’ll be able to take a lot. Get up.” Chris pulled Devon’s head off of his cock and Devon looked pleadingly up at Chris’s face.

“What can I do for you, Big Daddy?” asked Devon with a string of pre and spit dripping from his mouth. Chris lifted Devon up by the shoulders like he was a rag doll, turned him around, and pushed him into the washing machine with a bang. Pressing his bare torso down against the cold metal, Chris grabbed his slick cock and lined it up with Devon’s hole.

“You’re gonna get filled up you dumb ass jock.” Chris thrust forward and Devon practically screamed as Chris’s thick cock head penetrated his hole. “And stay quiet.” Chris put his hand on his mouth to stifle another moan from Devon as more of his cock disappeared into Devon’s ass.

With one hard thrust, Chris’s balls slapped against Devon’s ass. “If your frat brothers are as tight as you, this is going to be an even better night than I’d hoped.” Chris reached forward and felt a bulge in Devon’s stomach where his cock was. “Hope you are stretchy, little guy.” Chris began pulling his cock out and thrusting it back into Devon in a rhythm. The sound of Devon’s ass cheeks clapping rang through the entire frat house as Chris fucked the shit out of Devon’s virgin hole.

“I want to have all of you inside me, Big Daddy. Always,” said Devon in a muffled voice. Chris’s hand was still gagging him so his moans wouldn’t alert the entire house of their presence.

“Wow, I didn’t think the spell would work that well on you,” mused Chris as he started leaking pre into the small man’s ass. Making sure not to waste a single drop. “But the fun is just getting started.” Chris grinned as lightning crackled outside. It was going to be a good night.

3,709 words Added May 2024 9,269 views 4.0 stars (12 votes)

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