Trevor: Check up

by Ziel

A shorter and sillier chapter. Some slice of life with the bros. Noah takes Rex to his check up, and the duo meet one of the new researchers who are studying the phenomenon.

The Life and Tinies of Trevor, #10 4,553 words Added Aug 2024 406 views No votes yet

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“Why do I gotta go see this guy anyway?” Rex asked.

“What do you mean, why? We’ve got to make sure everything is as it should be… or close enough,” Noah replied.

“How boooring!” Rex replied.

Noah had been making some upgrades to Rex’s enclosure over the past few weeks. The first thing he did was figure out how to hook up a microphone inside so that Rex could speak to him directly as opposed to having to text everything. The hard part wasn’t finding a mic that could pick up Rex’s voice. The hard part was fine-tuning the software so that the mic didn’t pick up everything else. Rex was so tiny that his voice was drowned out by even the faintest whisper of a breeze. If Noah had just cranked a mic to the max setting and put it in Rex’s compact, all that would be heard was air and static.

“I feel great! I’m in perfect health! If they haven’t found anything in the last twelve times they’ve examined me, why would they find something now!?” Rex whined.

“They still don’t know what happened to you in the first place. If there are going to be any further complications, it’s best to catch it early. You don’t want to suddenly start getting smaller, do you?” Noah replied.

There was a silence on the other end of the call. Noah stopped in his tracks and tapped the Bluetooth earpiece he had in. “Rex. Can you hear me?” He asked.

“Yeah. I was just thinking,” Rex replied.

“Why do you have to think about that?” Noah replied with an exasperated sigh.

“Hey! It’s not so bad once you get used to it! Cocks are so huge at my size! Like, have you seen what Simon is working with!?” Rex retorted.

“For the love of… please stop thinking about cocks for five seconds,” Noah sighed.

Beside him on the bus an older lady gave a gasp of shock and disgust. Noah turned to her and gave her an apologetic look and a furtive nod before returning to his conversation.

“Look what you did. You got a church lady mad at me,” Noah grumbled.

Rex couldn’t reply because he was cackling at the image of it.

“Yeah, yeah. Yuck it up. At least this is our stop,” Noah said.

Noah stepped off the bus and made his way up the path to the modern-looking building in front of him. This was the new science annex of the university that he (and formerly Rex) attended. Noah gave a nod to the receptionist who pointed him towards one of the offices in the back.

This wasn’t the first time he had been here. Rex had been brought here immediately after The Incident. This was actually where Noah had first seen Rex after Rex had been reduced down below a millimeter. At the time, Noah could not believe what he was seeing, and even months later, it was still hard to fathom. His big brother was now so tiny that he could get lost in the space underneath Noah’s fingernail like any other spec of grit…

Noah stepped into the familiar lab where he had first found the sand-sized spec of his older brother and walked towards the familiar back room where the regular check-ups had all taken place. As Noah entered he was surprised to find a young man not much older than himself hunched over the microscope.

“Where’s Dr. Bradbury?” Noah asked.

“Oh! He’s on vacation this week. I’m taking care of the check-ups though,” The man said with a warm smile.

“Oh. I see. So, Doctor…?” Noah said. His voice trailed at the end as if goading the scientist to introduce himself.

“No. No doctor. Just Julio is fine. I’m not a doctor. Not yet anyway. I’m working on my doctorate. That’s part of why I’m here!” he said excitedly.

“Internal medicine as well?” Noah asked.

“Oh, no. Microbiology,” the man replied.

Noah was momentarily taken aback, but after mulling it over for a second shrugged and gave a nod. That made sense, actually.

“Anyway. I’m Noah. I’m here with my brother, Rex. We had an appointment,” Noah explained.

“Oh, right! Well, send him in, and we can get started,” Julio replied.

Noah was once again taken aback. Send him in? That wasn’t really possible.

“How much of the case file have you read?” Noah asked.

“The basics. Subject: Rex. Age: Twenty. Estimated height: one-third millimeter,” Julio said while reading the facts off of the clipboard beside him.

“One-third?” Noah replied in shock.

“Oh, yes. One of the smallest cases,” Julio replied.

“It’s hard to imagine anyone smaller,” Noah replied.

“I should introduce you to Mitch sometime,” Julio replied.

“Who’s Mitch?” Noah asked, but it was Rex who replied.

“He means Mitchel. The TA,” Rex replied.

“Oh! The guy who was actually holding the… whatever?” Noah asked.

“Indeed. If only we could figure out what it was he was mixing at the time, we may figure out what happened,” Julio replied. He seemed oblivious to the fact that Noah wasn’t speaking to him.

“So, how small is he anyway?” Noah asked.

“Hard to tell. Our equipment gets a bit dicey at that size,” Julio replied.

“I could hold him like an action figure, if that means anything,” Rex replied.

Noah stood there in stunned silence as he tried to run the numbers in his head. What was that? Maybe a tenth of Rex’s size? That would be…

“Wait… a thirtieth of a millimeter!? What even is the next smaller unit of measure!?” Noah asked.

“Fuck if I know,” Rex replied.

“The next smaller unit is microns. And 30 microns would be… give or take the size of your run of the mill bacteria. There are some much larger and smaller, though,” Julio replied. He sounded very pleased with himself.

“He’s bacteria-sized?” Noah yelped, but then his attention rapidly shifted to something else. “Wait! You’re small enough to hold bacteria!? Like. You can see them and everything!?” Noah asked.

“Yeah? You get used to them quickly. They are literally everywhere,” Rex replied.

At the same time, Julio also replied to Noah’s question. “Not without proper equipment. Mitch has been helping me with my research though. I must admit, it’s fascinating what he has managed to discover at his size. I almost wish our roles were reversed, but then… that would mean I would be studying chemistry and not microbiology…” Julio replied. He seemed noticeably baffled by the logistics of why he would want to study chemistry.

“It sounds like you want to get shrunk too,” Noah commented.

Julio shrugged. “I don’t know. The scientist in me says it would be fascinating. A whole new world to explore, but the realist in me says that there’s no way back if I do,” he said.

“No way back?” the brothers said in unison, but Julio could only hear the one.

“Well, yes. Assuming we isolate the compound that did this, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. We’d need to determine the physical process that the human body underwent in being reduced so small. Even if we understand the process, there’s very little chance of reversing it. Reducing matter has a completely separate set of rules compared to enlarging it,” Julio explained.

Noah wasn’t sure how to react to this news. On some level, he had always sort of assumed that this was temporary. Rex on the other hand, didn’t seem fazed.

“Them’s the breaks,” Rex said with a shrug.

“How are you so calm about this?” Rex asked.

Rex shrugged. This gesture was, of course, inaudible, but Noah knew his brother enough to know it was happening. Julio’s response on the other hand came through loud and clear.

“I… I hadn’t thought about it. It’s only since the accident that I’ve been dealing directly with those affected. To me, they’ve always been like that,” Julio replied.

“Right…” Noah replied.

There was an awkward pause after that. Part of Noah was debating just skipping out of there right after that. Julio clearly had his own issues. Did Noah really want to entrust his spec-sized sibling to such a space-case? Still… Dr. Bradbury trusted this guy, so if nothing else, he knew what he was doing from a technical standpoint.

“Look. My brother’s here for his check-up. Let’s just get this taken care of so we can get going,” Noah said after an uncomfortable pause.

“Very well, send him in,” Julio replied.

“Well… he’s right here,” Noah replied. Noah reached into his pocket and pulled out the small compact that had been converted into Rex’s bedroom. Noah clicked the latch which caused the compact to pop open revealing the contents and the occupant to the scientist’s curious eyes.

“Oh. Isn’t that precious,” Julio replied.

“Okay. Yeah. This guy is weird,” Rex replied.

“Yeah. No kidding,” Noah replied under his breath.

“At least he’s hot,” Rex added.

“You think every guy is hot, though,” Noah replied.

“Hmm?” Julio asked.

“Not every guy. Just the hot ones,” Rex replied.

“Look. This is getting silly. Here,” Noah said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a second earpiece.

“What’s this?” Julio asked.

“Just give me a second to pair it, and you’ll be able to hear Rex. It should make this… slightly less awkward,” Noah explained.

After a few seconds and some beeping from the new earpiece, the equipment was in order, and Julio was able to put on the earpiece. It wasn’t long before Julio could hear the voice of the tiny man in his ear.

“What’s up, doc!?” Rex said enthusiastically.

“Not a doctor yet, no. Just an assistant,” Julio replied.

“Do you know what a cartoon is?” Rex teased.

“Of course. I was a fan of Dexter’s Lab growing up,” Julio replied.

“Okay. So, you’re human. That’s a good first step,” Rex said.

“I should think so,” Julio replied.

Rex turned and looked up at his towering “little” brother and said, “I really, really, want to razz him, but I don’t think it’s physically possible!”

“Just bear with it for now. He just needs to get some readings from you,” Noah replied.

“Indeed, I do! Let’s get you on the slide,” Julio said excitedly.

Julio reached over to a cup on the table and pulled out a Q-Tip. He dabbed it on the tip of his tongue, and then reached down and poked the dampened tip against the miniscule figure standing in the compact.

Rex suddenly found himself stuck to the tip of the cotton swab. He was quickly lifted up into the air and then summarily deposited onto a glass slide underneath a microscope. The trek was only a handful of inches, but at Rex’s miniscule size, it felt like he was being propelled at warp speed. Everything was a blur and his stomach felt like it was launched into his mouth.

Rex rubbed his shoulder as he recovered from his landing. He liked being handled roughly as much as the next guy, but this sucked. He didn’t even get to play with a dude’s dick in the process!

Rex tried to vocalize his annoyance, but he quickly realized that he was nowhere near the microphone in his enclosure. There was no way the two giants could hear him at his size, but that didn’t mean he was incapable of communication. Rex plopped down on the slide and crossed his arms in front of his chest to show his annoyance.

“Well, he certainly looks healthy, but I wouldn’t say he’s in good spirits,” Julio said as he leaned over the microscope and peered down at the tiny figure.

“Yeah, well. Your bedside manner could use some work, doc,” Noah replied.

“You’re not the first person to tell me that…” Julio murmured.

Noah glanced over at Julio and raised an eyebrow curiously but did not say anything. Eventually, Julio followed up on his prior comment.

“Honestly, in my line of work, I never thought I would be working with people. I guess I got used to the idea of always being alone in a lab staring down a microscope,” Julio explained.

“Would you want to go back to that?” Noah asked.

“No. I actually like the company, and I’m too invested in this to quit even if I wanted to,” Julio said.

“So, you just need to work on your people skills,” Noah said.

“Easier said than done,” Julio replied.

“Don’t I know it,” Noah replied.

Julio gave a soft chuckle and shook his head. “It’s something to work on another day, I suppose. For now, my patient awaits,” he said.

Julio once again leaned in and looked through the microscope down at the spec-sized student.

“Could you lay back so I could get a better look at you?” Julio asked.

Rex nodded and laid down on his back. He stared up at the lifeless eye of the microscope lens which was suspended seemingly hundreds of feet above him. Rex usually felt tiny, but he currently felt absolutely miniscule. It was like he was on a whole ‘nother plane of existence than his brother and the new researcher. Rex couldn’t even see the titans standing over him. He could barely even hear them. Julio’s voice was so intense that it was more a physical sensation than a sound. Rex’s entire body resonated with the vibrations of the giant’s baritone voice.

“Very good. Very good. You certainly look healthy. Nice tone but not emaciated. Getting plenty of exercise but not starving…” Julio commented. His voice trailed off as he noticed motion between Rex’s legs. It appeared Rex’s cock was starting to stand at attention.

“You definitely appear healthy down there, too,” Julio said playfully.

“I bet you say that to all the boys, doc,” Rex teased back, but of course there was no way Julio could hear him.

“No… Only to the cute ones,” Julio replied.

“W-what!?” Noah and Rex replied in unison.

“Hm?” Julio replied.

“Can you hear me?” Rex asked.

“No. Not hear you. I’ve gotten very good at reading lips, though. It’s the only way Mitch and I can communicate,” Julio replied.

“Oh? So, doc. Like what you see?” Rex replied.

“Again. Not a doctor, but yes. I do appreciate the view,” Julio replied.

“Should I give you two some privacy?” Noah asked.

“Just working on my bedside manner,” Julio replied with a smirk.

“You can bed me side your manor,” Rex said.

“I… don’t know how that would work,” Julio replied.

“I don’t know what he said, but I don’t have to to know it was horny,” Noah said.

“It was a bit blue, yes,” Julio replied.

“Blue like my balls!” Rex replied.

“They’re a perfectly normal shade of pink,” Julio replied.

Noah shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. He let out a sigh, but this was probably the best he could have hoped for in this situation.

“He’s always been a hornball, and getting shrunk didn’t change that. I swear, I think he likes being tiny,” Noah said with a sigh.

“It’s better than the alternative, I suppose,” Julio commented.

“How so?” Noah asked.

“He’s happy, right? Some of the other victims aren’t so fortunate,” Julio replied.

Noah shrugged and said, “Yeah. I guess so… He’s definitely perked up a lot since he started hanging out with Trevor again.”

“Oh. You all know each other? He was my previous patient. They just left about… twenty minutes ago? Give or take,” Julio replied.

“How are they doing?” Rex asked.

“Patient confidentiality and all that, but Trevor seemed in good spirits…” Julio replied, but there was a faint hint of unease in what he was saying.

“I feel like there is a but there…” Noah commented.

“Well, I already told you that you’re not the first to comment on my bedside manner,” Julio said.

Noah shuddered slightly in spite of himself. Simon was a great guy, but he had the uncanny ability to give someone such an intense stink-eye that they immediately rethought every mistake they had made in the past twelve years. Noah didn’t even want to think how Simon would react to someone who actually pissed him off—or worse, did something to upset Trevor.

Julio redirected his attention back towards the tiny figure on the slide. “Well, you seem perfectly healthy. Unfortunately, we are limited on what tests we can do, but height seems the same and there’s no obvious sign of illness… I suppose it would be difficult for you to get an infection at your size…” Julio murmured mostly to himself.

“That mean we’re done here?” Rex asked.

“There’s just one more thing I’ll need from you,” Julio replied.

“Need me to piss in a cup?” Rex asked.

“Huh… that’s not normally part of this examination, but I suppose it couldn’t hurt,” Julio replied.

“I was joking, but I do kinda need to piss. Can we hurry this up?” Rex asked.

“Right. Well, prick your finger on this. I’ll need a droplet of blood,” Julio said. He then moved an almost imperceptibly skinny need down onto the slide where Rex could reach it.

The needle was almost as thin as fishing wire, but at Rex’s size it was thicker than his thumb. This was going to hurt to prick himself on. On the plus side, he just needed a little prick. It wasn’t like he had to shove the entire needle in.

Rex winced preemptively and pressed his thumb against the tip. He let out a yelp in spite of himself as it broke the surface and blood began to spill forth from the wound.

“Fuck, that hurt!” Rex muttered, but again, no one could hear him. He wasn’t even looking at Julio so it wasn’t like Julio could read his lips, but that was probably for the best.

“Great. That’s all I need from you today. You’re free to go,” Julio said.

Julio once more reached down with the Q-Tip and plucked Rex up from the slide before depositing Rex back into his compact. As soon as Rex was set down, he scrambled towards the mic and said, “Thanks, doc. Maybe next time we can have a little more fun!”

“What did you have in mind?” Julio asked.

“Probably something horny,” Noah said with a sigh.

“Of course it’s horny!” Rex replied.

“How would that even work?” Julio asked.

“You could honestly just drop him in your undies, and he’ll be happy as a clam,” Noah replied.

“It’s fun for everyone!” Rex agreed.

“Huh…” Julio muttered to himself. His dark complexion didn’t mask the redness in his cheeks.

“He’s seriously considering it,” the brothers said in unison. Although their tones were nearly polar opposites.

While Julio was still busy mulling over Rex’s last cheer, Rex hit him with another one that caught him equally off guard. “Hit me with your digits!” Rex shouted.

Julio stared down at his hand in confusion, but Noah was quick to intervene.

“Do. Not!” Noah shouted and then quickly clarified, “He’s just asking for your phone number.”

“Oh? Is that all?” Julio asked. He then reached into a nearby drawer and pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen and scribbled his number down and passed it to Noah.

Noah accepted the slip of paper while Rex shouted a cheerful, “Thanks, doc!”

“Again… not a doctor…” Julio muttered, but he suddenly perked up and tapped the device in his ear.

“You’ll need this back!” he said to Noah.

“Oh, yeah. Although, with your line of work, it may help you to have one,” Noah replied.

“That’s true. Do you think you could set it up to even pick up what Mitch is saying?” Julio asked.

“I… honestly don’t know. Getting the sensitivity right for Rex was a lot of work. I don’t know what kind of vibrations a guy Mitch’s size would even make. There may not be equipment strong enough in existence for that… definitely nothing that I could throw together at home, anyway,” Noah said.

“True…” Julio murmured as he stroked the stubble on his chin.

There was a brief pause as Julio mulled it over, but then a uncharacteristic glint appeared in his eye, and he was suddenly grinning from ear to ear. “This equipment would be a huge boon for our research,” he said suddenly.

“If I can get it to work, maybe,” Noah replied.

“It will already work for all the larger patients. As I said before Rex is among the smallest. He’s second only to Mitch himself,” Julio explained.

“How did that work? Wasn’t Mitch working with some students at the time? Shouldn’t that group have been closer to his size than Rex? I mean. Assuming size is based on proximity,” Noah said.

“That’s right… I have looked at the map, but…” Julio mused.

“I was out of my seat at the time. I was ‘throwing something away’,” Rex explained.

“I can hear those air quotes. What the hell did you do?” Noah asked.

“Nothing! It’s just Mitch was wearing these tight chinos that made his ass look amazing. I was done with my lab work, so I decided to take a leisurely stroll past him and admire the goods!” Rex protested.

“How are you always so horny!” Noah sighed.

“I know what I like!” Rex replied.

“Well, that’s one mystery solved. Still, back to the topic of your equipment. I may be able to get you a job,” Julio said.

“Say what?” Noah sputtered.

“I can’t hire you myself, but Dr. Bradbury will be back in a few days. If I mention to him what you’ve created, I’m sure he’ll see the value of it. We might be able to use what you’ve created to help with our research,” Julio explained.

“Wow… Well, I just made this stuff at home so I could talk to my brother, but if you think it will help, but to be honest, the actual mechanical stuff is the main hurdle, and that’s above my pay grade. I don’t even know how to get a microphone that can pick up sounds that soft, but if you guys have a solution, I think the software I wrote may help with isolating Mitch’s voice,” Noah said.

“Fantastic. If all goes well, I look forward to working with you,” Julio said. He was grinning from ear to ear as he extended a hand for Noah to shake.

Noah was momentarily taken aback. It wasn’t the gesture that caught him off guard, it was the smile. Julio was as awkward as they came, but in the few minutes they had known each other, he had begun to relax enough that other parts of his personality began to show through. His smile was so warm and inviting that Noah was suddenly excited by the prospect of working with him and not just for the money.

“Ooooh. You’re blushing! So that’s your type!” Rex cheered.

“What? No! Shut up,” Noah sputtered.

“Don’t hide it. Go tap that nerd ass! I called dibs, but I’m sure there’s enough for both of us!” Rex said.

“Shut. The Hell. Up,” Noah hissed down at his mite-sized older brother.

Julio was trying to stifle a laugh, but he was also blushing bright red. “Should I… take this out?” Julio asked as he pointed to the earpiece he still wore.

Please!” Noah croaked.

All Julio could hear was Rex cackling as he pulled the earpiece out, and then it was silent. Julio shook his head and chuckled and then handed the device back to Noah.

“Here. I do hope to work with you. I’ll let you know when I hear back from the professor,” Julio said and extended a hand once more for a shake.

“Great. Thanks. Yeah. I’ve got your number. I can send a text later or something,” Noah stammered as he reached out and shook Julio’s hand.

“Send a dick pic!” Rex cheered.

“Please. Just shut up,” Noah hissed into his earpiece.

“No!” Rex shouted.

Noah flashed an apologetic grimace in Julio’s direction, gave an awkward wave goodbye, and pocketed Rex’s compact. and hurried towards the door. Meanwhile, Rex was still having the time of his life inside his small enclosure.

“Was that really necessary?” Noah hissed into the earpiece.

“Yes! I’m your big bro!” Rex said.

“Big! I’ve got belly button lint bigger than you!” Noah sassed back.

“Irrelevant! It’s my job to make your life awkward and to see to it that you get trim on the reg!” Rex cackled.

“Well, mission one complete,” Noah grumbled.

“Now to help you slob that nerd knob!” Rex laughed.

“How the hell does Simon put up with you?” Noah sighed.

“He just sticks me in his dick when he’s tired of listening to me,” Rex replied.

“You must spend a lot of time there,” Noah replied.

“As much as I can!” Rex laughed.

The Life and Tinies of Trevor, #10 4,553 words Added Aug 2024 406 views No votes yet

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