Trevor: After care

by Ziel

Devon and Ashton have a little romance.

The Life and Tinies of Trevor, #9 4,179 words Added Jul 2024 1,458 views No votes yet

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Devon grunted and groaned as he slowly came to. This had seemed like such a great idea at the time. In the moment, being completely caked in Ashton’s cum seemed so hot, but now that it was hours later and the jizz had completely crusted over, Devon was rethinking his decision.

Devon pushed himself up from his perch atop the pillow. His cocoon cracked and crumbled around him as he did so. He felt like a mummy waking up from a millennium of slumber with the layer of crud that had encased him like sand in a tomb. As he staggered to his feet, Devon stared out in front of him at the massive face of his friend. Ashton’s chest rose and fell with each breath. Soft snores escaped his partly opened mouth. Ashton looked so cute and peaceful that Devon reconsidered waking him, but Ashton soon began to stir.

“You’re awake already?” Ashton asked.

“Yeah. Didn’t mean to wake you,” Devon replied.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m a bit of a light sleeper. What about you? You look a little…” Ashton murmured.

“Yeah… I think I need to get cleaned up. It was hot at first, but this is really uncomfortable,” Devon replied.

Ashton nodded. “Yeah. We really should have cleaned up before passing out. I’m still sweaty from the show, and you’re… well…” Ashton replied.

“I’m covered in taint sweat and jizz, yeah,” Devon replied with a laugh.

“It’s a good look on you,” Ashton teased.

“Right. Well, are you going to help me get to the sink? I don’t think I can get there by myself,” Devon said.

“Nah. I’ve got a better idea. Come on,” Ashton said. He quickly sat up and reached a hand down for Devon to hop on.

Devon balked for only a second before climbing aboard. It wasn’t that he wasn’t used to this. Ashton had carried him around plenty since they started hanging out, but now he was completely nude. As Devon climbed onto Ashton’s palm, his mind flashed briefly back to earlier that evening. Vivid, fragmented memories of being held in the giant’s palm while Ashton’s tongue toyed with his dick and flicked at his chest. Devon tried his best to play it cool, but blood rushed to his cheeks and his crotch. He couldn’t tell if Ashton had noticed the redness or the swelling, but if nothing else, Ashton was too polite to call him out on it.

“So, what’s this better idea?” Devon asked once he was back to riding shotgun on Ashton’s shoulder.

“Let’s bathe together,” Ashton said with a smirk.

Devon raised an eyebrow curiously. “Together?” he asked. His voice cracked ever so slightly. Again, he couldn’t tell if Ashton noticed.

“Yeah. There’s enough room for both of us in the tub, and I can help scrub some of that gunk off,” Ashton replied.

Devon mulled it over for a moment. He had to admit there was something exciting about sharing a bath with such a hot guy, and Devon trusted Ashton not to be too rough when scrubbing… Not to mention that the butterflies in Devon’s tummy were going crazy at the mere thought of it.

“Okay, sure,” Devon replied with a smirk.

“Great. This will just take a moment,” Ashton said.

By this point they were already in the bathroom. It was a very small room which barely had enough room for a tub, a toilet, and a wash basin, but despite the size, it didn’t feel cramped or cluttered. Ashton set Devon down atop the counter beside the sink and began to let the water heat up.

Devon sat back and enjoyed the view. Ashton was neither a grower nor a shower. When soft his already modest pecker looked positively tiny. It appeared to be little more than an acorn-sized head nestled atop his proportionally fat nuts.

Even when he was full-sized, Devon had never put much stock in cock size, and now that he was only seven inches tall, he had a newfound appreciation for the smaller ones. It didn’t hurt that Ashton was overall hot as hell. His lean, lithe body just seemed to accentuate his modest size downstairs. It was like staring at a statue of a Greek god.

Ashton bent down to test the water before putting the drain stopper in. In doing so, he gave Devon a clear glimpse at his firm ass as well as a tantalizing glimpse of his tight hole. Devon once again nodded in appreciation. Devon couldn’t believe how much hotness he was able to enjoy today. It had been ages since he had been able to so much as look at porn, but now he got to enjoy his own private peepshow!

Ashton stood back up and glanced over at Devon. “What’s up?” he asked upon noting the dreamy expression on Devon’s face.

“I just… you’re so great,” Devon murmured awkwardly. His voice came out soft even for him. Fortunately, by the time Devon had gotten the words out, Ashton was leaning in so close that the words could reach him.

“I think you’re great too,” Ashton replied.

Devon’s heart skipped a beat. It was so weird that he felt this way. They had just done the closest a guy his size could get to having sex. He had been thoroughly coated in this guy’s cum! Devon still had dried jizz plastered to his body, and still Devon was acting like a kid with a crush!

Devon wasn’t sure what to do. He just stood there in silence staring at his friend while Ashton sat on the rim of the tub and looked back at him. For the longest time, the only sound was the sound of running water filling the tub.

“That should be good,” Ashton said after a moment of silence. He reached over, turned off the water and began to get in the tub. Again, Devon sat back and watched as Ashton stood up and crawled into the water. Again, Devon marveled at his lean physique. Ashton was so huge and so hot that Devon could barely fathom that this guy was his friend! It didn’t seem right.

Ashton leaned over the side of the tub and extended a hand up towards Devon. He beckoned gently for Devon to join him before holding his palm out for Devon to climb on. Again, Devon’s heart fluttered as he took a seat on a palm that was the size of a park bench. His bare butt pressed against Ashton’s skin.

With anyone else, being carried like this may have stressed him out. Devon was even a little uncomfortable being carried like this by Simon, but when handled by Ashton he felt so safe and secure. The thought of being gently wrapped in the giant’s hands made him feel warm and fuzzy inside.

The water was so hot that steam rose from the tub. Devon felt like he was in a sauna as Ashton slowly, steadily lowered Devon into the bath. As he did so, the warm water spilled over Ashton’s palm and washed over Devon’s small, sticky body.

Devon still wasn’t quite used to how water felt at his size. It was heavy… almost like he was swimming in cooking oil or cough syrup, but he did appreciate the warmth against his muscles. He had thrashed as hard as anyone in the mosh pit during the live show and was only now realizing just how sore he had gotten.

Soon the water was up to his chest. At this point, the buoyancy was holding him up more than Ashton was. Devon felt Ashton’s palm pull away, leaving him suspended in the water. Devon was so small and light that he barely even had to work to tread water. If he wanted to, he could have laid back and floated atop the water like a piece of driftwood. Instead, he shut his eyes, pulled his arms and legs in tight, and let himself sink into the warm water.

Devon suddenly felt the water shift around him. It reminded him of summer at the local wave pool. A huge surge threatened to send him toppling to the deep end. Devon quickly surfaced and tried to steady himself. The water was so deep that his toes could just barely touch the ground beneath. He shook the water from his eyes and glanced around to get his bearings. As he looked out, he saw Ashton, now submerged up to his shoulders, staring back at him.

It was then that Devon realized that it wasn’t the bottom of the tub his toes had reached. Devon was so small that his toes barely touched Ashton’s midriff. Devon glanced down and noticed that Ashton’s belly button was just a step or two away. The sight made Devon think about the drain in the deep end of a motel swimming pool. For a brief second, Devon was almost able to recall what it was like to be well over five feet tall instead of a bit over five inches, but as Ashton sunk deeper, another wave threatened to wash Devon away.

This wave was not as intense as the last one. It wouldn’t have been able to send Devon toppling even if he hadn’t been swimming against it, but even had he been swept away, he wouldn’t have gotten far. Ashton’s hands came up behind him and held Devon safely in place.

Devon found himself with his back pressed against Ashton’s interlocked fingers. The giant’s thumbs gently rubbed and massaged Devon’s bare chest and abs. Again, Devon had a strange feeling in his chest. His heart skipped a beat as he felt Ashton’s hands close around him. Being held like this he felt small, smaller than he normally did, even. That should freak him out, but instead it made him feel safe and protected.

Devon suddenly found himself lifted out of the water and into the air. His body was shifted onto the palm of one of Ashton’s hands. Devon wiped the water from his eyes and looked around just in time to see Ashton’s other hand descend on him. There was a layer of soap-covered fabric covering Ashton’s hand, and before Devon could fully parse what he was seeing, he felt the warm, sudsy washcloth press against him.

Devon tensed up when Ashton’s fingers kneaded the soap into his skin. Ashton was so huge and so powerful that he could easily have hurt Devon, but his hold was so firm and his rubbing so gentle that Devon felt safer than he had ever felt in his life. The tension soon left his body and his muscles, but as his muscles relaxed, another part of him stiffened.

Devon wondered if he should resist. He considered giving Ashton the signal to stop. Some part in the back of his mind didn’t want Ashton to see him hard. He was nervous and a little ashamed by the implications, but he trusted Ashton—not just to hold him gently but to not overreact when he saw Devon’s boner.

Soon, Ashton began to pull his hand back. Devon figured that this meant Ashton was done washing his front, but Devon wasn’t ready for the next stage just yet. If Ashton pulled back the cloth, he was sure to notice Devon’s rod. So, before he could do that, Devon reached out and gave Ashton’s hand a quick tap to get the giant’s attention.

Ashton lifted his palm up to his face and Devon with it. As he did so, Devon held a hand over his crotch and his legs together to keep his rigid cock out of the giant’s view.

“What’s up?” Ashton asked.

“This… I feel dumb, but hear me out…” Devon murmured awkwardly.

Ashton raised an eyebrow curiously but nodded for Devon to continue.

“I’ve been shrunk for a while now…” Devon said nervously. His voice trailed off at the end, and he balked at saying the next line.

Ashton nodded understandingly which gave Devon the push he needed to continue.

“I hate feeling small… normally…” Devon said. Again, his voice trailed off, and he struggled to find the next words.

“Do you need to stop? I can fill the sink for you,” Ashton replied.

“No! I mean. I’m fine. Actually…” Devon’s voice trailed off again. He swallowed to clear the lump from his throat and steeled his resolve. He let out a long, calming exhale and then spread his legs and moved his hand to let Ashton see his still rigid cock.

“I like feeling small with you. I like the way you make me feel small. Is that dumb? That’s insane, right?” Devon asked.

Ashton gave Devon a gentle smile and let out a soft chuckle. He placed a fingertip against Devon’s shuddered cock and gently stroke Devon’s tiny shaft.

Devon was so horny! It was frustrating how hot and bothered he was. Why did being held like this feel so good? Why did Ashton’s touch drive him so wild? Why did he like being so small!?

“I should confess too…” Ashton said as he held the quivering figure of the shrunken man in his hand. Devon was so small that his bare butt rested in Ashton’s palm and his head rested against Ashton’s fingertips. He looked so cute like that…

Devon managed to fight against his own excitement and arousal. Despite how horny he was he managed to nod to indicate that he was still listening.

“When I first met you, I was curious… Maybe fascinated. I worried for your safety yet admired your… determination? I guess that’s a good word for it,” Ashton explained. As he thought it over, his finger began to gently stroke Devon’s little dick slower and slower until he stopped altogether.

Devon was trembling like a leaf. His dick was rock hard and shuddering. He wanted to cum, but he also didn’t want to ruin this moment. He steeled his resolve, reached out with both hands, and pushed Ashton’s finger away, once more exposing his shuddering cock to the giant’s gaze.

Ashton noticed the gesture. He moved his hand away and glanced down at the tiny, shuddering form of the guy in his hand.

Now it was Ashton’s turn to try and clear his head and calm his excitement. He had never been a shy person. He had never had a hard time speaking his mind, but this was different…

“I at first thought I just wanted to protect you, but I realize that was silly. You don’t need me to. I admired you… I still do, but despite you not needing me, I wanted to stay around…” Ashton said.

Devon was still a little shaky, but he managed to sit up straighter in Devon’s palm. He stared up at the giant and took a moment to appreciate Ashton’s features. Ashton’s gaze was usually intense. His brow was constantly furrowed. He had a bad case of resting bitch face—a trait that Devon had come to find endearing, but tonight, his expression had softened considerably. He looked vulnerable in a way that Devon had never thought he’d see.

“I do need you, though, and I like relying on you!” Devon said.

Ashton paused for a moment. His gaze shifted away from Devon, but it wasn’t clear if he was thinking of something else or if he was just trying to avoid looking directly at the small figure in his hand.

“What do you think about Simon and Trevor?” Ashton asked.

“What? Why?” Devon sputtered.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to change the subject, but hanging out with them, it got me thinking. Do you want what they have?” Ashton asked.

“You mean like…” Devon murmured.

“I mean like… together… us,” Ashton said.

Devon’s jaw dropped in shock. The blood once more rushed to his face and his dick. His still-rigid dick gave a lurch of delight. The wave of joy that washed over him was so intense that he couldn’t even formulate words.

“I mean… we don’t need to move in together. If you’re interested, the offer is always open. Even if you don’t want to be boyfriends, you can stay here if you need to get away from… you know,” Ashton stammered.

Ashton was usually so calm, so collected, so… cool, but tonight he was stammering and sputtering. Usually he was the strong, silent type, but tonight the words were flooding from his mouth, and he couldn’t stop them. It was like the dam that had been holding back his thoughts and feelings for all these years finally burst.

“No! I mean! Yes!” Devon sputtered. “I mean. I would love to move in. Maybe not immediately. Maybe not even soon, but I want to be with you! Does this mean we’re together? Are we steady? Should we have dated first? Have we been dating?”

“We should date! Absolutely. I… don’t have a lot of money, but I’d love to take you out. Something nice. Just the two of us,” Ashton said.

Devon suddenly started to laugh which caught Ashton by surprise. Ashton recoiled slightly, but Devon quickly spoke up. “I’m a cheap date! I don’t eat much,” Devon shouted between laughs.

Ashton was laughing now too. “I’ve seen those fancy places. Fifty bucks for a plate of food that wouldn’t even feed you!” he said.

“What is this!? Foie gras for ants!?” Devon shouted between laughs.

“It needs to be at least… three times this big!” Ashton replied.

The two laughed at the joke and the shared reference. It took a few minutes for them to come down from the rush. It wasn’t that the joke was even particularly good. It was just an old reference to some old movie that mostly existed in memes, but it was the euphoria of them both finally admitting what they both wanted that had them feeling like they were on cloud nine.

Eventually, their laughter subsided. They both felt a little light-headed afterwards, but they still felt as giddy as kids on Christmas. Ashton glanced down once more at the little passenger on his palm and noticed that Devon’s once rigid rod had deflated to a respectable semi.

“I… sorry I blocked your cock there…” Ashton said.

“No. This is so much better than a handy, and there’s plenty of time for that later,” Devon said.

“I guess… so… where do you want to go for our first date?” Ashton asked.

“I don’t know… I’ve never actually dated anyone before,” Devon replied.

“No one?” Ashton asked.

“I wasn’t out… I guess I’m still not… I don’t know. The only people who knew were Rex and Trevor, but ever since… you know… they’re the only people I hang out with. I guess I forgot that it’s supposed to be a secret,” Devon replied.

“So not even your mom knows?” Ashton asked.

Devon gave an iffy hand wave. “I think she does, but like most things, she chooses to ignore it,” he said.

Ashton sighed and shook his head. “We’ve got to get you out of there,” he said.

“It’s fine. I don’t spend much time there anymore. I’m really thankful to you for getting me out of there as often as you do, and now that we’re… a thing, we can maybe do more,” Devon said.

“That settles it. Think of where you want to go. I’ll save. I’ll pick up gigs. We’ll make your first date special,” Ashton said.

“Don’t go crazy with it. I’m glad just being with you. I’ve don’t even know where I’d want to go. This is all so new. I mean… you had an ex, right? Where do you guys go?” Devon asked.

Ashton sighed and rolled his eyes. “He was a dirtbag. We never went anywhere I’d want to take you,” he said.

“Ah… well, we can ask around. I’m sure Simon has some ideas,” Devon said.

“I guess so… I feel weird going to him for everything, though,” Ashton replied.

“Mm…” Devon replied. It wasn’t so much an agreement as it was a vague acknowledgement.

Ashton glanced at his curiously. He wasn’t sure what the make of the response. There was a brief lull in the conversation while Ashton waited for some a response, but it soon became clear that none would be coming.

Devon pulled his knees up to his chest and began happily rocking from side to side. He was clearly lost in his daydreams. Ashton had never seen him so happy. He looked so content that Ashton didn’t want to bother him even though holding the little guy up to his face like this for so long was starting to make his arm hurt.

The pair was content to just sit quietly and enjoy each other’s presence, but Eventually Ashton spoke up and broke the silence.

“The water’s getting cold, and I’m starting to prune. Ready to get out?” He asked.

“Mm!” Devon replied and nodded happily.

Ashton nodded. He leaned out of the tub and placed Devon gently on the counter next to the sink before climbing out of the tub himself. Devon sat back and marveled at the towering nude form of his friend—No. His boyfriend!

Devon had mostly drip dried while they spoke, but Ashton was still soaked head to toe. As Ashton stood there, Devon took in the sight of Ashton’s lean bod and cute cock as they glistened from the water.

Ashton glanced down at his little lover as he finished drying off and then said, “It’s still the middle of the night. Want to go back to bed?”

Devon nodded emphatically. Ashton reached down and helped Devon climb back onto his shoulder before heading back out into the main room. As they made their way towards the bed, Devon spoke into his ear.

“You didn’t seem to move much while you slept,” Devon said.

“I guess…? Why do you mention it?” Ashton asked.

“Well… I was wondering if you’d let me sleep… on your chest,” Devon replied.

Ashton was surprised but delighted. “Oh! I… yeah! If you need up, just pinch me or something. I’m a light sleeper,” he said.

Devon gave another excited “Mm!” and nodded emphatically.

By this point, they had made their way back to the bed. Ashton set Devon down on the pillow and then crawled into bed. As he laid there, he could feel Devon climb up onto his shoulder and walk across his chest. Devon’s feet were so tiny that they tickled, but Ashton struggled not to laugh. Soon, Devon was situated in the center of Ashton’s chest and laid down.

Devon pressed his ear against Ashton’s chest and listened to the sound of the giant’s heartbeat. He didn’t dare say it out loud, but he still couldn’t believe he had even suggested this. This was crazy. If Ashton rolled over in his sleep, what would happen then? But Devon felt so safe in Ashton’s care, and as he rode the rise and fall of Ashton’s chest, Devon found himself drifting off to sleep in no time, and then just before he faded completely, he felt the giants hand rest atop him like a weighted blanket. Devon let out a soft, contented sigh before slipping into slumber.

Ashton couldn’t hear Devon’s sigh, but he could feel the little form of his boyfriend soften as Devon relaxed. Ashton placed a hand gently over his little lover. He had originally intended just to give Devon a gentle pat, but the second his hand rested on the little guy, he could feel Devon instantly relax even further. Ashton could feel the rise and fall of the little guy’s body as Devon silently snored. Ashton sighed contentedly before he too drifted to sleep.

The Life and Tinies of Trevor, #9 4,179 words Added Jul 2024 1,458 views No votes yet

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