New neighbors

by OllyGolly

Aidan gets acquainted with his gorgeous new neighbors and the neighbors decide to acquaint their bodies with his.

3,469 words Added Sep 2024 572 views No votes yet

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Aidan wiped the pooling sweat from his brow as he sat outside on his porch with nothing on but a pair of black gym shorts and a black Elden Ring crop top on his upper half. It was simply too hot to wear clothes that didn’t reveal extra skin. His round belly lay exposed, the light body hair forming a happy trail gently bending in the breeze. He leaned back in his porch chair, letting the light wind caress him. He brought a hand to his face as he rubbed the black stubble on his face. He briefly remarked that he needed a shave but didn’t think too much of it. He was at the end of a dead end street on one side. Across the street, an empty lot. Next door, the house left vacant by the elderly Joneses who always had something to say about anything he did. He was immensely glad they were gone to Florida forever.

As Aidan was bringing a chilled Diet Coke to his lips, he saw a large U-Haul pull up to the Joneses house. He didn’t even think it was for sale yet. It figures that their house would be spotless as obsessive as they are. Aidan tried extra hard not to pay the truck any mind as not to emulate his former neighbors but he really couldn’t mind his own business entirely. He was still glancing when Ronan dismounted from the truck, and his glance turned into a full-on stare. Ronan hadn’t noticed thankfully as Aidan was moving his eyes up and down the positively gorgeous man.

Even from a distance, he appeared to be quite tall. He was built like the trunk of an African baobab tree: round and firm. His luscious light-brown hair was put up in a short keep with gel, and his brown eyes almost looked black from far. Aidan also couldn’t stop staring at Ronan’s brown beard that matched his brown hair almost like a vertical reflection. Aidan pulled himself away from Ronan’s face and moved on to his delicious body. He wore what looked like an incredibly lightweight red tank top with red trim and black athletic shorts, almost identical to Aidan’s. He wore well-worn tennis shoes. Ronan let out a heart sigh and finally noticed that Aidan was staring at him. Aidan quickly averted his eyes, but Ronan gave a friendly wave anyhow. Aidan initially pretended not to see but resumed his attention and gave a relaxed wave. He didn’t want to seem too eager.

From the other side of the van, another person opened the door and came around and Aidan was even more enamored. Gael was built similarly to his counterpart Ronan, rotund and stocky. He had much tanner skin, the result of sunwork, not genetics, Aidan assumed by the rest of his features. His shoulders were a little broader than Ronan’s however. His hair, also brown, but much darker and also much longer, shoulder-length in fact. He was wearing a pair of casual trunks and a pair of strapped sandals, and nothing else. His chest was completely bare and exposed for all, especially Aidan, to see. Aidan continued staring at the pair, and Gael gave a similarly friendly wave which Aidan responded to in kind, trying not to be off-putting to these incredibly gorgeous men who were seemingly going to be his new neighbors. He paused for a moment in thought. After contemplation, he stood up and decided to prance over and introduce himself. His black crop top, while warm, was quite cute and let his skin show, a feature that he hoped one of them would notice.

“Hello there,” Ronan called out as Aidan continued walking on the lawn to them.

“Well, hi there,” Aidan said kindly. “I’m guessing you guys are taking the Jones’ place?”

“I don’t know who the Joneses are, but we’re moving in, my man,” Gael said, putting an arm around Ronan. He leaned in quickly and Aidan could obviously tell he whispered something to Ronan but Aidan pretended not to notice.

“Oh where are our manners?” Ronan said. “I’m Ronan, and this is my husband Gael.” They extended their hands and Aidan shook politely although he was hoping they weren’t together. He wanted to get with one of them, either of them, but now the chances were a lot slimmer.

“Nice to meet you guys,” Aidan responded, trying to turn on the charm, hoping for a breakthrough. “I’m Aidan.”

Ronan and Gael were both smiling at Aidan, and Ronan found himself admiring Aidan’s exposed midriff.

“Hey, I like your shirt,” Ronan said, trying to play it cool. Aidan blushed a little.

“Oh thank you,” he said. “Are you guys gamers at all?” Gael nodded his head, his hair falling gently on his shoulders.

“Oh absolutely,” Gael said. “We love that stuff. I packed the Playstation in the front of the moving van and not with the other stuff. Can’t have anything happen to my baby.”

“I was in the front too,” Ronan said, teasing his husband.

“And I love you too, my big boy,” Gael said. He leaned over and placed a kiss on Ronan. It started out gentle but quickly turned into a passionate, open-mouthed kiss. Both men were starting to get visible chubs in their shorts before they realized that Aidan was still standing there and they broke off their love tap.

“Sorry about that,” Ronan said, slightly embarrassed. Aidan waved his hand in a relaxed gesture.

“Oh you aren’t hurting my feelings by making out in front of me,” Aidan said. “I’m gay too.”

“I knew it,” Gael butted in. “Thank God we moved in next door here then.”

“Do you live here by yourself?” Ronan said with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh yeah, I inherited the place from my grandparents actually,” Aidan said, trying to be as nonchalant as he could about the death in his family.

“We’re sorry to hear that,” Ronan said. “But at least you got a place to live out of it.” Aidan simply shrugged his shoulders.

“You learn to roll with the punches,” Aidan added. “I’m a pretty relaxed person, very ‘go with the flow.” Gael perked up his eyebrows at this sentence and leaned over to whisper in Ronan’s ear again.

“Say, Aidan, we’ve got to get our stuff unpacked and in the house, but we’d love to catch up with sometime,” Ronan started but Aidan interrupted him.

“Oh, let me help you guys,” Aidan said. Ronan looked over to Gael and he nodded heartily. The husbands remarked that he was dressed almost like he was perfectly dressed for the job although Aidan wasn’t sure if he was. He realized he wasn’t actually wearing any underwear and feared that his cock may betray him while watching sweaty men lifting, especially ones as hot as Ronan and Gael. There were several moments where Aidan had to look away while his new friends were being athletic. Ronan and Gael definitely noticed but were smart to play it off like they didn’t. Every so often they exchanged glances with each other, almost like they were speaking telepathically. As a couple, they felt like they were incredibly in-sync, especially in these kinds of matters. All three men were bonding through their shared physical activity, especially in this heat. Every so often, Ronan and Gael would kiss again and Aidan couldn’t avert his gaze. He certainly thought they were both hot, but fortunately for Gael and Ronan’s fun time and teasing, he was quite clueless sometimes. This was happening so often that Gael started kissing Ronan and purposefully looking towards Aidan while breaking the kiss. Gael hoped that Aidan would take it as a playful gesture more than him being mean.

Eventually, the sweaty trio got everything from the truck into the house, although it was mostly a helter-skelter mess. Ronan and Gael collapsed on the couch that wasn’t even against a wall, but diagonally splitting the room in the center, and Aidan dropped into a comfy La-Z-Boy chair. All three were huffing wildly.

“We really can’t thank you enough for giving us a hand with all this,” Ronan said between gasps. “You made it so we got it done in a third of the time I thought we would.”

“Hey, it’s the least I could do,” Aidan said. “Just being a good neighbor.”

“Nah man,” Gael said. “You’re being an excellent neighbor. We’re lucky to have you around. We’re definitely going to hang out a lot.” He looked over at Aidan and had a flirtatious sparkle in his eye, but it faded quickly, so Aidan wasn’t even sure if he saw what he thought he saw. Gael smirked as he leaned back and gave his husband another kiss. They had made each one more passionate than the last. Gael played the same trick on Aidan and made sure to look him directly in the eyes as he broke contact. Ronan was also smiling while his husband did this, causing Aidan to blush. Gael stood up and went into the kitchen.

“I think Gael and I are going to take a shower to cool off,” Ronan said, prolonging Aidan’s blush by the imagery of them sopping wet and naked. “You’re welcome to drink a glass of water while we clean up or… whatever else you want to do,” he said, suggestively. “The choice is up to you, though.” Ronan glanced over to his husband in the kitchen who was cheekily bringing a glass to his mouth so as not to get involved. He simply paced the glass down on the counter and locked eyes with Aidan before breaking eye contact and heading down the hall to the bathroom. Ronan smiled at Aidan before following suit. Aidan didn’t even realize that his erect cock was definitely visible and that his new neighbors just figured out that he was definitely attracted to them. Aidan twiddled his thumbs unsure of what to do.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Gael and Ronan had already divested themselves of clothes and were preparing their shower.

“Mmm, I’m glad we have some alone time,” Gael said. “At least for a little bit, until our new puppy decides to join us.” He kissed his husband again, much gentler than any of his show-off kisses were.

“Oh yeah, I love when you play the slutty husband,” Ronan said.

“Hell, if we’re not careful, you’ll have two slutty husbands,” Gael continued. He gently caressed his partner as their bellies rubbed against one another. He moved a hand to their bellies but was stopped by Ronan.

“You sure you want to show him that just yet?” Ronan asked. Gael just shrugged his shoulders.

“Multi’s are popping up in cities all over the place,” Gael said. “He said, he was go with the flow, remember?” Gael said and started massaging their bellies over and over again.

Aidan went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water because he was quite nervous. He just tried to calm down because he wanted these guys to think he was cool. He imagined them having a regular thing, a regular hookup, or friends-with-benefits situation. Hell, if they were into it, he could even see himself being their third partner. He’d always wanted to try a polyamorous relationship. He steeled his nerves when he heard the music start playing from a speaker in the bathroom and the soft pitter patter of falling water in the shower. He inched his way to the door of the bathroom, trying not to be obvious.

Ronan and Gael were fully sopped up with the warm water and were in the throes of their fun in the shower. They gently tugged on each other as felt their familiar warmth coming from their bellies that were now thoroughly massaged. Gael continued rubbing their bodies together and with one final push, both husbands felt a release of energy not unlike sexual pleasure as their skin melded into each other and now they were conjoined by one large belly that spanned their two bodies. They moaned lightly but not too loud because they wanted their activities to be a surprise for Aidan. They pressed forward so they could make out as the water ran over them and they felt their belly stretch and contract as they moved closer to and farther from each other. It was like their conjoined stomach was a bubble of water that they could morph however they wanted to. After they broke the kiss, Gael smiled devilishly to his husband and grabbed their cocks and began working the magic.

Aidan was finally at the bathroom door and he heard the music louder, the water louder, and now he could make out Gael and Ronan’s sexual moans. His cock stood to complete attention against his shorts now and knew there was no way that he could hide it if he walked into the bathroom. He figured an erection wouldn’t really be an unwelcome sight if he went into the bathroom at all. He decided to brave the bathroom and slowly creaked open the door and was bewildered by what he saw.

In the shower, certainly big enough for the three of them to fit comfortably, Gael had continued massaging their bodies into a pleasurable shape. Their bellies were still totally conjoined but now their cocks were also welded into one fleshy connector between them. Gael and Ronan were fumbling around one another with their hands. They moaned and didn’t even notice that Aidan was now watching them. Aidan honestly couldn’t believe what he was seeing but all he knew is that it was sexual. He though it might have been some sort of trick of the light, but upon closer inspection, he confirmed what he saw. It was in that moment that Gael glanced over and cheekily smiled while still kissing his husband. One of his hands was free and he motioned for Aidan to come in. Aidan wasn’t sure if he should but he was already this far into this, so he couldn’t really see a reason to stop now, especially because he basically got a monogrammed invitation. Aidan calmly tip-toed into the bathroom while Gael was occupying Ronan’s full attention. He started undressing and he noticed that Ronan and Gael both were watching him, their bodies one conjoined mass of delicious man. They were stroking their merged cocks and Aidan wondered exactly how that felt. Did they only feel what was originally their half of their single cock? Did they feel the whole thing as if it were one enlarged cock? So many questions went through Aidan’s mind but he wasn’t super concerned with that. He was more concerned with making a good impression in the throes of passion.

While Aidan undressed for the occasion, Gael and Ronan figured out their plan of attack to their new little fuck buddy. They whispered as quietly as they could so that Aidan couldn’t hear and they both smiled a naughty smile as Aidan joined them in the shower.

“Well, hello there,” Gael said.

“Yes, hello indeed,” Ronan said. “Glad you decided to join us.”

“It looks like you guys to decided to join each other,” Aidan said trying to calm his nerves.

“You want a taste of this?” Gael said before pulling Aidan’s face towards his and gently kissing it as the water ran over he and Ronan’s conjoined body. Aidan responded in kind by kissing Gael as passionately as he saw Gael kissing Ronan. Ronan stroked their conjoined cock and purred at the sight of them kissing.

“Mmm, I love it when my husband picks up a boy for us to play with,” Ronan said. “Would you like to be our little toy?” Aidan was so aroused by Ronan’s sudden shift to a far more dominant tone that all Aidan could do was nod and immediately go back to kissing Gael.

“Let’s try something else,” Gael said and glanced over to his husband. He pressed their bodies together even further. Their forms began collapsing into one another and with one final press and a fluid motion, Gael and Ronan were both facing the same way. They were like a double wide body, one set of shoulders and two heads. Their arms had situated themselves, one set behind the other, giving them even larger more defined shoulders. Their two cocks had snapped apart and were standing at attention between their individual sets of legs. “Like what you see?”

Aidan could only seem to nod because of how sexy their transformation was and how much watching it fried his brain.

“Well, we’re not done yet,” Gael said and he began nuzzling his husband’s face with his own. Ronan’s beard began creeping like a caterpillar onto Gael’s face as their faces started smushing together like playdough. The gentle nuzzling continued as their lips touched and their mouths began to restructure into one double wide mouth. Their necks even conjoined together but Aidan could see both of their Adam’s apples.

“Now, you can kiss us both,” their larger than average mouth moved but both of their voices came out at the same time. Aidan was practically drooling as he leaned in and kissed these mixed up husbands who were now sharing a body. Their tongues were still separate so Aidan could feel both of their tongues wrestling each other and then, poking and prodding his mouth as well.

“All right, your turn,” the merged husbands said and began massaging their own penises together into one larger penis on their center crotch. Then, Gael grabbed Aidan’s cock and started massaging Aidan’s cock, making it larger and more elongated. Finally, he started massaging the tips of their cocks together. Gael also pulled his and Ronan’s heads apart so they were no longer sharing a face. Aidan felt warmth on his cock, unique from how the water felt. He looked down and the skin of both cocks was invading the others skin, melding like two liquids pouring into a cup and mixing unmixable. Gael’s fingers felt good on his cock and he finally got the answer to his question: it definitely felt like his cock now when Gael went all the way back to his own body with his strokes. The threesome now consisted of all three of them in a singular body, intimately connected. They were all locked together in their sexual escapade. Somehow it felt like they had known each other for millenia rather than just a few hours, but that was the power of merging together as one body for the pursuit of pleasure.

“Mmm, I’m already close,” Aidan said.

“So are we, baby,” Gael and Ronan said together. “That’s how it works now. We all cum together.” Aidan closed his eyes and groped the husbands as they came closer and closer to climax. Aidan aggressively kissed both Gael and Ronan one by one as he finally felt the orgasm wash over their conjoined body. He was surprised however by the sensation of this release. He felt something well up inside what used to be just his cock before the feeling moving up his body and into his throat. Gael and Ronan smiled clearly knowing what was to happen next. Suddenly, Aidan felt a surge come out of his throat and out of his mouth; his mouth began to spurt white liquid that would normally come out of his penis, his mouth drooling with cum. It was like a firehose, but somehow felt good coming out of his mouth. When he looked forward, the same thing was happening from both Gael and Ronan’s mouth and they shared in a passionate kiss which Aidan could somehow feel, like the connection between their bodies was solidified by them cumming. The orgasm finally subsided and their bodies collapsed together on to the floor of the shower. Their bodies, still malleable, pressed together and merged together into a sexy mess of heads, arms, legs, and cocks. They all huffed and puffed in their ecstatic bliss. Ronan and Gael turned their heads to look at Aidan.

“Okay, two questions,” Ronan said. “When are we moving in together, and when are we getting married?”

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