
by EdIam

Jake created an invention to change the world. But first he wants to change his bully.

5 parts (4 new) 26k words Added Jun 2024 3,067 views 3.9 stars (7 votes)

Part 1 Jake created an invention to change the world. But first he wants to change his bully. (added: 15 Jun 2024)
Part 2Jake arrives home and has an unexpected visit from Alex. (added: 22 Jun 2024)
Part 3JJ is enjoying his soon-to-be not-so-peaceful shower.
Part 4JJ’s new outlook on life begins. (added: 29 Jun 2024)
Part 5JJ and Alex further torment Jake with newly formed ideas.
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Part 1

Jake Henderson was a nerd. In fact, many would say that all they knew about him was that he was only a nerd, if they said anything at all. Having had no real friends throughout his childhood, he was lucky in the fact that he had grown up with a very supportive family that allowed him to really focus on his science skills without worrying about socializing much. As a result, he had been accepted to one of the most prestigious schools in the country or, as his older brother, biggest supporter, and best friend John Jr., said, “Damn, kid. That’s where, like, every famous nerd went!”

It did, in fact, prove to be a smart decision. Jake lucked out and was assigned a roommate that was almost as nerdy as him and nearly as smart. Eric Michaels quickly became the only real friend Jake had ever had. In this particular school, roommates were assigned (to the best of the administration’s ability) by major. Jake and Eric both were studying experimental science and, thus, were in many of the same classes. They became study buddies, lab partners, and best friends. But there was something that had always bugged Eric. Eric had always been very open with Jake and never really felt like he had the same experience with his friend. Jake was almost like a trap door when it came to his years prior at college. All Eric really knew was his parent’s names were John and Maria and his older brother, whom nearly everyone called JJ, and he had always been close. Eric had always wanted to pry a little to find out what caused his friends silence, but Jake always seemed to avoid the topic. Eric didn’t mind though. His friend had proven to be intelligent, kind-hearted, and funny whenever they hung out, so it wasn’t a big deal that he didn’t share every detail of his life. The curiosity remained, however.

Eric finally had his chance late December in their third year of school. When their recent discovery proved successful and the previously very antisocial Jake suggested they celebrate by going out and drinking, Eric didn’t hesitate. Jake never even mentioned alcohol, even though both had turned 21 within the last few months, but Eric could hardly blame him. They had worked so hard the past few years on their Re-Educator and finally seeing it working properly made him want to drink the night away himself! And, as a bonus, perhaps a few drinks might open his friend up a little bit.

So, after about three huge mixed drinks and several beers, Jake and Eric stumbled clumsily into their dorm room with a loud boom.

“I am far too drunk to function right now, my man,” Eric exclaimed as he fell into his bed.

“Oh, Eric. You’re not done yet. You only had five beers and I had seven and you need more so you’re getting as drunker as me. Ha! Drunker! Besides, we need to celebrate the greatnessness of our achievement!” Jake responded.

“Fine, fine, fine. Pass me one more beer. Just one more. But if we’re gonna do this, we gotta relax a little bit. Maybe at least, like, play a game or something. I will pass def pass out if we aren’t focusing on something. All those chicks at the bar kept me mighty focused and were mighty fine and you made me leave. So now you’re my entertainment.” Eric smiled mischievously.

“My oh my, what would Susie think?” Jake asked as he opened the mini fridge and grabbed a beer for Eric and a beer for himself.

Eric thought briefly of his girlfriend. He really had grown to love her since the night they lost their virginity to one another last May. “I’d never cheat on her, you know that! Six months strong! Besides, who else could I get? I’m not what most chicks consider prime beef.” Eric sighed as he opened his beer. Jake never would have said it out loud, but he disagreed completely. The truth was that Jake was gay had always had a crush on his roommate. His red hair, stubble on his face, piercing green eyes behind sexy black glasses, and sinewy, Irish white skin had always turned Jake on. At 5’11’, he was a little taller than Jake and had a very natural wrestler build to him. Though Eric was as nerdy and smart as Jake and never did really exercise, he seemed to be blessed with amazing genes that granted him a somewhat naturally looking muscular build.

Jake, on the other hand, was a little shorter than him at about 5’9” and slightly stocky. He wasn’t really what anyone would call fat. He just never really worked out so had a slightly thicker build. He knew with his dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and boyish looks he probably could find a guy for himself, but he focused almost all of his attention on his schoolwork. In fact, this was the first time he had even gone to a bar! Despite his massive crush on his roommate, he had always been able to control himself and even when drunk, he found himself able to do the same. Though guys interested him, Jake never really felt the need to pursue anyone. The crush on his roommate was enough to suffice in that area of his life. A couple times a month, Jake would masturbate to the thought of Eric stumbling in on him in the shower and joining him, but that was really the extent of his hormonal needs. Jake just cared so deeply about his education and what he could do with it that his sexuality took a backseat.

“Naw, buddy. You’re a good-looking guy. Trust me. But a game with the beers you say? What do you mean?” Jake asked inquisitively as he sat at his computer desk, leaning back a bit and causing a little dizziness to form. He jerked forward as Eric looked at him and laughed.

“I don’t know man. Something simple, obviously. You can’t handle much else. Maybe just, like, truth or dare. You don’t do the truth or the dare, you have to chug. Sound okay?”

Jake stared at his friend cautiously. He never really liked to open up to people. And, really, when he thought about it, his lack of trust in other people was all because of one person: Alex Smith. Alex had been Jake’s neighbor growing up and being roughly the same age, had pretty much been in Jake’s life from the beginning. And Jake was relentlessly bullied by Alex as far back as he could remember. It seemed like no matter what he did, Alex, and later, Alex and his thugs, would find something to make fun of him over it. As a result, Jake had decided at a young age that keeping to himself and focusing on his own growing intellect was far better than putting himself out there and at risk of further ridicule. Ultimately, though, Eric had proven to be a fantastic friend. Jake figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a little fun with him, even if it meant revealing a couple of secrets.

“Okay, fine. Me first though. Truth or dare?” Jake finally said with a smile.

“Sweet,” Eric said as he turned to face his friend. “I’ll go with a truth.”

“Okay, umm…this is kind of hard to think of questions. Umm…okay. Have you been with, like, kissed or anything, any other girl while dating Susie?”

Eric stared at his friend. Instantly, he brought up his drink and took three giant gulps. “Okay. Truth or dare?” Eric said with slight guilt.

Jake laughed at his friend. He was proud that his first question had already made his friend drink but felt for Susie. Jake never doubted how Eric felt for Susie but being a young, attractive man in college must make it hard for Eric not to spread his wings at least a little. “Um, dare, I guess.”

Eric was a little disappointed. He already knew what question he wanted to ask. He didn’t want to go too far with his shy roommate, however. No matter how drunk he was, he didn’t’ want to scare him away from a couple of truths. “Okay, I dare you to…umm…I don’t know. Drink?”

“Hahaha, this is already getting lame, Eric.” Jake laughed as he brought his beer up to his mouth. Taking a fast drink and bringing it back down, “Okay, truth or dare?”

“Truth. Dare is kind of lame, as you could see.”

“Okay.” Jake blushed as a question popped into his mind. “How big is your, umm, penis?”

Eric looked up at his friend. Though Eric was straight, Jake had let him know from the very beginning that he was gay. It made him a little uncomfortable at first, but combined with their shared love of science and inventing along with the fact that Jake came across as more asexual than anything, he kind of let it go and forgot about his homosexuality. Sometimes, Eric thought Jake did check him out, but it was never anything too inappropriate, so he just let it go. This was as close to hitting on him or being overtly sexual he had ever gone. Eric eventually just smiled at his friend. Jake looked a bit nervous and shocked that he had even asked the question.

“I’m about 8 inches. Aaaaand moving on, truth or dare. Please say truth!”

“Thanks for the, uh, answer. And, okay. Truth.”

Smirking a bit, Eric confessed, “I actually do have a pretty good question. I want you to know that you’re my buddy and I trust you and you can trust me. So please, fill me in. You never really talk about growing up beyond your family. Why are you so secretive about it all? What happened to you when you were younger?”

Jake stared at his friend with wide eyes. He didn’t think his friend was even remotely curious about him. Why would he be? No one other than his brother had really ever showed any interest in him. He believed his friend, though. He could trust him. Taking a few moments, a few deep breaths, and Jake finally began to speak.

“I had a bully.”

Even though Eric found this to be a bit strange as he, too, had been bullied, he held his tongue as Jake took a moment.

“But not, like, a normal bully. He was evil. Seriously. His name is Alex Smith and I lived next to him. He, umm, put me down all the time. Literally all the time. It seemed like he got a sick pleasure out of making me feel bad. And, well, it really affected me. He was terrorizing me at home, at school, everywhere.” Jake took in a deep breath as Eric noticed a single tear begin to fall down his face.

Jake couldn’t believe that he had started crying. But for him, it was as though a Band-Aid had been ripped off a wound that had never really healed and now, it was beginning to bleed all over the place as it had done for years.

For his part, Eric was surprised at how personal Jake was getting so fast. Sitting up from his bed, Eric flipped his legs over the edge, knocking off several pairs of recently sewn clothing from the edge of his bed. Deciding to take the opportunity to learn about his friend, he bent down to pick up the mess and as he began refolding one of the shirts, he asked, “How is that even possible? You’ve had a bully, what, for like 21 years now? Didn’t your parents or teacher stop him? Didn’t they ever talk to his parents? And your older brother seemed really protective of you every time I met him.”

John sighed deeply. “JJ is awesome and has always been there for me because we’re really close to the same age. Mom and Dad told me that when I was a baby, he would sit next to me and guard me,” Jake said with a smile as another tear fell down his face. “And yeah, he tried, but Alex only had his dad because his mom died when he was a baby and his three older brothers were always mean to him too and always had his back along with these two minions of his named Zeke and Carl and my parents knew all that stuff about his mom dying and his dad being alone and stuff.”

Jake began to get visibly angry. “So they always told me to try to let it go because he had a hard life. And the teachers were the same way. So I kind of just let it happen and kept on trying to ignore it. No matter what I did, though, he would make fun of me for it. And even now, I get accepted to one of the most prestigious schools in the entire country to research cutting-edge science and to truly try to change the world and he gets in on a wrestling scholarship. A wrestling scholarship! I swear he only took it because he wants to terrorize me all the dang time. It’s just gotten to be too fu—oops…I mean flipping much,” finished Jake as he blushed and began to softly cry a little harder.

Eric felt horrible for Jake. He had no idea that Alex was even at the school. He thought he remembered maybe seeing a guy talking to Jake a couple of times. He wasn’t really talking to him; more talking at him. But Eric had never really thought much of the situation. He was just a jerk being a jerk. And Jake never let on that this guy was harassing him or affecting him at all. Since the moment they met, Jake had been an incredibly quiet guy who never even dreamt of cussing. Now here he was, nearly saying the f-word because it worked him up so much. From what Eric had gathered, his parents had raised him to be really religious and therefore didn’t really condone cussing. He did, however, find it odd that despite how religious they were, Eric knew they accepted Jake’s honest homosexuality. All in all, Eric was positive that Jake came from an amazingly supportive and loving family. He just couldn’t get over how much this Alex guy had obviously harassed him almost to the point of insanity.

“I know this might be a bit, um, rude and mean. But when we were making the Re-Educator, I kind of always thought that maybe I could use it to make bullies not bully too.” Jake said as he wiped away tears. Eric stopped folding one of his several pairs of newly constructed pants and stared with his mouth agape at the suggestion.

“Jake. We made that to teach people things. Not to change people.”

“I know, I know. And I get that. But, I mean, come on. How is this not teaching? He was raised in a house that ignored his bullying. He borders on being a sociopath for heaven’s sake. Not even borders, he probably is a sociopath. Isn’t this just teaching an evil person not to be evil?” Jake pleaded with his friend.

Eric really didn’t see this the same way his friend did. But looking at his softly weeping friend, Eric’s heart couldn’t help but feel for him. He had been bullied too, but clearly not to the extent that Jake had dealt with. “I wouldn’t say I condone it or anything, but I do see where you’re coming from. But we didn’t make it to change a mind, man. We made it to help the mind learn.”

“Yeah, I know. But I just wanted to try a little something. I just need to see if it works. I know this is coming out of nowhere and I guess I really wasn’t going to do anything until I got home tomorrow with my brother because I know I can depend on him. I wasn’t even going to mention it to you. But now it’s out there. I made a little enhancement piece for the machine. To try to make it kind of more powerful so you can completely re-educate someone. I don’t want to do anything too crazy or anything and who knows? It might not even work. I just want to try it out today. And you really have been my one and only friend. Maybe if it doesn’t work, I’ll just leave it be. But…well…can I try it on you maybe?”

Eric was stunned. “What? I don’t know. Dude. What?”

“Eric, please. I’m not trying to be, like, evil or anything. I just really need to do this. He’s been terrorizing me my entire life! I can’t just let it keep happening. I need to stand up for myself!” Jake passionately exclaimed.

“I get that, Jake. But seriously, just listen to me. This isn’t…”

“I know it’s not the greatest thing to do, and I know that it’s kind of immoral and all that stuff, but I have no other idea how it will stop! I know if I could fine-tune it, I can make it be more than just, like, an education thing. You know, if I fine-tune it to be more about changing and teaching a mind. And, in all honesty, I built the new little thingy on the side. I know I should have told you because it did distract me from the main project and stuff. I swear I only worked on it while you were out with friends or Susie. But I knew that when we started building this thing that I had to use it for this and I had to make sure it could do it. I just have to. And I just know it. I feel like that jerk will end up following me all my life somehow. Just to make me miserable,” Jake explained drunkenly in his long monologue that seemed to be well thought out.

Eric and Jake sat silently for a few moments as Eric focused on his folding so he could think of the best way to word what he was thinking. “Jake. You know very well that I had bullies too. Of course I’ve thought about doing the same thing to the ass that terrorized me in high school.” Eric finally finished folding the last of his newly sewn shirts, jackets, and other clothing he had prepared for his family and set them next to him. “But I don’t think…”

“This is different, though, “Jake stood up suddenly and interjected. “Alex has been bullying me from the moment we were born. He and I lived next to one another forever and there wasn’t a single day I can remember without him at least saying or doing one thing to hurt me. He was just born a mean person. I want to help him realize that treating people that way is wrong.” Eric was slightly ashamed to admit that his friend’s passion and intensity were slightly frightening to him. He felt a little scared for his safety while seeing the desperation in Jake’s eyes as he spoke. It really did seem like he was at his wit’s end.

Eric stumbled over to his friend slowly. As he put his hand on Jake’s shoulder, he stated, “I know this is affecting you, man. I’ve never seen you like this before. You always seem so, uh, stoic. But I don’t know if I can let you try it on me. We worked so hard on it for so long and I understand the power it might have if we tried this. I was bullied too and it’s…”

Jake angrily pushed his friend away, “Don’t say that it was hard. This is hell for 21 years of my life. This isn’t just some bully. This is Alex Smith. The cruelest man to ever live. He was horrible to me from the first moment we met and he got even worse when I came out and he found out. When I came out, he refused to call me anything other than Filthy Queer. He’d beat me up and throw rocks at me and had his little minions always harassing me too. I got it occasionally before, but when I came out, it never ended. He occasionally would at least let me walk by. But not since I came out. Even on campus, he’ll call me Filthy Queer. Sometimes even around adults! His little minions and his constantly changing girlfriends would just laugh at my pain. He just doesn’t care. He emotionally manipulates everyone around him because his mom died giving birth to him and he’s got a single dad and so everyone feels bad for him and it’s just not fair that he might be ruining countless other lives with his evil.”

Taken aback by the sudden outburst, Eric took a few steps back. Jake sighed, “Look, I’m sorry. I know I’m usually so quiet. I’m just nervous about going back home and having to see him again constantly every day. I feel like I’ve held all this in for so long and getting it out is just a bit overwhelming.” Jake took a long deep breath. “Look. Eric. I just want to see if this will work.” Jake wiped a few more tears from his eyes and looked directly at Eric. “Can I please just try it out to see if it will work? All I will do is see if it works. Nothing more.”

Eric thought about it. He knew the time and effort Jake and he had put into getting their ‘Re-Educator’ up and running. They had fiddled with sound waves, studied how the brain registers them, and went through trial and error after trial and error. But finally, a week ago, they had perfected the machine just five days before it was due. In essence, what they had worked on was a machine that would allow people to learn a skill much quicker. They knew that with this machine, they could possibly revolutionize how education itself was done. In essence, they could help a person learn anything by only hearing the teaching through a special microphone/speaker combo that would go directly to the learning centers of the brain. With this, people could learn French in an afternoon, learn karate (within their physical capabilities) in a few sessions, or even learn every word in the dictionary in the time it takes to have someone read it aloud to them. The best part was, during the process, the learner wouldn’t even realize they were learning! They would merely accept their knowledge as though it was something they already knew! This machine was to be used for education only, as Jake and Eric had discussed. They knew instantly, as well as the professor they presented it to, how dangerous the machine could be.

They had taken the machine to their final presentation with Professor Simons. During which, Jake read a how-to manual for using a sewing machine. Eric had made sure to tell Professor Simons that he had never even seen a real sewing machine in his life. After Jake inserted specially designed earplugs into his and Professor Simons’s ears that blocked the special waves the machine produced, he began to read the manual into their Re-Educator, and Eric began to quickly sew an expert looking hat. Then a jacket. As Eric put on his newly made clothing, Professor Simons sat with his mouth agape. The professor realized that through the extended presentation, Eric had now showcased his newfound amazing skill with a sewing machine in less than a few hours.

So while they were beyond excited that they had produced this technology, only Eric, Jake, and Professor Simons even knew it existed. Professor Simons had told them that there was no way they could let anyone know until they could perform further studies to limit it to only being used for educational purposes. How he was going to ensure that, Eric wasn’t sure. Until they could, though, Professor Simons instructed the students to keep close surveillance over the holidays and they would discuss it further when they returned to school in January.

So it was with no joy that Eric relented. He understood that this machine was insanely powerful and the ideas Jake had expressed earlier weren’t educational. They were, ironically, the re-education of a bully into a non-bullying lifestyle. Eric truly had no idea what Jake had planned for Alex and Eric wasn’t sure his friend should mess with someone like that. But as he looked at Jake, his heart broke and so did his will. He had to help his friend. He knew it.

“Fine. Just give it a try.”

Jake beamed. He was so excited to test out his Re-Educator in this much more advanced way. He wanted to try to not only teach a person how do to something but teach a person how to act. That way, Jake could use it to finally get Alex to leave him alone for good and hopefully keep him from bullying again. In fact, Jake hoped to let Alex fully understand what it’s like to be gay a little first for a little payback, but ultimately, make him a model citizen. At this point, however, Jake didn’t care about the moral dilemma changing a person may be; he wanted Alex to know how it felt to be the weak, shy, gay kid. But first, he wanted to see if it would work. Thus far, it had only been used to teach. But Eric had just agreed to let him change a fundamental part of him in order to see the extent of the Re-Educators ability to influence the brain. In the agreement, Jake agreed to put him right back to normal afterward, of course. And Eric saw no reason not to trust his best friend.

“Okay. So. I’m going to try to do kind of what I had talked about earlier with you. Kind of, like, what I want to do with Alex. Okay?”

Eric sighed. He had to admit, he was a little nervous, “Fine. But put me right back. I don’t want to be your full guinea pig. I just want to help you out here. Agreed?”

“Agreed. Now just sit there while I read this to you.”

Eric was a little surprised to see that his friend had prepared a little statement to read. As he thought about it, though, he knew Jake to be very careful when he was experimenting. He was sure that whatever Jake planned on saying, he had planned it fully. And it did comfort Eric at least a little knowing that he had previously planned on reading this prepared script to his brother. Jake would never do anything to harm JJ, so there was no way he’d do anything to him either.

Eric sat across from his friend, still feeling slightly drunk. He swayed a little as his friend picked up the Re-Educator. He watched as Jake applied the two earplugs attached to the machine they had installed after presenting to Professor Simons. He stared as Jake turned on the complicated machine. He nervously kept his eyes on Jake as he switched a few more switches, applied a new tiny little speaker to it, turned a few knobs, and attached a new machine that Eric realized was probably the amplifier Jake had mentioned earlier. Sweat dripping down his brow, Eric started to worry about what was about to happen. What if it didn’t work and it broke Jake’s heart? What if it did work but it completely scrambled his brains? Is he only doing this stupid thing because he’s way too drunk? As the fear began to spread from his gut into his throat, Eric opened his mouth to protest and change his mind. But before he could, Jake began.

“You will listen to all my words. These words are important to you. You will listen fully to what I’m saying.” Jake noticed as Eric’s eyes began to gloss over. Eric remembered this feeling and how the voice coming from the machine sounded. But this time, it was so much more intense. Eric felt like his ears had expanded to insane proportions and only the noise from the machine could get in. It eclipsed every other noise to the point that he couldn’t hear anything else if he wanted to. But he didn’t want to. The sounds coming out did sound much like his friend Jake, but it had a sugary feel to it. Like it was an addicting aroma but in sound form. He could feel his brain just seep in all the noise as it entered. It was the perfect voice and that voice knew what it was talking about. There was no way this voice was wrong.

“You are gay. You have always been gay. You fall for other men. You want to be with other men. You want to be with other men sexually. You form romantic and emotional connections with men. You are open to everyone and proud to be gay. You know this to be true.”

As the words entered his brain, Eric had no problem agreeing. Yes, he remembered how he lost his virginity to Susie last semester. She had been so cute with her nerdy pigtails and when she asked him on a date, he couldn’t say no. They had fucked. She was just his type with that blonde hair, big breasts, and a quiet, shy personality. Sure, they were dating now. But Eric realized now that that really meant nothing. He was gay. He had always been gay. He knew this. It was just true. Though the past memories of finding girls attractive were still there, it didn’t change the fact that he had always been gay.

Jake stared at his friend as he brought the Re-Educator down and set it next to him on his computer desk. Eric just kept staring forward for a few seconds. Jake knew that this was standard when using the normal Re-Educator, but with this amplified one, he thought it might take even longer for the brain to rationalize the new information. He waited with bated breath as the eyes that seemed so unfocused began to slowly gain intelligence again. Eric looked right into Jake’s eyes. Jake noticed he was still sweating.

“I’m not so sure about this anymore, Jake. I don’t want the thing to scramble my brains or something.”

Jake looked at him with confusion. He knew that before, the client would think that they knew the material they were learning before using, sure, but it didn’t really create any amnesia. Did Eric really think he hadn’t even used the device? Or was he messing with him?

“Are you sure you don’t feel different? I did use it, man.”

“Dude, you know I’d remember it, especially considering that you might be changing something pretty big about me. What was it that you were going to do anyway?”

Jake blushed. “Well, I was gonna use on you what I plan on using on Alex. I was going to make you…umm…gay.”

Eric looked at Jake like he was insane. “Well, that wouldn’t be a good experiment for me though. You’d have no data to collect. You should have waited for your brother like you had planned.”

“What do you mean?” Jake asked with confusion.

“Well, obviously trying to turn me gay. I mean, what you wrote would be a big change in this bully you had, but how would it have affected me?”

Jake took a moment to process what his roommate was trying to say. Jake smiled at him, putting the pieces together. “Are you saying you’re gay, Eric?”

“Well, yeah. I kind of just figured you knew that. I’m gay and I’ve always been gay. Is that really a big surprise to you? I mean, you’re gay too. Didn’t you ever sense it?”

“But what about Susie? You told me you had sex with her last semester and all those other girls you told me you had crushes on? Or that mysterious girl you avoided talking about during truth or dare? What about those pics you showed me of that chick from that one movie you have as your background?”

Eric looked at Jake a bit confused. Clearly, the questions were bizarre to him. Of course, he’d always been gay. Why would his friend even think of all of that? “Dude, I did all that to cover up, clearly. I mean, I’m open and proud. Sure, I remember it, but I’d rather be with a guy. And, well, I guess I put her on there because a lot of other dudes have pics like that. But, well, I guess I’ll get to work on getting a new background if it offends you so much,” Eric smiled as he teased.

Jake just stared feeling completely dumbfounded. Did it work? Jake wasn’t entirely sure that Eric wasn’t messing with him. He had to have some proof. “Um. I hope you don’t mind when I ask this, but, like, you know I’m gay too, right?”

“Yeah, you told me that when you moved in.”

“Well, uh, do you find me attractive?”

Eric looked at his friend. He did think he had a bit of a cute quality to him. But Eric was into blondes with big pecs. He did like his shy, quiet personality though. “Honestly, you’re more of a friend. So I guess I can see your attractiveness, but I’m not into you in that way, buddy. Sorry.” Eric stood up and walked over to his desk, logged into his computer, and Jake noticed he went to Google and typed in: ‘hot blonde guys tumblr’. Jake wasn’t sure if his friend was just really committed to this little fake out or if he really was trying to find a better picture for his computer.

“No, no. I understand. I, uh, feel the same way about you.” Jake said as he looked at his red-headed friend. Jake had always figured Eric had some kind of clue that he had found him attractive. As a result, he also knew that Eric made a conscious effort to never even be shirtless around him. Even though Jake loved imagining his 5’11” friend with the slight wrestler’s build naked, he had never even seen more than his arms and legs. He never even took off his socks! Though the lack of seeing anything too scandalous drove Jake a little mad, Jake chalked it up to a straight guy being a little nervous around a gay guy but never making a big deal about it. After all, Eric was straight. It was a fruitless crush. But now…

Jake was embarrassed about what he was considering. After all, his friend trusted him. There was no way he could manipulate his friend into being with him. Even if Jake had never kissed a boy, there was no way he would want his first kiss to be with his manipulated and mind-altered best friend. That would be immoral beyond belief. But Jake desperately wanted to know whether or not his machine worked. Quickly, Jake thought of a way to prove it worked.

Excited and still feeling the loss of judgment in his drunk mind, Jake put the earplugs back in his ear and raising the Re-Educator back to his mouth said, “Eric,” instantly Jake could see Eric relaxing as a sexy shirtless man appeared on his computer screen. “You know it’s weird to be clothed in our apartment when we are alone. When it is the two of us, you are always nude. It is so uncomfortable to be clothed in my presence when we are alone. You are not embarrassed at all by your nudity when around me.” Proud of his quick thinking, Jake put the Re-Educator back on his desk.

A few seconds later, Jake saw Eric shake his head a bit. Looking at the screen, Jake saw Eric scroll past the shirtless man to another and then another. As if in shock, Eric looked over to Jake suddenly. A look of horror appeared on his face. “Oh my God, Jake, I can’t believe I’ve been in these things for this long! Yuck, man, it feels so wrong!”

Jake looked curiously at his friend, wondering if he was still acting. But as he stared, Eric stood up and instantly untucked his polo. Quickly pulling it over his head, he displayed his wonderful, pale chest. Jake couldn’t believe his eyes. His friend had an amazing chest that even his imagination couldn’t have created. It was pale with average yet well-defined pecs covered by a fine, fuzzy covering of lightly red hair in the center that stretched down to a wonderful small yet appealing belly. He really did have a dream body. But Jake couldn’t stare for too long as Jake quickly picked up his feet and removed both socks. His size 13 feet looked pretty amazing too. Though Jake didn’t really have much of a foot fetish, his friends’ feet did make his penis stir a bit. Light red hair covered the tops of his huge, manly feet.

The button on his fly was next followed quickly by his zipper. Jake was incredibly surprised to see that his roommate was going commando! He could already see a light red bush through the open fly. Jake thought that it was more than likely possible that he was out of underwear prior to heading home tomorrow. He probably just wanted to let his mother do his laundry for him. Getting lost in his wandering mind for a moment, Jake gasped as Eric pushed his pants down to the floor, kicking them away, revealing a sizable erection and two impressive, low-hanging balls. Jake noticed that Eric seemed to shave his ballsack but kept his pubes relatively trimmed. He wondered if this was a new thing as he had only recently begun having sex and Jake had never even thought about messing with his own bush or balls. Susie might like it like this.

“Oh man, Jake. I can’t tell how you much better this feels. Sorry for freaking out there for a moment. Don’t even know what I was thinking before.”

Smiling compassionately, Jake assured his friend that his nudity was just fine. Reciprocating a generous smile, Eric sat back down and continued to scroll passed sexy men. Jake just stared, unable to do anything. The view was just too good!

Jake noticed his friend’s cock rising as he scrolled past the pictures on his computer. Eric stopped at a blonde guy with some of the biggest pecs he’d ever seen. Clearly, Eric had found a man that piqued his interest. Jake watched as Eric right-clicked and selected ‘set as desktop background.’ Eric closed his program and just stared at the man on his computer as his clearly large, thick, ivory pole stuck straight up and slightly to the right. It looked to be even larger than the 8 inches that Eric had said it was, but Jake knew that his inexperience may mean he hadn’t measured recently. All he knew was that it was at least a couple inches larger than his 6 inches. Jake was ashamed to admit that in that moment, he desperately wanted to make his friend want to shove his purple-headed dick into his mouth. But Jake knew that that was insanely disrespectful to his friend. He could never betray his trust to that degree.

Jake also knew that, clearly, his Re-Educator with his amplifier worked. His friend was now a gay man who legitimately thought it was weird to have clothes on while alone with him. And what’s more, these new aspects of his personality didn’t conflict at all with who he was before. To Eric, the machine was never even used. He honestly thought that this was how it always was. Jake wanted so badly to take advantage of the situation, but he knew he couldn’t. His parents hadn’t raised him that way. Making his friend get naked was bad enough. So Jake decided to set things right.

After he got one last look at his friend staring at the blonde guy and lightly pet the beautiful ivory cock that Jake wanted, he set up the Re-Educator one more time. He glanced at the paper he had read earlier and changed a few key words as he said, “Eric, you are straight, you have always been straight. You fall for women. You want to be with women. You want to be with women sexually. You form romantic and emotional connections with women. You are open to everyone and proud to be straight. You know this to be true.”

A couple of seconds later, Eric began to rouse. Looking instantly at the picture on his computer, Eric laughed, “Oh man, what was I thinking!” Instantly, he found his previous picture and replaced it. “I clearly have been drinking far too much.” Still laughing, Eric stood up and walked back over to Jake. He was a little worried that the picture of the man on his background may have made Jake think he was gay for a few moments and the last thing he wanted to do was give his best friend false hope. So, as his erection began to deflate, Eric stretched out his arm and placed his hand on Jake’s shoulder again. “Sorry the thing didn’t work. Maybe you can keep working on it over break and then you can get that Alex guy back some other time.” Taking a moment and considering if it was appropriate, Eric leaned down and gave his friend a quick hug. His bare chest hair tickled slightly as it rubbed against Jake’s chin on the way down and Eric’s sizable semi-hard cock rested on Jake’s knee as he lightly squeezed his friend to comfort him. Taken aback slightly, Jake just smiled and put his arm around his friend.

“Thanks, buddy. Let’s get to sleep. We gotta sober up so we can set out for home at, like 7.”

With one last squeeze, and Jake slightly lifting his knee to feel the presence of the beautiful cock for a quick extra second, Jake let go and Eric followed suit. Walking back to his bed, Eric didn’t notice Jake staring at his bubble butt.

After Eric had moved his newly made clothing to his computer desk, climbed into bed, and was safely under his covers, Jake smiled, got up, and slipped into his pajamas. Climbing into bed, he thought that perhaps he would maybe be a little selfish and keep Eric nude. At least for a little while.

“Good night, bud.”

“Good night, Eric.”

Jake set his alarm, laid down, and then fell asleep, dreaming of Alex finally apologizing for all the bullying.


Part 2


Sleepily, Jake reached over to silence his alarm. His clock said 6:15. There was plenty of time to pack and prepare to hit the road by 7. Except that the headache he had was pounding. He clearly drank way more than he should have last night. He noticed Eric stirring and looked over.

“Morning.” Eric grumpily muttered as he slid his legs over the edge of the bed revealing to Jake his gigantic morning wood. Jake grinned almost erratically as he remembered how well his machine worked. Forgetting completely about his headache, Jake got up and began to frantically pack. He couldn’t wait to get home and use his Re-Educator on Alex Smith, the bane of his existence.

Finally ready to go, Jake gave his nude roommate a quick hug as he headed out the door. Eric once again apologized for the machine not working on him and Jake responded with a quick ‘what can you do’ and a smile.

“See you next year, bud,” Eric waved as his ivory penis swayed slightly.

Jake could hardly wait to get home. The car ride was a four-and-a-half-hour drive, unfortunately, so he was pretty much boundless energy awaiting his inevitable meeting with Alex.

Finally, at around noon, Jake pulled into his parent’s driveway. He glanced to his left quickly to see any signs of his bully, but the house seemed to be empty. Perhaps they all went out to lunch? After all, Alex was the only one of Frank’s four kids that went to college and he assumed all of them were home for the holidays. Being December 19th, Christmas was right around the corner. It wasn’t crazy to think that they wanted to celebrate.

Jake grabbed his bags (and laundry basket) and headed for the front door. Before he could even get halfway there, his mother, Maria ran out.

“Oh, Jacob! I’ve been so excited to see you! How was the trip?” Still a beautiful woman in her early 40’s, Maria’s dark brown eyes and chestnut brown hair both sparkled beautifully in contrast to the crisp white snow on the ground. Her breath could be seen forming as she spoke and ran to her son and grabbed his laundry. “Brrrr, it’s colder than I thought it would be! Should have put on a coat. Hurry. Let’s get inside. Your brother and Vicki showed up about two hours ago. He can’t wait to see you!”

Vicki and JJ had been dating for about a year and half now. They had been friends throughout high school and when they both decided to go to the same local college, JJ finally realized, despite Jake having told him repeatedly, that he had a crush on her. JJ had finally asked her out two summers ago. Vicki was really welcome in the family. She just seemed to fit in and had always been able to keep up with at least some of Jake’s nerdy ways. She was one of the few people that Jake really felt comfortable with.

Closing the door, Maria ran to the back of the house with the laundry to get it started as Jake rounded the corner into the living room. In the corner, in his recliner, sat John Sr., Jake’s dad. John Sr. had the same somewhat stocky build like his youngest son, but recently had taken to jogging and light exercising, so Jake noticed that he had really started to put on a little muscle over the past few months since he last saw him. Jake had to admit that his dad was starting to look really good. Dark brown hair and dark brown almost black eyes, a tall build at 6’2”, John Sr. was by no means showing his 48 years. To an outsider, he was probably 35 at the oldest. When he saw his son walk in, he quickly pushed his recliner down, got up, and went to hug him.

“Jake! So glad you’re here. Still not used to the quiet around here. Your mom and I have even talked about getting a dog!”

“I missed you too, Dad. And you should get a dog! That would be fantastic for you two. And you could take the dog on your runs! He could help you stay in shape!”

“Hey, buddy boy!” JJ said from the corner. Jake had always loved it when his brother called him buddy boy. In fact, Jake loved his brother more than anyone else in the world. JJ had always been his defender. Despite being an insanely popular jock and star kicker for his football team, JJ had always absolutely loved his brother completely even though they were both incredibly different. JJ had a muscular build with short brown hair and dark brown, nearly black, eyes just like his father. At 6’3”, JJ towered over his brother.

Jake would be lying if he said he didn’t think his brother was attractive, but being his brother and his hero, he really didn’t think of him in a sexual way at all. JJ’s girlfriend was a classic beauty herself. Being fairly petite, long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, JJ and Vicki really looked like a perfect all-American couple.

Jake ran from his father to his brother by the couch and gave him a huge hug. “How you doing, JJ!?”

“Pretty amazing actually,” JJ said and then coughed, motioning slightly down and to his left. Jake followed the motion and looked down at Vicki’s hand. There, on her ring finger, was a beautiful diamond ring. The cogs working quickly, Jake almost screamed. “Oh goodness! Congratulations guys! For how long? What happened? Why didn’t you tell me?”

JJ laughed and smiled his huge smile, showing his attractive dimples. “Just last night. I asked her dad if he approved last Wednesday. So I took her out to the lake where I first asked her out last night. Had this whole big thing planned with a picnic and Christmas lights hanging. I just kind of spur of the moment did it. It just felt like the right time.”

Vicki stood up looking like she was about to burst with absolute excitement. “He was so romantic, Jake. You would have been so proud of him. And he did it without your help! I can’t wait to be your sister!” Vicki hugged Jake in close and Jake felt so happy for the pair.

As Maria walked back in and asked if they had shared the news, Jake and his family sat down to catch up. Vicki went on and on about how lucky she felt while JJ repeatedly insisted that he was the lucky one. Jake felt like he was on cloud nine for his brother and his future sister-in-law. They spent the next few hours joking around, chatting, eating, and playing games. Jake couldn’t help but completely forget about his Re-Educator and Alex. Time with his family was always just so fantastic. As they sat down for dinner, John Sr. began the normal pre-dinner prayer as everyone bowed their heads.

“Dear Lord. Thank you for all the wonderful blessings you’ve given me and my family. Two wonderful sons, a wonderful future daughter-in-law, a wife that gets more beautiful every day, and this fantastic-looking food. I thank you for your blessings every single day. Please continue to bless our family with love and righteousness in your name. Amen. Okay, kids! Dig in!”

Happily, the family ate the food their mother had lovingly prepared and happy stories and laughter were filling the household. After everyone finally felt satisfied, Maria and Vicki began to clear the table as John Sr. volunteered to start the dishes. JJ and Jake decided to take the free moment after helping for a few minutes to head out to the back porch to get caught up on life.

Stepping outside, Jake looked over to the neighbor’s yard and saw Frank at the barbeque. He could hear lots of shouting and fighting through the bushes separating the yard so Jake figured that all four of Frank’s kids must be home. This was really nothing new from that side of the fence, however, so Jake and JJ sat in the deck chairs and began talking about the last few months of their lives. JJ started with some stories of struggling through chemistry class to which Jake said he’d help him out. JJ went on and on about how happy he was to be with Vicki and asked Jake if he had found a boyfriend yet. Slightly embarrassed at the line of questioning, Jake just said, “No. But I did figure out some pretty cool stuff with that invention Eric and I had been working on.”

“Remind me again what that was? The Re-Emulator or something like that?”

“Re-Educator. And it’s kind of like a modified microphone thing. Basically, if someone talks through it and another person hears them, they can absorb what is being said so much easier than through normal learning. It will really help people to learn brand new things at lightning speed. It can even help those with learning disabilities. We’re hoping to get all the kinks worked out next semester and then working on making it as safe as it can be before we present it at fairs and stuff.”

“Dang, bro! You’re gonna be rich. Seriously, you never cease to amaze me with the brains you got. I love you, kid. And I’m so proud of how far you’ve come,” JJ said with sincerity.

“Thanks, JJ. Maybe we should head back inside and see if Mom or Dad needs any help.”

As JJ and Jake walked inside, Alex poked his head out from behind the shrubs. Alex maniacally smiled to himself as he pulled himself back into his own yard.

The night seemed to quickly evaporate for the Hendersons as they played several games and just enjoyed each other’s company. Eventually, Maria said that it was getting late and they had a lot of plans to go shopping in the morning so they all should head to bed. Everyone agreed and headed to their bedrooms, Jake and JJ taking their former bedrooms and Vicki staying in the guest bedroom.

While lying in bed, Jake began thinking about how exactly he was going to get Alex available for using the invention. As his mind systematically went through nearly every scenario, he slowly fell asleep.

“Wake up! Breakfast is ready!” Maria shouted from downstairs.

Jake hurriedly rushed downstairs in his pajamas and got to the table minutes before his brother and Vicki arrived. They all ate as Maria and John Sr. told them about the plans for the day. Being as they hadn’t gotten their presents yet, they asked Jake and JJ to stay behind while they and Vicki went out to get presents for them. Jake and JJ agreed to hang back. It would be good brother bonding time and they could also plan what they would get for their parents the next day when they went shopping.

“Okay, talk to you guys later. We’ll be back around 3 or so so feel free to rummage for lunch! Love you!” Maria said as she kissed Jake and JJ’s cheek.

John Sr. said his farewells as Vicki respectfully pecked JJ’s mouth and the three of them went out the door while Jake and JJ picked up the table and cleaned the dishes. They laughed and chatted as they worked. When finishing up, JJ decided to take a shower before getting dressed so Jake went to the living room to set up the Wii. As he fiddled with the cords his dad had disconnected since the last time they had been home, Jake heard a knock at the door.

“Coming!” Jake hollered as he dropped the tangled power cord. He hurried to the door, opened it, and gasped. Alex Smith was standing on his stoop smiling.

“Hey, Filthy Queer. Thought I heard you were home. Well, honestly, could feel your queer vibes from my bedroom. You snooping on me again?”

Jake glared at his bully. Alex was the same height as him at 5’9” but with a buzzed head displaying light brown hairs, stubble across his defined jawline, sparkling brown eyes that hinted at mischief, and a nearly constant smirk on his face. Even though he hated him, Jake had to admit that he was attractive. He was built just like a wrestler. Fantastic strong arms, big pecs, and a strong and sturdy core. Jake could see he was wearing tight pants that displayed everything: his strong muscular legs and impressive-looking bulge. Jake knew that Alex always had a girl in his thrall and rarely went to bed alone. It disgusted him how much he knew Alex took advantage of women. He even remembered a time that Alex implied that he had seen Jake’s mom take a shower. That was the time that Jake wanted to punch Alex the most. Hearing him talk about how her vagina was perfect for his penis and her boobs begged to be motor-boated had almost thrown Jake into a frenzy; even more so because Alex was not nearly as polite in his description of how his nude mother had made him feel. But, as always, Jake had let it go. No more, though, Jake thought. Jake’s mind began to go crazy as he remembered what he wanted to do. With JJ in the shower, his parents and Vicki gone, maybe this was the perfect opportunity.

“Ummm…no…I…uhhhh…wasn’t. What, uh…what do you want, Alex?”

“Stop stammering and let me in Filthy Queer. I saw your parents leave and I know you won’t mind me stopping in. Your brother here?” Alex asked as he pushed is way inside.

“Yeah. Upstairs. He’s showering. But, look. I don’t think…”

“Yeah, figured. You uptight Filthy Queers probably fucked and let me guess, he’s showering to get your jizz off his face.” Alex walked directly into the living room and sat down, confidently spreading his arms over the back of the couch. “Truth is, Filthy Queer. I heard you yesterday. Talking about an invention that’s gonna make you rich or whatever. I want to see it. Bring it down here before your gay brother comes back and you two need to fuck some more. Don’t want to see that shit.”

Jake was fuming almost as much as the time he had talked about his mother. He had heard Alex call him and his brother Filthy Queers forever. He’d even endured the disgusting incest allegations since coming out. But he had never been so bold as to barge into his home, demand something, and insult him the entire time. Though Jake wanted to use the Re-Educator on him, he wasn’t sure that now was the time, as angry as he was. There was no telling what he would do to him.

After glaring at Alex and Alex smirked evilly back, Alex finally leaned forward quickly and menacingly and growled, “Now.”

Without even thinking, Jake ran upstairs to grab his Re-Educator out of his bag. He knew he had to get things started the moment he got down there. He grabbed the note card he had used on Eric, listened to confirm that JJ was still in the shower, and hurried back down.

Placing the ear phones in his ears as he ran downstairs, he put the microphone up to his mouth and as he went around the corner to see Alex, he immediately started. “You are gay. You have always been gay. You fall for other men. You want to be with other men. You want to be with other men sexually. You form romantic and emotional connections with men. You are open to everyone and proud to be gay. You know this to be true.”

Smiling at the fact that his bully would now clearly be what he had always tormented Jake to be, Jake walked over to the currently zoned-out Alex. He couldn’t wait to see how Alex would react to the new feelings he’d put into his head and started to slowly pace as he noticed Alex’s eyes begin to readjust. “How are you feeling now, Al…?”

Before Jake could even finish his thought, Alex lunged, taking Jake completely off guard. He ripped the earplugs out of Jake’s ears and took the machine right out of his hand. Unable to even react, Jake just gasped as his invention was pulled from his grasp.

Turning from Jake, Alex immediately talked into the machine. “So tell me how does this thing work now, Filthy Queer? You said something about how it helps retards learn or something.” Both Alex and Jake felt the words seep into their mind. Very quickly, though, Alex ignored the question, as he knew Filthy Queer wasn’t his name. Jake, however, knew that Alex called him that and after a brief moment replied, “It’s a machine used to help people learn faster. A teacher will put the earplugs in their ear to make sure the words they say don’t affect them and then they speak into the microphone in order to get the student to learn quickly. I added an amplifier to the device to make it more powerful and able to affect people on much deeper levels allowing for almost perfect mind control.” As he finished, Jake realized that this powerful device was now in the hands of his tormenter. There was no telling what he would do with this information! Jake couldn’t believe how stupid he could be to actually explain to Alex what his invention did. What even possessed him to explain it!? Jake was completely terrified in that moment.

But Jake really should have been much, much more terrified.

Jake lunged at his bully. For his part, Alex just smirked as he quickly ran away from his much less athletic pursuer and multitasked by placing the earplugs in his ears. Jake kept chasing after him, pleading with him to stop and think about this. Finally prepped, Alex said into the microphone, “Stop chasing me and stop moving. You don’t want to take this invention from me.”

Jake immediately stopped chasing Alex. Jake had suddenly realized that he didn’t want to take the invention from his bully. There really seemed like no reason to. Alex stared in bewilderment at his kid. Realizing quickly what he possessed now, Alex began to get hard.

Alex had known for quite a while and was never really ashamed to admit that he was what many considered to be a sociopath. He truly didn’t care for other human beings. To Alex, everyone else was merely a plaything. He knew they existed, naturally, but really, their pain, their feelings, and their stories really didn’t matter to him in the slightest. Who gave a shit whether or not they were happy when he, himself was the only one that truly mattered to him. And now, his wildest fantasies were now at his fingertips. The people around him would truly become his puppets and his dick throbbed at the idea. And what was even better was that this little Filthy Queer here could now know his fetishes full on.

Alex realized then that this Jake kid was really actually kind of sexy. It was kind of weird to Alex that he’d never noticed. Granted, he’d fucked tons of girls in the past but the moment, he couldn’t recall why he ever did. Sure, at the time, he just got off on control over girls. It was never really much about what they looked like at all. Fat, short, thin, or tall, what got Alex off was knowing he’d convinced and connived the chick into doing whatever he wanted with his deep brown eyes, confident smirk, and amazing charisma. But he remembered despising gays and even remembered calling Jake Filthy Queer when he found out his stupid, pitiful neighbor was gay. But Alex knew he had always been gay and was actually damn proud to be gay. Maybe it was because he was jealous of his family? Maybe it was because he had that support? Granted, Alex knew he could be out and proud, but, man, it was bizarre that he could so clearly remember being disgusted by this family of Filthy Queers. Well, he was and is a fag too. He realized there was really no sense in worrying too much about why he had felt that way. Right now, all he wanted was to play with his new pet.

Talking into the machine, “So, Jakey boy. Tell me as much as you know about how this thing here works. Tell me what it can do to people. Be honest with me, Filthy Queer. After all, you think I’m the best person in the world, would never lie to me, and would do anything for me. Don’t you? Feel free to gush, Filthy Queer”

Jake blinked a couple of times and suddenly felt like he woke up. All those years of being harassed, bullied, teased, and beat up by Alex…he was just so honored! To think that this amazing person had even paid attention to him. Forgetting completely the fact that he remembered hating him, Jake was just in awe of the wonderful man before him. “Oh, Alex, I do! I’m not entirely sure why I didn’t see it before. The way you are, the way you behave, the way you even stand there. You’re just the best!” Jake beamed. “But yes, um, well, my invention here was made by my roommate and me to help with education but I added a little amplifier there and now it can kind of ‘re-educate’ a person into pretty much anything. It’s pretty powerful. You can get people to think and behave pretty much anything with that thing. It does cause a little bit of amnesia when you use it now. I’m not sure why yet, but I think it’s because the brain just can’t handle the big shifts it causes and so it forgets as it readjusts.”

Alex smirked and spoke into the device again, “Well, well, well. How nice of you to have made this for me! Obviously, that’s why you made it. You would do anything for me, wouldn’t you, Filthy Queer? No matter what I asked you to do, even without this thing, you would do it. Tell me you would and know you would.”

After a moment, “Of course I would. And, now that I think of it, it is totally why I made it. You’re the most amazing person. It’s completely for you, Alex.” Even though Jake remembered distinctly talking about how it was made for people to learn more easily, some part of him must have always known that this amazing specimen of a human being was the true reason for this creation. He had to subconsciously have made it for Alex.

Content and horny with what was happening around him, Alex took out the earplugs and set the machine next to him. Confidently, Alex walked towards his new mind-fucked toy. He couldn’t believe how horny he was getting over this little gay kid from next door, but this amount of control was beyond any he could have imagined. Before, he relied on his good looks and smooth talking to get chicks to break their firmly held morals. Alex got no more pleasure than knowing he was convincing a stupid woman to go against what they stand for all for him. To take a prudish girl and force them to not only suck him off but want to had always made him hard. The idea of controlling someone so convincingly that they behave in ways they had never previously thought they would make Alex go crazy. He knew that before it never even mattered what the chick looked like. He’d fucked and mind-fucked short, tall, fat, thin, ugly, and beautiful women. They had eaten out of the palm of his hand because he had been so charismatic and sexy. But now, Alex knew men were really what he had always wanted. He, of course, knew that the same was true for men. It didn’t matter what they looked like. Just that he was forcing them to behave in ways they had never previously even considered behaving. And his stuck-up, prudish, nerd of neighbor was going to be his first experiment.

“Call me Sir. Also, your name is Filthy Queer. You like being called that. In fact, when I call you Filthy Queer, your little dick starts to get hard. Oh, and you can move around and stuff. So, come sit over on the couch with me, Filthy Queer. We can have a nice little convo.”

At the sound of his new name, Filthy Queer’s cock began to stir, visibly tenting in his pants. Practically skipping across the room in order to be next to Alex, he readjusted slightly as he took in the awe-inspiring form of his new interest.

“So, tell me, Filthy Queer, what did you think of me before today? Be honest, fag. I want to know.”

Filthy Queer blushed slightly as he thought about how he would phrase his former feelings. “Well, um. Honestly, Sir, I kind of remember hating you a little bit. You were always picking on me and I kind of hated it. You were always so mean to me and to JJ when he’d defend me. I never really understood why you would treat me like that? But, and I want to emphasize this, I suddenly realized today that it doesn’t really matter why you treated me like that. You being so wonderful and perfect the way you are gave you permission. I’m completely blessed to have been teased by you, Sir. You’re just fantastic, Sir. I don’t know why I didn’t see it before!”

Alex smirked evilly at his newly controlled little weakling. “Oh yeah? You hated me, huh. That kind of hurts. But I’m thinking you can make it up to me, Filthy Queer.” Alex’s hard dick began bobbing in his pants as he began thinking of the perverse things he could do. And what could be more perverse than involving that other Filthy Queer, JJ? Alex could still hear the shower running upstairs. He knew he had to humiliate his new little slave. And the plan began forming as he massaged his own member.


Part 3

JJ was just so happy. He truly felt like his life was coming together. After years of dating the most beautiful and wonderful woman he had ever had the pleasure of knowing, he was going to marry her! On top of finding and actually getting his soul mate at 24, he was on his way to becoming a doctor. He had fiddled a bit with various degrees in his first few years of college, but had finally decided to practice medicine and was working his way through his classes wonderfully. He knew he never had the brains of his brilliant brother, but he knew he was smart enough to handle the classes and studying needed to pass. And knowing Vicki was there by his side through it all would give him all the firepower he needed to truly be the best he could be.

Joyfully humming to himself in the shower, JJ thought he heard a knock downstairs. Knowing Jake was down there and able to get the door, JJ just kept cleaning himself. He began rubbing the soap in his hands as he prepared to wash. Looking down, he couldn’t help but be proud of the body he’d managed to form. He had a nice tanned look he got from running every day around campus. A slight cropping of chest hair snaked its way down his torso and really brought out the muscles he’d so worked for. He flexed a little as his strong arms brought the soap down to his firm pecs and abs. He prided himself on the hard work he’d put into maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He ate well, exercised for a few hours every day, and never even considered drugs or alcohol. As far as he was concerned, the only thing he needed in his life was Vicki.

As he reached lower to his sizable penis, he thought he heard Jake run by the bathroom door towards his room. His suspicion was confirmed as he heard him run back downstairs not a few seconds afterwards. Maybe he forgot one of the games up there, JJ thought. Quickly, his thoughts shifted back to his gorgeous fiancé.

JJ couldn’t believe how lucky he was to not only find such a wonderful woman but to have her also be so religious and respectful was just perfect. He was still a virgin and rather proud of that. His parents had raised both him and his brother to praise God and honor Him by being firm followers of the teachings. Granted, Jake was gay and in some belief systems, that was a sin. But JJ had never had any kind of issue with it and neither did his parents. Luckily, JJ knew that his parents loved both of them unconditionally and were proud of them no matter what they ended up becoming. Jake being gay was just never an issue for any of them. He loved guys, so what? JJ had never let that come in between their incredibly close relationship even though he was fairly confident that Jake thought he was pretty attractive. Being brothers, though, he knew Jake was very aware of the boundaries. Being a homosexual was fine, but incest was absolute abhorrent and disgusting. Even without thinking about that kind of vomit-inducing action, JJ knew that he was saving himself for Vicki as she had done the same for him.

The two of them had really only ever kissed and made out a little bit and that was perfectly fine for both of them. There really was no temptation to go further because they knew waiting for their marriage vows would make the experience that much more exciting. Knowing that they’d be bonded together for life would make their love-making the most surreal and unforgettable experience it should be. JJ was a little embarrassed as he noticed his penis was getting hard thinking about it all.

Not wanting the temptation of his erection to suck him in, he began thinking about things that would turn him off and distract him. He thought quickly about Jake and him playing video games. And then his dad and mom coming home and joining them. The whole family just playing normal video games and watching TV. Completely normal family stuff. Not hot. Not hot. And then Vicki snuck into his thoughts right then and he quickly pushed her out as his penis stirred slightly. At 5 inches soft and 9 inches hard, it was no small feat to keep the big guy down, but JJ had had lots of practicing in keeping it from thinking for him.

JJ began putting shampoo into his short hair. Attempting to think about anything other than Vicki, he started to mindlessly clean his body. Hair, arms, legs, size 14 feet. JJ kind of lost himself in the bliss of the shower as he started to scrub his face. That was when he heard the door to the bathroom open.

“I’m still in here, Jake. Just give me a few more minutes, bud.”

After hearing no response and not hearing the door close, JJ began to get a little uneasy. Why had his brother come in? What was going on here? Was there an intruder at the door? Was Jake okay? As the water hit his face to wash the soap from his eyes, he heard the shower curtain open next to him.

“What is going on?! What?! Jake?” JJ rubbed his eyes and quickly put his hands down to his privates to shield them. He instantly turned towards the edge of the tub and was beyond shocked at what he saw. There, standing not a foot away from him, was his brother. Jake was standing there just smiling at him as though this was the most normal intrusion ever. But it wasn’t so much that he was there that made JJ so shocked. It was the fact that his brother was nude with a very obvious erection.

“Hey, JJ. I really need to join you,” Jake seductively stated as he stepped into the shower next to JJ.

“Jake. What in the heck? What is going on? No, dude. You can’t join me. I’m taking a shower! I’m nude here man. That’s sick.” Trying to wrap his head around what was going on, JJ just stood there in utter shock at his nude brother jumping into the shower with him. Sure, Jake was gay and all, but jumping into the shower with him like nothing was weird about it? What in heck was he thinking? JJ stood to the back of the shower as Jake stared intensely back at him. The water began to wet his brother’s body and JJ just stood there, covering his privates and shifting about as best he could.

“Naw, JJ. You know that we always shower together! Because I’m a Filthy Queer and have to get off looking at your sexy body. We’ve done it since we were kids. Don’t be weird about it, bro.”

If JJ was shocked before, he was having a full-blown aneurism at this point. What in the hell was his brother talking about? And why did he start stroking his penis? Rather than lashing out, though, JJ attempted to remain calm. “Jake. I think there is something going on with you right now. This isn’t normal, dude. I know you’re gay, but I don’t want you referring to yourself that way. If you want to shower, fine. But we do not shower together. We never have. This is wrong. And it’s probably sinful.” JJ pulled the curtain and stepped out. Before he could maneuver out though, Jake reached out and grabbed his butt. “I need to feel your ass, bro. Let me feel your dick too.”

JJ lurched forward and immediately turned to his brother to remove the hand from his behind. At this point, JJ began to lose his temper. “Jake, seriously. We were not raised to speak like that and especially not to be perverted like that. We don’t care that you’re gay. But you cannot touch my behind.” JJ glared angrily at his brother as Jake just smirked back and continued stroking his penis. JJ truly had no idea how to deal with what was going on with his brother at this point. Had he had a mental breakdown? JJ started backing up slowly, trying to get to his underwear as soon as possible, as his drenched brother took a step forward.

“What’s wrong bro? I just want to feel your skin. Maybe kiss you. Maybe lick your nips. Suck your cock. I need to! You don’t understand! It’s normal, bro.” With each step, JJ could see that Jake’s penis was leaking and almost hypnotically bobbing up and down with desire. JJ loved his brother and would never even think he would act in such a perverted and bizarre way. Had his brother gone crazy? Was he going to try to rape him? Was he going to have beat up his weaker brother to save himself? Beginning to formulate a plan in which he called 911 and got help for his brother that he clearly needed, JJ’s fear was really beginning to take hold just as he backed into what felt like another person. Shocked, he turned around, still trying to cover his penis but exposing his behind to his horny brother. “Alex? What in God’s name are you doing in our house? And why are you naked too?”

“Well, to answer your questions, JJ, I’m currently watching what I imagine you and your faggy brother have always been doing with one another. And I’m naked because I want you to see how much I like it.” JJ felt his brother grab his behind again and lurched forward to free himself from the invading feeling from behind. “We so jumpy, JJ? Don’t you fags love a little groping?” Looking over JJ’s shoulder, Alex stated, “Hey, Filthy Queer? You want nothing more than to get your tongue in your brother’s asshole.”

JJ got right up into Alex’s perverted face, lifted one hand from his privates, and pressed one finger in his face. “This is your one warning. Don’t talk to my brother like that, Alex. And get out of our house. You’re not welcome he…what the…” JJ suddenly felt a wetness on, no, not on, inching into his butthole. He’d never felt that kind of invasion before. He remembered having a chat at church during his teenage years about the evils of sodomy and sticking anything up there. Knowing what Alex had just said to his brother, he couldn’t believe that Jake would actually do it.

Losing all need for decency, JJ let his long meat hang free and turned around. JJ nearly lost his mind, “What the hell, Jacob! What in the hell are you doing.” Jake just mindlessly stared forward and kept trying to crawl around the side to get his tongue into his brother’s hole. Losing his patience, JJ pushed his sibling to the ground and held him by the throat with one arm extended as if ready to punch him. “Jake. Stop. What are you doing, bro. Seriously. I don’t want to punch you.” Jake just kept sticking his tongue out and drooling and trying to break free with one hand and the other trying desperately to reach around his brother to grab his butt. JJ could feel his brother’s hard penis rubbing against him and the wetness of his brother’s arousal wiping all around as Jake fidgeted beneath him. JJ was beyond nauseous.

“JJ, please. I need to lick your asshole. I need to put it in there. Please.”

Confused more than he had ever been before at the perversion occurring before him, JJ kept holding his much weaker brother down. He suddenly heard Alex giggling behind him. Turning to him while keeping his grip on his deranged and completely perverted brother, JJ could only muster a bit of a whimper and then said, “Did you do this to him? What the hell did you do to my brother? What is going on!?”

“Oh, JJ. I didn’t really have to do much. He’s quite the Filthy little Queer. And, well, because, as you should already know…” JJ watched with a look of utter confusion as Alex pulled up a weird little machine to his mouth. Alex placed a couple of earplugs in his ears and began to speak to him. It was hard for JJ to describe, but as soon as Alex began speaking, it was as though the world shut off around him and instead he could only hear the words of his bully neighbor.

“You’re going to stand up and bend over while you look at me, JJ. You won’t be able to move no matter what Jake or I do. You’re just going to talk with me a little bit.”

With a slight feeling of dizziness, JJ thought that it was strange that Alex had pulled that weird-looking microphone machine to his face and not said anything. He did, however, realize that he needed to stand and bend over. But why in the world would he want to do that? It would just expose his rear to his clearly insane brother! JJ’s mind fought with the realization of his need to bend over, but in the end, he just knew, somehow, for some reason, he had to do it. Bending over and looking up at Alex, JJ decided he should chat with Alex, even as he felt is now freed brother get up instantly and insert his tongue in one of the last places JJ would ever have wanted it.

Jake went mad with lust as his tongue made contact with his brother’s hole. In his mind, there was literally nothing on the face of the planet more desirable than JJ’s asshole. He’d have given anything to lick as deep into his colon as he could. In the deepest parts of his mind, Jake was beyond disgusted with himself at what he was doing, but the horny, lust-filled need drowned out any rational thought. But the insatiable desire just caused him to drool more and more as his tongue reached deeper and deeper into his brother’s hole.

“Why is he doing this? This is so disgusting and so wrong. Alex, please stop him. What did you do to us?! Please, man.”

“Naw, I rather like seeing my tough jock next-door neighbor and his faggy brother bonding. You probably never thought you’d be in this position, did you? Until recently, I wouldn’t have wanted to see this disgusting crap. But now, man. Knowing you and your brother are bonding so well even though you Hendersons have always been so pious and holier than thou. Damn, it’s hot. Don’t mind me while I jerk it a little at the sight.”

Alex began to stroke his cock right in front of JJ as JJ slowly began to cry. What was worse, the wet tongue feverishly coating his puckering hole was feeling a lot better than he ever would have imagined and he started to get hard because of the attention. Thinking of Vicki, JJ begged Alex, “Please, man. I’m engaged now. I can’t have my brother acting like this. Please. Please make him stop. I love Vicki.” Tears were falling down JJ’s face as Alex glared down at him.

“Vicki? She that blonde? I remember wanting to fuck her really bad at one time. She was hot! But, honestly, you’re much hotter now. Gotta admit, I’d love to fuck and suck you. Aww…don’t cry! Here, let me wipe those tears away real fast.” Alex took a small step forward and began to wipe away JJ’s tears with the tip of his cock. JJ began to wretch slightly as he felt the bully’s precum spreading across his face. Smirking knowingly, Alex acted as though he was shocked and said, “Oh, I’m sorry JJ. I didn’t even think that I’d be making an even worse mess! Hey, Filthy Queer. You’re done with your brother’s ass. Get over here and lick his face clean of my precum. You’ll love the taste, naturally, because it came from me.”

“Of course, Sir! Thank you!” Jake quickly moved to the other side of his still bent-over brother and began to search his face for every drop of pre he could find. It wasn’t lost on JJ that he had just been licking the inside of his own colon and now was spreading that same tongue across his entire face. Instantly, JJ’s penis began to deflate in record time as Jake’s remained harder than it had ever been. Alex stood back and smiled. “How’s it going there, JJ?” Alex asked, amused.

“This is the most humiliating and disgusting moment of my life. What is going on? How in the heck are you getting my brother to do this? Jake, plea…” JJ gagged mid-sentence as his brother’s exploring tongue made contact with his own. Still gagging but remaining in the same position, JJ felt lower than he had ever felt before. God was surely disappointed, but JJ knew he really had no idea what was happening to his brother and himself right now. Clearly, Alex had some kind of control. And the only thing that seemed out of place, beyond all of their nudity, was that weird machine Alex had. JJ remembered that Jake had told him the day before about some kind of machine. Did Alex somehow steal it? All JJ knew was that he had to try to get that damn thing out of JJ’s hands. But how? He couldn’t move!

With the realization that that weird machine had to have had something to do with all this, JJ could only sweat fearfully as he saw the smirking bully standing above him pull the thing back to his mouth. At that moment, everything faded for a moment as the world became about the words he was hearing.

“JJ, stand up straight and show me your body. Jake, stand next to your brother. You don’t want to lick his asshole or his face anymore.” Both brothers quickly moved into position. “Okay, now. I want to compare. Both of you get hard. You both can’t move or talk either.”

JJ couldn’t believe he was doing this. Why in the hell was he just standing there getting hard? He knew he wanted to for some reason, but he just couldn’t figure out what was causing him to act so bizarrely. His mind wandered back to Vicki. If he had to stand here erect, he didn’t have to ‘be’ here. He imagined kissing Vicki and holding her. He tried, desperately, to focus on that beautiful face he had fallen so in love with.

Jake, on the other hand, was hoping against hope that his new hero approved of his erection.

“Wow, JJ. Looks like you’ve got yourself quite the sizable meat there, bud. Poor Filthy Queer here doesn’t even compare. But, you both will do.” Alex began to fondle his new mind-fucked brothers really feeling the heat and quivering from their incredibly hard cocks. He noticed that JJ also had a nice pair of low-hanging balls that he couldn’t wait to fondle and torture. The Filthy Queer had a disgusting mess of pubes on his balls and around his shaft that Alex knew he’d have to deal with whereas JJ’s balls were cleanly shaved and a small tuft of pubes lingered above and around his thick shaft. The amount of control he had over these sexy siblings was making his own balls ache with lust. The control was hot…but now he wanted to really fuck with who they are as people.

Smiling to himself, Alex stepped back slightly and brought the machine back up to his mouth. He wanted to get some information from the brothers before truly messing with them. After all, the main thing Alex wanted from them was to behave according to his will rather than their own. The best way to formulate his plan would be to find out what would mess with them most.

“JJ, I want you to be completely honest with me and answer all my questions to the very best of your ability.”

JJ glared at his captor as he brought the machine up and back down instantly. JJ could not figure out how he was controlling him so much if he wasn’t even using the machine at all. Alex interrupted his line of thinking as he asked, “JJ, tell me how you feel about this Vicki chick.”

There was no way JJ was going to talk to this sick pervert about the love of his life…but perhaps if he showed him how much love he had for someone, his disgusting neighbor would have a change of heart. “She is the most amazing woman I have ever met. I love everything about her from her hair to her toes. She’s smart, funny, and sexy. She really is the whole package and I can’t imagine my life without her. There is no one in the world that I would rather be with. I’d walk ten thousand miles to see her face. I truly, truly, truly love her more than anything in the world.”

“Aww. How unbelievably touching if not slightly nauseating. Okay, tell me how you feel about your brother and how you feel about how he’s been trying to lick your stinking asshole.”

Knowing that this sick person couldn’t be moved by expressions of love, JJ attempted a different tactic by not answering the question at all. That tactic lasted less than a millisecond as his mouth betrayed him and began gushing, “I love him more than anyone else in the world other than Vicki. He truly is my closest and best friend and I’m so beyond proud of how smart and successful he’s become. He’s my hero. I would, quite frankly, do anything for him. He’s one of the very best people I’ve ever known. I’m incredibly worried about how he’s been acting just now but I have pretty much figured out that you are controlling him somehow. So I know this isn’t really him.” JJ kicked himself internally. Why would he mention that he suspected Alex of controlling them? How stupid could he be!?

Alex just smiled and laughed somewhat maniacally to the sob story he was hearing. “Oh, you think I’m controlling him, do you? What makes you think that?”

Trying with all his strength not to answer, JJ answered, “Because you have that machine there. I don’t understand how you’re controlling us with it because you don’t seem to even be saying into it and there’s a microphone there. But I’m convinced you’re controlling us somehow.”

“Oh yeah? You’re a smart guy, JJ. How do you think this thing is controlling you?”

“I’d imagine that’s the machine Jake told me about yesterday and you’ve somehow gotten it from him and now, when you use it, we have to do what you say.”

“Hmmm…you might be too smart for your own good. Before I use this machine to completely change you, because, JJ, that is what I’m going to do and you’re going to love it, I’d really like to know what you honestly think of me?”

JJ felt an immense amount of fear in his gut and from his heart as he began to speak slowly, “I’ve always hated you but I believe in God and you’re very much not a good person. But I prayed for you constantly that you would find your way and repent for your sins. I’ve always despised the way you treat my brother and hated when I had to confront you about leaving him alone. I always wanted to teach you a lesson and beat you up but my mom and dad taught me better than that and God would never have approved. I hope for you. I hope you find your way.”

It was certainly an impassioned speech coming from the attractive naked, hard man and if it was anyone else, it may have moved them to some level of sympathy. But this was Alex Smith. He was a sociopath.

He didn’t give a shit what this goody-goody thought.

Smiling, Alex hissed, “Thanks for your honesty, JJ.” Alex brought the machine up to his mouth. “JJ, you admire me more than anyone on Earth. You’ve always secretly wanted to be a bully just like me. You have held it in for years, but more than anything, you want to bully your queer of a brother. You know him to be weak, disgusting, and nowhere near as attractive, talented, or confident as you. You remember me texting you earlier today and telling you that it’s time for you to be yourself and the bully you were always meant to be. Knowing those words had come from me, you plan on starting to be that bully. On top of that, all those feelings you had for Vicki? You now feel them for me. You’re gay. You love me. You want me desperately. And you’re no longer some goody-goody Christian. You show your affection. You fuck and suck and want to seduce me almost constantly. Most importantly, you know that when you bully your pathetic brother, it turns me on. When I’m around, all you want to do is turn me on. You want my cock. You want my body. You want to impress me. And you know I love it when you call your brother Filthy Queer.”

Looking to the other brother, “Even though I could give a shit what you think, Filthy Queer, you hated me. Rightfully so, as some weaker people may think. But whatever. I want you to forget completely about your invention. You never made it and you don’t even notice it. You’re back to yourself completely. You’ve forgotten about me coming over earlier. You forgot about everything you’ve done so far since I knocked on the door.”

“Now, boys, when I count to 3, I want you two to go back to what you were doing right before I got here in a trance, forgetting completely that I was here at all. Everything I just said is true and you know it. You won’t be able to see me or know I’m here no matter what until I say the words, ‘Daddy’s home.’ I’ll be invisible to both of you. When I say ‘Daddy’s home’, you both will see me and not be surprised at all that I’ve suddenly appeared. 1, 2, 3.”

Almost instantly, the Filthy Queer robotically went downstairs to put his clothes back on and to set up the Wii. JJ jumped back into the shower. And Alex stroked his aching cock, beyond excited for what was to come.


Part 4

Jake suddenly felt like he woke up from a nap. Sitting there in front of the TV with all the cords for the family Wii, he glanced at the clock. His parents and Vicki had gone shopping about two hours ago! He couldn’t believe how the time had flown. He remembered eating breakfast and cleaning up with JJ and then his brother went upstairs to take a shower and now here he was, still hooking up the Wii. Jake sat puzzled for a moment before shrugging it off and finished plugging in his console and starting it up. Putting in one of JJ and his favorite games, he sat back and started to play.

Upstairs, JJ had a similar reaction. He suddenly and very surprisingly felt ice-cold water raining down on him. Quickly jerking towards the faucet, JJ turned off the shower head, confused about how the water could have gotten so cold so quickly. It didn’t really matter much to him, however, as he’d already cleaned everything up. As soon as he began to step out of the shower, JJ suddenly remembered that he had received a text from his next-door neighbor Alex earlier. Before he could decipher how the bully next door even had his cell phone number, a sudden wave of powerful emotions swept over him to the point that he almost fainted.

Putting both his hands to his head, JJ slowly began to recuperate and put together the new thoughts rampaging their way into his brain. JJ never really thought much about his next-door neighbor beyond the fact that he was kind of a pest. He was always harassing his younger brother and it bugged him to no end. He’d always prayed for him to find his way and stop putting other people down. But right now, JJ wondered why he ever even considered his neighbor to be so frustrating. As he stood there, JJ realized that Alex was actually quite amazing and confident. He was exactly the kind of person JJ had always wished he could be. The way he had strutted around and showcased his power over the weaker people around him was actually quite impressive and JJ suddenly realized it was remarkably sexy too. His brain swam with images of his next-door neighbor belittling his gay little brother and really wishing he’d had the courage at the time to join in the bullying. His brother really was a wimp and deserved to be belittled for his nerdy behavior. How had he allowed himself to believe he was doing the right thing by denying his natural need to bully? Thank goodness Alex had texted him today and reassured him that being a bully was who he was meant to be. What would he do without Alex?

JJ stood in front of the full-length mirror and took a long look at his own naked body. He wondered to himself if Alex would like his body. Alex being such a great role model and really bringing out the natural bully in him made him also realize that Alex was an amazingly attractive man. JJ knew he had a fiancé named Vicki or something, but in that moment, he felt nothing but regret for not realizing who his true soul mate was before jumping into something so meaningless with some random woman. Alex was for him. He was surer of it now than he had been of anything before. The mere fact that Alex was everything he had always wanted to be and he was just so unbelievably sexy solidified it for JJ. He knew he’d never been with another man before, but right now, he wanted nothing more than to worship the body of the bully he honestly loved and wanted to emulate. Alex Smith. JJ wondered if they got married if he could be JJ Smith-Henderson. Or maybe he’d just take his soul mate’s name. They could bully his fag of a brother their whole life if they were married.

JJ began to jerk off his hard cock thinking about the boy next door. Up until this point, he’d hidden his feelings for Alex by pretending to be with that Vicki chick. But now he desperately wanted to find any way he could to seduce the bully and turn him on. He hoped against hope that he was coming home for Christmas break so he could see him. JJ knew Alex was straight and had sex with many girls from around the neighborhood. It broke JJ’s heart a little bit that he might not be able to satisfy his love because he was a man, but he’d at least try to seduce him. He could, at the very least, blow him. Some straight guys are cool with having another guy suck him off. After all, JJ assured himself, the only gay one is the one with the dick in his mouth. And JJ knew now, without a doubt, he was a gay man. But he also knew, without a doubt, that the only man for him was Alex Smith.

JJ started jerking even harder thinking about the sexy next-door neighbor. Completely ignored in the corner, Alex was doing the same watching his commands take hold of the mindfucked JJ. Though he wasn’t talking out his feelings, Alex could tell the sexy hunk wasn’t the moral asshole he’d been before. JJ let out a moan as he stroked his cock and fondled his balls. Alex knew without a shadow of a doubt that the man was thinking of him. Alex assumed the overly Christian dolt had probably rarely, if ever, masturbated prior to today. Alex let out a loud moan as cum erupted from his cock and shot all over the bathroom floor. He smirked slightly as he noticed a few globs had landed on JJ’s left foot. Knowing he’d made this God-fearing jackass into a fag for him had truly thrown him over the edge. Luckily, his commands earlier made sure the sexy jock before him didn’t even hear his moan or react to the two globs of cum that landed on his feet.

Feeling as though something wonderful had just happened to him, JJ started to cum into the bathroom sink. It’d been months and months since the last time he gave into his temptations to masturbate. He recalled the last time he did was after a particularly romantic date with Vicki followed by a long make-out session. Disgusted that he ever thought of anyone other than Alex in such a way, JJ pushed that horrible memory out of his mind and began to wipe away the cum in the sink and throw them in the toilet. JJ was amazed that he felt no real guilt over his sudden need to masturbate. But, after all, why should he? He was thinking of the sexiest, most amazing man he’d ever known. There was nothing to be ashamed of when it had to do with Alex. Not even God mattered as much as the love of his life. He needed to see his next-door neighbor immediately and attempt to get with him!

JJ finished brushing his teeth and grooming himself. He wasn’t sure if Alex would be home, but he had to look good if he wanted to seduce him. Putting a towel around his waist, he opened the bathroom door and headed to his former bedroom. From the top of the stairs, he could hear his brother downstairs playing that video game he’d always pretended to enjoy playing with his loser brother. God, he was so disgusted with his Filthy Queer of a brother. If God was real, why did he curse him with the world’s nerdiest and worst brother? All those years of coddling him and building him up when all he really wanted to do was tease him and tear him down were over, as far as he was concerned. That little Filthy Queer was going to get what was coming to him as soon as he got down there. What was even better was that JJ was excited to finally make that little wimp cry. The gratitude he had for Alex was growing by the second. Thank goodness that sexy man texted me today. What would I have become without him?

Alex grabbed the Re-Educator and followed close behind JJ as he wandered to his room. Occasionally cupping JJ’s beautiful bubble butt and rubbing his semi-hard cock on JJ’s skin without the hunk even noticing was quickly turning him on all over again. As JJ entered his room, Alex took a moment to take it all in. The room was overly organized and clean. Man, this family was beyond perfect, Alex thought to himself. These prudes need some new priorities.

JJ picked out a few normal clothes for the day, absent-mindedly thinking about Alex as Alex kept feeling him up and licking random areas of his body. JJ stood before his closet as he put a shirt up and over his head, during which, Alex got on his knees and began licking the beautiful cock head before him. Paying no mind to the feelings, but growing increasingly hard again, JJ grabbed a button-up shirt and slowly began buttoning it up. Alex remained down below giving the phantom blowjob. As he finished up with the shirt, JJ prepared to put on some underwear. Curious as to his current powers, Alex leaned into JJ’s ear and whispered, “You want to go commando. No underwear, JJ.” Unfortunately for the horny bully, the jock ignored the whisper as if no one was even there and his underwear slid up his muscular, hairy legs. Alex thought that maybe he should try using the machine while invisible. But he could do that later. Pants soon followed and JJ smirked as he started out the bedroom to the downstairs with the invisible and naked Alex right behind him.

Jake had been waiting patiently for his brother to finish with the shower but was really starting to worry as it never really took JJ this long to clean up. He heard some movement from the stairs though and felt a little twinge of excitement as his brother entered the room. He had waited almost four months for the chance to hang out with his brother again and now that his parents and Vicki were out until late this afternoon, he could spend the day just relaxing with his buddy and hero.

“That’s the stupid game you decided to play? Good Lord, you little twerp, I’m sick to death of playing that crap with you.”

Jumping slightly at the sudden negativity, Jake paused the game and turned to face his brother. Smiling slightly hesitantly at what he assumed was a joke, Jake’s smile quickly turned into a frown as he looked at his brother. Standing in the doorway to the living room, his brother looked imposing rather than cordial. Thinking he may have misinterpreted what his brother had said, Jake asked with a little quiver in his voice, “What, JJ? We’ve played this game for years. I thought you’d like to play it again.”

Walking into the room confidently, JJ smirked and strode directly to the console. Turning it off instantly, he retorted, “You would think that, dork. It just so happens that it’s not the game I’m sick of.” JJ threateningly moved in on his brother to loom over him. “It’s you I’m sick of, Filthy Queer.”

Jake stared up at his hero; his brother, with utter shock. This was a side of JJ he had never seen before. His brother had always been his defender and supporter. Jake had no idea where this was coming from. With wide eyes, Jake stuttered, “Wha…um…wha…wha…”

“Wha, derr, wha, wha, derr, wha.” JJ began to pace the room with an air of frustration. “God I’m so sick of your bullshit, Jake. You’ve always been so unbelievably weak and I just can’t keep it in anymore. For the longest time, I put on this act that I understood and felt for you and wanted you to succeed and all that other fucking shit and I just can’t anymore. Luckily, that amazing guy next door who had always treated you the way you deserved to be treated urged me to break free of that fake me and let loose. And, you Filthy Queer, you have no idea how amazing it feels to finally tell you how I really feel. I wish he was here to see me now. If you weren’t such a disgusting fag, I’d whip my dick out now and just jerk it. Alex would love to see this.”

Not knowing what else to do, Jake merely froze and began to cry silently to himself. The tears, unfortunately, were not lost on his older brother. “Oh, you gonna cry now, fag? You Filthy Queer. You can’t even handle the truth. You suck, man, and you have from the moment you were born. You can’t handle a little bit of honesty from me? You ugly, stupid, piece of shit.” Confident in his newfound bullying skills, JJ walked over to the couch across the room and spread his arms wide as he glared at his pathetic brother. His eyes were wide with fear and tears were streaming down his face. JJ couldn’t believe how amazing it felt knowing he was the one who was causing his lame younger brother to cry.

Jake’s mind was an absolute mess. He couldn’t believe this was his brother of 21 years. JJ and Jake had never so much as had a fight. Even when they were younger, they always just seemed to get along perfectly. He couldn’t believe his best friend would even begin to talk to him in the way he was now. Something had to have happened between breakfast, JJ’s shower, and now. But there was absolutely nothing coming to mind. All Jake could do was cry and stare. He wanted, desperately, to run up to his room and lock the door. But his legs felt numb due to the sudden abuse his brother had laid into him.

Alex was sitting undetected directly next to JJ on the couch. Unknowingly, JJ had his right arm up and around his new love. Alex leaned into JJ and stroked the bulge in the new bully’s pants as he laughed loudly at the Filthy little Queer sitting in the chair across from him. Alex had no idea when he came over this morning that he would be having the most fun and sexy morning of his life. Watching this formerly overly Christian tool of a jock suddenly need and desire to belittle his wimp of a brother was driving him absolutely crazy with lust. This level of control was like nothing he’d ever even imagined he’d be capable of performing. He knew, as he tugged and stroked the giant bulge in the jock’s pants, that everyone else had truly become nothing more than pawns in his sociopathic, erotic game.

Suddenly, Jake had a strange thought in his head. Why had JJ brought up Alex? It made no sense at all. Jake knew that JJ always defended him from his bully and there was no way that he would have given him the time of day. Searching deep within his gut, Jake found the courage to say somewhat meekly, “Why would you want Alex to see this?”

Smiling intensely, Alex invisibly looked at his new thrall. He truly wanted to hear what JJ’s brain would come up with to justify all the new feelings Alex knew he was experiencing. JJ started by smirking at his younger brother. “Because, you piece of shit, Alex is absolutely amazing. He’s everything I always wanted to be. He’s hilarious when he picks on you. He’s sexy when he does it. And I’d pick on you nonstop if I knew it would even slightly turn him on.” JJ leaned in and really emphasized, “Too put it in simple terms your simple brain can comprehend. Alex’s left testicle means more to me than you ever could.”

Jake found his strength then and jumped out the chair. Beginning to literally sob loudly, he ran upstairs to his room, slammed the door, and jumped into his bed. Tears and snot were streaming down his face. Jake could not understand even slightly how any of what JJ had said had even occurred. Was this all some kind of huge joke? Would JJ come up here and apologize? Did he just imagine all of that? To Jake, the only thing that made any sense would be that he had hallucinated the entire conversation. His brother would never have said any of that. Even if he felt that way.

Jake stopped crying for a moment. He could hear his brother laughing loudly from the living room. A chill went down his spine as his mind repeated one terrifying though.

Had he always felt that way? Did his brother pretend for years to care for him?

Downstairs, JJ was laughing hysterically. He just couldn’t believe how amazing it felt to make his brother feel so low. The tears truly were icing on the cake for him. As he started to stand up to go make himself a sandwich, he suddenly heard someone next to him say, “Daddy’s home.” Shocked, he suddenly felt a hand rubbing his crotch with reckless abandon. Following the hand and the arm, he saw the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen before. Alex was sitting right next to him, nude, and openly rubbing him.

“Oh, God! Alex! I hoped you were home for Christmas! I can’t believe you’re here…and so fucking sexy. And naked.” Looking down at the most amazing human being he’d ever seen before, JJ drooled as he saw the glorious erection attached to the man he loved. JJ had never really looked at another man’s penis before, but based on his own 9-inch dick, he guessed that Alex was maybe 2 inches smaller and curved slightly to the right. Alex had some hair on his balls and pubes that JJ knew he needed to tickle his chin and face. “Do you mind?” JJ asked as he motioned to the tasty treat.

“Not at all, JJ! Go for it.”

Without even catching his breath, JJ dived onto the love of his life’s dick. Being the first penis he’d ever tasted, or even wanted, he wasn’t very good with it. In his excitement at getting the meat in his mouth, his teeth rubbed horribly against the sensitive flesh. Luckily, Alex didn’t mind a little pain. Especially considering he knew the pious Christian would never have risked his soul sucking on another man’s penis. Knowing he’d controlled him to the point of sucking cock just made the currently imprisoned meat swell with lust.

“Good boy. Let me reposition a bit here, then you can really dive in.” Leaning back against the armrest of the couch, Alex lifted his hands behind his head and placed his left leg around the other side of JJ, allowing JJ to crawl into his open crotch. Like an animal, JJ began sucking and licking anything and everything his mouth could reach. The smell and the taste of this amazing man was intoxicating to him. JJ couldn’t stop thinking how unbelievably lucky he was to get the chance to suck off the bully next door. The bully that had stolen his heart.

“You might not believe me, but I saw how you were treating your brother.” The glans of Alex’s penis resting comfortably just on his lips, JJ looked up into the sexy brown eyes of his, hopefully, new boyfriend. “I loved it,” Alex whispered.

As if he’d just drank 20 energy drinks, JJ went even crazier on the dick and balls. Hearing that Alex loved the teasing he’d given his brother just drove him mad with lust. His tongue was moving a mile a minute, greedily attempting to get every area covered in his saliva. There wasn’t a single smell he didn’t love. He wanted everything Alex had. It didn’t matter if it was ball sweat, pre-cum, or even leftover shit from his previous bathroom break, JJ wanted it inside him. Nothing about the man he was worshipping was less than perfect to him. His tongue snuck down the bully’s taint and into his asshole. Alex was truly in heaven. Knowing he had control over this sexy man was keeping his dick harder than it had ever been. But he wanted and needed more.

“JJ, I know you love showing me how much you love me. Get out of those clothes. I want a taste of your meat too.”

JJ didn’t have to be told twice. He stood up and practically ripped the buttons off his shirt. Tearing it off, he quickly lifted his undershirt over his head, revealing his sexy, hairy chest. Unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, he placed his thumbs underneath his underwear and pushed both down in one quick movement, causing his intensely hard cock to flop up enticingly. A small dollop of pre-cum remained on his abs as his powerful cock regained its rigor and pointed almost straight out towards Alex.

Alex stood up and immediately started making out with his new man. Coming up for a quick breather, JJ asked, “I know this is sudden, but will you marry me. I only remember feeling this way for one other person and she doesn’t really matter anymore. I need you. I can’t see myself with anyone other than you.”

With an evil smile, “Slow down there slugger. We’re not going to fag out quite that much yet. Let’s work on your oral first.”

A dopey grin on his face, JJ fell to his knees and sucked on the delicious cock. After a few minutes of pleasure, Alex decided he wanted in on the fun and told JJ to get on the ground and on his side. Positioning his head at JJ’s groin and his curved cock at JJ’s mouth, he started to suck. Each of them were absolutely absorbed in what was happening. Smelling the musk and tasting the pre, they were both more turned on than they’d been before.

Each of them wrapped their legs around each other’s head so that all they could do was get completely lost in the others crotch. Each of their noses sniffed as hard as they could. The smell and taste was overwhelming. It wasn’t lost on Alex that the quivering cock in his mouth probably never even penetrated anyone and knowing that that his cock in JJ’s mouth had only ever been in women prior today somehow also made him horny. Alex wrapped his arms around JJ and started to grope at his ass cheeks and fingering his hole. Following his lead, JJ did the same. They were both completely lost in lust for one another.

And Jake couldn’t believe what he’d just walked in on.


Part 5

As Jake stood in the doorway to the living room the first thought in Jake’s head was that JJ had gone absolutely insane. He, of course, couldn’t understand the sudden bully-like way in which JJ had treated him and had gone upstairs to escape the onslaught. Going against his better instincts, he had thought it would be a good plan to go back down and attempt to talk to JJ. Maybe he’d gotten a rough text while in the shower that put him in a bad mood. Granted, JJ had never taken any of his problems out on him before, but maybe it was particularly negative. Maybe, Jake had thought, he just needed his little brother to help him deal. So Jake had walked downstairs somewhat hesitantly, despite hearing bizarre noises coming from the living room.

Frozen in the doorway, Jake watched with complete awe as his brother lay on the ground. As though he were having some kind of seizure, JJ’s head was bobbing up a down while his bottom arm was motionless under his torso and the other was stretched outward moving up and down in a bizarre fashion. One of his legs stretched away from his body as he kept is other somewhat upward in the air. He couldn’t imagine how his leg wasn’t getting at least a little tired. Try as he might, Jake couldn’t look away, nor could he stifle the loud gasp that escaped his lips.

Suddenly, JJ’s seizure ended and his eyes went up to his brother. “What they hell are you doing down here, twerp?” JJ angrily hissed.

Taking a small step backward as JJ lunged to his feet to cover his large erection, Jake trembled slightly as he asked, “Are you okay, JJ? You looked like you were having a seizure or something. Do I need to call 911?”

“Are you fucking blind, dipshit? Alex and I were having a fine time before your pervert eyes had to come down and fuck it all up. If you weren’t my brother, I swear I’d kick your Filthy Queer ass right now!”

Feeling as though the tears were forming again but fighting them back, Jake’s heart nearly stopped. His brother had lost his mind! What could he do? If his brother was being this hostile, how could he call for help without his much stronger brother stopping him? Trying to be gentle, “JJ, Alex isn’t here. He hasn’t been here all day. I’m a little worried about your sudden obsession with him. You’re starting to really scare me.”

Watching just to the right of JJ was Alex. Not quite putting the pieces together for a moment, Alex thought Jake had actually been the one to lose his mind. Then he realized: Jake wasn’t there to hear him say ‘Daddy’s home.’ Jake couldn’t see him. Smiling wildly at the possibilities of torturing this stupid fucking nerd even more, Alex looked over at his sexy new boyfriend. JJ was fuming as he stared at his brother while trying to cover his huge erection. “Jake. Don’t fuck with me, boy. Alex is standing right here next to me, you stupid fag,” JJ looked over at his lover with a look that said ‘can you believe this guy?’

Knowing Jake wouldn’t hear him at all, Alex said, “One second, JJ. I’ll explain.” Alex walked over to the Re-Educator, put the earplugs in his ear, and said, “JJ…” Alex saw both JJ’s and Jake’s eyes glaze over. He’d remember that the machine worked while invisible for later. But for now, Alex only wanted to mess with JJ, “JJ, you love and trust me more than you’ve loved or trusted anyone else before. You want to please me in every way. This includes believing me no matter what I tell you, trusting me completely. To you, JJ, I am absolutely perfect and can do no wrong. No matter what I say or do, you can’t even think about getting upset with me. You would do anything for me and will trust me no matter what I tell you.”

Waiting the few seconds it usually took for the subject to come back to reality, JJ resumed his doubtful look about Jake, but with a bit more adoration clearly defined as he gazed at Alex. Alex began, “He can’t see me, JJ. I’m completely invisible. He can’t hear me either.”

“No way! That’s amazing! How?” JJ gushed. Naturally, what Alex had told him was true. There was no way Alex would ever lie to him about anything and he knew it implicitly. The perfection that was Alex simply wouldn’t allow for any level of lies. JJ’s heart began to beat faster as he realized that if this wonderful and perfect man had the power to turn invisible, something that JJ knew should be impossible, there might be no limit to the amazing things his Alex could do. It didn’t matter that it made no sense to him; he knew it was true beyond a shadow of a doubt.

“How what, JJ?” Jake meekly asked. Annoyed at the weakling still being there, JJ, still trying to keep his erection covered, stomped towards his weak brother. “Wait just a moment, JJ, and listen to me.” Alex calmly stated with a smirk. Naturally, JJ’s heart swooned at the sound of Alex’s voice and stopped immediately.

“We’re gonna have some fun messing with your shit of a brother, so listen carefully. You’re going to pretend like you can’t see me. I want you to get your brother to sit over in the arm chair. Pretend like you feel badly about how you treated him. You are going to be the absolute best actor you possibly can be. Act as much like your shitty self before. This will be a lesson in bullying, JJ. You build them up again, to ensure they fall even harder. Pretend like you’re apologizing and just listen to my instructions. Also, you don’t care about being nude here. You’re proud of your fuckstick, JJ. Even though you’re going to act like your disgusting ‘hero-complex’ persona you hate, you still don’t mind anyone seeing your gorgeous cock.”

Allowing all the words to just seep into his mind and pour over him slowly like syrup, JJ’s entire body language instantly changed. Jake could see it clearly as well. It was almost like the tough hardness he’d been presenting to him all morning completely melted away into a more comfortable and relaxed person.

“Jake…” JJ moaned slightly as he put his hand to his head allowing his semi-hard cock to dangle freely between his manly legs. “Oh, Jake, I’m so sorry.”

Not sure if he should trust the sudden shift in behavior, Jake remained where he was.

“Jake, I don’t know what’s going on. It’s almost like my brain wasn’t letting me control what I was saying. I’m so sorry. Please, Jake, please forgive me.” A few tears formed in JJ’s eyes as he slowly carried his nude form over to the couch. Sitting down, he placed his face in his hands as the tears kept flowing. Alex couldn’t believe how convincing his minion was! If he didn’t know it was due to his instructions, he’d have an overpowering need to make fun of the pussy.

Sobbing lightly, “Jake, please sit with me. I need to talk about what happened. I feel so horrible. The things I said…”

Beginning to feel for his brother, Jake hesitantly began to walk over to his brother. Being cautious, however, was so important. Jake wasn’t sure he could handle any more abuse from the most important person in his life. But seeing his brother sobbing the way he was, he couldn’t help himself from trying to comfort him. He loved him so much. Even with all the weird behavior this morning, Jake couldn’t help it. On top of it all, his brother rarely cried. Maybe there really was something wrong with him? Maybe he hit his head and there was some serious damage causing a personality shift?

“I love you, bro…” JJ sobbed. Hearing that final confession, Jake quickly hurried himself to his brother’s side. It was rather strange to be sitting next to his nude brother as Jake was slightly embarrassed about liking his brother’s body. Until today, he had never really seen his brother completely nude, let alone erect. Jake was absolutely ashamed of having a bit of an erection over the sight of his brother’s sexy body. Pushing the thought of his attractiveness out of his mind, he put his arm around his brother and attempted to comfort him.

“It’s okay, JJ. I know that that wasn’t the real you. I love you, too. We need to get you some help. Do you want me to call Mom and Dad? They might know what to do.”

JJ sat quietly for a moment as, unbeknownst to Jake, Alex was telling him what to do. Standing at the opposite side of JJ than Jake, Alex detailed to his slave what he wanted him to do.

Listening intently, JJ began to follow Alex’s instructions with, “Please, hug me first. I’m scared, Jake.”

“Oh, JJ. I know. I’m here for you.” Both standing up quickly, they threw their arms around each other. Holding him tight, JJ wiped a few of his tears off on Jake’s shoulder. Whispering into Jake’s ear, he quietly confessed, “Jake, you’re the best brother in the world. I love you so much. But I think there’s something you haven’t told me.” Feeling like things were getting back to something somewhat normal, Jake didn’t know what to do when JJ made began to slyly thrust his erection into his younger brother as Alex had told him to. As it grinded into the smaller man, JJ squeezed a little tighter and leaned in closer to Jake’s ear. Jake felt his brother’s hot breath tickling at his earlobe. JJ whispered, “You like my sexy fuck-stick, don’t you, you sick faggot?”

Fear wrapped itself around Jake’s stomach in an instant and he tried to break free from his brother’s embrace. Pushing against the hard pecs of his jock brother, Jake attempted to get away. But JJ was too strong for him. He began to sweat as JJ began growling into his ear, “You dumb-fuck. You really think this isn’t me? I must of spoiled you too much for far too long. You’re going to get what you deserve, you perverted little faggot. I felt your cock when you hugged me. You were hard. I’m your brother, you sick fuck. I’m going to let you go now, Filthy Queer and you’re going to sit down next to me. If you try to run, I will chase you down, and I will beat the shit out of you. Just test me.”

Beginning to ease up, JJ’s biceps relaxed and let his brother go. Quivering slightly, Jake thought about his chances at escape. There really was no chance at all. Waving the metaphorical white flag, Jake sat down cautiously on the couch.

“Unbutton, unzip, and get your pathetic boy-cock out of your pants, fag, “JJ demanded as his own erection stretched out before him, bobbing as he played with his large balls. “I want to see the proof that you got an erection looking at your brother, you pervert.”

The fear in Jake’s stomach spread though out his body. Jake was scared for his brother, who was clearly sick in some way. He was scared for himself, because he knew he had to do what his much stronger brother said. But mostly, he was scared because he did have an erection.

Slowly, Jake reached down to his pants. Unbuttoning it and then attempting to unzip with his shaking hands, he opened the fly. Reaching into his boxers, he repositioned his erect penis in such a way that it poked out of the hole of his underwear and up through the fly.

JJ began to pace angrily, “I knew it. I just knew it you disgusting little pervert. You have the hots for me. You fucking queer! I was here for you for years and years and all you ever thought about was me in a perverted, disgusting, incestuous way. God, all that support we gave you for being gay and all you were doing was jerking off to the thought of me?”

“JJ, no! Seriously! Mom and Dad taught us better than that and this. I rarely jerked off anyway and never ever thinking about you. I’m gay but I’ve never thought of you in a sexual way. Of course I find you attractive! You’re attractive…but I’d never act on it or even think of doing anything. I just know that I have an attractive brother. That’s sinful and wrong. I’m sorry I’m hard. I’m so embarrassed. This all feels so wrong and sinful. I can’t handle this. Please let me go to my room…” Feeling as though he may start crying again at any moment, Jake just wanted to sink into the couch and die. He felt so stupid that he trusted his brother was going to go back to himself and helpless that he couldn’t seem to do anything to help him. His cock began to shrivel as he sat in front of his angry, hard brother, ashamed beyond belief of what was happening to him.

“No, you will sit here. Let me think about what I’m going to do with you.”

Alex was laughing hysterically next to JJ. JJ had tried desperately not to give away that Alex was in the room with him, but it was getting difficult! The sexy man was so hot and clearly enjoying how JJ was treating his pathetic brother. JJ just wanted to go and worship the God of a man next to him. Staring at his brother, JJ heard Alex state, “I can’t believe how well this is going. I had no clue he’d actually get hard looking at you! What a sick little pervert. I like the idea of him calling your parents though. Tell you what, give him a little ultimatum. Let’s see how far we can get him to go. He can call your parents but only if…”

JJ smiled wildly as Alex explained. It was naturally a little bizarre what Alex suggested. There was no way in hell JJ would have ever even thought of doing something so wrong a few hours ago. Alex was so amazing to open so many more doors for JJ and getting him to act out the things that JJ knew he’d always secretly wanted to do. This was no exception because JJ knew that no matter what Alex said, it was pure gold. There wasn’t a doubt in JJ’s mind that he would do anything this perfect human being wanted him to.

After a moment, JJ said, “Yeah, you should call Mom and Dad.” JJ sat next to his brother, giving his brother a fantastic look at his absolutely achingly hard erection to his brother. JJ said, “Could you let them know them know I’m horny and hard? If my cock is so important to you, it’ll be important to them. Look at it, faggot. I know you want to.”

Befuddled by what he was saying but assuming it was part of what was happening to him, Jake sat there for a moment. He hated himself for thinking it, but his brother’s dick was absolutely hypnotic. It burst from his crotch completely ramrod straight out with a webbing of veins on the upper part of his shaft that bulged making it a nearly perfect specimen of a penis that was undeniably tempting. Jake blushed as he saw some pre beginning to push itself out of the large purple mushroom head. He was beyond ashamed of how hot he found his brother, but years and years of chastity were truly taking over.

Alex figured that his weak-minded little victim had to have, at the very least, found his brother attractive before. He couldn’t believe that he was responding so well without even needing to use the invention! Jake was staring at his brother’s hard cock without any commands from him or the Re-Educator. He gawked as he watched Jake seem to salivate at the sight of his bigger brother’s cock. Eagerly jerking his own cock, Alex waited for JJ to follow the next instruction.

Jake broke the hypnotic stare with his brother’s massive tool and reached into his pocket to get his phone. As JJ saw this, he began, “But wait one second, Jakey boy. I’ll let you call Mom and Dad under one condition.” Smirking seductively and somewhat knowingly, JJ finished, “You have to suck my cock, you fag.”

Before he could even think, “What?!” blurted out of his mouth. That was disgusting! It was incest! God would never have approved. How could his brother even suggest such a disgusting thing? Sure, he thought it was strange that his brother was down here openly nude and hard, but to even suggest touching one another in a sexual way like that? Jake couldn’t believe his ears.

“You heard me. You’re so concerned for me? You want Mom and Dad to help? Well, I won’t take that phone out of your hands, break the shit out of it, and then beat the shit out of you if you suck my cock. It’s not rocket science, you fucking piece of shit. And look at you. You know you want it.”

Scooting slightly closer to his younger brother, JJ leaned his cock slightly towards his brother. Jake was in utter shock. How was this even happening to him? Not four hours ago, his brother was nothing but the hero he’d always been. The kind-hearted, excited, loving, recently engaged, normal brother. Now he was nude, hard, and demanding Jake suck his cock. It was almost too much for Jake’s mind to wrap around.

“No…I can’t. It goes against the Bible and God, JJ. Please tell me you’re not serious. Please. I just want to help you.”

Quickly grabbing the phone out of Jake’s hand and shocking Jake with his quickness, JJ then calmly stated, “Really? Your concern for your God means more to you than me? You said yourself you think I’m sick and all I’m asking is for you to fulfill one of your deepest cravings and you can’t even do that? You’re not only a perverted little faggot, you’re a pussy of a perverted little faggot. Fine then, I’ll just break your phone and then beat your face in. No problem.”

As JJ lifted his arm to throw the phone onto the ground with all his force, Jake interjected, “Wait!” JJ paused. “Fine. Because I love you, JJ. And I’m concerned for you. Fine. I’ll do it.”

“Good little fairy. Don’t worry, I’m not completely heartless. You suck it up and down ten times and I’ll let you call Mommy and Daddy. No. Fucking. Teeth.”

Jake couldn’t believe what was happening. As if he were watching himself in a movie, Jake slowly leaned down. He’d never so much as kissed a guy before, let alone touched another guys cock. And now, here he was, about to put his best friend and older brother’s dick in his mouth…at his demand. It was as if his whole world had been turned upside down.

Grinning madly, JJ looked at his pathetic little brother. He, with the help of Alex, had connived the little queer to actually put his cock in his mouth. It was unbelievably hilarious. The little fag was so willing to help him, he’d actually suck off his own brother. JJ knew it was making Alex happy knowing they were really messing with Jake and that made JJ happier than he’d ever been. It was so amazingly hot to terrorize his brother for Alex’s amusement. Knowing he was exposing his creepy little brother’s perverted desire was even better.

Alex couldn’t begin to process how turned on he was knowing he had the upstanding, Bible loving virgin jock forcing his faggy little brother to suck his cock. He had ensured JJ was not only willing to do whatever he had asked but he actively needed to appease him any way he could. And Jake was actually doing this insanely perverted act without Alex even using the Re-Educator on him. Jake’s mouth got closer and closer to the glistening cockhead and Alex couldn’t have been happier with the control he felt he had over the room.

Jake’s tongue connected with the dollop of pre on his brother’s dick. He gagged slightly, thinking about what he was doing. JJ chuckled slightly at his pathetic brother. Looking up at him like a hurt child, Jake quickly returned to the cock and quickly wrapped his mouth around the entire head. Gagging again, but not taking his mouth off, he tried to get comfortable there. Tasting the saltiness in his mouth made him want to vomit. He knew that this was his brother’s dick and that this was against everything he believed in. But he had to help his brother who was clearly suffering from some kind of mental disorder.

Carefully moving his head down lower, Jake grabbed the base of his brother’s cock with his right hand, feeling the softness of the hairless balls on the underside of his fist. Stabilizing the hard cock, he slid down, gagged again, took a moment to regain his composure, and moved down slightly lower.

“You gotta get the whole thing, you little fag, or it doesn’t count.”

Tears formed in Jake’s eyes, both from shame and the gagging and nausea. He gagged a few more times on his way down and tried, desperately, to relax his throat. Jake moved his hand and his mouth moved slowly down the soft flesh. Finally, after what seemed like ages, he moved his finger and thumb that was holding the cock in place and got his nose and chin down to the beginning of the shaft. Eyes watering heavily, Jake was slightly disgusted with himself for feeling some pride in swallowing his first cock. Even if that first cock was his brother’s.

“That’s one, fag boy. Nine more.”

Without the care he took getting down there, Jake pulled off the cock quickly. A slight string of drool connected the cockhead and his lip for a split moment as Jake tried to catch his breath. Feeling comfortable again, Jake dove back on, Jake found it slightly easier getting to the bottom this time. He still gagged a couple times but was staying incredibly mindful of keeping his teeth from scraping the sides. JJ just evilly smirked down at his pathetic brother. He couldn’t believe how big of a fag he’d been related to for so long. He was such a fag that he was currently drooling all over his older brother’s cock.

Knowing Jake was preoccupied, JJ took the moment to look up at Alex without his brother noticing. JJ was so proud of the fact that he was doing everything that Alex had asked him to do, even if it meant his pathetic brother was blowing him now. Beaming with pride, JJ caught Alex’s eyes as Alex stood there jerking off. Knowing he’d be undetected by the Filthy Queer on JJ’s cock, Alex moved over to the couch and kneeled next to JJ. “I want you to lick my cock while your brother works on yours. Try to make it seem normal.”

Nothing was more important to JJ than fulfilling any of Alex’s deepest desires. This one, however, was simple. JJ loved Alex more than he’d ever loved anyone else and that included Alex’s gorgeous cock. Looking down at Jake as his brother got to the bottom of his second trip down his cock, he glanced over at the sexy dick next to him. Slowly moving and trying to make it seem like repositioning, he began licking the dick head and savoring the tasty pre as it entered his mouth.

Jake got back up from his second trip and felt much more comfortable giving the blow job so he decided to move right back down for his third. He was feeling a mixture of shame, lust, disgust, and pride as he sucked his first cock. His own cock stuck straight out of his pants, completely forgotten.

JJ ignored his fag of a brother as he tried to taste every part of Alex again. The feeling of the cock attached to the man of his dreams being in his mouth was like heaven. He couldn’t have ever imagined being this turned on and happy all at once. How lucky that he found the love of his life. And it had been the bully next door all along! JJ felt stupid to have not seen the signs and attached himself to the bully This is where he would spend the rest of his life if Alex let him; sucking on his beautiful cock.

Alex just let his boy lick at his penis and enjoyed the perverted scene he’d created in front of him. After about ten minutes, Alex noticed Jake coming back up after his tenth trip down the cock. Pulling away, JJ moved slightly with him, trying to keep his treat within his reach. Jake didn’t seem to notice the licking JJ had been performing during the blow job as he simply stated, “Okay, I did it. Let me call Mom and Dad now, JJ. Please.” Alex giggled slightly as he saw Jake gag, clearly distraught over the perversion he’d just performed.

“Good job, you fucking queer,” JJ coldly said as he handed the phone back to Jake. JJ grabbed his own cock and began to stroke it staring at Alex’s saliva-coated dick with a longing in his gut to suck it again.

Quickly dialing up his mom, Jake waited impatiently for her to answer. Finally, after far too many rings, his mom answered and laughed, “Jakey, dear. I’m not going to tell you what we got you. Go back to playing with your brother.”

Slightly ashamed of it, Jake laughed at the phrasing his mother used. Clearly, this day was driving Jake a little mad. Jake heard a bit of talking and rustling in the background indicating their family was still out shopping at the mall. Jake regained his composure and interjected, “No, Mom. It’s been kind of a weird morning. I, um, just got done playing with JJ. When are you guys going to be home? I’m calling because I’m kind of worried about JJ. There’s something wrong with JJ.”

Firmly, Maria responded, “What’s wrong with JJ? Jake? Is he okay? Did he get hurt? Are you okay?”

“No, no, Mom, he seems okay. He’s just acting, um, slightly weird. When will you be here?”

Jake heard his mom pull the phone away and talk to his father, “John, Jake says there’s something wrong with JJ. We need to finish up and hurry home.” Back into the phone, “Hunny, we’ll be there within the hour. Do you need to call an ambulance?”

“No, I don’t think so Mom. He doesn’t seem to be, like, injured. He’s just, um, not himself,” Jake said as he looked over at his nude brother stroking his cock. JJ smirked back over at Jake with a cocky sense of self satisfaction.

“What do you mean, hunny. Is he there? What is he doing?”

Jake put his hand over the phone. “She wants to know what you’re doing. I’m going to tell her.”

“Go ahead, you fucking fag. Gotta run to Mommy over everything, after all.”

Not letting the rudeness of his brother get to him as he knew it wasn’t really him, Jake calmly talked back into the phone, “Um. Well. He’s, uh, sitting here, um, naked next to me. And he’s, um, masturbating. He’s also been kind of, uhh, mean to me. He told me to stay here with him or he’ll beat me up.”

“What?! What are you talking about, Jake?! Put him on the phone this instant.”

“Uh, JJ, she wants to talk to you.” Jake leaned the phone towards JJ. Taking it in his hand, JJ said, “Hello?”

Alex moved over to Jake and said, “Put it on speaker!” Instantly shifting to speaker, Jake and Alex heard the frantic woman over the phone, “…that you’re naked and masturbating next to him and that you’re bullying him? What in God’s name are you thinking, young man? What would Vicki think?”

Alex smiled and whispered into JJ’s ear so they couldn’t hear him over the phone. “You want to say whatever I tell you to say. You won’t feel guilty at all and will only get hornier knowing you’re saying what I tell you to say. Tell her to shut the fuck up.”

“Mom, you really need to shut the fuck up.”

Indicating how shocked she was, Maria took a long pause. “What did you just say to me, Jonathan?”

“I told you to shut the fuck up, Mother.”

“I don’t care how old you are, you will not talk to me like that! How dare you, young man!”

Laughing almost uncontrollably, Alex kept relaying to Jake what to say.

“I’ll speak to you however I damn well please, you old cunt.”

Clearly aghast, Maria could be heard mumbling something across the phone. Suddenly, JJ and Jake’s father shouted into the phone, “What did you say to your mother, JJ? She said you called her a cunt? What is wrong with you, son?!”

Repeating what Alex kept whispering, “Of course I called the old bag a cunt. And you’re a cock sucker. Get home quick, Dad. Jakey-boy and I are gonna fuck and you’re not gonna want to miss it, you old pervert.”

More silence over the phone.

And then, a meek voice, “JJ, hunny, what is going on?” Vicki sounded like she’d never been more worried.

After hearing her voice, JJ completely stopped everything. A small shred of the former JJ seemed to emerge in his eyes. It was as if a softness that had been there before Alex had mindfucked him returned. A tear began to form. It wasn’t noticed by Jake, who was far too disgusted with everything that happened this morning, but Alex noticed. There was almost a sparkle there, as if something deep within him was fighting to get out. It was exciting to see that his victim was fighting so hard against who Alex knew he had to be.

“Look at me, JJ,” Alex demanded. Unable to fight it, JJ looked directly at Alex. “You love me. You know it. You’re going to keep impressing me and doing what I tell you to do because turning me on is more important to you than anything. Even Vicki.”

“Who was that? JJ? I hear another voice there. Are you okay? Are you being forced to say these things?”

Alex smirked and whispered into JJ’s ear.

“No one is here but my fag brother and me, Vicki. So leave me the fuck alone, you disgusting hag. I’m sick of your whining. I’m sick of your henpecking. You need to get a fucking life and stop trying to ruin mine,” JJ repeated with viciousness.

JJ went to hang up as they heard Vicki cry and say, “We need to hurry back, there’s something wro…” The phone clicked off.

Angry with his brother for the first time in his life, Jake fumed, “Why in the fuck would you talk to Mom and Dad like that, JJ? You know I hate to cuss and, well, you’re bringing it out of me. I’m so mad at you right now. And to Vicki? I don’t understand what is going on here, this is completely madness! Seriously, JJ! Have you gone absolutely insane? It’s one thing to hurt me, but you’re hurting Mom, Dad, and Vicki now?! I can’t stand for that.”

Alex motioned for JJ to stand next to him. As JJ positioned himself threateningly above his younger and now cowering brother, Alex put his arm around him. Kissing the side of JJ’s face, Alex looked down at the pathetic little Filthy Queer and said cockily, “Daddy’s home.”

5 parts (4 new) 26k words Added Jun 2024 3,067 views 3.9 stars (7 votes)

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