The all-powerful Musketeer

by Cardi Muscle Man

A humble and modest Musketeer is given superhuman powers simply for being kind.

10 parts 7,968 words Added Jun 2023 Updated 16 Sep 2023 6,389 views 2.3 stars (10 votes)

Part 1 A humble and modest Musketeer is given superhuman powers simply for being kind. (added: 3 Jun 2023)
Part 2 After gaining new strength and power, Henri must relearn how to be a Musketeer. (added: 10 Jun 2023)
Part 3 Word of Henri’s enhanced abilities reaches the ears of the true power in Bourbon France. (added: 24 Jun 2023)
Part 4 The Cardinal plots to expose Henri’s impossible strength by engineering a public disaster. (added: 1 Jul 2023)
Part 5 Henri confides his anguish in his friend Porthos. (added: 8 Jul 2023)
Part 6 Obsessed with having command over Henri's inhuman strength, the Cardinal resorts to taking Henri’s captain hostage.  (added: 15 Jul 2023)
Part 7 Looking for a way out of the Cardinal’s sinister manipulation, Henri seeks out the practitioner who gave him his uncanny strength. (added: 29 Jul 2023)
Part 8 Henri confronts the Cardinal, seeking to defy his power. (added: 12 Aug 2023)
Part 9 Porthos runs to Henri’s rescue. (added: 19 Aug 2023)
Part 10 Henri and Porthos gain the upper hand on the Cardinal, and their victory brings them closer together. (added: 16 Sep 2023)
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Part 1

Henri de Ceredigion was a loyal and dedicated member of the King’s Guard in the court of King Louis XIII. He was known for his unwavering dedication to his duty, his impeccable swordsmanship skills, and his unwavering loyalty to his king. Henri had always believed in the power of kindness and compassion, and he carried himself with humility and grace.

One day, as Henri was making his way through the bustling streets of Paris, he noticed a commotion up ahead. Curiosity got the better of him, and he hurriedly made his way through the crowd to see what was happening. To his surprise, he saw a young girl being accosted by a group of ruffians. Without a second thought, Henri rushed to her aid.

With a swift and fluid motion, Henri drew his sword, his training kicking in automatically. His years of practice in the King’s Guard had honed his reflexes, and he swiftly disarmed the ruffians, freeing the girl from their clutches. The young girl, visibly shaken, looked up at Henri with gratitude and relief.

“Thank you, sir,” she said, her voice trembling. “You saved me from a terrible fate.”

Henri smiled warmly at the girl. “It was my duty, mademoiselle. I am glad I arrived in time. Are you hurt?”

The girl shook her head, her eyes welling up with tears. “No, thanks to you. I don’t know how to repay you.”

Henri brushed off her gratitude with a humble gesture. “No need for repayment, my dear. It is enough to know that you are safe. Now, go home and stay out of harm’s way.”

The young girl nodded and hurriedly made her way through the crowd, disappearing into the distance. Henri watched her go, a sense of fulfillment warming his heart. Little did he know that this simple act of kindness would set in motion a chain of events that would change his life forever.

Later that day, Henri joined his fellow guardsmen for their daily training session in the palace courtyard. Among them was Porthos, a towering figure known for his strength and prowess in combat. Porthos and Henri had formed a strong bond over the years, engaging in friendly wrestling matches during their breaks from duty.

As they began their sparring session, Henri noticed something strange. He was no longer fighting with his usual strength and agility. Instead, he seemed to possess an almost supernatural power, effortlessly overpowering Porthos. He dodged and weaved, his movements fluid and precise. It was as if his every action was guided by an unseen force.

Porthos, stunned by Henri’s sudden display of power, struggled to keep up. “What’s gotten into you, Henri?” he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and surprise.

Henri, still in the heat of the moment, couldn’t find the words to explain his newfound abilities. He continued to spar with a mix of exhilaration and confusion. It was only when the session came to an end, and Henri stood panting, that he began to piece the puzzle together.

He remembered the young girl he had saved earlier that day. Could it be that his act of kindness had somehow unlocked these extraordinary powers within him? It seemed improbable, yet the timing was too coincidental to ignore.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Henri sought out the girl he had saved, hoping to find some answers. After days of searching, he finally tracked her down. Her name was Eloise, and she was a skilled practitioner of ancient mystical arts.

Eloise explained that she was a guardian of ancient relics, and her encounter with Henri had triggered a dormant power within him. Henri was chosen by fate to become the bearer of these incredible abilities, and it was his destiny to protect the kingdom from unseen dangers.

Embracing his newfound role, Henri continued his duties as a member of the King’s Guard. However, he now fought not only with his physical strength but also with his supernatural powers. Word of his extraordinary abilities spread throughout the court, and he became a legendary figure, known as the “Guardian of the Realm.”


Part 2

In the early morning light, Henri stood in the courtyard of the castle, ready for his training session with Eloise. Clad in his training attire—a linen shirt, breeches, and boots—he held his rapier tightly in his hand, the hilt cool against his palm.

Eloise approached, carrying a bundle of wooden training swords and wearing a determined expression. “Today, we shall focus on footwork and swordplay,” she announced, her voice carrying authority. “We will begin with a series of drills to develop your agility, speed, and precision.”

Henri nodded, a sense of anticipation coursing through his veins. He mentally prepared himself, centering his focus and channeling his inner strength. With Eloise’s guidance, he knew he could push himself to new heights.

They started with a simple exercise to warm up—the “footwork ladder.” Laid out on the ground were a series of lines and squares, forming a ladder-like pattern. Henri moved gracefully, placing each foot with precision on the designated spaces, practicing quick and controlled footwork.

Eloise observed his movements, offering occasional corrections. “Maintain balance, Henri. Light on your feet, but rooted to the ground. Imagine the flow of energy from your core through your legs and into the earth with each step.”

After the warm-up, they transitioned into more intricate swordplay drills. They engaged in a series of coordinated strikes and parries, their wooden training swords clashing in a rhythmic dance. Henri focused on his form, ensuring that his strikes were crisp and his defenses impenetrable.

However, as Henri swung his training sword with newfound strength, he struggled to gauge his own power. In his enthusiasm, he inadvertently struck a wooden training post too forcefully, causing it to splinter and crack.

Eloise quickly intervened, her expression a mix of concern and amusement. “Henri, remember to temper your strength. Your power is still new to you, and it will take time to fully control it,” she advised, her voice gentle yet firm. “Focus on precision and control, even when your strength surges within you.”

Henri nodded, a touch of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. He took a deep breath, centering himself once more. He realized that his incredible strength was a double-edged sword, and he needed to master it to avoid causing unintentional damage.

With renewed determination, Henri resumed the training session, this time focusing on precise strikes and measured footwork. He made a conscious effort to balance his strength with finesse, aiming for accuracy rather than overpowering his opponent.

As the session progressed, Henri gradually found a better rhythm, gaining more control over his newfound strength. Eloise provided guidance, reminding him to stay attuned to his own power and to adapt his movements accordingly.

Despite the occasional mishap, Henri’s progress was evident. His strikes became more precise, his footwork more fluid, and his control over his strength improved. He learned to unleash his power without causing unnecessary damage, harnessing it for the benefit of his training.

As the training session neared its end, Henri’s confidence grew. The initial challenges and mishaps had taught him valuable lessons about the responsibility that came with his extraordinary abilities. He realized that strength alone was not enough—it needed to be tempered with control and discipline.

Eloise watched with a proud smile as Henri finished the session on a strong note. “You are learning, Henri,” she commended, her voice filled with encouragement. “Harnessing your strength is a continuous journey. With time and practice, you will master it and become an unstoppable force.”

Henri’s gaze met Eloise’s, gratitude shining in his eyes. He knew that his journey was just beginning, but he was determined to embrace his strength fully and wield it with wisdom and restraint. With Eloise’s guidance and his own unwavering dedication, he would continue to grow as a warrior, learning to control his powers and protect the realm with grace and skill.


Part 3

Word of Henri’s extraordinary strength reached the ears of Cardinal Richelieu, the influential figure in the court of King Louis XIII. Intrigued by the tales of the Guardian of the Realm, the Cardinal saw an opportunity to test Henri’s capabilities and perhaps find a means to harness his powers for his own purposes.

One evening, as Henri made his way through the corridors of the palace, he received a summons from the Cardinal. Intrigued and somewhat apprehensive, he followed the Cardinal’s instructions and arrived at a secluded chamber deep within the palace.

As Henri entered the chamber, he found himself in a dimly lit room adorned with ancient tapestries and curious artifacts. Cardinal Richelieu stood before him, his piercing gaze fixed upon Henri.

“Ah, Henri de Ceredigion, the Guardian of the Realm,” the Cardinal greeted, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and authority. “I have heard tales of your incredible strength, and I wish to put it to the test. A test that not even your esteemed friend Porthos could manage.”

Henri’s brows furrowed, his curiosity piqued. He respected the Cardinal’s intellect and power, though he was wary of his motivations. Nevertheless, Henri maintained his composure and awaited further instruction.

The Cardinal stepped aside, revealing a massive stone slab that seemed to be suspended in the air, defying the laws of gravity. “Behold,” the Cardinal declared, a hint of challenge in his tone. “This stone slab is enchanted with a powerful spell. No ordinary strength can move it. If you can succeed where others have failed, it would prove the extent of your powers.”

Henri approached the stone slab, examining it with a mix of awe and caution. The weight of the challenge pressed upon him, the eyes of the Cardinal watching his every move. He drew upon his inner strength and summoned the power within him, ready to face the daunting test.

With a surge of determination, Henri placed his hands upon the stone slab, bracing himself for the seemingly impossible task. He channeled his supernatural abilities, allowing the energy to flow through him as he focused every fiber of his being on the task at hand.

Straining against the immense weight, Henri pushed with all his might. Beads of sweat formed on his brow as he exerted himself, muscles straining under the immense pressure. Slowly but surely, the stone slab began to budge, the enchantment cracking under the force of his strength.

Gasps filled the chamber as the stone slab trembled and shifted, inch by inch. The Cardinal watched in awe, his skepticism waning with each passing moment. It was a feat that not even Porthos could achieve, a testament to Henri’s incredible power.

Finally, with a final surge of strength, Henri managed to move the stone slab, albeit slightly. It was a remarkable accomplishment, a display of his supernatural strength that left the Cardinal speechless.

A smile tugged at Cardinal Richelieu’s lips, a mixture of intrigue and satisfaction on his face. “Impressive, Henri,” he admitted, his voice filled with a newfound respect. “Your strength exceeds expectations. You are truly a force to be reckoned with.”

Henri stepped back from the stone slab, his breath labored but a sense of accomplishment swelling within him. He had proven his strength, not only to the Cardinal but also to himself. The test had pushed him to his limits, revealing the extent of his powers and their potential.

As he left the chamber, Henri couldn’t help but wonder about the Cardinal’s intentions. He knew that his powers were a valuable asset, and he resolved to remain vigilant, cautious of any attempts to exploit his abilities. With his unwavering dedication to justice and his commitment to protecting the kingdom, Henri would ensure that his powers were used for the greater good, rather than falling into the wrong hands.


Part 4

The Cardinal, intrigued by Henri’s remarkable strength, devised a more devious plan to showcase his powers in a public setting. Understanding the potential impact of a grand disaster, he orchestrated a scenario where Henri’s abilities would be pushed to their limits and the extent of his strength revealed.

Under the Cardinal’s influence, a magnificent structure in the heart of the city was rigged to collapse during a public event. It was a dangerous ploy, designed to put innocent lives at risk and create a situation that would force Henri to demonstrate his true power.

As the day of the event arrived, a crowd gathered, excited to witness the grand spectacle. Henri, unaware of the Cardinal’s scheme, stood among the people, his senses attuned to any signs of danger. He was prepared to fulfill his duty as the Guardian of the Realm, protecting the kingdom from any threats that may arise.

Unbeknownst to Henri, the Cardinal observed from a hidden vantage point, eagerly anticipating the unfolding disaster. As the event progressed, the structure began to creak and groan, its structural integrity compromised by the Cardinal’s machinations.

Suddenly, with a thunderous crash, the building collapsed, sending debris and dust billowing into the air. Panic and chaos ensued as the crowd scattered, seeking safety amidst the wreckage.

Henri’s instincts kicked in, his supernatural senses guiding him through the haze of confusion. He sprinted towards the collapsing structure, using his incredible strength to clear a path through the debris, rescuing trapped and injured individuals along the way.

With each person he saved, Henri’s strength was revealed in its full glory. He effortlessly lifted heavy beams, tore through obstacles, and carried multiple people to safety. The onlookers, witnessing this display of superhuman strength, were in awe of the Guardian’s power.

Meanwhile, the Cardinal watched the scene unfold, his satisfaction growing as Henri’s abilities were laid bare. His plan had succeeded in showcasing Henri’s extraordinary strength to all, leaving no doubt as to his incredible powers.

As the chaos subsided, Henri surveyed the scene, his heart heavy with the knowledge that innocent lives had been put at risk by a scheme beyond his control. His thoughts turned to the Cardinal, his suspicion deepening as he questioned the true motivations behind this orchestrated disaster.

Henri’s gaze met Porthos’s in the aftermath, the unspoken understanding between them hinting at the dark forces at play. They shared a silent resolve to uncover the truth, to protect the kingdom not only from physical threats but also from the manipulations of those who sought to exploit their powers for personal gain.

Together, Henri and Porthos would navigate the treacherous path ahead, their bond of friendship and unwavering strength serving as a beacon of hope in the face of adversity. They would uncover the Cardinal’s true intentions, expose his deceit, and ensure that justice prevailed in the realm they held dear.


Part 5

As the realization of the Cardinal’s deceit sank in, Henri’s anger swelled within him, directed not only towards the manipulative Cardinal but also towards himself for having been deceived. Frustration and self-doubt consumed him, leaving him with a burning rage that sought release.

In a fit of uncontrolled fury, Henri found himself in a secluded chamber, venting his anger by delivering powerful punches to the stone walls. Each blow echoed through the chamber, his knuckles bruised and bloodied, a physical manifestation of his internal turmoil. As the intensity of Henri’s anger surged through his veins, he unleashed his incredible strength upon the stone walls, striking them with raw power and fury. Each punch reverberated through the chamber, leaving behind deep, jagged holes as testaments to his uncontrolled rage.

Caught in the grip of his overwhelming emotions, Henri’s actions seemed to mirror the depth of his internal turmoil. The impact of his blows echoed in the air, a reflection of his frustration and self-blame.

Startled by the sound of shattering stone, Porthos rushed into the chamber, concern etched across his face. He approached Henri cautiously, his voice filled with urgency and a genuine desire to calm his friend.

“Henri, stop! You’re only hurting yourself,” Porthos pleaded, his voice filled with both worry and compassion. “This won’t change what has happened. We must find a way to move forward and seek justice together.”

Henri’s fists, stained with blood and knuckles battered, trembled with a mix of anger and anguish. He turned towards Porthos, his eyes burning with a volatile mixture of emotions. “Porthos, how could I have let myself be deceived? Innocent lives were put at risk because of my foolishness,” he confessed, his voice filled with self-reproach. “I am the Guardian of the Realm, yet I failed to protect those who relied on me.”

Porthos stepped closer, a steadying presence amidst the storm of emotions. His voice softened, laced with empathy and understanding. “Henri, we are all vulnerable to deception, especially when it comes from those we trust,” he reassured, his voice steady and soothing. “What matters now is how we respond. We must rise above our mistakes and focus on making things right.”

Henri’s body trembled, his anger gradually subsiding as Porthos’s words resonated within him. He took a deep breath, his fists unclenching as he slowly regained control over his emotions. The realization dawned upon him that his actions were not only destructive but counterproductive to the pursuit of justice.

“You are right, Porthos,” Henri admitted, his voice tinged with remorse. “My actions serve no purpose other than to fuel my own anger. We must direct our energy towards exposing the Cardinal’s deceit and protecting the realm from further harm.”

Porthos nodded, a supportive smile gracing his lips. “Exactly, Henri. Together, we will uncover the truth and ensure that justice prevails,” he affirmed, his voice filled with unwavering determination.

As the tumultuous emotions settled within Henri, a profound realization began to dawn upon him. He saw Porthos not only as a loyal friend and companion but also as a father figure—a guiding presence who had always been there to offer support, wisdom, and unwavering love.

That evening, after the storm of anger had subsided, Henri sought a moment alone with Porthos. They found themselves in a quiet corner of the palace courtyard where the moon cast a gentle glow upon their faces. Henri’s heart swelled with gratitude and a newfound understanding of the depth of their connection.

“Porthos,” Henri began, his voice filled with sincerity and remorse, “I owe you an apology for my outburst earlier. My anger got the better of me, and I lashed out in a way that was neither productive nor fair to you.”

Porthos, his kind eyes filled with empathy, nodded in understanding. “Henri, my dear friend, I understand the weight of your emotions. We all have moments where anger overwhelms us,” he replied, his voice soothing and filled with forgiveness. “What matters is that we learn from our mistakes and strive to do better.”

Henri took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing. “Porthos, I hope you know how much your presence in my life means to me,” he said, his voice sincere and tinged with vulnerability. “You have always been there for me, guiding and supporting me like a father. I am grateful beyond words for your unwavering love and friendship.”

Porthos’s gaze softened, his expression a mix of tenderness and affection. “Henri, you hold a special place in my heart. Our bond runs deep, and I have always cherished our friendship,” he replied, his voice filled with warmth. “It brings me great joy to be able to offer you support and guidance, to be there for you in the way a father would.”

A moment of silence passed between them, the weight of their words hanging in the air. Then Henri, feeling a surge of courage, posed a question that had long lingered in his heart. “Porthos, do you have someone to call your own? A family or someone special in your life?”

Porthos’s eyes softened, a wistful smile playing on his lips. “Henri, my life has been one of adventure and camaraderie, and I consider you and the King’s Guard my family,” he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and contentment. “But I must confess, I have not found a person to share my heart with in the way you ask.”

Henri’s heart ached for his dear friend, realizing the void that existed within Porthos’s life. In that moment, a surge of determination washed over him. “Porthos, we shall navigate the journey of finding love and companionship together,” Henri declared, his voice resolute. “Just as you have been there for me, I will be there for you. We will support each other in all aspects of life, including matters of the heart.”

A genuine smile spread across Porthos’s face, gratitude shining in his eyes. “Thank you, Henri,” he said, his voice filled with a mixture of appreciation and hope. “Knowing that I have your support in seeking love brings me great comfort. Together, we will find the happiness and companionship we both deserve.”

In that moment, their bond grew even stronger, a shared commitment to navigating life’s challenges and seeking love and fulfillment. With their unwavering friendship and newfound understanding, Henri and Porthos would face the future with open hearts, knowing that they were not alone in their pursuit of love and happiness.


Part 6

“Good morning, Captain, and how are we this...”

Henri’s cheerful greeting evaporated instantly as he stepped into the Captain’s office. The sight that met his eyes sent a chill down his spine. His Captain, a trusted mentor and ally, stood in the clutches of Jussac and his group of Cardinal’s guards. Henri’s heart pounded in his chest as Jussac delivered his chilling ultimatum.

“We know what you are, Henri,” Jussac sneered, his voice laced with malice. “Surrender your allegiance to the Cardinal and serve him, or your Captain will pay the price.”

Henri’s mind raced, his instincts urging him to protect his Captain at all costs. Anger and defiance ignited within him, fueled by the injustice of the situation. However, he knew that any rash action could endanger the life of his beloved Captain.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Henri assessed the situation. His mind calculated the odds, searching for a way to outmaneuver the guards and free his Captain from their clutches. He knew that direct confrontation would be unwise, given the overwhelming numbers against him.

With a flicker of determination in his eyes, Henri locked gazes with his Captain, silently conveying his resolve and determination. He understood the unspoken message—his Captain’s life depended on his ability to navigate this perilous situation with caution and strategy.

Henri turned his attention back to Jussac, his voice steady despite the turmoil that churned within him. “Jussac, I will not bend to the Cardinal’s demands,” he declared, his tone firm and unwavering. “Release my Captain, and I will face whatever consequences you and the Cardinal deem necessary.”

Jussac’s eyes narrowed, his grip on the Captain tightening. He clearly relished the power he held in this moment, knowing that he had the upper hand. “So be it, Henri,” Jussac sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance. “Your loyalty to the Captain will be your downfall.”

Henri’s mind raced, searching for an opportunity, a weakness in their captors’ defenses. He knew that time was of the essence, and he needed to act swiftly and decisively. However, he also needed to ensure the safety of his Captain and minimize the risk to innocent lives.

“Jussac,” Henri called out, his voice commanding attention. “Let us leave the palace quietly, without causing harm to anyone else. I will come peacefully if you release my Captain unharmed.”

Jussac’s eyes flickered with a mix of surprise and amusement, his confidence unwavering. “Very well, Henri,” he responded, his tone filled with sinister satisfaction. “But make no mistake, once you are in the Cardinal’s custody, your life will never be the same.”

As the guards released the Captain, Henri’s gaze remained locked on Jussac, his mind calculating the next move. He would bide his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike back against the Cardinal’s tyranny and protect those he held dear.and as he nodded his acquiesence, the guards left the room with Jussac closing the doors waiting for Henri on the other side

As Jussac and his guards departed, leaving Henri alone with his Captain, a heavy silence filled the room. Henri turned to face his Captain, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and determination. He knew that it was time to reveal the truth, to unburden himself of the weight he had carried in silence.

“Captain, there is something I must confess,” Henri began, his voice laced with a mix of remorse and resolve. “I am the Guardian of the Realm, blessed or cursed with extraordinary strength and abilities. But I must admit, I was deceived by the Cardinal into showcasing my powers.”

His Captain’s eyes widened in surprise, but he maintained a steady composure, giving Henri the space to share his truth.

“The Cardinal manipulated events, engineered situations to expose my strength to the public eye,” Henri continued, his voice filled with a hint of bitterness. “In his twisted ambition, he saw me as a pawn, a tool to further his own agenda.”

The Captain listened intently, his expression a mix of concern and understanding. Henri could see the gears turning in his Captain’s mind, processing the gravity of the situation and the potential repercussions.

“I apologize, Captain, for not confiding in you earlier,” Henri confessed, his voice tinged with remorse. “I should have trusted your wisdom and guidance from the start. I was blinded by my own anger and desire for justice, allowing the Cardinal to exploit my abilities for his own gain.”

The Captain’s gaze softened, his voice steady and reassuring. “Henri, I understand the complexity of the situation you found yourself in,” he replied, his tone filled with a blend of compassion and respect. “It takes courage to admit our mistakes and seek forgiveness. You were faced with deceit and manipulation, and it is a testament to your character that you are willing to rectify the situation.”

Henri nodded, gratitude swelling within him for his Captain’s understanding. “Thank you, Captain. Your support means the world to me,” he said, his voice reflecting his deep appreciation. “Together, we must find a way to expose the Cardinal’s treachery and protect the realm from his grasp.”

The Captain’s eyes sparkled with determination as he clasped a hand on Henri’s shoulder. “Indeed, Henri. We will uncover the truth, expose the Cardinal’s deceit, and ensure that justice prevails,” he affirmed, his voice brimming with conviction. “We shall rally our allies, gather evidence, and stand united against the darkness that has befallen our kingdom.”

Henri’s heart swelled with a renewed sense of purpose and resolve. He knew that he had the unwavering support of his Captain, a trusted ally who would stand by his side throughout the trials ahead. Together, they would navigate the treacherous path, seeking justice, and safeguarding the realm from the Cardinal’s malevolence and with that Henri doffed his hat, turned on a louis, took a deep breath, marched towards the doors, opened them and announced in a clear voice, “I am your prisoner, Jussac!”


Part 7

Seeking solace and guidance, Henri sought out Eloise, the skilled practitioner of ancient mystical arts who had bestowed upon him his extraordinary powers. He knew that she held the knowledge and wisdom to help him navigate this difficult situation. With a determined stride, Henri arrived at Eloise’s secluded sanctuary.

“Eloise,” Henri called out, his voice tinged with urgency and determination. “I need your counsel and assistance. The Cardinal has discovered my abilities and is manipulating the situation to serve his own agenda.”

Eloise, with her calm demeanor and wise eyes, listened intently to Henri’s account of recent events. She nodded knowingly, understanding the gravity of the situation and the risks that lay ahead.

“Henri, the path you tread is treacherous, and the Cardinal’s intentions are dark indeed,” Eloise replied, her voice carrying a sense of caution. “But there may be a way to mitigate the dangers you face. However, it is a decision that requires careful consideration and carries its own risks.”

Henri leaned forward, his eyes reflecting his determination. “Tell me, Eloise, what must I do? I am willing to do whatever it takes to protect those I care about and put an end to the Cardinal’s machinations.”

Eloise sighed softly, her gaze searching Henri’s face. “Transferring your strength to another is not a simple task, Henri,” she explained, her voice carrying a weight of responsibility. “It requires a delicate balance and an understanding of the consequences involved. And while Porthos is strong in his own right, the burden of such power should not be taken lightly.”

Henri’s gaze hardened, his resolve unshakable. “I understand the risks, Eloise. But Porthos is like a brother to me, and I trust him with my life. He has the strength of character to wield this power responsibly and protect the realm.”

Eloise studied Henri’s determined expression, weighing his words and the depth of their bond. After a moment of contemplation, she nodded slowly. “Very well, Henri. If you are certain and prepared to accept the consequences, I will help you transfer your strength to Porthos,” she relented, her voice tinged with caution.

With Eloise’s guidance, Henri and Porthos embarked on a ritual that would transfer the incredible strength Henri possessed into his loyal friend. Under the watchful eyes of Eloise, their hands intertwined, channeling the mystical energy that flowed between them. The process was intense and demanding, both physically and emotionally.

As the transfer neared its completion, Henri could feel the weight of his strength being lifted from his being, replaced by a sense of profound lightness. Porthos, his eyes reflecting a mix of awe and determination, felt the surge of power coursing through his veins, anchoring itself within him.

When the ritual was finally complete, Henri and Porthos stood facing one another, the connection between them forever changed. Porthos, now possessing the strength that had once belonged to Henri, understood the weight of this newfound power and the responsibility it entailed.

Henri clasped Porthos’s shoulder, a mixture of pride and gratitude shining in his eyes. “Porthos, my friend, you now bear the strength that was once mine. Use it wisely, protect the realm, and together, let us bring an end to the Cardinal’s tyranny.”

Porthos nodded solemnly, his voice filled with determination. “Henri, I will honor the trust you’ve placed in me. With this strength, I will fight for justice, defend the innocent, and stand against the darkness that threatens our kingdom.”

United by their bond and the transfer of strength, Henri and Porthos shared a moment of mutual understanding. Their combined resolve would serve as an unyielding force against the Cardinal’s schemes, as they embarked on a shared path to restore justice and protect the realm they held dear.


Part 8

Jussac, loyal to the Cardinal’s orders, escorted Henri to the Cardinal’s presence. Henri’s expression remained stoic as he stood before the Cardinal, his eyes meeting the Cardinal’s gaze with unwavering determination. The Cardinal’s face contorted into a self-assured smirk as he regarded Henri.

“Ah, Henri, the Guardian of the Realm,” the Cardinal sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance. “You possess an extraordinary power that could serve the kingdom well under my command.”

Henri stood tall, his voice filled with defiance. “Cardinal, I have come to understand your deceit and manipulation. I will not be a pawn in your game, using my strength to further your ambitions,” he declared, his words laced with unyielding resolve, adding, “This is why I have come, alone. Now release the Captain, you have me as your prisoner!”

The Cardinal’s expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with displeasure. “You dare defy me, Henri?” he seethed, his voice tinged with anger. “You will regret this. I have the power to make your life a living hell.”

Henri’s gaze remained unwavering, his voice steady and resolute. “The true power lies in justice, honor, and protecting the innocent, not in serving the whims of a power-hungry Cardinal,” he retorted, his tone filled with unwavering conviction. “I will use my strength to defend the realm and expose your treachery.”

As Henri was seized by the guards, he found himself forcefully restrained and thrown onto a rack, his limbs stretched to their limits. The Cardinal’s eyes gleamed with a sadistic satisfaction as he reveled in his perceived triumph over the Guardian of the Realm.

“Break free, Henri,” the Cardinal taunted, his voice dripping with venomous glee. “Show me your strength. Prove to me that you cannot resist the power I hold over you.”

Pain coursed through Henri’s body as he strained against the restraints, feeling the weight of the Cardinal’s expectations pressing upon him. The Cardinal’s guards watched with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, waiting for Henri to unleash his extraordinary power once more.

With a grimace of effort, Henri fought against the constraints, his muscles quivering under the strain. However, to the astonishment of all present, Henri’s efforts seemed to be in vain. His usual strength eluded him, leaving him feeling weakened and vulnerable.

“Henri, you’re...” stammered the Captain and unable to bear witness to what was happened, left a free man, but as he left the image of Henri being pulled apart filled his mind

Gasps of disbelief filled the room as Henri declared, his voice filled with determination, “I no longer possess the strength you seek, Cardinal. My loyalty lies with justice and the protection of the realm, not with your twisted ambitions.”

The Cardinal’s expression twisted into a mask of fury and disbelief. “Lies! You dare claim that you have lost your strength?” he bellowed, his voice echoing through the chamber. “You cannot deceive me, Henri! Your power is at my command!”

But Henri remained resolute, his eyes meeting the Cardinal’s gaze with unwavering conviction. “The truth lies in the depths of my being, Cardinal. I have made a choice, and that choice is to defy you and your malicious intentions,” he declared, his voice steady and unyielding.

Enraged, the Cardinal turned to his guards. “Keep him restrained!” he ordered, his voice seething with anger. “We will find a way to break him and make him submit!”


Part 9

As the guards tightened their grip, Henri braced himself, his resolve unshaken. He knew that his path forward would be fraught with peril and challenges, but he remained steadfast in his commitment to protect the realm and expose the Cardinal’s tyranny.

In that moment, a flicker of hope ignited within him. He had made his stand, defying the Cardinal’s control and asserting his own agency. The journey ahead would be arduous, but Henri was determined to rally his allies, seek justice, and topple the Cardinal’s oppressive reign.

Though weakened and restrained, Henri’s spirit burned with an unquenchable fire. His strength would not come from his physical might alone but from the unbreakable resilience of his resolve and the unwavering support of those who believed in him. As he endured the Cardinal’s torment, he knew that the true power lay not in the Cardinal’s control but in his unwavering dedication to justice and the righteous cause that fueled his every action.

As Henri’s body throbbed with pain and his voice wavered in a desperate cry, his thoughts turned to Porthos, his loyal friend who had taken on his strength. In a moment of instinctive longing, he whispered Porthos’s name, hoping against hope that his distant friend would somehow hear his plea.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Paris, Porthos strained under the weight of a cart filled with rocks, his muscles straining as he performed a feat of strength for the amused onlookers. Amidst the commotion and the sound of laughter, Porthos’s senses suddenly heightened. He could almost feel an inexplicable connection, an unspoken cry for help tugging at his heart.

His grip on the cart faltered, the rocks tumbling to the ground as he turned his head in the direction of Henri’s call. The crowd fell silent, their amusement giving way to a collective sense of awe as they witnessed the transformation in Porthos’s expression. Without uttering a word, he recognized the significance of that faint whisper, the plea that had reached his ears.

Driven by an indomitable force, Porthos broke into a sprint, his powerful strides carrying him through the streets of Paris. Ignoring the curious gazes of passersby, he followed an invisible thread, drawn inexorably towards his dear friend in need.

Minutes later, Porthos arrived at the Cardinal’s stronghold, guided solely by his unwavering determination and the bond he shared with Henri. Bursting through the doors, his presence commanded attention as he confronted the Cardinal and his guards.

The room fell into an uneasy silence as Porthos’s gaze met Henri’s, the unspoken understanding between them palpable. Without a moment’s hesitation, Porthos lunged forward, his muscles bulging with raw power as he overpowered the guards restraining Henri, setting him free from the torment of the rack.

As Henri’s pain subsided, he looked up at Porthos, a mix of relief and gratitude flooding his expression. “Porthos, my friend, I knew you would come,” he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.

Porthos grinned, his eyes gleaming with determination. “Henri, we are bound by more than strength alone. Our bond transcends distance and time,” he declared, his voice resonating with unwavering loyalty. “No matter the challenge, I will always be there for you.”

Together, Henri and Porthos faced the Cardinal and his guards, united in their defiance and their shared determination to expose the truth. In that moment, their combined strength, both physical and spiritual, radiated with an unyielding force.

The Cardinal’s smug confidence wavered as he realized that Henri’s strength had found a new vessel—one that couldn’t be easily controlled or manipulated. It was a testament to the power of friendship, loyalty, and the unwavering resolve of those who stood against tyranny.

With Porthos at his side, Henri knew that they had the strength to overcome any obstacle and protect the realm from the Cardinal’s treachery. Their bond, forged through shared experiences and unbreakable trust, would guide them through the darkness and towards a brighter future.

Side by side, they advanced, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them. Their strength, now interwoven and unshakable, would prove to be an unstoppable force, bringing justice to the realm and ensuring that the Cardinal’s reign of deceit and cruelty would crumble under their unyielding resolve.


Part 10

As the climactic battle reached its zenith, Henri and Porthos stood triumphantly over the defeated Cardinal and his remaining guards. The Cardinal’s face was bruised and bloodied, his power shattered and his treachery exposed for all to see. Victory was within their grasp, and the desire for retribution surged within Porthos.

Raising his clenched fist, Porthos prepared to deliver a final blow to the fallen Cardinal, the embodiment of the injustice and pain they had endured. But just as Porthos’s arm began its descent, Henri’s anguished cry pierced the air, commanding everyone’s attention.

No!” Henri’s voice echoed with an intensity that silenced the room. His eyes pleaded with Porthos, filled with a mixture of pain and compassion. It was a plea to rise above the Cardinal’s wickedness, to not let their own hearts be tainted by vengeance.

Porthos froze mid-strike, his fist hovering inches away from the Cardinal’s face. His gaze locked with Henri’s, and the intensity of the moment hung heavy in the air. Slowly, Porthos lowered his arm, the rage that had fueled him dissipating, replaced by a newfound understanding.

Henri approached the fallen Cardinal, his voice filled with a conviction that carried the weight of his words. “Cardinal, your reign of darkness ends here,” he declared, his voice firm but free of malice. “But we will not stoop to your level. We will not let vengeance consume our souls.”

The Cardinal, bruised and broken, looked up at Henri with a mixture of defiance and desperation. “You cannot deny me my fate,” he spat, his voice filled with a bitter venom. “Justice will catch up to you.”

Henri’s gaze remained unwavering, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. “Justice has already prevailed, Cardinal. It is not for us to deliver the final blow, but for the law and the people to decide your fate,” he stated, his tone firm and resolute.

With those words, Henri turned away from the fallen Cardinal, leaving him to face the consequences of his actions. The room buzzed with a mix of awe and admiration for Henri’s unwavering strength of character.

Together, Henri and Porthos emerged from the Cardinal’s stronghold, their victory serving as a beacon of hope for the kingdom. They had overcome not only the physical battles but also the inner turmoil that threatened to consume them. They had risen above the Cardinal’s darkness, their spirits untarnished and their resolve unbroken.

As the evening unfolded, Henri and Porthos found themselves in the tranquility of a secluded courtyard. Porthos, now adorned in his regular attire, reveled in his enhanced strength, testing his might against the surroundings.

Henri, while still in awe of Porthos’s newfound power, couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia and longing. He watched as Porthos effortlessly lifted heavy objects and playfully showcased his incredible strength. A sigh escaped Henri’s lips, a wistful acknowledgment of what he had willingly relinquished.

“Porthos,” Henri began, his voice tinged with a mixture of gratitude and melancholy. “You have proven yourself worthy of the strength I passed on to you. Your power is awe-inspiring, and I am proud to have you as my friend and ally.”

Porthos, pausing for a moment, turned to face Henri, a warm smile gracing his features. “Henri, my dear friend,” he replied, his voice filled with sincerity. “I cannot express how grateful I am for the trust you have placed in me. It is an honor to bear this strength and to fight alongside you.”

Henri’s gaze met Porthos’s, a silent understanding passing between them. Porthos had become the vessel for Henri’s once-formidable power, and the weight of that responsibility was not lost on either of them.

“But,” Henri continued, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness, “I would be remiss if I said that I don’t miss the sensation of that strength within me. There is a part of me that longs for the power I once possessed.”

Porthos, his expression filled with empathy, stepped closer to Henri. Placing a reassuring hand on his friend’s shoulder, he spoke gently, “Henri, my strength may have increased, but that does not diminish the strength that resides within you. Your spirit, your dedication, and your unwavering loyalty are what truly make you a force to be reckoned with.”

Henri’s eyes met Porthos’s, gratitude mingling with the glimmer of hope. Porthos’s words resonated deep within him, reigniting the fire that burned in his heart.

“You’re right, Porthos,” Henri replied, his voice filled with renewed determination. “Strength comes in many forms, and while I may no longer possess the physical might, I will continue to wield the strength of my convictions and fight for what is right.”

Porthos nodded, a deep understanding passing between them. In that moment, Henri found solace in their unbreakable bond, knowing that they would face the challenges ahead together, each contributing their unique strengths to the cause they held dear and as they did, Henri whispered, “Mon ami, I think I love you! Porthos...” Henri’s voice quivered, his heart laid bare. “I have come to realize that the bond we share runs deeper than mere friendship. It is a connection that defies definition and comprehension.”

Porthos, a myriad of emotions flickering across his face, reached out, gently cupping Henri’s face with his hand. His touch was a balm, comforting and reassuring.

“Henri,” Porthos murmured, his voice filled with warmth and affection. “I have always held you close to my heart. The strength of our bond, the trust we share, has always been a source of solace and joy in my life.”

A soft smile tugged at Henri’s lips, his gaze locked with Porthos’s. The weight of his unspoken feelings now laid bare, he felt a newfound liberation.

“In the face of adversity, we have found solace in each other’s presence,” Henri continued, his voice steady but filled with a delicate vulnerability. “I have come to realize that the love I feel for you extends beyond the realms of friendship. It is a love that encompasses the essence of who you are, the kindness, the strength, and the unwavering support that you have bestowed upon me.”

Porthos’s eyes shimmered with a mixture of understanding and affection. He drew Henri into a tender embrace, their bodies finding solace in each other’s proximity.

“Henri, my dear friend,” Porthos whispered, his voice filled with affectionate sincerity. “The love I hold for you knows no boundaries. It is a love that has grown alongside our shared experiences, our triumphs, and our struggles. I am honored and humbled to receive your love, and my heart responds in kind.”

In that tender moment, Henri and Porthos discovered a new facet to their relationship, an understanding that transcended words alone. Love, deep and profound, united them in a way that no external force could diminish.

Together, they stood, wrapped in each other’s arms, their connection fortified by the strength of their affection. Their shared journey would continue, fueled not only by their unwavering commitment to protect the realm but also by the love that now flourished between them.

With hearts entwined, Henri and Porthos faced the challenges ahead, knowing that the power of their love would guide them through the darkest of times. Side by side, they would navigate the complexities of their newfound emotions, embarking on a journey that would redefine their lives and the bond they held so dear.

10 parts 7,968 words Added Jun 2023 Updated 16 Sep 2023 6,389 views 2.3 stars (10 votes)

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