Out of control

by MegaMaker

Would you become a titan of muscle and mass if your boyfriend asked you to join him? This is the quandary Bailey faced when his lover, Derick, brought him some strange serums. What would Derick do if he said no?

4,250 words Added Oct 2024 2,205 views No votes yet

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Author’s Note

Unlike my usual style and formula of writing, “Out of Control” is a high-stakes, catastrophe drama somewhere between Godzilla and Cloverfield that involves dark subject matter. For those expecting this to be like my normal wholesome romance will not find it here.


Chapter One: The Serums

Derick was taking his new boyfriend, Bailey, downtown but he didn’t tell him why. In Bailey’s mind he thought Derick might be proposing to him. As sweet as that sounded, they have only been dating a few months. Bailey was twenty-one and Derick was only nineteen. They knew each other as friends before they started to date but getting married only after a few months was way too soon, in Bailey’s mind.

During this time, their relationship had not been great. Derick’s favorite thing to do with Bailey was have sex. Occasionally, they would lie on the couch or go to the gym together but other than that they didn’t connect. This downtown day trip was a surprise to Bailey. Still he followed along without questioning it. When Bailey pressed him about why they were coming here and why he was so happy, Derick only said you’ll see; he did have a big smile on his face the whole walk.

“All right, here should be good,” Derick said.

They were standing on the busiest street corner in the city. Cars were bumper to bumper and crowds of people were milling around. Bailey didn’t like large crowds. In fact the few times Derick took him to parties he couldn’t say he enjoyed himself. The fact that he preferred to stay in and spend time with Derick alone rather than go out was one of the many reasons they argued. In Bailey’s mind the only redeeming quality about this place is that it wasn’t far from the ocean; a place he did like to spend time at.

“What were you going to show me and why did you need to take me here to do it?” Bailey said.

“There’s something that I’ve been wanting to show,” Derick said.

“Are you gonna propose to me?”

“No, we’ll sorta. I want you to join me in the new life I’m going to create for us.”

Bailey was very confused and his face showed it.

“What do you mean?”

“Take a look at these bad boys!”

From his pocket he pulled out a metal case. He opened it revealing the four syringes within it. Two were red and two were blue, all four were glowing. To say Bailey was shocked by this would be an understatement. He had no idea what was in those syringes and the glowing hue scared him.

“What the heck are those!”

Derick quickly closed the case and put it back in his pocket. He didn’t want anyone else to see them, not yet.

“I don’t think they have names but I stole them from a bio-engineering lab on the other side of town. You know the one my dad works at.”

Bailey was only vaguely aware of what Derick’s dad did for a living. At no point did Derick ever explain specifically what kind of research went on in there. He assumed that it was confidential therefore he didn’t ask. Either way he thought this was a new level of stupid for Derick.

“What do they even do?”

“Okay, this is a long story but I’ll try to make it quick. A while back my dad left some papers from work on the kitchen table and I just so happened to take a glance at one of them. Turns out the lab he works at is developing some kind of drug that enhances muscle mass and reproductive organs in males.”

Bailey was put on edge but still a little skeptical.

“What was it going to be used for and does it work?”

“I wanted to find that out too so I went snooping through my dad’s files in his office. What it’s supposed to be used for is livestock. It’s so they can get more meat from cows and chickens and stuff and so they reproduce in bigger numbers.”

“Then why did you steal it?”

“Because I’m going to use it to get huge and ripped!”

“Like you need that, you’re already jacked, how much bigger do you want to get?”

Bailey was becoming more uncomfortable the longer this went on. People around the streets were starting to stare. They were standing in the middle of a high pedestrian area after all.

“I’m not sure how big this will make me but the papers I was reading said the newest batch, which is the one I have, hasn’t been tested yet. They tested previous batches on animals and they made a mouse the size of a blue whale.”

“I don’t believe you, this is fake and this is a joke.”

“I saw the pictures and the stats in the files. Then when I broke in I saw all the animals they tested on. I swear this is all real.”

Derick had committed who knows how many crimes to obtain these chemicals. All Bailey could think about was how he might be implicated now that he knows this information. The police could be after them as we speak, Bailey thought.

“Why are there four?”

“The red ones are the growth serum and the blue ones are the antidote.”


“They made a serum to reverse the effects of the first one. From what I read it was in case one of the animals got out and they needed to neutralize it. Get this, they tried just putting the rogue animals down but they were basically impervious to all lethal weapons. That nuts isn’t it!”

This conversation was terrifying Bailey and he couldn’t help but notice the glances that were coming their way. He felt the world start spinning around him. Feelings of fear, anxiety and alarm were swirling inside his head. His boyfriend was a criminal and it wasn’t just using a fake ID to get into a bar. This was a serious violation of the law.

“Then why did you take all four of those?”

“I wouldn’t have bothered taking the antidotes but they were all locked up together and as you could imagine I was in a hurry so I just took the whole case.”

“So what are you going to do now?”

Fear could be heard in his voice.

“Listen, Bailey, We’re broke college kids with stupid summer jobs and no future. But what if we could be ripped invincible giants! We could do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted.”

Derick’s face lit up while he said all that. While Bailey’s fear was increasing by the second. He took a few steps back from Derick.

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying we both take one of the serums and grow into muscle bound titans and live together happily forever!”

“I think that seems really dangerous and what if they don’t work or kill us somehow?”

“I can assure that’s not going to happen. I’ll go first and you can see how awesome life is gonna be.”

He took out the case, picked one of the red syringes then jabbed the needle in his arm; pumping all the glowing red fluid into it. Bailey winced as he watched Derick do that, he never did like needles.

“Here, hold that for me, little buddy.”

Derick handed Bailey the case. Even through the metal exterior he could feel heat coming off from within it. He stuck it in his own pocket hoping the crowd of onlookers didn’t see that. Bailey could feel every set of eyes on him. If anyone saw that they’d think Derick just shot up with some heroin. All the eyes and the fact he watched his boyfriend administered an experimental serum that he stole was doing a number on his mental stability too.

“Do…you…feel…anything?” Bailey squeaked out.

“Oh, fuck, I can feel it!”

Derick’s cock instantly hardened into a massive boner! His gym shorts were stretched into a tent and it was still gaining length and thickness as his balls swelled filling with sperm. Usually, his dick was six inches but it quickly grew to double that length.

“What the heck!” Bailey said.

Derick let out a long moan of pleasure before reaching in his pants to play with himself.

“Fuck yeah, that feels fucking gooood!”


A stain appeared at the tip of his shorts. Derick’s boner growth wasn’t stopping; rapidly gaining more length and girth. The whole time he had a huge smile on his face as he watched his hard cock grow bigger by the second. People around the streets were gasping and shouting obscenities. Some were taking out their phones and filming. The last thing Bailey wanted was to have this recorded and spread throughout the world.

“Stop that right now!” Bailey said.

“Why would I want to, this is awesome. Look at this fat hard cock!”


The stain got larger. Right then his pecs puffed out, growing bigger and wider. Each of his shoulders instantly swelled bigger and so did his arms. Then his traps grew taller on his thickening neck. His shirt was getting tighter around his body. The same thing was happening to his lower body. Starting in his thighs and butt they enlarged, filling out his shorts more and his calves were not far behind.

“What’s happening to you!”

Derick popped his pecs and then hefted them. Then he pulled up his shorts and flexed his well-developed thighs. His smile got wider as he watched all his muscles continue to swell bigger.

“All my muscles are growing bigger. I’m growing! This is amazing!”

Bailey couldn’t believe this as he watched his boyfriend gain pounds of muscle right before his eyes. The speed of Derick’s muscle and cock growth was scaring Bailey. Everyone of his muscles were swelling so fast his clothes were beginning to tear.

“Damn, look at me grow!”

He flexed both his arms making them big enough to tear his sleeves, he gave them each a kiss. Then Derick grabbed the shirt and tore it off. Huge round pecs, defined abs, thick lats and round shoulders. His giant muscular meaty upper body was out for all to see. Bailey stepped back from him while his head was on a swivel. The crowds around them had gotten more dense. Then the hem of his shorts began to tear. Derick’s thighs, butt and boner grew large enough to tear his pants and underwear off letting his boner fling up, slapping his pecs.


A small jet of pre-cum shot out. That made Bailey feel sick.

“Holy fuck look at that giant cock!”

Bailey felt lightheaded. All over Derick’s body were stretch marks and even his boner and balls had some too. Everyone on the street was freaking out but all Bailey could do was watch in horror as Derick’s muscles and junk continued to grow. Derick felt up his defined abs and shelfy chest. Bailey finally shook himself back into focus.

“You’re naked!”

“I know and I look fuckin’ sexy. Look at me!”

Derick did a full-body pose before going back to stroking his massive boner with both hands.


More pre-cum was oozing out and dripping down his shaft. While he flexed and rubbed himself he never took that grin off his face. He gave his chunky bubble butt a good slap and squeeze. Derick’s smile used to make Bailey happy but now it was disturbing and unsettling. Then he started inching taller! Bailey used to be taller than Derick but he quickly surpassed him. This caused more hysteria as panic consumed the surrounding crowds. Then his hands and feet grew, tearing off his shoes, the last piece of clothing he had.

“What the heck!” Bailey said.

“Oh yeah, keep growing, don’t stop!”

Derick’s growth both in width and in height were increasing exponentially by now. His hard cock was still growing taller and thicker and his balls were still swelling too along with the head, Pre-cum was still squirting out.

Bailey backed away more to give Derick space to grow. His muscles were truly hulking at this point and they showed no signs of stopping.

His head was growing too but that didn’t mean he wasn’t losing his neck. Both of his arms were being pushed up by his lats and there was no way he could reach his face anymore. The size of his thighs were pushing apart his legs making his stance wider. All while he was still rapidly gaining height. Bailey was at Derick’s waist level but wasn’t done by any means.

“Hey Bailey, watch this!”

Derick lumbered over to the light post, tore it from the ground and started doing bicep curls with it.

“What are you doing that’s public nudity and vandalism!” Bailey said.

“Like I care, look how jacked I’m getting!”

When Derick got bored of doing curls, he did a few shoulder presses before tossing it. His boner squirting pre-cum the whole time. Bailey could only pray that property was the only thing damaged. He went over a bus that had long since been abandoned. He was still growing every step of the way. Bailey caught up with the hulk-like Derick.

“There’s no way you’re strong enough to lift that.”

Bailey didn’t say that because he thought it was true he said it because he didn’t want Derick to cause my damage.

“Challenge accepted.”

Derick squeezed all his muscles really hard until he was red in the face. His flexing caused his already growing muscles to expand faster. He gained more muscle, height and his junk from his hard shaft to his engorged balls enlarged more. Bailey was paralyzed with fear, Derick was a giant and was only getting bigger and stronger. When his growth went back to a normal speed he released a long rope of cum.

He let out a moan then a laugh before picking up the bus from both ends with ease. Then he did a set of squats with it. He was still growing more muscular, taller and his frame was expanding. He threw the bus into a building causing more chaos.

“Hahaha, Derick smash!”

Moments later cops and other vehicles like firetrucks and ambulances started showing up and surrounded Derick and Bailey.

“Step away from the nude giant!” a cop yelled through a megaphone.

Bailey was too terrified to comply and his head was getting light. The world around him was spinning and watching Derick grow so quickly was giving him vertigo. Complete chaos swept the streets. Everyone else was either recording with their phones or running and screaming or a combination of the above.

Those inside cars got out and ran instead of trying to drive away. Not Bailey though he was still standing by Derick as he kept growing in height and muscle mass. Derick’s cock was at a ludicrous size now. The head was in the middle of his enormous pecs and the balls were larger than yoga balls. The shaft itself was thicker than a telephone poll. So much pre-cum had dripped out, half his shaft was coated in white. The cops kept yelling commands not only at Bailey and Derick but at the chaotic crowds. Bailey was too out of it to comprehend what they were saying. Derick could perfectly hear what the cops were saying but didn’t care.

“Man, am I horny! I could really go for a jerk.”

Derick’s voice had gotten deep enough to scare Bailey. Then he became even more scared by what he did next. Derick grabbed his beastly boner and began violently beating his massive meat.


Each stroke caused huge ropes of cum to blow out at high speed. He was aiming at the

cars and laughed as he hit them.

“Stop that, you can’t do that in public!” Bailey had to shout for Derick to hear him.

“I don’t care, soon I’ll be Godzilla-sized and then no one can stop me!”

As he jacked off his huge boner all his muscles were still expanding and he was still getting taller. More cops started showing up. News outlets, vans, even helicopters started to arrive. Bailey turned back to the ever-growing giant. Derick was half the size of a skyscraper and still growing. More screams and panic arose from the surrounding crowds. Puddles of cum were forming around them as Derick kept masturbating.

“I wish I had some lube but I guess my own pre is good enough!”

His voice was so deep it was barely recognizable. Bailey couldn’t respond because he was too terrified. Loud sirens, people screaming, cops yelling over megaphones, and noisy chopper blades were causing Bailey to feel violently sick. Not to mention witnessing the ever-growing muscle-bound giant that was Derick.

Gunshots caused Bailey to freeze in place. A barrage of bullets came flying at Derick. Bailey finally gained enough composure to hit the deck. Every single bullet did nothing to Derick. Each one ricocheted off his buff overly muscular hulking body causing a storm of stray bullets. Derick didn’t even flinch once, in fact his laughter became more maniacal. A symphony of bullet casings hitting the ground filled the air as well as the scent of hot metal and gunpowder.

“Tiny bullets can’t hurt me, I’m invincible!”

Derick flexed both his arms then squeezed his pecs together before going back to jacking off.

From the ground Bailey watched Derick reaching higher heights and packing on larger amounts of muscle to his ever-growing frame. He was still jerking his growing and squirting boner and was enjoying every second of it.

The cops were yelling more commands over their megaphones, telling Bailey to run away. His body wouldn’t let him. He could only stare in shock as Derick’s body became consumed by titanic overgrown muscles and his dick and balls grew just as big. His body doubled in overall size then his muscles inflated then he’d double in size again! His body doubled then tripled again and again. His growth became exponential.

The cops fired off more rounds but it was useless. His muscles had grown far too solid to be impacted by them. The officer in charge commanded everyone to evacuate and regroup at a secure location. While they did that they helped whatever citizen they could escape. Bailey wouldn’t budge and he was too close to Derick for any cop to even think about grabbing him.

The cycle of Derick’s exponential muscle growth continued until he had completed his transformation. The tallest skyscrapers were still below his shoulders and his muscles immobilized him and his boner was comparable in size to the rest of his body. His head was as big as a mansion but it was still consumed by his traps and chest. His arms were pushed up by his lats making them parallel to the ground.

“Fuck yeah I’m a jacked sexy horny Godzilla!” he yelled.

His deep voice echoed for miles. He put on a flexing show for himself in the nearby ocean. Flexing his arms, hefting his pecs, rubbing his abs, squeezing his thighs and slapping his massive ass were all things he was indulging in. Of course he was playing with his immense boner and balls too. While he was rubbing his abs, he noticed something.

“Bailey, do I have a twelve-pack!” Derick yelled.

Due to the unbelievable shelf of his pecs there was no way Derick could see his own abs and the reflection on the ocean wasn’t clear enough. Bailey was barely conscious this whole time but started to come back to reality. Bailey had no idea how he was going to answer when Derick’s ears were 3,000 feet in the air. He couldn’t even see Derick’s face because of his pecs. Bailey got the idea to just poke Derick’s toe.

“Sorry, didn’t think that you couldn’t hear me hold still!”

Derick squatted down to pick up Bailey and brought him as close to his face as his overgrown muscles would allow. Bailey did not like that compared to Derick he was the size of a Lego person. The sudden change in pressure was not doing him any favors either. What made this more difficult was he was still a distance away from his face and his mega boner was obscuring it. From Derick’s open palm Bailey made the journey up his arm, then shoulder across his trap all the way to his huge ear.

“Yes.. you do have a twelve pack,” he said.

“Awesome, you’re gonna take your shot so you can join me?”

“Can I wait a little please?”

“That’s okay, it’s a big decision.”

He laughed at his own joke. To Bailey seeing Derick’s giant head still be buried by his chest and traps was terrifying.

“What should I do first as a sexy Godzilla?”


A loud pumping noise filled the air and Derick almost lost his balance. His boner instantly doubled in size and the head inflated like a balloon. The head was already above his real head but now it was well above his head. Bailey couldn’t believe how big Derick’s dick had grown.

Then the over-inflated bulbous head turned purple and the shaft turned red as every vein popped. His balls were rapidly swelling, filling with cum. He started breathing heavier and choking on his own breath. Then he closed his eyes and grunted while letting out moans and coughs. His face had a dazed expression.

“What’s wrong? What’s happening to you!” Bailey said.

Derick’s boner instantly doubled in size again. The purple color of the head got deeper and so did the red of his shaft. Each vein popped more as his balls swelled more. Derick knew very well what was happening and he couldn’t wait. He had a huge smile as he felt his boner burn hotter. Bailey could feel heat coming off of it.

“I’m…..gonna…..cuuuuuuuuuuuum!” Derick roared.

His boner grew one last time then like a VEI 7 eruption. Sperm and semen exploded from his titanic cock high in the air. The torrent of white cum blew out so high it broke through the clouds and came crashing back down like a storm. Derick was roaring out of sheer epic sexual ecstasy that glass was shattering all over the city.

The streets were rapidly being flooded by the downpour of cum. The wave of a white was pushing cars and buses away, knocking down signs and lamp posts. Derick tried to hold on to two skyscrapers to steady himself as the cum kept surging out. Bailey had to cover his ears because Derick’s moaning was so loud it hurt.

“I can’t stop!”

And he didn’t, Derick’s epic colossal boner was in a permanent state of blasting a tidal wave of thick viscous sticky slimy gooey cum. Bailey could only stare in awe as Derick’s cum flooded more of the surrounding area. More cum splashed back down onto Derick’s colossal body drenching himself in a thick layer of white. Bailey got soaked too. Derick even stuck out his tongue to get a taste of his own jizz. He enjoyed his extreme orgasm and that he got to rub in metric gallons of cum all over mutated colossal muscles.

“This tastes awesome. You gotta try some!” he said.

That made Bailey’s stomach turn.

“Maybe, later.”

“See it yourself.”

He kept his tongue out to get more cum in his mouth. Then Derick did the unthinkable. He lumbered his way over a skyscraper and began grinding his boner on the side of the building to make more cum blast out. The glass and bricks of that side of the building was being demolished. Derick’s moaning only got louder. Bailey couldn’t believe his eyes. All those terrified people ran away in fear as he sat in the only safe place left in the city.

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