Three twenty-year-old military brats have a close encounter that leaves behind unexpected surprises for them all. How do three young guys deal with something that they cannot even begin to explain or understand? Not to mention the very strange dreams…
2 parts 3,079 words Added Nov 2017 26k views (#500) 3.8 stars (17 votes)
Derek, Mike, and Sean did not know how they got into this strange room.
The last thing that they had remembered was driving down the highway in an area not far from Joshua Tree National Monument in California. They had been in Derek’s Camaro on a back desert road.
The truth was that they had been at a desert party, and they had all been drinking. They’d been headed home when, off in the distance, they had seen this strange reddish light hovering in the desert. It looked like a large reddish Jack-O-Lantern about a thousand feet from the highway. As their car passed the object, the object started moving, and began to pace the car. Though it was maintaining separation distance over the desert off to their immediate right, the object was definitely pacing their car. Derek—with the bravery of more alcohol than he should have had—floored the accelerator and the Camaro rocketed to over 100 miles per hour down the desert road. The object easily kept pace with them… and then it started to slowly close the gap, easing closer and closer towards the car. Then, in a matter of micro-seconds the object moved directly over the roof of the speeding Camaro, and the vessel’s brightness increased from a pinkish red to a brighter orange. Then the light started to pulse, and with the car reaching speeds of over 120 miles per hour trying to escape the impossible encounter, the color of the light became brighter and brighter.
By now, the booze was quickly wearing off as pure adrenaline was being poured into the veins of the three boys. Their hearts were racing faster than the car.
All of a sudden, the light over the roof of the car became a blinding bluish-white and Derek could feel the engine in the car begin to sputter and die as the car was being lifted from the road.
The last any of the guys remembered was the silence as the engine stopped and the car was motionless in the air. Then… what?
Here they were on tables, and they were sore all over. It seemed like in whatever had happened, they had been poked prodded and jammed in every body orifice. There were strange dream-like memories of small white bodies around them, but none of them had a real clear memory of anything.
The room initially had been dimly lit. In the last few minutes, though, the light had begun to change from a very dim incandescent look, to a red, then to red orange. Then, without warning, a bright bluish white light abruptly enveloped them, and they passed out.
Slowly Derek, Mike, and Sean started to awaken. They were in the Camaro. They were at the side of the road, and could see a huge boomerang shaped dark shadow, slowly and silently moving away from them in the distance.
When they had been speeding down the road Derek had been driving, Mike had been riding “shotgun” and Sean had been in the back seat. Now, after whatever had happened to them, when they awakened, Sean was in the driver’s seat of the car, Mike in the back seat, and Derek in the right hand front passenger seat. Their clothing was all mixed up, too. Mike had on Sean’s shirt, Derek, was wearing Mike’s, Sean was dressed in Derek’s. Their pants were not right either! This was too weird
As shock and fear set in from the experience that they had just had, first shaking set in, and then cold sweats, and then all of the other symptoms that go with an extreme “mental violation”.
All three of had headaches and felt as if they had been in a prizefight. Derek, normally the leader of their little group, started to say something when Sean turned the ignition key and the engine of the car fired. This Camaro had been Derek’s pride and joy and he had invested all of the money he had made over the last summer in performance upgrades, wheels, tires and a new stereo. No one else drove it. Sean gently slipped the car into gear. As if he were reading Derek’s mind, he said, “Shut up, Derek, let’s get the fuck out of this crazy place before whatever it was comes back!”
Sean held the speed down to a more reasonable 70-mph and headed towards the sleepy upper desert town that they all called home. They pulled behind a desert gas station, which had closed a number of hours before and exchanged clothing so that they were at least in their own clothes.
All three twenty year olds were military brats and had just graduated from Desert Center High School. All of them very much wanted to get a little rest to recover from this ordeal before they started Summer Vacation. Derek had a case of “the shakes” and was too shaky now to drive safely.
Little was said as Sean drove first to Mike’s house and dropped him off. At that time he changed seats and let Derek have the driving privilege back in his own car. Derek, shaky or not, would have to drive Sean home, then himself.
Derek said little to Sean as he took him home. It was understood they would talk about all this later, maybe. But not now. Luck was smiling on all three boys in one thing, at least: it appeared that their curfew violations might go un-noticed this time.
There were three beds in which there were three sleepless bodies quaked through the night. All had been violated and none knew in what ways. All had been scared to death.
On Sunday morning all awakened with what seemed like laryngitis. Their voices were hoarse and were cracking in strange ways. None knew why, but they attributed it to their experience whatever it had been. Just as well—no one was ready to talk about what had happened.
When Sean had looked at his watches after the incident, three hours had gone by. The programming on the car stereo had been wiped out, and the two other guys were wearing liquid crystal digital watches, which also were suffering from electronic Alzheimer’s
The next morning, the local radio station was buzzing with the story of the strange sighting of a large “unidentifiable” object. It had been seen in the skies by a lot of people, evidently. A government spokesman from the local Air Force Base was interviewed, and immediately proclaimed that the sighting was a figment of everybody’s imagination, and also that it was a weather balloon.
(Meanwhile, over at the air base, the top brass was under a directive to stick to the weather balloon story, knowing all the while that no one at all would buy it. Though they did not know what it was that had shown up on their radar screens, they certainly did know that what they saw for that time the night before was certainly not a weather balloon. Fighters had been scrambled, visual contacts had been made, people with scanners on aircraft frequencies even taped the dialog of the fighter pilots. What was even more moronically stupid was that this particular air base did not even have a meteorological station, relying instead on the United States Weather Service. The rest of the inhabitants of that part of the California Desert obtained their information from the weather bureau too via TV cable or satellite. Official reports described a weather balloon and no matter what anyone else said, the military wrote off the differences to “hysteria” brought about from the sighting. After all, it worked in New Mexico in 1947, so let’s just replay that same identical story again and again, and then stonewall on the rest.)
All three men went back to bed after their initial awakening, and slept to the early afternoon. When the guys started to get out of their beds, though they did not know they had it in common yet, all three were extremely sore. It was as if they had been put through the hardest workout that their coaches could imagine, when in their most sadistic moods.
When Mike started to talk to his mother, what came from his mouth was a voice that was still his, but seemed deeper and more resonant.
Sean, after awakening, walked into the bathroom he shared with a younger brother. When he looked in the mirror, he was shocked to several days’ growth of downy beard, much fuller than the thin, patchy non-beard he’d always been too ashamed to try to grow. He shaved it off quickly, spooked by its sudden appearance.
Derek’s discovery was that when he tried to get dressed, that the pair of pants that had been a little tight from the small beer-fed roll of belly-fat were now loose. The roll of fat had all but disappeared. He stepped on the scale. He had gained two pounds. This was weird. How do you gain weight, and lose size?
As the day progressed, the constant aching in their muscles and bones seemed to abate somewhat, and for this all three were very grateful. Monday was to be the beginning of a Summer baseball league, and was one of “Coach Ogre’s” fitness days. The Coach, whose real name was Ogert, had easily earned the nickname “Coach Ogre” from the boys who thought that there were times that he enjoyed being sadistic.
Derek wanted to get together that night and wanted to talk about what had happened. His initial plan had been to go back out into the desert near the base, but neither of the other two would go along with this thought at all. They had endured enough (whatever it was) the night before and the mere thought sent shivers up their spines. Derek talked the other two into going to a public park and trying to talk about what they all remembered. The problem was that they did not remember very much.
Sean was concerned that if they talked to anyone about their experience that they would be labeled as being “space cases”. He mostly kept his mouth shut even with his friends.
Mike was in such a state that whenever he tried to talk about his experience, he would start stuttering to the point of being difficult if not impossible to understand. He would get towards trigger words in his experience and all of a sudden he sounded like Porky Pig. He knew that it was difficult to be given great credibility when you sound like a Cartoon Character doing tongue twisters
All three boys went to bed that night unsettled. None of them slept that night either.
By the next night, the facial hair on Sean had reappeared and had to be shaved again.
While he was normally a horny guy, by that night Mike was having uncontrollable erections that would happen and then relax, then would happen again and then relax again.
Derek had mysteriously lost his small beer-fed belly completely. By the second night, standing in front of his bathroom mirror, he was beginning to see something different about his body.
By the end of the first week after their encounter, vellus hair was starting to grow all over the bottom half of Sean’s face, Derek had gained ten pounds while losing fat, and Mike was hard more than he was soft. It was as if a second puberty had been restarted in all three. Sean was not the hairy type, Derek was the soft and not the muscular type, and Mike had, up to that point, had had a very low sex drive, not even jacking off more than a couple of times per week.
They all knew that their changes could not be a coincidence. Something had happened that night, but they refused to think about it even a little bit.
The Summer baseball league had them out on the field training, and things were getting strange there too.
It appeared that “Coach Ogre” was driving their teammates into the ground (as usual) and the level of exercise being completed by all three was making the rest of the team look really bad. To make it worse, Coach referred to them by name and then referred to the entire rest of the team as a bunch of pansy lazy bums.
This year, Coach had contracted with and was able to get use of the local Junior College Weight Room, which was quite large and extensive. In order to do this he was only given certain hours when this room was not normally open to the public or J.C. athletic teams.
The first weight room training session had all three of these fellows doing well but nothing exceptional. The second training session was nearly scary. In nearly all muscle groups the weight increases were nearly forty percent. Score: the abductees were up forty percent, the rest of the team 2.5 percent. Mike, Derek, and Sean were in shock. The rest were staring at them. How? Coach Ogre didn’t care. He only gave a damn about a winning team and could have cared less about the players that made up that team. There was a gleam in his eye as he considered his three new prodigies.
That night, there was something new: missing time. All three experienced this phenomenon, but nobody had yet realized it. Sean had a quick blinding flash of light and after what seemed like only milliseconds his bedroom alarm clock read nearly four hours later. He must have dropped off to sleep and awakened four hours later, he thought.
Mike didn’t really notice, but when he saw that the clock had change, he figured that he must have dropped off to sleep as well. When he awakened he was so fucking horny that he had to go into his bathroom and jack off.
It was as if he had not whacked one out in a month. It seemed like the semen and the ropes of ejaculation just wouldn’t stop. He had never experienced this before
A few hours later after a nap, Sean got up and noticed he had to shave his face again. The strange thing is that it looked like the hair had multiplied and there was more and over a widening area.
Derek awakened just like the others and headed for the bathroom to take a leak. The body that he saw dressed in pajama bottoms was him, but it was beginning to look different. The beer belly and pudgy chest were essentially gone. He stepped on the scale and saw a slightly higher weight, but the fat was melting off of him.
The next day was weight training again, and again Sean, Mike and Derek bested their last best by about fifteen pounds. Maximum weights were climbing and there was no explanation.
By that evening Sean had to shave yet again, and the area was spreading. It was at this point that he noticed the hair on his arms, legs and in his underarms appeared thicker. He was thinking, puberty again? In my twenties?
Mike made a few observations. He could no longer ignore the that it seemed like his dick was growing larger. It was difficult to be certain because it was so rarely completely soft. He also was noticing that there were changes in his body hair for the first time. He took a high powered magnifying glass and looked at both his arms and legs. The regular darker hair was there, but now growing in between were very soft light and fine hairs as well. That was new.
Derek tried to put on a pair of pants he had not worn in about six months. To his surprise the area of his quads and around his glutes the pants fit far tighter than they used to. He looked at himself in the mirror closely and his face was starting to take on a more chiseled rugged look and it was more angular.
Sadly for the Coach, but happily for the team, Coach Ogre’s mother-in-law passed away and he had to head out of town for that week. He was not happy and complained that he couldn’t let his team down. His wife pretended sympathy for his plight, but emphasized that divorce court would be expensive if he did not offer his love and respect for her mother!
The week off was a problem in many ways. The subject of their strange changes made all three of them so freaked and nervous that it was more than unpleasant. Mike wanted to talk to the other two but could not raise the courage, the same was true of Derek and of Sean.
All three had excellent medical coverage through their families’ GI plans, so they went to their respective MDs. All three came back with similar assessments. Testosterone levels in all three were soaring at nearly two thousand. Considering that normal range for a male in their age group was about six to eight hundred and very high normal was about fourteen hundred the MD was puzzled and repeatedly questioned them with regards to anabolic steroids. The next set of tests looked for medical anomalies which would account for the extremely elevated testosterone—but none were found.
That night, Mike had another weird dream. He was inside some really weird medical examination area and momentarily saw his two friends on tables beside him, also lying nude. For the moment he was conscious he noted a tube attached to his own dick and in his momentary consciousness he saw tubes on the dicks of his two friends. That was all he remembered.
He woke with his heart racing. He stared up at the ceiling for the rest of the night, trying to ignore his throbbing cock and wondering what the fuck was happening to him—to all of them.
2 parts 3,079 words Added Nov 2017 26k views (#500) 3.8 stars (17 votes)
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