The Henderson family reunion

by EdIam

The Hendersons are having a pretty standard reunion, until a seasoned mind controller with a particularly niche power decides to make it quite the life-altering occasion.

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‘HENDERSON FAMILY REUNION WEEKEND’ read the large banner displayed outside of the hotel convention center that Clarence stared up at. A small smirk appeared on his sly face as he walked in, knowing full well that he wasn’t invited as he was, most assuredly, not a Henderson. It being 8:15 on a Friday night, he knew he was about to have an evening for the books with certain members of the family Henderson.

Clad in a gray hoodie, black slacks, and boots, Clarence confidently walked in amongst the large gathering of ‘Hendersons’ chatting amongst one another, getting the occasional once over from quite a few of the happy-go-lucky family members. Assessing his new situation, Clarence was happy to see that everyone was wearing name tags. This would make it so much easier to utilize his power. The power he so loved using…especially within family gatherings…

He wasn’t too concerned about who confronted him about being somewhere he shouldn’t be. Because he was exactly where he wanted to be. A place where he could use his ‘talents’ to ensure quite a lot of fun happened between these loving family members. Whoever ended up being the lucky person to approach him first would merely allow the more exciting family reunion to begin.

“Excuse me,” came a masculine voice from behind him before he had a real moment to fully take in all the fun options he had around him. “Excuse me, sir.”

Turning around, Clarence could see a man with a dark brown head of hair, beard, and sparkling dark brown eyes approaching him, making his way through his family members. Looking at him as he neared, he could tell the man had to be at least 40, well dressed, and clearly still worked out with a nice, form fitting red button-up stretching at his pecs and a nice, curved mound at his front and behind from the khakis straining against his packages.

“Sir, this is a closed event. I’m sorry, sir, but I’ll have to ask you to leave,” the man stated firmly. A name tag with a hastily written name adorned his chest, and giving it a quick read, Clarence could see the man’s name was Carl. Carl Henderson…he could have fun with Carl. In fact, he knew he would.

First, though, he took a quick gander around himself. It appeared that others had stopped their conversations and were staring at Carl and Clarence. There were eyes from younger children and women…they’d be the first to have to go. This was about to become the male-only portion of the reunion.

He noticed that almost everyone was very conservatively dressed in quite formal clothing, as though they were going to an important meeting at their work rather than a family reunion. ‘These people are uptight, for the most part…will make it all the more fun,’ Clarence thought.

There were, of course, a few outliers. Clarence had learned long ago that every family had a few. He noticed that most of the older family members were in their own conversations, jovially enjoying their boring party. Some of the 20 to 30-something younger men and women, however seemed to distance themselves from their more old-fashioned Gen-X, Boomer, and Silent Generation familial counterparts. Some were far more casually dressed. A few even wore rainbow attire, a clear message to everyone, including Clarence, that they were likely far more liberal than most of their relatives.

“Fine, fine, do you mind escorting me out? I really must be lost!” Clarence said as he put his attention back on the handsome man before him, ensuring he spoke with just a hint of knowing that Carl found slightly obnoxious. Agreeing, the two men walked towards the front of the large conference room and stepped outside. Turning towards his bait now that all the prying eyes were off him, Clarence gave Carl his winningest smile.

“I’m so sorry, Carl. I must have gotten so turned around. You seem like a really nice guy. Before I head out, I was wondering if you happened to have a partner…any kids? I’m just curious. Nice guy like you probably found a great person to hitch up with.”

Carl felt a weird feeling of flirtation from the strange man. He knew he was happily married to a brilliant woman, had zero interest in men in general, and had been raised in a firmly Catholic home. Despite his discomfort with the way the man was behaving, he was left slightly flabbergasted by the question. Eager to see the strange man in the hoodie leave, Carl responded with practically tangible annoyance, “Yes, of course. This is a family reunion after all; my wife and I brought our daughter and her husband as well as our sons and their wives. But that is neither here nor there. No harm, no foul, I’ll just have to ask you to…”

“Oh, fascinating. A wife and sons. Sons with wives, no less. They must be adults. Oooo, and a son-in-law?! Nice guy like you, you probably consider him a son too. Hmmm…strange though, Handsome Hubby. I thought you came with me.”

As the consonant-repeating nickname escaped his lips, Clarence felt the warmth spread across his tongue. He’d long been able to put power behind alliterative nicknames he assigned random people. This would be no different. The warmth of the word ‘hubby’ shot off his tongue and into the ears and mind of Carl, who looked confused for a moment.

Clarence felt quite lucky that Carl had been the man to approach him. If it had been any of the other men at the reunion that he saw, he likely would have chosen a different nickname. But Carl was a masculine, sexy, hairy bear of a man. He smiled broadly knowing the changes happening in Carl’s brain would be incredibly fun for both of them before the night ended.

Carl thought about his wife, Hanna…but this man before him had called him hubby so confidently. And he couldn’t really figure out why he would until it settled firmly in his mind. He called him hubby because this was his husband. Of course he was. His handsome hubby. He could remember marrying the man in the gray hoodie years and years ago. But he was also married to Hanna…why had he married two different people?

“I’m…confused,” Carl said, walking towards his husband.

“Oh, that is just like you, hubby. So confused. Confused Carl, always unable to keep things straight, right, hubby?”

Reaching out towards his husband, Carl just laughed. He was always a little confused. Some would say he was quite known for being relatively flummoxed by most things. Luckily, he had Hanna and his husband here to keep him straight. But then he realized he wasn’t even homosexual. Why had he married a man…a man he wasn’t even sure he’d known the name of?

“I’m sure that scatterbrain of yours is in high gear, isn’t it, hubby? I’m Clarence. I’m your husband. So it makes perfect sense that I’d be here at the family reunion, right?” Clarence mused, reaching out and grabbing the confused man’s hand.

Giving it a little squeeze, Carl laughed, “Jesus, Clarence, how could I forget that you were coming! I know no one else knows about you. I guess a family reunion is a good enough time as any to introduce you to my wife and kids…and the rest of the family, I suppose.”

Still feeling a little uncomfortable holding the hand of another man, even if it was his husband, Carl took charge and guided Clarence back in. The eyes that had watched him lead the man out now returned, but wider than they’d been before. Carl was now holding the hand of the stranger and seemed like he had a purpose in bringing him back into their closed gathering.

No one really stepped up, however, as Carl had been the eldest son of the heads of the family and tended to take charge. They figured he had a reason to be leading the man back into their midst.

Eventually, Carl reached his destination, the table where his mother, his wife, his sister, and his two brothers’ wives had all been sitting.

“Hey, Hanna. I wanted you to meet someone,” Carl said, still seemingly quite confused by what was going on.

Hanna looked up at Carl. She couldn’t help but think of his nickname: handsome hubby. But then she noticed that he was holding hands with a complete stranger. Giving him a once over, Hanna could tell the man was no good. He had sharp features on his face, a smirk that gave away sinister intentions, and a patchy beard that looked to be quite unkempt. Beyond that, as a therapist, his cold, gray eyes seemed to lack the spark she tended to see in well adjusted, happy people.

Not wanting to be rude, however, Hanna gave her winning smile and replied, “Oh, who is this, babe?”

Clarence’s smirk widened, looking down at the blonde bombshell before him. Clearly, Carl had always been a stud to win the heart of such a beautiful woman. Shame, he thought, as he said, “This, I assume, is your wife?”

Carl smiled turning to Clarence, “Yeah, she’s the love of my life…well…one of them, I suppose,” turning back towards Hanna, “Hanna, babe, this is my husband, Clarence.”

Hanna stared for a moment, going between the two men, and then burst out laughing. Soon, all the other women at the table joined in.

“Babe, I know you’re usually pretty confused about, well, everything, but I’m not sure what kind of joke you’re playing. This isn’t all that funny,” Hanna laughed despite herself.

Carl, now looking uncomfortably perplexed, responded, with an assurance from Clarence to go ahead, “I’m not joking, babe. Clarence is my husband. I married him…I’m, uh, not sure at the moment when. But I’m being serious. He’s my husband.”

The laughing continued, although a bit more subdued as Hanna wiped a tear from her eye, “Sure…and I expect he’ll be coming home with us after all this?”

Clarence, speaking up again, looked right at Hanna, “Of course I will be, silly. And I bet you’re happy about that. You have that ‘1950s’ vibe about you where you know your husband is always right. You like nothing more than to take care of your home, your husband, your kids, and now your husband’s husband. It’s why they call you Housewife Hanna, right?”

Hanna’s laughing stopped immediately as the name rang true in her head. She did prefer to stay at home…to take care of her husband and kids…and her husband truly was the master of the household.

Clarence continued, “That’s why I’m so shocked you’re even here! There has to be so much to do at home! Lunches to pack, meals to prep, rooms to clean. My goodness, if I were your husband, I wouldn’t have let you leave! Carl is far too nice…luckily he has his husband to make up for his leniency.”

Hanna’s mind swirled, thoughts of her successful therapist office she’d run, conversations with Carl about shared duties to ensure they both succeeded in their jobs, Carl helping around the house…it all seemed so wrong! She was responsible for the household. She gave up her dreams of a successful career for her husband and kids. She shouldn’t have even come to this event with so much to do at home!

“I’m sorry, excuse me, I’m so so sorry, Carl. I’ll head home now.” Without even a moment’s hesitation, Hanna hurried off, eager to get home and get to work to make sure the place was ready for her wonderful husband.

“Wait! I didn’t…I don’t…she doesn’t…” Carl started, seemingly unable to finish his thought as confused as he currently was.

“Oh, hubby, it’s okay. I’m still here with you,” Clarence said, leaning in slightly and attaching his lips to the confused man. Carl allowed it, as this was his husband, but had a strange feeling like he’d never kissed another man before…because he hadn’t…but he’d married Clarence…so didn’t they…?

Pulling off the boggled 40-something hunk he’d made his husband in a matter of moments, Clarence looked over at the table full of women, “Microphone?”

Dumbfounded by what she just saw, Carl’s mother pointed behind her towards a small stage that had been placed at the front of the auditorium. Clarence, eager to get the night truly started, hustled toward the stage, hearing the women behind him start to hound on Carl about what was going on.

Reaching the stage, a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder, preventing him from climbing up.

“Young man, I think you’re in the wrong place.”

Clarence turned, seeing that an older man, possibly even Carl’s father, had grabbed his arm. Hearing a small whimper, Clarence looked past the old man, seeing a young-looking man with a small growth of facial hair crying. The man couldn’t have been much older than a late teen or in his early twenties, but he sobbed quietly as he held hands with a blond, blue-eyed twink.

That made it pretty clear to Clarence as to what was occurring. Clearly, this conservative family had an issue with the LGBT community and this old man was ensuring his gay family members didn’t feel welcome. Taking a quick moment to see read their name tags, Clarence made a mental note that the crying man was Brad and his boyfriend was Caleb.

Averting his gaze from the two young men and fixating back on the elderly man, Clarence eagerly eyed him up and down. Despite being in his 60s, the man seemed quite spry and, Clarence knew, could actually stand a chance in a fight with him. He’d truly wandered into an athletic, attractive family function. Even if they did seem to have a collective stick up their asses.

His cock hardening as he looked at the name on the tag, ‘Papa Frank’, Clarence said, “Give me a few moments and I’m sure you’ll realize I’m not in the wrong place. You’ll soon see I’ve shown up in the best place, Family-Fucking Frank.”

Frank recoiled at the harsh name the stranger called him…and then thoughts burst in his head. Fucking his wife…fucking his daughter…fucking some of his granddaughters. The thoughts filled his brain entirely, hardening his cock in the dress pants he wore. His brain was afire with perverse desires that completely distracted him from the rant he had been giving his grandchild. He did have a fantasy involving fucking his family. How in the hell did this stranger know that? Granted, most everyone already knew about the fantasies, even his wife. How else would he have such an accurate nickname?

Cock hardening knowing what must be going on in the mind of the old man, Clarence climbed his way up towards the microphone after giving a wink to the sobbing young man, leaving Frank to ponder the new reality he had just been given: one in which he fucks his own family while Owen and Caleb tried to comprehend how their own grandfather, who they knew to be a family fucker, had the gall to try to tell them their identities and relationship was somehow wrong.

‘We’ll let you get to that shortly, Papa Family Fucker Frank; just slightly differently than how you are probably imagining it currently. Soon, you’ll have much less female persuasion on the mind and you won’t mind your grandson’s proclivities in the slightest,’ Clarence thought.

“Attention, attention,” Clarence calmly stated into the microphone. One by one, the family members all looked up at Clarence, clearly showing how unsure about what was happening they all were.

“First things first, not sure what you Hendersons had planned for the rest of the weekend but I think it’s gonna shift for now.”

Murmurs from the crowd made their way towards the man. He made eye contact with Carl, his husband of about ten minutes, and he let out a little smile, “Let’s make sure that people I’m most interested in get a weekend they truly deserve. After all, the men deserve to have a little bit of fun without their wives, sisters, female cousins…luckily enough for the Henderson men, the Henderson women are known everywhere as the Sleepy Sisters; never able to stay awake past 8 pm. All the kids younger than 18, too, are so widely known as Tuckered-Out Tots. Always so tired, just like their moms and aunts and older sisters early in the evening.”

Clarence felt his tongue burn harder than it usually would, the power of his words affecting so many people all at once. He usually felt a small sizzle…his tongue ached now. But he knew it would be worth it shortly.

Yawns filled the room as Clarence saw all the women and children begin to drag a bit. Heavy eyes barely left open looked around, unsure why they hadn’t gone to bed. Women kissed their husbands and kids hugged their fathers while several started making their way out of the room to their beds.

The men looked to their wives, sisters, and children as they walked out, knowing for sure they knew them all as Sleepy Sisters and Tuckered-Out Tots. Why were they all still up so late? Everyone in the Henderson clan knew women and children were in bed by 8 every night. Why else would they have developed such accurate nicknames for all of them?

As the last of them women and children left, Clarence looked out at the relatively sizable crowd that remained. The young and old men all turned their gaze back to the man that none of them knew. Clarence estimated that there had to be at least forty to fifty men left in the space. Fathers, brothers, cousins, husbands…all of them would be very different in just a few moments.

He made eye contact with his ‘husband,’ who smiled back at him meekly. Clarence smirked, seeing the confusion behind the cute dolt’s eyes. He then looked down at the patriarch, who was still gazing out the door all the women left. Clarence knew the man was likely heterosexual and was now imagining that he was fucking his female family members.

‘Let’s change that now,’ Clarence thought, smiling broadly, ignoring the pain his tongue was in.

“All right, now that the fuddy-duddies are outta here, the real fun can begin. After all, a room full of only men? That’s gotta be right up your alley! I mean the men born into this family and even those of you that married into the family or are here as partners aren’t known as the Homosexual Hendersons for nothing!”

The eyes widened on almost every man in the room. Clarence had done this long enough to know that that first second was the most reality-bending for people affected by his magic. The men, who previously likely only imagined women, were now, quite suddenly, attracted to men. Thoughts filled their brains of how attractive their male coworkers were, their mailman, their masculine friends, the celebrities they once looked up to…and few even noticed the attractive members in their family. Not that they’d do anything to act on those attractions; they were still a moral family, even if they were homosexual.

Tongue throbbing now, Clarence knew he only had one or two large scale nicknames he could muster if he didn’t want his tongue to completely burn out of his mouth. He knew the men were gay, but he had a more perverse fetish than mere homosexuality. He wanted these men eager to fuck their own family members. Currently, only Frank, who Clarence could see was now feverishly looking around the room full of men while rubbing the front of his pants eagerly, was thinking about their family in a sexual way. He took a moment to chuckle when he saw the old man drooling hungrily at the gay grandson he’d been demeaning just moments ago.

“Beyond the mere homosexuality, I believe I’d heard you’re all referred to in most circles as Hedonistic Hendersons too? I mean, you’re all just so utterly excited to express your sexual desires and appease your baser desires. Luckily for you all, you’re in the room with your favorite targets of those desires, aren’t you?”

Confused looks gazed up at Clarence. He could see the glassy look of horny men continuing to glance his way from time to time. It was clear they were obviously eager for what he was about to say next, but their focus was now on satiating their instincts instantly. Everyone knew they were a selfish, pleasure-driven group of men. There was a bit of chaos in the convention hall as man grabbed handfuls of food to eat, started chugging their drinks, and practically tearing at the bits to satiate any small pleasure they could access.

Smiling broadly at the mayhem the formerly polite, conservative family were creating, Clarence continued, “Luckily for you hedonistic fucks, the pleasure is all you care about. I’m very excited to ensure you have even more pleasure. You all want that desperately, don’t you?”

Mad eyes and eager shouts replied, egging Clarence on. He loved that the proper family he’d seen just a few moments ago were now eating desserts at the buffet with their bare hands like animals. Some were raiding the bar in which a man in uniform that indicating he was likely the bartender joined them. Clarence chuckled slightly as he figured he was a casualty of his power but had made this man a Henderson by accident. His poor family, whoever they were, were completely out of his mind now. These homosexual and hedonistic men around him were his family now. And he was family to them too.

Allowing the chuckle to tease the crowd even more, Clarence eventually continued as the lavish party pleasure is always close when family is near. “Why don’t you two boys at the back close the doors and lock them? After all, we wouldn’t want anyone interrupting you all…even though everyone I’ve ever spoken to about this family has always called you all…”

Clarence took a beat, knowing all the men were eager to hear what was to come. He waited for the doors to close, the two younger men, likely brothers or cousins, looked back at to the stage. The pleasure they all so enjoyed, as Hedonistic Hendersons, kept them captivated. Clarence knew what he was doing. Make someone a hedonist, and they’ll crave whatever you have them do next if you promise a little bit of pleasure.

After a few beats, someone screamed from the crowd, “Just say it already! What do they call us?”

Smiling, Clarence readied the tongue he was eager to shove back into his ‘husband’s’ mouth as soon as he finished the next few words, “Insatiable Incestuous Idolators worshipping at the altar of your fellow male family members bodies.”

His tongue begged for rest as he finished, feeling his power surge into the crowd. It was time now. He could see the look of excitement form on the faces as he exited the stage. Then, almost as quickly as he’d finished speaking, the clothes started coming off.

Clarence had kept his eye on Carl. He wanted to make sure he had his personal fun with him first…being as he was his husband now. He walked towards him, ignoring the flailing arms of the now eagerly incestuous Hendersons as he went. Carl, too, was looking his way.

“Fuck, babe. I’m so glad you made it, even if you were a bit late. This is going to be such a hot night. Can’t believe we all haven’t fucked one another…we’re all so gay and horny and greedy for incest. I can’t wait to get…” Carl started, interrupted by Clarence grabbing the back of the handsome man’s head. Reaching down, Clarence could feel his husband’s hardness already. The man was now insatiable, and Clarence wanted a taste.

Carl, kissing another man for the first time in his confused mind, loved the feeling of manliness against his lips. He couldn’t comprehend why he’d ever married his wife or had sex with her. But then, he remembered. He’d never have made his sexy sons if he hadn’t. Fuck, he hoped Clarence wanted to have fun with him and his kin.

Pulling himself off, “You said you have sons. Find them, including your son-in-law, and bring them with you to the stage. I’ll meet you there,” Clarence said, as he unzipped Carl’s pants, reached in, and pulled out the large cock. Letting it hang out, Carl smiled and nodded. Clarence was sure Carl had an idea of what was to come and the throbbing that he could see his husband’s cock was doing told him he was ready to partake ASAP.

Carl, smiled broadly, excited that his husband was eager to play with him and his progeny. Carl took off into the crowd looking for his sons quickly, leaving Clarence an opportunity to look around and see the orgy he’d inspired with a few nicknames.

Taking in all the sights around him, he tried to find some action that would interest him most first. There were various stages of undress and sexual activities all around him. Some were simply making out while groping. Some had pulled out the cock of their closest relative and began blowing them. Some were on the ground sixty-nining eagerly.

But, to his right, he saw a middle-aged man completely naked fucking a younger guy, who was lying on his back on one of the convention room tables allowing easy access to his hole. The young man, at least, was still wearing his dress shirt with a name tag emblazoned with the name Isaac on it. Plans brewed in Clarence’s head as he stared at the two, loving the knowledge that these two were related in some way or another. Despite the ache in his tongue over the large-scale changes he’d made, Clarence was well aware that the small effort it took to do one-on-one changes were perfectly reasonable.

His tongue could handle it. And his cock craved it.

The older man had a chest full of dark, black, coarse hair that the young man was playing with eagerly, a long, thick 9-inch cock bobbing with every thrust between them. The thick cock that was going in and out of the hole was doing so at a pretty easy pace, ensuring both parties were experiencing the pleasure they now craved. Clarence heard the older man moaning with quiet pleasure from a few paces away, but now he could make out some words over the cacophony of sexual sounds in the large room, “Yeah. Does that feel good? Please tell me if I’m hurting you. I’ve never fucked a man before. But damn, can’t believe we haven’t done this before, Isaac. You’re so sexy, young man.”

Moaning back, the young man responded breathlessly, “Yeah, Uncle Steve. Fuck. There’s a little shiver when you, mmm, bottom out in me…fuck. It’s so good. Why haven’t we fucked before? My girlfriend never made me feel this good. Fuck. This is so hot. Like, it’s strange. Everyone in the family is gay and into incest…everyone knows that. Why haven’t you taken my hole on all those fishing trips we’ve gone on?”

“Lord knows boy. Your Aunt Linda never wanted to do any anal…and even though I’m gay, I’ve never fucked a man before. But, fuck, boy, I wanna have you fuck me too. I bet your huge cock would feel good in me as well. I think you’re even bigger than me! Then we can try blow jobs. And the fact that I’ve never taken the opportunity to have sex with your father? We have to include him too. I feel so stupid that he and I didn’t fuck and suck our entire life. We’re all so gay and into incest…why don’t I remember wanting him this badly before now. But I’m not going to think too hard on that. We’ll all make up for lost time. I most definitely need to suck the cock that made such a sexy man…”

“Oh, god, Unc…I might cum. I can feel it. I’ll fuck you when I…can…uh…keep at it…keep hitting that spot…mmm…I think I’m cumming soon…”

Finding his opportunity to thoroughly fuck up this loving dynamic, “Oh, hold on there, sport,” Clarence interrupted, “What in the world makes you think you’re going to cum? You’re Impotent Isaac. I don’t think you can even get an erection, let alone cum. Such a shame, given how big could be if you ever got hard. Never have been able to.

“And as for getting fucked, Steve, that cock looks to be quite thick you got there. Not as thick as Isaac’s might be if he ever got hard, but still quite a bat you’ve got! I’d say they call you Sadist Steve for a reason. You like to hand out pain for your pleasure. Sure, some bottoms might be sadists to a degree. But given that everyone knows you as a sadist, it’s far more likely you like to stay on top and abuse and humiliate those bottoms as much as you can.”

Isaac’s eyes shifted from pure pleasure on the brink of orgasm into slightly pained eyes as he felt his huge cock deflate and the orgasm that had felt so near vanished. Then, confusion as the feeling faded. Isaac knew he’d never had an erection or an orgasm. He was completely impotent and always had been. Everyone knew that about him. It’s how he got the nickname.

He was, however, still a homosexual, hedonist who was just as insatiable for incest as all the male Hendersons. But dang, he wished he could at least get hard.

Steve, on the other hand, went from light gratified moans and polite slow humping to absolutely growling and thrashing his cock in and out of the rectum he was absolutely abusing.

“You like that dick in you, you pathetic little limpdick? Yeah, I bet you do. Gonna make you squeal with my thick meat,” Steve hurled at his younger nephew, taking a moment to grab the now completely soft dick and balls thrashing about uselessly.

“This worthless little flesh nub. Only good for pissing. Everyone has always known your cock was just a fleshy little waste. But I bet I can think of a fucking use for it,” Steve smirked as his hand squeezed and twisted the sensitive genitals.

Isaac began to scream in pain.

“Fuck, Uncle Steve, stop. Please stop. Fuck it hurts!”

Steve’s humping quickened, “Yeah. Mmm…I bet it does you cockless dipshit. Hurts so good I bet.”

“No! Ow…fuck, Uncle Steve…fuck no!!!”

Clarence smirked a bit and decided that he’d done enough for these two and turned and saw a group of four men having fun on the floor between a few tables. Screams of pain went on behind him as Steve continued torturing and belittling the poor Isaac, who now got no penile pleasure from any of the sexual acts he was performing…but left with an innate need to do them.

As he approached, he could see four younger men, all completely nude and hard, seemingly experimenting with various ways they could pleasure one another. All four appeared to be in their twenties. Three of them seemed to be a bit more stereotypically jock-bodied while one was scrawnier than the rest. The black hair that seemed to adorn nearly every Henderson man blanketed their chests, forearms, and legs.

As he watched, he saw three of the four on the floor, randomly reaching for the cocks of the other two with their hands, mouths latching on to various parts of the other men’s bodies, and pre-cum shining down all their large shafts. The three were absolute specimens of masculinity: thick, hairy muscles, all with cocks over 7 inches, and huge balls.

The fourth was standing above them, stroking his leaking cock aggressively as if the scene before him was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. Clarence could see his cock was quite a bit smaller than the other three, as was the man himself. Clearly the smallest and weakest, he eagerly stroked the five inches in his grip, enjoying the view of the gods before him.

After a few moments, one of the three looked up at the nerdy looking man and grinned, “Good fucking God, Sammy! Why the fuck didn’t you tell us this fag stuff was so fucking hot?!” said the man Clarence mentally noted as having the largest, low-hanging furry balls of the three. He averted his gaze quickly from the man he’d called Sammy as he stroked the hard cock of one of the other men while squeezing the firm ass cheeks of the other.

“Yeah, man. Your cock is so hot, Sammy. You look so hot stroking it above us like that. I haven’t ever played with a cock even though we’re all clearly homo. But damn, bro, your cock is fucking mouthwatering too, Owen!” mirrored a very similarly looking man to his right. He, too, had the matching dark patch of black hair lining his muscular chest that nearly all the Henderson men seemed to have and an equally hairy set of smaller balls, but the thickest monster of all three pointing straight out of his waist, “Oh, and yours too, Max! You taste so fucking good,” he finished, forcing the cock of the fourth man into his mouth.

“Mmmm, your mouth feels amazing on my meat, Dominic!” Max moaned, thrusting his meat, which was absolutely the longest, into the other man’s mouth, his equally hairy chest glistening with a mixture of sweat and manly juices, “God, I love my family’s sexy fucking bodies. Why haven’t we been fucking and sucking for years now?! Why the fuck did we fuck all those chicks when we were as queer as Sammy? You held out on us, Sammy! All those years, you were the only faggot in the family fucking dudes!”

Sammy smiled down at them. Clarence imagined the dynamic that the four likely had before he’d changed all their sexualities and fetishes. He was clearly the scrawniest member of the quartet, clearly not quite as athletic or even handsome as the other three. His chest was still very slightly hairy, but nowhere near the specimens of manhood beneath him.

Smiling broadly, Clarence took a seat aside the incestuous display as Sammy responded to the men Clarence now knew were Owen, Dominic, and Max.

“Well, you three always made fun of me for being gay. You excluded me from everything, harassed and belittled me, and even told me I was a disgrace to the family. So I never really had an opportunity to let you know how hot gay sex was. Granted, I always thought all three of you were sexy as hell, cousins. But I don’t remember having a craving to have sex with you quite as strongly as I do now. Even though, well, we’re all incestuous in this family. And, well, you all have always been gay too. Not sure why you made fun of me.”

Releasing the cock of Max from his mouth, Dominic looked up at Sammy as he crawled towards him, “I’m sorry, cousin. You know we all worship the bodies of our family. And even though we were dicks before, my brothers and I would love to make it up to you now.”

With that, Dominic got up on his knees before the nerd and took the head of Sammy’s cock in his mouth, slurping as he sucked the head into his jock mouth.

“Fuck, yeah. We’ll make up all that stupid bullying for all those years. You know our dad had always been homophobic…which doesn’t really make sense because he’s just as much a fag as all of us…” Owen said as he, too, got in position to help Dominic orally pleasure his less athletic cousin.

Sammy looked down at his two muscular cousins, loving the feel of their slobbering tongues and lips on his genitals. Owen had positioned his head just below Dominic, who was now fully fellating his smaller cock. Owen was ensuring his balls were completely worshipped. Without warning, Max appeared next to him, grabbing his chin and forcing the shorter nerd to look up into his dark brown eyes.

“Sammy…you deserve to be pleasured for my brothers and I treating you so stupidly. We shouldn’t have been fucking those sluts while belittling you for understanding that men are far sexier than women. Consider this my personal apology,” he said, flirtatiously as he leaned into his cousin. Clarence let out a small chuckle, knowing those smooth words Max had used had likely ensured he’d bedded many women before this evening. Now he was using that charm to seduce his scrawny cousin.

Max latched his mouth onto Sammy, clearly forcing his tongue inside his smaller cousin’s mouth and swirling it around. Sammy moaned around the hunk’s tongue, bringing his lanky arms up to wrap around Max’s broad shoulders. Max, for his part, placed his strong hands onto Sammy’s waste and forcing him to lean sideways as his almost nine-inch meat was forced to smash its hardness into his side. Dominic continued eagerly blowing him and Owen whimpered with lust as Sammy’s balls became completely wet with his saliva.

Clarence smiled, loving how he’d healed these familial disagreements with a few nicknames. But, well, he preferred a bit more depraved action. In this case, these jock bullies shouldn’t be kindly worshipping the little guy.

They needed to ensure he knew his place as the fag he was.

“Hold up, boys. This tender worship and begging for apologies from the little guy makes no sense,” Clarence said as he stood up and walked towards the three. Dominic pulled off the now spit-drenched cock as Owen did the same with the balls and both looked over at the man. Max, too, released his lips from the light-headed geek to get a look at Clarence.

“Oh, hey bro! You’re the dude that gave all those announcements about us earlier! Thanks for speaking up! I hope you’re enjoying your time with us. I assume you have no issue with gay incest if you’re sticking around!” Max gushed.

“You’re Max, right?” Clarence asked, confirming that the long-dicked man was, indeed, Max. With a nod in reply, Clarence continued, “I love helping people realize who they truly are deep inside. And you, Max, aren’t this lovey-dovey, apologizing, charming, boring dunce. You’re a man! Why do you think they call you Master Max?! You take the men you want with force. And, well, clearly you want Sammy right now.”

The shift was faster than even Clarence anticipated. Max turned back to his cousin with a look of utter disdain, “Why the fuck were you kissing me you faggot. You don’t get to kiss the better man. Move, bros. This fag needs to know his place. On your knees, boy.”

Looking terrified, Sammy did what he was told as Max’s brothers stood to the side. While they looked a little confused, given they were actively trying to apologize for their poor treatment of their cousin before accepting their own homosexuality, the gruffness Max was utilizing wasn’t quite how they’d wanted to make it up to the smaller man. But, as their minds caught up with what was happening, even they couldn’t deny that everyone did know him as Master Max. So this did make sense.

Clarence, seeing the realization on the two hot jocks, continued, “And you’re Dominic?” he asked the dark-haired stud with the thickest meat of the three.

“Yeah…” he responded, his wide dick still throbbing.

“Well, you can’t let Max have all the fun! You’re Dominant Dominic, right? I mean, Sammy is the perfect little beta for an alpha like you to take control of. Yeah, he might be his master, but with such a dominant guy like you, I’m sure Max won’t mind sharing.”

Dominic took a bit longer than Max had, but the sparkle in his eye faded as a look of determination took over. Max had already forced Sammy to begin sucking his long cock, but Dominic took his place to the left of his brother, “Get to alternating, you little fuck-up. You’re gonna suck my thick meat and you’re gonna like it, you hear? Fucking choke on it.”

Sammy murmured around the long cock already in his mouth as Dominic grabbed his hair and forced him off. Holding the scared looking nerd steady with his much veinier, strong, hairy hands, Dominic began forcing his fat dick into the now fully stretched out lips of his much weaker cousin.

“Fucking hot, Dom. Use my property. This little fucker deserves to serve our alpha dicks,” Max said, stroking his long cock a bit before smacking the side of Sammy’s face with the damp head with force.

“Mmmm…my little cousin Sammy. Where he always wanted to be. Serving his betters. We’re the men here. You’re nothing but a little hole,” Dominic taunted, skull-fucking the young man as tears wept down his face.

Owen, for his part, knew full well that Dominic had a dominance streak and Max was known by everyone as a master, but he didn’t necessarily approve of how they were treating his cousin. They were to worship the poor guy’s body. They loved him and the incestuous fun they were having with him.

Walking towards them, Owen put his hands on the right shoulder of Dominic and left shoulder of Max shoulders just as Dominic released his grip on his cousin so Max could shove his longer dick deep down the stretched out hole. Sammy let out a loud yelp between the cock switch that Owen felt in his heart, “Bros, don’t abuse him! We already treated him badly before. We should be treating him well! Look, his cock isn’t softening! He’s not even enjoying this!”

“Are you sure about that, Owen?” Clarence said, leaning forward a bit, “I’ve always heard that little boys like him love being treated like a piece of meat. Eager to be used for the pleasure of the far more masculine men around him. I mean, wasn’t it you that first started calling him Slave Sammy?”

The words singed his tongue slightly as the made their way into the eardrums of the four men. Sammy felt the effects most strongly. The whimpering stopped relatively quickly as his five-incher hardened to its full mast. He was serving his favorite purpose now: pleasuring the manly men that deserved it. It made him feel so good to be a little sexual slave for the much stronger men. Their pleasure, Sammy decided right then and there, was his pleasure.

“I, uh…wait…yeah. We all know he’s Slave Sammy. But, I don’t think…” Owen started.

“Silly Owen. Why do you think you came up with that nickname? You know that Sammy is yours even more than Dominic’s or Max’s! Owning that little slave is your sole purpose in life! Isn’t it, Owner Owen?”

The words hit him and the sympathetic eyes shifted to devious ones.

“You guys are free to use my slave however you want, but I get his ass first. Owned him forever but still haven’t fucked him. I know he wants it.”

Sammy nodded eagerly while his throat massaged the long shaft of his cousin Max, eyes pleading with want as Owen walked around them and pulled him off his knees into a bent position where his desperate hole could easily be seen winking with want for his owner’s cock.

Clarence gave a knowing smile as Owen’s huge balls churned, filling them with cum knowing he was about to use his property. Sammy, too, had a constantly leaking cock. He was in heaven, being able to pleasure the dominant Dominic, his master Max, and now his very owner, Owen.

Letting his spit drip down his lips, a large glob fell down onto Owen’s open hand, which he used to stroke his rock-hard meat, head angry with need to fully fill his cumdump. He lined the bulbous head up with the hole, feeling the rectal opening massage the head, telling him, without a doubt, his slave was trying to suck the cock into him. His slave wanted him. He was obligated to give him what he wanted.

With a thrust, he eased the cock into the eager hole, one Owen was relatively sure had been fucked before given how loose he felt. ‘This little faggot would no longer allow anyone to fuck him without my permission now,’ he thought. His shaft eased its way into the warm hole, Owen loving the feeling of his cock inside an ass for the first time. Not only any ass, though.

His ass.

Bottoming out, Owen smacked the small ass with his strong right hand, “How’s it feel, getting your ass stuffed with a real man’s cock?”

Pulling off Max’s cock, Sammy wailed, “Fuck, Sirs! So good. Use me! Please, use me. I deserve to be used. I’m nothing but a pleasure source for you three godly men!”

All three laughed as Dominic got a fistful of his new toy’s hair and shoved his thick meat back into the mouth, “That’s right, boy. You’re taking load after load today…but this is the start of a very different dynamic.”

Max let out a horny chuckle too, “You thought we were mean to you before? Well, faggot…we’re not only going to verbally harass the fuck outta you. We’re gonna abuse that tiny little fag body as much as we want.”

Sammy moaned.

Clarence smiled. “Now remember, boys. You three have always been the Sharing Siblings, so even though you’re all overpowering that little slave, you’re willing to divide your authority evenly, right?”

The three men gave only small grunts in response, ensuring their scrawny cousin would have no shortage of dominance between them equally.

His heart went out to Sammy. He likely just granted him one of those deep-down dirty fantasies Sammy may never have even realized he had. Even though he knew he’d forced these desires into the young men, he knew, deep down, so many gay boys wanted tough, masculine straight guys to use and abuse them. He was just kind enough to grant that wish for Sammy…even if Sammy never wanted that wish granted until a few moments ago.

Taking in one last look at the foursome as Sammy’s cock burst with cum from the abusive way his three cousins were fucking him, Clarence turned towards the stage. It appeared that Carl hadn’t quite found his sons or his son-in-law quite yet as the stage was clear. But, just to the side of the stage, he gazed an exciting sight.

Papa Frank was fucking the previously crying Brad as Brad’s boyfriend, Caleb, stroked his meat next excitedly to them.

Clarence decided he wanted to see this familial healing for himself too and made his way over to them. Papa Frank’s hairy pecs and slight gut were jiggling as the white hair sparkled in the convention room lighting. Caleb’s hairless torso was one of the only ‘twink-like’ bodies within the Henderson family reunion. But Caleb was enraptured by the older man fucking his boyfriend.

Unlike with impotent Isaac, Frank was fucking Brad doggy style, so Brad was bent over the table, giving his ass easy access to his grandfather. Frank, in response, was massaging the young man’s smooth back as he fucked him. As he approached, he heard the older man croak out a similar apology that the three jocks had been giving their gay cousin.

“Mmm…I’m so sorry I couldn’t see how fucking sexy you were before, Ashley,” the old man said, panting between breaths as he focused all his energy on fucking the young man.

“Papa Frank…mmm…it’s Brad. You know that…mmm. Don’t use my deadname…been Brad for years now,” the young man, stated, grunting between thrusts from his grandfather.

Clarence froze, realizing what he’d missed before. The man had not been scolding Brad for being in a gay relationship. It appeared that the older man had been confronting the younger man because he was actually trans.

A smile spread on his face, eager for some more changes to the core ideals of this conservative family.

“I’m sorry…mmm…I just have a hard time…you’ve always been my little…mmm…fuck…my little grandchild…my little girl…”

“Frank, please stop talking to my boyfriend like that. He’s Brad. He’s a man…but fuck, this is so hot. I can’t stop stroking,” Caleb stated, defending his partner.

“Papa, Caleb is right. I want your dick badly…but you gotta…mmm…no…you gotta stop…I’m Brad!”

With that, the grandfather pulled out and helped his grandson turn over. Now that Clarence could see the chest of the young man, it was all confirmed. He saw the top surgery scars on the young man’s lightly hairy chest and a patch of the now common dark black Henderson hair over a vagina. Brad was clearly a trans man. And, with a smile on Clarence’s face, he realized the spell he put over the family included him in on the fun…and forced his own grandpa into finding him irresistibly sexy in his newly homosexual haze. He couldn’t be homophobic or transphobic when he was a homosexual, hedonistic, insatiably incestuous idolator for his family’s body, no could he?

And Brad was, indeed, family.

Frank looked over at Caleb, who was still stroking, eager to continue watching. Then, the geriatric man placed his full focus on Brad. The 6-inch cock on the older man lined itself up before the vaginal opening. “Is this okay, baby?” Papa Frank asked. Brad nodded eagerly and the old man leaned in, gently inserting himself into his grandson. He brought a hand down over the short, styled hair and stroked it lightly.

“Oh, fuck yeah. Fuck him, Frank,” Caleb moaned.

Clarence took a quick moment to lean in and whisper in the young man’s ear, solidifying his identity now as Cuckold Caleb. Renewed by the nickname that reverberated through reality, Caleb stood up and walked a little further from the fucking pair, eager to watch as Papa Frank completely used and fucked his own boyfriend.

Not even noticing that Caleb had left the pair and was basically replaced by Clarence, Frank took a moment and stopped fucking while his cock remained deep inside his grandson.

Stroking the side of Brad’s face, “I know I’ve struggled with it. I know I’ve never accepted you. I know…but fuck…now that I’m inside you…inside your pussy…fuck…Brad…I can’t wait to blow my load in you.”

Brad, smiling, reached his arms around his grandfather and pulled him down for and kissed him, “I want you to too, Papa. Fuck. Who would have thought you’d finally accept me by fucking me…God, this feels so good!”

“You’re a handsome man, Brad. Of course I wanna fuck you.”

Clarence, actually moved by the familial bonding and healing he’d caused, took a quick moment to consider his options.

Ultimately, he decided, much like with Caleb, to fully solidify and strengthen the relationship.

“This is very sweet. Baby Brad and Father Figure Frank truly becoming one. I bet the two of you will be inseparable now. Father Frank needing to take care of his baby and baby Brad eager to please and receive the love of his new father.”

The faces that were already smiling broadened as the relationship solidified itself.

Frank smiled warmly, staring up his slow fucking again, “Oh, my sweet baby Brad. I’ll never let you out of my sight again. I’ve got you. I love you. Forever.”

“I’ve wanted to hear that from you forever, Papa! I’m yours! Fuck me forever, please! Never stop!”

“My sweet baby,” Frank cooed, leaning down to kiss the most important person in his life.

Smiling genuinely now, Clarence looked up at the stage to see if everything was ready for his personal fuck-fest. That smile broadened even more seeing Carl gazing down at him, three young men eagerly stroking their cocks beside him. Content with the change he’d made in Brad and Frank, he climbed up on the stage with the help of the strong hand Carl offered him.

Excited to see his ‘husband’ nude for the first time, Clarence took him all in. He had a wonderfully sexy small gut, but clearly still worked out with enticing muscular pecs and arms. The ‘hairy gene’ that every Henderson man had was truer for Carl that almost everyone else he’d seen: his body from head to toe was covered in the coarse black fur. He was a true ‘Daddy’ and, much to Clarence’s excitement, was his now.

The smiling, warm face did keep Clarence’s attention for a moment, but he couldn’t help but take in the equipment he was about to play with.

Clarence wasn’t disappointed at all. Carl’s cock was wonderfully thick and long, pointing straight out from his body and lined with a forest of pubic hair that Clarence knew he’d explore to the fullest. It bobbed up and down with every heartbeat, as excited as Carl appeared to be to have his husband and his sons near him. His testicles, too, were sizable in their sack: churning wonderfully within the musky scrotum.

“Found them all, hubby! Meet Timmy and Tommy, my twin sons. And this is Henry, my son-in-law,” Carl said, groping each man’s hairy chest as he introduced them to his husband. Then, without warning him at all, Carl came over to Clarence, grabbed his mouth, and forced it upon his own, pulling him into the large, protective, muscular body that just an hour ago would never have even imagined holding another man. Pulling off, Carl remained there, arm tightly around his husband and hand exploring the bottom of his hoodie, eager to get his husband equally as nude.

Clarence took that moment to completely take in his newly adopted sons Timmy and Tommy. The fact that he’d been blessed with accidentally forcing a man with identical twin sons as his husband wasn’t lost on Clarence. The pair were complete copies of one another: large round pecs covered in fur with lovely dark pink nipples, a treasure trail lining a belly that appeared strong and firm, huge shoulders attached to huge biceps covered in the same dark hair leading down to strong, large, veiny hands. Their thighs, too, were gigantic hairy mounds of flesh carrying the strong bodies connected to sizable calves and immaculately masculine feet.

Much like Carl, they had such handsome features on their face: a strong jawbone with dark stubble lining it all. Piercing brown eyes sparkled back, eager to have fun with their father given their new forced proclivities.

It all culminated in a wonderfully aesthetically pleasing set of genitals. Much like their father, they carried hefty shafts that obscenely jutted outwards, providing an easy handle to grasp onto, Clarence thought. Their equally impressive balls hung beneath them, matching it in size and scale to create a pair of genitals that were, in Clarence’s assessment, perfectly proportioned.

Henry was a stark contrast to the Henderson family. The Mediterranean tan that all the Henderson men had was quite different to the incredibly pale white skin of the ginger Carl’s daughter had married. He still had a broad, hairy chest, sprinkled with strawberry blonde hairs that helped highlight the bright pink nips that pointed straight out.

His styled red hair framed his pale face wonderfully, with ocean blue eyes that appeared to crave the men around him. The faintest hint of red facial hair framed his strong face wonderfully and his pearly whites shone as he bit his lip with horny need.

He had the muscular form that ensured he fit in with his masculine in-laws, but the ivory pole with the faint purple mushroom head was in a league of its own. Longer than Max’s nine inches, thicker than Dominic’s enlarged chode, and a set of balls that drooped heavily that Clarence was sure had to be even heftier than Owen’s, Henry had to have one of the largest tools Clarence had ever seen in real life. His brothers-in-law and father-in-law were easily several inches smaller despite both of them being above average themselves. The fact he’d been wasting such a beautiful cock on a random woman was a crime.

Luckily, Clarence ensured that wood would only harden for his male family now.

“Fantastic to meet you, Clarence! Dad says he’s your husband? That’s amazing!” one of the twins gushed.

“Excited to initiate you into the family. Hopefully your as turned on by incest as all of us are because…fuck…I wanna see my new step-dad nice and hard like my real dad,” the other echoed.

“Oh, boys. I’m eager to play with both of you too,” Clarence responded, getting a firm grip on his husbands amazing cock and eliciting a small, blissful moan from the man, “You too, Henry. Lord, that fuckstick is nice. Been fucked before, but I’m gonna be stretched to my limit with that thing.”

Rather adorably, Henry’s pale skin reddened, blushing from the compliment as he murmured a little thank you and grabbed his giant bat at its base and began bobbing it up and down hypnotically. Clarence had to admit, this ginger was sexy as fuck with cock he, himself, even wanted to worship.

“Well, I’d say it’s time to really get into the family bonding. It is a reunion after all!” Clarence stated, stroking the meat of his husband eagerly, “Hey twins? Why don’t the two of you start stripping me. I know you’re going to find me incredibly attractive. Why else did I start calling you my Titillated Tantalized Twins? So turned on by me…maybe even more turned on than your dad makes you!”

Timmy and Tommy’s eyes widened as the nicknames took root. As Clarence continued stroking their father’s meaty cock, the identical twins lunged forward. Eagerly, they worked diligently to strip the man they now thought was unbelievably irresistible. Clarence beamed as he heard the twins moaning the more skin they saw on their new step-dad, knowing they found him unbelievably attractive with that new nickname.

Once he was completely nude, Clarence released his husband’s cock and whispered to him, “Why don’t you go make Henry feel welcome while I prepare our twins for the main event.”

Carl smiled, practically skipping with glee over towards his son-in-law. Just as Clarence saw the two men begin making out and holding one another close, he widened his arms in a welcoming stance and nonverbally invited the two sexy men into each arm.

Taking the hint, Timmy and Tommy inserted themselves into the open arms of Clarence, one on either side of their new sexual ideal. Loving to hear how much he changed his prey, Clarence asked both of them if they had wives or kids.

“Yeah. My wife and I just had our first kid two years ago and she just gave birth again a couple months ago…” Timmy muttered as he groped the scrawny, slightly hairy chest of his new obsession.

“My wife is pregnant for the first time now. Seven months. Found out…it’s…mmm…twins…” Tommy groaned as the feeling of Clarence fingering his hole distracted him.

“Why would you gay, incest-obsessed, dudes have wives or even have sex with them to get them pregnant? Seems strange to me. Especially given how everyone knows you’re tantalized and titillated by me more than anyone else,” Clarence teased, taking a moment to squeeze their huge, meaty asses.

“No clue, man. I know we’re gay. I know we love incest. But we’ve never acted on it until tonight. Maybe, uh, maybe because we hope for more male kids to continue our appetite for incest when they grow up?” Tommy suggested, melting into Clarence completely as the man churned his fleshy bum.

“Yeah…need…more…male…mmmmmmmm…Hendersons…” Timmy moaned two, his own hands now fondling Clarence’s balls.

“Lord, you two are special. Love these rationalizations. Your dad is fucking hot and special too. And fuck, Henry as well,” Clarence said as he leaned into Tommy, practically absorbing the hot, young father’s tongue into him.

Timmy took that moment to lean in and began suckling and kissing the other side of Clarence’s face, hard cock leaking as he unconsciously thrust it into Clarence’s hip.

Clarence swapped between the horny twins several times, eventually taking a moment to look over at his husband and Henry while the twins continued worshiping his body with their mouths and hands. He was happy to see that Henry was enthusiastically blowing his father-in-law while Carl kept his head leaned all the way back, eyes slammed shut, and a sexy ‘O’ face frozen to his manly visage.

After he felt he’d appropriately built up his own horniness with the twins, Clarence encouraged the two of them to kneel before him and begin blowing him. The two quickly took the position and began alternating which would blow him and which would lap away at the balls and outer genitals. It was so hot to him to see the two masculine, formerly straight guys looking up at him with those watery brown eyes, looking so desperate to please him orally. Knowing they obviously had never even thought about blowing another man, let alone doing it with their own twin brother at the same time, was so electrically erotic to Clarence. ‘This is why I love reunions’ he thought, looking over at Carl still being blown.

“Carl! Henry! Why don’t the two of you join us?” Clarence offered, as he asked the twins to grab a stool from the wings of the stage.

Carl kept his gaze on his husband just as Henry slurped his way off Carl’s cock with a ‘shmack’. Both eagerly bound their way to Clarence, who immediately instructed Carl to stay in front of him and for Henry to start licking his asshole eagerly.

“God, hubby. This is all so hot. I’m so glad you’re here with my boys and me,” Carl gushed.

“Me too, babe. Now feed me that cock you used to use to fuck your wife just to make these sexy boys here,” Clarence gushed, bending over the stool Timmy and Tommy had brought for him. The position allowed the large cock of his husband to easily slip into his mouth while Henry had carte blanche access to his eager hole in the back.

“Timmy? Tommy? Why don’t you make your dad feel good on either side of him while I pleasure him with my mouth? Like you’d done with me but even more eagerly because he’s your biological dad and fuck, you know that’s hot, don’t you?” Clarence told the twins, who immediately surrounded their father.

Grabbing the cock he’d been craving from the moment he’d called him his handsome hubby, Clarence opened wide and inhaled the behemoth, loving the salty taste of his pre combined with the flavor of Henry’s drool that covered the beautiful flesh.

Looking up as Carl moaned from excitement, Clarence could see he was making out with one of his twins while both of them were rubbing their entire bodies against either side of him, ensuring that there was as much body contact as physically possible. Their cocks strained against their father, balls churning nonstop. Trails of precum appeared on Carl’s sides while the identical hands probed every part of their hairy paternal figure with erotic glee.

Behind him, Henry whimpered into the hole he’d been told to rim, clearly excited beyond believe that he was able to serve his, well…’step-father-in-law’, Clarence thought, chuckling to himself.

The ginger man put his all into shoving his face deep within the crevice, lapping away at the male hole that he’d likely have gagged at the thought of just an hour ago. But now, the drool was leaping from his hungry mouth so excitedly that it pooled and dripped down Clarence’s left leg.

Sucking deeply, Clarence continued to service his new husband while Carl bucked into him, lost in the pure incestuous ecstasy he found himself in, being worshipped by his sexy twin boys while his own husband choked on his rod.

Carl knew he was the luckiest guy on Earth as he shifted from forcing his tongue down the throat of Timmy and back onto Tommy.

Eventually, feeling like his hole was absolutely drenched with the nonstop saliva of the sexy ginger behind him, Clarence pulled off, “You need to fuck me now, Henry. You need to!”

His own cock aching with complete devotion to the four men around him, Clarence could feel his balls filling to the brim with cum as Henry stood up, lined up his smooth, bulbous cockhead with his rectum, and pushed his way in quickly.

The effort he’d used in rimming the already somewhat loose hole only made the insertion of the gigantic tool all the easier as Clarence groaned loudly around the large cock in his throat. It was now his turn to drool uncontrollably as it dripped from his bottom lip, down his chin, and onto the balls slapping against him. The huge, pale column on his son-in-law hit him deep and unimaginably pleasurably. The prostate was an almost constant button being pushed as the thick, long meat designed for maximum anal pleasure was finally being used toward its greatest potential.

Without thinking, Clarence went cock mad, continuing to suckle on the meat in his mouth wildly while reaching up and grabbing the two mirror-imaged cocks of the twins with gusto. He started stroking his new sons while Henry started to pound his ass with near reckless abandon.

“Fuuuuck me, you’re tight! Much tighter than that wife of mine ever was!” Henry shouted.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!” was all Clarence could muster as he quickened his sucking on the meat in his mouth while stroking the rock-hard tools in each one of his hands.

Moans and groans from all five men built and built, excitedly crescendoing into a homosexual symphony of passion and pleasure as Clarence felt his orgasm coming closer and closer. His prostate was being stimulated in a way that no other cock had ever been able to do. He needed to cum with this ginger’s monster deep in his hole and he needed to cum now.

He got his wish just as he felt his own balls and the balls on his chin gain height quickly, indicating his husband, too, was about to cum. The twins and Henry were also moaning so loud that it could only mean all five of them were nearing their peak.

And then, like a volcanic explosion, all five men began to pump out thick white spunk into their various targets.

Clarence felt his cock erupt, handless, pulsating over and over as a massive amount of spunk shot out all over the stage floor, stool, and Henry and his own feet.

Carl shot a stomach-filling load into his husband’s willing mouth as Clarence swallowed eagerly, enjoying the taste of his husband’s built up formerly heterosexual spunk and not wanting a single drop to go to waste.

The twins, too, shot their loads, hitting their father’s sides a bit but mostly hitting where their step-dad was aiming their wonderful poles: his own face. While his own cock spurt up and Carl’s exploded into his mouth, the twins gave their new father figure a facial with the spunk that, just like the rest of them, was indistinguishable from their brother’s.

And lastly, he felt the massive cock within his ass swell even larger as it began spitting more and more cream deep into his intestines while Henry leaned in, forcing his already huge dick to hit him even deeper. Clarence couldn’t necessarily taste anything beyond Carl’s delicious man-milk, but he couldn’t completely rule out that the gigantic dick had exploded so deeply into him that it, too, had traversed all the way through his digestive system onto his taste buds.

All five men stayed where they were, panting heavily. The excitement of what they’d just done practically radiating off them all. Henry’s cock still lodged deep in him despite softening slightly, Clarence eventually let the still large flaccid cock on Carl slip from his mouth and stood up.

Placing his hands behind him and holding firm to Henry’s ass-cheeks to ensure he stayed inside him, Clarence waddled his way around the stool, nearly slipping on the giant pool of cum he’d left on the floor, to get to the three sexy Hendersons still making out and rubbing against one another.

Once he got there, he eased all five of them to the ground, allowing them all to enjoy the after-sex glow while still kissing, groping, molesting, and feeling the flesh of the four other men they were now irrevocably obsessed with.

The afterglow of his orgasm and his four new family members’ orgasms kept the panting quintuple in their fleshy pile for quite a few minutes, hands and mouths still languidly searching for the flesh of the others. Clarence had to admit, out of all the familial orgies he’d created in his long history of corruption, these four had to be the sexiest.

And so, while he felt the hot breath, heavy breathing, and soft moans of his husband, his twins, and his new son-in-law, Clarence decided to do something he hadn’t ever really done before.

He was going to keep them as souvenirs.

He’d never really done it before, but these four were special.

In the past, he crashed family gatherings, sent off the women and children, and ‘homosexual-ized’ and perverted the entire male part of the family.

But Carl, Timmy, Tommy, and Henry were too good to let go. A real shame for their past lives, wives, and children, but he had the power to ensure they didn’t care all that much. He might even visit them, especially Housewife Hanna, and make sure she also didn’t spend a moment worried about them.

“I think we’re all gonna go home to my place. It’s not for nothing we’re known as the Forever Fivesome Family and only one another truly matter.”

The four agreed, not forgetting about the women they’d married or the kids they’d had, but focusing so much more on the four other men with them. They were who truly mattered, just as everyone who ever met them knew. They were truly a fivesome at this point.

As Clarence urged them all to get dressed so they could head home, he made sure Timmy and Tommy remembered they were the Butler Brothers, eager to serve all of them once they got home however they needed.

Henry recalled that old nickname he’d had, Horny Himbo Houseboy, and knew he had to get home so he could keep working out. He didn’t need to know much beyond how to get the best pump possible or the various ways he could pleasure his family to be happy. He was always just horny and eager to get some gains…when he wasn’t fucking the hell out of his house-daddy Clarence.

And Carl, already a handsome hubby and Confused Carl, loved hearing his old nicknames, Devoted Dick Daddy and Perfectly Perverted Partner. He’d always loved ensuring his boys had access to his dick as well as being as naughty as possible with Clarence.

They all knew they were these things and that they had always been those things.

So, the family of five finally dressed and began walking through the massive orgy that had been erupting around them, saying goodbye to so many of their family members, but eager to get home to the only four that really mattered.

As they exited the large hotel ballroom, arm in arm, finally allowing access to the staff that had been trying to unlock the large doors to no avail, Clarence couldn’t help but chuckle as he overheard the hotel manager sigh loudly while they headed toward the exit and to their new lives.

“Why the fuck did we let them book the place for a family reunion?! They’re the fucking Hedonistic Homosexual Hendersons and the Insatiable Incestuous Idolators. Everyone knows that! Of course they were going to end up having a fucking orgy! God, it’s going to take years to clean up the convention hall…”

13k words Added Jul 2023 5,441 views 4.4 stars (5 votes)

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