Just take one

by LoverBoy

Andy is a brilliant, young academic who wishes to make his physical appearance match his intellectual acumen. But when he uses an “experimental” supplement from a dubious source, he may get more than he bargains for!

3,234 words Added Jan 2018 17k views 4.7 stars (9 votes)

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Andy had decided that he wanted his body to match his genius level IQ, and had begun working out regularly. However, after what seemed like endless months of dedication in the gym, not much had changed. Oh, he had gained some size, but it was barely noticeable if he was wearing any kind of shirt, and he wanted to be big! The only major change was that he found he had incredible genetics for definition, and what size he had gained was rock hard and had more ripples than a lake on a rainy day. So when a strange man outside the gym he went to six days a week offered him the bottle of a “new experimental” supplement, Andy’s desire to be big overrode his better judgment and natural skepticism. With only a mild reluctance, he shelled out the oddly low price of twenty dollars.

“Just take one, right before your workout. This stuff is extremely powerful, and the effects are intense, man!” he had stressed. “So, remember. Just! One!”

Andy followed the instruction, and after his workout, he felt better than ever before. The usual soreness and fatigue were absent and in their place was a sort of warm tingling sensation like the feeling you get after soaking in a long hot bath. However, a strange sensation came over him as he toweled off from the showers, a pressure inside of him. Barely noticeable at first, but gradually and steadily increasing; almost like the feeling of an erection, but encompassing his entire body! The feeling built and built, increasing by the second as he dressed and left the locker room, and becoming all pervasive. As he entered the lobby, walking toward the door, the pressure reached an almost unbearable level, and was starting to have trouble concentrating on simply putting one foot in front of the other.

The door to the locker room swung shut behind him with a resounding boom!!!!, and at that very moment, the sensation of building pressure came to a climax! A feeling like something inside him bursting came over him, and cascaded through his entire body in a euphoric wave like an orgasm, but a thousand times more intense! Andy’s eyes went wide as dinner plates, and his back arched almost involuntarily as he gasped with the sheer force of the sudden, indescribable feeling. It passed momentarily with the realization that it must have been caused by the supplement. Wishing he hadn’t taken the pill, he felt his heartbeat suddenly increase almost exponentially to the point that it felt like it was going to burst from his chest!

He looked around desperately for someone, anyone, that could help him, but the desk attendants were absent. It was closing time, and he realized they were most likely elsewhere locking up all the rooms full of expensive equipment. He only had a moment to consider what to do before what felt like a barrage of spasms hit him. Every muscle in his body began to contract and relax repeatedly, over and over with barely a fraction of a second between contractions, causing him to double over with another gasp. The contractions redoubled, and he stumbled a few steps forward, then fell to his hands and knees. It didn’t hurt exactly, but it was indeed intense to say the least, and he realized that he could feel each muscle group as they contracted.

Neck, then traps and deltoids. Then rippling down through the myriad of muscles in his back to swarm outward into his lats. The spasms twitched down through his pecs and abs while simultaneously shooting like lightning through his biceps and triceps into his forearms and hands. The spasms continued like quicksilver from his abs down through his quadriceps, wrapping hungrily around to his glutes and hamstrings before shooting down through his calves and shins to settle and ground out in his feet. He was forced to remain there for several minutes, grunting and gritting his teeth against the onslaught as each muscle group was hit with a new tremor. As he gazed down idly at his forearms, he noticed something odd through the haze of sensations. His veins were swelling and rising to the surface of his skin and becoming more pronounced.

He watched in astonishment as they swelled to pencil thickness, giving his arms a hyper-vascular appearance they hadn’t had before. Suddenly, he realized that the spasms were rapidly fading in intensity, and he dared to rise unsteadily to his feet. As he regained his feet, he became aware once again of the feeling like before of pressure building internally. Only this time, it was more intense, and building faster. Then came the bursting sensation again, now accompanied by what he could only describe as a full body pulse and an odd organic crunching sound that seemed to originate from his muscles. At first he thought it was an allergic reaction because he appeared to be suffering from some form of swelling in his arms. But as the pressure began to quickly build again, he realized this wasn’t the case. Allergic swelling didn’t feel like… like this!

The pressure built to an even greater extent this time, followed by the bursting feeling. He grunted as his body was engulfed by an even bigger pulse, accompanied by the crunching sound. As he recovered, he realized that his shirt felt slightly tighter. It was made of green compression material with reinforced seams, meant to wick sweat and be form fitting to an athletic physique. But he had bought it several sizes too big, hoping to watch himself gradually grow into it. As he watched month after month of barely any gains in size, he had begun to despair of ever seeing that happen. But as he examined himself briefly, he noted a definite increase in overall size. Nothing major, but his arms were decidedly bigger, and his chest now showed vaguely through whereas the short sleeved shirt had practically hung off him previously.

Andy’s mind raced as he tried to assess what was happening. But before he could formulate a theory, the pressure began to build once again. This time to an unbearable height, causing his body to feel like it was going to explode from the strain. The burst came again, and Andy snarled almost animalisitically as the pulse rocketed through him, the crunching sound audibly louder. His eye went wide once more as he felt the pressure begin again instantly. However, this time he felt it start several more times before the first one finished. As the burst came, he let out a panicked cry as the force of the pulse this time shook him with what he was certain was the force of an earthquake. He collapsed under the massive force of it, and felt as though he actually were exploding as he felt something erupting from every inch of his body from the neck down. it passed, and he stood dazedly, looking around. As he gazed around the room, hi eyes lit upon a mirrored wall, and he was flabbergasted at his own reflection.

Rubbing his eyes, he stumbled closer to the mirror wall. He was definitely bigger now! Not massive, but although the compression shirt was still quite loose, his torso now filled it considerably more, his chest causing the shirt to hang tent-like over his stomach! He lifted the hem, and gazed at six tennis ball sized abs and a prominent Adonis belt that were accentuated by his naturally narrow waist. As he gazed in open mouthed shock at his reflection, his rational mind was forced to come to terms with what he knew should be physically impossible. Somehow, the supplement pill had made his muscles spontaneously grow!

As if that realization had been some sort of catalyst, the feeling of pressure building internally returned with a vengeance! The pressure built…and built…and built…higher…and higher…and higher…but rather than the bursting sensation, the pressure continued to build. As he watched, rather than a pulse, his muscles simply began to grow! As the feeling of internal pressure increased, every muscle in his body, from the neck down, swelled. It was slow at first, but he could feel it gradually increasing in speed as the pressure continued to mount. As he felt the mass of his body increase, his head lolled back for a moment, and a loud moan of indescribable pleasure escaped his lips.

He looked once again in the mirror, and was astonished to see that the growth had increased quite a bit in those few seconds, and his muscles had nearly doubled in size! His muscles were swelling even faster now, growing like inflating balloons, but with mind blowing definition and vascularity. He watched, open mouthed, as the compression shirt grew steadily tighter. The internal pressure continued to mount, and his muscles responded in kind by ballooning bigger still, each group bulging and swelling as if to outdo their neighbors. His neck thickened into a massive corded column that nearly consumed his Adams apple and collided with his traps as they rose higher and more mountainous to ward his jawline. His delts inflated outward, taking on an almost cantaloupe-like appearance through the elastic fabric of the shirt while his biceps and triceps exploded in opposite directions and quickly filled the elbow length sleeves. His forearms rippled to sudden life, the cords of muscle thickening and swelling in an almost writhing mass, taking on the look of, then surpassing, small hams!

His pecs were most impressive as they widened to fill the space between his shoulders, then ballooned outward and down, beginning to pull the neckline of the shirt’s collar lower and reveal the first few inches of the rapidly deepening valley between them. The entirety of his torso suddenly seemed to double in width as he both felt and saw his lats swell and widen as well as all the smaller muscles of his back rippled and popped with growth. His arms were suddenly forced noticeably outward from his sides at this, and felt the compression shirt constrict further around his body. He looked down to see that his abs had now each grown to the size of baseballs, the top pair being slightly obscured by the growth of his chest as it pushed the fabric outward, and watched as his obliques and intercostals popped and swell with growth to show through the shirt in bold relief.

He could feel the girth of his thighs increasing in his gym shorts, but not quite see it, as the shorts were originally loose fitting basketball shorts. However, from the looks of things, and the feeling of his swelling glutes, they wouldn’t be loose fitting for too much longer. His calves, on the other hand, were plainly visible and had taken on a powerful, rapidly swelling diamond shape and were showing quite prominently from behind his thickening shins.

Suddenly, the already unbearable feeling of increasing pressure filling his body spiked several notches higher and the growth of Andy’s body went into overdrive. The sudden spike in growth increased the width of his neck threefold, curving outward from the base of his skull, and shot down through his body with a vengeance! His traps mounded higher, rising fully above the collar of his shirt, nearly merging with his neck while his deltoids exploded further outward to the size of cannonballs and beyond. His biceps and triceps exploded rapidly to a size bigger than Andy’s own head as his forearms grew to the size of twenty pound hams. The growth spike hit Andy’s chest, and his pecs bulged to the size of pillows and rose higher toward his chin. The sudden increase in the size of his chest caused the hem of the shirt to ride up suddenly, the elastic material shooting up almost violently over his stomach to reveal six softball sized abs that were pulsing steadily bigger with size while his waist had somehow managed to remain proportionately narrow.

His quadriceps and hamstrings, not to be outdone, swelled monstrously. He had been unintentionally standing with his legs apart, and he saw the loose gym shorts start to tighten as he felt his glutes bulge bigger and rounder. At the same time, Andy’s eyes widened as he became aware of the sensation of his inner thighs suddenly coming into contact with each other despite the width of his stance. He looked down briefly, then noticed the top of his gym socks suddenly get forcibly pushed down, bunching up at the tops of his shoes, by his inflating calves.

He became aware of the sound of stretching fabric. He looked up again to see that the feel of the soft elastic fabric sliding over his nipples as his pecs grew had caused them to get hard and show plainly through the straining fabric. He could see that the shirt was fighting to restrain his rabidly ballooning physique and felt the shirt getting tighter…and tighter…and tighter as he grew bigger, and Bigger, and BIGGER! He realized, suddenly, that he had become mesmerized by the growth and was quickly becoming too big. But the growth wasn’t slowing down. In fact the pressure was still building and the growth rate was still increasing. He shook himself out of the spectacle before him in the mirror and turned toward the door to leave. As he walked, he stumbled slightly, but quickly righted himself. As he attempted to hurry toward the door finally, he realized how big his legs had gotten. He hadn’t noticed till now because he had been standing still, but he could feel as he walked that the legs of his boxer briefs beneath the shorts had been forced upward by his ballooning thighs and were bunched up where his thighs and narrow hips met. Conversely, he also realized that his muscles hadn’t been the only thing growing. As he walked he could feel the front of the boxer briefs growing rapidly tighter, and it felt as if his still soft manhood was being forced to bunch up inside them. He sailed through the main doors, and out into the parking lot heading for his small van. As he climbed in, he noticed idly for a moment that everything now appeared quite a bit smaller. But he didn’t have time to think about that right now. he had to…

Suddenly, Andy’s entire body went rigid! The feeling of increasing internal pressure heightened, spiking exponentially, and with a massive surge of growth, his entire body began to explode with size faster than ever before, his muscles bulging bigger, gaining pounds in seconds! It was a testament to the manufacturer of the compression shirt that it had lasted this long. But as he was able to look down for a second before his chest became too big to see past, he heard the unmistakable sound of fabric tearing and seams giving out. The shoulder seams of the shirt were first to give way, splitting violently open. The remainder of the sleeves were held in place briefly by the sheer tightness caused by the size of his upper arms. The sleeves, however, were contemptuously obliterated by the rapidly increasing mass of his biceps and triceps. He felt cool air come into contact with his sides as small tears appeared and were rapidly expanded all along the side seams of the shirt first on the left side, then the right.

With an almost sinister snapping sound, the reinforced stitching of the collar gave out. The neckline had been pulled nearly all the way down to the top pair of abs by the swelling mountain of Andy’s chest. But without the reinforced stitching to hold things together, the front of the compression shirt was briefly marred by two huge stress wrinkles, then burst violently open, tearing wildly apart from each other right down the middle. His massive and growing pecs burst forth forcefully from the shirt at the sudden release of restraint and Andy gained a new appreciation for just how big his pecs had gotten (and were still getting) as they settled with a massive bounce powerful enough to shake his entire overdeveloped body back into a steady rate of growth. Andy suddenly became acutely aware of the confined feeling inside his shorts. He gritted his teeth against the tightening feeling of his boxer briefs as it became more than he could bear. He could actually feel his cock and balls momentarily fighting for space, but was once again greeted by the sound of fabric and seams ripping, slightly muffled by the gym shorts. The lump in in the shorts caused by his package was roughly the size of softball at the moment. But as he felt his boxer briefs finally give out against the combined mass of his thighs, glutes, and massive package, it quadrupled in size then continued to swell bigger and fill the gym shorts out alarmingly faster!

As Andy’s growth continued, he fumbled for a few seconds to start the van. it was starting to get difficult to move. As he left the gym, his concern had been how he was going to get to the car before his burst out of his shirt. Now, as he heard the sound of the driver seat begin to groan under his increasing weight, he wondered how he was going to make the half hour drive home before he burst out of his vehicle…

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

As the two teenaged desk attendants, Mark and Calvin, walked toward the door inside the gym to lock up and leave for the night, they both stopped, staring stunned at the doors. The metal framework of one door was warped as if something huge had collided with it, and the full length pane of glass had a massive spider web crack in it. The steel push handle of the other one was bent and slightly crumpled. When they looked closer, it looked almost as if it had been done by a very large hand.

Calvin caught sight of something out of the corner of his eye, and looked over toward the mirrored wall. A gym bag lay discarded along the wall. He walked over and picked it up, carrying it back over to Mark who was still staring at the doors.

Mark looked over. “Whose is that?”

Calvin unzipped it and rummaged around, “No clue. No name, no initials, just some sweaty clothes and…”

As Calvin lifted a wadded up towel out of the gym bag, it came unraveled and a bottle wrapped up in the towel rattled to the floor. Calvin bent and picked it up.

“‘Experimental, high performance supplement. Just take one…near instant results, just take one,’” he read from a hand printed label on the bottle.

Mark scoffed, “Probably some roid freak’s, got suckered into buying fake supps.”

“What should I do with it?”

“Eh, doesn’t matter to me. Do what ya want.”

Calvin slipped the bottle into his own back pack, “I’ll show it to the trainer tomorrow. Maybe he’ll know something about it….”

3,234 words Added Jan 2018 17k views 4.7 stars (9 votes)

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