Trevor: Plus one

by Ziel

Trevor and Simon spend a quiet evening at home… but their minuscule houseguest has his own idea of Netflix and chill.

The Life and Tinies of Trevor, #6 4,545 words Added Jun 2024 1,323 views 5.0 stars (1 vote)

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It had taken some doing, but Rex had managed to convince Noah to let him stay over with Trevor and Simon for the night. Truth be told, Noah needed some time off, and Rex needed some time alone to take care of something that had been bothering him for a while.

Rex had always had a thing for big dicks. In his book, the bigger, the better. So, imagine his surprise when he learned that Simon was rocking a full foot-long dong! Rex needed to see it for himself. Even had Rex not been reduced to a spec smaller than a gnat, Simon’s cock would have been absolutely massive, but at Rex’s new size, Simon’s schlong was sure to be something out of a kaiju movie.

As the night went on, Trevor and Simon settled down to watch a movie. Rex was invited to join too, of course, but Rex couldn’t focus on the flick. Simon, the massive, magnificently hung titan that he was, had stripped down to his PJs and was now clad in nothing but a t-shirt and some boxers. Rex could make out the shape of Simon’s fantastic cock through the fabric. It was maddening! Simon’s bulge looked bigger than a mountain!

As the movie droned on, Trevor and Simon got more and more into it. Simon was literally on the edge of his seat. With his attention otherwise occupied, Rex saw his chance. He hopped down from Simon’s shoulder where he had been perched alongside Trevor and floated his way down towards the couch cushion seemingly miles below.

At Rex’s new size, he just did not generate much speed when falling. He could float around like a ballooning spider. He had nothing to fear from falling other than maybe getting lost. At his size, the individual strands of a carpet towered over him! Rex was so tiny that even Trevor had to scour the floor on his hands and knees to find the tiny guy if he lost sight of Rex.

Rex touched down on the couch cushion and took stock of his surroundings. He had been blown slightly off course by the breeze of the air conditioner, but it wasn’t too far of a trek to Simon’s pant leg. Rex was only a few inches from the lower hem of Simon’s shorts, but at his size, it felt like a jog across a football field. Rex was so tiny that even the fuzz pellets on the couch upholstery were larger than him!

Rex had gotten used to long-distance jogging since he had been reduced to a minuscule size. Feet stretched on for miles. His former bedroom was now the size of a city. Even trying to cross Noah’s desk felt like a marathon. A few inches was nothing! He could make that in a few minutes!

Rex broke out in a sprint. As he vaulted over fibers and juked fuzzy pellets, he kept his eyes firmly on the prize– the outline of the fat cock that strained against Simon’s inseam.

Rex had started to sweat slightly by the time he reached the hem of Simon’s pant leg, but even had he been on death’s door, he would have willed himself to keep moving. During the course of Rex’s sprint, Simon had gotten even more engrossed in the movie. His shifting in his seat caused his boxers to ride up his thighs. Now the tip of Simon’s colossal cock had slipped into view.

Trevor had not been joking. Simon was hung! The massive softy that lolled out the lower hem of Simon’s shorts would have been a mouthful and then some even had Rex been his former height! Now, however, Rex had been reduced to a mere spec. A figure that stood a fraction of a centimeter. Less than that. A fraction of a millimeter! Just the puffy head of Simon’s colossal cock loomed over him like a municipal water tower. Just the head of Simon’s enormous cock was so huge that Rex could reenact a scene from Mario Galaxy by scurrying across its domed surface.

Simon’s cock was such a fantastic specimen that Rex wished he could have beheld it at his old size. He would have loved to take it in his mouth. He would have enjoyed taking every last inch of it past his lips and down his throat. Now, however, that would be impossible. The leviathan was so huge that it could swallow Rex whole. Rex was so tiny that Simon may not even notice if the spec-sized stud were to crawl into that gaping maw and go exploring.

Rex’s cock was rock hard just thinking about it. Just being in the mere presence of such a godly piece drove him wild. The air was thick with the scent of Simon’s manhood. Sweat and pre and a faint hint of old cum flooded Rex’s nostrils. Rex was overwhelmed and still he needed more.

Rex staggered forward until he was face to face with the head of Simon’s massive cock. The beast was so huge to the shrunken guy that it was like staring up at a monstrous sandworm of Arrakis. Rex was so overwhelmed by how massive it was that he could barely believe it was real. He had to touch it to be sure.

Rex placed a hand against the layer of foreskin that covered the lower edge of the colossal glans. Even just the foreskin was thicker than Rex was tall. It was like staring down a glacier of flesh. Rex watched in awe as the massive organ twitched and shifted before him. At Rex’s size, it was easy to believe that Simon’s cock was its own living, breathing beast and not just a dangling appendage of a titan that stood seeming miles above the mite-sized man.

Rex leaped with all his might, and still, he couldn’t even jump halfway up the lip of Simon’s foreskin. Rex was so infinitesimally small that trying to scale even just a fold on Simon’s fat cock was like scaling a solid wall. He scraped and scrabbled at the wall of flesh and awkwardly pulled himself further and further up until, finally, he managed to climb up and over the lip of Simon’s foreskin.

Rex collapsed on the fleshy ledge and flopped onto his back. Above him, he could Simon’s cockhead looming over him. It was so huge and so close that it was as if he was staring at the underside of the Goodyear blimp from atop the gondola. Far above him, he could see the crease along the underside of Simon’s glans which lead to the cavernous maw of his colossal cock. Rex wished he could get there. He wanted to climb in, but there was no way to get in from there. The best he could do was admire it from afar. Still… he had another place that he could go exploring…

Rex hopped back up to his feet and crawled closer and closer to Simon’s cockhead. Soon Rex reached the point where Simon’s gargantuan, puffy glans vanished beneath the thick sheet of his foreskin. It was a tight fit, but Rex was strong for his size. With a few shoves and shimmies, he managed to force himself through the folds of Simon’s skin and into the dank, dark interior. Rex couldn’t see, but he sure could feel and smell. He was surrounded on all sides by cock flesh! It was literally heaven! Getting shrunk had been worth it for this moment alone! To be a literal speck on the most fantastic cock he had ever seen! Rex didn’t care if he was never found.

Rex buried his face into Simon’s flesh. He ground his cock against Simon’s skin. Rex was hornier than he had ever been in his life! All he wanted to do was bask in the sheer magnitude of Simon’s cock and cum and cum again.

Simon felt a strange tingle towards the tip of his dick. It was so faint as to be borderline unnoticeable. It was almost like that feeling of an invisible bug crawling on his skin but far smaller. Without even really thinking about it. Simon reached down and casually stroked his cock against the side of his thigh.

“Yeah. This movie is kinda boring, huh?” Trevor said upon noticing Simon absentmindedly stroking his cock.

“Eh…” Simon replied. “It had its moments, but the climax is a little weak.”

“Well. Feeling like having a little fun?” Trevor teased.

“I thought you’d never ask,” Simon said with a smirk.

Simon stood up and quickly shoved his shorts down around his ankles and kicked them aside. He then flopped back onto the couch and spread his legs wide to give Trevor easy access to his now fully exposed cock.

Trevor quickly slid down Simon’s chest and hopped onto Simon’s fat cock. At Trevor’s size, Simon’s cock was the size of a train car. It was easily wide enough for Trevor to walk across– or sprint across, as was the case. In no time at all, Trevor reached the tip of Simon’s dick and stared down the slit of the monstrous member. Simon’s cock was so huge and Trevor so small that Trevor could nuzzle his face against the slit while standing in front of it. Trevor licked and nuzzled the sensitive tip of Simon’s cock while Simon sat back in his seat and moaned softly from the attention.

Simon couldn’t believe how horny he was! Usually, it was Trevor initiating their fun, but something had him hot under the collar tonight! He just wanted his dick played with!

While Trevor serviced the head of his Cock, Simon stroked the length of his shaft. The motion caused the skin around the head of his cock to fully eclipse the head and bump up against his little lover and then pull back so far that his entire glans was revealed. The motion was common enough, but something was different today. His dick felt even more sensitive than usual, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

Meanwhile, Trevor continued to service Simon’s cock, but as he licked along the pre-drooling underside of Simon’s slit, he noticed something odd. There was something hard– a small bump that shouldn’t be there.

Trevor pulled back and looked curiously at Simon’s puffy cockhead. There, suspended in pre, he saw Rex’s tiny form. Trevor had completely forgotten Rex was even here! But Rex was clearly enjoying himself so no harm, no foul.

Rex was so small that he was bug-sized even to the Lego-sized Trevor. An absolute speck of a man. Rex easily fit in the palm of Trevor’s hand… or in Trevor’s mouth.

A playful grin spread across Trevor’s face as a devious idea surfaced in his mind. It was time for all of them to have fun together.

Trevor ran his tongue across the puffy flesh of Simon’s cockhead, and in doing so, scooped the nearly microscopic Rex up into his mouth. With Rex pinned between his tongue and Simon’s cock, Trevor continued to lap at and play with the tip of Simon’s cock.

Trevor was really getting into it! They had played around plenty in the past, but Simon couldn’t remember the last time Trevor had gone so hard against his slit. What had gotten into him!? Simon had no idea, but he wasn’t complaining. Not that he could even if he wanted to. He was so hot and bothered, and Trevor’s tiny tongue and arms felt so fantastic against the tip of Simon’s cock that Simon found himself writhing and moaning in his seat! It was all Simon could do to hold his dick steady so the bucking bronco didn’t slap Trevor clear off the couch!

It wasn’t long before Simon was reaching his limit. He wanted to try to hold out, but at the same time, he knew he couldn’t. “I- I’m gonna…” he moaned.

Trevor heard him load and clear, and even if he hadn’t it was clear by the sheer volume of pre and the shuddering of Simon’s cock, that the beast was about to blow. Trevor smirked and quickly shifted his tongue so that his tiny passenger was tucked away safely beneath. Rex was held like a pill beneath Trevor’s tongue.

Rex was barely able to parse what was happening. First, he was pinned to the underside of Simon’s cock, and then something huge, wet, and wriggling scooped him up! With every breath he took, his mouth flooded with a mixture of pre and saliva, and then, just as Rex started to realize where he was, he found himself pinned in a warm, damp, squishy prison. He pushed himself up on his hands and knees and glanced around. A beam of light came through and let him see his surroundings for a brief, fleeting moment. The walls around him were a fleshy red. Purple blood vessels were visibly pulsing in the walls. It would have been impossible for Rex to figure out where he was except for the wall of towering, pearly whites far in the distance.

Rex watched in awe as the lips in the distance slowly closed in on the tip of an absolutely massive cockhead. If that was Simon’s dick, then this had to be Trevor’s mouth!

As amazing as the sight was, Rex didn’t get to enjoy it for long. No sooner had light began to pour past Trevor’s lips than it was extinguished by Simon’s colossal cockhead pressing against the opening. It was so dark that Rex couldn’t see a thing, but he could feel the shudders and lurches of Simon’s monolithic cock reverberating through Trevor’s body. It was clear that Simon was about to blow.

Simon was so lost in the ecstasy that he could barely think, but his hands reacted even purely on muscle memory. He reached down and scooped Trevor up into the palm of his hand so that his little lover would not be blasted away when Simon started shooting.

Simon stood up on his knees atop the couch cushions and fervently stroked his massive cock in one hand while holding his lover in the other. His huge dick shuddered and lurched. His whole body trembled, but Simon managed to hold it together enough to keep from dropping Trevor even as Simon fired thick, heavy ropes of spunk onto his own palm.

Trevor was instantly drenched. Cum coated his body and clung to his hair. Spunk filled his mouth. It took every ounce of control Trevor could muster not to swallow. Instead, he held a huge mouthful of spunk and waited for Simon to stop spurting.

Rex was suddenly adrift in a sea of tar-like spunk. Trevor’s spit diluted the think spunk only slightly. The sticky mess was still far too thick for Rex to ever hope to fight against. He was trapped like a gnat in a spiderweb! He had to struggle for air. Fortunately, before he could drown in the slime-like spunk, he felt himself once more mashed under the heavy, rubbery mass of Trevor’s tongue. As Rex lay pinned, he could feel the rush of spit coursing over him, pulling away the thick layer of spunk that covered him.

Trevor made sure to hold Rex securely in place as he swallowed a hefty mouthful of thick spunk. Trevor let out a contented moan and took a moment to bask in the warmth of his lover’s cum before remembering his tinier passenger.

Trevor quickly sat up and spat the grain-sized Rex out onto his palm. It was quickly apparent that Rex was soaked but otherwise unharmed. If anything, the raging boner he had made it clear that he was enjoying this as much as either of the other guys.

“Want to do something real fun?” Trevor asked the tiny figure in his palm.

Rex knew his voice wouldn’t carry far enough for Trevor to hear but managed to weekly nod in response.

Trevor placed Rex atop the splatter of jizz that coated Simon’s palm and then got down on his hands and knees over his miniature friend. Rex could only stare up in awe. Trevor looked so massive in this moment that Rex had a hard time reconciling the fact that he knew that Trevor was incredibly tiny by most people’s standards. Trevor wasn’t even two inches tall! And yet, he towered over Rex like a skyscraper.

Trevor had been hot as hell before they had both shrunk and being reduced to the size of a green army man had done nothing to diminish Trevor’s incredible muscles. The thick, defined V of Trevor’s Adonis belt pointed down towards Trevor’s huge, thick cock.

When they had used to fool around, Rex had loved Trevor’s fat cock. It was not just a solid eight inches, but it was thick to boot! It was an impressive specimen that was every as long and thick as Rex’s forearm! Now, however, Trevor’s cock completely eclipsed Rex’s entire body! It was like staring up at a schlong the size of a subway car!

Rex could feel the ground moving beneath him, but he was too transfixed on Trevor’s cock to realize what it meant. All he could do was lie there suspended in cum while Trevor pressed his cock against the ground and began to grind against Simon’s titanic palm. Rex watched as Trevor’s cock came speeding towards him like a runaway train. Trevor’s thick cock shoved spunk aside like snow in front of a plow as he did so. Rex instinctively tried to roll out of the way, but he was too gunked up to even move! All he could do was like there and watch as the huge, gaping maw of Trevor’s cock closed in on him.

As Trevor’s cock closed in on him, the spunk rose like a wave and lifted Rex up into the path of Trevor’s slit. He suddenly found himself face to face with Trevor’s slit. Rex was so small that even the slit of Trevor’s cock was taller than he was but only barely. As Rex was pinned against the entrance, he couldn’t help but fantasize about the meme comic that had made its rounds years ago. This was his hole. It was meant for him!

Even without the force of the spunk pressing against his back, Rex would have excitedly shimmied his way through the open maw of Trevor’s fat cock. The air inside was almost as hot and humid as it had been in Trevor’s mouth. The walls were slick with pre, and the air was heavy with the warmth and smell of cock.

Rex was as hard as he had ever been. He had always been obsessed with huge cocks, and now that he was the size of a grain of sand, he was small enough to crawl inside them! Trevor’s dick was tiny compared to most guys out there, and yet the moist walls clamped down on Rex like the jaws of life. Rex couldn’t even fathom what it would be like to experience a truly huge cock like Simon’s– a dick so indescribably massive that Rex could wander the dark corridor for hours without ever reaching the base.

Life had had its ups and downs. Rex had been bored and horny and lonely ever since getting shrunk to near-microscopic size, but this moment made it all worth it! This was heaven!

Trevor got down on his knees and leaned back so his butt was pressed against his heels and began stroking his fat cock with both hands. He could feel the tiny figure wriggling against the oversensitive slit of his cock! He could see the tiny, wriggling form of Rex half buried in the tip of his cock! The sight and sensations drove him wild! Trevor was shuddering like a leaf. His cock was trembling. He was so close to cumming!

Simon could see that Trevor was really getting into it. He lifted his palm up to his eye so he could get a better look. Simon smirked as he marveled at how hot his boyfriend was. Even at less than two inches, Trevor’s thick muscles looked amazing, and Trevor’s thick cock filled Trevor’s tiny hands and then some.

Simon was impressed at how fervently Trevor was jacking it. Was it just being held in his hand and covered in his cum that had Trevor so worked up? They had done that several times in the past, and Trevor had always gotten off on it, but this seemed different somehow. Trevor seemed focused more on his own cock than on the overwhelming presence of his titanic lover.

Simon lifted his palm even closer to his eye, and then he spotted it. A blip so tiny that he wouldn’t have even noticed had he not had practice spotting tiny figures.

It was Rex! Simon had forgotten all about their third wheel! He and Trevor had had their movie night and jumped straight into fooling around without even thinking about their guest… or perhaps, it was more precise to say that Simon had forgotten. Trevor seemed well aware of their tiny plus one and was taking steps to ensure that Rex had just as much fun as the rest of them.

Trevor glanced up at the eyeball that filled his field of view like a billboard. He could tell that Simon was intently watching him and his cock. Trevor could only assume by the look of shock in Simon’s eye that Simon had realized where their tiny playmate had gone.

The combination of how hot it looked and felt to have a tiny guy squirming against the tip of his dick and how hot it was to be watched by the titanic eye of his colossal lover, sent Trevor over the edge. Before Trevor even had a chance to brace himself, he let out a sharp cry, his cock lurched, and a spurt of cum erupted from his tiny dick.

Simon jerked back instinctively. This was a huge load by Trevor’s standards, but even the messiest load of his little lover amounted to little more than a droplet. After the split second of shock, Simon opened his eyes and noticed a tiny wad of spunk clinging to his eyelash. The goop was too close to his eye for him to focus his vision on it, but he was sure he could see a tiny spec writhing around in the mass of spunk.

Simon’s gaze quickly shifted towards Trevor. Trevor was hopping up and down trying to get Simon’s attention.

“He’s on your eyelash!” Trevor shouted through cupped hands.

Simon nodded and lifted Trevor up to his eye so that his tiny lover could recover their mutual friend. Once Rex was once again safely in Trevor’s hand, Trevor glanced down at the cum-soaked figure, and then glanced back up at Simon and flashed his titanic lover a playful smirk.

“Stick out your tongue!” Trevor shouted. This time, he only used one hand to form a megaphone while shouting.

Simon furrowed his brow but nodded and did what was asked. Simon crossed his eyes and tried to watch what Trevor was up to, but all he could see was his own nose.

Trevor leaned against Simon’s outstretched tongue and dropped their tiny friend onto the damp surface. Rex was so tiny that he was smaller than even the bumps of Simon’s tastebuds.

Rex was still winded from being catapulted seemingly hundreds of feet into the air, but as his eyes started to adjust, he realized that Trevor’s open mouth was descending upon him. Rex was too fascinated to be freaked out. Even as Trevor stuck out his tongue and then pressed it down upon him.

Trevor let out a soft moan as he nuzzled up against Simon’s outstretched tongue. At their current sizes, this was the closest they could get to Frenching, but it was still hot in its own way, and the addition of a tiny passenger made it even hotter. At Trevor’s size, Rex was less than the size of a Tic Tac, and at Simon’s size, he was so tiny as to be indetectable.

Rex was durable for his size, but even so, being pressed between two giant tongues took his breath away literally and figuratively. Rex came hard as he felt the bumps of Trevor’s wet tongue rub against his rigid cock. He had no idea if this was the first time or the fourth time in this crazy adventure that he had done so. He had been so hot and bothered for the entire encounter that his balls ached as if they had been drained six times over. He had never cum like this when he was his old size. He loved to fool around and be fooled around with, but this was something else entirely. He was so small that he was less than a pill being passed back and forth between two guys as they made out. He was coated head to toe and spit and spunk and sweat. He was so tiny that the sheer mass of other guys’ fluids coating his body far outstripped his own.

Trevor pulled back and spat his passenger out onto the palm of his hand. He smirked as he stared down at the mite-sized dude. Rex just lay there gasping for breath with a look of blissful stupor plastered on his face. Trevor had never seen Rex look so happy before. They were definitely going to have more fun with him in the future.

Simon flopped back against the couch and lazily lifted Trevor back onto his shoulder. “That was intense…” he gasped.

“Imagine what it must be like at my size,” Trevor said, equally out of breath.

“How’s Rex?” Simon asked. He tried his best to turn to face his little lover, but it was difficult to look at someone who was riding on his shoulder.

Trevor raised his hand toward Simon’s eye. Rex was stuck to his fingertip.

“He’s blissed out. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this happy,” Trevor said.

“That’s good. Still… I would have preferred to know he was there before we got into it,” Simon said.

“I’ll make sure he knows that for next time,” Trevor said.

“Yeah,” Simon said with a chuckle. “Next time.”

The Life and Tinies of Trevor, #6 4,545 words Added Jun 2024 1,323 views 5.0 stars (1 vote)

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