Stretching his limits

by Otto Fellatio

When college student Jonah discovers he has a supernatural ability to stretch, he quickly finds out how much more fun he can have now.

4 parts (4 new) 3,303 words Added Oct 2024 1,085 views 5.0 stars (3 votes)

You may be looking for the following similarly named story: Stretch by Josh Dugan.

Part 1Jonah discovers he can stretch parts of his body. (added: 19 Oct 2024)
Part 2Jonah’s experiments turn sexual.
Part 3Jonah’s brother confronts him about his new talent.
Part 4Jonah shows Alex his strange abilities.
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Part 1

Jonah was a college student with brown eyes and dark brown hair, although anyone who didn’t know better would have called it black at first, it was short and messy, and naturally curled a little bit. He was pretty skinny, with a little bit of muscle showing, around 5’9” and usually wore comfortable hoodies and sweatpants. When erect, his penis reached an above average 7.5 inches, but he often found himself wishing for something truly huge.

Overall, Jonah was perfectly normal, but recently, he had started to notice his body changing. His first sign came at his part-time job, stocking shelves at a local supermarket, when he clumsily bumped a can of soup off the shelf. He caught the can out of its freefall just below his knee, without even having to bend his spine, but as he stared down at the can, his arm had already come to rest at its usual length. It all happened so fast he couldn’t tell if what he thought had happened actually had, and there was nobody else in the aisle to confirm so Jonah had no choice but to ignore it, surely it wasn’t possible for someone to stretch like that.

When Jonah’s friend, Alex, asked to borrow a pen at college the next day, he reached past the girl sitting between them without having to lean over. Alex absentmindedly took the pen without noticing how far Jonah had stretched, but the girl looked at him with an expression of sheer disgust on her face. Jonah briefly locked eyes with her before quickly turning away, there was no denying what he could do now. He couldn’t concentrate for the rest of the lecture as his mind raced with questions.

Had anyone else seen? Would they think he was some kind of freak? Was he a freak? Was his arm the only thing he could stretch like that? How far? Could he do it at will?

Waiting at the bus stop later, with nobody else in sight, Jonah began wondering if he could control this new talent of his. With his left hand he grabbed the index finger of his right hand and gently pulled.

And pulled.

And pulled.

The sensation as it extended was intensely euphoric, like his finger had a boner. He stopped when it reached the length of his forearm and started experimenting with movement. He flexed the finger backwards and forwards, finding that it no longer relied on the placement of his joints. He curled the finger around his left wrist and discovered that it wrapped round four times, he stared in amazement.

“How’s it going, loser?”

Jonah jumped and his finger snapped back into place as he turned to see Alex.

“Worse now you’re here, dicknose!”

Alex was considerably more tanned and athletic than Jonah, not to mention taller, with blonde hair (although his natural brown was starting to grow back in) and blue eyes. He was wearing a sporty tank top and shorts, though Jonah wasn’t sure how he could in such cold weather. They had been classmates in high school but didn’t really get to know each other until the first day of college, seeing as they were each other’s only familiar face in the class. Jonah had never seen much reason to talk to the clearly hetero jock who bounced from girlfriend to girlfriend all through high school, but after talking he found that not only did Alex share his interest in video games, but he was also bi. Jonah didn’t really believe Alex would be interested in him but after learning it was possible, he started to develop a crush on him.

They talked at the bus stop for a few more minutes, just shooting the shit, until a bus finally arrived.

“Why are you not getting on, J? Don’t we get the same bus?” Alex asked, turning back to look at Jonah, who was sitting back down.

“Nah man, I’ve got to go straight to work. Need to get a different bus…”

“Well, I hope it’s not too long now. See ya round!”

“See ya!”

Only when Jonah was on his bus did he remember his new abilities. He tried willing his thumb to stretch, hands-free, thinking “stretch, stretch, stretch!” but nothing happened. Was he thinking about it the wrong way? Maybe he shouldn’t be thinking at all, this was a physical power after all, not a mental one. Instead, he tried reaching his thumb further out than it would naturally go. It was a success! His thumb started growing longer, he looked up to make sure nobody saw only to see he was almost at his stop. He retracted his thumb back to normal length and stood up.

When there were no customers in the aisle he was working in, he tried using his new powers to make work easier, he lifted a box of stock and extended his spine so he could reach the highest shelf without a stool. As he stretched, he felt that sensation through his whole back. As a side-effect of gaming so much, his posture was terrible and his back almost always hurt but this, this was almost orgasmic. Only as he placed the box on the shelf did he notice he’d started to stiffen up ‘down there’, suddenly a delicious new idea entered his head and he made a beeline for the staff toilets.


Part 2

Locking the stall door behind him, Jonah pulled down his trousers and sat down on the toilet seat. Staring at his hard cock, he tried stretching it longer. Eight inches, nine inches, ten, eleven, twelve inches. He was so excited at first, feeling that same euphoric stretching sensation multiplied tenfold, but he started to laugh seeing his footlong cock just as skinny as it was before. Could he fix that? He tried stretching his cock outwards and watched as it started to swell. He licked his lips and bent his spine further forward than he’d ever bent before.

He had always been curious about autofellatio, he’d seen plenty of hot self-sucking videos online, but he’d never been able to reach until now. He began to lick his own cockhead, teasing his cumslit, he had tasted his precum before but it tasted so much better direct from the source. Here, Jonah discovered that the stretching didn’t just feel good in isolation, it also made the parts that stretched (in this case, his cock) so much more sensitive. He moaned in pleasure, wrapping his lips around, and started bobbing his head up and down, further down his footlong shaft every time until he felt his own dick hit the back of his throat.

He gagged and pulled away then, looking down at his newly enlarged cock, shoved it to the back of his throat once more. With his enhanced control over his own body, he expanded his throat and pushed his massive member even further into himself again and again and again. He felt his hard dick pressing against his organs, it was a little strange at first but it didn’t hurt. It even started to feel good, turning him on even more.

He didn’t know long he’d been sucking himself off when he felt like he was about to burst. He heard a door open outside the stall and his manager’s voice asking “Jonah, are you in there? I couldn’t find you on the shop floor.”

Now feeling cum shooting both out of and into him, Jonah panicked, unable to answer, and started spluttering as he retracted his cock from his throat. “Yeah, sorry!” he coughed. “I had to go and it couldn’t wait till my break.” At that moment, some of his cum dripped off his massive penis and splatted on the ground. Jonah winced as a terrifying silence broke out.

His boss broke the silence. “I think we need to talk after your shift today.”

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jonah’s parents were already asleep when he made it home, he’d have to tell them tomorrow that he was fired. Luckily his manager assumed he had been drinking on the job, as the truth would be much harder to explain.

As he lay in bed, unable to sleep, Jonah wondered what else his new powers could accomplish. Without realising, he started stroking his dick, stretching it longer and longer with every stroke until he felt it hit his chest. Breaking out of his self-induced trance and suddenly aware of what he was doing he decided to pull his legs behind his head and force his mouth towards his crotch. He pushed his cumslit open and plunged his extending tongue down it, sounding his throbbing cock with his own tongue while his lips stroked the exterior. He could taste his cum, desperately trying to push its way past the tongue plugging up its path.

He spent all night experimenting with his inhumanly flexible body; he sent his cock up one nostril and out the other, he curled it around a can of coke and brought it to his lips to drink from, he even stretched his spine so far he could stick his tongue in his own asshole, burying his face between his own cheeks. When he needed to piss, he opened the door to his room with his cock and extended it to the bathroom, terrified of what would happen if one of his parents or his brother needed to go at the same time and saw his meaty pipe trailing through the house. He kept going for hours until he eventually fell asleep with his cock wrapped around his waist.


Part 3

He woke up late, almost at noon, and lazily pulled on some comfy clothes for the day. Downstairs he passed through the living room, mumbling “good morning” to his brother, Mike as he went. Mike turned his head towards Jonah, with a joking “more like good evening!”

“C’mon Mike, it’s 11:50. Still morning. You know I had a late shift last night.”

“You were up half the night too, by the sound of it!”

Jonah was instantly mortified. He didn’t know that his moans last night had been so loud.

“Didn’t realise the walls were so thin?” Mike added, probing for a reaction. Jonah, regaining his composure, just scoffed and left for the kitchen. He made his breakfast, making use of the extra length and flexibility of his limbs to avoid moving too much, and sat down back in the living room. He felt his brother watching him as he ate but didn’t want to dignify his interest with a response.

Mike looked a lot like Jonah, only a few inches taller and a little skinnier. He had graduated from college the previous year and was supposed to be looking for a job but he preferred to extend his temporary freedom and mooch off his parents as long as he could. He didn’t take his eyes off of Jonah as he ate a bowl of cereal.

“You’re not usually that loud, try something new?” he joked. Jonah’s face turned red as he kept eating his cereal with his eyes on the TV, avoiding any eye contact with his brother.

“Oh shit, you did get experimental!” he said, standing up and walking towards his brother “Can I guess?”

“No!” Jonah shouted, before muttering “It’s hard to explain.”

Mike smirked, sitting down next to Jonah. “So why don’t you show me instead? No, no, no, before you argue back, remember we’ve seen each other plenty of times before. Why would this be any different?”

Jonah knew exactly what made this time different but still felt himself start to get hard at the thought of showing off what he could do now, even to his brother.

Jonah took Mike to his room and closed the door behind them. Of course nobody was going to walk in but Jonah didn’t feel comfortable with it open. He stripped, awkwardly looking at Mike, and stood in the middle of his room. Mike was sitting on Jonah’s bed, with a bemused expression as he watched him. Jonah closed his eyes and reached towards Mike with his penis, he flicked an eye open to see if it had worked and caught Mike’s jaw drop. With a smirk, he held out his wrist as his cock wrapped around it.

“Is this real?” Mike asked, reaching out to touch his brother’s cock. He held part of the shaft in his hand and stroked it with his thumb, staring at it with wonder. Realising what he was doing, he let go and shifted back. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to, bro. I wasn’t really thinking, this is just so crazy!”

“You think that’s crazy?” Jonah laughed. “Just wait till you see what else I can do!” With that he curled his cock backwards and rammed it into his own backside, he squirmed a little as he felt his lengthening cock travel all the way through him and out his mouth. Seeing this, Mike felt a wet spot start to spread in his underwear, so he pulled his own pants down and let his 7 inches of meat free.

Jonah hadn’t realised his brother was into guys, maybe he hadn’t been and this was awakening something in him. Maybe he still wasn’t, something this unique can hardly be put in the same category as vanilla gay sex.

Stroking himself, Mike stood up and started licking Jonah’s cock, sucking until his lips met his brother’s. Mike and Jonah’s tongues fought for space around the cock in both their mouths. Mike had never tasted another man before but in this perfect moment, he knew he wanted to taste more. He came quickly, splattering Jonah’s belly in white, not long before Jonah shot his own hot load down Mike’s throat.

Mike pulled away as Jonah’s cock retreated back down his own throat. “I think I should sleep in your room tonight,” Mike suggested.

“Sounds like a plan!”


Part 4

Alex was in his bedroom, watching porn (he was currently on a video of two guys fucking one girl together) and stroking his cock when he heard the door buzzer. He shut his laptop, pulled up his trousers and went to answer. He had his own small flat on the fourth floor thanks to a combination of student loans, generous parents and a part-time job. Hearing Jonah’s voice over the speaker, he pressed the button to let him in and waited for him to come up.

He opened the door, peeked out and watched the staircase, waiting for his friend. After a little under a minute of waiting, he was leading Jonah to his living room. They sat on the couch, turned towards each other, as Jonah stumbled nervously over his words.

“Th-there’s something I wanted to show you b-but it’s kinda… super weird.”

Alex smiled nervously. “Hey, whatever you’ve got to share, I won’t mind! What is it, an embarrassing rash or something? I’ve seen plenty in the locker room so wherever it is, I’ve seen a thousand times befo—”

“Not a rash!” Jonah interrupted. “It’s just… something strange I can do now.”

He lifted his arm in front of him and stretched his forearm towards the ceiling. Alex tried and failed to keep the grin off his face as he watched in amazement.

“It doesn’t hurt, does it, J?”

“Nah man, feels really good actually!”

Alex, starting to look a little embarrassed, asked “Um… is it just your arm you can do that with?”

“Why, what else were you thinking?”

Alex wasn’t sure how to respond to the question, but the suggestive smirk on Jonah’s face reassured him that they were on the same page.

“You could make your cock huge, right? No guy would be able to resist that! You could even suck it yourself!”

Jonah shuffled closer to the jock, saying “No guy could resist? Is that a promise?” before pulling his trousers down past his knees and letting his hard 18 inches spring up, hitting his chest. Alex licked his lips slowly and started stroking his friend’s massive hard-on with both hands. Licking up and down this meatpole while locking eyes with its owner, he took one hand off to pull his own shorts down, freeing the 9 inches he had been quite proud of before meeting this monster.

Jonah moaned as his now hyper-sensitive cock was licked and sucked and stroked, Alex unable to stop worshiping the scrawny twink. It crossed his mind that anybody could walk past Jonah on the street without even noticing him, unaware of the sex god he had become.

With Jonah’s pole still between his lips, Alex leant forward and kissed his guest. The pair made out with the extended cock pushed back and forth between mouths by tangling tongues. Jonah felt himself being shifted by Alex. Where his thighs had rested on the couch, now his tailbone took his weight as his ass was proudly displayed.

Jonah felt pressure on his hole as Alex’s manhood pushed against it. All Jonah could get out was an approving “m-hm”, but Alex knew what it meant. He pushed his cock deeper, thrusting back and forth as he made out with both Jonah’s mouth and cock at once. Jonah, with his increased bodily control, tightened his hole, squeezing and stroking his crush’s cock deliberately. Both boys were moaning and grunting intensely.

Jonah came first, shooting ropes of sticky white jizz into both of their mouths, he shrunk his cock back to its original length while swirling his cum around both his and Alex’s mouths. It was only a few seconds after this that Alex came too, pumping his friend full of cum. He pulled out and let the white nectar drip out of Jonah’s hole.

Finally parting their lips and swallowing Jonah’s jizz, the two boys locked eyes and started laughing together.

“Holy shit, J! That was insane!”

“Oh my god, I can’t believe we did that… Um, what now?”

“I’m all out, I don’t think I can go again until tomorrow.”

“So you wanna do this again?”

“Are you nuts? Who wouldn’t want to do that again? That had to be the best sex of my life! Easily the craziest anyway.”

He paused in thought, tilting his away from Jonah, then turned back with a grin. “How about we go for dinner on Friday, then come back here for the rest of the night?”

Jonah smiled back at him. “Are you- are you asking me out on a date?”

“I figured if we’re boyfriends, I won’t lose my ticket to that cock of yours,” he tried his best to look horny and seductive when he said it but the façade quickly fell to a sheepish expression. “But seriously, I’ve been wanting to ask you that for a while. I know we didn’t talk much before college but I always thought you were cute.”

Jonah kissed Alex again, only pulling away to say “Yeah, I like the sound of boyfriends.”

4 parts (4 new) 3,303 words Added Oct 2024 1,085 views 5.0 stars (3 votes)

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