Weekly Update: 31 August 2024

This week’s offering from me is a double-header: the end of the direct-commissioned tale “The River God”, and the latest installment in our pot-laced edible Patreon-commissioned tale “The Right Blend.” And if that’s not what you’re looking for, there’s a lot more below. Dig in and see what you like, and if you do remember to star-upvote and comment to help others find what they’re looking for.

Two small site-fix announcements. First, I noticed this week that for stories with two authors, the second author has been showing in the listings but not in the byline on the story page, owing to a glitch in the code I only just now uncovered and remedied. Sorry, co-writers! Second, the stats page started crashing at the start of the summer. I’ve gotten it up and running with the basic stats and charts (revealing an unexpected and significant uptick in views over the last few months, so that’s nice). I may add more charts back in later, but the page is working again.

The Friday Flashback this week collected stories with friendly androids; check that out if you missed it. The next update is a week hence, on 7 September. In the meantime, thanks for visiting, and enjoy the site!