Weekly Update: 20 July 2024

This week’s offering from me is more of my Patreoncommissioned story about randy, hairy, muscle-growth-lovin’ football fans. And if that’s not what you’re looking for, there’s a bumper crop of smut. Dig in and see what you like, and if you do remember to star-upvote and comment to help others find what they’re looking for.

The Friday Flashback this week collected stories about retroactive reality-change; check that out if you missed it. Humble thanks as always to my lovely Patreonites, without whom I wouldn’t be able to do what I do. If you have a story you think might play well with the other stories on the site, I’d love it if you shared it with us.

The next update is a week hence, on 27 July. In the meantime, thanks for visiting, and enjoy the site!

Weekly Update: 13 July 2024

After a long string of commissions I was left to my own devices this week, so for funzies I went in search of yet another artifact of the universe. Hope you like! And if that’s not what you’re looking for, there’s a banquet of smut below. Dig in and see what you like, and if you do remember to star-upvote and comment to help others find what they’re looking for.

The Friday Flashback this week collected epilogs and final chapters capping off long stories; check that out if you missed it. Humble thanks as always to my lovely Patreonites, without whom I wouldn’t be able to do what I do. If you have a story you think might play well with the other stories on the site, I’d love it if you shared it with us.

The next update is a week hence, on 20 July. In the meantime, thanks for visiting, and enjoy the site!

Friday Flashback: Epic Epilogues

This week we’re collecting final chapters and epilogues to some of the longest stories on the site. Do they provide a tidy end, open new possibilities, or leave the characters hanging?

Check that out, or browse the archives and see what you find, ’cause there’s a lot of stuff back there.

The next update is tomorrow, 13 July. In the meantime, have fun browsing and exploring, and thanks for visiting the site.

Weekly Update: 6 July 2024

After taking the week off last week, this week’s offering from me is compensation: one direct-commissioned story update and two Patreon-commissioned story updates. That’s a lot of lusty glazes and easily-dropped boxer-briefs. And if that’s not what you’re looking for, there’s more below. Dig in and see what you like, and if you do remember to star-upvote and comment to help others find what they’re looking for.

I made a small change to the site this week: if you are using the routers to page through stories with a certain tag, as I sometimes do, you might have found it inconvenient to have to find the same tag again to keep stepping through the series. With this change, if you use the tag routers to go to the next, previous, or random entry in that tag, it should show up in the tag list as highlighted so you can find it again easily. I know there are other changes to the site that people have requested, and I’m hoping to find time to work on some of them later in the summer. If you have a feature you would like to see, let me know using the contact form or via Insta or BlueSky.

The Friday Flashback this week collected stories updated in July 2021; check that out if you missed it. If you have a story you think might play well with the other stories on the site, I’d love it if you shared it with us. The next update is a week hence, on 13 July. In the meantime, thanks for visiting, and enjoy the site!

Friday Flashback: July 2021

This week we’re collecting stories from July of 2021. It was a pleasant surprise putting this together, just because there were so many great stories I haven’t thought of recently and would love to see more of. Hope you have a few favorites here, too.

Check that out, or browse the archives and see what you find, ’cause there’s a lot of stuff back there.

The next update is tomorrow, 6 July. In the meantime, have fun browsing and exploring, and thanks for visiting the site.

Weekly Update*: 29 June 2024

This week there’s no story from me, but I’ll be back with at least two stories next week. Meanwhile, there’s some great stuff below, both continuing and new. Dig in and see what you like, and if you do remember to star-upvote and comment to help others find what they’re looking for.

The Friday Flashback this week collected stories featuring exceptionally helpful personal assistants; check that out if you missed it. Humble thanks as always to my lovely Patreonites, without whom I wouldn’t be able to do what I do. If you have a story you think might play well with the other stories on the site, I’d love it if you shared it with us.

The next update is a week hence, on 6 July. In the meantime, thanks for visiting, and enjoy the site!

Weekly Update: Vignette Party #27 (Part 2 of 2)

This week it’s part two of the record-breaking Vignette Party, with four more stories being updated from prompts by my beloved (and gratifyingly horny) Patreon $15+ subscribers. Thanks so much to all of the people who support me at every level. Without you, there wouldn’t be a Metabods as we know it today!

And of course, there’s more below. Dig in and see what you like, and if you do remember to star-upvote and comment to help others find what they’re looking for. Speaking of which, we need contributions! So if you have a story you think might play well with the other stories on the site, I’d love it if you shared it with us.

The Friday Flashback this week collected stories related to Pride month; check that out if you missed it. The next update is a week hence, on 29 June. In the meantime, thanks for visiting, and enjoy the site!