Weekly Update: 18 February 2023

Sorry for the slight delay in posting. This week’s offering from me is a new chapter of the Patreoncommissioned story “Casey’s Mancock”. Plus there’s lots more great stuff more below. Dig in and see what you like, and if you do remember to star-upvote and comment to help others find what they’re looking for.

The Friday Flashback this week collected stories of sexy Valentines past; check that out if you missed it. Humble thanks as always to my lovely Patreonites, without whom I wouldn’t be able to do what I do. If you have a story you think might play well with the other stories on the side, I’d love it if you shared it with us.

The next update is a week hence, on 25 February. In the meantime, thanks for visiting, and enjoy the site!

Posted: 18 February 2023  • 

This week’s new stuff: