Male scent

by Frank Easky

Apprentice magician Sean’s potion exceeds his expectations, causing his personal musk to spread muscle growth to those who smell it.

2 parts 14k words Added Jul 2002 65k views (#78) 4.1 stars (17 votes)

Part 1 Apprentice magician Sean’s potion exceeds his expectations, causing his personal musk to spread muscle growth to those who smell it. (added: 1 Jul 2002)
Part 2
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Part 1

I just put the finishing touches on the potion and was ready to give it a try. I'd been studying under a great herbalist and witch, but only for one reason. I desired to be big. Actually my desires were in a conflict. I desired to be huge, muscular, and very tall, yet at the same time I still wanted a man who was bigger than me to wrap himself around me and make me feel protected, comforted, sheltered. Now I was going to get ONE of my wishes at any rate. I had been picked on all through my life so far because of my height, being 5' 4” and a scrawny 5’4” at that. I didn't really hold it against those who picked on me, and I wasn't mad at them, but I was oh so jealous. I mean, if I were at least 5 to 6 inches taller I would be average. At an average height maybe my body would respond to my workouts? Well I would soon find out.

I studied very hard and learned very quickly about what was real and what was not in the magickal world. I also learned that a lot of magick was actually a very profound and precise science of chemical reactions. Take herbology for instance. Mix some herb here with that weed there and you have an itching powder. Mix two other seeds, leaves or plants and you have a cure for the hiccups. All a very real science. When you add magick however. Well, then the fun REALLY begins. It can help alter what one has mixed together or enhance it.

There wasn't an exact spell for what I was looking for so I had to sift here and dig there to come up with my own. I finally did it though and this was the day I had been waiting for. I put in the last ingredient at the stroke of noon and began my chanting. There was a small breeze that suddenly picked up and wafted through the room. It invigorated me and I felt almost blessed to continue on with my “experiment.” When the breeze stopped and my chanting was done, I drank my potion. I felt a sudden burst of energy flush over my body. I was ready to climb Mount Everest! Swim the Atlantic Ocean! I would leap tall buildings! Whoa! This packed one hell of a rush…… I was coming down off of the high, when I began to notice it. My feet were uncomfortable. They felt cramped. I looked down and saw that my shoe was stretching, getting longer….maybe a little wider too. Then I began to hear the faint sounds of tearing and they gradually got louder. I could see splits beginning to develop along the sides of my shoe, and my feet began to stick out. I was almost in tears because of the pain of my feet being stuffed into this ever shrinking shoe. Then finally, relief came. With one loud and long rip, my feet fought their way to freedom and continued to grow. I wanted to watch and see how much bigger they got compared to my shoe, but my hands started to pulse with pain. I looked and saw them getting longer and longer, thicker too. THESE were hands. Hands that would hold a basketball in its closed fist, well not quite, but I should be able to hold a basketball one handed no problem.

The pain moved quickly to my legs. I watched in the mirror on the wall, as my pants hem started creeping upwards, climbing higher and higher up my leg. I began to notice that my legs were ballooning out as well. The hem seemed to get caught on my calves. They inflated outward getting larger and larger, huge, pulsing, heart shapes attached to back of my shins. As the blood pumped through them, they swelled ever bigger and eventually the split the hems of my pants, allowing the pants leg to continue its climb up my body. The climb would not be successful. My thighs weren't about to let the calves have all the fun. They too bunched and inflated, expanding more and more. They became so thick that each of them had to be larger round than my waist! The massive quads pressed against the fabric of my jeans until the jeans letting out a scream of terror and agony split in several places revealing the thighs that were so huge I had to stand with my feet at least shoulder width apart. My hamstrings connected the calves and thighs with chords so thick, so strong, you could have suspended a bridge from them.

My jeans just barely hung on around the waist, the button having popped off. I mean my waist was still tight and thin, but since I was getting so much taller it still was bigger round than my once former waist size. But the jeans looked like a blue hula skirt hanging off of me. I was going to take them off, because something else had apparently grown. I could tell because to think of moving sent pangs of pain from my crotch. God I wanted to see how it had grown! I hadn't though about that in my plan…. But, my attention was drawn to my torso which wasn't about to be outdone by the legs. I felt a few small pangs in my stomach, like I was getting butterflies. One flip. Two flips. ……“ungh!” I felt like my stomach had just been powerfully sucked inside out However, I now felt as though I was very hard, solid in my stomach area. I pulled up my shirt and stared at my abs. They were beautiful! Hard, solid, an eight pack of a washboard! Two columns of four ab muscles just slightly off center from one another. I was almost in ecstasy ready to blow just from the sight of my abs when I realized things were getting tight in the back… Oh this show was just beginning! I turned my back to the mirror. I saw the fabric of the shirt stretching farther and farther. The shirt was hanging lose around the waist, but soon began to “V” upwards to my shoulders. My back and lats were spreading outward, wider and wider, broader. They began to push my arms up and away from the sides. My arms were beginning to hang at forty-five degree angles from the floor, and they hadn't even developed yet! The fabric split and gave way in screaming shrieks of hopeless agony. My shoulders, (were those shoulders they looked more like cannon balls!) just barely had the sleeves hanging on them.

What I missed by watching my back was my chest however. I almost cried over not seeing it. The front part of my shirt was decimated. Buttons had popped and flown everywhere. What should have been pieces of ripped cloth looked more like strands of thread hanging over my emense pecs. They were huge, thick, wide and self like. They looked like they stuck out half a foot from where my abs met them. Two gigantic serving platters made of granite.

I glared at the last vestiges of the shirt, the sleeves and the collar and watched them surrender pitifully. My neck not to be under balanced with my calves began to blow up. Thicker and thicker it became. The shirt collar simply tore loose in an instant, as my neck became as thick as my head. If I weren't so tall, one wouldn't be able to tell I had a neck! But then, my hands spasmed and flexed and I watched my forearms become thicker and larger. They looked they size of my calves, of other men's upper arms! The forearms puffed up until veins, huge, thick, and red sprung out of them like many snakes and worked their way up to my upper arm. The fabric was already crying from the strain, begging for the pressure to stop. When the veins hit my upper arm, my bis and tris responded by expanding at a doubled pace. The rip of the sleeve came so fast I almost did hear or see it. The sleeve just suddenly fluttered to the ground. My arms continued to swell with the pumping of blood that the veins brought until they hung at my sides (?) almost parallel to the floor.

I stood there looking at myself in the mirror. I was MUCH taller than when I had started and my muscles where everywhere! My face had stayed the same except my jaw seemed a little square-er and I had these terrific dimples going. The biggest difference facial wise was that my eyes which were once a dark blue, now were a bright vivid violet. Oh, and my hair! My hair became shoulder length and was THAT brown. You know that brown, so deep and rich in vibrant color, that in the dark or when wet appears jet black, but out side in the sun shines with deep golden highlights…. I sighed I couldn't believe what I had done.

“ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha….” Laughter came from near the door. I turned around and saw my mentor with my spell list.

“So you couldn't come to Madame Dvorsky about this matter hmm? You couldn't ask for her assistance in this? You had to sneak n steal huh? This was your plan all along wasn't it? You didn't really care to learn the craft did you? You just wanted to satisfy a personal itch…. Don't worry I won't reverse the spell. That couldn't be completely done anyhow. But I will leave you with the trouble you have caused for yourself. You don't know everything about herbals and magick yet. And you have caused a great force in you that you will have no idea how to control. I will let you live for a while with this mistake. That and you are no longer welcome to take lessons in the craft here. That shall be your punishment. You and I can remain friends, but no magick.”

“Thank you Madame, I think it is just and I can live with that decisi….”

“You think it is just now, but you won't soon. When you've had enough and are truly repentant, then you come back to Madame. I shall undo what needs to be undone and we'll see about completing your training.”


“My boy I would not be a decent witch if I allowed even one untrained apprentice to walk around the earth. I'd rather have a student be completely knowledgeable and turn to dark intentions than have one blundering fool cast spells with half a wit! Too messy…. Now to show there are no hard feelings I shall call my sister to come and whip you up something.”

“What, you're giving me another potion?”

“Not potion my dear boy…..ha ha… Sean, my babooshka, look at you, you're half naked, and from what I can see, at the first sight of a gorgeous man, you'll be completely naked, and what good will your new looks do you in jail? Clothes! I'm talking clothes…….now where is her number….”

With Madame Dvorsky's sister's help, I found out I was seven feet tall even. Whoa what a spurt…. And my stats were roughly: 84 inch chest, 40 inch upper arms, 36 inch waist, 43 inch thighs, 331/2 inch calves. I was freaky!

I spent two weeks there while I waited for my clothes to be made, and my shoes—good God size twenty!- to come in from ordering. After I had the set, I was politely shown the door and told to go home. Thank goodness I was self-employed; I never would have been able to keep a job for disappearing for two weeks. It was also a good thing I was an artist, cause that meant my apartment was a studio and I could still feel comfortable walking around my house. The trip getting there was a different story. I don't know how many times I banged my head into the tops of doorframes. There would have been one hell of a headache goin' on if it weren't for the fact I was getting so turned on by this proof of my new size. Ducking through the doorways, stooping in some rooms even! Turning sideways to get through the subway doors. I had to think really ugly thoughts, cause my dick was gonna support a tremendous boner if I didn't. The subway seat felt so small as I rode the train towards my stop and my apartment. It was fairly late at night and no one else was in the car. Old fears began to run through my head as I wondered, “what if a gang gets on, or even a mugger?” I laughed suddenly remembering my new body. And if someone did try to rob me what would they do? I could have them sprawling on the floor in minutes.

The sub stopped. The doors opened. I saw a small boy with a back pack get into the car. He was cute and wide-eyed. Blonde, wispy hair flitting here and there in the wind. Looked kind of scared. He saw me and looked as if he'd pee his pants. Course I guess I would too if a giant from the fairytales I read had suddenly appeared. He sat down very nervously and the train took off.

After a while of the track rhythm being the only chatter, the boy looked down my way and softly spoke.

“Are you a basketball player?”

“Uh, no. No I'm not.”

“Do you play football?”


“You're a wrestler then right? You're like the Giant…..”

“ha ha . No… No I'm not a wrestler. Just, uhm, an average big guy.”

“Well you look like a pro sports start of some type….You're a good guy aren'tcha?”

“Well, yeah I hope I am.”

“Good. Mom said I should try to find a good guy to help watch me on these train rides.”

“Well your Mom's probably right about that. If you don't mind me askin', how old are you and what ARE you doin' riding the subway this late?”

“I'm ten, and I'm going up a few stops to visit my Dad. My parents are divorced. Mom drops me off at one station and Dad picks me up at the other.”

“So there's a stop in between where you get on and off? Don't your parents worry about something happening to you?”

“Yeah they do, but I'm a little tall for my age. Most of the time people think I'm twelve or thirteen. So they don't bother me too much. …….Mister, can you smell that?”

“Mmm no what?”

“That smell… it stinks. It kind of smells like my dad's T-shirts after he's done playin' ball.”

“No I don't smell anything…”

“It's really smellin pretty bad. Can't cha smell it. It's really bad now!” I was trying to figure out what he was talking about. I couldn't smell anything. I new it couldn't have been me I just showered. I didn't smell anything in the air of the subway, except the staleness of it. That's when I heard him whimper.

“Mister, I hurt…… I think I may need a doctor… nmmmm.”

“Hang on kid we're almost to a stop. We can get off there and tell an attendant to call your parents.”


It was too late. With that scream I turned and looked at the boy whose face was beat red. He was trembling all over as if his whole body was in spasms. On that scream however, the pain was released. The boy grew. Now I don't mean the boy started to grow, I mean he just blew up. When he screamed his body just exploded outward..BOOM! He split right out of his clothing. If his parents thought he was tall for his age, they're going to think him huge for his age now. He still looked like the little boy facial and body structure wise, except now he looked to be around six to six and a half feet tall! I stared in terror. What the hell happened? What made him do this? The doors to the car opened and I bolted like a scared rabbit and didn't stop till I reached the surface. What the fuck was that! I could feel the beads of sweat running like rivers off my back and forehead. I walked a couple of blocks towards my loft. On the subway it was still seven stops away. I eventually hailed a cab.

As I got in, I noticed it was an elderly man at least sixty years old behind the wheel.

“Who Nellie! You're big 'un aren't cha! You one of the basketball players?”

“uhm, no. And I'm not a wrestler or a football player either.”

“Oh sorry, I guess you get asked that a lot huh? Well you know most people just assume with that type of size comes a love of some sport. Sorry if I rubbed ya the wrong way. Do you have enough room back there? I can adjust the front passenger seat to give you more room?”

“Uhm yeah that would be nice. Thank you.”

“My name's Jeffery. Nice to meet you.”

I gave him the address to my loft. He started talking like most cabbies do, but I was lost in thoughts trying to figure out what had happened to the little boy. The motion of the car, the drone of Jeffrey's voice and the recent excitement was putting me to sleep. We weren't to far from my home when Jeffery asked a question.

“Hey do you smell that?”

“Smell what?”

“That stench. Like a guy's locker room. You ain't doin' nothing sick in my cab are you?”

“No!” What was this smell? I couldn't smell it. This was becoming something out of a horror movie.

The cab started to slow down, and I heard muffled cries coming from Jeffery. It was happening again! I watched in shock as Jeffery clutched his wheel and finally with one scream he kind of burst. It wasn't like the kid. I just saw his shirt rip down the back a little bit and his sleeves popped a little as well. He also seemed to sit a little taller now, and his hair suddenly flushed jet black from the white it had been.

He turned and looked at me in surprise. That look gave way to a pleasant smile and he spoke to me in a voice now soft again with youth!

“Whoa that was wild. Look at me, I'm young again. I've got to be, at the oldest, twenty years! I also feel a little taller and stronger too. What did ya do to me mister?”

“I ….. I ..didn't..”

“You know I got married when I was twenty. Had just started college too. Marie was my wife's name. God she was the best thing to happen to me. I lost her about three years ago. She thought I was very straight laced and traditional. That's why she married me. Didn't have the heart to ever tell her that when she met me I was experimenting both sides. With this new youth I think I'd like to see what I gave up and if you don't mind me sayin' so, you have one hot bod I'd like to explore.”

Normally I would've jumped on this chance. He was of Italian decent it seemed, dark skin, thick black hair, deep puppy eyes, and now a tall, strong build, although not taller than me. Yeah, normally I would've melted into a puddle and said, “Take me home…..”, but circumstances what they were, I was very much surprised that my new King sized body hadn't dropped a king sized load in my new king sized jeans! I threw the man a fifty-dollar bill and ran up the few blocks to my apartment. Shit. Shit. SHIT! What the fuck was happening. Was I creating this? What was this smell? I thought back to my potion and then realized….pheromones. I had used some pheromones in the spell and that addition mixed with something else must have caused a reaction that sends out my spell to other men! I don't know. I wasn't sure. There was a lot I didn't know about magick and herbals and chemistry. God! This is what Madame Dvorsky meant! I paced back and forth in my loft when all of a sudden I heard a knock on the elevator door.

“Hey Sean! You home man?”

O god! It was the neighborhood kids. Well not kids actually. They college students. I wasn't much older than them at twenty-four. They enjoyed hangin out with me cause I was still young enough to enjoy their taste, but old enough to have a cool pad and throw parties or just bummin' sessions.

“Hey let us in, man! You've been gone for two weeks.”

I approached the door.

“Uhm, yeah guys. I had an opportunity to go to Paris and see some of the artwork there. Study it for a while.”

“Well cool, let us in and tell us all about it. We wanna know everything. Especially about the 'French curves.'”

“Shut up dummy you know Sean is gay. He ain't gonna tell you about the girls.”

“Well let him speak anyway, you forget two of us here in the gang are gay too.”

Always a little argument going on between them. What a wild bunch of guys.

“Guys…guys… I'll tell you all about it later. Right now, though, I just got in and I'm uh…feelin' a little jet lagged.”

“Okay if you sure…..we got you're favorite alcohol….”

“Hey what's that smell.?”

I froze.

“It smells like the gymnasium.”

Even through the door it's strong enough?!?

“Man the super here must not have had the sewer pipes cleaned.”

I backed away from the door, slowly, silently. If those seven guys did half of what the boy or the cabbie did, I'd be in real trouble. I don't think I could move tomorrow morning, but hmm what an eye feast and fuck fest it could be! No…. I had to control this..

“Well whatever the smell was it's gone now. You sure you ain't up for it tonight, Sean?”

Good. “Yeah, I'm sure. I'll catch ya on the flip side tomorrow.”

I ran to the bedroom, hit the bed (Lord, this thing is small now), and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and called my best friend Scot. If I was going to control this I needed to get away from people. I had no idea if my theories about this smell were correct, but I had an idea of what it did and that it came from me.

“Yeah, drop by my suburb place, Sean. When I get home I'll give you the key to my penthouse downtown. I'll tell all the service people to take a vacation and that'll give you all the privacy you need. At least once you get past the hotel.”

“I'll get by the hotel. Just give me the place to stay.”

I got to Scot's place and let myself in. It was nice of him to leave it unlocked for me. I strolled down the hallway and upstairs. It was about ten o'clock. Scot said he'd be home during lunch to give me the key. Another nap right now would do me wonders. I entered the master bedroom. Whoops, I want the guest bedroom…. I was just about to leave when I noticed, Scot's sneakers. He was a big man. I looked at his size seventeen sneakers and then held it next to my feet. They were a little small compared to mine now. Course I was two inches taller than him now too. I sat down on his bed. He had no idea why I needed to get away. Wouldn't he be surprised when he came home and saw me. I pictured him coming in the doorway. His six ten frame topped with that thick mop of platinum hair. His blues eyes sparkling with an icy coolness. His lanky, swimmers build sauntering into the room stopping dead in it's tracks when he realizes he has to look up to me now. I could take him into my arms and grip him firmly, “I think you need to service me….” I started to rub my expanding crotch. I was getting lost in a fantasy about dominating my once huge friend. Suddenly I was dreadfully brought back to reality….

“Hey! You one of dad's new boyfriends?”

It was Jacob, Scot's son. Scot tried bein' bi for awhile when he was younger and at age eighteen wound up havin' a kid. Now sixteen years later, the girl was long gone. Didn't care to have any reminders of Scot so she just dumped the child off at Scot's doorstep, the bitch. But it had turned out all right. Scot's parents watched him while he finished school. He landed a major job right away; he grabbed his kid and moved into a modest apartment. He got several promo's up the ladder and boom became a branch head, moved to the city, got this house, penthouse, and his sixteen-year-old son. I often thought it must be quite a blast having a sixteen-year-old kid and at thirty-four still being young enough to really enjoy some rough housing with him. But now, what was I to do…I should bolt for the door.

I could do that. Bolt for the door, knock him out of the way, and leave before it hits. He'll be easy to take out. He's only around five ten. Hadn't hit puberty just yet. I can take him down and leave. Hopefully he hadn't been standin' there too long. “Wait….. Uncle Sean? Is that you? What the fuck happened to you, and what is that stench?”

“No!” I knocked him outta the way, hard! I started to fly down the steps, but I still wasn't used to this body, and size twenty shoes on narrow stairs don't work too well. I tripped half way down, hit the landing, skidded across, and slammed into a wall and marble pedestal. The pedestal came down on my stomach. No damage down, but it knocked the wind out of me and left me dazed just long enough for fate to do its job.

“Sean, what gives! Let me give you hand….”

“No….you've got..”


Time's up. He moaned a few times and then let out a scream that curled my insides. Just like the boy on the subway, Jacob literally blew up. He grew so fast his clothes didn't rip, they shattered. He was huge. I stood up and looked at him. He met me face to face, maybe an inch taller. I'd forced him through puberty in less than sixty seconds. No wait he still looked boyish. He still had baby fat. No pubic hair.

“What the fuck!”

“uhm, just hold on a sec, Jacob, and I can explain everything.” And I would've too, but Jacob started to grimace again.

“Hey! This fucking hurts!”

For whatever reason I glanced down at Jacobs's feet and watched them spread everywhere. They we're gigantic! I nearly blew. I looked up and watched as Jacob started to head for the ceiling. His feet grew out till they were these huge slabs of meat. Look like they were two feet long or more. His legs starting getting longer, thicker, harder. Huge veins began to appear around his calves. You could see the blood run like a vast red river as it pumped through. Each time the blood rushed, the calved blew up, getting thicker and thicker, wider, harder, steel cables of sinew and tendons began to run through it. It became this huge diamond shape thick with size and mass, yet defined to the point where you thought he had no skin. These couldn't be calves. They were as big as my arm, I'm sure of it.

The veins wrapped their way up and around the leg, plugging themselves into the thigh. Jacobs thigh began to twitch, shake, and flex, as it started to blow up like balloons. These were quads! They bunched and grew, until Jacob started to move his feet wider and wider apart. He couldn't stand with them closed together. Each thigh grew until it looked to twice the size of his waist with deep cuts, striations, and thick powerful hamstrings crossing everywhere.

Now Jacob moaned, long and low in orgasmic ecstasy. The veins worked their way up his torso and town to his crotch. His member just oozed out of his crotch as it grew, looking like playdough coming out of one of those press sets. It just grew effortlessly longer and thicker til it hung like a club. He wasn't growing a dick. He was growing a third leg. It hung at his knees and stopped. It hung limp, but so thick! What would it be when ready for action? I soon found out. The veins spread over this huge organ and caused it to get longer, thicker, and start to rise in the air. This anaconda was looking for something. Jacob grabbed the thing in his hand and pulled it up watching in wide-eyed awe at what was happening. It grew up his seven pack, met his chest, and worked its way up to his chin and finally stopped at his mouth!

My god! What was it? Three, four feet long, and at least as thick as his damn forearm! He gave me a wry smile and started to nibble on its head, but was overcome by sharp pains.

He doubled over onto the floor, and when he came back up, I could see the veins had spread to his balls and abs. His balls blew up first. They just bigger and bigger, hanging lower and lower until they appeared to be the size of melons. “This boy will shoot gallons of cum”, I thought. At the same time his abs rolled and grew until the seven pack he had looked like it was made out of cobble stone. Swing a brick at this stomach and it'll break in two. Using the abs as a ladder, however, the veins were far from finished. They crossed over his pecs, shoulders, and lats until he looked like he was riddle with tic-tac-toe boards. The lats grew, pushing his arms out and up, making a wedge in his back that looked wider than an upright piano. His shoulders rounded and expanded until they were the size of cannon balls. And then there was his chest. His pecs had grown thicker, wider, broader, and barreled out such that it looked to be the size of a culvert pipe. This was shelving material! Deep cuts, definition. So freaking thick it pushed his nipples till they pointed straight down. I watched as the veins began the last of the show. They moved up to Jacob's neck and I watched as they slowly inflated it ever thicker til it was as big around as his head. The veins slithered their way down around his arms and forearms. Jacob, smiled as he held one arm in a pose and watched as the head of his bicep got larger and larger. The one still hanging down, seemed to lift and push farther from his lats. He looked like he was getting so freakin' huge that his arms now hung UP from the sides of his body. The tricep soon balanced and equaled its bicep neighbor, which was forming a peak so large I thought sure I had climbed it in Austria once.

Then as I watched Jacob started getting darker. Yeah him and his dad were a nice olive color, but I realized this had nothing to with skin pigmentation. Hair had begun to sprout around Jacob's body. A good coat came in over his legs. It was so hot. You could tell he was fairly hairy, but they were little wispy blond hairs. They spread to his crotch coming in thicker and darker there. Yeah, a nice clump of dense, dark hair that worked its way up the abs and spread out nice, thick and curly all over the chest. What a love trail! It sprouted under his arms and then to his face and finally his hair became this brilliant, hot white, platinum and grew till it hung in thick curly waves midway down his back or abs, depending on which side you saw him from. He'd been stroking himself this entire time now, and it a grunted moan of orgasmic pleasure, released the first load of his new manliness. It headed for me, a great torrent of white rapids. Liters of new man juice splattered against my torso.

He walked up to me. I looked at him. Good Knight! The top of my head only reached the middle of his chest! He grabbed me, and held me up pinned against the wall.

“What the fuck was that!”

“I don't know…..”

“I wanna do it again….damn this feels great!”

He looked at me with a sparkle in his eyes.

“There is nothing more that I wanna do right now except to you bed and screw you till you scream, except for one thing.”

“What's that?”

“Doin' the same thing with my boyfriend. I think I go find some type of clothes to fit into and go pull him outta class….”

“Speaking of class young man, what were you doing out of it?”

It was Scot. He apparently saw most of what transpired and Aww shit! I missed the transformation on him………..

“I got permission to work on my computer project at home, since we have more advanced computers. Besides even if I had decided to cut class, what are you gonna do about it now?”

“You may be big, but you don't everything. I'm still your dad and I could take you down. But for right now, go get your boyfriend and have fun. Which by the way reminds me. You never told me you had a BOYfriend.”

“You never asked.”

“Well don't make him too tired. I may want to meet him.”

“Same for your new lover there. See ya, Uncle Sean. Nice new look and thanks for what ya did to me.”

Jacob ran upstairs and left us alone. Scot turned to me. He stood as tall as I did and was heavily muscled, though not nearly as big as I was, but definitely no slouch.

“Well I can see why it is you needed to get away from it all. Jacob's right. Nice new look, but those clothes….that cum stain color isn't quite in fashion.”

Scot led me back up to his bedroom. He pushed me to the bed and slowly pulled my clothes off, rubbing them against my skin. I got rock hard. Scot was gorgeous before, but now…and he a regressed to be about my age, or younger I think! My dick was slappin against my nipples. He pulled his clothes off and revealed his package that had grown to go about half way up his abs. He gently moved in on me, face to face. He glided his face to the back of my neck and gently nibbled my ear. Then moving down he gave me kisses down my neck and chest, breaking into a long, velvety lick til he got to my crotch. He placed his mouth on the side of my prick and slowly glossed up to the head. He then placed the head in his mouth and began to suck me of ever so slowly, I thought I would explode from blue balls by the time he finished. He almost had me reaching orgasm when he bit the end. I let a little yelp and he jumped up knocked me to the bed and popped his beef stick into my mouth. I firmly grabbed his ass and started rocking him back and forth while he was in my mouth. I ran my tongue everywhere and kept loosening and tightening the seal, which I formed around his organ with my mouth. He began to moan loudly. He pulled out, flipped me over and laid down flat on top of me. He matched my position perfectly and if I moved, he moved with me. He began to gyrate his hips so that his long, thick schlong slid up and down my back. While doing this he messaged my hands and then sat up to work on my arms, neck and back. My god stop….I'm gonna burrow a hole in this mattress! He then flipped around. Still skimming his precious prick up and down my back, he began to message, smell and kiss my feet!. Every once in a while giving them a tickle. He then groped and felt my legs, grabbing and pinching the hamstrings particularly hard. Again he flipped around. This time he started fondling my ass and he stuck his face in and began to lick slow long strokes. I was shaking, trembling, I was gonna blow and make Jacob's spew look like an infants piss stream. Then he got up and backed off. I lay there turning questions in my mind. “What the fuck is he doing?”

“Is he getting something?” My dick became petrified. “Touch me again you fucknut!” My balls ached so much I began to cry. “What is he waiting for!!!” I was almost about up and turning around, when a wave and pain and pleasure came from my ass. “Ughnnnnmmmmm!”

Scot had waited just long enough and then slammed into my butt, but hard. I the sensation was over whelming. I nearly lost consciousness. He began pounding with long, full strokes, while using his hands to stroke my body in time, rhythm and action to his prick. I grabbed the sheets, tearing them, trying to hold on to this feeling as long as I could.

Suddenly he asked, “What do you want from me?”


“What do you want from me. If you could have any part of my body, what would you want from me?”

I thought this kind of silly to ask, but I was too caught up in ecstasy, so I answered think more of his member than of his body.

“I want your muscles.” I felt that center of my brain explode as I reached orgasm. A few seconds later he reached his pinnacle too and exploded inside of me. I felt a rush of energy surge through my body. Scot collapsed on top of me, but I began to slowly feel another heaviness. I. I …me, myself felt heavier, stronger. I rolled Scot over and walked across the room. My footsteps seemed louder than before. I looked in the mirror and gasped at what I saw. I was enormous before, I was completely freaky now! I stumbled backwards to and on top of the bed. I fell beside Scot who placed his arms around me, snuggled to my chest and we fell asleep.

The next morning, Scot helped me get some new clothes, and gave me the key to his penthouse.

“Well it's late evening now, so it should be fairly quiet. Most everyone should be checked in. I'll have my longest stretch limo take you there and let you in the back door. Hopefully, the limo will be long enough that you don't effect my driver, although Luis might be quite the turn on after a sniff of you,”


“Don't worry about it. From the back door head straight down the hall, it runs into the lobby with the elevators immediately on the left. Press the penthouse button and turn this key in the lock and away you go. You give Madam what's her face directions?”

“Yes I did and she'll be there around two in the afternoon and work the magick to stop this. Shouldn't take very long.”

“Great then I'll be there around three to perform some voodoo.”

I got into the limo and rode to the Hotel. It was long enough to keep the scent from Luis. I'm sure Scot will be disappointed. I ran through the garage and past the back doorman so as not to trigger him. I got into the elevator, pressed the button and turned the key. The doors were just about shut when about four or five hands all stuck themselves in the way causing them to open. About seven teenage boys anywhere from five-foot two to six foot six got in.

“You boys go ahead up to your rooms and go to bed, we've got a bid day ahead of us tomorrow with all the sights to see. I'm gonna check with the manager about my room. Remember I'm just a floor below. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be on the same floor.”

“Okay, Mr. Harris,” the boys answered mock politely.

I was going to move out of the elevator, but they held to their positions, blocking my way. I could knock them over, but with their chaperone in the lobby there that would draw undue attention and people to myself. One of them looks at me.

“Hey are you a wrestler?”

“Uhm, no.”

“Oh. That's cool. You're big enough to be one. Thought you might be. We've got tickets to go see some wrestling tomorrow night.”

“I see.” I said. “And what school are you guys with?”

“Oh we're not with any school. We're part of a group called 'Late Bloomers' for kids who don't mature until very late.”

“Well, what do you guys have to worry about. I mean you're all around twelve to fifteen or so right?”

“Oh no! Minors can't go on trips to the big city. It's supposedly too dangerous. All of us are senior types. Eighteen years old. It's just none of us have tried to grow up yet.” They all laughed.

The elevator doors started to close as they finally pushed their button.

“So all of you are eighteen.”

“Yes sir, we're all eighteen. Hey…..What's that smell?”

I think I'm gonna have some fun……..


Part 2

“Well, what do you guys have to worry about. I mean you're all around twelve to fifteen or so right?”

“Oh no! Minors can't go on trips to the big city. It's supposedly too dangerous. All of us are senior types. Eighteen years old. It's just none of us have tried to grow up yet.” They all laughed.

The elevator doors started to close as they finally pushed their button.

“So all of you are eighteen.”

“Yes sir, we're all eighteen. Hey…..What's that smell?”

I think I'm gonna have some fun…….. No! I can't do this I gotta get control. I pushed the boys aside and just barely made it through the door and ran down the hall. I got to the stairwell and started the climb up to the penthouse floor. Okay, I'm away from them. They won't know where I am and I can keep a lid on this 'til tomorrow. I've saved them a lot of trouble, their parents a lot of headaches, and me a lot fond memories. No! Can't think like that. Jeez even though with this body I'm not tired, it still is a LONG way up. I'm praying no one is usin' the stairs.

Eventually, I make it to the top floor, down the long hall to the door, and inside where I collapse on the couch. I'm still fantasizing about the boys, Scot, Jacob, the cabbie…..But I couldn't let this get out of hand. I mean how would we explain all of these huge men cropping up? I did the right thing. It was best to leave those boys like that than to have to explain to parents and authorities what happened. That's when the door shut and I jump up with a shot.

“You're right, Greg. The dude is what smelled.”

“What….How did you…”

“You'd already programmed the elevator for the penthouse, Duh!”, Ping said. “When Greg said he thought it was you that smelled, we figured we'd ride the elevator to see what floor you got off on and wait for you there. We never figured it was the penthouse. What digs!”

“You gotta go.”

“No, you gotta tell us why a giant man, who's not a wrestler, smells so bad? What's your gig anyway?”

“It's a long story and I don't have time.” I ran for the door to open it and usher them out.” You young men have got to…..”


“Greg! Are you o-oooohu!”

“Steve, whaaa-uh!”

I turned and saw that my darkest fear, my current deepest fantasy, was coming true. The boys began to grow. Each one of them, as Jacob had done before, went from current height to full height in a matter of seconds, but still looked as if they we're in junior high. Then slowly they began to get taller, as if they were having their growth spurt all over again, only this time they were experiencing puberty and becoming men.

Greg, the shortest at five foot two, started first. Blam! Within mere seconds he ripped outta his clothes and stood six foot one. Then slowly he continued to grow getting taller, wider, and broader. What originally started out as a cute little Irish looking lad was now a burly Irish MAN. I ran with a tape measure and took notes. Seven foot two and a fourth inches. A thick mop of red hair hiding piercing green eyes, connecting to an awesome reddish five o'clock shadow, dense thick red hair all over his chest and a body fit for a gymnast.

Steve and Sky, the twins were next. Golden skinned babes from the Native Tribes. Their bodies sprang up from five foot five to six foot four and a half and slowly like great stalks of sunflowers climbed to height of seven foot six and a fourth inches tall. Their jet black hair coming down to meet the middle of their broadening back. They were one of the major athletic ones. Wished to be football stars, and their new bodies showed it. Massive amounts of smooth, hairless, reddish tanned, beefy muscle were packed on their frames. They could be a whole NFL team by themselves now.

Pat was next. The average American boy. Slight frame, brown eyes, and brownish-blond hair. His five foot eight boyish looks sprang up to six foot nine and continued on to become eight feet one half inch of model madness. All American hunk in king size. His frame was somewhere between the gymnast and the football player. A broader, bigger Brad Pitt.

Dustin and Tommy, short for Tomas, were next. They we're the basketball players. Dustin was African-American, deep black thoughtful eyes with his rich ebony skin on a lanky frame. Tommy was pure Latino. Brown puppy eyes with a beetles cut, jet black hair, and an olive complexion. Dustin looked like he jumped about a mile when the spurt hit him. Wham! Six feet to seven foot two in nothing flat. Thomas became super stretch! Zing! From five foot eleven to seven foot even. Inch by inch they crept their way taller and taller. Dustin became an eight foot eight and a fourth tall Nubian prince with Tommy not too far behind at eight foot six Aztec god! Both were slightly larger built than swimmers. These were members of the dream team. Let's play ball boys!

Ping was next. His real name was Yu something. I never quite caught it. But they used to tease him about looking like Mulan, so they called him “Ping.” He was into lifting weights for body sculpting. His oriental features with that boyish face made him look like a china doll, but that soon changed. He saw what had happened to the others and tried to meditate his way through it, but he screamed like the rest of them when it hit and his five eleven frame suddenly sprang up to six ten and then on to eight foot four. His muscles came in huge, yet almost graceful like. He wasn't quite as big as Steve and Sky, but he was far beyond the swimmer or gymnast build. His feathery, onyx hair, covering his deep, thoughtful and perplexed almond eyes. He looked at himself in wonder and started doing Tai Chi to get used to his body. Hmmm, oriental cooking. This was Jet Li, king-sized!

The last one effected was Lars. What would this do to Lars? He already looked like a Nordic giant, being what once was the tallest at six foot six; but it hit him as well. He went so fast you swore you heard the tendons rip. One second he was six -six, the next he was seven foot ten and a fourth and eventually grew to be nine and a half feet tall. He also was majorly into football and the muscle that began to pack in on his limbs showed it.

I was in heaven—eight boys, now men between seven two and nine foot six and all muscular to some varying degree. They began to shift their weight looking at one another. They felt up their bodies to make sure it was real. Eventually they all smiled and looked at me. Their cocks grew and grew and grew. You see them all from half way up their abs to Lars who did like mine and touched the top of my chest.

There they stood massive, giant men with logs for penises.

“We're freakin' unreal!” said Dustin.

“Yeah, but Lars still has you beat there buddy.” Called out Greg.

Tommy finally turned to me and said, “I think we need to thank you for this. We smelled you before this happened, but now I don't. Does anybody else?”

“No.” was the reply from all of them. Nervously I asked. “So how do you purpose to thank me?”

Lars replied quickly, “By jumping your bones….” And a wry smile came over his face.

“But you boys don't have too.”

“It's cool. We're all gay. Our teacher doesn't know it, but we all had come to that conclusion about two years ago. So, chill and relax. We're gonna party tonight. Each and every single one of us”, said Dustin.

Lars came close and hovered over me, “Besides, I've been hot for you since we came into the elevator!”

He picked me up and placed me on the couch and began to fondle my crotch. Watching them grow, I had already blow, so my jeans were wet and I thought for sure I wouldn't rise to the occasion, but some how I did.

Suddenly I thought, “Hey wait a minute guys before we get carried away, what are you gonna tell your teacher? I mean all eight of you have suddenly grown up and become men and giants at that. What are we gonna do?”

“That's tomorrow”, said Steve. “THIS!” he said flexing his arm, “THIS is tonight. Besides, he's in bed by now anyway, in one room or another depending on if he got his room arrangement fixed.”

“Well we need to think of some story to tell him about the nine of yo…..Wait I just said nine. There were nine of you in the elevator earlier. Where's the other guy?”

“Oh he saw the gym in the other room and decide to give it a go. He'd like to be a bodybuilder, but his muscles don't seem to grow.”

“Well there about to.” I said with a smile.

“No don't go….”

“Hey I can't leave your buddy like that and you guys being behemoths and all. How fair is that to him. Besides, it'll happen sooner or later when he comes in to see what your up too.”

We all went to the gym. It was empty, but there was no other way out than through the front door and we hadn't seen him in the living room during the transformation. The boys lined up along one wall, and I lied down underneath the bench press and began hackin' out some weights. Okay almost all of the weight in the gym. Damn I still can't get over how big and strong I am. And I'm nothing compared to these kids.

We heard a commode flush, fairly soon a door opened and out stepped their friend JeanPaul. J.P. was around five foot ten and had a nice slim physic about him; if he lifted weights it showed little. Look wise he kind of reminded me of Joseph Fiennes, from Shakespeare in Love. Feathery black hair, smoldering eyes with long eyelashes, pouty, full lips. He strolled over to a machine bench press next to the free weight one I was on.

“So you did get off here. I was beginning to wonder.”

He didn't even notice the guys along the wall.

“So how many reps of what weight can you do?”

“I'm not sure I lose count. You lift?”

“I try.” And he began to crank away at the weights. They were a little heavy for him, but he kept pushin' himself harder and harder. I started lifting with him too, keeping his pace. He was stripped down to just his shorts. I watched his muscles work under the pressure of the weight. I wondered how he'd grow. From the lifting of the weight, watchin' him work out, and my own lusty thoughts, I began to get hot and sweaty. Not just sweaty, but very sweaty. I took my shirt and pants off and kept lifting. Before long I had the bench and the floor covered in puddles of sweat.

We switched machines and free weights frequently. We had gone through a complete workout cycles. I was just about to give up and head for the showers, when he finally piped up.

“So you were what caused the smell.”


“I said, 'You were what caused the smell.', and you smell twice if not three times as bad now. God your rank!”

He kept lifting the weights, then suddenly he had a little trouble pushin' them up. He let out a little groan. One of his friends spoke up from the corner. “Hey, Jean Paul, take it easy. Don't strain yourself.”

“No pain, no gain man.” And slowly he lifted the weight up, but he was seized by a massive spasm. He doubled over and turned red, then purple. His body kind of began to turn almost black. His spasm released and he fell back on the bench with a loud groan. His eyes were still wincing in pain and his mouth still ushered forth little moans. Suddenly he stood straight up, but yelled as if in excruciating pain and his breathing became labored.

He pointed out his left foot and flexed it. Slowly we could see it growing. Not just growing as the other boys did. This didn't spurt, then slowly grow huge. His foot just started growing and didn't stop till it looked to be almost three feet long and almost a foot wide. He flexed his other foot and it two grew and grew. His breathing became faster and faster and he started moaning. He pointed his leg out and flexed his calves. He shins started to get longer, longer, growing into long spindly legs that soon started to fill up as if he was being pumped up with helium. The calves filled until they looked like a balloon ready to burst. Then they stopped, quivering a little. Slowly parts of it began to shrink back stretching across the bulbous mound of muscle. The skin tightened itself around the thick chain of tendon and sinew connecting to the thick huge ankle and foot.

When both shins/calves were done he flexed his thighs and as before they got longer and longer and the quads got fuller and thicker. His muscles were vast! Enormous! They looked twice as big and thick as the other boys. The muscle pumped out so far you thought it'd flex of his skin. Rips, ridges, cuts so deep in muscle so thick, they'd become valleys you could loose a child in. But something else was slightly askew. These legs looked far longer than the other boys did. I mean even in comparison with Lars….

Next he kind of flexed and squatted like he was taking a dump, and we saw his but expand out, not too far out, but out, bubble and harden, and then, the package in his shorts began to bunch. It was getting larger, more cramped. He soon had a good sized lump of mass in his BVDs and it was continuing to grow, stretching the fabric to its limits. Eventually we hear his underwear rip and saw it flutter to the ground, revealing a now free fire hose that hung from crotch to just below the knee. From that squatting position, he started to do crunches, then he stood up and started to roll his stomach. Slowly you began to see the cuts appear in his abs. The began to roll slower as the cuts got deeper and each little ab began to plump up bigger til they looked like seven huge roll tops stuffed in a bread pan. Mmmmm I'd love to run butter down those.

J.P. next began to flex his chest back and forth and with each flick, his chest would jump out. Flex, pop, you could see a chest outline. Flex, pop—you could see it from a natural average ridge. Flex, pop—they now hung like to crescent moons; good gymnast material. Flex, pop. Flex, pop. Flex pop. He was now approaching a deep, wide, thick chest almost ready for big boy competition. Flex, pop. Flex, pop. His pecs were huge, freaky slabs. Even without the lats and back he appeared to be as broad as the wall. Flex, pop. Fleee-e-ex, pop. His chest stuck so far out. It barreled out from the rest of his body. He almost looked cartoonish. His nipples were not only pushed way down, but almost looked inverted, pointing back to his own body! And now he was flexing his back and shoulders. He shoulders blew up first. I thought Lars and mine were big, but these. I mean forget cannon balls. They were as big around as wheels. And the back moved upward and outward. Broader, BROADER, B R O A D E R ! I think he was as wide as a semi-trailer. The “V” tapered down to his waist all right, but he was so broad that the “V” was a little distorted, looking more like a bracket }.

The flexing continued up his neck, where the muscles became so thick and huge, it looked like it was having a hard time connecting to his head. The flexing and pulsing worked its way down to the arms and J.P. started doing all kinds of bodybuilding poses. Biceps pose, a triceps pose, a most muscular pose. And every time he flexed his bicep, it leaped up higher. It'd mound larger. It went from lump, to baseball, to football, to basketball, to as big around as my head! And the tri's weren't any different. They matched the biceps inch for inch. Then he began to flex his wrist and his forearm expanded. It grew and grew, plumped and pumped, pulsed and popped till you didn't believe you were looking at a forearm. You were looking at thighs right?

Then, J.P. stopped he hung his head and stood there with his chest and back heaving, as if he were a bodybuilder contestant waiting to be judged. Then he began to scratch, a little on his chest at first, then his arms, and his face, and his legs. The striations that were on his body began to get covered up a little bit with hair. It came in thick and rich on his calves and thighs and small sprinkling on his feet. It came in next on his forearms with a hint on his upper. Then you could see a small scattering on his chest and abs. You couldn't say his was a baby chest, but you couldn't call him hairy. It was just enough to hint at a love trail; just enough to play with. It was a tease and a half. And then it came in on his face. He got a beard, but one of those stubble ones, the two day beard look. However, you could tell. He had that type of facial growth—shave at six a.m. and by eleven he had a five o'clock shadow. The last of it came as the hair on his head grew down and hid his face. A thick, ebony, flowing mane of light, fluffy hair.

I grabbed the tap measure and ran over to him. I stopped. I, at seven foot, wasn't looking at a human; I was looking up a wall. The smell spell had increased with my working out. I was meeting him eye to crotch! With him against the wall and the tape measure in my quivering hand, I slowly raised and moved the tape. I backed away from the wall, both of them, and whistled.

“Sorry Lars…. I'm sure you could already tell, but he's far bigger than you are. Eleven feet even.”

The boys gasped. J.P. placed his huge hands on my shoulders, which now seemed so small. I watched his dick as it began to slower expand and grow thicker, longer, harder. Crept up to his abs, up to his chest, up to his chin, up to his mouth, and finally stopped at his eyes. He pulled my close and said, “My wildest dream has come true and I think it's time to pay back.”

From the other side of the room Steve yelled out “Penis Party!”

J.P. picked me up and carried me into the living room. The other guys had made their way in there and pulled out the sofa bed, laid out the cushions and pillows and went into a few of the bedrooms and got the mattresses and pillows out of there. Before long, the whole living room floor was one giant bed. Someone eventually lit all the candles and a fire in the fireplace, and turned on some soft music and turned off the lights. J. P. lay back on a section of the “bed” while I bent over.

“No….” he said softly, I'll wear you out or break you if I take you first, you won't be able to have the others then. ”

He slapped his member and grabbed me by mine and slowly tugged letting his hand slide to end of my shaft as he pulled. I approached his cock, took his precum and lathered my hands with it and slid them up and down the enormous length. I then started sucking on the head while rubbing my hands, arms and body up and down the shaft. The whole time he was pulling and tugging on my mine with one hand and rubbing my balls with the other. It seemed like an eternity but finally he began to arch his back in ecstasy. His eyes were in the back of his head, and he screamed out “What do you want from me?”

God, this was weird. Scot asked the same thing when we made love.


“ What do you want from me?”

I wasn't sure what to say. But I remember looking up at him to see his face. I mean he was lying down so I didn't have to actually look “up” at him, but I remember thinking his face still seemed so far away to look at. “Hmmm,” I groaned, “Your height.”

No sooner had I said those words than he shot his load. I drank and drank and drank all of his man juice. It seemed like gallons. I couldn't believe how much he held; how much I was drinking!

He seemed to settle down, but then almost as quickly raised back up again.

“O!…mmmnnnnn. Eeeahhhhh, uh uh uh . O god! I'm gonna blow again! What do you want from me!”

I was using my feet to grope his big huge arms at the time marveling at them while I continued to nibble on his dick, so I answered, “Your muscles.”

Again, he arched back in supreme bliss with his eye looking at his brain and again I was treated to the manly milkshake, I had just taken seconds before. It came long, fast, and constant as it did the first time. I couldn't believe he was gushing a load like this so soon. I couldn't believe I was drinking it all again! J.P. slumped from his arched position and laid there breathing heavy but drifting into a deep sleep. That's when Lars found me. I felt this tickling at my rear and suddenly—penetration. Ugh! The action was so intense! The rubbing caused a quivering in my lip, along with a slight pressure and pain in my ass. The two combined to send me reeling into orgasm and I sent a huge load splattering onto J.P.'s stomach.

“Damnit, I missed that serving!” Lars boomed out.

His hand came around my torso grabbed my prick and smacked it while stuffing more of his freaking huge anaconda up my bubble butt!

“Naughty boy. Can't you see? J.P. is spent. I'm your partner NOW!” and in further went the branch of this mighty redwood. J.P. continued to pull me back, pushing himself in and then pushing me away. He'd ask all sort of questions and if I didn't give him the right answer, he'd smack my dong, squeeze my balls or pinch my nipples. He seemed like an eternity of this blissful roughhousing. I don't know how I was taking it or how long it had gone on, but finally his actions became a little sporatic. His pushing and pulling became jerky and I realized he was going to blow. His back arched. His hands clawed. His feet pointed and stretched. His head tilted back and his eye glazed over and suddenly he asked, “What do you want from me?”

I thought, okay the big guy listened in on J.P. and I and figured he'd ask the same questions. So I played along and answered as I had before. But, just as J.P. had done, so did Lars. Within a matter of seconds he was cumming not once, but twice. A huge torrent of manly milkshake flooding my ass. Yet, I felt none dribble out. My tired body now felt energized and I watched Lars collapse on the bed breathing heavy and writhing in pleasure. The next guy soon caught me up. The Irish giant, Greg, grabbed me next. He was the playful one. We rolled and tickled and fondled until he just popped his dick in my mouth and exploded. He fell back spent as Pat came and got me. He was the macho one. He laid down flat and had me do squat thrusts on his prick. Then he flipped me over and proceeded to do pushups in my ass. He ordered me to reach behind and feel him up, while I counted each rep of push-ass. When he gave in, Ping came over and worked on me. He used an eastern approach. He pressed pressure points on me here and there and I felt ecstasy like I've never felt it before. Waves of pleasure would ripple through my body, through my member—each time he pressed a spot on my skin. He would stroke himself faster and harder each time he heard me moan. He kept messaging my body, pressing here, stick a small needle there. My whole body was feeling the tantalizing tingle from toes to lower lip! I felt like I was going to explode and I started to shake. Ping quickly applied more pressure points and my shaking stopped, but the feeling didn't and the points, needles, and rub downs started all over again with this feeling building up in me. He made me shake three times or so and then finally started working my ass inside and out and on the fourth time of shaking he pressed some pressure points and I released and jerked and spasmed like I was sending out every ounce of male energy I had. He came at the same time and slumped over on me drained but happy.

Steve and Sky joined me next, working me in tandem. The came up and found something to use for war paint and gave me a design on my face. They started slapping me and chanting, as if they were looking for a fight. I grabbed one of them and tried to get him to the ground. I almost succeeded, but the brother came around and got me. We wrestled for a while and then I felt a pain on me right hand, something sharp had just been dragged across it. Each of the twins took turns shaking my cut hand and I noticed theirs were cut too! Then they took some of all of our blood and painted designs on themselves and me and then began to grope and fondle me while chanting. I started to break my moaning into kind of a chant and they really went wild. Finally, Steve put his colossal cock in my mouth while Sky went in for an anal probe. The started squeezing areas on my body faster and faster and I seemed to be having seizures of pleasure as my body just shook and trembled. Soon I took protein shots from both ends and I got it ALL!

Dustin was next. He called him self an Egyptian prince, heir to the pharaohs. He was part human, part god, and in his case that god was cat like. He ordered me to bow before him and then demanded that I give him a bath. Not just any old bath, a tongue bath! I glossed my tongue over every inch and in every cranny that body had. He lit up incense and potpourri 'til we were almost high of the smell. He then had me lie down on his “throne” where he said he would bestow godhood on me. He dove in with his royal staff and massaged my body upward from waist to shoulders as he went in, then kind of clawed his way back down scratching my back as he pulled out. When he delivered his spiritual essence, the last of them, Tomas, came over. Tommy had found or made a black mask. He proclaimed himself to be Zorro, then Don Juan.

He took roses he found and ran the petals up and down my body as he groped and fondled it. Rolling my pecs around with one hand and my balls with the other. The whole time he was reciting poetry in Spanish then English, on how beautiful I was. He then gave me a series of long passionate kisses; entwining our tongues and working around mine like it was another appendage. He slowly rolled me over and very slowly pushed in side, while singing slow, low, and soft love songs. He pulled out just as slow. This was an intercourse that would take months! But this sent shivers down my spine! I think I came not once, twice, but three times before Tommy finally did and collapsed in a heap.

I crawled my way to center of the “bed.” I was a little sore, tired, and in a dazed and blissful state over all the lovemaking. I had felt recharged after each encounter, but now I suddenly felt VERY tired. I tried to think though on what was happening. Each of them wound up asking that question “What do you want from me?”, and I in turn had responded with height and muscle to each of them in some way or another. As I pondered this problem I soon drifted of to sleep. I began to have a fantasy dream. I just had mine come true, how could I be having a fantasy!?! But I saw myself walking through these woods and it seemed that the deeper I went, the trees and the houses I came across kept getting smaller and smaller. I soon came to rest by a house that only stood as tall as my waist. While I was resting nine little dwarves came out and proceed to fondle, and grope, and cuddle up to me. Each of them eventually falling asleep in some vast crevice of my body. Eventually though, another dwarf came out and started rubbing on my thigh and sucking on my schlong. The sensation became so very real that I began to wake up. I glanced down, and thought I saw Sean. Na….. he couldn't be here. I shook my head to clear it, not much good. My eyes were starting to roll with pleasure. I looked down again, and Sean was still there. He put his finger up to his lips and said, “Shhhhhhh.”

I realized that I felt like something was lying on various parts of my body, so I glance around to see what was causing the feeling. I couldn't believe my eyes. Sky and Steve were curled up near my abs. Pat was cuddled next to one arm and Greg next to the other. Lars and J.P. were each holding onto a leg in their raptured sleep and Dustin and Tommy were near my feet and Ping was on my left shoulder. But,… they looked so small! I glanced down at Sean, who was still working on my member and he smiled a wry smile. He raised his hand in a “wait a moment” gesture and kept working on my engorged dong. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I moaned and came in a great torrent. Sean sat there and took it all, hungrily like he couldn't miss a drop. Then slowly he started crawling his way up to me. It was amazing, for being over eight feet he looked very small to me. Yet, now he didn't look so small. He had climbed up to my waist and was approaching my abs. I began to feel a heaviness on me. It was getting heavier, but it warm and sexy feeling like that of another body. Then I realized, Sean's feet were still touching mine! I looked down again to see his head at the top of my chest, with a wide grin. His muscles were getting even more enormous then they had been, full and pumped with blood. Slowly he reached my face, staring at me eye to eye. He was as big as I was and we were, I was pretty sure, bigger than the boys.

He saw the questioning look on my face and spoke, “Madame was here. It's now five o'clock the next evening. It seems you had quite and orgy last night. We had a hard time trying to get anyone awake. Anyhow it seems your potion had a double whammy. Those that you made grow, could in turn make you grow, and as you can tell the boys certainly did make you grow. Madame met us this morning and came into the apartment. She gave you and herbal rub down that would cancel the spell, so it's no longer working, but she can't undo the effects of it, so we're all stuck as these huge, hung, big, beefy men, damn the luck.”

“The teacher finally figured out where the boys were and called the cops. Lars went out to talk to them. You can bet they didn't give him much trouble. The police were at first confused, because the teacher was talking about his minors and of course Lars didn't look like a minor. They eventually got all the boys up and they all pulled out their driver's license and compared faces to pictures. Luckily the boys still looked enough like themselves that the police believed who they were. Ping told them he was helping you conduct an experiment, after you two had talked in the elevator and an accident occurred. They all felt fine and liked the changes and decided that they wanted to stay here for a while. Mr. Harris said no, they had to go back and that was that. But, seeing how the boys are all eighteen, and giants, legally there was nothing the police could do. If the boys decided they wanted to stay, they could stay. The police did say however that the parents should be notified of the accident and the boys all lined up for pictures and recording of stats so that the parents would know what's gonna eventually come home to them.”

“After that was settled, Dad and I showed up. He saw you were spent and changed, and decided he'd get to work having this penthouse rebuilt to accommodate you, since you're now so big your not getting through the door. It was decided however that you couldn't be this big all by yourself. What would happen if you went nuts or something? Someone had to be able to match you. Madame agreed. It was decided that straws would be drawn to see who the lucky person was. I don't know how Dad's gonna take it, but I decided to get in on that pool and I won! So, Madame made another potion for me to drink and as soon as I drank your essence I would grow to match you, and voila!”

As he was describing this I could feel him get heavier as his muscles filled in. He moaned a little during the discussion as his member, and mine, began to get ragging hard ons, which we enjoyed feeling slip up our bodies, but good knight how they grew! Our cocks came to the top of our chest and past it, our chins, our mouths, our eyes and eventually stood about two feet past the top of our head! We rubbed up and down each other a little bit, feeling our pulsing rods of power.

“So, do you wanna know how tall we've become?”, he said breathlessly.

“Yes!” I moaned.

“Twenty feet four inches tall.”

We both came on the spot.

“I can't wait to find out my other stats…..” I said.

“We'll measure ourselves, tomorrow.”

And we both fell asleep.

2 parts 14k words Added Jul 2002 65k views (#78) 4.1 stars (17 votes)

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