Making the rules

by EdIam

Frank likes structure and rules in his home. Desmond likes corrupting families. Whatever could happen when the two meet?

2 parts 23k words Added Sep 2021 10k views 3.8 stars (5 votes)

Part 1: Frank’s Rules Frank likes structure and rules in his home. Desmond likes corrupting families. Whatever could happen when the two meet? (added: 4 Sep 2021)
Part 2: Desmond’s Rules  (added: 11 Sep 2021)
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Part 1: Frank’s Rules

I truly loved having breakfast with my family. It was one of the best moments of my day, honestly. I was a firm believer in rules and a well-structured schedule, and breakfast at 6:30 every morning was probably my favorite of these rules. My family had an opportunity to check in on one another before the day started and we could gear up for another well thought out day.

But today, Clay was uncharacteristically whiny and demanding which, despite his best efforts, wasn’t quite enough to ruin the morning. But it was certainly wearing on me.

“Maybe tomorrow night, sport,” I calmly answered to my youngest son, Clay, despite being mildly upset that he’d also shown up to the breakfast table still in his pjs.

“But Dad, you’ve let so many of my other friends stay the night and you let Jeff have his friends stay over all the time. And he just moved here last week. I’m, like, his only friend at this point and I really really want to get to know him and he asked me if he could come over and…” Clay whined.

Looking over the newspaper I was calmly reading through, as was my morning routine, I made somewhat forceful eye contact with my 18-year-old son. He was sitting across from me, next to his mother, still in his pjs like a slob, eating his bacon that his mother had made for him without breaking much eye contact with me. I was slightly alarmed that it appeared very evident that he hadn’t showered yet this morning and, at this rate, he may not have enough time to before school. To make matters worse, he had an uncharacteristic BO to him that was less than favorable considering I ensured my family took their hygiene very seriously.

“That is very kind of you, Clay, but it’s a school night tonight and Jeff always had his friends stay on weekends as well until he went to college. He’s older now and even though he lives in the basement, he doesn’t live by the same rules he did when he was your age. You know that as well as I do. If you truly want to bring… umm… your friend… what was his name again?” I asked.

“Desmond,” Clay retorted, somewhat annoyed.

“Desmond. Right. If you want to bring Desmond for dinner tonight, that is fine. But you are going to live by the same rules that Jeff lived by when he was still in high school. And you best hurry through your meal so you can go get yourself clean. You know as well as I do that you should have been showered before you even came down for breakfast. Is that clear, young man?”

“Yes, sir,” Clay said as he finished his last piece of bacon. “May I be excused?”

I excused Clay so he could get ready for school and get his shower done as I took a few bites of the bacon my wife, Linda, had prepared for me. We smiled at one another in a knowing way. She and I both knew that Clay was usually so well behaved and followed our structured routine with ease. But he was, hopefully, showering now and would be right as rain so we began chatting about our days briefly until Jeff appeared from the basement in his casual clothing. After a brief good morning, he grabbed some toast and began buttering it, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

Jeff had chosen to come back home for the summer between semesters at school to work at the local hospital as a med tech. Clay had been jealous that Jeffs’ semester ended a good two weeks before he would be graduating from his senior year of high school, but it was all in good fun. The two of them were the best of friends really. But what was truly amazing and made me so incredibly proud of Jeff was that it wasn’t particularly necessary for him to even work as a med tech at this point, as he had saved up plenty to just relax over the summer. But he wanted more experience working in different areas of the hospital so he could respect everyone’s perspectives once he graduated. He’d been in school the past two years doing his pre-med prerequisites and planning on becoming a cardiac surgeon. I had to admit, both our sons we’re incredibly intelligent, attractive, athletic, and kind hearted boys. Much of that had to do with the very strict rules we’d placed on them.

Both Linda and I came from strict Roman Catholic households and we were successful, happy, and well-adjusted people. It was only natural that we’d bring our two sons up in the same environment. And, much like us, they’d flourished under the structure. Both of our boys were our pride and I couldn’t have been happier with how they were growing up.

While Jeff had always been the consummate older brother, looking out for younger Clay, Clay, too, looked out for Jeff. I honestly couldn’t think of a time when they two of them ever fought. Even the mild ribbing Jeff gave Clay about being on his ‘summer break’ before him was taken all in stride by Clay. Linda and I truly did luck out with a couple great guys for sons.

Both Jeff and Clay also inherited much of my masculine presence. I was a broad shouldered, black haired, brown eyed, somewhat hairy athletic man. I’d played a lot of football in high school and in college, and both of my sons followed in my footsteps. The three of us still hit the gym together, which was easy, considering we bought weights and other work out machines for our basement. Jeff was on his college football team, had the same dark hair and dark eyes that I had, and was a bit of a heart breaker. He’d had a couple pretty serious girlfriends throughout high school, but now seemed pretty set with his current girlfriend of three years. At 21 years old now, he was getting pretty serious with Becky. I was pretty sure my boy was about ready to pop the question.

Clay, now at 18, was also seeing a very nice girl from our church pretty regularly these days. Mary was just as smart and athletic as my son, so it wasn’t a surprise when I saw them kiss on the front porch a few weeks back. Things were getting pretty serious!

Clay, too, had my dark hair and dark eyes and kept a bit of a shaved look, but chose to keep it rather scraggly and short as opposed to Jeffs’ bushier beard.

All in all, Linda and I were incredibly proud of the two upstanding, talented, and attractive men we’d been raising. Other than the surprisingly argumentative nature and lack of normal hygiene from Clay this morning, very rarely did I have to get stern with them. They knew that our rules were for their betterment.

Jeff eventually sat down across from me and I stared a moment at his almost annoyingly bushy beard. I, on the other hand, kept my face clean shaven. It may be a generational thing, but at 42, I felt like I was presenting a more professional air when shaven. Jeff, on the other hand, tended to let his facial hair grow out. “When you going to shave that ugly stubble off? You always looked so much more handsome without it” Linda teased as she reached over and scratched at his face. I smiled over at her, knowing she had the same viewpoint I did.

Jeff, for his part, just laughed. “Hey, if you convince Becky to tell me to do it, I’ll gladly follow her instruction. But she likes it, so good luck there!”

We both definitely liked to tease Jeff and Clay about their facial hair, but it was all in good fun. I didn’t really mind all that much that they kept their facial hair, and, if I had to be honest, it was partially their genes that caused so much hair. All three of us had hairy chests, arms, and legs too. I couldn’t blame them for what was in style now, but I couldn’t help but feel as though they’d look so much more dapper and professional if they just shaved their faces.

We all laughed as we continued nibbling at our breakfast. Linda always seemed to be on top of everything at home. By no means was I what many of the millennials might call anti-feminist; Linda just loved to take care of me and our boys. So every morning, she had bacon, eggs, and toast, at the very least, before heading off to the bakery that she owned. I, luckily, had a pretty straightforward schedule now that I’ve worked my way up the ranks as chief surgeon at our local hospital in a surprisingly fast amount of time. Combined with the fact that Linda created her own hours at this point, owning such a successful bakery, and my pre-set surgery schedule, we always tended to have everything at order at home. Not that I couldn’t do a load of laundry, but Linda always seemed to be on top of it before I could.

Eventually, Clay came back down, dressed in a nice t-shirt and jeans, ready for school. His hair seemed to be slightly disheveled, but I assumed he’d just hurried through his shower and didn’t have time to style it like normal. Jeff, on the other hand, worked the weekend shifts this weekend, so he had Thursday and Friday off this week. Today being a Thursday, he said that he planned to do some studying and perhaps meet up with Becky later in the day.

Excusing herself, Linda leaned over and gave me a kiss as she said her goodbyes to Clay and Jeff with a quick peck on the cheek. She headed out the door, ready to get into work to assist her workers.

My first surgery wasn’t until later that morning, so I had the chance to stay back and clean up with Clay and Jeff. As we started clearing the table, Clay asked, more politely than before, “So, I don’t want to speak out of turn again, but is it ok for Desmond to come over for dinner tonight at the very least?”

I smiled over at him. Clearly, he’d taken the slight reprimand to heart.

“Of course your friend can come over for dinner. Just text your mother so she can plan accordingly,” I stated calmly.

“Oh awesome! Thanks so much, Dad! Honestly, I just met Desmond a couple days ago and have really only shared a few lunches with him, but I think you’ll all really like him!” Clay eagerly announced as we finished cleaning the kitchen.

“This Desmond kid must be pretty awesome for you to want him to come over so badly, bro,” Jeff lightly teased leaning in to playfully punch him. He made a weird face as he got near him, but I didn’t think much of it.

“Oh, man, Jeff. I don’t know what it is about the guy, but I just really want to make him feel welcome. He sat with me and, I have to admit, at first I thought he was a bit forward and kind of weird, but yesterday, he really just proved himself to be an awesome stand up dude. I’m excited to get to know him better!”

I was slightly taken aback by the joy that Clay expressed for this new friend. Clay never had a shortage of friends, honestly. He, and Jeff for that matter, were both incredibly popular. With the number of sports they were involved in, their high academic prowess, and their level of attractiveness, there didn’t tend to be a shortage of friends and girls seeking their attention. But I couldn’t recall a time when Clay was this persistent about someone… especially someone he evidently just met.

I let my wandering thoughts pass. I was being a little silly thinking into the insistence that Clay had for his new friend Desmond. But I tried to just get my mind off of that weird desire for his friend to come to dinner. Especially after Jeff sneakily whispered to me that Clay smelled horrible.

Jeff then headed back downstairs to get ready for his day, Clay set out for school before I had a chance to even smell what Jeff had smelled, and I set off for work. I didn’t have a busy day, by any means, but I was the kind of person that truly focused on work once I got there. So I let my mind forget the strange behavior of Clay and Jeffs’ report that it didn’t seem Clay had even showered as I’d told him to. I just focused on work and, luckily, I only had one surgery planned for the day and then was on call so I knew that I could get home relatively early to get caught up on the new Netflix series I’d been eyeing. Linda and I had agreed to watch it together, but I had to admit I’d been sneaking a few episodes here and there.

The surgery was a rather simple seven hour procedure for me and so I finished even earlier than I thought I would and told my staff I’d be heading home and to call if there were any emergencies. More often than not, being on call simply meant I’d get paid to relax at home. Luckily for me, my hospital staff tended to handle most situations on their own and being one of the only adequately staffed hospitals in the city, rarely did an on call doctor have to return.

As I pulled into my driveway, I saw that Clay and his new friend pulled in right behind me. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was a little after 4 o’clock, so it made sense that the two of them would be arriving home from school. Granted, I figured Clay would have been here slightly earlier than that as school got out at 3, but I figured they probably hung out a bit before heading home.

I got out of my car and walked towards Clay and his new friend, who, for the life of me, I couldn’t remember his name. Despite not recalling his name, I found it even more bizarre, just by the look of the kid, that Clay wanted to hang out with him so much.

He was a bit, well, a lot fatter than Clay, not nearly as good looking, and clearly didn’t care much about making himself presentable. His hair was slightly overgrown and he had a unkempt beard. And I didn’t want to be rude, but he quite a disgusting stench to him. He had similar dark hair and eyes to me and my boys, but beyond that, it didn’t appear as though he would have much in common with Clay based on his appearance. He looked to be a bit shorter than Clay, who was about 6’0” and still growing slightly. I was at 6’2” and his brother Jeff was about 6’”3. So I knew all three of us would tower of the young man who was probably about 5’7” or so. He also seemed to stare into my eyes a bit more intensely than I would have liked, so there was clearly a level of social awkwardness that the kid had.

“Hey there, sport. This must be your new friend you told me about. I’m Frank Hawkins, Clay’s dad,” I stuck out my hand to shake the boy’s hand, not wanting to be rude and indicate I’d already forgotten his name.

After a moment, the boy grabbed my hand and shook it, never really looking away from my eyes. “Desmond Miller. Nice to meet you, Mr. Hawkins. Thank you for having me for dinner. I brought a bit of fruit juice for you all.” I noticed he was holding a bag with something wrapped in it, presumably his pitcher of fruit juice.

He continued to stare at me in earnest and, I had to admit, it unnerved me a bit.

Eventually, Clay broke the silence, “Yeah, Dad. I had some of his fruit punch yesterday! It’s so good. I even kind of urged him to bring us all some so I drove him to his place, met his older brothers and parents, and had him bring some here!”

Throughout it all, Desmond still stared at me and shook my hand. I forced my hand free and smiled with fake politeness, “Sounds great. Uh, well, boys, I’m on call so I’m going to be in the study. You two have fun and your mother and I will let you know when dinner is ready.”

I walked away, confused beyond belief why my son, a star student and athletic star at his school, would have wanted so desperately to have this strange, ugly, weird kid hang out so badly. Shrugging it off, I set off for my study and heard Clay and Desmond head upstairs, presumably towards Clay’s room.

I sat down at my desk and clicked on the TV hanging on my wall and started up some Netflix, keeping my pager attached just in case. I started working on some of the documents I had to complete for work and lost track of time a bit. After about an hour or so, I heard a light tapping at my office door.

“Hunny, dinner is almost ready, could you set the table for me?” Linda asked through the door.

Despite not really paying much attention to the show, I hurried to mute it so Linda wouldn’t hear me cheating, “Sure hun, out in a sec.”

I clicked off the TV, grabbed the pager, and hurried out to the dining room to help Linda set the table. There was already a couple things ready for us, including a freshly baked cake for dessert, sitting on the table. I started setting up four spots and then, at the last minute, remembered that Desmond was joining us, despite the fact that I really didn’t want him to after that strange introduction. But Clay’s friend was Clay’s friend and so I set him a place next to my youngest.

Linda pecked me on the cheek, feeling my slight five o’clock shadow brushing her lips. “My man and his hairy face. You just shaved this morning, didn’t you?”

I laughed heartily. “Do you want me to shave again, sweetheart?” I grabbed her by the waste and pulled her in for a tender kiss.

“I’ll settle for you calling the kids for dinner, sexy man.”

I smiled at her tenderly and walked to the basement door. “Jeff! Time for dinner!”

I heard a meek reply that he’d be up in a moment and so I headed to the stairs to get Clay.

“Clay! Dinnertime!” I shouted.

There wasn’t a response and so I repeated it, “Clay! Come down for dinner!”

Still silence. Groaning to myself slightly, I started walking up the stairs towards Clay’s room. The door was shut, which, honestly, upset me a bit. Clay knew that the rules of the house were that there were to be no closed bedroom doors. Jeff abided by those rules as did Clay, up until tonight.

Somewhat surprised and upset that Clay would disobey me so willingly, I knocked loudly on the door. “Clay, I said it was time for dinner and you know better than to have this door closed.”

Inside, I heard a bit of a muffled whisper, probably the boys planning on how to explain their predicament, and then, a somewhat preoccupied sounding response from Clay, “Sorry, Dad. Just, um, helping… Desmond with… something. Be down in a few.”

Not satisfied with his response, I tried his doorknob and was even more upset to learn that he had locked the door. Never in his 18 years had he locked his bedroom door!

“Clay, you open this door this instant!” I said, somewhat more angrily than I had intended. The shock of having my son break such an easy to follow rule for the first time in his life just got to me a bit.

More shuffling and the sound of the two of them shuffling things around came from inside the room. I could have sworn I heard his friend whisper, in the same monotone voice he’d had with me earlier, something like, “Don’t worry, we’ll be able to do this openly soon.”

I had no idea what he meant or if I’d actually heard that, but every second the door was locked was making me more and more upset. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I heard the door click and Clay stood there, looking somewhat guilty.

“Sorry, Dad. We were just talking about some private stuff that happened at school. It won’t happen again,” Clay muttered.

Feeling my anger dissipate after the apology and clear guilt that Clay felt, I let it go. But I couldn’t help but notice he wasn’t wearing the t-shirt and jeans he’d been wearing earlier. He was now in short athletic shorts and a slightly worn out white undershirt. To top it off, for the first time, I got a whiff of the stench coming from my son and his room. It was almost as if he hadn’t showered in a few days. I tried to place the blame on Desmond, knowing he had that disgusting BO even when I met him outside.

I sighed deeply, calming myself while also trying not to make a scene or smell the room. “No problem, sport. Sorry I yelled. But no locked or closed doors in this house, okay?”

Smiling at me, Clay and Desmond followed me downstairs. I may have been paranoid, but I was almost entirely convinced Desmond was staring at the back of my head the entire time I was in front of him.

Shaking off the thought, I sat at my position at the head of the table and noticed Linda was already at the opposite end and Jeff on my right. Clay sat closer to his mother on the left and Desmond sat between the two of us. My stomach did a brief flip as he passed me as I noticed, yet again, that Desmond had such a horrid BO problem. I was even more annoyed that Clay had taken such an interest in him. But as a kind, Catholic man of the house, I kept my mouth shut. Clay would eventually tire of him and go back to hanging with his friends that shared his interests. I couldn’t even imagine what Desmond and my son had in common in the slightest.

I initiated us in a prayer and we all lowered our heads… all except Desmond who didn’t seem to share our beliefs. I said grace and gave thanks, as we always did and finished up, telling my family and Desmond to dig in. Desmond took the moment to hand the bag over to Clay and Clay suddenly said, “Oh, yeah, hey, everyone. Desmond brought some fruit juice for all of us to drink tonight. It’s really really good. I had some at lunch yesterday and today! It’s tasty.”

I scoffed slightly at the oversell my boy was clearly giving a simple fruit juice while Linda responded, “Oh wow, thanks, Desmond, I’ll grab five more glasses for us all and we’ll give it a try!”

“Oh, no thanks, Mrs. Hawkins. None for me. I brought it to share with you four,” Desmond said, somewhat creepily.

Linda, for her part, didn’t seem as bothered by the strange response as I had been, and brought back four cups. She reached inside the bag and pulled out a clear pitcher filled with a strange juice that appeared to have swirls of blue, purple, and green inside it.

“What a strange looking juice, Desmond! What flavor is it?” Linda asked.

“Oh, it’s a mix of different fruits like, uh, blueberry, apple, and, um, grape. My family loves it. We’ve been drinking it for years now. I like to share it with new friends and Clay was nice enough to invite me tonight so I figured I’d bring some for you all too.”

I raised an eyebrow at the bizarre explanation. The juice certainly didn’t look as appealing as I would have liked, with the strange colors dancing around each other. Linda started pouring the four glasses, but not before I noticed that it looked as though the container had a bit less than full, as if someone had already had a glass. I figured Desmond might have had a drink or something.

Regardless, Linda passed the drinks around the table and we all placed them next to our water glasses, except Jeff, who instantly took a big drink of the strange looking juice.

“Goodness, that’s a lot tarter than I expected!” Jeff said, startled. “I’m not sure if I can drink much more of that stuff.”

I took a quick sniff and decided against trying it quite yet, but watched Linda take a quick drink as well while Clay chugged his down almost instantly.

“I don’t really agree at all, Jeff. It’s really good! Try some, Dad!” Clay said, strangely eager.

“Yeah, it’s actually really good once you get used to it. You should definitely have another drink,” Desmond said rather blandly.

Jeff, for his part, considered Despond’s words but ultimately grabbed his drink and took another drink. Linda, too, eventually grabbed the glass as Clay started grabbing his food and making his plate. I, too, decided against the drink for now and started making my plate.

Jeff and Linda then started fixing their plates as Desmond just gazed around the table at each of us. I started shoving some mashed potatoes in my mouth and swallowed. Then, “Say, uh, Desmond. You going to get some food?”

Desmond met my gaze and looked at me slightly shocked. His eyes wandered to the juice before me and back to my face. “Sure. Um… I just know that the drink is really good so I think you should drink it all and finish it before you even start the meal. It’s, like, better before you eat for sure.”

Clay looked like he realized it was true just as Desmond finished saying it and added, “Yeah, that’s pretty much why I chugged mine down.”

“Oh really?” Linda said as she dropped the spoon she’d been scooping out potatoes with and grabbed her drink and began chugging it. Jeff, too, stopped spooning the gravy onto his mashed potatoes to finish his drink.

I had to admit, I was a little confused at the crazy level of eagerness of everyone to drink their juice and felt a bit pressured to drink mine too. Especially since my son seemed so convinced that it was good. So I looked back at the tart purple, blue, and green concoction and reached out for it.

I picked it up and gave it another sniff. Blech, I thought. It actually smelled wretched, almost as if something in it had gone bad. But Clay said such great things about it and Linda and Jeff gulped theirs down without issue and had even started eating and chatting slightly. So I brought it up to my lips…

… and my pager buzzed loudly. Placing the drink back down on the table, I reached down to my waist and looked at what had been sent. I saw the code indicating there was some kind of trauma incident that required me to return to work. Without thinking I got up, “Sorry, family. SOS, gotta go to the hospital.”

Clay, Jeff, and Linda were quite used to me randomly getting called into work occasionally, so they all wished me the best as I turned to head to the door. Desmond, however, looked a little crestfallen that I had to leave. I didn’t want my son’s weird friend getting to me, however, so I ignored it.

I rushed out, knowing that I needed to hurry to the hospital to help out. I called the nurses station to get report as I approached the hospital, only about a fifteen minute drive. Evidently, there’d been a car accident and so they were calling to ensure extra surgeons were available just in case they were needed.

I arrived and assisted where I could and ended up helping with a couple minor surgeries. Ultimately, it was a fairly standard emergency situation and my team and I stayed professional and cool headed throughout. Relieved and exhausted, I washed up and headed home, about five or six hours after I’d left.

I walked in at around midnight and headed right to the dining room, assuming Linda had left some of my leftovers for me. I was surprised to see that the dining room table was still set up, almost as if the other four hadn’t really eaten much after I’d left. We always cleared and cleaned after dinner and there was no reason to believe they wouldn’t have finished their meals after I left. Jeff, Linda, and Clay still had almost completely full plates whereas Desmond’s still looked as empty as it had been when I had to leave. As upsetting it was to me that they didn’t follow the standard rules, I figured something might have happened to distract them. I was honestly just too tired to really put the pieces together.

I grabbed a piece of the roast my wife had made, ate it, and went upstairs to get some sleep. I passed Clay’s room, noting that it was closed tight. To be honest, I knew he preferred to sleep with his door open slightly and Linda and I preferred to keep doors from being shut completely in our home, so I opened the door a few inches, knowing Clay would have been long since asleep.

As the door opened, I overheard what sounded like Clay repositioning in bed rather chaotically. Poor guy, I thought. He must be having a difficult time sleeping. Probably due to the fact that he closed his door all the way and he wasn’t used to a difference like that. We were, after all, a family of structure and habit. I also noticed that his room seemed to still smell like his new friend Desmond… such a bad BO smell that I hoped wouldn’t linger much longer. Hopefully Clay was done with that weirdo.

I kept walking down the hall towards my bedroom, hoping that Clay could rest for school tomorrow, and sauntered into my bed. I was so exhausted at this point that I basically just face-planted into my side of the bed after I stripped into my underwear and put on my pjs, hoping I wouldn’t wake Linda. I swear, I was asleep by the time my head hit the pillow.

I heard the alarm go off that usually woke Linda, who always woke up about an hour before I did to get breakfast started. I had today off so I was hoping she would just hit her alarm and I could go back to sleep until she woke me and the boys for breakfast. She kept the alarm going, however, until I lost my patience and reached over to wake her. I was surprised to find that Linda wasn’t in bed next to me.

Reaching over to turn off her alarm, my brain went in circles. I wasn’t sure if she was even there last night or not. I’d just been so tired. My brain went a little crazy with worry. Had she even been home? Where had she gone? So I rushed out of my bedroom to find her without much of a thought. As I exited my room, I heard some clinking downstairs and ran that way.

There, in the kitchen, acting as if nothing were out of the ordinary at all, was Linda, looking as though she was preparing breakfast. Strangely enough, it looked as though she was still wearing the clothes she’d been wearing last night.

“Oh, dear, I didn’t hear you get home last night! What are you doing up this early?” Linda asked after she jumped upon seeing me.

“Well, I didn’t see you in bed and I guess you might not have even been here. I guess I kind of panicked. It’s not like you to not be on schedule and there in bed with me. I suppose I got home so late and was just very exhausted,” I took a moment to gather my thoughts. “I’m confused, Linda. You’re in your clothes from yesterday, the dinner from last night is still on the table, and you’re making breakfast after you didn’t sleep in our bed?”

I stared at her and she continued to fret around the kitchen. Without really even looking, she replied, “Oh shoot, I don’t even know exactly what happened last night, I just knew after you left that I wanted to go downstairs and go to bed. I know, I know, it’s not to your structure but, honestly, it was a lapse in my judgement and we’ll get back on schedule today. Luckily, my phone was with me and so I set my alarm,” she jumped suddenly, “Oh I didn’t even think about the alarm upstairs. Honestly, it happened so fast. Right after you left, Desmond got to talking and I realized how tired I was so I went downstairs as the boys continued chatting. Do you mind helping clear the table? I want breakfast ready to go, just like always.”

To be honest, I was dumbfounded. For years, we had a certain structure and rules we lived by, and within 12 hours, it seemed so many of those rules were falling to the wayside. Not wanting to show Linda how frustrated I was with everything, I minded and started clearing the table, wasting so much of the food that had set out all night.

Once finished, I let Linda work on our breakfast, hoping against hope things would start to make sense soon. As was usual, Linda had coffee ready and brewed as she knew I always came down to grab a cup before I showered, so I poured myself a mug-full, took a sip to help me clear my head and focus more clearly, and headed up to our bathroom to shower.

As I got upstairs and started down the hallway towards my bedroom and private bath, Jeff came sauntering out of Clay’s room. I did a double take, seeing him in nothing but his tightie whities. It was extremely strange to see my son so scantily clad. In our house, we’d always stressed the importance of covering up. Seeing him so casually wonder out of his brother’s room, hairy chest heaving, and what looked like a sizable bulge at his front completely threw me for a loop.

“Jeffrey! What in the world are you doing walking around like that… and why in the world were you in Clay’s bedroom.”

Not even taking a moment to stop and look at me, Jeff just responded, seemingly half asleep, as he descended the stairs, “Clay and I had a sleepover and had a good time. It’s not a big deal, Dad.”

I was dumbfounded. My son not only walked by me as if I didn’t matter, he barely even registered that I was upset. He didn’t even seem to realize I would be upset.

My family was beginning to worry me but it was just too much to process. They all knew very well that we were a structured, rule abiding family. Rarely, if ever, did we stray from the rules we’d set. Linda and I had agreed all those years ago that structure was going to be a hallmark of our marriage and our parenting. Both Jeff and Clay had followed all the rules we set for years and years. Even when Jeff and Clay hit their so called rebellious teenage years, the structure we’d provided minimized the rebellion to almost zero.

The strange and sudden changes in behaviors of first Clay, then Linda, and now Jeff was just confounding to me. I took another large sip of my coffee as I tried to shake it off so I could shower and handle my suddenly chaotic, at least to our usual level of structure, home dynamics. I gagged slightly at the strange taste of the coffee I hadn’t noticed when I’d taken a sip downstairs. Thinking Linda may have used some old coffee beans this morning, I kept sipping at it slightly, still getting the normal caffeinated kick I needed. There really was no sense in wasting a cup.

I didn’t even want to risk seeing how Clay might be further ignoring our rules, so I walked by his room without peeking in and bee lined right to the bathroom attached to my bedroom that Linda and I shared. I closed the bathroom door, the only door we allowed closed all the way in our home, I thought angrily to myself.

I stripped out of my clothes and started the water in our large shower to allow it to warm up. In the meantime, I went over to shave, as I always did. I absentmindedly scratched my hairy chest as I grabbed the shaving cream and placed it to my head. I good shave would definitely help me clear my head and focus on how I would get my family back on track.

By the time I finished shaving, the steam from the shower had just started to affect the mirror so I hopped in and cleaned off. As was custom for myself, I planned out my day in my head. I knew I had the day off, so I wanted to work on some of the gardening out back. Jeff had the day off too, so he could likely help me. Linda would likely go into the business to check on things but could come back. So that meant, tonight, when Clay got back from school, they could have a family meeting to figure out what was going on and how to fix it all. Satisfied, I turned off the water, stepped out of the shower, and dried off. Before heading into my bedroom to get dressed, I chugged the last of my coffee, as was my usual routine. I gagged a bit again, but the cup of coffee was what I needed to get the brain working for the day.

I decided to wear some of my more casual clothes, knowing I’d be out back gardening, so I put on a nice button up flannel and some khaki shorts. I figured Linda was likely almost finished with breakfast and Jeff and Clay would be snacking by now so I took a deep breath and started to head downstairs.

I had to admit, I was surprisingly nervous. I so rarely had to discipline my sons or discuss issues with Linda. I didn’t know how I’d let them know that I was, actually, quite upset with their behavior this past day. So I planned what I would say: We were a family of structure and we had rules that we lived by and there was literally no excuse for the behavior each of them had been…

My speech was cut short in my head as I entered the dining room attached to the kitchen. Not only was Jeff still lounging in his underwear, but so was Clay; both of them sitting where they’d been sitting the day before. But a third person was sitting with his back to me in my chair and it appeared to be Desmond based on the oily and disheveled hair.

I stormed into the room, my calm speech in my head completely forgotten. Linda glanced at me as she placed the bacon on the table, “Morning, hun, breakfast is ready.”

“That’s all you have to say, Linda? What is going on here? I woke up this morning and it’s like all three of you lost your minds. Jeff and Clay, I demand you go get dressed decently this instant. Linda, you don’t sleep in the basement, you sleep with me, your husband. And I sure hope you arrived this morning, Desmond, because I had already told Clay you weren’t to stay the night on a school night. Beyond that, you’re in my seat, young man. Get up this instant.”

I glared down at Desmond at the end of my stream of conscious anger as he, shockingly, merely smirked right back at me. A few moments passed and he looked passed me at Linda, who was standing agape at my outburst at the end of the table, “You’re sure he had that coffee?”

“Oh, yes, just like you told me last night, I made sure he had a cup and so I’m positive. He always has his coffee before and during his shower,” Linda responded.

I just looked back and forth between the two. “What in the heck does my coffee have to do with anything,” I turned a full 180 degrees to look right at Linda, “And what do you mean you made sure I got my coffee?”

Desmond responded rather than Linda, “She means what she said. She was to ensure you drank a cup of coffee this morning. And Frank, be a dear and go grab a glass, then go to the fridge, grab the juice I brought yesterday, pour four glasses, chug one of them, and come sit back down here next to me and Clay.”

Words couldn’t describe how upset I was at Desmond for telling me what to do in my home, especially with how angry I already was, but his request made sense to me, for some unknown reason. So I did exactly what he said and ended up gulping down a full glass of the strange brew he’d brought the day before. I honestly had no desire to do so as it was still so tart and disgusting, but I had no reason not to.

As I sat down, Desmond offhandedly reminded the other three how much they loved the drink last night and told them they should have another drink. As my wife and sons went over to nonchalantly swig down the juice, I looked back over to Desmond, who was maniacally staring back at me.

“Now that I’ve done what you asked, will you get out of my chair and go home, son?” I said angrily. I wasn’t even trying to hide my disdain any more. My family was going off the deep end and this smelly, pudgy, strange teenager was only annoying me even more. For the life of me, I could not figure out a single reason why Clay would want to even be associated with such a bizarre person.

But Desmond just smiled at me. “Actually, I do have a few things I want to say before I leave. And you really want to hear me, don’t you, Mr. Hawkins?”

“Of course I do,” I responded honestly. I was still upset with my family and annoyed with this boy, but I did want to hear him out.

“Well, first and foremost, before I forget, it’s important for you to know that you loved the juice I had you drink, want more of it as soon as you’re able, and you’d gladly have another glass any time I suggest it. In fact, because you’re so clearly upset and because you missed out on the fun we had last night so unexpectedly, you are going to have yet another drink to make sure you’re good and ready to listen to what else I have to say, okay?”

As my sons and wife sat back down after drinking their glass, I, too, knew Desmond was right and that I wanted another drink right then and there. My immediate response to the first glass I took was likely just a mistake. I knew now, especially after Desmond mentioned it, that the juice was actually surprisingly good and I needed another glass right this instant. So I swallowed another glass full, leaving very little remaining in the pitcher. It tasted so amazing that I was a little bit upset there wasn’t much left. I had no clue why Desmond wanted me to drink another glass before he’d continue, but I was going to argue. It was truly just so good.

“Come sit down now again, Frank,” Desmond stated, matter-of-factly.

I did just that and Desmond continued. “You seem upset this morning, Frank. Why is that and answer completely honestly without worrying about offending me or your family. Be sure to include how you feel about me with the same honesty.”

Unfiltered, I started, “I’m very upset with how much my family seems to be disregarding our schedules, our rules, and our structure. We’ve always been obedient and stick to our tried and true format and my sons always followed the rules we’d set, but now they’ve become slightly argumentative and walking around displaying their bodies in such provocative ways. It offends me and my sense of morality. And you, Desmond, just seem to be someone that Clay shouldn’t even be friends with; let alone demanding you come over so forcefully. You aren’t athletic, you aren’t as attractive, and you smell foul. Clay has so many other more suitable friends that are as athletic, charming, and attractive as him and it makes no sense to me why he’d be wasting his time with you.”

The words tumbled out of my mouth and I realized I hadn’t meant to be as harsh as I’d been, but Desmond wanted honesty and so I gave it to him.

Desmond actually didn’t look very hurt by my words. If I had to guess, he probably already knew my words were true. The smirk on his face and the staring he was doing remained steady throughout my attack. Then, he spoke, “I can understand your anger at how chaotic your house seems to have become for you. We’ll address that for sure. But as for why Clay seems to be interested in being my friend… I think it’d be best for him to tell you. Mrs. Hawkins, take a seat. Everyone, listen to Clay without saying a word and without leaving your seats. Clay: stand up and tell them honestly how we met and why you like me so much and about when you first realized you wanted to get closer to me. Don’t leave out any details, feel completely comfortable saying everything, and get just as excited now as you did then.”

Clay stood up and my eyes nearly popped out of my head as I saw his already tightly packed bulge expand before he even started talking. But, just as Desmond suggested, I remained silent as Clay started, “I had heard there was a new kid at school on Monday named Desmond. He wasn’t in my class and I didn’t think much about him until Tuesday when he asked if he could sit with me at lunch. I didn’t really want him to at first because all my friends would be there too and, I’ll be honest, I thought he looked like a loser and he kind of smelled bad. So I told him no. He insisted and so I called him a faggot and walked off. Later that lunch period, he came over while I was eating with my friends. We all kind of made fun of him a bit as he asked me if he could visit with me after school as he stood right over me rather bizarrely. I called him a fag again. He walked away looking way more chill than most people we pick on and even though I did notice him staring at me from a few tables down as I finished my meal and chugged the last of my milk, I figured I’d given him enough grief to leave me alone. But then, right as I started walking out of the lunch room to head off to fifth period, he told me, very directly, that I wanted to sit with him tomorrow so we could talk more readily, to stop showering until he told me to, and that no matter what he gave me to drink tomorrow, I’d gladly do it. And, surprisingly, when he told me that, I did want to sit with him and I knew I’d take whatever he gave me. I also made a mental note to avoid showering until Desmond and I could chat about it again.”

As Clay continued to ramble on, I couldn’t help but notice his cock continued to swell and throb. It was incredibly distracting and I wanted so badly to tell him to cover up; heck, I wanted to run upstairs and grab him a decent set of clothes. But I knew I needed to sit here and listen, so I let it all go as he continued, “So I carried on with my day as normal and then on Wednesday, he found me at lunch and we sat together kind of far away from where I usually sat. My friends gave me some shit as I walked away from them, but I told them it was just going to be for that day. I started eating as soon as we sat down and didn’t really say much. I did want to eat with him but I still didn’t particularly care about becoming friends or talking or even getting to know him. Then he handed me some of his juice and I drank it without him even telling me to, just like I’d planned on doing the day before.

“That was when my opinion of him changed. Desmond started talking to me and he just made so much sense with every single thing he said. I realized suddenly that he was beyond sexy, that I’d do pretty much anything he wanted me to do, that I wanted to hang out with him desperately, and that I’d be completely honest with him no matter what questions he asked. It was a weird feeling, being so attracted to him and knowing I was a straight, but he told me that everything I felt when I was around him and everything he told me should make perfect sense and so, just like that, it made sense.

“He made a point to tell me that I loved the scent of a dirty, musky man, including him and I found myself sniffing as often as I could. The pungency of his filth become so erotic. When he told me to stick my hand down my pants and get my hand stained with my own dick sweat, I couldn’t resist. He told me to smell it and to love it and, well, I did! I smelled just as erotic and amazing as him. I couldn’t get enough of my smell. I’ll be honest, since then, I’ve made it a habit to sniff my hands after groping myself as often as I can. It’s just so intoxicating.

“He then started asking me questions about you guys: who my parents are, what they do, if I have siblings, how old they are. Boring stuff like that. Then he started asking about my sexual history, my penis, stuff that I didn’t usually feel comfortable talking about at all, given that I’m Catholic and it all felt weird to me before. I knew it was sinful to talk about those kinds of private things, but with Desmond, I spilled my guts to him and got more detailed than I even would have imagined I’d get with anyone, let alone someone I’d really just met. But Desmond was right, I trusted him more than I trusted anyone else.

“Lunch ended and we were about to go to our last few classes and he told me to meet him after school in his car. Obviously, I was insanely horny the rest of the day thinking about Desmond. Partly because he told me to be and party because I couldn’t help it. He was just the sexiest person in the world and, even now, just talking about or thinking about him gets me so hard. Honestly, saying this to him seeing his beyond sexy and attractive face staring back at me… mmm… I’m just so horny.”

Clearly, he wasn’t lying. The fabric of his tightie whities were stretched to the limit as his huge cock, clearly something he’d inherited from me, pulsed and throbbed at the very mention of Desmond.

“So, anyway, I met up with him after school and we went to his car. He had me take another quick drink of his juice, which he’d told me I loved and, well, I did. You all tasted it; it’s amazing! So then we drove out of town a bit and he told me to get naked so he could see all of me. Obviously, I did. I’d do anything he wanted. I still will. He told me to stroke my cock as I told him about my upbringing, my religion, my chastity, how much it meant for me to save myself for marriage. All of it was true, of course. But he reminded me that I would do anything for him. So when he told me to pull out his penis and give him a blow job, I knew that I had to. Not only that, I knew that I wanted to more than anything.”

I was fuming and knew my face was more than likely red as physically possible hearing my son talk about giving his friend a blow job. Everything he was saying may have made sense to him, as he stated, but to me, it was absolutely immoral, unethical, and sinful. My son had been coerced into being a homosexual by this young man sitting next to me. I wanted to stand up, grab him by the collar, and drag him forcefully from the house, but knew that Desmond had been completely right before Clay even started talking: I needed to stay seated, stay silent, and listen to Clay.

He continued as I silently fumed, “It was insane how amazing it felt to have his penis in my mouth. Granted, he told me it would be and naturally I believed him. It was so great bobbing up and down on him. I never imagined anything could feel that good or be that erotic. He smelled so disgusting and manly and it was just so indescribably perfect. I loved it so much and Desmond reminded me that he couldn’t wait to smell my dick sweat too. After he came in my mouth, he told me it was time for him to sample me as well, so he blew me as well. And I don’t know if it was just how sexy everything was or the fact that he told me it would feel better than anything else I’d ever felt, but I orgasmed almost instantly after he started. He drank everything up and then we kept talking. Honestly, I never imagined my first blow job would not only be with another dude, but would be that mind-blowing.

“I realized then that he was perfection and that I needed and wanted him to meet my family. He said that he liked collecting families and really messing with their dynamics. He said he’d done it many times and even with his own family. I didn’t really know what he meant by that, but when he suggested that I would want him to corrupt my family, I couldn’t help but agree. I wanted him, badly, to meet you all so he could mess with you the way he wanted to, even though I still have no idea what he meant or means by that. So I started asking if he could come over. He said it would be important that I act like everything was normal so he could sneak into your minds… whatever that meant. So I’m really happy he’s here in my life now and I guess in all of yours too. Best part of all, last night, he put his penis in my butt and it was even better than when I put it in my mouth. I lost my virginity to him and I couldn’t be happier or hornier about it.”

I could barely stand the anger and nausea I was experiencing sitting there listening to my youngest son talk about being gay with this disgusting person. Not only was he a creep and completely out of my sons league, but he was another man who somehow had corrupted him entirely. My son’s penis continued to throb in his underwear as he stood there looking longingly at the little pervert. I glanced at Linda, who looked just as angry as I did, and then to Jeff, who was staring just as longingly at Desmond as my other son. Shocked that my oldest seemed just as smitten with the little creep, I looked back over to Desmond myself and he just smirked at me.

“Stay seated there, Mr. Hawkins, and tell me, how did that story make you feel?” Desmond asked.

Without hesitation, “I’m revolted, disgusted, and humiliated that my own son would betray his upbringing, beliefs, and morals for someone like you. You’ve clearly corrupted him in some way and it appears as though you may have done something similar to Jeff and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that it’s that juice you had him and the rest of drink.”

Desmond, for the first time, looked slightly shocked. “Wow! I’ll be honest, most families never put two and two together. I mean, granted, I’ve already won so I guess it doesn’t matter much but yes, indeed, it is the drink. It’s of my own design and I’ve used it many times. My family was my first conquest. My dad is now my servant and my two older brothers are as well. I’ll be honest, moving here was my idea. I’d grown tired of the town we were in before. Too many families I’d conquered and I’d wanted a fresh start in a small Midwestern town. All of those families are still fucked up and disgustingly perverted, sure, and always will be thanks to me; but didn’t mean they couldn’t gather enough money between them all to help with my families move. My dad and brothers just can’t work anymore these days. They’re too busy keeping me satisfied at all times.

“Your son, luckily, or unluckily I suppose, enough for you, was the very first person that caught my eye. And when I found out he was a virginal Catholic boy with an upstanding family, well, I just couldn’t resist! It really is your fault: being so manly and uptight and giving him such sexy genes. But enough ego-boosting for you, Frank. Real fast, tell me what the juice does, Mr. Hawkins?”

“It controls us somehow. You made my son gay for you with it. It’s an evil drink from Satan.”

“Sound reasoning and incredibly true! And what do you think will happen now that you’ve all drank some?”

“I’m, uh, worried you’re going to do similar things to me, Jeff, and possibly my wife.”

“Very true and astute. I do plan on making you as into me as your sons are, as I’m sure you’re incredibly happy to learn, Jeff has already been a bit rewired in your absence last night. I’m going to make you crave me and want me and I have even more brilliant, kinky, perverted plans for you and your sons. You’re going to suck my dick and take my dick and love my stench and you won’t be able to control yourself. But tell me, before I even get to any of that… do you want the last bit of this, what did you call it… evil drink from Satan?” Desmond said as he got up, grabbed the pitcher, and poured the last of the strange brew in the glass in front of me.

I stared at the drink before me. I knew, deep down, that he was already in control. I’d already had a drink. He’d evidently had Linda spike my coffee this morning as well. The drink would already be inside me, forcing me to obey his suggestions. But I wanted, desperately, to fight him off. I wanted to prove to myself and to him that he couldn’t do this to me. I didn’t want to be gay. I didn’t want to do what Clay had done to him. I wanted to save my family and myself from this evil and morally bankrupt young sociopath. I wanted to prove he was wrong about what he said. I wanted to prove that he couldn’t win. That I was stronger than the other people he’d said he’d controlled. I thought about Clay and what he did to him. I imagined what he’d already done to Jeff. I focused so hard on controlling my body and resisting the urge to drink it.

And then I drank it one full gulp. I just knew it was so good; just like Desmond told me it was earlier. I had to have it. I simply had to.

Tasting the tart brilliance as it went down my throat, I heard Desmond laugh behind me, “I kind of figured you’d want some more.”

Desmond sat back at the head of the table where I usually sat and looked over at me. I felt my face go bright red again; not from anger this time, but from shame. I’d given in. He’d won. He’d won the moment he gave my son Clay the drink at school. I didn’t know what Desmond had in store from here, but I knew he seemed to enjoy seeing me crumble.

“Okay, now that you’re more than good to go, Mr. Hawkins, why don’t you go back downstairs and stay there all day, Linda? You don’t care about Frank, Clay, or Jeff at all any more. All the love and protection you felt for them as their wife and mother is gone. You really aren’t going to have much to do from here on out in this household beyond cleaning, laundry, cooking, and going to your job to make more money for us. You know this, accept it, and are okay with it. You don’t even want to talk to your husband, your sons, or me anymore at all. You will still, of course, listen to me whenever I tell you what to do or think.”

Without hesitation, Linda went across the room and down the stairs, my eyes following her every step of the way. From the sounds of Desmond’s command, I wouldn’t see her again today and even if I did, she likely wouldn’t even have remotely the same love and light in her eye for me. I wanted to keep her memory fresh in my mind to get me through the chaos I knew was coming.

Desmond interrupted my reverie then, “Now that the cats out of the bag, lets fill your Dad in on the rest, Jeff. Clay, take off your underwear now and crawl under the table and get my cock out. You want to blow me while Jeff continues the story time. Jeff, take off your underwear as well, stand up, and tell you Dad everything that happened last night after he left. Tell the details, feeling so proud and horny about everything you did.”

Clay stood slightly next to me and allowed his erection to bounce out of the underwear that was tightly compacting it, I looked away, not wanting to see it. As Clay disappeared under the table and I felt him crawl towards Desmond, Jeff too stood up, revealing his large penis as well. I closed my eyes then, not wanting to see my boys’ penis. Unfortunately, Desmond noticed and commanded that I stare at my sons’ cock the entire time he told the story. Somewhat nauseated, I did just that.

I stared at the throbbing head of my sons’ thick and long cock, which looked much like my own, I thought to myself. It seemed both Clay and he had inherited my length and girth, I bitterly thought, as Jeff started, “After you left last night, Dad, Desmond started talking to us. I didn’t realize until this morning when you said it, but after drinking the juice, he could control us. Even knowing that now, I’m so happy that he did. He told Mom to go downstairs and had Clay strip right away. I was, naturally, incredibly disgusted at first. I’m straight and never wanted to see my younger brother naked. But as Desmond talked to me, I realized that Clay’s penis was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. That I wanted to worship it, love it, suck it, sniff it, take care of it. And he was right! Even now, knowing his penis is on display under the table, I can’t help but imagine it throbbing wonderfully and dripping precum and filling the room with its’ musky glory and God, I love his penis.”

I heard slurping from under the table and figured Clay was now sucking on Desmond’s penis and listening to his brother recount his perverted desire for his penis. A new wave of nausea swept over me as I continued to watch Jeffs’ penis wave and throb as his story continued.

“It hit me hard and fast and with every word Desmond said, it felt more true. I didn’t realize that male musk was so fucking sexy and that I should avoid showering to build up my own and, even more, I didn’t know why I’d never wanted Clay’s penis before. I didn’t know why I’d never wanted to taste it and make it feel good and swallow its’ cum. Luckily, Desmond told me I could so I crawled under the table and sucked on Clay as best I could, knowing the most perfect thing in the world was in my mouth. Eventually, Desmond told us to go up to Clay’s room. I was even more lucky then because Desmond let Clay put his penis in my ass. We did it for hours, Dad. At one point, I think we heard you in the doorway. Desmond stood to the side so he couldn’t be seen but kept us going under the blankets as we laid on our sides. Afterwards, Desmond told us how hot it was that we were having sex right under your nose. He was right… I mean, I couldn’t help but agree how hot it was that you were watching us fuck one another without you knowing and I had such an amazing orgasm knowing you were in the doorway not knowing Clay was inside me. Oh God, even thinking about it now… it feels so… uhhhnggg—”

As he said the last sentence, I watched in dismay as Jeff’s balls clenched, his penis got slightly thicker, and a thick wave of cum burped out the tip of his cock. I wanted, desperately, to look away from the disgusting ordeal, but my eyes remained focused on each dollop as it sprayed out, covering his breakfast and the table in his seed. Several mindless thrusts of his penis later, a string of his cum dangled from the tip of his penis. I couldn’t believe that the mere mentioning of his brother having sex with him could make him cum without even stroking his penis. The level of control Desmond had over my boys, their minds, and their bodies was terrifying.

We’d let the devil into our home and I could only imagine what he had in store for me hearing how he’d forced my boys to enjoy incest.

“Hey, before I continue,” Desmond dryly stated with his dead eyes staring at me and his lower body slightly rocking, seemingly forcing his penis deeper into my sons’ throat, “Jeff made a mess. Eat his cum, Mr. Hawkins.”

And I did. I reached over and scooped his thick, white semen into my mouth and ate it. I wretched a few times and nearly vomited towards the end. Some of it had mixed with his food, so I licked it off and placed the pancakes and bacon back on the plate. I mentally noted that with this power over us he had, he could have made me enjoy it like my boys now enjoyed each other, but he didn’t. Gagging with every warm, sticky glob I ate, I tried desperately not to vomit. After a hellish few moments of utter nausea, I sat back down and resumed my staring at Jeffs’ penis.

“Good boy,” Desmond said. “Clay, suck the balls now. And Mr. Hawkins? I do believe it’s your turn. Given how much you love rules, I’m going to make a few new ones in your home. How do you feel about that?”

Words erupted from my mouth, “I’m disgusted by you in general so I can only imagine what sick, repulsive, perverted rules you’d think of. I can’t believe you’d do this to my family. I can’t believe you’d do this to me. I can’t…”

“Shut up, Mr. Hawkins.”

I did.

Desmond continued with a look that showed more excitement than he’d shown the entire time I’d known him but still uncomfortably matter-of-factly, “You are excited about the new rules I’m going to provide for you. You are sexually excited that I’m going to force new rules on your boys and you. You are horny thinking about what perverted things I’m going to force you three to do under the guise of ‘house rules’. Nothing that has ever happened in your life before compares to how erotic and sexy the things you think I may do to you and your sons are. You are the horniest you’ve ever been trying to imagine what I may create as your new ‘house rules’.”

His words hit me hard and sudden… much like the penis in my pants. I turned red again. Not due to anger yet again, but embarrassment at how correct Desmond was. My mind filled with images of the three of us being nude because that was the rule and doing perverted and nasty things at certain times to stay on schedule. I imagined having Clay, cock dripping between my legs, lying naked on my lap as I gave him a spanking for keeping his door closed, my own cock erupting in cum on his chest as I slapped his red butt. I imagined Jeff and Clay performing oral sex on one another on the kitchen table, as was customary before we had any meal, with me stroking my erection watching them. I imagined all three of us showering together, eating out one another’s’ butt holes to make sure they were clean too. I imagined Jeff cumming on my face before bed because we couldn’t sleep without our facials.

I allowed my imagination to go somewhat wild, as Desmond suggested, in an attempt to meet his clearly perverse nature he’d already had my sons recount. I imagined all manner of sexual interactions with my boys and hated myself for feeling so turned on by it. I didn’t even know my imagination was capable of coming up with such insane, perverse, disgusting, homoerotic, incestuous scenes. My cock ached in my pants for these things to come to fruition.

“You like those thoughts, Mr. Hawkins?”

“Mmmm… yes…” I moaned, despite myself. I felt my underwear getting even wetter as my hard cock was streaming out a steady supply of precum in my pants.

“Really? Upstanding Catholic man like you is enjoying thinking about me making you a disgusting pervert who performs incestuous acts on and with his sons?”

The words hit me hard. He was right, I knew, as another slight moan slipped out of my mouth thinking about him making a rule that both my sons had to fuck my asshole every morning. I was completely aware that he’d forced this desire within me and that it was so horribly and terribly sinful, but I couldn’t help but find the situations Desmond might put us in so unbelievably sexy.

“Yes… so sexy… mmm… I don’t care. Please, Desmond. Please. You won. Please, please, please, make these new sexy rules. I need them. Oh… oh… heavens it feels so good,” I pleaded knowing my cock was controlling my words completely.

“Well. If you insist!”

And he spoke to the three of us far into the night, despite clearly ejaculating into Clay’s eager mouth several times, all three of us hanging on his every word.


Part 2: Desmond’s Rules

One week later

I truly loved having breakfast with my family. It was one of the best moments of my day, honestly. I was a firm believer in rules and a well-structured schedule, and breakfast at 6:30 every morning was probably my favorite of these rules. My family had an opportunity to check in on one another before the day started and we could gear up for another well thought out day.

As was usual, I was sitting in my seat with my back facing the living room. I was enjoying the plate of bacon and sausage that had been prepared for me, ensuring I had enough protein to continue building my muscular body. Honestly, in the past week, the nightly work outs my boys and I had placed on our schedule had really started making my already fit form bulge out nicely. My masculine scent, too, was particularly strong today, considering we hadn’t showered since last Saturday.

As was also usual, Clay and Jeff weren’t where they sat for the other all the other meals we had at home. Not because they were missing their breakfast, which I would never allow them to do, but because they were underneath the table sucking my rock hard dick and fighting over my morning load, which actually was their breakfast. It was a great way to start the day, for sure. I got the pleasure of my sexy, slutty boys worshipping the cock and balls that made them and they got the pleasure of fighting for the load my nuts built up while fantasizing about me fucking their tight, dirty boyholes.

“Pass the jam, please,” I heard Desmond say from behind the newspaper I was casually reading through. Adjusting my butt slightly to reach over the paper to grab the jam, I felt one of my boys’ moist mouths wetting my left testicle so sensually. I knew they were likely going wild this morning, as moist and smelly my balls and cock must be today. Almost a full week without showering made quite the sexy man musk and, in a way, I was jealous of my boys being able to drown in mine this morning.

Handing the jam to my young friend and getting back to the paper, I allowed my boys to continuing working for their daily nourishment as I continued reading about the goings on of the world, just like we did every morning. I did make a passing glance at the strange state Desmond was in compared to me and my boys much more common-sensical and natural state. As he’d been doing all week, as strange as it was to me, he actually wore his clothes in the house, which, honestly, just made absolutely blew my mind. While in the house, you had to be completely nude. Period. I had no idea how he was even remotely comfortable like that, but he’d amusingly told me a few days ago he enjoyed being a rule breaker. He really was such a sexy rebel. My cock throbbed as I thought about it and one of my boys felt and it renewed their eager, slutty cock worshipping.

The nameless woman who lived in our basement and helped pay the bills busied herself in the kitchen, cleaning and prepping a bit more food for me and Desmond before we had to get ready for the rest of the day. She wore her normal sweater, pants, and looked to be as plain as she was supposed to look, being the nameless servant. She’d head to work at some bakery after finishing her housework to help ensure we could continue to pay our bills and our dues to Desmond.

During the course of the week, there were a couple moments when I’d seen the nameless servant and I’d thought it strange that I didn’t have a wife or even a girlfriend. Not that I was even remotely interested in her in the slightest. She was so plain and boring and was really only good for her housework and her money. I mean, the nameless servant had always been here with us and was a woman and so I’d decided that’s why I’d occasionally consider that I might want to find a mother for my boys. But, at the end of the day, being a single father suited me just fine. It wasn’t strange that I’d have the thought from time to time, being a relatively young heterosexual man, sure, but at the end of the day, did I really need anything other than my two boys? They filled me with so much pride and love becoming such responsible, respectable, and polite young men. And they also filled my hole so perfectly with their cocks when I needed it.

My boys and I ignored the nameless servant completely, as was usual. Who had time to talk with someone so unworthy of regard when we had a schedule to stick to? I didn’t spare her a thought pretty much ever, as focused as I was on my job, our schedule, and the boys. My boys, too, didn’t think of her much at all, especially right now. They were obsessed with being the one to get me to shoot every morning and truly felt an immense amount of pride to receive the glory of my seed.

After working hard to earn it for a good half an hour or so, I started spewing my load down the throat of whichever boy was lucky enough to bring me to orgasm this morning while their mouth was attached to my swollen cockhead. Without even missing a word I was reading or reacting to the insane amount of cum I’d just spewed, I allowed my boys to stand up and make out, sharing the load I’d gifted them. Stealing a quick glance, I saw that Clay was the lucky receiver of the initial load this time. I smiled proudly as my two sexy boys began making out, Clay ensuring Jeff got the precious semen he needed to get through the day.

Finished with their meal, my boys went up to our shared room to get ready for the day while I finished the final article I was interested in.

“Anything interesting today, Frank?” I heard Desmond ask.

“Not particularly. Same old same old,” I said with a smile and a sigh as I set the newspaper down next to my meal. I began to scratch at my ever growing facial hair, attempting to tease Desmond by drawing attention to it. I knew Desmond had a big thing for hairy guys and their facial hair so I didn’t mind putting on a bit of a show for him now and then.

I’d decided a week ago to stop shaving. Honestly, a man looked so much sexier with facial hair. Heck, a hairy man was just drop dead gorgeous, honestly. It probably comes as no surprise that I realized this after a discussion with Desmond. There was literally nothing that Desmond couldn’t just nail right on the head. I had no idea why I’d spent so much time wasted shaving my face. I loved how the dark hair contrasted with my pale white skin and how rugged and masculine it made me.

Seeing Desmond stroking his cock as he stared at me, I decided my teasing was a success. So I finished up my last piece of bacon and excused myself from the table to go get ready for work. I wasn’t too surprised when Desmond took his fingers off his cock and tapped his glossy glans three times. I knew what that meant all too well and I laughed to myself a bit, completely accepting the rules of the three times tapped dick.

Desmond had been a fairly consistent presence in our house in the past week, and I was incredibly happy that Clay had brought him over when he did. He truly was the sexiest human being I’d ever seen. Even sexier than my Jeff and Clay, if you could believe it. There were brief moments where I thought it strange that I knew this pudgy 18 year old teenager was the sexiest man on Earth despite me being a straight man in my 40s. But, honestly, you don’t have to be gay to know that many of the male celebrities in Hollywood were attractive, and so this really wasn’t much different.

Beyond that, I knew my sons were pretty fucking sexy too. I mean, if I had to be honest, my boys kept me hard pretty constantly, knowing their sexy bodies, beautiful faces, and constantly hard and leaking cocks came from my own spunk. I couldn’t really recall who their mother was, but I recalled a short conversation with Desmond about a week ago where we talked about it and, him being as amazing, perfect, and intelligent as he was, I instantly knew it wasn’t something I had to worry much about any more when he told me I didn’t.

Getting on my knees, I started blowing him. He’d told me a couple days ago that it made sense that when he tapped his cock head three times, that meant I was expected to blow him. To not do it would be ill mannered. To be honest, Desmond just made sense and I didn’t want to be rude, so I did it, stroking my own cock as I did it.

His incredibly pungent crotch smell attacked my nose as I breathed in heavily trying to fill my entire lungs with it. I had to admit, to most people, he probably smelled awful. But his funk was so sexy to me. He told me that a man’s’ natural smell was so sexy to him and he encouraged me to give into my love of the smell of a hardworking, sweaty man as well. I was so grateful for him being that thoughtful to help me realize how amazing a pungent dick sweat was I licked and sucked the stench and sweat from his balls and shaft.

My boys and I, too, decided we’d stop showering as regularly as we had been. Desmond had been right; smelling our rank ‘dick sweat’, as Desmond humorously called it, throughout the house helped us all stay hard. I knew that I took it upon myself to sniff my boys balls, cocks, and armpits as frequently as I could. It was so hot to me that we’d let our smell become so powerful that we couldn’t escape it throughout the entirety of our home. And, I mean, who else were we trying to impress? The nameless servant? Sure, I’d noticed some of my coworkers standing a bit farther away from me than normal yesterday and the day before and one my nurses whom I’d worked with for years and years and considered a close friend had even asked me to wear more deodorant after a particularly long surgery. But that didn’t matter much, because I knew I was building up an odor that my boys would lick off my moist armpit and intensely pungent genitals when I got home. I’d have had to punish Jeff and Clay if they showered too much and so I’d have to be a good father and do what I expected from them too.

At this point, we really didn’t have many guests beyond Desmond any way. Although, tonight, Desmond said he’d finally introduce us to his dad and his brothers. I was eagerly anticipating it and imagining how amazing they must be if they were related to this sex god as I eagerly swallowed the young mans’ wonderful load. Finishing up sucking up every part of my tasty treat, I headed upstairs to get ready for work. Today was a Friday, so it wasn’t shower day, which was tomorrow, so I knew I was so sexily smelly because Jeff and Clay smelled unbelievably manly this morning too. I slipped on my standard clothes for work knowing I’d get into scrubs in the locker room at the hospital. Honestly, I hated this part of my day. I felt so overdressed whenever I had to leave the house, but society’s rules were much different than ours and, unfortunately, I had to match their rules. I did, however, cheat slightly and go without underwear, as I’d done all week. I loved knowing my bulge would be so noticeable during surgeries in my scrubs without underwear. Desmond and I had actually discussed how erotic it was to know that my coworkers might see my huge cock tenting out. There was particular level of sexiness to it that I hadn’t noticed before my talk with him, but that was how a lot of things had gone this week. Desmond just made so much sense when he talked. How had I lived without him in my life?

Heading downstairs, I saw Clay with his school clothes on and Jeff, still nude as he had the day off, standing next to the front door. They knew I was heading to work and, like the good little slutty boys they were, they wanted to say goodbye to their dad in our normal way.

Jeff immediately turned around and bent over as Clay worked his pants down and did the same. I loved that Clay, too, was going commando. Like father, like son, right?

Seeing them bend over and grab their ankles exposing their slutty boypussies for their Daddy got my constantly hard cock even harder. I felt a small burp of pre ooze out as I got on my knees behind Jeff. He was older, so he got his messy goodbye rimjob first.

As I’d done every other day before heading to work, I extended my eager tongue into my sons’ moist asshole with excitement. Without showering, all three of us had fairly dirty holes, and today would be the dirtiest being the day before our shower. My tongue did what came naturally and explored every part of his outer pink rectum and inner colon, looking for any of those wet, coppery tasting areas that I loved the most. Jeff moaned the entire time, loving how much I enjoyed our standard farewell. After a few minutes, the coppery taste began to dissipate and I knew that I’d done an amazing job cleaning my boys’ hole. Leaning back and preparing to do the same to my younger son, my heart swelled with pride seeing a bit of my own saliva drip down his leg. My boys’ slutty hole got me so hungry, I’d drooled considerably more than I had any other day this week! Our manly scented Friday drove me wild. I made a mental note to try to taste his pits later today too; or at least before we showered tomorrow.

I stood and moved over to Clay and started tasting his sweet hole as Jeff prepared to get on with his day, content with his daddy’s goodbye.

“Hold up, Jeff, I need to fuck your disgusting sloppy wet slutty boy hole.”

I jumped, not realizing Desmond had been watching us say goodbye from across the room. Not that that mattered in the slightest; Desmond watched us perform our boring routine all week. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why he cared so much about what we did on a day to day basis, but if it excited him, I didn’t really care. Desmond was basically family at this point.

I was a little taken aback at him cutting into our schedule in such a demanding way, but, honestly, Desmond could do whatever he wanted in my mind. Despite the fact that Jeff likely had to get to his studying or maybe calling his girlfriend to grab lunch later today, Jeff, too, couldn’t resist Desmond’s request to fuck his slutty butthole.

I seemed to recall a time that felt a millennia ago where I didn’t like the young man at all. I couldn’t believe right now that I could ever feel that way as I continued drenching Clays hole in my greedy saliva-soaked tongue feeling the sexy young man next to me line his perfect dick up with my boy’s ass. I renewed my vigor for my sons’ hole feeling Desmond’s presence right there next to me, lapping and moaning into his salty sweet asshole as he moaned in return. I knew that Desmond fucking Jeff right next to me would be insanely erotic, despite it not really a part of our regular schedule. Desmond truly was the only person I’d allow to mess with our routine, but who could blame me? He was perfection in a human being. His actions were above a silly family schedule. And right now, that action was slowly inserting his beautiful dick into my slutty boys’ hole.

Despite being clothed and just having his cock hanging out of his pants, I could see his beautifully wonderful gut colliding with the muscular lower back of my older son. I could only smell the man musk in this sexy scene as I tried to focus on licking Clay’s butthole clean while also watching Desmond fuck Jeff silly. In and out, his cock seemed to be hitting all the right spots for Jeff, much like I know it did when Desmond would randomly fuck me.

Jeff moaned in ecstasy feeling the amazing specimen of a man milk his prostate with his cock. I saw a bit of pre dripping down from his cockhead onto the entryway floor as I dived back into the puckering pink hole of Clay. Clay, too, moaned and began stroking his own cock, clearly enjoying both my rimjob and the fucking his brother was getting next to him. At some point, I felt the door behind us open and close, indicating it was time for the nameless servant to go to her job at the bakery.

Not even giving her another thought, I kept licking every part of my boys’ ass, making sure he knew that I loved him and wanted to send him to school with a fantastic good-bye. Finishing up and watching his wet hole pucker a bit more, practically begging me to continue licking it, I stood up, my own pants damp with my precum.

Clay and I stood up, him pulling up his pants, and both of us stealing several glances at Desmond fucking the hell out of Jeff right there by our front door. I desperately wanted to stay and watch the amazingly plump, smelly, sexy Desmond fuck my slutty oldest child, but I did have to get to work. Clay, too, seemed to want to stay as I saw the front of his jeans bulged out after he zipped up. Grabbing his backpack, Clay followed me out the front door, leaving the two of them to fuck as long as Desmond wanted.

Work was standard, I suppose. Only had a few minor surgeries scheduled for the day, so I knew that all I would be thinking about today would be Desmond and my two sexy sons. My coworkers did seem to give me a wide radius during most of the day. Towards the end of my shift, the same nurse that had asked me to use deodorant pulled me aside again. She said that my hygiene appeared to be suffering and that she was concerned about my mental and emotional health. I assured her that I was better than I’d ever been, to be honest, and that she didn’t have to worry. I’d be showering tomorrow. I even told her that if it made her feel better, I’d use the deodorant she had helpfully brought for me, knowing full well there was zero chance I’d ever use the stupid stuff. My man smell was sexy as fuck and my boys would never allow me to not treat them with it; just as I’d be upset if they showered too soon. My cock hardened as I talked with her thinking about the musky odor that must be emanating from both of their balls right now wherever they were: Clay was most likely in one of his last classes for the day and Jeff could be hanging out with his girlfriend somewhere.

The work day eventually came to an end and I hurried home, as per usual. I never really had to worry about any other errands beyond getting home to my boys because the nameless servant handled all of the household chores and needs. So I pulled into the driveway with eagerness to be back with my sexy family. I glanced at the dash quickly: almost 5 pm. Right on time!

I rushed into the house and instantly stripped out of all my clothes, feeling that erotic relief at getting my cock and balls hanging free again. I just threw my clothes there by the front door, knowing the nameless servant would handle then and took in a nice deep whiff, smelling the intense masculinity that had become the normal stench of our home. Responding, my cock hardened, as it always did.

I hurried into the living room, knowing the nameless servant would be prepping dinner for us all. I was excited to see that Clay was already riding Jeffs’ big cock while the nightly news played on the TV. It was so nice for us to get a moment after the day to reconnect and catch up before dinner. Every day, at around 5, we gathered in the living to fuck in as many positions we could think of and chat about our day, no exceptions.

Because I was the last to arrive, I supposed the best way to get our required fuck session started would be to attempt to hop onto Clay’s wonderful erection as he bobbed up and down on his brother. It wasn’t what I would call the most comfortable way to get his dick in me, but I knew that we had to have supper in about 30-45 minutes, and so I needed to get a few loads in my ass from each of my boys before then. Best way is to just start getting fucked now. I noticed his cock was already glistening heavily, indicating he was lubed and ready for me to insert him immediately, just like I knew I wanted him to.

The two of them were sweating heavily and clearly getting into their wonderfully slutty incestuous fuck session. Evidently, before I’d gotten there, they’d swapped places three times already, so Jeff was already leaking two full loads from Clays cock all over the sofa he was sitting in and Clay was looking to add his second. Luckily for all of us, the overwhelming musk from our constantly erect, sweaty, and pre-soaked genitals just added to our horniness combined with my arrival helped Jeff unload a few seconds after I’d already hopped on, which triggered Clay to cum almost after only a couple bounces on his teenage dick.

Feeling the glorious cum inside him, I was slightly saddened to remove Clay’s perfect penis so soon after having it inside me, but I knew I needed a load from Jeff as well and each of them needed me to shoot up their ass at least once too before we could even think about going to dinner, so I got up, Clay bent over in front of me, allowing enough room for him to see the TV, and Jeff lined his own dick up to my hole to add to the load Clay had already gifted me with.

We tried to fuck in unison as best we could, but it was a difficult thing to do. Clay kept his eye on the TV listening to some story about an upcoming storm while I reached around and stroked his dick and molested his balls. He was leaking pretty constantly, so I brought my hand up to lick it clean and sniff the wonderful sent his balls were emitting. I even tried to reposition him slightly from time to time to lick at and inhale his amazing armpit sweat.

“So what did you end up doing with your day off, Jeff?” I asked after reaching back around to get my hand drenched with Clay’s precum and wonderful smell again.

“I, uh, mmm… fuck… let Desmond finish fucking me this morning. He told me when we were done that I had to cum in every room of the house at least once before you all got home this afternoon so I spent most of the morning just masturbating in all the rooms. I used the dildo that Desmond gave each of us. You know, the fucking amazing one that’s shaped like his dick so it didn’t take too long to cum in one room and then go to another room and cum. I just took my anatomy textbook with me so I could study and actually did end up hanging out with Becky a bit for lunch, which cut into my masturbating pretty heavily. She was kind of boring, honestly. And she was upset that we hadn’t been hanging out much at all this past week. God, Dad, you’re so fucking tight, I love it.”

“Thanks, slut. Did you and Becky make up? Or is she still… mmm… mad at you?”

“Well, she said I’d been more distant, not responding to her texts, not wanting to hang out nearly as much, and even complained that I smelled bad. Honestly, that was bullshit… ugh… oh God, I might cum soon… mmm. So I kind of kept the rest of the date short. Not even sure if, mmm… I’m that interested in her anymore.”

“I understand son. And for what it’s worth, I think you smell unbelievably fucking sexy, you dirty perverted… ugh… oh God… slut!”

And then I came just as I felt the warm pulse from his cock deep within my ass. He collapsed into my back as I did the same into Clay, sticking my nose right into his hairy, moist armpit, simply loving the post-ejaculation bliss that hit me so frequently in the past week.

Having filled both of our holes, Jeff only needed my seed injected deep within him and then we’d be ready for dinner. So Jeff got in Clay’s position and Clay kept watching TV but stayed next to me to allow me to continue licking at and tasting his fucking sexy hairy pits.

Despite fucking one another every night this week prior to dinner, I couldn’t help but find it so erotic and sexy. I just loved my boys so much and they smelled so manly tonight. My nose was smashed deep within Clay’s wet right armpit and my cock was shoved to the brim inside Jeff when I realized a huge part of me dreaded the shower we had to take tomorrow. But, well, that was our schedule.

In the middle of our final pre-dinner fuck session, we heard a knock at the front door. Despite it being time to fill one another’s holes, we also knew full well that people from outside our home may not understand our schedule and rules, so we continued fucking as the nameless servant answered the door, ready to quickly place the uncomfortable clothes back on, depending on who may be at the door.

After a moment, however, we saw that the nameless servant walked back without a word indicating it was likely Desmond, someone that we could continue sticking to our rules and schedule in front of. If it had been one of my boys’ girlfriends or a random stranger, she would have told us to act abnormally while they were present. But, luckily, confirming my suspicion: in walked Desmond and three men. They walked into the room and towards us as we continued fucking, knowing that if Desmond was here, there was no reason to change our normal routine. I assumed the other three men were his father and his brothers. The three of them were still stripping off some of their clothing to become completely nude by the time they made their way into the living room to greet us and Desmond remained fully dressed, oddly enough. I giggled slightly to myself as my cock throbbed in Jeffs’ hole thinking about how bizarre he must feel being fully clothed in our home. But he was a sexy rebel, so he could stay as clothed as he wanted.

“Hey Desmond! I assume this… mmm… is your family?” I jovially greeted my favorite person. “We’re just finishing up the last of our nightly pre-dinner anal loads and then dinner should be ready, I’d assume.”

Desmond sat on the couch where he wouldn’t be able to see the TV, but would have quite the good view of the three of us as I fucked Jeff and worshipped Clay’s pits simultaneously. Stripped naked, I saw that the other three men began to sit on the ground at Desmond’s feet, also looking up at us, dicks hard as steel.

The oldest one was clearly Desmond’s father. He was every bit as thick as his son was, with a large gut hanging over a sizably thick but not too long erection. Where Desmond’s perfect body was all glorious fat and perfect curves, his father seemed to be more of a stereotypical solid muscle linebacker type. His entire body also seemed to be covered in a similar dark hair to his perfect son and his other two sons. Where Desmond was relatively hairy on his face, chest, arms and legs, I knew he literally had not a single hair in an imperfect place on his perfect god-like body; whereas his father had hairy arms, legs, chest, back, feet, knuckles, neck, and face. He was maybe slightly taller than his son, but looked to be built like a freight train. While thick in the waist, it was clearly due to age fortifying his already hard and muscular body.

The other two appeared to be quite a bit taller than both their father and their younger brother. They, too, had the hairy chest and facial hair that Desmond had, but even seeing it on the supposedly more stereotypically attractive men, I knew that Desmond was far more perfect. I could tell, despite being a straight man, that the two of them were very fit and athletic, much like my boys. They were a bit hairier than my boys, however, with darker and thicker hair covering their chests and face, like the other men in their family. I imagined they probably broke a lot of girls’ hearts at one time, but now they appeared to have an unkempt look to them: their facial hair grew out in all directions and their oily hair matted on their heads awkwardly. I had to admit, the musk that Desmond loved so much radiated off them to the point that I could practically see cartoon lines hanging above them. The moment they entered the room, the masculine stench was overpowering and my cock surged in response. God, I adored sweaty, dirty, disgusting man smell. Even with my nose buried in Clay’s moist pits, I picked up on the three new male scents easily.

Desmond finally answered my question as he got situated. “Yup, this is my family. We don’t want to intrude on your normal family schedule though, so feel free to continue. I’m sure we’ll find a way to entertain ourselves in the meantime,” Desmond responded as he worked his erection out the front of his pants. Despite only releasing his cock and balls through the small hole of his blue jeans, I got a sudden whiff of his gloriously dirty dick sweat that, quite frankly, was absolutely my favorite and I couldn’t help but renew my savage fucking of my boys’ hole.

Desmond continued as one of his hands stroked his cock, “This is my Daddy, Lance, and Joe. They’ve learned their place, as you can see, and don’t give me shit any more. I’m sure you smelled my brothers here. I haven’t let them shower in months. I love how disgusting they are now. They used to be such prim and proper popular jocks fucking a different chick every week. They took such good care of themselves and made sure they looked amazing for the girls they confidently wooed and their other dudebro friends. I much prefer them as the disgusting loyal pigboys they are now. All they care about is working out and serving me. Literally that’s it. They only think of me, my sexy body, and being mine. What do you think of that, Frank? Do you like that I made them mindless drones who serve me and smell like months and months of sweat constantly?”

“Honestly, I’m not really even sure how you could have done that or why you would want to considering they’re your own brothers. But, at the end of the day, I can’t help but feel like anything you decided to do just makes sense. So, honestly, I may not understand it. But I support you in whatever you do, Desmond.”

“Oh yeah, I honestly forgot that I made you forget that I ever controlled you in any way or that I can control other people, including my own family. Heck, even me saying that probably doesn’t mean much to you. And beyond that, you probably don’t even really realize that I’m a fucking perverted gay fag. Or that what you’re doing is disgustingly perverted and gay. But, well, there are some families I’ve corrupted where I make them know what they’re doing is fucked up and know that I made them do it. Sometimes, it all blurs together despite you being the first family I’ve taken over here in this new town. Tell me, real fast, how do you feel about everything I just said, Frank? I’m curious,” Desmond asked me with a smirk as he continued stroking his wonderful cock.

I thought about what he said. He’d controlled me? He’d corrupted other families? He was gay and I was doing gay stuff? None of that made any sense to me really. Especially considering I knew being gay was most definitely a sin and I could never look up to a gay man as much as I looked up to Desmond. Granted, I was slightly distracted feeling Clay’s amazing armpit filling my nostrils with sweaty pleasure while also focusing in on Jeffs’ slutty boypussy to ensure both he and I were maximizing our pleasure.

“Honestly, Desmond. I hear what you said, but it doesn’t really make much sense. I can’t really think of how you may have controlled me considering my boys and I live by a pretty well maintained schedule and set of rules that, and I mean this as politely as I can say it, not even you could change on a massive level. It’s why I’ve been so successful my whole life and why my boys are as popular and intelligent as they are. So… mmmm… yeah Clay, right there… mmmm… sorry, that just felt so fucking good for a moment… anyway, yeah, I don’t really understand or care what you mean be us being the first family you, uh, took over, or whatever you said. Regardless, I think the world of you, young man. So you just keep being the perfect specimen of a man you are. But, honestly, don’t talk down about yourself. You’re not a fag. You’re too perfect and amazing to be a sinful faggot.”

Desmond laughed as I finished my thoughts and said something along the lines of ‘this will never get old’ but I didn’t really understand what he meant. He then asked his brothers to start masturbating on their father. For some reason, Desmond demanded they cover him in their semen by the end of the night. “It’s funny, you know,” Desmond started. “They used to barely even acknowledge me. They were so focused on their fucking girlfriends and their sports and their jock buddies that I barely registered on their radar. I was nothing but their creepy younger brother that they didn’t really even care about in the slightest. Even though I knew they were sexy beasts of men, they didn’t give their own little bro a second thought. But, to be fair, they treated much differently than this asshole,” Desmond kicked his father rather roughly. The beast of a man didn’t make a sound and just sat back up after the assault. He merely looked up at Desmond as his other sons started beating their meat in his direction.

“The two of them would just ignore me, but he was a huge asshat. He used to call me faggot and belittle me for not doing sports and working on my chemistry and experiments. He was the first person I used my special brew on. I find it so hilarious now that he used to think I was just a little faggot. But as you can see…” Desmond snapped his finger, getting the older mans’ attention and pointed to his wonderfully pungent dick, “… he’s the faggot now.”

The oldest of the slaves took his scruffy, muscular body onto his knees before his son and swallowed his cock greedily. He groaned, moaned, slobbered, and whimpered as he bobbed up and down on his sons’ meat like it was the best thing that had ever been in his mouth. Considering I knew it was the best cock in the universe too, I couldn’t really blame him.

“That’s it, Daddy. Suck it.” As Desmond finished telling his father to suck his dick, Lance… or was it Joe… honestly, I didn’t even know which was which… started cumming on his fathers’ back. The thick semen coated the hairy back and created a stark contrast between the dark black hairs of the older man and the creamy juices of the slave-brother.

It wasn’t long after the brother had ejaculated on his dad that I saw Clay’s cock throb as I worshipped his left armpit like a mad man and spew forth his sexy slutty teenage spunk. I couldn’t really blame him: he was a bit younger and the amazing stench of all the men in the room and sight of Desmond just had to have been too much for him to contain it. Considering we were all in a constant state of arousal just smelling each other, it was surprising that he’d cum from all the new stimulation, despite him not even touching his cock. He kept watching TV and allowing my tongue to explore every crevice of his pit. After a few moments, however, Desmond asked him to go sit by him as his father continued worshipping his balls. Unsurprisingly, considering he was going to sit by Desmond, Clay was still rock hard even after erupting hands free.

Even though I was sad that my tongue couldn’t explore his pungent teenage armpits anymore, I watched Desmond reach over and grab Clay’s slutty teen dick. It suddenly struck me as odd that we’d never had guests come into our home and behave like this and that I’d probably be embarrassed about pretty much anyone behaving as brazenly as Desmond. But because it was Desmond, it just seemed so completely normal. I didn’t think much more on it as my mind became distracted with the moans from Jeff taking my cock like a champ.

We all continued doing what we were doing and enjoying ourselves for a few more minutes. I found it even more erotic watching Desmond play with Clay and so I knew I’d be filling Jeff up soon; not only because I was horny as fuck but because I was getting hungry and I was sure the other men in the room were feeling the same. So I quickened my pace again. Even though I felt the cum building within a few minutes of deciding it was time to move on to dinner, both of Desmond’s brothers had deposited another load on their cock-crazed father.

I screamed as I let out a massive load into my sons’ willing hole; glob after glob filling his insides. My stomach grumbled with need for dinner as Jeff, satisfied with my semen overwhelming his rectum, slipped off in an orgasmic bliss. I laughed heartily as I saw a wet load on the floor beneath him. He’d cum yet again just from feeling his old mans’ seed breeding him. What a good whorish son I had.

I started heading over to the table, knowing the nameless servant set it for the four of us already. Now that Clay, Jeff, and I had each other loads in our ass, we could finally eat. I wasn’t sure what Desmond planned to do with his family, but was also pretty sure he’d told me that only he had to be at the table. I took my seat and my boys followed close behind and Desmond took up the final seat right across from me where he’d sat for many of our meals this past week.

His father had followed close behind and instantly got under the table to resume sucking him off and Desmond told his brothers to have their meal, but I wasn’t sure what he meant. His brothers, however, instantly got on the ground, grabbed each other’s cocks, and started 69ing right there on the dining room floor.

I looked at Desmond almost instinctively hoping he’d clue me in on his brothers’ behavior. “Oh, don’t mind them. Their main source of sustenance these days is one another’s dick cream. They still prepare themselves a nutrient and vitamin rich drink every morning to maintain their muscular build but for real flavor, they really only get to lick one another’s disgusting sweaty dicks for their creamy rewards. They were so full of themselves before… what better way for them to continue being such big fans of one another than to literally provide the other with their sustenance!”

I couldn’t really wrap my mind around that line of reasoning, but if Desmond thought that was the right way for his brothers to behave, well then I couldn’t help but agree.

Ignoring the grunting from Desmond’s brothers and the continued moaning and slurping from his father, the four of us ate. The nameless servant knew that we needed a lot of protein for our after dinner workout routine so she’d provided plenty of meat for us to eat. Throughout the meal, Clay, Jeff, and I occasionally reached under the table to grab a bit of our own and each other’s pre cum from our constantly hard and leaking cocks to rub on the meat we ate to provide a bit of extra seasoning. Honestly, it gave the food an extra kick that I never could really go without.

The four of us chatted a bit about our days as we ate our food. Clay said that his girlfriend, Mary, decided they should go their separate ways. He said it was slightly difficult for him, but she was getting a bit upset about him needing to be home every evening and even told him she thought he was starting to smell terrible. Jeff and I both laughed at the ridiculous claim. I knew, first hand, that my boy smelled like heaven. If Mary couldn’t appreciate him for all his quirks, including his need to make his junk and pits smell, well, he could find a girl that would love him for him.

Jeff talked a bit more about his issues with Becky. I told him to tell her that she had to love every aspect of him while I got a particularly large glob of my pre-cum rubbed into my steak. I mean, honestly, between him and Clay finding these insane women who couldn’t appreciate a masculine smelling man, I just thought I should give up on women even more.

Clay then mentioned that even some of his friends had started asking him if he was ok because he was starting to smell so bad. Desmond laughed a bit and asked how he handled the situation. Clay just smiled at him, “Honestly, I don’t care what they think. I’m a fucking sexy man and deserve to smell like one; just like you, Desmond.”

“Thanks, buddy,” Desmond gave his trademark smirk as his father continued blowing him. Glancing over at his brothers, I thought they had to have been getting at least a little tired of blowing one another. But they were going just as passionately at one another as they had when they started. Clearly they appreciated the meal their brother was allowing them to have.

As we got towards the end of our meal and we prepared to stay on schedule by going to our post-dinner/pre-bedtime work out, Desmond stood, pulling his wet cock from his fathers’ greedy lips.

“So, gentlemen, I have to say you’ve been very exciting to watch this past week. It seems the schedule you’ve been living is pretty set in stone at this point. How do you three like the life you’re leading?”

All three of us responded that our lives were pretty much golden at this point. I didn’t know why he even really asked us about it considering our day to day was likely pretty boring and regimented compared to his. It didn’t seem like something to ask us about or even point out considering it seemed his family was more of the ‘live life in the moment’ types rather than the well-structured family my boys and I were. Luckily, my confusion left my mind quickly as I saw Desmond’s father hilariously and rather pathetically try to stretch up awkwardly from under the table to get his boys’ cock back down his throat. All four of us noticed him and gave a hearty chuckle.

“Well, I’m glad to hear that. What’s next for you boys? Want to go work out now?” Desmond asked, clearly rhetorically. He’d watched us perform our nightly work out the past week and even gave us pointers when we were doing exercises incorrectly. So he knew full well after dinner, we’d be working out until bedtime.

“Yup. Meet you upstairs?” I responded.

Desmond indicated that he’d be up shortly as he looked down at his father continuing to struggle to get his prize back where he wanted it: his mouth.

My boys and I finished our meals and immediately walked up towards our work out room, knowing the nameless servant would clear the table and clean. I knew that tonight was shoulder/chest day, so the three of us would be working on building up our manly, hairy pecs.

Last week, when we started working out at home more regularly again, Desmond had suggested we move our workout equipment upstairs into a spare room that opened up after Clay moved into my room with me. It made sense, after all. We’d been storing the machines in the basement, which was the nameless servants’ quarters. Why we’d been so daft as to keep stuff down in that disgusting place other than her and her worthless belongings was confusing to me now, but luckily, Desmond was here to help us see how stupid we’d been.

In the past six days, we’d gone through several different work outs, with the direction of Desmond guiding us through. At first, we basically just each used a couple machines and tried to share them and take turns so we could all focus on the body parts we were working out for that evening. But as each night went on, Desmond suggested better ways to really maximize our work outs. For instance, to truly inspire us to work as hard as we could, we’d keep track of our reps and whoever ended up doing the most, got to decide how we’d sleep for the evening. It was really fun to throw in a small amount of randomness to our very well thought out days, and the friendly competition really helped push us to our limits.

Desmond also suggested that we help each other out by randomly sucking each other off, licking our sweaty assholes, and burying out slutty faces into one another’s overwhelmingly sweaty pits so we don’t get too distracted by our constantly horny, leaking cocks. It didn’t really help all that much, if I had to be honest, as horny as I constantly was around my boys regardless. But, well, any way to take the edge off for even a few seconds so I could focus on my work out was very appreciated; and if I could provide the same assistance for either of my boys, my throat was eager to lighten the load on their hairy, sweaty balls.

We’d been working out for a good hour or two when Desmond finally made his way to our work out room. Clay was sucking off Jeff as Jeff did a few bench-presses with me spotting him. This was always a fun position for us because after he completed every rep, I was generous enough to lean my cock down towards his lips and nostrils so he can get a lick and a whiff of my dick sweat, as Desmond so famously called it. It really kept us wanting to sweat more, honestly, and kept our cocks nice and hard, as they should be.

“Well, my boys, I think my family and I are going to head home,” Desmond said after watching us for a few moments. “I just fucked my stupid faggot dad and then had my brothers cover him with even more layers of their thick slave semen. I’m thinking I’ll make him stay covered in it for at least a few days. Anyway, I’m going to be on my way and head back home with them.”

I was slightly shocked to hear him say he was going to go back to his own home. This past week, he’d basically become part of the family. He stayed in our bed with us, had all our meals with us. Heck, he even showered with us last Saturday. So it was with a little sadness when I asked, “Really? You’re leaving us tonight?”

“Yeah. I’ll be honest. My interest in these corrupted families wanes pretty quickly. I mean, I get all this power so quickly and control you so fully that, well, I get eager to go do it to another family pretty fast. I got you all where you need to be and I think I’m going to start on a new project next week. I’m thinking it’ll be your best friend Ian and his dad next, Clay.”

Clay looked up at Desmond, mouth still full of Jeff’s dick. Pulling out slightly, “You mean Ian Welling? His dad is pretty strict. I’m not sure he’ll even let you come over. I mean, like, Ian generally has to come over here when we hang out. Besides that, Ian thinks you’re a faggot, Desmond. So he’d probably kick your ass before hanging out with you. I defend you, naturally, but he doesn’t really believe me.” As he finished speaking, Clay lunged back onto Jeffs’ cock, like the helpful brother he was.

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll find a way to charm my way into Ians’ life. You might even be able to help slightly. But, well, this is goodbye for now, Hawking family. I might swing by from time to time, but, well, honestly, at this point, you’re all relatively boring now that your schedule is pretty set in stone.”

I couldn’t argue with him there; as I’d thought earlier in the evening, I didn’t even really understand why he even was interested in us as much as he had been this last week to begin with. We were just a dad and two sons who liked to live life without worrying about random accidents and being late and missing our routine. Our structure ensured we’d stay on top of the things we needed to, kept up with our chores, and stayed close with one another. All in all, we were just a normal, if somewhat overly regulated family. Why in the world Desmond even took the slightest of interest in us was still beyond me.

Desmond stood there for a moment, his cock still hanging out of his pants, as Jeff finished his final rep. He was dripping with sweat at this point and I knew he looked and smelled so fucking sexy. I had to have him suck me off before I took the same position he was in so I angled my cock down slightly as I shoved my cock in his throat and Clay, in turn, started swallowing the load that instantly sprayed out of Jeff when my cock touched his tongue and my balls rested on his nose, alloying my smell to overwhelm his nostrils.

“Well, I’ll certainly miss you, Desmond. Thanks so much for spending the week with us and feel free to come over any time. I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t miss you, uhhhmmmm, yeah… Jeff. Right there… mmmmm,” I said, meaning every word.

Clay, for his part, finished swallowing his brothers’ seed, got up, went over and hugged Desmond and instantly fell on his knees, greedy for another load to fill him up. Desmond laughed, “Oh, I guess one more won’t hurt.”

Clay sucked off our guest like the deranged slutty cocksucker I knew he was and my heart beamed with pride. He was just so polite. I shot my load not long after and Jeff, naturally, swallowed it. We swapped positions as I started doing my reps. I wanted to try to outdo Jeff because I knew that I wanted to choose the sleeping arrangement tonight, but wasn’t sure if I’d be able to. Not long after I’d started my reps, I heard Desmond moan loudly. I assumed he was spraying his semen in my youngest son and kept on counting, licking at Jeffs’ cock between reps like he’d done for me.

Eventually, I felt Clay come back over and, like the greedy cockslut he was, attached himself to my dick. I giggled a bit at how much Clay loved the cocks of the three of us to so eagerly jump from Jeff to Desmond and then to me in such quick succession, but I didn’t want to think much about that considering I needed to beat Jeffs’ number of reps if I wanted to control our sleeping arrangement tonight.

Eventually I came in Clay’s mouth and heard the front door slam not long after. I assumed it was Desmond leaving with his family, but with my new more focused, less horny mind, I wanted to keep going and not think on it too much. Clay started working out on one of the other machines, much to my delight considering his greedy cocksucking had gotten him pretty behind on his work out. It was neck and neck between Jeff on who’d win for the evening.

After I finished my reps, three more than Jeff, to my surprise, it hit me that Desmond wasn’t coming back and wouldn’t be there for his constant advice and support. I couldn’t lie, our family would miss him dearly, but at this point, we knew what we had to do. Our schedule was pretty much set in stone now and, to be honest, without Desmond constantly there to distract us, we’d likely be able to keep to the plans better than we’d really been able to this entire week. As sad as it was to see that perfect, beautiful, pudgy, smelly man go, we could now focus solely on each other.

We finished our work out not long after and I boasted to the two of them about beating them tonight. They both took it in stride and we all knew it would only renew their desire to beat me tomorrow so they could plan the night’s sleeping arrangement. I even demanded each of them pick one of my armpits and lick it clean, knowing full well I’d love their sweaty young tongues exploring my hairy pits and they’d probably cum from the overwhelming stench I knew I’d give off.

After a fantastic 30 minutes of my arms stretched over my heads and each of my boys supplying me with a heavenly armpit worship, we headed into our bedroom and to our king size bed. The past six nights had been rather crowded with Desmond present too, and now, with just the three of us, there’d be more room. But, honestly, considering how close we all liked to sleep, that extra space didn’t mean much.

I decided that for our sleeping arrangement tonight, I wanted to be a bit greedy. It was Friday night, which meant all three of us would be smelling at our absolute fucking worst/best for the week because we’d be showering in the morning. That meant that I wanted the sexy, horny, disgusting, sweaty smells of both my boys cocks and balls all to myself. So I instructed the two of them how they were to sleep so that I could fall asleep in heaven: both of their crotches right on my face rich with their amazing dick sweat that I loved so much.

I laid about halfway down the bed at an angle, allowing my legs to dangle off the edges of the bed near the lower right corner. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but that didn’t matter in the slightest. I then told Clay, who had done the worst tonight, to lay down with his amazingly pungent cock and balls dangling right on my forehead so his hard cock and low hanging, hairy balls would dangle down on my nostrils. He spread his legs out to allow Jeff to lay on top of me the opposite direction as Clay so Jeffs’ cock and balls would rest enticingly on my lips. I knew the two of them wouldn’t be very comfortable in the bizarre positions for them, but I wanted both of their ripe crotches strangulating my face. Plus, in this position, Jeff, who did second best, got to have his face shoved into my crotch. His legs, however, was angled awkwardly in the air, resting atop Clay’s.

Clay whined a bit that he didn’t get to smell me or Jeff from where he was lying, but I laughed and told him it was his own fault for not working hard enough tonight. Besides, I didn’t like it when he’d whined last week at breakfast for Desmond to come over and I didn’t want him whining this week, even though his whining lead to me meeting my favorite person in the universe. Clay would just have to try harder tomorrow so he could stuff his nose in my junk like he wanted to.

I breathed in heavily, literally suffocating so erotically on the overwhelming stench of my boys’ moist hairy balls and hard cocks. I licked what I could from the strange position I’d forced them into, but I didn’t care how comfortable I was or even how comfortable they were. The smell was perfection, erotic, and amazing. I had never experienced such a heavenly feeling. This, truly, was pure bliss.

I said a silent prayer thanking God for such perfect sons with perfect cocks and perfect masculine musk and perfect dick sweat. I truly was blessed to have their raging hard-ons and hefty hairy balls resting so comfortable on my face.

I desperately wanted to lie there for hours and hours just enjoying the feel of my amazing sons’ genitals on my face and perfect, pungent, sticky, and beautiful smells of my boys; but I also knew I had to get to sleep relatively soon.

After all, all three of us did have a very tight schedule to stick to and I wouldn’t dream of ruining our normal routine.

2 parts 23k words Added Sep 2021 10k views 3.8 stars (5 votes)

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