
by Architect of Men

As young squire Sebastian celebrates becoming a real knight, he has only one misgiving: his scrawny stature compared to his new compatriots. Fortunately, his mentor has laid plans to help him overcome this problem.

3 parts 3,848 words Added Nov 2021 Updated 11 Dec 2021 13k views 4.9 stars (16 votes)

Part 1 As young squire Sebastian celebrates becoming a real knight, he has only one misgiving: his scrawny stature compared to his new compatriots. Fortunately, his mentor has laid plans to help him overcome this problem. (added: 6 Nov 2021)
Part 2 Sebastian encounters bandits on the road, with unexpected results. (added: 20 Nov 2021)
Part 3 Sebastian faces a new challenge—the gratitude of the villagers. (added: 11 Dec 2021)
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Part 1

Sebastian couldn’t believe his ears when he heard his name called. He had been hand chosen by the Knight Commander to be formally promoted into a real Knight, not a Squire! He was so excited! He’d get to kneel before the Queen herself, and pledge to aid her decree with every fiber of his being, though the years of apprenticeship had been incredibly long and grueling, he would finally get to venture out and help people.

Sure, he doubted that he would find himself fighting dragons in volcanic lairs or battling against an army of the undead like the village storyteller used to always talk about. He knew his experience with Knighthood would be much less fanciful and full of whimsy, but he didn’t care about that. Frankly, he was just happy to be able to earn a living doing something besides farming like his father or serving in a castle like his mother. He loved them both dearly, but he yearned for a life in service to the people directly, he didn’t want to feed them or wash the nobility’s clothes.

However, due to his impoverished upbringing, he wasn’t always able to eat well, this led to a smaller stature than what would be considered the typical knightly frame. As he walked to his soon-to-be vacant dormitory, he hoped that his physical weakness wouldn’t be cause for the Knight Commander or Gods forbid the Queen herself from deciding that he wasn’t cut out to be a knight after all. What he lacked in physical strength, he made up for in wit and cunning. Not to mention eagerness and enthusiasm.

His room was the same as it always was, impeccably clean and neat, just as Sir Belcor preferred. As he gathered his few belongings into an old trunk that his mother had smuggled out of the lord’s manor where she worked, he noticed something fall out of his bundle of clothes. Crouching to retrieve the item, it appeared to be a small, modestly decorated box made from cedar wood. Attached to it was a scrap of parchment with the letter S inscribed upon it in beautiful calligraphic handwriting. Though he wasn’t the best at reading and writing, a knight must know enough to comprehend orders at the very least.

Sir Sebastian,

Allow me the privilege of being the first person to refer to you as a full-fledged knight of the Crown! I am so proud of you, even though you still look like the scrawny little squire they assigned to me all those years ago, you’ve proven everyone wrong. Sure, the Queen sponsored your apprenticeship, but most of us at the Knight’s Academy were skeptical about you—to say the least.

I know you’ll do everyone proud and you’ll stand a beacon of virtue until your last breath. Unfortunately, though, not without a little help. I’ve decided to give you a small graduation gift. Within this box is my lucky crest. Pin it to your undershirt beneath your armor and it’ll help you in ways you couldn’t fathom.

Your new colleague,

Sir Belcor

Sebastian was astounded. Though he knew that Sir Belcor didn’t dislike him, he wasn’t much for sentimentality. Gently, as if holding a newly born baby, Sebastian opened the box and lifted the cloth covering the crest. It shone with a subtle radiance that one could only see if they knew to look at it.

“This must have some protection runes inscribed into it, makes sense as to why he called it his lucky crest,” Sebastian thought aloud. “This is such an incredible gift, I have to be sure I thank him in person for this!”

And with that, Sebastian disrobed and immediately pinned the crest to his underclothes as instructed. Reclothing himself, he then finished packing his belongings and carried them to the wagon he had rented. Soon, he would set out for the capital city, Feras, jewel of the Queendom of Anathia where he had an appointment. Couldn’t miss his own knighting ceremony, after all.

After several hours had passed, Sebastian noticed a peculiar sensation on his chest near where he had pinned the crest. It felt as if he had a warm stone touching him. Knowing the sun would set soon, he decided to set up camp early, and he and his mare settled down in a little alcove just off the road and right next to a small brook.

As Sebastian laid down, he found that sleep was eluding him. That warming sensation hadn’t faded any. He thought maybe he was having a reaction to the magic in the crest. He had heard of people sometimes being allergic to certain enchantments, but those cases usually lasted only as long as physical contact was maintained. Now, though, the heat was spreading across his upper body, and it felt as if his heart were made of cinders.

Sebastian had stumbled over into the small stream next to the camp when he suddenly doubled over from a sharp pain in his torso and chest. Gasping, he looked down at his body for surely he must be wounded, but there were none. In fact, his midsection was rapidly gaining muscle! As a squire, Sebastian had lots of physical training and kept himself in the best shape he could manage, but try as he might, he was always scrawny and small statured. Now he had a glorious eight pack of abs, suited to his newly lengthened torso perfectly.

As his stomach calmed from the shifting, the warmth moved north, onto his pecs, or what would have been his pecs. The thin, wiry muscles he had soon began to morph into two large, meaty mounds, so large that he almost felt immodest for not covering them. Dense, dark hair covered the new mountains on his chest.

Something changed in his mind after his new pecs settled—he began to get over the raw shock of his transformation and was now getting aroused by the sensations. No longer were they painful, now they just felt sore at the most, but always, there was pleasure hidden just beneath.

He felt the warmth envelop his head and closed his eyes, his face morphed into a larger, more masculine one, as his naturally androgynous appearance was quickly melting away: jawline becoming chiseled, hair darkening into a deep brown, eyes lighting into a stark blue. He moaned in a deeper voice, one that could make all but the most chaste fly out of their garments. His face itched mildly, and soon he boasted a full beard. He was becoming the embodiment of masculinity.

The warmth spread to his arms and shoulders, everything growing at once. Hair spread out like trees in a forest, thick veins set into his arms, pulsing with the power of the beefiest blacksmith. Traps growing and shoulders widening out, soon his biceps were size of a normal man’s calf. Triceps and hands growing to match the new arms that adorned this beautiful body, thick dark hair carpeted his arms all the way to the knuckle, just thinning out at the wrist. Lost in the euphoria, Sebastian didn’t notice the warmth continuing into his lower body, his feet more than doubling in size, calves thickening, thighs that could break bones, his ass broadening out to match his chest—all covered in that uniform forest of hair.

As the warmth homed in around his nether regions, the euphoria got more intense. His manhood pulsing to full mast, beating in tune to his heart. His balls began pulsing as well, growing to the size of lemons to keep up with such a virile body. With his new ten-inch rod and bigger balls, Sebastian was so lost in the lust of his transformation that he couldn’t help but caress himself. His precum flowing like a fountain, drenching the ground in front of him, only turned him on more.

Like a man possessed, Sebastian stroked, moaning and swaying until he came. A torrent of cum released itself from him, spilling into the stream he was camped next to, nearly a gallon of alabaster painted the water white. Collapsing, Sebastian fell into the deepest sleep of his entire life.


Part 2

The road was long, and he had only little over a month to arrive in the capital for the Knighting. Sensing his worry, the soon-to-be knight’s mare whinnied, kicking a bit of mud around.

“I know, girl, we should make it in time, but I’m more so worried about arriving in this ridiculously undersized gear! None of my armor fits me anymore and my sword is little better than a letter opener, I can’t arrive before the Queen like this!” Sebastian exclaimed, raising his arms into the air dramatically.

The horse huffed.

“Oh, don’t act like that! I had no way of knowing that Sir Belcor’s rune would transform me!” The man declared, crossing his arms.

A long silence passed.

“Oh, fine! All right? I should’ve been careful and will be more so in the future, although I don’t necessarily hate my new form, it is certainly better at slaying the evils of this world than my previous self.”

Exasperated, Sebastian laid down on his mare’s back, sighing,

“I just hope I can find some more acceptable clothing and armor before the ceremony.”

Later that night, Sebastian noticed screaming in the distance, and saw a caravan being accosted by brigands. Complete chaos had taken control of the little camp, some people fleeing for their lives, others trying to hide with the children, and others still trying to fight back against the bandits. Unsheathing his sword, Sebastian spurred his steed into a gallop and shouted a war cry.

At first, he seemed to have startled the bandits, an opportunity he made sure to capitalize upon. Slicing his sword in a downward arc, he caught the man in his neck, blood spurting as he fell to the ground, clutching his death wound. His element of surprise over, another bandit flung one of her bladed fans at him, catching him in his left shoulder. Grimacing, Sebastian managed to overcome the pain and wrench the fan out of his arm, he then flung it out, missing the female bandit, but striking another in the back of the head, killing him instantly. The pain in his left arm throbbing rhythmically, a familiar heat taking residence within it.

Sebastian, close to falling due to blood loss, swayed but managed to hold on to his mare’s reigns. His left arm now completely useless, he had to use his sword arm to hold the reigns, so he slid down off of the horse and cried out, charging. The blade dancer bandit was caught off guard by the bravado of this knight, and was unable to dodge the death blow, however she did manage to extend her fans to the point where they stabbed Sebastian as he impaled her on his blade. Time seemed to slow, Sebastian locked into a dance for death with this woman who’s name he did not even know. They locked eyes, and for what felt like forever stayed that way. Time began flowing again, and with it, the blood of both the Blade Dancer and the Knight. Her eyes glazed over, and the soul fled her body. Sebastian felt his consciousness fading as well, he collapsed, the fight over.

The remaining bandits had defeated the caravan, and the burly thugs soon circles him, grinning as they watched him bleed. Sebastian’s pain ebbed away, gradually replaced by that same warming sensation he had before from his crest. He began moaning from the pleasure washing over him, as the warmth reached his wounds, they knitted themselves together and vanished, leaving only a faint scar behind. Though Sebastian felt no sexual arousal in this life and death situation, he felt a warm trickle down his leg, startled, he assumed he must be bleeding and began ripping his pants to make a tourniquet.

The bandits were all stunned at this display of healing magic, they suddenly began to wonder if they would be able to defeat him again if he can just regenerate himself like this. Sebastian, now half naked from the waist down, saw that the warm trickle was, in fact, not blood. Instead, it was a steady flow of precum, flowing from his flaccid seven inch manhood.

Distantly, as if muffled, Sebastian heard the bandits shouting to one another to circle him and kill him before he could heal fully. Once again, the large, muscular men surrounded the Knight, only to be paralyzed as the warm puddle around him expanded and crawled up their legs. Afraid, they began screaming and feebly clawing at the warm liquid creeping further onto their bodies. Soon, the screams turned into moans of pleasure, and the bandits were frozen in a state of euphoria, unable to move at all except for the occasional twitch as orgasms found them.

Sebastian looked at what had taken place around him, and was both shocked and aroused. He stood and tried to check for survivors, but as he did, the puddle enveloped him as well, planting his feet firmly in place. The moans of the bandits was quieting, and he looked up to see the precum holding his adversaries hostage was retracting, releasing bandits as it passed. Expecting another fight, Sebastian tensed and waited, but the bandits fell unconscious as the musky liquid retreated.

Still firmly locked in place, Sebastian could only watch as his magical precum began to retreat back into his dick, stuffing his overfull balls to the maximum capacity. As the last of it entered him, he exploded into a mind shattering orgasm, and fell unconscious just like the bandits around him, all of the men sporting throbbing boners, their armor and clothes having been dissolved by the ignorant Knight’s magic.


Part 3

The harsh sunbeam blinded him as he opened his eyes. Groaning, Sebastian rose up, unable to remember what happened the previous night.

“Oh good! You’re awake, my lady bid me to fetch you something you could wear, I’ve left it over in the corner on the stool. Come out when you’ve dressed, Sir Knight.” The maid curtsied and moved for the door. “Thank you for saving us, such a peculiar magic you possess, but strange or not it worked, if I can do anything to assist your endeavors, just let me know.”

Before Sebastian had a chance to reply, she had left the tent, leaving him alone again. Groaning more as he moved, feeling sore and impossibly aroused, he suddenly remembered the battle last night. A flush of embarrassment overtook him as he realized that the people who he had saved and were now hosting him in their caravan had seen him completely naked and exposed. He bid himself not to think of what happened after he fell unconscious lest his embarrassment consume him, best that he just get dressed and hope that the clothes they found covered everything sufficiently.

The clothes did, in fact, not cover him sufficiently. The pants supplied seemed to be hastily tailored for a large man with an even larger manhood, complete with straps that could hold his parts close to one of his legs should he begin to feel any arousal, other than that, the man just had an enormous bulge. Even though they tried their best with what they had, the pants were almost too small and fit incredibly snugly onto his lower half, leaving very little to the imagination. And as for a shirt, it seems they either gave up, or just ran out of sewing supplies and just gave him a blanket to use as a shawl should he get cold. Groaning a little at the soreness of his hefty muscles, Sebastian ventured out of his tent and into the camp.

Outside, members of the caravan were busy preparing for the trek to the closest city, to replenish their stocks and supplies after the bandit attack, thanks to the kindly knight, they managed to recover most of what was stolen from them. They’d chained the surviving bandits into a prison wagon they had for transporting dangerous animals, but a few wondered if they even needed to since the bandits all were still stuck in the state of euphoria Sebastian had left them in the night before. Some were even actively fucking each other, all were dripping with sweat and precum, and all were completely oblivious to everything around them. As people noticed their savior was awake, they began cheering for him, some even scrambled to bow or curtsy. Still somewhat bewildered and embarrassed by his constantly leaking dick, Sebastian awkwardly smiled and waited for the cheering to quiet down before he could speak. But he needn’t wait long as a wealthy looking woman in fine clothes approached him, she raised her hand and the cheering ceased, allowing everyone to hear her.

“Sir Knight, you have saved us all from certain doom at the hands of those brigands last night. We insist you allow us an opportunity to properly repay you, accompany us to the capital city where you will be our guest of honor at the foremost ball of the year, Her Majesty the Queen’s Annual Féstobol of Witchcraft.”

Sebastian blushed at the thought of being a guest of honor at the most important social event in the kingdom.

“I couldn’t possibly, I-I am thrilled you would bestow such a gift upon me, but I insist that I need no reward, you’ve given me ample gifts of shelter and clothing and food already.”

The crowd booed at his response, a few people shouted out that he was too humble, some just drooled as they looked his amazing physique.

Frowning slightly, the woman redoubled her efforts. “Such humility, milord, do you not know who you’ve just saved? Who I am?” Mischievously, the woman revealed her signet ring. “It was meant to be a surprise, for you to find out who I am after you’d arrived at the ball, but I supposed I have to ruin the fun. Darling, I am her majesty the Queen. Would you still refuse the Queen you’re pledged to obey?”

Sebastian felt the color drain from his face as he dropped down into a kneeling bow. “My Queen! My humblest apologies, I-I was unaware, if you command, it shall be so.”

The only answer to great him was a flash of white as the queen smiled, satisfied that she had what she wanted. Besides, it would look bad if she couldn’t even convince a mere knight to attend a ball.

That afternoon, the caravan packed up, with the nearly naked knight Sebastian trailing behind the wagon train with his mare, guarding the captured bandits, still locked in a never ending fuckfest, their bodies had grown even more masculine and burly, compounding on their already manly presentation. Each shift in weight or bump in the road made his full balls feel as if they were sloshing around. Though he wasn’t particularly in the mood for it, the potent smell of sex from the prisoners kept his meat hard and aching, drooling out precum. A sudden thought pierced the haze of sex in his mind, if the queen herself was here in this caravan, why had the caravan guards fallen so quickly to meet bandits? Either these now sex-crazed fools are more than simple bandits, or this was not the true queen, maybe a decoy if the real queen was in danger? Whichever it was, Sebastian resolved himself to figuring out just what was going on.

As night fell and the sun waned, the call was made to make camp for the evening. Still so impossibly aroused, the four bandits in the cage wagon could be heard moaning as they writhed together in bliss, fucking each other without pause nor concern for anyone watching. Sebastian set up a bedroll near the cage wagon, reckoning that if an escape attempt was to happen, he would hear and wake up. Though the noisy neighbors made sleep hard to come by, Sebastian eventually ventured off into the realm of dreams.

However, Sebastian’s intuition turned out to be partially true. The bandits did make an attempt to get out of the cage, but instead of vanishing or launching a surprise attack, they simply got to work pleasuring the young knight guarding their cage. Warm wetness enveloped his dick, hands explored every inch of his body, unfastening his clothes. The moment he felt something enter him, Sebastian woke up, however the other bandits gently yet firmly held him down as they all continued to worship his body. After realizing that they weren’t trying to kill him, the initial shock died and the heady smell of musk and sex filled the young Knight’s head. As euphoria set in, the orgy began. Sebastian was being pleasured in every physical way possible, his body massaged, ass occupied, dick deep in the hairy ass of a muscled brawler. Precum flowed like a fountain, covering everyone from head to other head. The fat dick in his ass tensed up, and before long a trickle of cum drooled out of his ass, backing up from the amount of cum released into him.

This sent Sebastian over the edge, he moaned loudly and exploded, he filled his bandit with so much cum that it flowed outward, covering everyone. It seeped into the burly men, making them hairier and more muscular, and most importantly, making them even bigger sluts. Their dicks were permanently aching for release, balls swollen with seed, the tight rings of their asses puffy and twitching, begging to be filled. Sebastian, feeling spent, laid back from the fuckfest. All of the orgy partners cuddled up to him, looking up at him in lust-clouded eyes. Even though we all met as enemies, this is the best sex I’ve ever had, I wish I could keep them to myself.

Hah, maybe have a little harem with a different man to do a different job for me. That one could be the woodcutter, I saw him swinging his axe during our battle and if I hadn’t been on the receiving end of it, I would’ve thought it was sexy. With that, Sebastian drifted off into what could be described as a mini coma. Soon after, the bandit he was fantasizing about moaned and then his eyes flashed, glowing brightly for a second, then he abruptly got up, an axe materializing into his hand, and ran to the nearest tree to begin his duty.

3 parts 3,848 words Added Nov 2021 Updated 11 Dec 2021 13k views 4.9 stars (16 votes)

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