Alien gym bro

by SuperBlimp

A mysterious and enormous stud shows up at Jessie’s gym, but there’s something not quite human about the hulking gorgeous man. 

4,413 words Added Nov 2023 9,859 views 4.6 stars (12 votes)

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I didn’t think much about it when a meteorite crashed just outside of town late last night. News crews arrived on the scene, but there was just a large crater in a cornfield and no rock. It was just after midnight then, and I flipped the TV off and went to sleep.

The next day was Saturday, and I woke up at 8:00 to make it to the gym for a 9:00 workout. My buddy Roman was going to meet me there and we planned to grab brunch after the gym. But when walked into the gym I was surprised to find it unusually empty. I looked around for Roman and then the locker room doors opened and someone walked out.

At first I didn’t recognize him, but then I did a double take. It was Roman, all right. But he was different. Instead of the trim, ripped athlete he had been a few days earlier he was plump and bloated. His tank top was riding up above his navel and exposing his round hairy belly. Two days earlier he had had shrink-wrapped abs, and now he looked pregnant with triplets. His fat man boobs bulged under his tank top straps and his muscular arms were swollen like greasy sausages. His thighs were thick like hairy tree trunks and his straining shorts were being pulled deep into the crack of his overblown ass. But even under his belly I couldn’t help but notice the bulge of his ample cock was now twice the size it had been last time we showered together, and his apple-sized nuts were threatening to burst his poor nylon shorts.

I was shocked, my athletic buddy now looked like the fat hairy sumo wrestler. I walked up to him and he smiled, gently rubbing his distended gut.

“Roman?! Dude! What the fuck happened to you?? You’ve blown the fuck up! Is this real?!” I asked, poking his deep belly button. I felt his belly gurgle and throb as my finger touched him.

“Uuuurrrpp. Yeah man—it’s all me. Well kind of... not the filling.”

“What do you mean, ‘filling’? Have you just been stuffing yourself at a buffet for the last three days?”

“No, Jessie, it’s not fat in here,” Roman said gently rubbing his belly. “I was still slim when I got here half an hour ago.”

“What the fuck do you mean, dude? You pranking me or something? This has gotta be fake. You can’t just blow up with 200 pounds of fat in half an hour.”

“Like I said, I’m not full of fat.” He paused to take a deep breath. “I’m full of c-cum.”

I laughed. “Cum?!! Dude you’re fucking with me. I know you like to have fun in the locker room but no one on Earth has loads that big.”

Roman didn’t even smile. “Cal does.”

“Who the fuck is Cal?”

“New guy here. Total stud. Unreal. He chose me and he filled me.”

“This is bullshit, dude, did you take some weird gaining supplements?”

Roman sighed, and I heard a deep gurgle coming from his round hairy belly. “I’m not lying, man, Cal fucked me in the locker room and when he came in me I swelled up like a balloon. It felt like having a fire hose unload up my ass. But I couldn’t say no to him. I don’t think anyone could say no to him.”

I was so confused—Roman had never been a liar and he looked totally serious. “Who the fuck is this guy Cal?” I asked.

“I don’t know—just this huge hung stud who showed up here this morning. He chose me. He chose me.” Roman smiled and closed his eyes for a second. Then his belly gurgled loudly again. Roman opened his eyes and looked very serious. “But here’s the thing man. I think I’m still getting b-bigger.”

“What do you mean, dude?? Like you’re still getting fatter??”

“Y-yeah,” Roman said softly, and as he spoke his gut gurgled even louder. As it did I realized his stomach actually pushed out a bit closer to me. A few seams of his nylon shorts popped as his ass cheeks expanded like rising bread dough. “Cal’s load. It’s g-growing in me.”

By now I was really freaked out. There was no mistaking that Roman was right. My fattened buddy was literally inflating before my eyes. His belly gurgled again and he bloated even more, straining his tank top to its limit. I took a step back, starting to get genuinely afraid of whatever was happening to roman. I looked down and saw a spot of wet goo on the front of his tortured nylon shorts. A glistening dribble of pre was coming out of Roman’s fattened cock and oozing through the fabric. But instead of normal pre it was an iridescent green. It pooled on the floor at his feet and almost seemed to glow.

“D-dude. Your pre-cum. It’s... green.”

As I spoke, Roman attempted to adjust his footing, but he slipped in the puddle of greenslime and fell on his fat swollen ass. His entire body jiggled and wobbled as he hit the ground. The force of the impact finally popped his tank top and shorts off of his swelling body, and the hairy naked blob of flesh gurgled on the ground in front of me, slowly expanding like a water balloon.

“R-roman?” I asked slowly. “W-who is this guy Cal?”

The hairy swollen blob closed his eyes and smiled. “He’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. He’s perfect. He’s the love of my life.” Roman then paused and opened his eyes. “But Jessie?”

“Yeah, Roman?”

“I don’t think Cal is human.”

Before I could even respond to that insane phrase the locker room door opened. A figure stepped out, but he had to hunch over to get through the 7 ft door. His shoulders were turned sideways to fit through the opening, but after he squeezed through the door he straightened out and stood up to his full height.

I was terrified... and the most aroused I’ve ever been. He was huge. He was gorgeous.

The enormous figure looked down at me and smiled.

“Hello. I’m Cal.”

I just stood dumbfounded in awe of the almost naked man looming over me. He wasn’t just huge, he was gigantic. Standing significantly taller than the locker room door, Cal must have been over nine feet tall. In fact he was probably closer to ten feet tall. His shoulders were as wide as a truck, and his pecs and biceps looked as big and round as overripe watermelons. His stomach was covered in quilted abdominals which bulged out ever so slightly, and his meaty thighs were thicker than my torso. My face was just at eye level with his belly button—well where his belly button should have been.

Unsettlingly, Cal lacked any hint of a navel.

But what was below his belly was even more shocking.

Cal was wearing bright green briefs made of an impossibly smooth and shiny fabric. The green briefs were pulled so tightly over his crotch they left absolutely nothing to the imagination, and I could see every bulge and vein of the largest cock I had ever set eyes on. It wasn’t just big—it was obscene. His cock was easily as long as my forearm and as wide as my muscular upper arm. And it was clearly still soft. A little dribble of shimmering green cum oozed through Cal’s briefs and I shuddered, remembering what Roman had said about being filled up by Cal a few minutes earlier.

“I-I-I’m J-Jess—”

It was then I noticed his eyes. They were the most intense green I had ever seen, but not like a color I had ever seen on a normal man. They were so green they almost seemed to glow like two electric emeralds.

Was Roman right? Was this giant human? Or... something else.

“I’m Jessie.”

Cal smiled, his face was beautiful with a warm smile and a powerful jawline dusted in black stubble. “I am happy to meet you, Jessie.” The enormous man with the glowing blue eyes then took a step towards me. “Your friend Roman told me you would be coming.”

There was something odd about the way Cal spoke. His voice was a deep and resonant baritone, but he had an accent unlike anything I had ever heard. Almost Slavic? Like Russian maybe? But also with hard clipped consonants and a diction I couldn’t recognize.

“R-roman told you about me?”

Cal took another step forward. “Yes. He did. And I was pleased. I will also require your vessel to complete my mission.”

“Mission? What the fuck? Back off dude. Roman what did you tell him?”

I had been so distracted by Cal’s enormous presence I hadn’t thought about Roman. I glanced over behind Cal and saw my friend was now inhumanly huge. He was a hairy immobile blob growing bigger by the second, and completely surrendered to the expanding substance filling him up. By now he was even getting taller, looming over me with his throbbing gurgling mass. What was gonna happen to him? Would he continue to swell and bloat until he popped?

The blob tried to speak. “J-Jessie. H-he needs u-us. For b-breeding.”

Cal smiled a big toothy grin as Roman spoke. I saw the monster cock in his briefs twitch and begin to grow.

“Yes. I have chosen you to create my army.”

“The fuck are you talking about?! Is Roman fucking pregnant?”

“Not what you Earthlings consider pregnant,” Cal said in a flat tone. “He is more like an incubator. A breeder. A vessel.”

My mind was spinning. “Earthlings?! You trying to tell me you’re a fucking alien?”

“Alien is such a derogatory word,” Cal said, “our two species are really very similar. My people have just had a few extra eons to evolve. And I am here to make a partnership with you Earth men.”

“This isn’t possible this isn’t possible,” I whispered to myself.

“It is very possible, and it is also inevitable,” Cal grinned. “Your planet is about to join the Krybro Empire. But first Earth will have to submit.”

As he spoke, Cal’s cock burst out of his briefs and the fabric disintegrated into droplets of green goo. Cal’s erect member was over two feet long and fatter than my thigh. The slit of his cantaloupe-sized head oozed a steady stream of glowing green pre and his engorged basketball-sized nuts looked ready to burst out of his sack. The smell of his crotch was overpowering, like sweaty balls and spunk, but also not like any human man I had ever smelled. Like a sweaty jock mixed with latex, jet fuel, and expensive cologne.

“Krybro E-Empire?”

“Yes. The greatest empire in the galaxy. And you’re going to help breed the army that will conquer Earth.”

Cal’s throbbing oozing dick was now pointed straight at my face like a cannon. I was backed up against a wall and there was nowhere to run. The gym was almost empty aside from a few frightened guys cowering behind machines on the far side of the room. I knew there was no way I could escape this gigantic menacing man. This alien.

Cal picked me up gently with two enormous hands and held me over the oozing slit of his cockhead.

“P-Please!!! You can’t just do this to people! Put me down you giant pervert! Roman! H-help!!!”

But Roman didn’t respond. All the swollen blob could do was whimper as he continued to grow.

“His body is being used for a higher purpose now. Just like yours will be.” I winced, but there was no way to resist him. He was as strong as a steel vise. With that Cal smoothly and forcefully planted me on his cock head and slid me on his dick like a skewer.”

“Wwhaaattt ohh god oh fuck oh fuck what the fuck… holy shit… Is R-Roman gonna e-explode? h-how…? how the hell are… fuck… you didn’t even need to… holy shit…”

I looked down at my torso and stared in horror at the bulge of his cockhead distending my gut, stretching it from the inside. “Y-you don’t have to do this, man. you c-can—god, fuck that feels—you can still let me go, please!”

“No, Earthling, I must perform this action. I must use you to breed an army of duplicates of myself. Only then can we begin to dominate this world.” As he spoke he began to bounce me faster and faster like a human fleshlight.

“Oh god, no, no you can’t pump me full of weird little muscle babies.” Between the insane bliss of my hole being stretched impossibly wide around this alien’s freakish dick, and the thrilling rush of imagining being filled up with this guy’s green glowing ooze, I can feel my own cock getting hard. What the fuck is wrong with me—why am I getting off on this? He must be doing something to me… “Come on, please, there has to be some other way. I’ll do anything, just don’t fucking turn me into a… a blob like you did to Roman. There’s still time, you haven’t cum yet, I don’t wanna explode! Come on dude.”

As Cal fucked me I could see that Roman is now almost as tall as Cal. I could here the gurgles and moans from Roman getting louder and more intense. My poor buddy’s desperate eyes flashed as the pressure inside him increased relentlessly. He looked ready to burst.

“Oh n-noooo!!! Roman! He’s gonna explode!!!”

Cal just grunted. “Do not be stupid. What a waste that would be. I chose muscular men like you so that you would be less likely to pop.”

Suddenly with a loud wet splurt, a pod about 5 feet wide plopped out of Roman’s huge puckering ass.

The glistening pod was covered in green goo and then suddenly tore open. The pod was just a hollow membrane and inside the membrane was a humanoid, muscular and hung, and almost identical to Cal—just a miniature version of him, about the size and form of a muscular adult human man. The newborn opened his blazing blue eyes, stood up and took his first breath. He wiped the green goo off of his naked body and immediately walked over to Roman’s front and began to guzzle the green goo splurting from my friend’s swollen cock. The newborn drank the slime like a pig sucking on a tit, and I could see him growing bigger and stronger as he guzzled it. Then there was another splurt and a second pod plopped out of Roman’s ass. Moments later it to split open and revealed another newborn miniature clone of Cal.

“Ohh god, C-Cal… Cal please. What the fuck, that can’t happen to me! You can’t make me some… some freakish, alien googuy factory. Holy shit, I—ahh—I think Roman’s cock is literally glowing… Come on man, I’m begging—please don’t turn me into some blob freak. F-Fuck…”

I can’t help but clench my walls around his massive shaft, sweat running down my forehead as I desperately try and think of a way to escape my fate—talk my way out of it.

“I…I could find you other g—guhh…guys to fuck, big guys like… oh damn… like Roman. There’s no way I’ll be able to take all your cum, man, please!”

“Oh, I can find plenty of guys to recruit on my own. They just have to be strong enough to not explode when I implant my seed. I hope you’re ready.” He smirked. “You are about to be my second clone factory.”

I started struggling, trying to squirm and push myself off of him but every motion just made me more aware of how deeply his cock was buried in my guts. I could feel it twitching—he’s so close. Mine begins twitching in unison; he must have some kind of hold over my body…!

“Please, Cal—don’t do this… I’ll do anything you want if you just pull out right now. Please!”

“The only thing I want you to do is churn out ten new copies of me every hour for the next month. After you’ve nourished every one of my seeds you can relax as an immobile blob full of Krybro slime for the rest of your human life.”

“C’mon—isn’t there some room in your in… god, fucking hell your cock is huge… in your invasion plan for guys who haven’t been turned into big incubator blobs? Please… I’ll take anything!”

I can feel pressure building in my shaft—fuck, Cal must be close to cumming. He’s so matter of fact about it, you wouldn’t think he’s about to change my life forever.

“Those who aren’t used as breeders will become loyal subjects of the great Krybro Empire, and will live in a world of peace and plenty where wars diseases and famines are unimaginable. But to achieve this we must first produce our army. My balls are full. It’s time.”

“No, no please! Why can’t I join your empire—be a cryptic bro or whatever you said. I’ll work out, whatever, please—you don’t haa˜ haa˜ oh, fuck, you don’t have to do this Cal!”

But it was too late to stop Cal’s load now. He kissed me deeply as I felt the first eruption into my gut. Immediately I felt my belly begin to inflate with his alien spunk.

I couldn’t help it—I grabbed the back of his monstrous, bulging musclebull neck and groaned into his open mouth as my cock sprayed load after load of pure, white, human seed all over his obscene musclegut. My hole squeezed his shaft, and my mind went white as I felt a viscous, heavy warmth explode inside me. I managed to pull away long enough to look down and watch my average paunch bloat out into a definite gut. But then he took my jaw between two massive fingers and pulled me back up, seemingly hungry to continue kissing me. My hips started moving on their own, writhing on his shaft, trying to milk it as if my body has a mind of its own.

Or was under the control of someone else’s.

As soon as that first seed blasted into my gut, my body was no longer my own. Now it belonged to Cal and the psychic link between him and all his spawn will flow through me. Even as he continued inflating me like a water balloon I realized I loved him.

“C-Cal… Cal, oh god, Cal, yes… don’t stop! Please, please Cal, thrust harder, pump me bigger! Fill me with your fucking spawn, please! I need to be your incubator! Want to lose my body… be your blob, just fuck me harder… empty those alien balls!”

At this point I was clinging to him, shuddering and sweating, cock blowing another load just from the sensation of how heavy my belly felt.

“Fill me fatter, fuck, Cal, yes! Please, make me bigger than Roman. I want to have an ass you’ll breed every day for years and years fuck me into your perfect toy! I need it… need you… please Cal…”

It almost feels fake… like a dream all I’ve ever wanted is to be massively, impossibly fat with alien cum.

All I am is a container for his gooey, delicious muscle brood.

All I need is Cal’s love, and the chance to worship him. To lick and taste his muscles, his tongue, his fingers, his hole, his feet and to worship him by sacrificing my body to him—by becoming the inhuman glob skin around a churning mass of glowing green goo that he needs. And to be perfect for him. A perfect breeder blob. He’s so perfect. I was so in love with his otherworldly size and perfection. I wish I could be like him—be his equal and his husband, but instead I’ll carry his seeds and nourish them.

“God, I’m so fat now.”

When he finally pulled me off his alien cock with a loud wet pop I looked like a 400 pound Sumo wrestler who had been blown up with an air compressor.

I was fat but I’m about to become a blob, but I wanted to be his freak. Wanted to be Cal’s perfect lover.

As I felt my belly gurgle Cal smiled at me as his spawn began to mature inside my swollen belly.

“These are your spawn, Cal, your army. I’m going to lay your army…” And I cared more about my new overlord than me poor fellow humans who were about to be dominated.

Can gently rubbed my expanding gut as I gurgled and bloated. The gigantic alien bent over and gave me a sweet and gentle kiss. “I knew you’d be perfect,” he whispered in my ear.

I heard another loud wet splurt as another green blob squeezed out of Roman’s oozing hole and burst open to reveal another mini Cal. He walked over to Roman’s engorged cock and took his turn drinking Roman’s nourishing slime and he began to grow. The other two who had been born a few minutes earlier were already almost 8 feet tall and as muscled as a champion bodybuilder. Soon they would be as big and powerful as my Cal, and completely identical to him.

I felt a psychic link with all of these creatures, with Cal and with Roman. I could even feel a psychic bond with the seeds that were beginning to grow inside of my own body. I began to realize that I was part of the Krybro empire, and that Cal was just one of millions of their soldiers. I looked up at the beautiful alien as I continued to expand with his spawn.

“Cal? How old are you?”

He chuckled. “I am part of a line of identical indestructible Krybro super-soldiers that was created over ten thousand Earth-Years ago. But I myself was only hatched this morning when my pod landed on Earth. The pod containing me was incubated by a host breeder on a conquered planet many light-years away, and I was launched towards earth in only my pod with extra nutrients so I would be full grown and could begin the conquest when I landed. But I know exactly who I am and what I am supposed to do because every one of the millions of ‘Cal’ soldiers in the galaxy is connected to a psychic hive mind. You can probably feel it flowing through the spawn developing inside you. We’re all part of one vast galactic organism.”

“Y-yeah, I think I can feel it. I feel them growing inside of me.”

“I can feel them, too,” Cal smiled. “They’re already downloading their orders. We ‘Cal’ soldiers can make endless copies of ourselves as long as we have a warm living host to implant them inside and to nourish them when they hatch. Over the next few weeks you’ll create hundreds of soldiers just like me. But even after they’re all hatched a breeder will remain full of nourishing green goo so the soldiers can always have a source of nutrients to drink.

I gently rubbed my belly as I continued to expand. By now I had to be over 800 pounds and finally fell on my enormous ass like Roman had.

“Just perfect,” Cal said, hugging my distended gut and dribbling his glowing green cum on my belly.

I glanced over towards Roman and saw his first two spawn were now full grown and had started covering themselves in the nourishing green slime oozing out of his cock. The goo dried on their powerful bodies and became a smooth shiny fabric like alien latex. The new Cals were completely wrapped in the green shiny suits from their necks to their toes. Even their plump heavy cocks were shrink-wrapped in the green substance. The soldiers stepped back, clicked their heels together, and stood at attention waiting for orders.

“In a few hours this entire building will be filled with Krybro soldiers,” Cal said grinning. “Once they have all matured and applied their green Krybro goo uniforms we will subjugate this planet in a matter of days.” Another splurt and other green pod popped out of Roman’s ass and quickly hatched. I could feel as the new Cal’s mind came online and he became aware of his orders and purpose. The fully grows soldiers in the skintight blue uniforms looked straight ahead, but then the oldest one looked towards me for a brief second and winked.

My own body continued to bloat and expand with Cal’s seed and I could see in the gym mirrors that I was quickly becoming a blob like Roman.

“Hey, Cal?”

“Yes, breeder?”

“Don’t forget about me, okay?”

The hulking alien smiled and leaned in to give me a deep and passionate kiss. When he pulled away he grinned down at me and I could feel his monstrous hard cock pushing against my engorged belly.

“I bet you can take another round of breeding.”

“Anything for you, Cal. Fill me more. I’m yours.”

4,413 words Added Nov 2023 9,859 views 4.6 stars (12 votes)

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