Weekly Update: 9 Apr 2022

Welcome to the Vignette Party, Part 2! I wasn’t able to finish realizing the prompts my noble and lustrous suggestion-level Patreonites provided for this month’s one-scene story abbondanza, so I decided to make a virtue of necessity and make it a two-week event. This week there are three more prompted stories from me, plus a bumper crop of great contributions as well. Find something you like, and remember to comment and star-upvote the stories you enjoy to help others find them and let the authors know they’re onto something.

This week’s Friday Flashback went all the way back to April 2003, so check that out if you missed it. the next update is a week hence, on 16 April. In the meantime, thanks for visiting, and enjoy the site!

Posted: 9 April 2022  

This week’s new stuff: