Weekly Update: 18 December 2021

This week sees a return visit to the Patreoncommissioned “One Hot Summer” to check on the aftermath of the chaotic growth outbreak at Mike’s Fourth of July party. Plus lots more good stuff, so peruse the offerings and make sure to comment and star-upvote the stories you like.

The Friday Flashback theme this week was Cute ’n Nerdy—take a look at that if you missed it. Next week there will indeed be an update, and I’d be thrilled to get a stack of holiday-themed stories to post on the 25th itself. If you’ve got a story in mind, or one already written, by all means send it along, and you’ll have my thanks and gratitude. In the meantime, thanks for visiting and enjoy the site!

Posted: 18 December 2021

This week’s new stuff: