Call of the incubus

by DaBook

Recent college graduate Adrian Castille has started noticing cults rising up around his city. He investigates, following a cult to an abandoned warehouse, and witnesses a deadly ritual, and finds himself face-to-face with a powerful incubus. He stands his ground, telling the incubus he will be stronger than him.

5 parts 23k words Added May 2024 Updated 7 Sep 2024 11k views 5.0 stars (16 votes)

Chapter 1: A Step Too Far Recent college graduate Adrian Castille has started noticing cults rising up around his city. He investigates, following a cult to an abandoned warehouse, and witnesses a deadly ritual, and finds himself face-to-face with a powerful incubus. He stands his ground, telling the incubus he will be stronger than him. (added: 25 May 2024)
Chapter 2: The First Step to Demonhood Adrian experiences the aftermath of his encounter with the Incubus, and learns that if he wants to become one himself he needs to become stronger. (added: 22 Jun 2024)
Chapter 3: New Training Regimen At the gym, a skeptical trainer pushes Adrian to his limits, with surprising results.
Chapter 4: Back Home What’s more stressful than an incubus invading your life and taking control of your body? Family dinner immediately afterward! (added: 13 Jul 2024)
Chapter 5: First Date After failing to ask Ben on a date, Adrian meets a shy muscle guy who seems to be attracted to him. (added: 7 Sep 2024)
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Chapter 1: A Step Too Far

The large city of Valley Ring is centered around a river that forms a ring around the inner city. The poor sector of the city is centered around this ‘ring’, as over time the poorer denizens were attracted to the jobs that were in the city center. The outer ring was built as the city started expanding outwards, away from the marshy area. In fact, nearly a hundred years ago, the city attempted to drain the marshes around the center, and it ended in disaster. The attempt was botched which led to the center being flooded. It was later drained properly, but the center is still known for being poor and bad infrastructure. The outskirts of Valley Ring became known for being a rich and vibrant area. It quickly became a highly populated city due to the many business and economic opportunities. It soon became a tradition for those who wanted to make it to Valley Ring to survive the center first.

In the city center, rumors started circulating of a portal to hell being located somewhere in center. There were also rumors of cults popping up in the city center, many trying to summon demons or draw power from this mysterious portal. Eventually, these cultish activities drew more attention from people outside of the city center. People like me…..

I live on the outskirts of the outer ring, the richest section of the city. I spent most of my time inside studying, managing to graduate early at the age of 22. I still looked like a high schooler. Most people didn’t know I was part of the Castille family, since most of my family is two shades darker than me. I didn’t exercise much either, so I looked way scrawnier than I should be. While I spend most of my time inside, I slowly started to noticed people going missing near the college I used to go to. A lot of strange people showed up around there too, but the strangest part was that no one was talking about it. When I brought it up to my parents or teachers, they always brushed it off, saying these cults rise and fall too quickly to be a threat. However, I couldn’t keep ignoring this, I had to investigate these cults myself.

Following the cult, I reached the inner ring, just outside of the city center. Even here, the strange cultists were careful not to disturb the public. They wore dark robes with red stripes outlining the sleeves. It hung down low, completely covering their feet, with pointy hoods obscuring their face. The typical cultist look, one many people have seen before. If they were closer to the outer ring they would have been laughed at out of the streets, but here everyone seems too scared to look at them. Due to my small size, I was able to follow them to the city center. I made sure to stay low and keep quiet. The cultists traveled into a forested area, I had to be even more careful. Stepping on a branch could completely out me, and I doubted I could outrun these guys.

Soon I found my way to an old warehouse and felt sick to my stomach. This warehouse is infamous for a lot of cult-related atrocities, getting caught around here could lead to my death. I was going to turn back, until I heard screaming coming from the trees to my right. A young woman who was about as old as me was tied up and was being carried like livestock.

“Let me go, please!” she screamed. She was struggling against the restraints; she wasn’t a small woman either. You’d think the two cultists would have some trouble handling her, but despite her struggle, they had no trouble at all. Their sleeves were rolled up, and I could see their large and powerful muscled arms, clearly straining from holding the woman. Then I saw a larger figure come out of the darkness of the warehouse entrance, fixing a gag on the woman’s mouth. Once the goons got inside this figure dragged a long, heavy chain with an oversized lock and completely sealed the entrance. I was going to make a note to report this and come back for whatever is left behind, until I felt a rushing heat behind me, and a hellish wailing behind me.

My back was turned, until I felt the rushing heat behind me. Once I noticed It, I couldn’t tear my eyes away. It was a horrifying sight, a pinkish, fiery aura surrounded the warehouse. The heat from the warehouse made me sweat, almost burning my skin. I swore I could see heatwaves; I think I could hear screaming too. It’s a horrifying sight, one I should be running from.

But I couldn’t look away.

It was like an aurora borealis, an extremely terrifying version of the natural phenomena. The faint screaming and unsettling noise emanated from the warehouse. I must have been staring for hours, only coming back to reality once I heard a loud thumping from the warehouse entrance. I only just noticed the figure guarding the entrance has disappeared. The door had a large bulge on it, the chain clearly loosened. Bang! Bang! Two more large bulges appeared in the door. Then, one last bang rang out through the whole area, and from the darkness of the warehouse emerged a tall, dark figure. I could barely see what It looked like, but I could see Its eyes. Its violet eyes radiated pure violence, and its sharp teeth gleamed in the hellish haze. It locked eyes with me, a viciously gleeful expression crossed its face, and I realized I needed to run.

However, I could only take a few steps back before it caught up to me. It was huge, its head raised far above mine; when it pulled me close, I couldn’t see its face. I tried desperately to push it away and run for my life, I kept struggling until it started speaking. “Stop struggling.” It spoke with a deep voice that reached me to my core, to the pits of my being. My body seized up before relaxing. I was frozen, feeling oddly satisfied with whatever fate this creature wanted to dispose onto me. It peeled me off its body to get a better look at me, I also used this opportunity to get a better look at It too.

Now it was bending down to look at me, I could see its face. It had pale skin and a slim nose. It also had large plump lips that were painted black. It reminded me of the goth girl that used to hang around the back of school. Long purple hair covered half of its face, it would normally cover its eyes, but its bright violet eyes shone too brightly to be ignored. My eyes started focusing on Its naked body. A large, masculine body, with bulky muscles covering its body, sculpted to near perfection and slick with sweat. My eyes traveled lower until it spoke again.

“What is your name, boy?” Its dark, husky voice stole my attention, my eyes snapped back to its face. I opened my mouth, but couldn’t speak, my mouth dry and eyes wide with fear. Its hands released my shoulders and traveled to gently grab my hands. Then it spoke again. “I know my appearance scares you a little, so I ease you into this.” It leaned in and kissed me on the lips. My fear melted away as its insanely soft lips pressed onto mine, my heart slowing with each passing second. It pulled away, eyes no longer glowing. It looked down at me expectantly, biting its lip impatiently. Soon I remembered how to speak.

“It’s Adrian Castile, and I’m not a boy.” I looked up to its face, wanting to stand my ground against this creature. It sneered at me, a vicious smirk cutting across its face, sharp teeth fully revealed. Its otherworldly nature was clear to me.

“You’re bold speaking to me with such defiance, those cultists you followed tried to control me.” It grasped my face with both hands, and pulled me closer to its own. “I tore them apart, licked the blood of their corpse, and laughed as they screamed for mercy. Any kind of mercy.” Its eyes lit up again, burning into the back of my skull. “Submit to me, and I will make your last moments worthwhile.”

It licked its lips and then leaned in for another kiss, once again feeling its soft lips, but I did not want to die under its control. I bit its lip, biting hard enough to draw blood. It pulled back and wiped its lips. When it turned back to face me, it was smiling. It spoke up to clear my confusion. “I didn’t expect you to bite so hard, I didn’t expect you to fight back.” It walked closer to me, pressing me against a nearby tree. It asked me, “What does someone as small and weak as you could do to me?” My face was buried in its chest. I had to crane my neck to look it in the eye. It asked me. “What do you want?”

I always wanted everyone to listen when I spoke. I always wanted a relationship where I was on top. I always wanted to caress the powerful wall of muscle in front of me. I always wanted to be the biggest, the strongest.

“I want to be—” I breathed in before continuing, “—like you.” I was losing concentration as my hands felt the powerful muscles of this otherworldly creature. Its powerful arms rose up to my head, hand scratching its change, deep in thought as its sinister grin widened. Then it grabbed the back of my head and carefully pulled my head up to see my face.

“Interesting…” it whispered. “So you want the power of an incubus.” Then it suddenly backed up. “Let’s see how long you last; I give you full permission to worship my body.”

I lost all self-control right then and there. My hands started exploring his body, reaching up to its arms, feeling its smooth skin and shredded biceps. My face was still stuck in its chest, so I started licking its huge pecs, once I found one of its nipples, I kissed it, then started suckling like a baby. I really couldn’t get enough of this monster!

I couldn’t hold myself anymore, I moaned, loudly. I moved down to its abs, licking and caressing each muscle I could find. I moaned again, lost in lust, I came as I tried my best to satisfy the creature the best I could. The creature pulled me off its body, I could see it was speaking, but I couldn’t really hear anything. I would’ve started worshiping its body again, if I didn’t notice it pumping up its cock. It was massive, at least twelve inches long, and half as thick as my forearm. It was already hard, drooling pre all over my shirt. Once I saw it, I already knew what to do.

I got down on my knees, licking the underside of its cock, once I reached the massive, bulbus, head, I kissed it, and started licking the slit. I lapped up the precum, noticing how sickly sweet it was. Wasn’t semen supposed to be salty? Whatever questions that I had stayed in the back of my head. I couldn’t pull myself away from its cock, I couldn’t stop, I started sucking the head, struggling to make it fit in my mouth. I kept going, stretching my jaw as much as I could, even as it reached the base of my throat. Eventually, my gag reflex activated, and my body forced me back.

As I gasped and sputtered, I could hear it giggling. “You almost convinced me you knew what you were doing,” it said, a snarky grin curled up its face. “You probably spent a lot of time watching others provide pleasure, but you don’t have the experience to do it properly.” Its large hand caressed my face, “Little dog, you don’t really know what you’re doing don’t you,” my cheeks flushed with embarrassment, this creature clearly had seen more action than me in a week than I ever had in my entire life. But still, I didn’t want to just give up.

My hand grabbed its cock, I took a deep breath, and tried to fit as much of it down my throat as possible. I gagged, my jaw muscles ached, tears streamed down my face, but I kept going. I must have reached halfway until it grabbed the back of my head. It said, “Since you’re so determined, let me give you a helping hand,” It forced me to down its entire cock, I could feel it all the way in my throat. I was completely lost, it started thrusting, fucking my mouth as hard as it could, but I was already numb to it all, all I could feel was pure euphoria as it continued to ravage my mouth. I completely lost track of time, only regaining focus when it finally came, sweet semen blasting down my throat, even coming out of my nose. I came too, completely letting loose on the forest floor.

I leaned against the tree and looked up, noticing dawn breaking from behind the trees. I felt so tired, barely able to move. I could still hear it giggling, as it reached down to scoop me up, cradling me as it wiped the semen drooling from my mouth. Its smile looked a little warmer now, and it pulled me close and opened its mouth. “Where do you live, dog?”

It asked me with such a tender sweetness, I almost let my guard down and answered. Then I felt my jaw slack, realizing how damaged it must be now. It noticed I couldn’t speak, instead putting its hand on my head, large black, bat-like wings unfurled from Its body.

As it started flying, I started licking and suckling Its nipple, hearing it giggle as we started flying away from the forest, away from the bloody warehouse, as the dawn shined behind us.


Chapter 2: The First Step to Demonhood

I woke up lying beside my bed, rubbing my forehead as I opened my eyes. “Ugh…” I slowly started to rise from the floor. “My head hurts…” I groaned. A dull, throbbing pain set in. I probably spent too much time drinking yesterday.

I turned to my bed. Was I so drunk last night I couldn’t even manage to land on my bed? I took a seat on the side of my mattress. “Gonna have to take work off today, tell ’em I’m sick,” I muttered to no one. I reached for my pocket to pull out my phone, checking the time.

“Huh, that’s not right,” I thought, looking at the date. It was Saturday. “Weird, I thought it was Thursday, and wasn’t I investigating something?” My thoughts were coming back to me slowly in bits and pieces. I remembered setting out to find clues about the cultist’s activities and then encountering something. Something strange. I took another look at my bed, realizing it was completely untouched.

I looked down at my clothes. They were dirty, of course, but rather than seeing beer stains, I saw these strange dark blotches on my shirt. They smelled weird, like dried-out honey, and even now seemed to stick to my fingers when I touched them.

I got up and tried to walk to my bathroom, and noticed just how exhausted I was. I stumbled in, looking at my reflection. Dark bags had formed under my red-rimmed eyes, and my dark hair, usually neat and combed back, was dirty and ruffled. Dark marks covered the area around my mouth, and I noticed just how much my jaw hurt.

I turned on the faucet and started washing my face. Once I was done, I noticed a long black tail trail up to a familiar figure.

I recognized it, and I started to remember everything that happened last night. I almost broke my neck to turn around to the creature, and once again struggled to look up at its face. I could see it grinning down at me, my head barely reaching its shoulders. It took a step back, allowing me to get a better look at it. I noticed its large goat-like horns, with spikes jutting out from them, three on each horn. There was also a row of spikes lined vertically at the top of its forehead, ending in its hair. It had large, sharp ears, jutting out by at least five inches. Six sharp earrings pierced the leathery lobes.

As I gaped at it, its large hand reached up and rubbed its chin, and it looked down at me curiously, its lips scrunched up as it hummed while being lost in its thoughts.

Then it finally spoke. It said, “You look horrible, my little pet.” It bent and started jerking my face around, scanning my face, seeing how dirty and messed up it was. It snorted. “You look like need a bath, and I happen to need one too.”

I heard the tub faucet turn on. Then it asked me, “Do you need me to clean you?” I silently nodded as it picked me up and carried me to the tub.

Its long tail curled around the soap bar, scrubbing it all over my body. Its large hands, ending in sharp black nails, massaged my shoulders, loosening my body and helping me relax. Despite the relaxing atmosphere, I couldn’t completely relax due to the otherworldly nature of my companion. I leaned back and looked up at its face, and it looked down at me. It grinned at me, showing off its sharp teeth. Its eyes stared at me, they glowed like they did yesterday, violet eyes beamed down at me with a lustful interest. I snapped back into focus when I felt a hand travel down to my abs. It felt my flat stomach and continued to travel lower to my cock, gently rubbing it, trying to make me hard.

Before this went any further, I had to start asking questions, figure out what this creature was and what it really wanted from me. I grabbed its hand and asked, “What, exactly, are you?”

Its eyes stopped glowing the moment I asked. I kept going. “How did you know where I lived, and what did you do with the cultists?”

It dropped its grin, my blood running cold as it started speaking. “You clearly don’t remember everything that happened yesterday, so I’ll enlighten you on the nature of the cult you followed.” Its tail curled up to its free hand and dropped the soap bar it was using to clean my body. Then it started explaining itself.

“My name is Gnarrgthgrr,” it said. “I know that can be a little difficult to say, so I’ll let you can call me ‘Gary’. I’m known for being a powerful Incubus. The cultists that summoned me said they used to be scientists, and they’re trying to enhance the human form. They summoned me to capture me and study me, to use my power to further their research.

“They tried another ritual, using some woman they caught as a sacrifice to fuel the ritual and bind me to their service. Unfortunately, they asked for the power of Asmodeus, who’s basically my boss, and he didn’t take kindly to their attempt to control me. He broke the ring that summoned me and held me in place. Once I was free, I killed as many cultists I could get my hands on, feasting on their essence as I slaughtered them.”

It licked its lips, gleefully reminiscing the killings it had committed. “After stepping out of the warehouse, I found you, my little pet, and after teaching you how to properly suck a cock, I read your mind, then flew you back to your house.”

My memories were coming back to me: the hellish aura, the busted warehouse door, the rough blowjob, and the flight back home. It mentioned it could read my mind. I had done a little research on demons, to learn more about the cult I was following. I’d never heard of Incubi using telepathy.

It interrupted my thoughts: “Your research is flawed. Both Incubi and Succubi have limited telepathic abilities. How else would we be able to best sate our companion’s desires?” Then it added, “You told me you wanted to become like me, an Incubus. Why do you know so little?”

Gary’s hands went back to “cleaning” me, scrubbing my and caressing my body. The process was once again easing the tension my body felt. Then its left hand traveled back to my cock, rubbing it while licking my neck.

Gary’s scent was mixing with the fresh soap, fueling my lust. I quietly moaned, and then I came into its hand. It took its hands off my cock and turned me around, pulling me up to its lips. We started to make out, sloppily mashing our tongues together. It quickly dominated me, my inexperience showing as I failed to keep up. I held on to it tightly, trying to hold my concentration as Gary ravaged my mouth, hungry for my lust and will.

After it was done with me, it took me out of the bath. It was carrying me like it did yesterday, cradling me like a baby. Its tail whisked a towel off the towel rack and took it in its hand. It set me down on the toilet and started drying itself off first. My eyes tracked its arms, which it dried off first. It had large, powerful muscles, and its shining pale skin seemed to barely hold back its bulging biceps, pulling back to show off its shredded forearms.

It grinned, now noticing me admiring its physique. It moved the towel to its huge chest, its pecs danced as it dried its chest. It started drying off its belly, and I got another chance to admire its eight-pack abs.

Its sculpted abs glinted in the bathroom lights, as it slowly and deliberately dried itself off, guiding my abs lower to its long legs. Like the rest of its body, they were shredded and sculpted to perfection. I could see its thigh muscles bulging out, its skin barely able to contain them. They danced as the incubus turned its left leg outward, allowing me to see its leg from a different angle. It flexed its calves, showing them off to me, its muscles bouncing and dancing in its taunt skin.

Once it was done drying itself off, it strutted over to me, holding the towel out in front of it. Once it reached me, it wrapped me up in the towel, quickly drying me. It examined me as it dried my body, clicking its tongue in evident disappointment. It stopped rubbing the towel over me and started feeling my arms, its finger easily bent my small muscles, furthering its disdain. “Do you plan to be turned into an Incubus with a body like this?” it asked.

“I want to be strong, like you,” I admitted. “Will becoming an Incubus help me reach your strength?” I asked, staring up at its face while leaning against its chest.

“Your body is too small, too weak to survive the process.” It grabbed me by my torso with one hand. “I appreciate your small body, however. It makes it easy to carry, like a good pet,” it mused. “But your body would break if I were to attempt the ritual on you.”

So, I couldn’t be stronger? “Not exactly,” it said, reading my mind, “I can help you out a little, by passing on some of my essence.”

I must have looked shocked. It explained further: “If I pass on some of my essence to you, it will help you develop your physique quickly, hopefully making you strong enough to survive the ritual.” My face lit up again. My dream is still available! “However, I don’t can’t wait for long. I’ll have to return to my domain soon.”

So, I was on a time limit. That was fine, I did my best under pressure! I asked, “So, how long will I have to build up muscle?”

“I can extend my stay for two months,” it answered. “Any longer and I may be forcibly dragged back by something, fearsome.”

I wondered what kind of creature could scare Gary into returning to hell. It read my mind again and said, “You don’t want to know what kind of creatures are in charge of keeping order.”

I was getting annoyed with its constant mental intrusions. “Can you stay out of head for a little bit? I’m trying to figure things out.”

It didn’t want to give me any space, however, smirking as it drew its face closer to me. “Is my pet flustered? Does he need his head pats?” it taunted me. It started giving me vicious head scratches, completely running my hair. It also began rubbing its face against mine, hugging tightly as I groaned in annoyance.

“Aww, my pet must be grumpy, I’ll stop playing with you for now.” It set me down and sat down on the toilet. I took the towel and quickly covered myself. “I should explain how I can help you build muscle,” the Incubus said.

A bead of small violet light appeared in its left hand. “I can give you a little bit of my essence to help you build muscle faster. It might make you grow a little taller too.” It caught the colored light with its thumb and index finger, crouching down until we could see eye to eye again. It said, “I must warn you: if you fail to build a proper amount of muscle, I will have to take back my essences, one way or another…” Its right hand poked my chest where my heart was beating so hard I could hear it in my head. I knew what it meant. It would butcher me to take back its essence.

I had to think about this. Was it worth it? To turn myself into the same monster that stood before me? Could I abandon my humanity just for a shot to become stronger?

I got up and looked into the mirror. My small, scrawny body hadn’t gotten much respect socially, and even less so in my own family. My father often pitted my older brother against me, and I usually lost. Even when I devoted my time to academics, I only won my dad’s disappointment for ignoring the family shipbuilding business. My brother, meanwhile, used his popularity to ostracize me wherever he went, and since my dad forced us to go everywhere together, I had grown up with no friends. I only had my mom, and I was pretty sure she only raised me because she felt she had to.

So, did I really have a reason to stay human?

I looked at the Incubus’s face, my mind made up. I took a deep breath. “I’ll join you. I’ll become an Incubus just like you,” I said, sure of myself for the first time since I’d met Gary. It smiled wide, placing its essence right on the tip of its tongue. It curled its tongue toward me, beckoning me to receive its power. Without hesitation, I leaned in and took my ticket to ascension, so I could leave this earth behind and taste demonic delights.

For his part, Gary seemed eager to show those demonic delights to me. As we kissed, then started making out, I could feel his essence passing onto me, a strange energy started welling up in me, growing and growing until I couldn’t sit still anymore. I wrenched my lips away, Gary looking up at me with shock that I would end our make-out session so soon. Breathing heavily, I turned away, hastily grabbing the towel and running to my room to get changed.

“I need to start working out, now!”


Chapter 3: New Training Regimen

After getting changed, I rushed out of my house and immediately started sprinting to the gym. After about ten minutes of running as hard as I could, I realized I had no idea exactly where the gym was. I took a short break to catch my breath and started searching for someone who could give me directions. I ran into a kindly old man and asked him, “Can you tell me where the nearest gym is?”

He smiled at me. “Of course! Go down that street over there!” He pointed behind me. “Then turn right once then turn left. The Iron Body gym should be on your left.”

I thanked him and started running again in the direction indicated. That was my brother’s favorite gym—the big baby wouldn’t shut up about that place. He would always beg me to get up and come with him, and I never really wanted to waste time in the gym. He probably still held a grudge against me for that. Seriously, why the hell did he still care? He was the older brother, why the hell was he being so petty—

My thoughts were interrupted when I ran head-first into a steel beam, which was used as a decoration for the Iron Body Gym. The steel bar was curved up and crossed over another steel beam forming an x on the building. IRON BODY GYM was engraved on the sign that hung just below the steel beam. The sign had a grey backdrop with a red outline, giving it an imposing vibe, like anyone who walked into this gym must take their physique seriously.

The double-sided doors were huge, outlined in red paint, and standing at least three feet taller than me. They were wide, too; I could stretch my arms while standing in the middle and wouldn’t be able to touch either side. When I looked through the glass, I could see why they were so big. The men inside were huge! They were all close to the size of my brother, and a few were probably a little larger….

Then I saw a pair of angry eyes reflected in the glass doors. A large shadow loomed over me. I turned around, and a tall, lean, black man stood behind me. His arms were crossed and his right eyebrow was raised in annoyance. “Can I come in?” he taunted, clearly annoyed with me blocking the door. I quickly scuttled out of the way, not wanting to piss him off anymore. As he entered, I noticed he was weirdly slim for someone who used this gym, way skinnier than most of the people inside. He turned back to me, and asked, “You just here to sightsee?”

“Uh, what do you mean?” I asked. He sighed and opened the door.

“You came here to train right?” His hand gestured towards the entrance. “Go inside!”

I quickly scuttled inside the gym and looked around. The gym looked even bigger on the inside, weight sets were lined up neatly on the wall, two on each side. Treadmills and other kinds of equipment were set in the back. I was drawn to investigate the machines, until I that man pulling me back. “Only paying patrons are allowed to use those machines,” he said, “though I doubt a rookie like you could make much use of it.”

He then walked behind the front desk, pulling up a clipboard and pen. “You need to sign up for the gym before you start working out rookie. I’m Ben Nigel, one of the receptionists here at the Iron Body Gym.”

Time to assert myself. “And I’m Adrian Castille, the newest member of the Iron Body Gym.”

I saw the smallest hint of a smile on his face. “Why did you introduce yourself to me?” he asked.

“You introduced yourself to me first, so I wanted to return the favor.” I looked down at the clipboard. “I’m also going to be working out at this gym a lot for the next two months, so I might as well get to know you as well as I can.”

“Hm.” Ben’s stone-cold face leered over me; he seemed doubtful I would last a week. He started explaining what I could do at the gym. “The weight sets and the punching bags can be used for free, along with the treadmill for the first week,” he said, gesturing toward each area. “All the other equipment and the sparring ring can only be used after you start paying the monthly membership fee, starting at $50 a month. Sign here to get half off on your first month.” He extended the clipboard to me. A surprisingly colorful sheet was presented to me. The form asked for my information and what kind of membership I wanted. Only one option was available. He noticed my confusion and explained it to me.

“The boss found a template online and made a quick edit.” I eyed the rest of the sheet and realized there were plenty of grammatical errors. “The boss isn’t good at much aside from working out and training people,” he added, twirling the pen in his hand.

I had to ask. “Can I—”

“Not likely,” he said, stopping me in my tracks. “The boss is always willing to train people, but I doubt you’ll survive her training.”

There was no way it was that tough. “I can handle it!”

“You can’t, trust me.” I thought I saw him wincing a little. “I’ve been through her training, And it’s hell on earth. I almost died!”

He looked sick, like just remembering the training was enough to make him throw up. It almost scared me into leaving. I needed training, but a quick death by Gary’s hands seemed preferable to that level of torment. I was better off figuring it out on my own.

“I don’t have any money on me right now, so can I sign on later?” I asked.

He sighed. “You have a week of free use on the weight sets, all right? Just make sure to be careful.”

I walked into the gym, heading straight to the weight set. Picking up the 10-pound dumbbell, I tried an exercise I had seen my brother do. I curled the dumbbell up to my shoulder, then I dropped my arm. My arm stretched all the way to the ground. My arms were already tearing up, but I kept going.

I thought Ben was checking on me, but every time I looked back, he was on his phone. I looked back one more time, but Ben wasn’t there. I was going to focus back on my exercise until I noticed Ben standing right in front of me.

He inspected my form and shook his head. He asked me, “You’re trying to do a bicep curl, right?” He grabbed my elbow and right hand, and slowly curled my arm up. “If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask.” Then he started to instruct me, telling me that I shouldn’t drop my arms so quickly, and to keep my back straight while doing the exercise. He also made sure I kept my elbows close to my body while curling. According to him, my biggest mistake was swinging my arms, and moving my arms too fast. I eventually fell into a smooth rhythm, slowly curling the weight up and down. I think I did 11 reps before setting down the weights.

Ben eyed me with concern. “Is something the matter? You should be able to do more curls than that.”

“It’s weird, but the weights I was using feel way lighter now. Can I use heavier weights?”

“What you were lifting was pretty light, but I don’t think it’ll be safe to push your limits now.” He decided that I should try to do some push-ups. “At least 10 before I can let you leave,” he reminded me while I struggled to do the push-ups. I managed to do 15 before stopping. I couldn’t even get up after I was finished. I couldn’t feel my skin due to the muck I was sweating.

I heard Ben sighing. “We’re not done yet,” he warned, reaching down an arm to pick me up. “You didn’t even complete a full workout! C’mon.” With a bit of effort, he managed to pull me up. He gave me a bottle of water and let me have five minutes of rest before starting the workout again.

He pushed me to do 20 squats and 25 sit-ups before I could stop. Every time I thought about stopping, I looked into his cold, fierce eyes to scare me to keep me going. By the time I finished, I couldn’t move. It honestly scared me. I could barely feel my limbs, and my pulse was slowing. I really thought I was going to die, until I suddenly felt my heartbeat quicken, with blood rushing to my head and my… cock?

I got up feeling seriously confused and aroused. I tried to stumble my way out, but I tripped and almost fell before Ben caught me. He guided me to the water fountain and I drank like a fish. I still felt extremely weak, but I could at least walk without falling over. I tried to hide my hard-on and started walking out of the gym.

Before I left, I thanked Ben for the workout and jokingly asked him when I could go to the boss for training. I was rewarded with a small chuckle from Ben. “You could barely survive some push-ups; her training will kill you.” He put a hand on my shoulder. “Fix your pants and make sure you come back tomorrow.”

My face turned beet red as I walked away from the gym as fast as I could. I found a dark alley and hid behind some upturned boxes. My shorts were baggy, and my cock could barely be considered average, there’s no way he could’ve…

I looked down at my pants. My cock was clearly tenting my shorts. It shouldn’t be that big. Was the Incubus’s essence already working? I checked my hiding spot for any puddles and carefully sat down. I looked around again to make sure no one was nearby and took off my shorts. My cock was rock hard, clearly straining against my underpants. The fabric was stretched painfully over my erection, making it feel like it was going to rip at any moment. I had to struggle to take my underwear off, almost wearing the skin off my cock as I pulled my underwear off.

When I finally managed to pull my cock out, it smacked my abs, at the same time hitting me with a strong musk. My cock was somehow sweatier than the rest of my body, with the heat radiating from it warming up my surroundings. The last time I checked, my cock barely reached five inches. Now it seemed comparable to the Incubus’s monster tool, and even seemed to be a little thicker. I could barely put my left hand around it. My cock was so hard it almost hurt and breathing in my musk seemed to only make me harder. There was no way I could go home with this. I would have to jerk off quickly before I could leave.

It scared me, though; my cock should not be this big already. But I needed to get home, now, so forced my hands to grab my cock. My hands trembled as I felt my cock throbbing, shaking my hands along with it. Well, there was only one way to make it stop. I started jerking myself off, sitting back as pumped my huge cock. It was slick with sweat, so jacking off was surprisingly easy. My hands rubbed it up and down, slowly at first out of fear for the beast I was trying to tame. My hands moved faster, as I got closer to cumming. “Faster,” I thought, “faster!”

I was nearly burning my cock with how fast I was rubbing it. Streams of precum was pouring from my cock, but I wasn’t anywhere near release. I hunched over, jacking myself even harder as more and more pre poured from my cock.

I could feel it coming, a massive climax. There were tears streaming down my face, my breathing was ragged, and small moans escaped from my mouth. I couldn’t think of anything else aside from getting off. My arms had gone numb from just how hard I was swinging them. I was exhausted, but I couldn’t stop. I needed to get off, I needed this climax, and I kept going until finally felt it.

A long, white rope of cum shot out of my oversized penis, then another, a never-ending stream of cum started blasting out my cock, painting the wall ahead in smelly cum. I leaned back as my cum covered the alley. I had to bite my lips just to keep my voice down, barely containing my moans. I thought I was cumming for hours, just managing to stay conscious until I finally felt my balls empty. My cock sputtered out a few more ropes of cum before slowly going soft. My body was going limp and my eyesight dimmed. I was losing consciousness until I heard a familiar voice.

“Enjoying your new cock, my pet?”

I immediately regained consciousness as I saw Gary before me. He was bending over me, his hands on his knees. His violet eyes were glowing as bright as ever, almost blinding me when I looked at them. After catching my breath, I realized that might be the first time I saw Gary wearing clothes, and he seemed to notice too. He stood up, showing them off to me.

He had a theme for his outfit, slutty and way too tight. He was wearing tight jean shorts, his cock barely fit inside them. In fact, I’m pretty sure if he moved too much they’ll rip and fall off him. He was also wearing a tight hoodie cut just above his chest, showing off his ‘cleavage’. His pecs and arms strained the small hoodie, so I could see some of his muscles through the fabric. He thrust his chest forward, clearly proud of the clothes he’d got.

“How do I look?” he asked, leaning over me. “I stole these from some girl I found. I fucked her brains out and stole these clothes off her,” he boasted, giggling as he twirled around like a schoolgirl. Then he sat down next to me, his back against the wall, and put a hand on my right knee. Slowly he dragged his hand up to my cock, which was now flaccid and completely drained. He moved my cock to the side and grabbed one of my balls. I didn’t get a good look at them earlier and hadn’t realized how big they were. They were the size of a large orange! I wouldn’t be able to wrap my hand around them.

He spent a few moments caressing my balls until he moved his face closer to my cock. He breathed in my musk. “Your cock smells so good…” he said, before licking my cock. He was flitting his tongue on the cockhead, sucking the slit, then dragging his tongue across the length of my cock. I could feel myself getting harder. This wasn’t good. I had to get back home soon, and I wouldn’t trust an Incubus with self-control. I needed to make him stop.

I grabbed his hair, trying to pull him off me, but I had no strength left. Gary chuckled at my pitiful attempt to pull him up and raised his head to look me in the eye.

“Is something the matter?” he asked me, his tail curling into circles.

“Can’t we continue this later? I gotta get home soon.” My voice could barely rise above a whisper. I tried to get up, but Gary pressed his weight on me, his grin widening as my legs wobbled.

Then he rubbed his face against mine, with one hand on my left shoulder, and another on my cock. “It won’t stay this big for long; you’ll only retain a bit of this size tomorrow.” He stroked my cock faster. “I need to have of taste of this, just a taste…” He started panting and moaning as my cock got harder again. He kept repeating he only wanted a taste, but I couldn’t trust those words. He was blushing, literally drooling over my cock. His eyes blinded me whenever I looked at them. If I don’t do anything he’d probably suck the life out of me.

“Please,” I begged, wheezing while trying not to panic. “We don’t have to do it in this dirty alley.” Gary’s lust seemed to be rubbing off on me. This happened to me every time I got aroused next to Gary—the Incubus’s lust made me forget everything, making me lose my mind in desire. I had to fight it, regain control, and convince him to take me home. I spoke up again. “My house isn’t too far from here—”

“A pet shouldn’t beg so much, it isn’t cute,” Gary whispered in my ear. He tilted his head. “Are you afraid of me?” he asked. He stopped smiling. “You would rather be at home than be with me? I only want a taste…”

He stared directly into my eyes, clearly infuriated with me. I couldn’t even pretend to be brave. I tried to look away, using what little strength I had to scoot away from him. Gary held on to me even tighter, holding my head in place as he stared at me with increasing intensity. His hand slid down to my shoulder and put his other hand on my left leg. He picked me up, just like the first day we met. We flew out of the dirty alley, a dark scowl left on his face.


Chapter 4: Back Home

We flew above the city, all the way back to my home. I would’ve enjoyed the sight if it wasn’t for Gary’s nasty scowl. His grip tightened as we flew closer to my home, a double-story house that sat right in the entrance of the suburbs. My dad was an efficient man, he wanted to live close to the port he owned, which was right outside the city center. He wanted to raise us near the sea. “Teach ’em early!” he said. My mom told me during her first pregnancy, it took her right up until she gave birth to convince my dad to move to somewhere safer. My dad insisted that if his kids had to inherit his business, they needed to grow up near his work. My mother insisted that their kids should be raised somewhere safe. My mom and dad were stubborn, they never backed down.

My older brother, Ernesto, inherited their fiery willpower. He always tried to get me off the couch to do whatever he had on his mind that day. Everything from boxing to scooter racing, even skydiving. The only consistency his hobbies shared was how dangerous they were. When I was younger, I was encouraged by my dad to keep up with his hobbies, “It’s a bonding experience!” he said. Those bonding experiences nearly killed my young self. Once I turned 12 years old, I decided to never go anywhere with Ernesto alone. As we neared closer to my home, I could hear Gary bitterly muttering something about the dirty alley being more exciting than any room in my house.

Once we reached my bedroom window, Gary rudely lifted up my window and forced his way in. His body could barely fit in my window, his horns and back scraping the frame. He gave out an annoyed growl before unceremoniously dropping me on the floor. By the time I crawled up to my bed, Gary’s back slammed against the wall, leaning on the wall while glaring at me. I sit up on my bed rubbing my right shoulder. I was gonna ask what his problem was until I heard my mom running up the stairs. Damnit, she must’ve heard Gary slamming himself against the wall and thought that was me.

Her short, carefully maintained hair was a complete mess, her blue blouse had white stains on it, and her white dress pants were covered in wrinkles and creases. She looked almost as insane as she was acting now. She slammed my door open and started ranting at me about how fragile the doors in the house are, even though she just slammed it open. My eyes trailed over the corner Gary was sulking in. My Mom somehow didn’t notice the seven-foot-tall Incubus in tight clothes standing just a few feet from her, I guess she was just that mad. Gary even walked right up to her and waved his hand in her face, no reaction from her. What the hell? How could she not see him?

“Hey!” my mother screamed, snapping me back to focus. “What are you looking at? Can’t you pay attention when I’m talking to you?” I was going to explain myself until Gary started making stupid faces at me. I was getting yelled at by my mom, and he thinks it was a good idea to start messing with me. I was getting irritated with Gary, and my mom could see it on my face.

“What are you getting mad at?” my mom’s face turns beet red as she screams even harder at me “You’ve been gone since yesterday and you didn’t call back, or leave any message, and you have the nerve to get mad when I ask you what you were doing!”

She started stomping towards me. I knew what was coming. “You disrespectful little—” My mom’s face twisted into a disgusted look. “Jesus, you stink!” She backed away in disgust. “What were you doing? You smell like you went to the city center!” Before she left, she turned back and told me to shower. The door slammed and Gary gave me the biggest shit-eating grin I’d ever seen.

Gary giggled as I stripped down and changed into my towel. He leaned over the doorway, grinning like a proud trickster. “That’s what you get for holding out on me in the alley,” he said as I exited the room. Of course, such a long-lived being had the time to be petty. I sighed as I walked to the bathroom. I locked the door, so Gary didn’t follow me. I could take a good look at myself in peace.

Walking into the bathroom, I took off my towel and looked at my humongous cock. Gary said the essence he gave me caused my cock to grow to this size. I took the tape measure roll I hid in the sink cabinet. I put my right hand around it, its weight shifting as I caressed it. I still couldn’t believe my dick could be so heavy. My orange-sized balls contributed to this weight too. Gary mentioned it was temporary, and I would only retain a small portion of this size.

I was not sure how I felt about this. On one hand, I didn’t have any clothing that could fit a cock this big. I would have to replace all my undergarments and might even have to start wearing a jockstrap. On the other hand, it felt good to be above average in something other than brain power. All right I need to finish measuring myself and hit the shower, I smelled worse than a gas station bathroom.

I lifted my cock up and placed the end of the tape on the base of my penis. Then I started rolling out the tape. “It’s... 8 inches long?” Most men don’t even have erections that big, and I was only flaccid! I wrapped the tape around my cock. It was 7 inches thick! I was not even erect and already bigger than 99 percent of men! It felt good to be this big!

Admiring my size only seemed to make me harder. Growing longer, harder, my cock steadily gained inch after inch under the tape. I had to keep rolling out tape until my cock stopped growing. “13 and a half inches...” Freaking incredible. Then, with trembling hands, I measure its width. 11 inches, that was ungodly thick. I might even be bigger than Gary now!

“Yeah, it’s a shame this monster will disappear tomorrow morning...” It was Gary! He was standing behind me with his hand on my cock. I backed away in shock, or at least tried to. Gary grabbed my cock with a vise-like grip. I slipped and nearly fell on my ass, but Gary managed to catch me. He hauled me up to my feet, grinning as he squeezed my cock tight.

I winced as his grip tightened, in a panicked whisper I asked, “How did you get in here? I locked the door!” Gary’s grin widened as he bent over to look me in the eye.

He taunted me, “Relax, I just want a taste,” his face inches from mine. His violet eyes were glowing as he stared down at me. He licked his lips as he stared down at my dick. A loud slap rang throughout the bathroom. Gary stood, grinning proudly as he stood up to his full height. His massive cock popped out of his shorts, and each time it throbbed it hit his abs. A long stream of precum flowed from the slit. “You think your cock is bigger than mine, right?” he asks, showing his dick off to me. “Let’s compare...”

I held up the tape measure, but Gary took it and tossed it aside. “No, we won’t need that. That’s not how we’ll measure each other.” He pressed his cock against mine, and its head was raised high over mine. Of course, since Gary stood almost two feet taller than me. “Hmm...” Gary had his hand on his chin, wondering how he could do a proper comparison. I suppose it was up to me then. The vanity could be large enough for me. I hauled myself up onto the counter, my arms still straining from my earlier workout. Gary only noticed what I was doing once I was properly seated. Grinning, he praised me. “I knew I made a good choice, picking such a smart partner.” I didn’t know what was so smart about sitting on a sink. But I barely had the time to think before Gary once again shoved his cock against mine.

His eyes glowed as he mashed his cock against mine, his precum drowning both our cocks, making them barely visible. He wiped the precum off and grabbed ahold of both of our cocks with one hand. Now we could both get a better look at each other’s cocks. Gary’s cock seemed to be just a little bigger than mine, its head making the difference. Strangely, his didn’t seem to be as veiny as mine, despite how hard it was throbbing. Seriously, I could feel Gary’s pulse through his cock. His cock throbbed so hard it would’ve shaken out of his grasp if his grip even loosened. Gary had to squeeze our cocks harder to hold his in place. Man, why do I have to be punished for his throbbing cock?

Gary grinned as he saw the size difference. I could feel his smugness radiating off his fucking prick. “The biggest prick,” Gary said, reading my thoughts. He sighed, mocking my frustration. “You’re so cute when you’re mad, sweetie.” He started aggressively patting my head. “If you take that energy to the gym, you’ll grow bigger than this by the end of next month!” His smug grin widened as he rubbed against my cock. He used his large hand that was holding our cocks in place as a tight fleshlight. He started moving slowly, his hips rocking back and forth.

My cock was somehow becoming even harder, and he kept rubbing against my cock. His pre worked like lube, making this dual masturbation session possible.

The heat radiating off our cocks could’ve melted the sink counter, and I could tell he was close. His slow, deliberate thrusts devolved into monstrous thrusts. His throbbing cock bashed mine, huge veins now visible and his cock seemed to grow as he came closer to his climax. I came first, my cock erupting like a volcano. My jizz completely covered our cocks, blasting our bodies. It covered our legs and abs. I barely had time to breath before Gary’s cum covered my face. Gary gave a guttural, demonic roar as he came. He just kept going, blasting me everywhere. The force of his cumshot nearly blasted me back into the mirror. A tidal wave of cum kept washing over my body, nearly suffocating me.

When Gary finally stopped drowning me with his cum, I wiped my face and was horrified by what I saw. Cum covered the floor from the door to the toilet. I couldn’t even see the counter, the sheer amount of cum made it impossible to see the tiles. My hand sunk into the cum until it disappeared. The mirror was also drenched in cum, only the very top could be seen. Even the ceiling had small puddles of cum dribbling down to the floor. Gary looked down at me beaming with pride at his mess. Sighing he said, “It’s been a while since I came like this, at least on Earth.” He lifted a cum soaked arm and wrapped it around me. He excitedly whispered in my ear, “Bet you can’t wait to do something like this!”

My head just fell in my hands. “I won’t live long enough to try.” I was nearly sobbing as I lifted my head to face Gary. “My mom cleans the bathrooms in this house. When she sees this mess, she won’t just kill me, she’ll rip me apart!” I was sobbing, gripped with fear of what would happen when she found out. I looked up at Gary, the slightest bit of concern on his face. He picked me up off the cum drenched sink and set me down in the shower.

Before he closed the shower, he told me not to worry. He promised to clean the bathroom by the time I finished my shower. When I asked how, he just said, “Don’t worry, I haven’t shown you all my tricks yet.”

It was going to take a while to wash all this cum off my body. I rubbed my eyes, stinging from the cum and my tears. I was embarrassed, crying in front of Gary like that. I was a grown man, I should’ve had more control than that. I wondered if anyone else in the house heard me. They should’ve at least heard Gary’s demonic moans. Maybe he used his powers to keep people from hearing us. Either way, I should clean this cum off my body before I could think about this further. As I scrubbed the cum off my body, I could see my new muscles. They weren’t impressive by any means, but shocked me as I looked at them.

My shoulders had a little definition and had some firmness to it. My biceps were clearly a little larger than they were this morning. When I raised my arm and flexed it, I could even see a little more muscle! Usually when I flex my arms, I couldn’t see the difference. Not a single, small muscle would be visible no matter how hard I flexed. Now I could see my bicep raise up a little bit, small veins snaking across my forearm. I couldn’t believe this! I had muscle, real muscle! I could barely contain my excitement. Even my chest, abs and legs, they all looked a little bigger than I ever thought they would. Whatever Gary did to me really works, I’d soon be bigger than my brother, maybe even larger than Gary. I could only wait...

After all that excitement, I turned off the water and started using the soap to scrub the rest of my body. While I was scrubbing my body, I heard some odd slopping noises, and some weird, high-pitched moaning. I could only hope whatever Gary was doing in the bathroom would make it clean. Once I turned the water back on again, a few thoughts from the back of my head surfaced. How was I going to explain my growth? If I kept growing at this rate, many people were going to notice. My brother would definitely notice; someone like him would be suspicious. What would I tell them? What could I tell him? There was no way I could tell them the truth. What would happen when Gary left? Would I be able to stay here on earth? Or would I be turned into an Incubus and be forced to go down to hell with him?

Before I could stew on these thoughts, Gary opened the shower curtain, grinning widely at me. He asked me, “Why are you taking so long in the shower?” He was eyeing me up and down, checking out. He whistled, eyes glowing faintly as added, “You’re clearly done. Why don’t you step out of the shower so I can get a better look at you?”

I stepped out and looked at the bathroom. It was spotless, looking just like it did yesterday. How the hell did he do this? I looked at his face and saw a small dribble of cum trailing from his lips.

What? “D-did you, lick the cu—?” Gary put a finger on my lips to shut me up, wiping the cum off his face. He cleared his throat before telling me that he only had a little. Yeah, a little.

“I’m serious!” he whined. “I only had a little taste before properly cleaning the bathroom. Besides, I blasted out a lot of pent-up energy, so I gotta make some of it back.”

Hold on, losing energy? “I know Incubi reap energy from sexual intercourse,” I pressed him. “I thought they only lost energy by abstaining.”

Gary faced me again. “You already knew your research is flawed. If either an Incubus or Succubus has a lot of sex and keeps cumming throughout it, they can end up losing energy.” Gary explains that they lose too much energy when cumming, they’d have to go into a deep sleep to rejuvenate themselves. “You don’t need to worry about that happening to me, I’m still pretty backed up.” He yawned, stretching his arms as he said, “I haven’t had a good fuck for at least 200 years, so it’ll take more than a little bathroom fun to tucker me out. Still, that felt good.”

His wings appeared out of nowhere and fanned out, completely covering the mirror. Then he leaned down to my ear, his deep, sultry voice rocking me to my core. “I’ve been waiting for someone to knock me out like that.” He licked me from my cheek to my ear. “You’ll become bigger and stronger for me won’t you, so you can fuck me like that?” His lustful growl as he dropped those last few words made me rock hard. I could barely hold myself back from immediately trying to fuck the daylights out of him right then and there. He giggled, knowing he had me wrapped around his finger. He opened the door, tilting his head to the hallway. “Go on now dog, your family’s waiting.”

I was in my room now, picking out my change of clothes. I took a large graphic tee, a hand-me-down from my brother. It was huge, but the rest of my shirts looked too tight. I hadn’t needed to buy new shirts since I turned 16—guess I’d have to start now. I took some shorts that are also hand-me-downs from my brother. I’d need it to hide the monster Gary decided to bless me with. Honestly, I didn’t know why I feared my mom getting mad at me for the bathroom. She’d be way angrier when I started growing. She’d have to buy me a new wardrobe every week! I sighed, realizing I’d have to go commando, as none of my underwear would fit me. At least the shorts were a snug fit.

I heard a knock on my door—my older brother Ernesto, yelling the food was ready. God, did he always have to be so loud? After he stomped away, I pulled up my shorts and tied them up as tight as I could and went downstairs.

The table was already set, my mother scowled a little when she looked at me. She’d probably stay crabby for the rest of the weekend. My dad was short, stocky frame took up most of his chair, his sweatshirt struggling to hold back his bulk. He was sitting, arms crossed, impatiently waiting to eat. My hulking brother stood behind his chair, the chair barely reaching his hips. A muscular beast like him could shatter the chair if leaned too hard on it. His stupid grin was plastered over his face. I speed-walked over to my seat and greeted my family. Ernesto finally sat down, and my mom let us eat.

The food was still hot, so I had to sit and let it cool. It looked like she made Camarones con Crema, my dad’s favorite dish. No wonder he was so impatient. I looked over at him, deadly silent and tearing up his plate—that was a sign it was really good. My dad loved small talk on the table, and he only shut up if he was scared the food would taste worse by the time he was finished running his mouth. My brother was similarly ravenous, but struggled to keep the food in his mouth, probably ‘cause it was too hot. My dad had a legendary heat tolerance, and my brother tried everything he could to be like him. I usually didn’t like dishes with this much cheese, but my mom could make anything taste good if she tried. My mom eyed me with one of her eyebrows raised.

“Are you not hungry?” she asked, irritated I hadn’t touched my food.

“Don’t worry, this food’s just hot. I can’t eat lava like dad can.” I picked up my spoon and blew on my food. After taking a bite, it was no wonder my dad had been silent since he started eating. I started clearing the plate at record speed, nearly breaking my plate while scraping my spoon against it. The food was good, but I’d never eaten this much this fast without throwing up. This must be a side effect of the essence Gary gave me. It was only when I noticed the rest of my family looking at me that I finally calmed down. I asked them, “Is something wrong?”

They looked at me with astonishment, clearly surprised by my appetite. My dad looked vaguely proud of me, my mom was clearly disgusted, and my dopey brother just looked shocked at me. My mother passed me a napkin.

“Clean your face and be a little more careful while eating! You’re spilling the food everywhere!” She was right, the creamy sauce was dripping off my face and onto my shirt, which further dripped onto my shorts. I took the napkin and wiped my face clean. I wiped my shirt and shorts, the sauce leaving large stains behind. I had to be careful while cleaning my shorts, as I could feel my large junk while rubbing the napkin on the fabric. While I was cleaning myself, my dad sighed and leaned back in his chair.

“My little boy is finally eating properly!” His voice boomed across the kitchen. “Ya era hora, only took 20 years...” Mom glared at Dad, clearly displeased with his response.

“What are you praising him for?” Mother screamed the question at him. “He’s eating like a pig, and you’re praising him?”

Dad grimaced, knowing what was coming. “I’m not trying to encourage bad eating habits, I’m just saying he’s finally eating like a grown man.”

“So, you think a grown man eats like a savage?”

“No, no dear, it’s just our boy—”

“You spend too much time down at that port! You’ve clearly forgotten how people are supposed to act!”

“Hey, now don’t interrupt me, and don’t talk about my workers like that! They work too hard for pompous egghead like you to insult them like that!”

“What did you call me? You—”

And they just kept going. Well, this argument was probably gonna last a while. I looked at Ernesto, and he clearly looked uncomfortable. He pushed back his chair, trying to leave as quietly as possible. I tapped his shoulder and motioned for him to follow me. I got up and threw away the napkin, while Ernesto quietly followed me.

We went to the living room, him with his napkin still in hand. My brother faced me as I leaned against the wall, looking squeamish.

“Looks like they’re going off again, I hope they calm down soon...” he said with a half-hearted grin on his face. Every few minutes, he glanced back to the kitchen in worry.

I sighed. He was clearly trying to hide his worry. “It’s fine, they’re still arguing in English. It only gets really bad if we can’t understand what they’re saying.” My brother and I could speak Spanish pretty well, as long as it was spoken slowly. Whenever our parents started ranting in Spanish, it was nearly impossible for us to understand them. “We can wait it out like we always do.”

My brother nodded, still glancing into the kitchen as if he expected our parents to drag us back in. Then he looked at me and noticed I was wearing his old clothes. I could see the question forming on his lips. Then he looked at my arms.

“You know, arms look a little bigger than yesterday, have you been hitting the gym lately?” Oh shit, I figured Ernesto of all people would notice when anyone gains any amount of muscle.

“N-no,” I blurted out, a little too quickly. “I just haven’t finished growing.” His eyes lit up; he wasn’t fooled.

“What gym did you go to? I can give you some tips for your diet, dieting is very important when it comes to working out, our mom’s food has a lot of proteins, but you’ll also need—”

He just went on and on about the foods I should eat depending on what body I want. He just kept going and going on various exercises and the best gyms in town. I was getting tired of this and tried to speak up. “Hey, keep it down. I have been exercising a little bit, but I haven’t been to any gym yet.” I stepped closer to him, beckoning him to lean down. He did and I tried my best to explain to him why I wanted to work out in secret.

“I just did some running and a little bit of lifting. Can you keep this a secret? I want it to be a surprise.”

“Surprise for who? Are you trying to surprise our parents? They’ll probably just get mad if you get too big and they end up buying new clothes for you.”

“Well, no. You see, I just want to get fit for a, uh, friend.” I had to play this carefully. I didn’t want my brother to get suspicious.

“A friend, huh.” That big dopey grin returns. “You got a crush, little bro? And they like muscles? You better be careful I don’t take ’em bro.” He started flexing, showing off his impressive muscles. His biceps were almost the size of my head, and he knew how to show them off. His posing was really good, raising up both of his arms and flexing them hard. Since he was so close to me, his chiseled biceps looked even larger than they were. I’d only met one being with muscles more impressive than his, and I couldn’t tell him about it.

He stopped showing off and extended his hand to me. “I can help you get in shape for your crush, with all I know you’ll get in shape in no time!”

I almost took him up on his offer, but I thought back to Gary when I first met him, walking out of the warehouse with a hellish haze behind him. There was no way I could ever let him meet my family. “I appreciate the offer, but I need to do this on my own, okay?” I glanced back at the kitchen. Our parents were winding down now. “Our parents must’ve finished their argument. We gotta go back before they realize we left.” I tugged at his sleeve. “C’mon, let’s go.”

He looked disappointed. His hands dropped to his sides as he stared at the floor. “Okay, let’s go.” God, I didn’t know he acted like this, but it made me feel like I was supposed to be the older brother. We walked back to the kitchen; our parents were calm after their heated argument. My mom looked smug as hell, while my dad looked irritated. It was almost like their moods swapped. Once we took our seats our mom asked us where we went. My brother went to the bathroom while I said I got up to throw away my napkin.

My dad raised his brow at me, “It took you that long to throw away a napkin?” he asked. I just shrugged my shoulders and leaned back. My dad’s eyes widened, and he looked like he was about to go off on me, until my mom spoke up.

“Dear, I thought we agreed on no more arguments.” I could leave the house and still feel her smug energy. My dad twisted his lips, clearly having something to say, but decided to keep to himself. He only picked up his spoon and told us to eat before the food got any colder.

After eating I go straight to bed. My brother tried to talk to me again, but I told him I was too tired and needed my beauty sleep. He gave me another stupid grin, telling me that I’d need it for my crush. God, I hated his stupid jokes. I rushed up the stairs, hoping no one noticed my upcoming hard-on.

I rushed inside my room, careful not to slam my door because I didn’t want my mom to yell at me again. I locked the door then jumped on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief. I couldn’t believe I got through that whole dinner without anyone noticing my huge cock! Seriously, I was going commando, it must’ve taken some serious luck for no one to see that.

“You think no one saw what you were packing?” Gary spawned right next to me, his sultry voice sending chills through my whole body. I would’ve jumped off my bed if his large arm hadn’t already wrapped around my shoulders.

“How the hell do you keep doing that!” I screamed, rattled by his sudden appearance.

Gary’s grin widened as he tilted his head. Pale, sharp teeth were visible as he looked at me. “Keep doing what?” he taunted me, playing dumb.

I struggled in his grasp. “Stop fucking with me,” I huffed, trying to put some space between me and this fucking prick. “You keep appearing out of nowhere with these weird-ass powers! Can you at least explain some of this shit?”

Gary’s shit-eating grin didn’t fade as he took his arm off me. He lay down, with one hand holding up his head and another on his hip. That pose and his smug grin reminded me of Willy Wonka, looking down on a bunch of snobby kids. I was too old for him to be treating me like this. He giggled, clearly reading my thoughts.

“You’re not as slick, kid. Your mother noticed a big bulge when she burst into your room earlier, and your brother noticed it too.” His eyes started glowing faintly. He kept going, “Your mother was really freaked out about it, asking your father if he knew about it. He managed to convince her that she was seeing things.” I felt his hand on my chest. “Your brother noticed too—when you got up from the dinner table, he saw your shorts shift across something… something he was too afraid to ask about.” His hand trailed down to my stomach. “He thought you were stuffing your shorts, probably trying to impress your crush.” His hand was closing in on my shorts. “He felt so bad for you, that’s why he wanted to help you build muscle.”

Then, he yanked off my shorts, and my monster cock was now out in the open.

I could feel his nails trailing on my cock. The sharp edges didn’t touch it, but I could still feel the pain. It excited me, my heart pumping as blood rushed to my cock. As my cock got harder, Gary grabbed it, slowly and carefully rubbing my cock, drawing it out as long as he could.

“I think you know why I treat you like a child. You’re small, tiny, barely the size of a high schooler.” As he slowly pumped my cock, he shifted to position his face right in front of my cock. “You only have this cock, and this cock will disappear tomorrow.” His back was arched, knees digging into the bed. His large, round, muscular ass high in the air, a nice amount of fat was still visible, making it look that much more magnificent. He gave a deep sensuous growl, reverberating around the room. It reminded me he isn’t human, as if his perfect body isn’t proof enough. “You are just a child, and you have the nerve to call me your crush.” He scoffed, before licking the base of my cock.

“You talk about me like I’m just some crush, some shameless secret you can hide from your family.” I was glaring as he started sucking my balls, his violet eyes brimming with disgust.

Then he fully unfurled his tongue, giving me one long, drawn-out lick from my balls to the head of my cock. Now I was at full mast. “If you survive the ritual and become an incubus,” between each lick he stated, “you will be my incubus,” another lick, “my eternal partner,” another one, “my pet, my dog...” His voice got higher as he spat out each line. With each lick, he shamelessly moaned, his eyes glowing as blindingly as they did in the alleyway. Then he put his large, black lips on my cockhead, sucking as hard he could. Dammit, I was so close, just a little more-

“No.” A single word shook the room, stopping my climax for just a moment. Then, I felt a strange pressure in my balls, it felt like they were slowing ballooning. Then I noticed my cock feeling painfully tight, with Gary’s thumb pressing down on my slit. My legs were trembling; my knees shook as the pain in my cock was building. Why was Gary stopping me from reaching my climax?

“Because you won’t submit,” he answered, his violet eyes glaring down at me. “Both in speech and in your head, you deny my glory.” He stood on his knees, leering over me. He held my cock tight, adding to the painful pressure. “You’re weaker than me, you’ll be lucky to end up being my eternal partner! You’ll be lucky to stay by my side as something lesser when I’m done with you!” His thumb pressed down so hard it nearly plunged into it. I thrashed in my bed, tears welling in my eyes. It took everything I had to not start wailing right then and there.

I begged him, “Gary, please...” Gary’s grin widened into a manic smile. He now had both hands on my cock.

“You are my slave, my pet, my eternal partner,” Gary leaned in closer to my cock, looking over it to stare directly into my eyes. “Say it.” His deep voice boomed all around the room. “Say that you’re mine, say that you’re my dog.” His eyes widened as his voice rises in pitch. “Say you’ll always be mine, say you’ll always belong to me.” He sounded as pained and desperate as I was. “Say it, say it!”

My cock turned a deep shade of red, large veins pulsating through the shaft. My balls feel like they’re going to explode! I couldn’t resist, I had to give in. “I-I’ll always be weaker than you,” wiping my tears as I kept going, “I’m your dog, your slave, your eternal partner,” my cock hurt so bad! “I’m your pet, I’ll always be yours!” I screamed those last few words, nearly passing out from the pain. At that moment, Gary downed my whole cock, taking it all the way to the balls. His cheeks puff up to an insane size as I reach my climax, my cum filling his mouth. I screamed as I came again and again, my cum blowing up his cheeks with each blast. Even as I came, Gary still swallowed everything my cock gave out. His squinting eyes glowed so brightly it nearly managed to light up my dark room. Eventually my output died down, and I ran out of juice. Even still, he kept going, his cheeks flushed pink as he kept sucking. I came again, and it was sucked out even faster than my first cum blast. Each time I came, Gary sucked it down. I could even feel him sucking the cum out my balls!

I put my hands on his head to try and pull him off, but I was too weak. Even as I was losing consciousness, Gary kept sucking, hungry for whatever life I had left. Even with my cock filling his mouth, I could still hear his muffled moaning, as my consciousness was fading away. It seems he was just as powerless to stop his lustful instincts as I am. I couldn’t believe this, was he really going to kill me? Collapsing onto my bed, all my energy gone. Just before I lost consciousness, Gary spat out my cock. Breathing heavily, he lies down next to me, kissing me on the cheek before finally passing out.

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I woke up the next morning, surprised I managed to survive the night. I haul myself up to sit up on the bed frame. I looked down at my cock, it really did go back to normal. It only looked a little bigger than it usually did. My body was slick with sweat, and I raised a trembling hand to wipe my brow clean. That was when I noticed how sore I was feeling. My whole body felt limp. I guessed that was the consequence of Gary sucking me dry.

I looked down on the sleeping incubus, out like a light. Not a dribble of cum on his lips—he really had swallowed every drop. His hand fell off me, his body twitching a little as his hand fell on the bed. He cooed as he tossed and turned in bed.

I looked down at my cock. It really did go back to normal. It only looked a little bigger than it usually did.

“Adrian, c-come cl...” he mumbled before moaning. It sounded too cute for a demon like him. He looked surprisingly adorable as he lay there. I tried to get up, and as soon as I got on my legs, I almost fell over. I had to grab my nightstand to avoid falling on the floor. Now gasping, I struggled to stand up straight. Then I heard yawning, and the blanket shifting over. Shit, he was awake. If Gary saw me in this state, it would only confirm everything I had to say last night.

Dammit, why did I let this Incubus have my way with me? I should’ve run away when I had the chance. I nearly started crying, my arms struggling to hold my weak body. Just before I fell, Gary caught me and helped me up.

He gently lifted my head up, looking in my eyes. “You know, I don’t like it when you have such thoughts about me.” He wiped my tears next. “And when you think such thoughts about yourself.” He helped me walk over to the mirror, letting me see both our bodies. My small frame was almost completely covered by Gary’s hulking frame. Way to make me feel better, man.

“No, that’s not why we’re looking at the mirror.” He grabbed my arms from my elbows, slowly raising them up until my arms were at a 90-degree angle. “Look at yourself,” he whispered softly, as I winced from the pain. He squeezed my bicep, the bicep pushing back around a little. “You’re gaining strength, little by little each day. Not just from exercise, but also from sex.” I tore my eyes away from our reflection, tears streaming from my eyes again. I’d gain strength, but what did that mean if I just stayed as Gary’s plaything forever?

Gary held my chin again. “Don’t look away,” he whispered, his voice softening. Every time he spoke, it disgusted me.

“N-no,” I begged, not wanting to look at a form I’d never attain. Gary tugged harder, firmly gripping my chin.

“Look,” he commanded. As I turned to him, he took a few steps back. He turns around, his back facing me. Then I heard a fabric tearing, his tiny jean shorts tearing apart as he flexed his legs, his glutes slowly tearing apart the tiny shorts. When they were free, he let me ogle at his ass before turning around and flexing out of his hoodie. The hoodie shredded as his chest seemed to magically inflate in front of me. Once his chest was free, he focused on his arms, his biceps, and triceps ballooning out as they tore up the sleeves. Once he was done, his tail snaked over to my chin and motioned me to pick my head up.

“I was not fully honest last night. I plan to make you my eternal partner, as a mere pet. However, I never mentioned your potential.” He raised his arms up to a 90-degree angle, each bulging muscle was visible in the morning light. “With that small piece of myself inside of you, you have the potential to equal me.” He thrust out his chest, his massive pecs and shredded abs now glistening in the light. “To equal this.” He stretched out his legs, flexing them and letting his quads and calves bulge out. “No, you shouldn’t even settle for that, you should be aiming to surpass me!” he pulled his arms over his head, thrusting his hip out at me, his massive cock hardening instantly.

“You understand, don’t you, I gave you the potential to surpass my demonic beauty, to make me your pet! Do you understand my love? You have the potential to have the greatest body that will ever walk the earth!” His wings sprouted out from his back, blocking out the sunlight. With his body in the shade, it only highlighted his glowing violet eyes. “You have the power to claim any partner you wish! Even me! Even just the thought—”

He couldn’t finish his speech. A deep, sultry, demonic groan escaped from his lips rattling my whole room. He came, and a bit of his cum splashed on my left cheek. I licked some of the cum, some of my energy restored from his jizz. It seemed he was right about sex making me stronger.

“Of course,” Gary drawled, walking over to me. He pulled me in for a deep kiss. It was different from the ones I’d shared with him before; there was a certain tenderness that I didn’t feel last time. Like he was massaging my mouth instead of trying to tear it apart. He pulled away; I could tell by looking at his eyes he didn’t want to stop.

“Now, you understand what I gave you,” he said, breathing heavily. Now his smile returned. “Now go forth and claim the body you want.”

That was all I needed to hear. I quickly changed and rushed out the door, straight to the Iron Body Gym.

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Author’s note: This is the longest chapter I made so far! I really underestimated how much I would end up putting in this chapter. Any critiques on this chapter will be appreciated. I am always trying to improve.


Chapter 5: First Date

When I met first Gary, it was at the end of the first week of June. He gave me a small sliver of his power and awakened me of my potential. Since that fateful weekend, I’ve stuck to a simple routine.

Wake up at 8, shower, eat breakfast, and spend three hours learning everything I can about building muscles. Wait for my brother to leave at noon. Then head out to my job. After work, I head out to the gym. It takes me 20 minutes to jog to the gym, then I work out till 8, come back at 9, and eat dinner before rushing upstairs to cuddle with Gary.

I already signed up for gym membership, so once I walk in, I can immediately change and start my workout. Ben has basically become my personal trainer. Even when jogging, I reach the gym at 6, when most people have already left. Which means Ben can focus on making sure I don’t kill myself on the equipment. I always try to get on the treadmill, but he refused since he knows I jog here. He still works me as hard as he can. Warming up with some stretching, lunges and crunches. Then, we start the workout.

He told me we were doing training splits, the exercises divided into the push/pull/leg split. Monday and Thursday, I did push exercises, which focused on my chest, shoulders and triceps. Tuesday and Saturday, pull exercises that focused on the back and biceps. Then on Wednesday and Saturday, we focused on leg exercises, which obviously focused on my leg muscles. By Saturday, I was dragging my sore body to the gym, each hour I spent there left me tired and sluggish each night. I had to walk to the gym this time, so I got there by 6:30. Every part of my body felt stiff when I walked in the gym. Ben must’ve noticed because he ordered me to do way more stretching exercises than usual. Lunges, calf stretches, the cobra—the works. I must’ve spent at least 10 minutes stretching my body out, and by the time we were done, Ben only let me have two minutes to rest before starting the leg exercises.

“Make sure you stretch at home after we’re done here, you need to take care of your body outside of the gym,” Ben chastised me after I drank my water. He gave me this advice after I signed up for the gym’s membership, and I forgot to follow it. No wonder I feel so sore.

I soon realized the break didn’t last long enough. From the first set I knew it would be a long walk home. The barbell squats were straining my legs way too hard, and the next set brought me to my knees. Ben knew that I needed a minute, but he could only give me a few seconds. If I spent more than 5 seconds on the ground, he gave me a warning before hauling my ass up to continue my workout. 3 sets of leg presses, 3 sets of leg extensions, and was merciful by only making me do 2 sets of calf raises. Then I realized I was wrong assuming Ben would let me walk home. I would be lucky to limp home in the state my legs were in. Sitting on the floor, my trembling arms struggled to lift my water bottle. Ben stood over me, glaring as I tried to catch my breath. Even with Ben glaring at me, a silent warning to get up on my feet, my legs just didn’t have enough strength to stand. Ben sighed, extending his hand to me.

“Come on,” he said, lifting me up. “You can’t stay here overnight. I’ll drive you home.” Wait, what? I couldn’t go home with Ben! My parents will demand they meet him, and my brother will figure out what gym I was going to! I try to get up and walk on my own, only to trip and fall. Ben easily catches me, holding me up as my legs shake under my weight. Ben’s strong, with lean muscles, a rippling six-pack along with well-conditioned arms and legs. But he wasn’t big. He was tall, at 6’4”, but his muscles were slim. They didn’t pop off his frame like the hulking monsters that usually came to this gym. As he helps me sit down, I realized I never asked him about his physique.

“You know, most people who go here are huge. They’re all built like Greek gods,” I say, sputtering out each word.

Ben glances at me with his eyebrow raised. “You say I’m not?”

“Well, I thought the gods would be bigger.” I wasn’t sure if Ben appreciated my little quip, since he started glaring at me again.

“Well, I might not be built like Zeus,” he said, standing up. “but not all the Greek gods are hulking monsters.” He took off his shirt, letting me see his lean pecs and rippling abs, his dark skin stretching over his powerful muscles. “Apollo and Dionysus, for example, are more known for having a slim physique, compared to the rest of the pantheon.” He slung his shirt over his shoulder, stretching it over his arm. He must have been trying to mimic Apollo’s statue in Vatican City. “Despite his smaller physique, the Belvedere Apollo is considered the epitome of aesthetic perfection.”

He looked as muscular as the statue itself, maybe even more so due to how well-conditioned his body was. Despite the lack of muscle mass, he looked nearly as impressive as Apollo himself. My heart skipped a beat as I imagined him in proper godly attire.

The hint of a small grin appeared on Ben’s face. He raised his right arm and flexed it. His chiseled bicep was aesthetically sculpted, while his corded forearm had nearly every muscle visible, with veins snaking all the way up to his hand. My eyes were locked onto his arm, wondering how long it would take for me to look like that. I took a moment to look down at my arm. It was closing in on his size, but it was nowhere near as chiseled as his. I had a lot of work to do.

Ben regained my attention by tapping my shoulder. “The reason why I’m not a hulking monster like most of the gym’s patrons is because I’m a professional kickboxer.” He stretched his arms before sitting beside me. “Many people think a fighter could never have enough muscle, but that’s not true. Too much muscle can end up slowing you down and tiring you out in long bouts. I don’t need to be built like Hercules when I’m already black Apollo.”

That’s something I didn’t know about fighters, but I had to ask, “Keeping your muscle mass low can help you in the ring, but won’t it make it hard to control some of the rowdier patrons?” I’d seen some of these guys. Man, they were huge. They hadn’t said much to me, but I could tell they wouldn’t mind putting their hands on me.

Ben did something I thought he wasn’t capable of: he chuckled. “You don’t need to worry about me, some of these guys look mean, but I haven’t had a problem with any of them since I started working here.” Then he leaned in closer. “Besides, I may not be built like Hercules, but my punches feel like his when they hit in the right place.” God, his brutal confidence was so sexy. This may be my first time since middle school, but I had to try to ask him out.

“Hey, uhhh…” Dammit, I could do this. Gary said I could claim anyone I want. I just had to try! “So, before you take me home—”

Ben stops me before I can finish. “It’s late,” he states, plainly. “You gotta get home before your parents get mad.”

Well, I saw this coming. Even the infernal powers Gary bestowed upon me couldn’t make me a smooth talker. Maybe I should start on someone who isn’t such a hardass. My legs felt a little better, so I was capable of walking now. Still, Ben insisted on holding me up as he led me to his car. Just in case.

Once we got in and started asking about his job as a kickboxer. Weren’t there gyms that catered personally for fighters? I asked him about this, and he told me that he was just working here for extra pay. “Since I’m a new fighter,” he said, his knuckles turning white, “what I make is barely enough to pay the bills. Since my fighting gym takes a portion out of my winnings, so I work here for some extra money.”

“That’s not fair,” I told him, painfully sitting up. “Your gym should do more to support you. They should at least make sure you can pay your bills before they take a cut of your earnings.” I gasped out those last few words. That’s probably my body reminding me I still need to recover. Ben glances back at me and sighs.

“It is what it is, it’s fine. Besides, I don’t mind working here. Nothing wrong with some extra workouts.” He turned. Now we were nearing the suburbs. I’d say we were about five minutes away. “So, why are you going to the gym? And why are you trying to hide it from your brother?”

My eyes went wide, and Ben noticed, looking at me in the rearview mirror. He pressed me, “Your brother goes to the same gym, and you always arrive an hour after him. I haven’t told him yet, but he asks me I won’t lie for you if don’t give me a good reason.”

I gulped, realizing I had to come up with something good. The shoddy excuse I gave to my brother won’t work with Ben. I sucked in my teeth and tried my best to lie.

“I’m working out so I can get stronger, to, uhh, protect myself. I just don’t want to rope my brother into this.” Let’s just hope that bit of the truth can fool Ben. In the rearview mirror, I saw Ben’s harsh look. He hadhis questions, but I didn’t know if he’d ask them.

We finally reached my house, after the longest five minutes of my life. Ben parked the car right in front of the driveway. I thanked Ben for driving me home and started the walk up to the house. Before I opened the car door, Ben stopped me. “If you wanna learn how to fight, you can go to the fighter’s gym at 10 a.m. I can train you for an hour.”

Wait, was this a confession? Probably not, but this could be an opportunity. I could make him mine, or at the very least, I can learn how to fight. Maybe I could incorporate what I learn with my new demonic powers. Even if I couldn’t get him to like me, it was still a good way to practice my power without Gary breathing down my neck. I thanked him for the opportunity and walked to my house.

Reaching for the knob, I was surprised when my mom nearly managed to rip the door off its hinges. She gave me a hurried greeting before rushing me to the table. There’s only one plate there. She explained everyone else already ate, and they’d already gone to bed. This time she made some beef rice. Simple and high in proteins, just what I needed. As I ate, she started asking me questions, wondering why I started working out.

Swallowing before I answered, I wondered why everyone was so interested in me working out. “I’m just working out because I want to, it’s not that big of a deal,” I mumbled as I shoved more food into my mouth.

“Ay!” she yelped, sitting up to scold me. “Working out doesn’t give you an excuse to talk to me like that!” She calms down and asks me “What were you doing at that gym? You were really late today. Also, who brought you home?”

I raised my head from my plate. “It’s only 9:30, mom. I’ve come home later.” It was weird, even when I was in high school mom never worried about me arriving late. She was always more worried about whatever Ernesto was doing.

“You’ve come home later from the library, from school. Those places are safe. Most of the gyms are located closer to the city center. You know how dangerous it gets down there.” Right, I remembered running close to the Iron Body gym when I was following that cult.

“Still, I’m an adult now. We celebrated my 22nd birthday two months ago, remember? I can handle myself.” Finishing my plate, I got up and told her, “Soon I’ll be looking my age too.”

“Oh!” she yelped. “You didn’t tell me who brought you home!”

“O-oh,” yeah, I was kinda hoping she would just forget about that. Which one of my friends can be a stand-in, Tyrell, Jerry? No, they’re out of state right now. Maybe… Zack! “Yeah, Zack! Zackary took me home today.”

My mom’s eyes lit up when I mentioned him. “Really, the Whitakers are back in town? You should’ve told me!” Smiling, she snatched my plate. “we’ll have to schedule a meeting with them!” She loved the Whitakers, all eight of them. I only really liked Zack—he was the only normal one. I excused myself and started going upstairs, but before letting me go my mom called me back down.

She pulled me in close, hugging me and kissing me on top of my forehead. “Stay safe this summer, okay?” I knew that tone. She was worried, though she usually tried to hide it. I hugged her back, telling her I could watch myself. I’d grown a little taller since the start of this week, so I didn’t need a boost to kiss her back. She finally lets me go and I rush upstairs, ready to meet Gary.

I crashed into the bed, with Gary materializing right beside me. We immediately started making out, Gary wrestling with me to get on top of me. Once on top, he held me up, kissing me even deeper than before. His long, powerful tongue mashed against mine, eyes glowing with lustful intent. His musk filled the room, his tongue and the lustful aroma nearly made me cum right then and there. I only held back because I already experienced this combination before. He pulled away, kissing me all over my face, his lips were insanely soft, sinking into my lips and electrifying my entire body. It was Gary’s test for me, to hold back from cumming every time he kissed me. Each day I failed, cumming ropes each time he kissed me. Today, I managed to hold myself back from spraying Gary with my cum. Impressed, he pulled away, humming with approval.

“Your self-control has improved, little dog,” he said, his fingers trailing down my body. “Let’s see how else you’ve improved...” He grabbed my arms and held them over my head, pulling off my shirt, my chest laid bare for him to admire. As he inspected my body, I blushed. I’d been working hard, but I didn’t know if it’d be enough. They didn’t even look as good as Ben’s. “Nonsense!” Gary blurted out, reading my thoughts. “You’ve only been working out for a week! Take a good look at what you accomplished!”

I looked down at my body, realizing how big I’d grown since the start of this week. My chest was no longer flat, jutting out a little. Below my pecs my abs were starting to emerge, a small ridge with six puffy squares, evidence of my hard work. Gary held up my left by the wrist, letting me see just how well-built my muscles were. Veins showed up on my forearm even without flexing, and my biceps doubled in size since we first met. “And it’s only been a week,” Gary reminded me, squeezing my bicep. “My little pet has been working hard for me. Now let me reward you for all your work.”

Stretching out my arm, Gary let his tongue roll out of his mouth. It was longer than my hand! Hell, Gary could probably wrap it around my whole hand if he really wanted to. Gary teased me, licking my wrist, his tongue tickled my skin. Then he put his whole tongue on my forearm, dragging it all the way down to my elbow. He kisses my bicep before looking up at me, the same cheeky grin he always gave me. “Flex your muscles for me, I want to worship them.” Worship? Me?

“A-are you sure? I d-don’t think my muscles are mighty enough for—” The moment his tongue touched my bicep, I flexed immediately.

While moaning, Gary got right in my face, and whispered to me. “You’ve been working so hard for me, let me please you, let me heal your sore body…”

He kept going, licking my bicep from my elbow. His tongue licked between my bicep and triceps, and even flicked his tongue underneath my arm. I knew I started leaking precum. My muscles tensed as his tongue traveled further up my arm, eventually reaching my shoulder. He licked and kissed my shoulder, and when he bit my shoulder, I couldn’t hold back. My cock slipped out my shorts. I came, blasting ropes all over myself. Some of it lands on Gary hand. Grinning while licking his hand clean, he looks at me with lust, ready to reward me properly. He licks and kisses my pecs, stopping at each of my nipples to suckle them, like I suckled his. I came each time his soft lips touched my nipples, moaning loudly until he stopped. He gave one last lick each time he finished with my nipples. Then he looked up at me, his eyes glowing like flashlights as his lust grew. He buried his face in my pecs, or at least he tried to. My chest was too small for that. Either way, it didn’t stop him kissing me all over my chest while pinching my nipples. He rolled out his tongue again, licking me down all the way down to my abs, I twisted around in ecstasy as he kissed each puffy square before reaching my crotch.

When he reached my shorts, Gary once again looked up at me. His eyes glowing with lust as his fingers curled around my shorts. My cock poured a steady stream of pre, soaking my shorts. Gary already knew what I wanted him to do, and with a quick nod he obliged. He ripped my shorts off, my pre sprayed all over his face. He closed his eyes, slowly licking my precum before opening them again, somehow achieving a new level of lust. I didn’t even know the Incubus could ever get hornier, but I could see it in his eyes. He was ready to tear me apart!

I tried to back up, but I couldn’t move much with Gary pressing his full weight on my legs. “Don’t worry,” he said, lubing up my cock with his spit. “You’ll need bigger boxers when I’m done with you…”

He pressed his lips on the head of my cock, only a steam of pre blasted out. Gary didn’t stop to explain how he kept me from blasting his face, only licking and sucking the precum off my cockhead. Raising his head while breathing heavily, blushing as he looked at me. He was lost in his own lust, he lovingly kissed and licked my cock, lathering it in his spit. I could hear his moaning whenever he wasn’t stuffing his mouth with my cock: his sultry, womanly moans reverberated around the room. His moaning excited me, now a river of pre flowed from my cock. Gary dutifully sucked it all up.

Despite how wild he looked, he was careful with his blowjob. He was n’t sloppy, he was slow, slowly licking my cock up and down, each kiss on my cock feeling like it lasted hours. When he moved down to my balls, he suckled on them slowly, with the same care he gave to my cock. Soon, it felt less like a blowjob and more like he was edging me. I should’ve cum five times already, whatever magic he used on my body kept me from cumming. I squirmed—no, I thrashed under his weight, too horny to speak. Hell, I was nearly too horny to think. Every time I tried, a loud moan escaped from my lips.

Eventually, I managed to squeak out a desperate plea. “Gary… Please!” He looked up at me with glee, watching me squirm under his grasp, he clearly got off on it. I could see his cock hardening, poking out from under him. He’d let me measure his cock on Tuesday—it was nearly 13 inches hard. A steady stream of pre flowed from his cock, staining my bed. It should be messing up my face instead. Gary read my thoughts, and finally decided to let me cum. My cock exploded all over his face, painting Gary’s face white. Gary held my legs in place, lapping up as much cum as he could. Even as my cumshot trickled down to a stream, Gary still put his tongue to work, lapping up my cum like a cat, kissing my cockhead as cum dripped off his face.

I laid down in bed, breathing heavily after blasting Gary’s face. I stayed down for at least 10 minutes, all the while Gary continued to clean my cock. His face was still covered in cum, his back arched, feet up in the air as he causally licked my cock clean. Once he was done with my cock, he wiped my cum off my face and licked it all up. Once his face was clean, he finally lifted his body off my legs, and pulled up to my side. Now that he was off his stomach, I could see his cock in all its glory. Lying beside me at a slight angle, his cock poured out precum on my leg. His cock’s precum nearly outdid my output! He was taunting me with his cock, letting me know I was nowhere near his level. I could see in his face too, even in the dark I could that smug grin plastered over his face. Gary knew what he was doing, showing off his cock like that. He knew it made me hungry…

“Hungry for more,” he said, finishing my thoughts. “Hungry for bigger muscles,” he said while flexing his arm. “Hungry for a bigger cock,” he said, shooting a glob of pre at my face. I licked his pre off my face, drooling as I stared at his huge cock. I was hungry for his cock, I wanted it, I wanted so bad! I immediately put my mouth on his cock, sucking up any precum I could. Then, I awkwardly shifted positions with Gary. Now on top of Gary, I took in as much of his cock into my mouth as I could. I went down, down further, even as I felt it in my throat. I stopped right before I reach the base of his cock. Try as I might, I physically couldn’t take anymore. His pre would clog up my throat. While I couldn’t think of a better way to die, I knew Gary wanted me to live. I couldn’t spend the rest of my life pleasuring him if I died, after all.

“That’s right, drink up all my cum so you can grow big and strong,” he moaned as I sucked his cock. “Drink up, heal your body! Soon you’ll grow stranger than me!” He wrapped his legs around my head, holding my head in place. He thrust his hips, forcing the rest of his cock into my mouth. I moved with his thrusts, sucking his cock as stared down at me with a strange look. He had his arms tucked against his chest, his fist holding up his head. He stared at me like he was looking at a cute dog, squealing every time I went down on his cock. I hated that look. I’m not planning on being your little pet for long Gary, I will surpass you! I started sucking even harder, and Gary’s small squeals soon turned into loud moaning, deep, sensual moans that shook the room. His moans brought me to climax again and again, but I kept going, I had to keep going. I had him in my grasp, and I was not gonna let go!

When he thrust faster, I sucked harder. His legs tightened around my head as he got closer to reaching his climax. Even with his legs tightening around my head, I could hear his moaning. His deep, demonic moaning was the only thing I could hear. It spurred me on to suck him even harder. Soon Gary announced his climax with his demonic howling, blasting my throat with his white-hot seed. I tried to swallow his jizz like Gary swallowed mine, only to end up with jizz blasting out my nose, and my mouth. I tried to pull away, but Gary had his legs locked tight, his huge thighs nearly crushing my skull. His cum continued to blast everywhere, painting my bed white and covering Gary’s body up to his neck. Looking down at me, Gary realized he was crushing me, and summoned the will to release me. I backed up as Gary kept coming, and he wasn’t stopping. He arched his back thrusting his cock up, spraying the ceiling! He always controlled himself in my room, usually because I couldn’t. I always gave in to worshiping his perfect body. I guess I can feel proud at making him lose control for once, although I know my mom will make me sleep in the hallway when she sees this mess.

When his climax finally died down, he spent a few minutes catching his breath. His cock was still rock hard, even after ruining my room like this. It throbbed in the air, thick veins snaked across its length, I could feel Gary’s pulse through his cock. Gary wrapped his arm around me, drawing me in for a kiss. We held this kiss for a long time, then we started making out again, smooching as Gary held me closer to him. It was the coziest I felt while being with Gary, I wish we shared more moments like this. His cock decided to make itself known again, letting out a stream of precum. It only added to the flood of cum that covered the bed. I could barely see his beautiful legs under the ocean of cum, which was nothing short of a crime. I decided for now, I’ll service my master and clean up his legs.

I started licking his thighs, this was where the cum was thickest, so I might as well start with the hardest part. I dragged my tongue across his thighs, from the knee all the way up to his hip. Sucking, licking and moaning as I dutifully cleaned my master’s thighs, until they were visible again. My stomach was bursting with Gary’s cum, giving me a little potbelly. But it was worth it to see my master’s thighs in all their glory, his muscles popped out effortlessly, small veins snaking across them. The sight nearly made me cum again! But I had to focus, I would get a chance to enjoy myself when his body was clean. I started licking his abs until Gary suddenly flipped me over, his cum covered body lying on top of me.

What! Not again! Why was he doing this bullshit again? Every day since I started working out, he always ended our nights right on top of me, his rock-hard cock throbbing on my ass. It was infuriating! He always teased me like this! It made even less sense tonight because he was even hornier than I was! His cock spurted hot precum over my back as pressed weight on me. It was too much! I squirmed under his weight, my cock harder than ever, but it was no use. Gary wouldn’t budge. He held my head in place and started whispering to me. “You’ve reached your limit; you need to rest.” He kissed me on my left temple, and we both shot off pre.

We both writhed around in bed in ecstasy, but Gary still maintained his control. Staying on top of me he whispered in my ear to go to sleep, and despite my lust, I started to drift away. My last thoughts before losing consciousness were of Gary ramming his monster into me, and I gave off one last cumshot before going to sleep.

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When I woke up, I was alone in bed. Both me and the bed were completely clean. Huh, Gary must’ve used the same magic that he’d used to clean the bathroom. Speaking of Gary, he was standing at my window, looking at the morning sun. He stood bent over, with his hands on the windowsill, showing off his perfect ass to me. Man, I couldn’t wait to fuck it! He breathed in the morning air before standing up straight and looking over me. His eyes glowed again, and he gave me a proud grin. “I told you last night, didn’t I? Now, you’ll need new boxers.”

I looked down, seeing he’s completely right. My cock looked noticeably bigger than it was last night! Gary handed me the tape measure, and I got to work measuring my new cock. “7 inches.” I was closing in on 6 inches last night, now I had an inch more than that! My cock hardened up in excitement, and immediately turned to Gary. Usually when his eyes were glowing like this, he couldn’t help but pounce on me. This time he was unusually reserved. He leaned in close to me and told me something I wouldn’t believe in a hundred years.

“Listen,” he whispered in my ear. “You’ve got a secret admirer.” My eyes went wide. I looked at his face, making sure he was serious. Gary’s lips curled into a mock frown as he read my thoughts. “You think I’m a liar?”

“No, I just can’t believe—”

“You think just because your attempt with the fighter failed you’ll never have any potential lovers?” Wait, how did he know that? Had he been following me to the gym?

“I’ve only happened to be near the gym a few times, when I was on the prowl,” he said. “Whenever you left, I noticed someone else looking at you,” I was silent, listening to him go on. “This man has been following you with his eyes, drawn to the essence inside your body. He will be waiting for you, if you can find him…”

I jumped to my feet, ready to go back to gym and find this man. I rushed out before I could ask Gary for any more details, a decision I would soon regret.

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I ran as fast as I could, taking twenty minutes for me to reach the gym. I completely ran out of energy when I reached the red-lined doors. It was closed, like I’d expected. I ran all the way out here, knowing this place would probably be closed, just for a chance for some ass. Gary must’ve really been proud of me, huh? I stood there, panting, nearly ready to fall over. I was about to go home when I noticed something in the corner of my eye. I thought I saw a man eyeing me before walking away. I saw him for a split second, but I was drawn to him. I think I saw him walk to Gluteus Maximus? What the fuck? Even weirder, my body moved on its own, following this man to the small bakery.

I entered the small bakery, greeted by the owner, a portly little lady with a strong German accent. She’d just finished stocking the display case. Her accent was so strong I had a little trouble understanding what she said at first. I think she said, “Good afternoon, dear. Take a seat wherever you like.” I looked around the bakery for the man I was following. He was sitting by the window, his back turned with his head down. He was wearing a green flannel shirt, with baggy cargo pants. He was so big I could barely see the table in front of him. I took a deep breath and stepped over to his table.

I tapped his shoulder, and he turned around and gave an awkward greeting. He could only look me in the eye for a few seconds. I sat down next to him and asked for his name. “M-my name is Gabe,” he said and paused for a minute. “My last name’s Bellow.” He had a deep, mopey voice, and cute southern accent. His face matched his mopey voice, with his lips curling down into a permanent frown, and his eyebrow curled up with constant concern. It reminded me of the Ghostface mask. He looked worried, tapping his foot while his eyes darted around the store, as if someone was about to pop out and snatch him if he sat still for too long.

I’d need to break the ice if I want to start dating. “Where did you come from? I was born here, but my family is from Mexico.” He just stared at me, hunched over the table, his mossy hair covering his face. I tried to speak up again, but Gary stuttered a reply.

“I came from the countryside,” he said before realizing he interrupted me. “Sorry…”

“Oh, it’s fine! Keep going!” He was finally opening up. I had to keep this convo going.

“Well… I came from this little town called Meadowcove, and I came up to the big city for money, since my family’s farm was failing,” he sighed, gazing down at the table, looking even sadder than ever. “I haven’t earned much since coming here, so I might have to go back, even if there isn’t much to go back to….”

Jeez, this was depressing. I should find a way to help him out. If we’re going to be dating, I should help him out. “You know, my dad owns the biggest port in town. I can get a job for you—”

“For certain favors, right?”

Wait, What! “Hold on, I’m not like that, I just want to—”

“You know, I’ve been roped into schemes like this before. They come up to me, acting friendly, sharing some food or drinks. They got me a ‘job’ which always puts me in trouble with the law. The last time I talked, I almost got killed by my ‘coworkers’. I’m not doing no ‘jobs’ for you.”

I could see the look on his face, he was about to leave! Panicking, I grabbed his arm as he got up. I could he was glaring at me—I could not shadier if I tried. Still, he had the wrong impression about me, and I wanted to change that before he left.

“I-I’m not like that. My dad owns the Castle Port. I’m not offering this job in exchange for a date or anything like that, I just want to help.” I looked up at him. He was still glaring at me, but it looked like he was considering what I had to say. Gulping, I looked him and the eye and said, “I just want to talk. I like you, and I wouldn’t mind spending the afternoon with you.”

I sat back down and stared down at my hands. I hoped he didn’t think I was some shady asshole who wants to use him. I hear him sigh and the chair scrapping back into place. Then I feel his weight crashing back into his chair. I looked at Gabe. He still had a moody glare, but his eyes looked hopeful.

“All right,” he breathed out. “I’ll give you another chance since you’re cute.”

My head burned up when I heard that. “Y-you t-think I’m c-cute?”

“What, I’d figure someone with a face like yours would’ve heard that a few times.”

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I was sweating bullets, cheeks flushed, shaking in my seat. I was stuttering every other word. But the date seemed to be going well. We’d already finished eating, and Gabe was being patient with me. Since convincing him to give me a chance, he hadn’t interrupted me, and tried his best to understand me, no matter how much I stuttered. You’d think spending so much time with Gary would prepare me for this, but Gabe was the one taking control of this date. He was even paying for everything since my dumbass forgot my wallet at home! Seriously, I had to pay him back as soon as we got home.

Gabe got into a bit more detail about what kind of trouble he’d gotten into since coming here. He’d been lured to the city center and had been roped into robberies and scams. Everything he’d mentioned was small-scale stuff, but most of our time was spent talking about his hometown, and how much he misses it. Made me wish I could go down there with him right now… Oh, he just paid for everything, and was signaling me to follow him outside. Of course I got up and walked over to him, stumbling over myself, but still cautious. I really couldn’t believe I scored a date with someone like him. I could appreciate the size of this man. I barely reached his shoulder, his arm was nearly the size of my leg, almost as long too.

The owner looked up at the two of us, her face lighting up as she saw us. “Oh, finally you got yourself a friend!” She turned to me. “I’ve been looking after Gabe for over a year, so you better take good care of him, you hear!” Now it was Gabe’s turn to blush.

“Ma’am, I’m old enough to look after myself…” he mumbled under his breath. I could barely hear him, but I could tell he was embarrassed. Both the owner and I giggled at his sudden shyness. Before we left, the owner thanked me for hanging out with Gabe. We walk out of the bakery, and we start walking back to the gym. While walking, I asked Gabe about where he was staying, figuring I should walk him home.

“Oh, you don’t need to do that. I’m a grown man, I can handle myself.”

“Well, you can come to my place then, my parents aren’t home right now.”

“No, i-it’s only the first date. We aren’t close enough to go to each other places.” Okay, why was trying to get out of this. I thought he wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with him! What was going on? I was about to ask him why, before I remembered what happened earlier. If I pushed him too much, he’d walk away. I’d just have to wait for him to open up. I gave our goodbyes and we went our separate ways. Then I felt someone tapping on my shoulder. It was Gabe! Did he change his mind?

“S-so, you wanna meet up at the gym tomorrow?”

Oh, that was what he was asking me. “Yeah, sure.”

Gabe turned away with a small grin, while I left with the biggest case of blue balls I’d ever felt.

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“I’m home…” I said to no one. I was exhausted, and my blue balls felt even worse now. I felt like I’d fumbled the whole date. I mean, he didn’t even trust me to walk him over to my place! Stomping upstairs to my room, I ran the whole date in my head over and over again, thinking about what went wrong and how things could’ve gone, how things should have been. I should’ve had him wrapped around my finger, carried him home, and given him the best night of his life.

I crashed onto my bed and screamed into the pillow. My balls felt like they were about to explode. I was about to tear off my shorts and start jacking myself off when Gary spawned right beside me and smacked my hand away.

“Well, that date didn’t go as well as you wished, didn’t you?” he taunted me, his hands rubbing over my exposed abs. “You chase after a man in the same clothes you slept in last night, sweating like a pig, and you’re surprised he doesn’t want to follow you home?” Snorting, he leaned in closer, whispering in my ear, “Or take you to his place?”

“Dammit, I don’t need you to remind me of my date, I need you to—”

“You think you deserve any relief?” Gary asked, glaring at me. His glowing eyes beamed out disappointment at me. “I will remind you of that catastrophe of that date, and I will remind you that your body still needs work.” He pushed his body closer to mine, and his lustful scent washed over me. It made me even harder, my legs squirming as I kept trying to pull down my shorts and jack myself off, but Gary leaped on top of me and held my arms in place. Lost in my lust could only ask, “What are you doing?” as he held me in place.

“Your frustration is a powerful tool; I’m not going to let you waste it. I’m not letting you have any relief until you have sex with your new boyfriend.”

“What the hell, you can’t—”

He puts his finger on my lips, shushing me. “You need to work more on your more anyway,” he said, his tail tearing away my shirt and running his finger down my body. “You’re close to having an acceptable physique, and sex will distract you. Honestly, I’ve been spoiling you too much.” That was bullshit—I’d been working my ass off since he’d gifted me with his essence! “Yes, but you could be so much more, you plan to, don’t you?” He finally got off me and sat at the side of the bed. “Come on now, do some push-ups. Work out that frustration until you can smash that countryside ass…”

I got off the bed and turned away from Gary. I heard him chuckle as I slipped under the sheets. He poked my back, telling me it was still the middle of the day, and I still had some time to exercise. I told him to fuck off, in my mind, of course. I was too pent up to speak to him.

He chuckled a little louder. “Suit yourself.” Then he left.

Goddammit, I could smell his scent on my sheets, and that meant my boner wasn’t going down at all. I checked to make sure he was gone before getting out of bed. I cranked out some squats—might as well tire myself out and take a nap. On my fifth squat, I felt a strong slap on my ass. I gave a small yelp as Gary’s laughter bellowed through my room. “Come on now, don’t let a little pain stop you. Go faster!”

Pissed, but still pent up, I kept my back turned to him, I didn’t trust myself not to fall into a horny mess when I saw him. I kept exercising, knowing the next few weeks were going to be rough.

5 parts 23k words Added May 2024 Updated 7 Sep 2024 11k views 5.0 stars (16 votes)

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