by Ziel

Parker has been dreading returning home for the holidays. His asshole older brother will be there, and that can only spell more misery... unless Parker gets some help from a different kind of Christmas Spirit.

8,792 words Added Dec 2023 6,260 views 4.4 stars (9 votes)

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Parker had been dreading this trip all semester. It wasn’t that he hated Christmas. He didn’t even particularly dislike his parents. They were fine as far as parents go. If questioned, he might even say he loved them, but this semester at college had been the best few months of his life, and he could chalk up that fact almost entirely to the absence of his older brother, Ralph.

Ralph was, to put it simply, an asshole. Parker had tried to get it through to his parents how big of a toolbox the dude was, but no matter how many receipts Parker pulled, they always feigned ignorance of just how awful a person Ralph really was. His parents always downplayed Ralph’s antics. No matter what stunt he pulled, no matter what vile thing he said or did, his parents always gave the same speech. “Oh, you’re just overreacting. If he was really that bad, we would have noticed. You’re just doing it for the attention.” This litany of excuses had gone on for Parker’s entire life. It had been going on for so long that at some point, Parker began to believe it. He began to think, okay. Maybe Ralph really wasn’t That Bad. Parker began to think that maybe he was just overreacting.

It wasn’t until he got to spend time away from his family, that he began to realize that things at home really were as fucked up as he thought. In fact, he started to realize that things were more fucked up than he originally believed!

Parker had made new friends at college. These friends had never met his family, and they definitely hadn’t met his brother. They didn’t know about Ralph, the high school heartthrob. They didn’t know about how Ralph was the star quarterback or how Ralph had the biggest cock in the county. They had never seen Ralph’s obnoxiously charismatic smile. They had never heard him spout lies as easily as he breathed.

Parker still remembered the first time he had opened up about his family life to his new friends. It had started so simply. They were all hanging out in the common room of the dorms. Someone had hooked up an old Wii, and they were all playing some Mario Party. While they traded playful banter, some of them started to share stories about their lives back home.

Parker was stunned to hear people talk about enjoying time with their siblings. The sheer notion of wanting to be in the same room as his brother was so foreign to him that he couldn’t even wrap his head around it! How could someone want to share a bedroom? How could someone be on the same sports team? Some of these guys even went home on the weekends just to hang out with their family! It all sounded like madness to him.

Parker remembered one situation where some of his new friends, in a hushed voice of solemn secrecy, began to tell stories of the pranks they had played on their siblings and vice versa. These pranks ran the gamut of “I once stuck his finger in a bowl of water while he slept” or “I put a kick me sign on her back when we were kids” or “once I changed her nametag to say ‘Stinkfani’ instead of ‘Stefani’!”

Parker was so fascinated by these “pranks”. These were all so harmless. These were the kind of pranks they played on Veggie Tales or some equally insufferably family friendly sitcom. Ralph had leaked Parker’s dick pics at school! Ralph had literally beaten Parker so badly that Parker couldn’t walk for over a week! Parker had a history of black eyes and broken bones! It was so bad that his parents had started to chastise him on a regular basis. “Try not to fall this time.” “Watch your step on those stairs” “watch your head around those door frames” as if Parker’s problem was clumsiness and not having a violent older brother!

The worst part was, that for the longest time, Parker felt like this was Normal! It wasn’t until he was sitting around the common room with other people and swapping stories that he truly began to realize how fucked up his family life truly was. Listening to their stories made Parker really begin to rethink his home life, but the true wakeup call came when it was Parker’s turn to share a story from back at home.

Admittedly, Parker was a little tipsy at the time, but he wasn’t trying to start shit or drum up sympathy. Jake had just finished talking about the time that he and his brother were fooling around as kids, and Jake accidentally chipped a tooth in the process, so Parker was feeling safe swapping stories about bodily harm. He mentioned a relatively harmless time where Parker was on a ladder trying to change a lightbulb and Ralph thought it would be fun to kick the ladder out from under him. Parker had needed several stitches and had broken both his radius and his ulna.

The silence was both deafening and sobering. Parker had thought this would get a few chuckles or maybe a “that’s rough, buddy.” But his friends just stared at him. Some of them even hugged him! As if that was a thing people normally did! Parker was too confused to even return the gesture. He just sat there while his new circle of friends closed rank around him. He was honestly so confused that he couldn’t even raise an arm to cover his head, which was his normal instinct whenever someone raised a hand around him.

Armed with this new knowledge that life didn’t have to be as shitty as it was back home, Parker began to open up around others more. He began to get less skittish and less prone to retreating when voices are hands were raised. He started to feel relaxed for the first time in probably his entire life!

But his peace started to crumble after finals. The days ticked by. His friends went back home for the winter break. His family kept calling to ask him when he was coming back. It was Christmas! He couldn’t just not go! 

And so, Parker found himself at the airport back in his hometown on Christmas Eve.

His flight had come in shortly after noon, but it was getting dark by the time Ralph’s beat up Buick started to trundle its way up to the passenger pick up.

“Helloooooo, Crotch Stain!” Ralph shouted out the window as he drove past.

Parker grumbled in disgust but grabbed his suitcase and trotted after his brother’s car. Ralph would slow down almost to a stop. Parker would run up to the car. Ralph would take off speeding down the road again. Parker would race after. Ralph would then slow down once more. This process continued for a good ten minutes. After each sprint, Parker reminded himself. This is not normal. He’s just an asshole. Finally, Ralph must have gotten bored because he let the car stop long enough for Parker to get in.

“What took you so long?” Ralph asked with that standard shit-eating grin of his.

Parker didn’t respond. He threw his suitcase into the back seat and hopped into the passenger side.

Ralph turned off the car.

There was a tense silence. Ralph asked again, “What took you so long?” This time his voice was icy. There was a tension to his voice that Parker only heard when Ralph was on the verge of beating his ass.

Parker’s pulse started to race. His head started to get fuzzy. It was like he suddenly lost all control of his body. Some part of Parker’s brain remained rational, but he still could not will his body to react.

Parker had almost forgotten what this felt like. The first few weeks at school had been stressful. Finals had been a bitch, but even when things were the worst, he had never had a panic attack like this at school.

Ralph reached over and placed his hand on the back of Parker’s head. Parker tensed up. For a second, he fully expected Ralph to slam his face into the dashboard. He could feel Ralphs fingers digging into his scalp. Ralph was seriously considering it. Parker could tell from the intense gaze in Ralph’s eyes. 

“Oh… you know me…” Parker mumbled awkwardly.

There was another tense pause. Ralph’s eyes narrowed. His hand tensed. Parker braced for impact, but right when it seemed like Ralph was about to break Parker’s nose against the dashboard, Ralph’s face suddenly spread into a wide toothy grin. He rustled Parker’s hair so hard, that Parker would probably have some mild bruising, but Parker had avoided having any broken bones or shattered cartilage… for now.

“That’s what I thought!” Ralph said with a vile snicker. “I’m surprised you didn’t fall and break an ankle walking up to the car! You must have finally learned to tie your shoes! Or maybe you got a friend to do it for you? Mom will be so pleased that you got yourself a new nanny. How else have you gone this long a full semester without eating shit on the pavement!”

“Oh… you know…” was all Parker could reply.

Somehow, that was enough for Ralph. He started cackling and then shoved his foot so far into the carburetor that his tires squealed for a solid fifteen seconds before his car took off like a rocket.

The rest of the night was mostly uneventful. Ralph was on moderately decent behavior. He didn’t dare directly attack Parker as long as their parents were around, but whenever there was a lull in the action or Ralph could catch Parker alone, there was that tension in the air. Parker knew that at any moment for any reason, Ralph could lash out. Ralph didn’t even need to be angry. Sometimes he’d do it just because he was bored! Parker couldn’t even count the number of times while growing up that he had ended up with a bloody nose for no other reason than Ralph had a particularly violent flight of fancy.

It wasn’t until close to midnight that tensions finally bubbled over. By this point both parents were thoroughly sloshed. They were both pretty heavy drinkers, and holidays were as good an excuse as any to go on a bender. Both Ralph and Parker knew that once they hit a certain degree of drunkenness, Ralph wouldn’t need to pull his punches—literally or figuratively.

“So, when’s the last time you got laid?” Ralph asked in an obnoxiously friendly tone.

“Ssshhhhh. We don’t talk about such things,” their mom chastised halfheartedly.

“The only reason we don’t talk about it is because he never gets any!” Ralph said and immediately burst out into the loudest most raucous laughter. Parker expected this but was annoyed to hear his mother and father chuckling too.

Parker silently sipped his eggnog. He tried to silently remind himself that this was just for three days. Hell, if he could even survive through Christmas morning, Ralph would be more fixated on his new toys and would forget about tormenting Parker for a few hours, and then, the day after Christmas, Parker had an early morning flight back to the relative safety of the dorms. Sure, it was deserted there, but being around no people was better than being around these people.

“Aww. Poor Pecker. You don’t know what to say…” Ralph said in an obnoxiously melodramatic voice. “It’s fine. We’re your family. You can tell us that your balls haven’t dropped yet. I mean. We’ve all seen that nub that you call a dick. You obviously haven’t hit puberty yet,”

At this point their dad drunkenly chimed in, “Now, Ralphie. They say a micropenis is a serious medical issue. You shouldn’t be teasing your brother about that.”

Parker tensed up. His hands were wrapped so tightly around his mug that he could practically hear the ceramic cracking. His knuckles had gone completely white. He did not have a micropenis! He was perfectly average! More or less… It’s just that Ralph was freakishly hung! And given the way Ralph and their dad traded barbs, it was probably safe to assume their dad was packing too. It was so hard to be an average guy in a family that believed themselves to be exceptional!

“It’s fine though. I mean. I’ve seen your search history. Boys Gone Wild? Men in Back?” Ralph teased.

“SSsshhh. We don’t talk about these things.” Their mum slurred again. She then reached over and gripped Parker’s hands. “You know we love you, but you mustn’t talk about these things. Those are private things. What you do in your bedroom is between you and god.”

Parker instinctively jerked his hand out of her grip, but immediately felt bad about it. In some strange way, this was her trying to console him.

“Relax, mom. It’s not even gay if he doesn’t have a dick! If anything, you should be glad he is into guys! He might not be able to use that toothpick he calls a dick, but he is a total tight ass! I bet dudes love that!” Ralph said. He once again began howling with laughter which didn’t annoy Parker near as much as his dad nodding along and giving a chuckle.

Parker was squeezing his mug so tightly that his hands hurt. This was stupid! This was insane! This was not normal! How had he gone so many years suffering through this shit! Now that he knew what it was like to be treated with basic human decency, he couldn’t stand this treatment anymore!

Parker suddenly stood up and stared into his brother’s eyes. He was seething with rage. Â “What. The. Fuck. Is. Your. Problem!?” he roared.

“SSShhh. Parker honey. We don’t talk to our family like that…” his mother chided.

“Don’t ‘SSSHhhh’ me! How can you just sit there? Why do you think this is okay!?” Parker howled.

At this point his dad stood up too. “You don’t talk to your mother like that!” he roared.

“Oh!? Now you can stand up for someone else? You’ve listened as I have put up with Ralph’s shit for years and didn’t lift a finger! Where were you when I was in high school? Where were you when we went camping? How many times have you driven me to the hospital!?” Parker shouted.

“Stop! Stop! We shouldn’t fight! It’s Christmas! This is supposed to be a happy occasion!” His mother shouted.

“Happy for who? Why do I have to suffer? Why can’t I be happy? Can you all really not be happy unless I’m miserable!?” Parker cried.

His outburst seemed to cow his parents. Even his brother was strangely silent. Parker’s gaze moved slowly from his mother… then to his father.., and then finally to his brother.

To his surprise, Ralph seemed to find this whole scenario incredibly funny. He was struggling to stifle his own giggling. 

“What!?” Parker hissed.

“Oh. Nothing. It’s just. It’s funny to watch you act like you’re a big man now. You go off to one semester at college and suddenly you think you’re so smart and so cool. What? Did you finally get a hair on your dick? Do you think that means you’re better than us? I thought you’d be in your room crying by now like you do every year. Ohhh Boo hooo they were mean to meee! Santaaa! I’ve been good this year so why are they sooo meeannn!” Ralph said mockingly while dramatically miming the act of rubbing tears from his eyes.

“Fuck you! Fuck this family! Fuck Santa! You think that some jolly old fat man with a magic bag would have anything that I’d want?” Parker shouted. He threw up his hands and stormed out of the room. As he left, he could hear his family arguing in the room behind him.

“Did you hear the mouth on that boy!?” his mother cried indignantly.

“Just leave it. We’ll deal with him in the morning after he’s calmed down,” his father growled.

Meanwhile, Ralph was cackling.

Parker could hear their three voices fading as he stomped up the stairs to his room. He shut the door behind him and made doubly sure to lock it. A locked door didn’t always stop Ralph when he was pissed, but Ralph didn’t seem to be in a violent mood today. Ralph had stirred the pot and was enjoying watching the fallout. It was a small blessing that Parker didn’t always have to be the sole focus of Ralph’s sadism, but it was a welcome blessing, nonetheless.

Parker flopped into the bed and fished his phone out from his pants pocket. He was surprised to see several missed messages. He had some individual messages wishing him generic holiday greetings as well as several messages from a group chat with his friends.

“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!” Samatha texted.

“Hooray!” replied Jake.

“Do any of you open gifts on Christmas Eve?” asked Olivia.

“We used to do one small one before bed on Christmas Eve, but we kinda just stopped doing that a few years ago,” Jake replied.

“We save them all for Christmas morning,” Samantha replied.

“We usually open ours after lunch on Christmas,” Olivia said in response to her own question.

“Hey! Parker! Check your texts!” Jake texted.

“Yeah. He’s been quiet all day. I’m a little worried,” Olivia replied.

“I’m fine… just been dealing with the family,” Parker replied.

“‘Dealing’ with them?” Jake asked.

“Need us to help hide the bodies?” Olivia asked.

“My uncle’s a lawyer. I don’t think anyone would convict you, but if you need some representation…” Samantha added.

“It’s fine. We’ve already had our big drama for the evening. I’ll just do gifts in the morning and skip town as quick as possible.” Parker explained.

“That sounds rough, buddy. Next year you should visit your boyfriend’s family for the holidays or something,” Jake said.

“I think Jake is offering!” Olivia chimed in.

“No? I mean…. that wasn’t the intent, but…” Jake stammered.

“As much as I appreciate you guys trying to set us up, I’m more focused on surviving this year than planning for the next,” Parker replied.

“Yeah… Hopefully your fam holds off on breaking your nuts and gives you a few hours of peace in the morning,” Jake replied.

“Talk about a Christmas miracle,” Olivia replied. 

“You should ask Santa for something to help you deal with them,” Samantha added.

“Anything I could possibly ask Santa for with my family would place me strictly on the naughty list…” Parker grumbled.

“Then maybe you should ask someone else,” Olivia replied.

“Do you have Hitman 47’s number? Cus he’s about the only person that comes to mind,” Parker replied.

“Oh! You could ask Krampus!” Samantha chimed in.

“Who?” Jake asked.

“Isn’t that the evil Santa?” Olivia asked.

“That goat ass bitch?” Jake asked.

“He’s not evil. He’s just like. Santa’s dark mirror. Santa rewards good kids. Krampus punishes the bad,” Samantha explained.

“I guess as long as I’m reaching out to fictional characters, Krampus might be more fun than 47…” Parker replied.

“Right? And after all, what’s more fun? Killing the guy? Or teaching him a lesson?” Olivia asked.

“I plead the Fifth,” Parker replied.

“Who said Krampus is fictional?” Samantha cried indignantly.

“Well, if he was real, he would have done something already, right?” Parker asked.

“It’s a jurisdiction thing. Santa doesn’t deliver presents to those who don’t believe, so maybe Krampus can’t act unless there’s faith, too.” Samantha reasoned.

“Well, I’m a little low on faith, so maybe you can put in a good word for me,” Parker said.

“Sure thing! I’ll write the letter right now!” Samantha replied.

“Letter?” Jake asked.

“Well, duh! It’s just like asking Santa. It helps to send him a letter! Handwritten for best results!” Samantha replied.

“It might be hard to get it delivered. Post office won’t be open until after Christmas,” Jake replied.

“It’s not about sending. It’s about the act of writing! Don’t you guys know anything about Christmas magic!?” Samantha asked.

“It’s not about the money,” Jake commented.

“It’s about sending a message,” Parker finished.

Nerds!” Olivia shouted.

“Quiet! I’m composing here! This will be my magnum opus!” Samantha replied.

“Dear Krampus. Parker has been very, very, very, very, very, very, very good this year. Please send him frag grenades and silencer rounds. Xoxo—Samantha,” Jake typed.

“You boys think too flashy. Parker would get arrested for sure if he used something like that.” Olivia replied. Then followed with, “Personally, I’d use poison.”

“No killing!” Samantha shouted.

“Fiiiinneeee,” both Olivia and Jake replied.

“Okay, mom.” Parker replied.

“Ouch,” Olivia said.

“Yeah. Given what we know of your mom, that’s a serious burn,” Jake said.

“Hey guys?” Samantha said suddenly.

“What” Jake asked.

“What’s up?” Olivia followed.

“The letter’s gone!” Samantha said.

“Gone? Like. Did you send it already?” Jake asked.

“No! I had just finished signing it, and went to check my texts, and when I looked back it was gone!” Samantha said.

“Maybe Krampus found it already! XD” Olivia replied. 

“LOL” Jake replied.

“heh.” Parker replied.

“I know you’re making fun of me, but that’s the closest we’ve gotten to a laugh out of Parker all night, so I will allow it,” Samantha replied.

“I appreciate the gesture, I really do,” Parker said.

“It’s fine, I’ll just write another one!” Samantha said.

“No. It’s fine, really. This has been fun, but I think I’m just going to crash for the night,” Parker replied.

“:/” Jake replied.

“:c” Olivia responded.

“D:” Samantha replied.

There was a tense moment where Parker’s phone screen showed a series of dots next to each participants’ names while they attempted to come up with a decent reply, but eventually, Parker was the one to break the silence.

“I really do appreciate you all, but it’s been a rough day. I just want to not be awake for a while,” Parker replied.

“All right. We’ll be here if you need us,” Olivia said.

“What she said!” Jake added.

“You will be enjoying your Christmas like well-adjusted individuals and not wasting your time worrying about me! >:C” Parker replied.

“We can do both!” Samantha replied.

There were a few more replies after that, but Parker had already mentally checked out from the conversation. It felt weird to have people looking out for him even when they had their own things that were better uses of their time, but Parker did appreciate it. He just didn’t know how to express it.

Either way. He wasn’t lying about being drained. The jet lag was one thing, but the stress of being home added another layer of exhaustion. He quickly brushed his teeth and flopped into his old bed. He was out almost before he hit the pillow.

Parker wasn’t sure how long he was asleep. When he awoke, it was pitch black outside. This struck him as odd because his neighborhood had plenty of streetlights that ran all night long. Was there a power outage?

Parker glanced out the window. It was eerily silent and unnervingly dark outside. He could barely even see to the end of the driveway, but perhaps the strangest part was the light dusting of snow that had begun to take hold on the grass. It was seventy-five degrees when he had gotten home from the airport, and it wasn’t supposed to get below fifty at night.

Parker heard an odd sound coming from the hallway behind him. It sounded like bells. The sound was very similar to the stock audio of sleighbells that every car commercial in the country used during the fourth quarter sales ads, but the jangling was far too intense. The sound of bells dug into his ears like the screech of nails on chalkboard.

Parker turned around to look towards the sound of the bells. A gasp of shock escaped his lips as he stared at a towering figure that now loomed just outside of his doorway. The figure was so tall that it had to hunch over to even fit in the house!

The figure hunched down even further to squeeze through the doorway into Parker’s room. Parker tried to cry out, but he found that no sound came.

Parker froze with fear as the towering figure crept slowly towards him. Each step, an awkward shambling gait. Now that the figure was in the room with him, Parker could see its full size and stature.

The creature was definitely not human. It was far too tall, far too gangly. It’s frightening elongated limbs stretched inhumanly. Its gaunt, emaciated body was mostly hidden behind a thick, dark cloak, but the creature’s long, boney left arm and left side of its furry chest was exposed. The creature’s face had an elongated snout with burning red eyes. Long, sharp, jagged teeth protruded from beneath its lips.

Parker was too scared to move as the creature shambled towards him. Each awkward, lilting step caused a reverberating thud to echo through the house. The floorboards creaked beneath its sheer weight. Soon, the creature was so close that Parker could feel its hot breath against its face. Its blazing red eyes were staring straight through him and into his very soul.

There was a tense moment where Parker was sure he was going to lose his mind. He wanted to run. He wanted to scream, but all he could do was stand there and stare at the creature, and then… the creature reached up a large, long fingered, clawed hand, and rested its hand on Parker’s head. Its hand was so huge that the palm covered most of Parker’s scalp. The long fingers stretched down the sides of his head so far that he could feel the tips of its claws digging into his clavicle.

The creature’s eyes flashed a fiery red. It was as if he was staring into two exploding suns. The two flaming orbs seemed to radiate pure hellfire. Parker could feel the heat and malice emanating from those burning sockets, but he couldn’t look away. All he could do was stare on in horror as he watched his life play back in red hot flashes in the creature’s eyes.

When the infernal lightshow finally stopped, parker was shaking like a leaf. He half expected the creature to crush his skull like a sparrow’s egg, but the creature just awkwardly patted his head and said, “GOOD BOY,” in a voice that was like a roaring, rasping whisper. Parker felt it more than he heard it.

The creature then reached into its billowing cloak and pulled out a piece of very girly stationary. The pink, heart-patterned paper looked almost comically out of place in the massive, gnarled claw of the creature.

“LETTER,” it hissed.

Parker recognized the girly script. This was Samantha’s handwriting.

The creature curled a long, gnarled finger towards Parker. “FOLLOW,” it hissed.

Parker was not about to disobey whatever this creature was. This was most likely a dream, but even if it was just a figment of his imagination, he was morbidly curious to see where this was going.

Parker followed the creature through the doorway and across the hallway towards Ralph’s much larger and nicer bedroom. Ralph kept his door locked, but that did not appear to be an issue. The door flung clean off its hinges as the creature approached it.

“What the fuck!?” Ralph roared as he jumped out of bed.

The creature stepped through the doorway, and Parker followed close behind. Parker was not at all surprised to see that Ralph was letting it all hang out. Parker felt the jealousy well up inside him as he stared at the fat cock and heavy nuts swinging between his brother’s fit quads. Why did such an awful guy get such a nice piece? It didn’t seem fair. Meanwhile, Parker was stuck with…

Parker’s thoughts were interrupted by a low, menacing, guttural chuckle from the creature. “NAUGHTY…” it hissed.

“What the fuck do you want? You one of puny Parker’s friends? Nice costume, freak, but Halloween’s already over.” Ralph said while puffing up his chest. He gave his defined pecs a quick pound with his fist like a gorilla asserting dominance. Parker instinctively recoiled, but the creature was less impressed.

Another deep, menacing chuckle escaped the creature. “VERY, VERY NAUGHTY…” it hissed between chuckles.

Even though Parker was standing behind the creature, he could see the light from the hellfire in the creature’s eyes begin to boil over. It was as if they were suddenly transported from Ralph’s bedroom to the fiery pits of hell itself. The flickering flames in the creature’s eyes cast writhing shadows against the wall making it look like their encounter was being watched by the tortured souls of the damned.

Ralph was not accustomed to being talked down to. When it was clear that the creature was unimpressed, he balled up a fist and took a huge, powerful swing at its elongated, fanged face, but right before his fist could make contact, his entire body froze.

“VERY NAUGHTY…” the creature hissed delightedly.

“W-what the fuck!?” Ralph yelped as he struggled to move his body. The best he could manage were small flinches and twitches. He was frozen completely solid!

“What the…” Parker murmured in awe, but suddenly the creature spun around and turned its gaze towards him.

“YOU…” it hissed and raised a finger accusatorily towards him. 

Parker was ready to turn and flee, but suddenly he found that he could no longer move his body. He struggled and strained, but he was completely paralyzed. Then, he felt his feet leave the ground. He was levitating inches above the ground.

The creature’s eyes flared bright red once more. The flames spouted forth and enveloped Parker’s whole body. He tried to scream, but no sound escaped. All he could do was wince as the heat washed over him, but to his surprise, he wasn’t burned at all!

Parker risked a quick glance. He looked down at his body. He was shocked to see that his clothing was disintegrating off of his very body! The tattered remnants of his clothing fell away in clumps of ash and embers. Yet despite his smoldering garments, his skin felt only slightly warm. It was almost like he was in a sauna. Although, that’s not to say he got out unscathed. Being rendered completely nude next to his buffer and bigger brother was its own special hell.

Parker couldn’t help but glance at his brother’s fat cock and heavy nuts. Ralph had the cock every guy dreamed of. Even soft it was over ten inches, and when hard it capped out at a full foot! His softy dangled halfway down his thigh whereas Parker’s tiny acorn didn’t even reach past his nuts! Even just one enormous orb in Ralph’s sack was bigger than Parker’s whole package! Just one of Ralph’s nuts was the size of a large chicken egg, while Parker’s weren’t even the size of sparrow’s eggs!

It was all so unfair! Not only was Ralph the nastiest person Parker had ever met, but he was the most blessed too! How does one asshole get so much good fortune! Their parents always sided with Ralph! Even when Ralph leaked pics of Parker’s sub-average schlong to the entire school, the parents had laughed it off as a harmless prank! Parker had been devastated! Every day for months afterwards he was met with gazes of either pity or snide glee. Everywhere he looked he saw the universal small cock hand gesture. The image of people with their pointer finger an inch from there thumb was permanently burned into his nightmares.

“YES… YES…!” the creature cackled. “NAUGHTY! VERY NAUGHTY!”

Parker wasn’t even paying attention to the creature at this point. The painful memories were flooding into his brain with such intensity that all he could do was stare at his brother’s amazing package and seethe with rage, but as his eyes remained glued to his brother’s fantastic cock, he began to notice something odd.

At first Parker assumed it was just Ralph’s package shifting. It didn’t seem particularly cold in the room, but even the slightest gust of wind against a bare scrotum could cause someone’s bait and tackle to pull slightly inward. However, as Parker watched, he soon began to realize that Ralph’s cock wasn’t pulling inward. If it was doing that, the thickness should be roughly the same. The nuts should remain the same size. They would just pull in closer to his crotch. However, as Parker watched in awe, it became clear that Ralph’s dick was getting noticeably smaller!

Ralph noticed that Parker’s gaze was glued to his crotch. Even though he was paralyzed by whatever magic now held him, he wasn’t about to let Parker get a good show. “You like that, fag? I bet you wish you had a real cock like this. Not that pathetic clit you call a dick.” Ralph spat.

The creature cocked its head to the side and sized Ralph up and down. Its massive, toothy maw was curled into a sadistic grin.

“SO NAUGHTY…” it chuckled.

Ralph’s body tensed up again. His joint popped and cracked as he was forced into a new position. His gaze was forced downward so that he could now see Parker’s puny package on display.

“What? You want me to look at that? I know what a clit looks like, you freak. I get pussy every day,” Ralph snarled.

The creature reached up a long, bony finger and slowly waggled it in front of Ralph’s face. “NAUGHTY…” it hissed in a strangely playful tone.

Ralph couldn’t adjust his gaze. He couldn’t even close his eyes. All he could do was look at his brother’s dick. If that was the end of his torment, that would have been bad enough, but as he stared on, he realized something strange was going on.

Parker’s dick steadily swelled before Ralph’s eyes. The puny nub which was once shorter than his thumb and as thick as a roll of pennies slowly crept up in size. Soon it was as long as his pinky and as thick as a roll of nickels. Parker’s cock was now large and long enough to begin to drape downwards over his own sack. It was then that Ralph realized that Parker’s cock wasn’t all that was growing. His small stones were swelling too. With each increment that his nuts swelled, they hung heavier and heavier in their sack, causing his scrotum to dangle further and further down.

“Looky whose nuts finally dropped,” Ralph snarled.

Parker managed to pull his gaze away from his brother’s package, but he got one last glimpse of Ralph’s size before he did so. Ralph’s cock was nearing half its original length and thickness. His cock once dangled halfway down his thigh and was as thick as a coke can. They head of his fat dick dangled well below the bottom of his full nuts. Now, however, the tip of his dick was even with the lower edge of his sack. His once coke-can-thick cock was closer in girth to the size of a can of Monster and far shorter. His once baseball sized nuts were now closer in size to tennis balls, but as astounding as the view between Ralph’s legs was, what Parker saw between his owes took his breath away.

Parker’s cock was now every bit as big as his bro’s rapidly dwindling rod. His cock was easily six inches soft! It was twice as long soft as it had been hard, and it was as thick as a can of Monster! His nuts were the size of tennis balls and still swelling!

“What the…” both brothers murmured in unison.

Parker continued to stare down in awe as his package steadily inflated and his bros’s steadily shrunk. Was this real? How could it be!? This was clearly just a crazy dream! There’s no way this could actually be happening, but even if it was just a dream, Parker was as giddy as… well, as giddy as a kid on Christmas.

“F-fuck you! How are you doing this!?” Ralph snarled. He writhed and struggled against the paralysis that held him. His muscles ached from the strain, but he couldn’t budge an inch. Meanwhile, his prized hog was beginning to look pretty puny. Ralp no longer had the foot long that made porn stars do spit takes. His dick was dangerously close to average. His softy was only around five inches—less than half of what it had been mere minutes earlier!

Ralph was still a bit above average, and some part of his mind was already bargaining with himself and with the beast that had cursed him. If this stopped now, he could still live a healthy life. It would be weird to explain why his dick was suddenly smaller, but it was still Big! He could still get more pussy than an animal control officer. After all, he was hot. He was fit!

Ralph almost caved. He almost said, “Fine. You’ve made your point.” The beast narrowed its gaze at him as if daring him to do it. Ralph strained against his bonds once more and then gritted his teeth.

“Y-you think I don’t know what you’re doing?” Ralph snarled.

The beast paused. It tilted its head curiously at Ralph but waited for Ralph to continue speaking.

“This some kind of Christmas Carol bullshit? Evil ghost shows up at night to show me the error of my ways. I learn a life lesson, and then everything goes back the way it should be?” Ralph asked. This time it was his turn to croak out words between deranged chuckles.

“Well, fuck you and fuck that. This is a dream, and when I wake up tomorrow, I’ll be back at my old size. You fucked up if you thought you could intimidate me. Do your worst!” Ralph snarled.

The beast moved so quickly that it was like watching a ghost in a Japanese horror film. One second it was across the room pointing menacingly at Ralph. The next it was literally upon him. The beast wrapped a gnarled claw around Ralph’s throat and lifted the would-be bully into the air.

Ralph tried to cry out in pain, but his windpipe was being crushed by the creature’s massive, powerful claw. Ralph’s skin burned where the creature’s hand touched him. He could feel the claws digging into his flesh. The pain was blinding. It was then that he began to realize something very important… You’re not supposed to be able to feel pain in a dream, right? Did that mean this was real?

With the beast’s concentration broken, Parker landed with a thud on his bare ass. He yelped in pain, but he was faring much better than his brother. Ralph was clawing futilely at the creature’s powerful hand that was crushing his throat. His eyes were beginning to roll back in their sockets as he gasped futilely for air.

Parker stared in awe for a moment. Was the creature actually going to kill Ralph? Ralph was an asshole, sure, but did he deserve death? And even if he did, Parker wasn’t sure how he felt about being an accessory to the fact.

“S-stop! Put him down!” Parker cried out. His voice cracking from fear.

The creature once spun around and glared at him. Its sockets burning with the fire of a newborn star. Parker could see into the pits of hell itself through those soulless flames, but the creature’s stance and demeanor seemed to soften almost instantly. It released its grip on Ralph’s throat, leaving the burly jock to fall with a heavy thud to the floor below. Ralph coughed and sputtered for air and quickly scrambled back against the far wall in an effort to put as much distance between himself and the beast as possible.

The creature hobbled awkwardly towards Parker. Its gait was slow and lilting since it could not stand up anywhere near its full height while inside. Soon the creature was once against inches from Parker’s face.

Parker could feel the heat of its breath. He could hear its heavy growls. Parker braced himself to be choked much like his brother had been, but instead, he felt the creature’s large palm once again rest atop his head.

“GOOD BOY,” it hissed.

While the beast gently patted Parker on the head, Ralph was unsteadily getting to his feet. He was still trying to catch his breath, but he wasn’t about to let this opportunity pass him by. The creature was distracted. All he had to do was land one clean hit.

Ralph reached under his bed and fished out a baseball bat that he kept on hand in case of emergencies (or if he ever wanted to really make Parker suffer). He silently lifted the bat up, pulled back, and let swing with all his might. The bat made impact. A reverberating crack filled the air as the wooden implement shattered against the back of the beast’s head.

There was a moment of tension where Ralph wasn’t sure if his hit had struck true. He had hit the creature hard enough to down a yak, but the creature just turned and glanced back at him. There was a sinister smirk on the creature’s face. It didn’t seem mad. If anything, it seemed… amused?

“VERY NAUGHTY…” it chuckled.

Ralph was once again paralyzed. He groaned and grunted as he struggled against the invisible bonds. Ralph’s body once more rose into the air. His feet hovered inches off of the ground, but perhaps even worse, Ralph could feel the force of the curse that held him in place force his eyes open and his gaze lower towards his crotch.

What Ralph saw now was a pathetic nub that was barely bigger than what Parker had earlier. His softy was now an inch and a half at best. Only as tall as a Lego man and not even as wide as one. His dick was shorter than his thumb! It was thinner than a roll of dimes! His nuts had dwindled below the golf ball size he had seen them at when the monster had been distracted and were now closer to the size of sparrow’s eggs. His nuts were not much bigger than peanut M&Ms and they were still shrinking.

“Wait! It’s already small!” Ralph croaked in fear.

“NO… SMALLER…” the creature hissed.

Ralph’s blood ran cold. His cock was already smaller than his brother’s kid dick, and the creature was making it smaller? How much smaller?

“No! I can’t do anything with a cock like this! Grow it back! Please!” Ralph pleaded.

“NO…” the creature hissed. “SUFFER…”

Parker could only watch in awe. He glanced at his brother. Ralph’s cock was now smaller than his pathetic dick had been earlier today, and the pathetic nub looked even more comically tiny nestled between Ralph’s sculpted quads. Meanwhile, Parker’s own cock had already exceeded the size Ralph was working with this morning! Parker’s softy was as thick as a coke can and a solid foot in length! The tip of it nearly reached his knees! His nuts were the size of softballs! His cock looked fantastic! It was so amazingly huge, and yet it was getting bigger!

Ralph suddenly looked over at Parker. “Make it stop! You’ve made your point! Please! We’re brothers, right? We look out for each other, right?”

Ralph’s shrinkage suddenly stopped. His dick was looking beyond puny now. It was only as long as the upper segment of his pinky and a bit thinner to boot. His nuts had gone from the size of peanut M&Ms to the size of plain. His entire, testes-filled sack was so small that he could nearly cover the entire thing with just the tip of his thumb.

The beast turned its attention towards Parker. There was a tense moment as both Ralph and the beast waited for Parker’s response.

Parker stared at his brother. Ralph was beaten. For the first time in his life, Parker saw a look of total defeat on his bully’s face, and between Ralph’s thick, sculpted quads nestled a dicklet that looked like it would be more at home on a toddler than a post-grad stud.

Meanwhile, Parker was sporting the fattest meat he had ever seen! The huge knob dangled down past his knees! The thick shaft was as big around as his forearm! He had nuts the size of grapefruit! This was more than a dream come true! He had the kind of cock every guy dreamed of! Surely, this was enough. He could keep this fantastic hose, and his brother could deal with the shame of living with the pathetic nub. It was perfect karma.

The creature glared at Parker. Its eyes flashed red once more. Parker was once more flooded with memories of all the shit his brother had put him through. It wasn’t just leaking his nudes and ruining his social standing. Parker’s social standing was next to nothing even before that. He had been battered, beaten, and berated since before he knew how to walk!

“No… I don’t think you’ve quite learned your lesson…” Parker said.

The beast nodded. “GOOD BOY…” it hissed.

It turned its attention once more towards Ralph. Ralph tried to scream, but even his vocal chords were paralyzed. All he could do was stare on in horror as his dick shrunk once more. Soon, he no longer had a dick fit for a grade schooler or even a kindergartener. He was left with an infantile nub. A pathetic mass that was the size of the shaved head of a wooden pencil. His nuts had gone from the size of plain M&Ms to the size of M&M minis. His entire package; bait, tackle and all, could now be eclipsed behind just the tip of his thumb. His dick was literally the size it had been the day he was born! Maybe even smaller! His baby dick looked even more pathetic between the massive muscles of his bulging quads.

Tears streamed down Ralph’s face. He was beyond broken. Without his pride and joy what was he?

That was a matter for another day, though, and he would have plenty of time to think it over.

The beast snapped its fingers. The paralysis that held Ralph suddenly broke. Ralph collapsed into a head on the floor. He quickly reached down to cover his shame, and quickly realized that he no longer needed both hands to do so. He didn’t even need one hand. A single fingertip would more than suffice.

Parker took a step forward. His now massive cock and enormous nuts swung heavily between his legs. This was a feeling that would take some getting used to, but he looked forward to doing so. He couldn’t wait to show off. Maybe he’d even join a gym on campus. After all, no one there knew he was once puny between the legs.

However, those were thoughts for later. For now, Parker stared down at his “big” brother. Ralph was shuddering like a leaf and could not bring himself to look at his once “little” brother. It wasn’t even just Parker’s gaze that Ralph was avoiding. Ralph was making a pointed effort to look anywhere other than in Parker’s direction, and it was easy to tell why. Parker’s cock was so huge, that Ralph would be unable to avoid seeing it if he so much as glanced in Parker’s direction.

“Cheer up,” Parker said as he squatted down in front of his brother. Parker’s cock and balls were now so huge that they rested solidly on the ground when he squatted down.

“What do I have to be cheerful about,” Ralph grumbled. He was still refusing to even look in Parker’s direction.

“I’m not as mean as you are. I’m more than happy to let you live your life if you let me live mine,” Parker said.

“Oh, that’s rich. You finally have a dick, and you think suddenly you’re a real man? I’m still bigger than you. I’m still stronger. So don’t you dare think this is over,” Ralph growled.

“I suppose that’s true…” Parker said as he eyed his brother’s beefy, sculpted body. Even ignoring the cock-swap, Ralph still had almost a foot in height on Parker, and he had over one hundred pounds of sculpted muscle on his broad frame. Ralph still more than had the power to make Parker’s life a living hell.

Parker reached out and laid a hand on his brother’s shoulder, “I’m still willing to extend the olive branch. If you be good to me, then, well… maybe next year, our new friend won’t need to come back for the rest.”

Ralph was still trying to do anything in his power to avoid looking up, but he didn’t need to. The entire room shook with each massive, lumbering step of the infernal creature. He could hear the footsteps getting closer and closer and closer. Ralph’s eyes were clenched shut by the time the creature knelt down over him.

Ralph tensed up as he felt the creature’s massive hand wrap around his head as easily as if it was a shotput. Ralph had never felt smaller or weaker. There was so much strength in the creature’s massive hand, that even without whatever magic it used, it could easily crush his bones. Yet, as horrifying as the sensation was, the gesture was not lost on Ralph. It was as much a gesture of goodwill as it was a threat. Ralph didn’t know what true powerlessness was… not yet…

“BE GOOD…” the creature hissed before vanishing in a puff of smoke.

8,792 words Added Dec 2023 6,260 views 4.4 stars (9 votes)

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