You’re stuck with me, and I’m stuck with you

by Salem Noctua

All Erwin wants is to keep on sleeping. Unfortunately, he soon realises he is no longer in his room, and an older man who should not have been there is lying next to him! Where is he? Who is this man? And why can't he get away?!

18k words Added Jul 2023 3,450 views 5.0 stars (6 votes)

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Erwin stirred awake from his slumber. There was a sense of heaviness he could not pinpoint was coming from, and it troubled him. Although he loved nothing more than to get rid of this feeling, he dared not move. He had woken up in a comfortable state, and any slight movement would otherwise ruin it for him. Instead, Erwin kept his eyes closed as he tried to ignore his immediate surrounding. Although, there was one thing amiss: the weight and comfort of a blanket.

He reached out his hand, feeling for the wayward blanket that had slipped away into the night. Erwin’s face furrowed with each gentle movement until his patience wore thin. Finally, he opened his eyes, anger radiating from him. Unfortunately, the morning sunlight proved to be another nuisance as it blinded him.

“Damn, is it morning already?” he grumbled under his breath; his eyebrows knitted together. His vision remained somewhat unclear, allowing only a faint glimpse of the room. Determined to get a better view, he raised his head, and there, he finally caught sight of the wayward blanket that had eluded him thus far.

“There you are,” he mumbled as he bent over to get it. But as he did, the young man winced in pain. He felt it originate somewhere along the lower right part of his abdomen. Not to mention, there was something that was pulling him down. However, he shrugged it off as nothing more than a bad sleeping position. Something he believed he had inadvertently adopted from somewhere.

‘Nothing like some good ol’ bit of pain in the morning,’, he thought, feeling rather peevish. ‘It’s probably nothing, I think.’

He ignored the slight discomfort as he grabbed the blanket and went back to sleep. Or, at least, he attempted to do just that, but for whatever reason, he could not. The lull of drowsiness was nowhere around. He figured that something was keeping him awake, and he knew what it was.

Erwin tried to shake it off as unimportant, but it lingered both in body and mind. And yet, he did not want to get up and check on it. The pain in itself was pretty mild, and whatever was stopping him was an outside feeling. Not within. So, rather than doing the best thing and checking it out himself, he used his hand instead. He checked and had a good feel around the inflicted area, but from what he could tell, nothing out of the ordinary. It irked him to no end, as if he wasted his energy for naught.

“Ugh, maybe I slept the wrong way last night or something,” Erwin grumbled as he brought his arm close to him. He found no such problem at all, other than this weird, localised pain. He shrugged it off, instead. It was uncomfortable and irritating at best, so he believed it to be nothing major at all.

Without anything else, he cocooned himself with the blanket but left his head exposed.

But in an unfortunate twist of events, Erwin sensed an increasing warmth on his right side. It was another thing that would keep him awake. And it did not help that it was from the same area he felt the pain from before. The very same one that interrupted his sleep. It was an unpleasant, irksome feeling that he did not want to deal with, if ever at all. He readjusted himself by rolling over to his left, but to his surprise, he could not even do that. He tried again, yet his body would not move as intended. For the most part, his legs felt heavy, like dead weight. It was hardly moving except for a bit of twitching. And then there was the heaviness on his lower abdomen that made itself known again.

“What the phuck is going on?” the young man complained, his voice louder than he meant it to be, though he did not mind. It was only him in the house as far as he was concerned. “This is strange. Did I sleep in a too-awkward position last night that left me hurting my sides?”

Erwin continued his best to move his legs. The left leg was easier. Although stiff like a board, it was moving. His right leg was the real problem, as it remained close to unresponsive. Worry began to set in, and Erwin forced himself to open his eyes and bend over to see what was happening.

But in the string of unfortunate events, his issue only grew from there on.

Erwin found himself sitting on a bed that was not his, with a blanket he did not own, and a room unfamiliar to himself. He looked around, amazed at its bookish decor, but also terrified at the notion he was in some stranger’s house. How he did not notice this before was a surprise in itself.

“Where the phuck am I?” he asked nobody in particular. “Am I dreaming? Yes, yes, it has to be… do I get up or something?”

He tried to chalk this one up as a vivid dream, but something was off. The young man could tell he was awake. Everything felt too real for it to be a mere dream. But that was not all. There was this nagging feeling that was telling him—warning him—of something he could not figure out. The sweat on his palms and heart palpitations did not help, either. It was a miserable feeling of dread.

When Erwin tried to straighten himself, the familiar weight on his right side pulled him down. His awareness shot up tenfold, while his mind began to send him distress signals to run. To flee and take cover. As it turned out, the pain was as real as it could be. And the fact he remained there unmoving was problematic.

Erwin tried to move his legs again, but now, neither was listening to his command. The whole thing was a suffocating mess as he struggled to comprehend what was happening. Like the weight of the world was passed down for him to carry. His heart was this wild bird that banged its head against the cage, and it was a deafening clamour. Erwin struggled to catch his breath. Every time he inhaled was a desperate plea for oxygen, and it burned each moment. There was an itchiness in his throat, too, and it made him want to gag here and now.

But at that moment, out from the corner of his eyes, he saw something stir. Something that moved. He swerved his head towards that direction only to see a much older man lounging beside him. And not even from afar; the man was right next to him. His eyes focused on the book he was holding like nothing was going on. Erwin let out a gasp loud enough that it was audible for the man to look up and switch his attention towards him.

“Oh, glad to see you’re awake,” the man said, closing the book and putting it away. Erwin could feel a part of him moving and pulling while the man moved. How it happened, he could not tell. Only that it was sickening… and yet, mundane? The myriad of emotions was messing with his head—he was certain that at least this one was true. The worst of all was how close they were, and how they were facing each other. Erwin had the front-row seat of the older man’s smile. For better or for worse, it was rather soothing. Almost as if pacifying his intense emotions.

“Sorry if I startled you,” he gently lowered his head, his tone apologetic and suave. “I’m sure you have plenty of questions. And if I have to guess, one of them would be why you woke up next to a half-naked man?”

“Wait, what?” Erwin asked, puzzled. That was until he lowered his gaze to the man’s exposed torso. He felt his face becoming warm from embarrassment. “Oh… oh!”

The man chuckled. “So, do you like what you see?”

Erwin was unable to give his reply outright. Instead, he zeroed in on the man’s exposed body. He could not help but look at it in a dazed state of stupefaction. From his broad shoulders and thickly muscled arms… down to his defined chest and chiselled abs. It was heaven; a gift from the gods. And there was the man’s muscular frame that looked more rugged with the thick dark body hair. That, too, was also pleasing to his eyes.

The young man swallowed his saliva; he continued to devour the older man’s image with his eyes and burn it to memory. The man looked wild and untamed, and he loved it.

‘Who on earth is this man? And why is he sitting too close to me?’ he thought. And this transformed into daydreams of him and the man doing more than looking at each other. It was quite perverted, though he chose not to care.

Erwin bit his lip as he struggled to keep in touch with reality. His mind was becoming more and more riddled with ideas. Of all-too-surreal visions that include him being ravished by the beast of a man. It was not like he was at fault—the older man was his type, and he was too damn sexy, too.

But his thoughts caught up to him when he felt his cock throbbing beneath his undergarments. His eyes widened at the strange, new sensation down below, and he let out another gasp of surprise.

“Um… hello there? Are you all right?”

Erwin snapped back to reality as soon as he heard the older male’s voice. They were still looking at each other, which only made the situation even more awkward than it needed to be. He closed his mouth and shook his head, giving the old gentleman a wry smile. “Oh, don’t mind me. It was nothing.”

The man chuckled, and Erwin felt his heart flutter. The rush of heat on his cheeks only made him want to groan, knowing full well how obvious his blushing was. He was more than embarrassed—Erwin felt humiliated doing all that in front of this stranger. He knew nothing could ever help him recover, much less explain, how he ended up ogling at someone else’s body. To add insult to injury, said person was aware of the happenings. And he also had to address the growing boner.

Erwin wanted nothing more than to crawl up into a hole and disappear forever. Flustered1 or, hell, even dread—was an understatement at this point.

“Oh, um… h-hello! I—erm, I mean, sorry… my bad. I didn’t realise I was, uh, I mean, apologies for my behaviour.”

Erwin avoided the stranger’s eyes after that nonsensical babble. He could feel its gaze piercing straight at him. The worst part was the man’s reply. Or the lack thereof. Erwin felt trapped in the silence, and it was more damning than when he found out he could not move his legs. His legs! He forgot all about them. The young man tested to see if he could now lift either of them, but to his dismay, they remained unresponsive. He knew that running away was the coward’s way out, but with everything that had happened? Running away now would probably save him whatever dignity left of his character.

“Please, it’s nothing,” the stranger reassured.

Erwin wanted to scream out loud. He could not help but swoon over the man’s calmness about the situation. He even had his arms raised with palms facing forward, in a gesture of composure and surrender. That, he believed, was sincerity at its finest.

“I didn’t think my presence alone would have been enough to spook you, son,” the man continued. His deep, gravelly voice sent shivers down Erwin’s spine. “If anything, I should be the one saying—”

“No, please,” Erwin cut him off. “The fault lies on me. I freaked out.”

“Nonsense. It was a normal response.”

The younger male quirked his brow, at a loss for how to deal with this rather polite gentleman. He could see the solemnity in his hazel eyes. As well as his sharp jawline and pronounced cheekbone. The latter of which only made him look distinguished. There was the subject of his hair, too. Wavy and slick, in rich chestnut colour with a few strands of grey. The thin mutton chops did not disappoint, either. It was a flawless capture of his handsomeness to a tee, if not furthering it even more.

Drifting. He was drifting away from his thoughts. A dangerous thing in this scenario, for sure.

‘What is it with this man that had me getting lost in daydreams? And not even five minutes have passed since I met him… or so it seemed.’

Erwin cleared his throat, once again acknowledging he lost track of himself. It was the second one today, and he was not even out of bed yet.

“Well,” the man spoke up, “it’s always nice to see younger people like you being energetic. Being too stiff isn’t good, you know. It can break a person from the inside out.”

Erwin nodded along at the gentleman’s sagacity. But his eyes widened when he realised that he was in bed, with a half-naked stranger, and he could not move his leg. The things he should be focusing on and freaking about had been all but forgotten.

“Oh, and before I forget, I’d like to introduce myself.” The older man extended his right arm and showed Erwin a grin. “My name is Salvatore.”

Erwin grabbed his hand and shook it. “I’m Erwin, and I don’t know how I got here.”

“Hahaha! That is true,” Salvatore let out a bellowing laughter. “Well, all is forgiven, Erwin. Even I didn’t know how you appeared right next to me, and in such proximity as well.”

It was only when Salvatore mentioned their closeness did Erwin look down. True, they were close. Too close, that he could feel the older man’s body warmth radiating. And his right arm was brushing against Salvatore’s left.

“Oh, phuck! I forgot all about it!”

The young man rolled over to his left but found that he was still stuck in bed. Other than his legs, he could feel something pulling him back. He felt it around his midsection. The very same area where he knew had exuded a peculiar kind of pain earlier. He could not describe it much other than it being a numbing kind of pain. Like someone stretched it over like clay or had someone glued it to something bigger and heavier. This was the closest he could describe it to feel.

Erwin could not believe he had forgotten the most important problem he had on hand. It was true that he had calmed down, but that was because of Salvatore’s hairy, hunky body. His steely but gentle eyes. His kissable face. And then his—

‘No! Stay focused, Erwin!’ he chided himself. ‘There is no time swooning over this hot, naked, older man.’

“So, uh, Salvatore, was it?”


“I—I would like to know… how did I end up here?” He asked. It was blunt, but it got straight to what he needed to know.

“Frankly speaking, I don’t know.”

Erwin could not help but believe Salvatore sounded tired, or even confused, as he was at that moment. Or as he had been since fully waking up.

“The last I recall,” he continued, “was that I was going to bed, alone. I fell asleep and then woke up with you right by my side, glued onto me like a leech.”

“And you allowed me to continue sleeping?” Erwin quirked his brow, confused and curious. The ‘leech’ jab was uncalled-for, but that was the least of his concerns.

“Ah, there were… other things at play.”

“Like what? And why couldn’t I get up?” Erwin tried to get up, pushing his palms against the mattress, but remained in place. “Something on my right is pulling me down. It feels so heavy, and I also think it’s squishing my legs because I can’t move them at all! Are you doing this, perhaps?”

He looked down at the spread of blanket before him and Salvatore. Erwin wanted nothing more than to throw it away, so he could see what was going on underneath. But a part of him wanted to keep it on. He could not bear the idea of throwing the blanket off and revealing Salvatore’s nakedness to his face. That was too much, especially for their first meeting. Maybe on the third if he was feeling feisty. Or if Salvatore tells him to, he would not mind.

One other thing that kept him from doing so, however, was his fear. Like how the ocean’s abyss evokes his thalassophobia, he remained still. Afraid to witness the unknown that was close by and within reach. Afraid at what Salvatore might do. The young man tried to ignore it, but that haunting thought persisted. It lingered as if waiting. Waiting for the chance to claim its prized catch.

“Ah, I suppose there are some things we should be discussing right now,” said Salvatore. “Now is as good as any, but I have some questions. Would that be all right with you?”

Erwin was sceptical at the older man’s words. Even so, he nodded. He watched as Salvatore grinned at his response, which was one good outcome thus far. Everything else, it seemed, remained wrapped in mystery.

“Now, there should be one thing that you might have noticed right about now, right?”

“What do you mean? Like how I’m lounging right next to a half-naked man? Stuck, and unable to move away from him?”

“Well, more than that. We’re reclining in the bed together, right? You’ve more or less noticed that we’re somewhat close to each other by now.”

Erwin nodded. “That was one of the things I realised quite early on. I could feel your body heat radiating off of you.”

“Okay, okay… now, have you also noticed that your legs were also stiff and unmoving?”

“Um, yes. That, too.”

Worry began to wash over the young man. Salvatore was getting less attractive and, instead, becoming creepy. The way he was describing the things happening to him was not something he wanted to hear. And from him, no less. It sparked danger, and Erwin knew not to be around those types of people.

“Um, Salvatore? I’ve been quite patient, and have kept my emotions in check for the past minute. But now, I don’t think I can prolong this anymore. Would you please tell me what’s going on now? Like, straight to the point?”

Erwin ensured he and Salvatore maintained eye contact, but neither of them flinched. It was less about pride and more about determination. If there was one other thing Erwin learned today, it was that Salvatore was stubborn. He thought it was a cool trait for him, but it was not exactly giving him any favours. Especially the lack of progress.

Without a moment’s notice, Erwin grabbed a fistful of the blanket, ready to hurl it away. Nakedness be damned. But as he was about to pull it off, the older man grabbed his hand and pressed it down. The young man could not help but mentally applaud his reaction time. Still, the sudden movement threw him off-guard. With that reaction speed, Salvatore might turn out to be someone dangerous.

“Sorry to do that, but I don’t think that—”

“You don’t think what?” asked the younger male, his voice trembling now. He wanted to put up a false bravado, but he was not good at acting tough.

“Look,” Salvatore twisted his body, readjusting so that he was not craning his neck towards his left. Erwin felt himself wince as the latter moved, though he did not make an outward expression. “Can I make you promise not to freak out? Like, to have you stay calm first?”

There was a pause in Erwin’s heartbeat. Stay calm? Under this condition? No phucking way. How could he stay calm like this?! Salvatore, while attractive, was taking his sweet time explaining. So much so that he considered this to be a goddamn trap.

Erwin breathed in deep breaths. It was slow and controlled, unlike his composure. Tension was rising with each second. He was quite doubtful about how to proceed from here on out. There was the option to run, but with his legs rigid and petrified, he was sure he could not even get out of bed. Punching the older man as a distraction could end badly for him, too. The earlier display of swiftness when he held his hand was nothing to scoff at. Even more so when Salvatore was still clutching his hand. There was no other way other than to stay awhile and listen.

“Okay,” Erwin huffed, resigning to his fate for now. “What was it that you wanted to say?”

He was still keeping an eye on Salvatore.

Salvatore shook his head and cleared his throat. “It’s a bit of a long tale. And I am well aware you have enough time in the world to listen to me.”

‘No shit, Sherlock,’ Erwin thought to himself.

“Well, let me start by saying it all began earlier today.”

There was a shift in Salvatore’s timbre with how he said it. It sounded grim and solemn, enunciating each word slowly. And they seemed to linger in the air like some haunting ghost.

Erwin shivered from his sombre tone. And even more so, dreaded what he would say next. Uncertainty clung onto the young man like the grasp of the undying. His heart screamed as if it knew of the foreboding news to come, yet he did not wrestle to escape. Whether it was because of curiosity, or his inability to do so in the first place, he knew not.

“Please, continue,” Erwin said, finally aware of the long pause.

Salvatore nodded. “Ah, of course. Just be aware that this is an expanded version of what I said earlier. Anyway, I went to bed early in that night. I was quite tired, so I went straight to bed. And when I woke up, I noticed two things: it was dark out, and there was a slight discomfort on my left side, around the waist. You got that so far?”

Erwin nodded. That was the only thing he could do at the moment. Anything else, and the young man believed that he would invoke the anger of a calm person. And that is one of the many things to avoid.

“Okay. So, this is the part where things become a bit blurry. I felt this… torpefied—numb, if you will—sensation. I felt scared, to be honest, but I also realised that I could not move as much. And, well, are you aware your legs feel heavy like stone?”

“Yeah, I am aware of that. They’re pretty stiff and don’t respond well when I want to raise them. Can I—can we skip to the part where I take the blanket off?”

The grip of Salvatore’s hand on his tightened, and Erwin knew it was a no-go. It concerned him that there was something this older man could not talk about to him.

“It must be something awful, isn’t it?” Erwin asked. His gaze softened, feeling sympathy for the latter. “But, are you sure you don’t want to talk about it? It’s not much, though a listening ear is quite nice sometimes.”

“Thank you, but sorry.” Salvatore shook his head. “I needed more time to explain the, um, particular problem of mine. Of ours, if you want to be technical. Either way, whatever explanation I come up with always feels like it falls short. I need to clarify this in a way that makes it feel more… grounded.”

Erwin made a frown, curious at the choice of words. “Carry on, then. And tell me, in good faith, the reason. The very how and why you are not letting me go away.”

“Okay. Now, as I was saying, I woke up feeling some discomfort on my left. To my surprise, the reason for this was you all along, sleeping right next to me. Imagine how I tried to keep my cool when I saw your face,” he chuckled at his own story. “Anyway, I did not get to leap off the bed and start running around like crazy. I stayed put.”

“Wait, really? You didn’t try scrambling off the bed, knowing there was a stranger next to you? But why?”

Salvatore let out a big sigh and shook his head. “I was unsure at first. I must admit that I was more surprised than frightened, and even then, it was closer to curiosity.”

“Well, I am not exactly accustomed to waking up next to a naked stranger myself, you know?” Erwin replied, though his eyes widened after hearing what he had said. “I mean, not that I’m saying there was something wrong with sleeping next to you—I mean, there’s nothing wrong with you. Like, I don’t mean to sound like I’m saying you’re some… philanderer.”

“No worries. I got what you mean by that.”

“Haha… well, yeah. So, what did you do, then? Did you honest-to-goodness let me sleep while you’re wide awake?”

“For one, yes, I did let you continue your sleep. It was lucky of me that I have a book right by my nightstand. That I had something to take my mind off of you.”

“Huh… really?”

“Really. I assure you, there were more things I had to deal with than waking up to find a younger man nuzzling his head onto me.”

Erwin gasped and shook his head. “I did not nuzzle! I do not nuzzle someone.”

“How would you know—you were asleep this whole time. But more than that, you were acting like I was a lifeline, never letting go even once. You were practically glued onto me in more ways than one.”

Erwin tilted his head and raised a brow. “In more ways than one? Wait, what do you mean by that?”

The younger man could feel the tightening grip on his hand. It was all sweaty and felt unbearable to the touch. Regardless, he kept his response inward. He did not show him a peep of reaction, much less a complaint.

“Salvatore, could you tell me more about this and why you phrased it like that?”

The latter looked away. “As I established, you appeared out of nowhere. Like magic or some miracle, you simply… appeared. Right next to me in the closest way possible.”

Erwin could hear the faintest trace of discontent from his words. It bothered him that Salvatore was feeling all this yet kept it bottled up for who knows how long.

“And, what does that mean? What do you mean by that? How do I appear to be in the ‘closest way possible’ to you?”

“I couldn’t move away, either,” Salvatore explained, shaking his head in what looked like dismay. “I simply couldn’t do much. Neither to jump nor to stand up.”

“What did you do?”

“Well, I did what many people would do, and that was to check the reason and… it was a harrowing result. I couldn’t piece together the reason, but it happened. The truth to this problem… I have an inkling that you had some idea what I was referring to, no?”

“M-me? But I don’t know anything!”

“Honestly,” Salvatore turned his head around, once more facing Erwin. “Did you ever get to read any sci-fi novels?”

“Sci-fi novels? What does that have to do with—we’re going off a tangent here! And, uh, I’m not a huge fan unless it’s a light novel. But yeah, we’re going off-topic. What gives?”

Salvatore huffed. “You don’t get it, do you? We are most likely living through a popular trope right this moment!”

Erwin felt a headache coming for him, He used his left hand and massaged the temples of his forehead. Salvatore was not being direct. He was twisting and turning his story, dragging it ‘til Kingdom Come. “That doesn’t sound fun.”

“Indeed, it’s not.”

The response made Erwin scowl at him. Salvatore was at it again. He was making side tangents which drawled the conversation longer than needed. Erwin was at his wit’s end trying to piece together Salvatore’s intention. Was this all a massive hoax and the older man was hellbent on making sure he did not find out? Or something more boring but still equally damning?

“Salvatore, I’m sorry, but you’re not making any sense the longer you try to stretch it out. What could you possibly get out of extending this conversation?”

“But I—”

Erwin held up a hand, palm forward, cutting Salvatore’s words. “Enough. I get it that you’re trying to protect yourself. Or me, for that matter. But this isn’t working. Please tell me what you know now, or I’ll find it out myself.”

“No, please! I have my reasons!”

The younger male scoffed. He ignored the pleas of the handsome man and attempted to roll out of bed. Like before, it was next to impossible. Something was grounding him, and his legs, down. He did not know if it was Salvatore or something else, but he could not move away. And to top it all off, his midsection was hurting as well. The right side, to be exact.

While he struggled, he heard Salvatore’s anguished moans, but he did not let that bother him. This was no longer about that sexy beast. There was only so much shite he could take, and he had reached his limit.

Frustration got the best of him when he saw no progress was being made. He got hold of the blanket with his left hand and tried to take it off. Unfortunately, before he could as much as lift it up, a big hand intercepted him. It spooked Erwin that he withdrew his hand and looked up to his right and glared at the older man.

“Why did you do that?” he asked, giving the latter an accusatory look.

Meanwhile, Salvatore was not looking good. Sweat covered his face and body, giving him a shiny gleam. One that accentuates the muscular physique. But more importantly, the way he looked was pitiful. It was as if he was also feeling the same kind of pain he was, down at the midriff.

Erwin let out a gasp when he saw the hand move away and grab his waist. He remained speechless as he found himself pulled towards Salvatore’s body. It was a strange turn of events as the older man loomed over him like some giant, and he, a gnat. The latter’s sweat latched onto him as well, making their skin sticky and wet. Erwin had to admit that it was arousing him but continued to stay level-headed on what he should be focusing on.

“Oh, great, now my shirt is getting soaked,” he grumbled. “Salvatore, let go of me! This isn’t funny at all.”

“Please, son, I think it’s still a tad bit early.”

“What is?”

“I… I can’t tell.” His reply was as cryptic as ever, which further irritated him.

Anger bubbled within Erwin as he thrashed about. However, the older man’s hold on him was far stronger. “Trust me when I say that I need to know what you’re talking about! You wouldn’t know how I’d react if you keep acting like some… some creepy pervert!”

“Erwin, I—” he opened his mouth before closing it. His face became devoid of emotion, as if solemn or pensive. “Are you sure about this?”

“Yeah, I am. Couldn’t you trust me to stay calm?” Erwin retorted. “I mean, you were acting suspicious, so I didn’t. But under any other circumstance, I would be calm and collected. The way you said things… it was weird. If only I could move my legs, I would’ve been out of this room in no time flat. But, I’m willing to give you a chance. Tell me, why are you so secretive? What is this all about? Give me a damn reason why I should stop whining!”

Salvatore sighed. “It’s best if I show it to you, then.”

“Show me what?”

The older man grabbed a fistful of the blanket and threw it away to his side. And that was all it took for Erwin’s heart to skip a beat.

“This is… what on earth?”

“Your guess was as good as mine. I don’t know. I tried to delay our conversation, but I never expected you to be quite explosive, you know? So now I hope you understand why I tried avoiding talking about this altogether.”

Erwin could do nothing more than watch with his mouth agape. What he saw confused and downright terrified him. He blinked his eyes several times over and even pinched his arm, but it did nothing. It did not change what he saw, which was clear as a whistle. He looked up to Salvatore, expecting to get some answers, but the latter shook his head.

There were many things Erwin believed that could explain why he could not move his legs. Like having the older man’s legs crushing his in a weird, tangled mess of sorts. Or that he slept in an awkward position which made it all tingly and numb. That, too, was a plausible conjecture. Or tape—his legs could have been wrapped in tape as a practical joke. Anything and everything were fair game, but not this. He tried to make sense of things, but nothing came up.

There was no way he could explain how his and Salvatore’s lower bodies had merged together. Much less expect that to be the reason he could not move. Partial it may be, they were essentially conjoined.

“This has to be a prank. Right, Salvatore? Right?” Erwin blurted out. His voice was weak and quivering, much like his free hand that was inching its way downward. “Come on, old man. W-what’s going on here?”

“Without a doubt, we’ve merged,” replied Salvatore.

“And this wasn’t enough to warrant any surprised yelp or movement from you? Not even an attempt to escape?”

“Don’t get me wrong, I was also as confused as you were. And I still am. Unfortunately, I can’t find it in my heart to wake you up.”

“Thank you for your concern, but it would have been fine,” Erwin replied. “I mean, as fine as I could have been, but you know what I mean.”

“I have trouble believing that you would have stayed as calm as you are right now”

“No, I would have probably passed out, but at least we’re not talking around in circles.”

The young man propped himself up using his hands. Even when he raised his body up, he was halfway between sitting and lounging. And he could see why: their conjoinment went up as far as reaching their waist. Regardless, he refused to believe what he was looking at. Although, the previous struggles now made sense, given the unique bodily configuration. But this also raised quite a few other questions as well.

“Are you sure we’re seeing the same thing? I mean, this isn’t a hallucination now, is it?”

“I am certain we’re not under some kind of influence, Erwin. Likewise, I may be older than you, but I can see just fine.”

Erwin nodded, choosing to believe what Salvatore said. And yet, it was still unbelievable. From what he could tell, there was only one pair of legs. They looked big, hairy, and also out of place. Going by complexion alone, it was lighter than his, but also darker than Salvatore’s. In fact, it appeared to be a combination of them both. Almost as if there was a third victim he does not know about. Another stranger caught in a web of mischief by some higher being or whatnot.

From their legs, he shifted attention to their hips. It looked wider, which was fair considering the two torsos growing out of it. Salvatore was on the right side whereas he was on the left. On that note, Erwin was thankful that something was covering their private region. But like them, the article of clothing was also a mess. A Frankenstein kind of mess. It looked like a brief had been cut in half and stitched onto a boxer shorts’ half. Like some sick, ironic joke, their two undergarments were also joined as one, much like them.

But it did not stop there—their midsections were also affected by this merging. And this was where the pain originated from all this time.

Erwin noted that their waists also appeared wider, but also off-balanced. Granted, on the right side there was Salvatore’s defined, chiselled abs. The young man could not help but acknowledged how impressed he was, looking at it. By contrast, the left side belonged to him and his softer-looking tummy. He was not unfit by any means, although it still stands that he had nothing to offer in the athletics department. Still, when placed—or in this case, partially merged—with someone with washboard abs, the difference becomes staggering. And between them, the middle area, looked so natural. As if the fleshy connection that bridged them together was a normal fixture. Its complexion was similar to their merged legs and showed nothing out of the ordinary. Saved for the fact that it served as something that bound them together as one.

“Oh my God… are we—our stomachs are—?”

“Mhm, that’s right. Not only did our legs fused together, but so did our midsections. Not as much, though, since we split up from halfway there going up.” As if to demonstrate what he meant, Salvatore rested his hand upon his stomach, right above his navel, and slid it over to the left. After which, he moved his hand upward until it reached the point where his torso becomes separated from Erwin’s.

Erwin bit his lip as he felt the older man’s hand. He could not explain it, but he could feel where it touched. From where it glides to where it stopped. One streamline connection—no pause of any kind, nor hints of a divide. It was the strangest feeling to him, for it was foreign as much as it was familiar. It was his, and yet, it was also Salvatore’s. This very section belonged to both of them, as much as it was not their own. They share it.

At this point, it would no longer be an exaggeration to say that they are conjoined. This was the truth now.

“How is this even possible?” Erwin asked. He placed his hand on their shared stomach. On one side was his own soft tummy, but moving across the right, there was the rigidity of the older man’s hairy rock-hard abs. He was touching himself at the same time he was touching another person.

“C-can you feel my hand, Salvatore? Can you?!”

“Yes, I can,” he replied. There was no fear laced in his voice. It was a serene calm, like acceptance. A stark contrast to the quivering young man.

“Huh… then I suppose that you and I are really attached to each other, then? How does this even work? Like—I mean, aren’t you fifty or something?” Erwin asked, his eyes darting from the Salvatore to their body. And then he winced when he saw Salvatore bristle at the comment.

“I am forty-two, young man.” Salvatore shook his head. “Before you could add anything, yes, I’m sure of it.”

“That’s… quite a joke, you know?” Erwin retorted. His thoughts were in scrambles, but the way Salvatore was joking with him lifted some burden from his heavy heart. “And I am around twenty-five. Damn, Salvatore, you’re old enough to be my dad.”

“And, what? Are you going to call me daddy now?”

Erwin doubled over with laughter. “Come on, it’s not that bad.”

“Yeah… you’re right, it’s not.” Salvatore smiled at him. “Does this mean you’re fine now?”

“Ain’t happening!” Erwin roared in between his laughter; his troubles shelved into the back of his mind. “I mean, this is fun and all, I guess. But Salvatore, it’s phucking weird. Where am I, anyway? I mean, we’re in your home, obviously, but where is this place?”

“Sei nella mia residenza di casa, Erwin. Potresti capirlo?”

Erwin stared at Salvatore. There was a blank expression on his face. He shook his head sideways and grumbled with irritation. “Yeah, I don’t get that.”

Salvatore shrugged. “Well, I tried. Is there anything else you’d like to ask before we move on?”

The young man looked down at their shared legs. They were definitely large. Something that can carry the weight of two people simultaneously. It was a surreal experience to see them there. Erwin knew they were their legs. He could feel that they were, but at the same time, they were not. It was not solely his nor only Salvatore’s, but theirs as a whole.

But when he tried to take control of them, to lift them up, a problem made itself known. They never did respond to his command. Even the slightest wiggling of toes was impossible. This puzzled the young man, as he knew earlier that day, he was able to move his—their—left leg. Now, it cannot be done at all.

“Hey, Salvatore?”


“Just now, I tried controlling our legs but failed. This strikes me as odd since I was able to move my—our—left leg earlier today. You know, when I woke up? It’s a different story now. I couldn’t lift it, let alone move the toes!” Erwin let out an aggravated sigh. “Why?”

“Come on, Erwin. It could’ve been worse,” Salvatore replied with a snigger, only to stop when Erwin sent him a cold, dead stare.

The young man looked away from the latter and stared at the lower half of their body. There was a distant look in his eyes, longing, and lost. He reached down and started stroking their legs. He could feel the ghostly trail of his hand waft through the skin in a seamless glide. This dance ended with a tight squeeze on the left thigh. Erwin felt it, both his hand and the leg in question. And it only befuddled him further. He could feel it, but not move it. The sensations told him it was part of his body. And yet, it was not.

“I swore I could control it earlier. I can feel them, so why couldn’t I move it, then? This doesn’t make any sense!”

“Us waking up conjoined to each other doesn’t make sense, either.” Salvatore voiced his opinion. “So don’t stress it out too much, Erwin. If we’re able to retain our sanity long enough to understand our unnatural closeness… well, this, too, shouldn’t be a bother.”

“But how could I move?!” Erwin bristled at the older man’s too-blasé comment. “Couldn’t you show a bit of sympathy to me?”

“Well, sure, if that’s what you need to calm down,” he replied. “But this problem with our legs… actually, there is something I’m curious about.”

Erwin blinked, before marring his face with a frown. “Go ahead, what is it that caught your attention?”

Before the younger man could press for more questions, he saw their legs being raised up in the air. He was at a loss for words as their balance shifted, though he managed to put his hands down for support. Erwin suspected the other to have done the same, seeing as they were able to maintain their form. This small act enthralled him. It captivated him with awe, but also curiosity. He could see their legs go up and down as Salvatore was making them walk in the air. Likewise, their feet clenched and unclenched unto themselves as their toes moved about. Though this curiosity faded upon the realisation, he was not in control of them.

“Oh, so I could move them just as I thought I could!” Salvatore erupted in laughter, his face split into a grin. But this bubbly, excitable emotion was not transferred over to his body-partner. In fact, he displayed the opposite.

“Well, this isn’t fair,” Erwin harrumphed. “Why couldn’t I move it? These are my legs as much as they are yours! Oh, and Salvatore?”


“You can let go of me now. I love to cuddle to you as much as the next guy does, but you’re sweaty. And this makes me sweaty as well.”

“What do you mean about—oh! Sorry about that.” Salvatore withdrew his hold on Erwin’s waist.

“Thanks, I appreciated it,” Erwin replied, though it had a bitter undertone when he said it. Lonely, in fact, that the older man did as he told him to do. Having his body pressed up against an older man’s muscular form was not on his to-do list, but oh God, he wished it was. Erwin rather enjoyed being in proximity to Salvatore. The way their skin touched and stuck together intoxicated him. And that was not to say about the latter’s peculiar scent. It was like an ocean’s sweet-salty breeze.

“So, are you ready?”

“Huh? Ready for what?” Erwin tilted his head in confusion. “What do you mean?”

Salvatore shrugged his shoulders. “Well, we’re through with introductions and have established our quite notable problem. I thought that we should try to make ourselves get ready for the day. You know, get up and wash our faces? Breakfast? That sort.”

“Ah… so that’s what you meant.”

“Oh? Then what did you think I meant by when I said we should get ready?”

“I imagined that we’re getting ready to have sex. You phucking me and all that shite, but it’s not like we can do it.”

Salvatore’s eyes bulged wide open as he started coughing wildly. It thundered inside the room, and Erwin felt its tremors course through his body.

“Sorry, sorry,” Erwin apologised with equal relentlessness as he rubbed Salvatore’s back. “I didn’t mean to catch you off-guard with that little remark. Now calm down, old man. You and I are conjoined, and I’d be damned if you croak here and now!”

“Well, Erwin… I never thought you’d be so… you know, like that.”

“Like what?”

“Never mind,” Salvatore shook his head, though he made a smile, his eyes twinkling, “it’s nothing. So, should we stand up and go to the bathroom now?”

Erwin gave him a shrug and a pointed look. The latter only blinked slowly and tilted his head, saying nothing back. It made the younger man grumble, irritated. He pointed at their legs. “Our legs, Salvatore. Our legs! You’re the one who’s in control. Even if I did say no, you’d still be the one who gets the last say.”

“Ah, so that’s what you’re referring to.” Salvatore shook his head. “Anyway, don’t be like that. We’re in this together. You’re stuck with me, and I’m stuck with you. Even if I’m the one who can make us move, I’d rather do it while having your consent.”

“What a gentleman, that’s what you are.” Erwin chuckled. For a split second, he felt something inside. Something that made him gravitate to the older man, more than he had before. “At least I know now that you’re someone… safe. I like that.”

“I wasn’t safe before?”

Erwin shook his head. “Not with all those cryptic words you’ve been spouting! Well, anyway, at least I’m conjoined to you and not someone who would take advantage of me.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean to sound like a predatory villain! D-did I, though?”

“It’s fine, and yes, you did sound like one. Creepy as hell, too. But again, I’m fine now. At least, better than before.”

“Are you certain?”

“Yes, I am. Why are you so insistent?”

Erwin wanted to argue further but stopped as he felt Salvatore’s hand around his waist. Before he could respond, the latter pulled themselves together yet again.

“What the phuck?! How are you able to move your arm like a goddamn snake? I didn’t even notice it!” He shot a glare right at him, scrutinising his actions, yet in awe.

“Skill, more or less.”

“With how you’re able to pull me like it’s nothing, you’re like a conman. Or an experienced philanderer.”

Salvatore laughed it off. He wiped the tears forming at the corner of his eyes and replied. “I would never!”

“All right, then. Seems like we’re doing this now. In any case, let’s go by your suggestion: go to the bathroom, wash our faces, and… you know what, let’s take a bath while we’re at it. I mean, we’re already covered in sweat as it is, if you haven’t realised it by now.”

Erwin watched as Salvatore looked down and grimaced at the dampness of their body. He had seen him smile and laugh or get caught up with uncertainty, but this? The expression of disgust was new, and it piqued his interest.

“Erm, so we clean ourselves up… and then breakfast?”

“Yeah, that’s the gist of our morning schedule.” Erwin nodded before e turned his attention towards their legs. It brought him a myriad of questions that left him wondering when he could ever use them as he did before. He got no reassurance whatsoever, staring at their curious anatomy.

A ghastly chill whispered to his bones, unable to get used to seeing two torsos sharing the same pair of legs. Much less, that he was a part of said curiosity. “A-anyway, how are we going to stand up? From the looks of it, we got a big pair of legs. Though that still doesn’t count for the fact that we’re top-heavy.”

“We should stay like this, then,” Salvatore said, gesturing at themselves. He was still holding on to Erwin’s waist, pressing their bodies close. “If I hold you close like such, we won’t topple over.”

“Okay, I see what you mean. Just… try not to absorb the last bit of my body, okay?”

“All right, you cheeky brat. Now let’s go.”

Erwin wanted to make a witty remark, but instead, he yelped when their legs began to move without his accord. He could not describe it any more than horrifying. It was like floating in the air, but worse. He considered shouting at the older man to stop and stay down, but he kept his mouth shut. At least, other than the occasional whimper.

There was no mistaking that they were moving now. He could feel the fuzzy, carpet flooring on their feet, and it did not feel any different from before. It was as if he was back on his own, not conjoined to someone else.

“Are you okay? You seem pale,” said Salvatore. “Do you want me to lead us back to the bed?”

“N-no, no, thanks,” Erwin replied. “I’m just overwhelmed, that’s all. I mean, this is our first time walking while conjoined, so…”

“Ah, I get what you mean. It’s strange for you because you’re now relying on someone to move, right?”

Erwin nodded. He faced Salvatore, a grim look plastered on his face. “And I guess the same applies to you, having to support someone attached to your hip or something.”

Salvatore erupted with loud laughter, which sent their bodies to a quiver. “This is true. I never had anyone this close to me when I’m walking.”

“I mean, there’s nothing closer than being physically attached, huh?”

“Yes, yes, of course.”

Erwin stopped with his mouth agape and closed it. Rather than give out his immediate response, he chose silence. And in that silence, he contemplated on their conversation. They were talking about their oddity like it was nothing out of the ordinary. He supposed this was Salvatore’s way to diverge his attention and make it homely. To make him stop worrying about their condition. If this was his intention, it was rather sweet of him. But it was also unfair that he had to say it with his all-too-sultry voice.

“Well, whatever.”

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The conjoined pair walked their way out of the room in relative silence. At least, besides the grunts they make whenever they make a misstep. They kept stumbling, so Erwin latched his right arm around Salvatore’s waist. He felt the rush of blood on his cheeks as he became aware of how much skin contact, they were experiencing. It was not much, but touching someone’s body like this was enthralling for him. And, ever so slightly, they would readjust their torsos. Which, in turn, made Erwin feel their nipples rub against each other.

It was heaven and hell at the same time.

“Damn his good looks and hot body,” Erwin mumbled to himself, barely above a whisper.

“What was that?”

“Nothing. So, Salvatore… I never would have thought that I would need to cooperate with someone else to make even a step forward. And the real kicker here is that I let that same someone moves for me, too. How crazy is that?”

“That is rather vexing, doesn’t it? Well, I would need to bring along an inquisitive and unpredictable young man, too. Wherever I go, he’d be there, right by my side.”

“Touché. Although I’m going to have to knock you for that ‘unpredictable’ comment of yours.”

“Heh… then, what are you? Grouchy? Cranky?”

“Stop it, old man.”

“Sorry, sorry. I’m just kidding, that’s all.”


“Okay, we’re here. Try not to move as much,” he instructed, strengthening his grip.

Erwin stayed still, though he took the chance to admire the bathroom. It was plain, with white and beige tones, as well as plants to add a tinge of green. The shower was in the far-right corner. The still-wet shower curtain was pushed to the corner, making a puddle beneath. The porcelain toilet was right next to it, lid down, and also appeared to be wet. The same applies to the sink that was immediately on their left and its accompanying mirror.

“I can’t believe I need to ask, but Salvatore, why is your bathroom so… wet?” He cocked an eyebrow as he asked the bashful older man, who was avoiding eye contact.

“Um… because it’s the bathroom?”

“Try again.”

“Because I didn’t clean it up?”

“Much better. You do know that you dashed away a bit of my hope, right?”

“How so?”

Erwin shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. “I mean, I half-expected to see some high-tech shower with all the modern fixtures to it. Like multiple shower heads and toilets that have a computer on them. Instead, I see a soaking-wet bathroom. One that looked like someone sprayed the bidet everywhere to make it look and feel clean.”

“Uh… um, I have nothing to back me up, so my apologies.” Salvatore raised his arms. “I admit I cut corners, so forgive me this time, okay?”

“I will, don’t worry.”

“Thank you. So, anything else you might want to comment about before we proceed?”

“Um, do you really want to hear it?”

“But of course!” Salvatore leaned close and gave Erwin a peck on the forehead. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

The action startled Erwin, and it left him speechless. Confused, even. He shook his head and shoved all the unimportant thoughts away before answering. “Well, if you insist, I’ll have you know that I believed you were someone wealthy. As in, you strike me as a person with too much money and time on their hands.”

Erwin stared at Salvatore, waiting for any sort of reaction, but the latter only gave him a smile and a nod. The small gesture was enough for the younger man to continue saying his thoughts.

“And if that weren’t enough, the whole expectation versus reality dropped on me. You were so… mundane. You don’t seem to be any different from, well, anyone. Though I am still appalled that you left your bathroom in this state,” he gestured at the puddles. “That’s not exactly neat.”

“Huh, you really thought of that, did you? Well, let me say that I’m impressed and honoured that you thought I was rich.” Salvatore chuckled. “Though, what did made you think of that?”

“Your room, plain and simple,” he replied as if it was the obvious answer to his question. “I saw a bunch of video games sticking out from one shelf, and books on the other. That was when I figured that you were rich enough to cover all that expense and still live in a nice home.”

“Oh, that?” Salvatore laughed. “Erwin, no, all those things were gifts. I may have an extensive collection, but it doesn’t mean I have deep pockets. For one, I work as a game tester, and these are all gifts from the various companies that I worked with.”

“I see. And the books?”

“From the nice old couple a few doors away. I took care of them from time to time, and they’ve been gifting me a book or two every month since then.”

“Aw, that’s so nice of them!”

“Yes, it is.”

“Huh, maybe being conjoined to you isn’t so bad after all.”

“Are you serious?” Salvatore asked, his voice louder than normal. “Oh, pardon me… but really, does that mean you’re okay with us like this?”

“Huh? I mean, I still think we need to find a way out of this predicament.”

“Oh, I see.”

Erwin frowned as he heard Salvatore’s happy and upbeat tone drop.

‘Does this old man like having me attached to him? Or am I reading this too deeply? But that can’t be right. Nobody in their right mind would want to end up waking conjoined to a stranger. Is this what they call infatuation? Does he like me or something?’

Erwin blinked, and he found himself standing in front of the mirror. Alongside his body partner, of course. Their reflection showed how they have no boundaries between them. He took note of how their upper halves were somewhat tilted, yet he felt as if he was standing upright. Whether it was an illusion or not, one thing remained clear: they were conjoined. It was about time he got used to this idea.

His gaze lowered down to where their torsos merged. Down to the pivotal point where the division between him and Salvatore blurred. The rise and fall of their half-and-half stomach were evident from their breathing. It made for a peculiar spectacle, considering their respective halves’ asymmetry. His soft, smooth stomach joined with the latter’s hairy abs. And between them was this indescribable area that made their separate halves… the same, for whatever reason. He could not point a finger at the how and why—it was just that.

“Um, since while you’re here, you might need some toiletries,” Salvatore pointed out.

His voice spooked Erwin, who tried to pull himself away. However,

with the older man’s arm around his waist, it caused them to stumble.

“Woah, there. Are you all right?” Salvatore asked.

“Oh, y-yeah, I’m okay. Thank you for steadying us.”

“No problem. Are you sure you are fine?”

Erwin nodded. “It’s nothing. I just spaced out, that’s all.”

They shared a look before the older man sighed. “In any case, I have a spare toothbrush you could use. Although let’s stick to one towel since we do happen to be stuck to each other. Would that be okay?”

“It’s not an issue. As you said, we’re basically sharing an arse—a towel wouldn’t hurt.”

“… a bit crass, but when you put it that way, that does mean the same thing. Here, let me get them for you.”

Erwin let out a sigh of relief when Salvatore let go of him. A brief escape from their nigh-constant body contact. Though, just as quickly, he reached out and put his own arm and grabbed onto the older man. The latter’s grip was what allowed them to stay steady as a rock, and not wobble like some air dancer.

“Hope you don’t mind me clinging on to you, old man,” Erwin quipped. “I mean, it’s not like I don’t like being close to you… I mean, I do, but… well, let’s face it: I’d find you way hotter if I was a few feet away from you, gawking at your sculpted body.”

“Heh. If we weren’t conjoined, you wouldn’t be grinning.” Salvatore retorted. A chuckle escaped from his mouth. “Especially if I got the chance to ravish you where you’re standing.”

A vicious fit of coughing befell the younger man, not expecting that answer. Of all things, he did not expect that kind of answer here and now.

The two men locked eyes, and before Erwin could reply, Salvatore gave him a wink before turning away. Back to looking for the fabled toiletries that he was going to lend to him.

“Uh, yeah… right.” Erwin turned his head away. He could feel the heat rising up to his cheeks, and he knew he was blushing like mad. At this point, this was all trite and hackneyed. Blushing this, blushing that. A flirty quip here, a vivacious response there. Nothing much has changed since he first woke up. At least, except maybe he was becoming more daring with his outward voice.

“What, couldn’t handle a bit of teasing?”

‘He called that a bit of teasing?!’ Erwin thought to himself. ‘That… that was more than I could have ever handled.’

“N-not really if it’s you!” Erwin replied, putting a strong front in spite of what was on his mind.

But rather than another round of witticism, the older man shook his head while he let out a low chuckle. He went back to rummaging through the cabinet, finding his spare supplies. The smile on his face as his hand dove inside was all Erwin needed to know that he found what he was looking for.

“Here’s the toothbrush,” Salvatore said, rather proud, too. “You can keep that one. After all, who knows how long we’ll be like this.”

“Th-thanks,” Erwin replied in a low, almost quiet voice. He did his best not to make eye contact, as he continued to become more and more confused. The whole situation got him in a tizzy. He believed this was a convoluted mess of misunderstandings and whatnot. Salvatore’s advances, or so he believed them to be, added chaos to the mix.

The silence that followed suit was deafening. Other than the sound of their brushing, the room was quiet. Erwin kept his cool, brushing his teeth beside the older man. And while he refused to make eye contact, he was able to keep his wits about him so long as he looked at their reflection. But without any word between, his mind began to buzz with life, far more than he wanted it to be.

The thought came to him like a flash. He did not anticipate it, but it came. He was standing in the bathroom, conjoined to someone far older than him. Not only that, but he had to admit that it felt oh-so normal. As if this was not an outlier of any kind. That whatever was happening was what a typical morning should be like.

Erwin directed his eyes down to their waist. Particularly, from where their torsos branch out. He could make out the two belly buttons parallel to each other. The one on the right had a treasure trail leading towards their pubic region. Something he does not possess. And if that were not enough, he saw how distinct their musculature was. His side, the left side, was soft and without any hard traces of muscles. Contrary to him, Salvatore sported taut, chiselled abs. Its rippling contours shift every so often whenever they breathe or move.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he tried to suck in their shared belly. And it worked like a charm. Granted, this only showed that he and Salvatore shared the same stomach.

Out from the corner of his eye, Salvatore leaned over and spat out the foam in his mouth onto the sink. “So, you got something to say? Any comments?”

The young man shook his head before spitting out the foam as well. He opened the faucet and washed whatever stain remained on his mouth. “No, I’ve got nothing.”

“You’ve been staring at our stomach for a while now. Is there anything wrong?”

“N-no! Nothing is wrong.”

“Oh? Then could it be that you’re admiring my abs, then? Don’t worry, but your flat stomach is kinda cute, too. Almost innocent looking.”

“Not the time, Salvatore,” Erwin reprimanded him.

Salvatore laughed it off. “Come on, what’s wrong calling your half of the belly cute? Were you worried that your body might affect my figure or something?”

“Among other things, there’s the—what are you doing!” Erwin yelled. His thundering voice was enough for Salvatore to let go of the waistband of their underwear.

“Wh-what? What’s going on?” Salvatore asked, looking bewildered and confused at the sudden outburst. “Is there something wrong?”

Erwin grumbled unintelligible words. He put away the toothbrush for the moment before he took hold of the last article of clothing they had on. With one strong tug, he pulled it upward, though Salvatore was also holding onto it and kept it in place. The small power struggle resulted in them wobbling in place as they fought.

“I am not ready for this!” Erwin exclaimed.

“Ready for what?” the older man asked. He frowned at the young man, eyes squinted and staring at the other. “Erwin? Are you… are you embarrassed?”

The younger male showed no indication he heard the man beside him. Instead, he was staring at his curled-up balls of fists. He remained unwilling to let go of the mishappen micro-boxer-brief thing.

“Uh, you okay in there?”

“Yes, I am embarrassed! And I am not ready to see what’s underneath!” Erwin bellowed his reply, his face all red from blushing.

“Oh, come on, Erwin. Where’s the brave little man that stood up for himself when he thought I was a creep?”

“Please, Salvatore, not now.”

The young man squeezed his eyes shut as he felt Salvatore’s hand on his left shoulder.

“Come, now. We’ve no choice in this matter. Remember, we’re conjoined,” he pointed out as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “One way or another, we will be pulling down our underwear, and you and I will have to see that. And by ‘that’, I mean our penises. And not to mention it feels stuffy that both of them are—”

“P-please, stop! Couldn’t we deal with this later?”

“Only if you want us to soil ourselves. Otherwise, it’s a no.”

Erwin wanted to yell some more, but he felt the underwear slowly sliding downward. He faced Salvatore head-on and their eyes met. Both men gave it their all, neither averting their eyes nor willing to back down. The younger man braced himself as he kept a steady grip on the waistband.

“Come on, son, let’s not fight this.”

“Sorry, but I—I need more time processing this. And seeing what’s underneath may not be what I want to deal with right now.”

“But we agreed to go to the bathroom earlier,” Salvatore pointed out. His voice now sounded rough, closer to a growl. “What else do you need, Erwin?”

The young man did not respond. He clenched his jaws and gritted his teeth, all the while doing his best to not flinch at Salvatore’s words. At this point, he figured that the latter was getting annoyed, and he did not want to see that now. Erwin swallowed his saliva as he racked his brain trying to figure out what to say.

“Come on, Salvatore… go along with my demands this time,” he said. It was the best reason he could think of, and nothing more. There was not much excuse Erwin could give to the other. He knew he was only delaying the inevitable, as Salvatore warned him. However, there were some things he needed to keep hidden. One of them was the two penises hiding beneath their underwear.

It was not a surprise at all. Erwin was aware of them the moment he gathered his bearings. It was not hard to; they were rubbing against each other with every movement he and Salvatore made. By no means, it was something he could ignore, either. Whenever they stopped moving—oh, God, their cocks become even more sensitive. Like they were begging for acknowledgement. And it evoked his imagination to unsavoury things, like frotting.

And this led to another problem; he could not let the older man know that he already leaked pre-cum. It had not yet stained their undergarment, so he was still safe. Plus, it looked like Salvatore had not yet felt it just yet. There was a limit to how awkward things could get between them, and this was on a whole new level. He could not find it in himself to explain why he came. And definitely, he could not say that it felt like his penis was rubbing against his older brother’s. Or his father’s. Now, that idea… that was worse. To say it straight up to Salvatore’s face was asking for trouble. And the age difference does not help him with his case, either. There was no way on earth he could admit that he had a thing for older men?!

And so, to protect whatever dignity he had left, Erwin braced himself. He held onto the garter with an iron fist and wishful thinking. There was no way in hell he would unveil everything to the older male now.

“Oh, why haven’t I thought about this in the first place?”

“Huh, think what?” Erwin asked, but quickly froze when Salvatore moved close to him. Their panting breaths mingled in the air between them. Seeing the latter’s dishevelled face made his heart do a little flip. Their hot breaths flared against each other’s skin. Although there was a feeling of tension from their joint section, Erwin chose to ignore that. Instead, he focused on the older man, whose skin glistened from the sweat that draped his body.

But that was when he made his move. Salvatore’s face made contact with his, and he began nuzzling him.

“Oh, Erwin,” he whispered in his ear, “I love that expression of yours. You should do it more often.”

The young man remained dumbfounded at the other’s action. And it got worse when Salvatore’s stubble was tickling him. He shivered, trying to stay as calm as possible, but found that he could not, in any way, do that. He could already sense their cocks hardening by the second.

“Stop that,” Erwin managed to squeak before he clammed up and shut his eyes. But he regretted his choice when it intensified the sensations to new heights. Not only that, but he could feel his strength failing. The grasp he had on their shared underwear began to diminish, little by little.

“H-how are you doing this?”

“I got some practice,” Salvatore replied, nibbling his earlobe.

Erwin struggled to maintain composure as his body mate continued to tease him. He could not figure out how Salvatore played with his sense of touch… like a cat traipsing across the cracks along the sidewalk. They were slow, but calculated movements. Each of them timed with precision and grace, perfect down to a tee. The young man began gasping for air as he tried his best to inhibit his moans.

“I’m not going to give in that easily,” he muttered. Again, putting up a brave, determined front.

“Oh?” Salvatore chuckled, sounding amused. He pushed his glistening, sweaty chest against the latter. “How about now?”

Erwin shook his head, trying his best to ignore the older man’s advances. The hairy, sweaty chest was soft, and yet, firm. Never mind the tension down to where their torsos split. Especially when Salvatore was rubbing his pecs against him.

That happened to be the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Erwin’s grip loosened as he hid his blushing face with his hands. Without his hold, he felt the underwear slide down without as much effort.

“Beh, cavolo! Are you seeing this, Erwin?” Salvatore exclaimed.

Erwin, who still had his face covered, shook his head. However, he had an idea of what Salvatore had seen.

When silence abounds, the young man slowly parted his hands until he could see what was happening. Salvatore had a dumbstruck look on his face, smiling and grinning. His eyes fixated on their groin far too long that Erwin felt comfortable.

“You seemed to be having fun,” he said, breaking the stillness in the air.

“Erwin, you’re not freaking out? Did you happen to know this already?”

He looked down at their now-exposed penises with a wry smile. “Yeah, I had the hunch a while back. How could I not when it was so constricting down there? And when you began to move, they… rubbed… against each other.”

“I see… I had my hunch about this, too, but believed it all to be a trick of the senses. Not that I’m a full-on sceptic, but sometimes seeing is believing. That’s all there is to it. But you… you knew about this, but kept the info all to yourself?”

“I was busy panicking. Plus, I didn’t know they would look so… so…”


“It’s far bigger than I thought it would be,” he admitted. “Fat, heavy, and something out of a bara artist’s manga.”

“From a… what now artist?”

“Ugh, never mind!” Erwin blurted out while slapping the centre of Salvatore’s chest with a hard smack. “Anyway, are you really going to ogle at our crotch the whole day or something? Not that I mind. At least out loud.”

“I could say the same to you,” Salvatore replied, a note of self-satisfaction in his voice. “Oh, and don’t give me that look—I can see you glancing over every so often. Staring at them with a predatory gleam in your eyes.”

Erwin wanted to protest but chose to maintain his silence. In truth, he found himself equally drawn to the pair of cocks. They exceeded his expectations in size and plumpness, fuelling a range of vivid fantasies. Furthermore, their freedom from their fabric confinement made them seem heavier. He could not say if it was a blessing or a curse. On one hand, they appeared more delicate—Erwin flinched when even a gentle waft of breeze brushed against them. Both of them, and not just the one on his side. Additionally, he noticed that the tip of the left one was stained wet with pre-cum. A now not-so-secret detail he intentionally avoided revealing to his partner.

“It’s fine, I understand what you’re feeling right now,” Salvatore said. “But, Erwin, I… well, I mean, are these..?”

“Our cocks? Yeah. First time I’ve ever seen them, though. You were right when you said I kept the info to myself. I mean, I did feel something was off, and yet… well, believing we got two penises now was also from a guess itself. Although, to my defence, I never thought I’d be having this discussion early on.”

“How so?”

Erwin rolled his eyes and groaned. “Seriously? I was also caught up by the fact I’m conjoined to someone. And to an older man, to boot. Did you really think I’d have enough time to process it in my head?”

“Uh, that is true. The first thing I noticed after I woke up was that I was stuck to you.”

“See? And did you bother checking what was underneath?”

Salvatore shook his head. “I didn’t feel anything was off until you woke up. And even then, I thought I needed you to be awake before I could… undress us.”

“Oh. Makes sense.”

With that out of the way, Erwin decided to join Salvatore and admire their dicks. They were both nestled against each other, much like the two men were.

The young man never would have believed this was real, but here he was. Gaping at them with bright, curious eyes that begged for answers, yet got more questions. And they looked… oddly inviting.

Seized by this novelty before him, Erwin lunged forward and grabbed them, one in each hand. He did not mind how roughly he held onto the thick and veiny shafts. Nor had he paid attention to the strain that evoked on his right side. And although he wanted to, he resisted letting a moan escape his mouth.

That did not stop him, however, from hearing that very distinctive sound from his right side. He turned his attention there, only to find Salvatore showing a peculiar state. With half-lidded eyes and mouth agape. His chest rose and fell, greedy for air. The sweat was an effervescent blanket that made him shimmer against the lighting.

“Salvatore?” Erwin shot the older man a wide grin, enjoying the view himself. And even more so when the older male got up and was blushing like mad.

“Before you ask anything, I cannot help myself. It’s strictly off the record, but I am a bit sensitive down there. Perhaps even more than everyone else. Please, be gentle with your… experimenting touches.”

“Oh, so you’re not against me grabbing what could also be your penis?”

“I… um, it’s a bit strange, yes, but it is mine as much as it is yours. And to be honest, when you grabbed both of them, it was like… static was in the air. It jolted me alive, and I never felt more… aroused, you could say. Or excited. This is all too new for me. And you, of course.” Salvatore shrugged his shoulders. “I mean, two cocks! Who doesn’t want to savour the feeling of what two handjobs at one time would be like?”

This time, it was Erwin who blushed. His grip on the cocks weakened, though he still has not let them go. “Well, yeah… but it was not like I was doing this because I wanted to know!”

Salvatore let out a hearty chuckle. “Oh, kids these days… that’s nothing to feel ashamed of. It’s a nice outlet for a young man like yourself. Someone full of vigour must also be active in nightly activities.”

Embarrassed, Erwin tried to justify himself. “Why am I getting this kind of conversation with you, anyway?”

The older man shook his head, a smile still plastered on his face. It was a kind of smile that ticked Erwin. It radiated a cocksure feeling he abhorred. Be it from school or otherwise in public spaces. Most especially since it was coming from someone older than him. He wanted that smile gone, and he knew the exact trick to make it happen.

Erwin tightened his grip once again, and he heard the grown man beside him let out a restrained, pitiful moan. Their conjoined body shuddered with arousal as a wave of euphoria washed over them. The tremors rocked the mattress, and it was all from Salvatore. His resistance and, quite possibly, surprise, made it happen. And for him, it was a delight.

“You shouldn’t be too smug when you’re this pent-up,” he taunted his partner. The young man indulged in the heightened stimulation coming from their shared cocks. Each movement was sending him waves of ecstasy. And he knew that Salvatore was feeling more. The latter’s inhibited groans and controlled trembling told him so.

“Tell me, old man, did you ever… stop touching yourself?” Erwin asked. He continued groping and squeezing their cocks, amused at the turn of events which went in his favour. It was pleasure and torture concomitantly. It was, in a sense, the two distinct feelings of two different people who happens to be conjoined to each other. An irony all the same. He twisted his neck and flashed a wide smile at his body partner. Seeing the older man’s contorted face seemed to invoke his innermost desires. “Well?”

Salvatore, between heaves of breathing, replied, “Fifteen years. I haven’t had sex in fifteen years.”

Erwin’s smile broke into a grin. Seeing that flushed face of Salvatore was like an invitation to keep what he was doing. Their knees buckle and shake, twitching and making them lose balance. It was only thanks to Salvatore’s willpower that they remained standing upright. But he looked like he would give in at any moment now.

“P-please, this is too much,” Salvatore whimpered, though his voice was still as sexy as before. This served to arouse Erwin more, and in turn, made their cocks stiffer.

“Oh, is that so? Then, I hope you’re prepared for your first wank in so long.”

“Believe me… it’s going to be messy,” Salvatore replied, his voice weak as he was having trouble breathing.

Erwin continued playing with their twin cocks, still hard as ever. He handled them roughly, eager to satisfy his and Salvatore’s insatiable lust. They were both grunting, and sweating, but not one bit closer to ejaculation. Despite their shared sensations of arousal, it was not enough. Their penises remained stone-hard even after all that, if not a bit red from all that friction. Nonetheless, they were still far from cumming. Their legs, too, were also feeling the burnout from standing in that position for far too long. It was getting numb, and though Erwin could not control them, he could feel them weakening.

“Funny how easy it was to get hard,” the young man murmured. His mind was solely focused on the twin members that remained stiff. Every breath he took was now marked by a raspy inhale. And his vision blurred from every sweat drop that fell from his forehead and down to his eyes. He shook his head to remove them now and then, but his eyes still locked onto their cocks. “Shite, how much longer?”

“Trust me, son, it will take some time,” Salvatore answered. How he could say that with a steady voice was a mystery to Erwin. And yet, he listened with rapt attention. “Besides, being erect for this long… heh, I remembered when I was about your age.”

“Not now, Sal!”

His outburst, as short-lived as his false bravado, stopped the moment he felt a jolt of pain. This prompted Erwin to let go of the pair of cocks and leaned backwards. His elbow struck Salvatore’s sides, prompting the two exchanging apologies.

Erwin shoved it to the back of his mind, but this made him think of their other problem, their closeness. The proximity of their conjoined torsos forced them to be together. Even standing was a hassle if their upper bodies were not pressed against each other. Not that they had to always be squishing their torsos per se, but it does serve to stabilise them when they stand up.

But as much as he found it unpleasant and uncomfortable, it was making him damn horny. And for whatever reason, the point where he and Salvatore separate was an erogenous zone. Not by his choice, and he was certain it was not Salvatore’s either. Regardless, it was sensitive, and it was a toss-up between pain and pleasure whenever they move their torsos. It was so damn provocative, it had him daydreaming scenarios where he was this close to his older brother. Or his college professor. Or any of the beefy men he developed a crush with.

And much to his surprise, they had all something in common. Other than age differences, they all involved physical closeness. To the point of conjoinment. He could not tell if it was influenced by his current situation, but this was what was coming out of his mind. So having to live through the experience but not being able to cum was frustrating. Their cocks were getting sore from all that rubbing, as they ached for someone to drain them of semen.

Erwin let go of their sensitive members, wincing at how red they looked. “Okay, maybe I should go nice and slow,” he muttered.

“Honestly, that was… not as good,” Salvatore said, his voice ragged from all that laborious breathing. “A bit rough, my boy.”

The young man grumbled. This was unsatisfactory. And so, in mere moments after he stopped, he grabbed their cocks once more. But he was gentler with his touch as he stroked and rubbed them with great care. He played with the fact his hands were soft, and not callous. This seemed to show a positive effect, as he could feel his strength leaving him with every movement. Erwin whimpered and moaned. He threw his head backwards while continuing to pleasure himself and Salvatore.

“Ah! Keep going, Erwin!” Salvatore spoke up as well, breaking away from his usually controlled self. Whatever Erwin was feeling, he felt them as well. Maybe even a bit more. “Yes, yes!”

Following his command, Erwin did just that; he kept going. He moved his hands in alternating directions, and it seemed to have a more positive effect on them both. The rush of virility from their shared arousal pulsed through their body. More than he had previously felt.

Erwin’s breathing matched that of his body partner. They inhaled and exhaled at roughly the same time. Even their groans and moans were in synchronicity with each other. It was an experience of oneness between two separate people. Almost as if there were no traces of privacy between them. Which was true: they are, after all, conjoined to each other. Their bodies were one, barely separate.

“Urgh, I—I can feel it coming!” Salvatore called out. “Can you feel it too, Erwin?”

“Y-yeah, Sal… I can—ah!” He leaned his head back as the familiar sensation of ejaculation made him shiver. The older male beside him also shuddered alongside him as they released a copious amount of cum. Too much, in fact. It was warm, sticky, and it drenched their legs and floor. Erwin had to admit that it left him quite lightheaded, dazed from the twin ejaculation. He was seeing stars as the afterglow kicked in.

As Erwin tried to gather his senses, he yelped as he was then dragged down onto the floor, landed on his—or their, arse.

“Ah! What was that all about?” he looked to his right and raised a brow, looking at the flushed face of Salvatore. The ever-present sweat dripped from his head down to his body. He was breathing through his mouth, was ever slightly open, letting them fill his lungs. It was admittedly sexy to look at, much to Erwin’s chagrin.

The older man turned to face Erwin, and they shared a knowing glance with each other.

“That was… amazing!”

“Heh, it was more than amazing. We masturbated while conjoined,” Erwin piped up. “Or was it that I masturbated while also giving you a wank? The jury is still out there.”

No sooner than those words left his mouth did Erwin’s eyes begin to widen. The realisation hit him like a freight train as his face becomes flushed. All those words and moments of bravado replayed in his mind on repeat. He barely had no time to hold himself and scream profanities as he tried backing off. Unfortunately, their physical connection made it impossible. He looked at Salvatore, wanting to explain, but no words made it out of his mouth. Only a squeak of a noise, and nothing more.

“Erwin?” Salvatore furrowed his forehead, checking on the younger male. “Are you… scared?”

“I—I’m sorry, I think I overdid it. By a lot.”

“No, it’s fine,” Salvatore shook his head. The reassurance found in his warm voice comforted the former. “I suppose you got too excited, but that’s nothing to be worried about. It can happen any time, and it’s natural.”

Erwin kept his face down. It felt unfair to him that Salvatore was good at keeping his emotions in check. Rarely did he ever show any sort of distraught expression. His calm, friendly countenance and positive attitude vexed him. But he knew in himself that he could not hold Salvatore accountable for that. He did not do anything bad, to begin with; the man was good, through and through.

“Come, now… I like how proactive you were a minute ago,” Salvatore piped up, breaking the cold, unfeeling air of silence. “I mean, sure, your skittish nature was endearing, don’t get me wrong, but this side of you? Full of spirit. Dare I say it, but you were brave.”

“At being a shameless flirt?”

“Well, you did offer a free handjob. I won’t say no to that,” he replied with a wink.

“There it is, the comforting lines. Always the hero of this story, aren’t you?” Erwin spat. “Why couldn’t you be mad? Why aren’t you mad?! Are—and are you saying all that to make me feel better?”

Erwin was certain that he would have seen Salvatore get angry, but he did not. Uncomfortable and surprised, maybe, but not angry. Even when his voice turned into a low growl, he knew that there was barely any anger behind it. Sure, such words lifted his sports and any skewed burden he believed was his, but this made him feel pampered.

He was pulled out of his thoughts as the latter cupped his face and caressed it with his thumb. “You’re doing great.”

It was those words that made him break down. Almost. Salvatore was too kind for his own good! It was unfair and downright mean, for whatever or whoever, made him conjoined to this man. There were so many things to deal with at an emotional level if this went on.

“Geez, Sal, you and your way of words. Be careful with all this comforting talk, though.”

“Oh, why should I?”

“Because I might think you’re a forty-something-year-old man.” Erwin let out a chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief. “Seriously, everything you said so far? It all sounded like something my dad would say to me.”

Salvatore nodded, his lips pressed together. “Well, I don’t know how to spill it out for you, but I really am a forty-something-old man. Forty-two, to be exact. I mentioned it earlier. You didn’t pick that up?”

Erwin choked on his saliva, which ended in a fit of coughing. He looked straight into Salvatore’s eyes and saw his stoic expression. And as if like magic, everything clicked. His heartbeat turned into loud, thundering pulses with a never-ending echo. It pounded through his ears, likened to a deafening roar.

“Hang on, were you serious when you said you were forty-three?” he asked, his alarmed tone shattering the moment of peace that they were starting to form.

Salvatore’s nod and wry, but also smug, smile did not help him feel any better.

“I thought you were kidding!” Erwin said out loud, hitting Salvatore’s arm. “Th-that means… you’re seventeen years older than I am!”

“I’m afraid so, Erwin.”

“You—damn it! It’s no exaggeration when I say that you might as well be my father.”

“Oh? Be very careful with your choice of words, tsk, tsk,” Salvatore teased. He waved a finger back and forth in front of his face, although that wide smirk defeated the seriousness. “Are you saying that you were more than willing to give your father a good rub down there?”

Erwin spluttered, unable to make a cohesive sentence to back him up. The mere thought of him doing the deed with his father was the last thing on his mind. Granted, it was not the one thing he would not do, but still.

“Have you gone stark raving mad?!” he yelled as vivid images formed in his mind. Erwin knew he would be lying if he claimed that he would not enjoy them, but that was that, and this was this. The young man wanted to shrivel up and die as his thoughts became more overactive.

It did not stop with his father, too. It wandered between him to all the other men he had been fantasising about. And it lingered in the worst possible ways, doing all sorts of plays he dared not say out loud. Mortified and aroused was all he could describe himself right now.

“Ugh, now it’s stuck in my head,” Erwin complained. “And it’s thanks to—woah, too close!”

The young man jerked his head back when he saw Salvatore’s face up close.

“And you know what? I wouldn’t mind if you can call me your daddy, boy.” Salvatore said. His voice, rough and gravely, had him chuffed to bits.

Erwin rolled his eyes and sighed. Time after time, Salvatore proved himself to be the ideal man. Not only in the looks department but also in terms of personality. He was patient, kind, and showed empathy with how he understood his feelings of uncertainty. There were also bouts of his playful side like this one as well.

And when it comes to looks… oh, God, he could not help but describe him as a mesmerising, ravishing beau. The young man could not point out if it was the way his chiselled abs were on the verge of touching his soft tummy. Or whether he could embrace that scratchy hair all over his chest and arms. It could also be their intertwining body heat whenever their torsos press together. And that rough, husky voice which drowned away his insecurities each time he spoke to him. Or, it could have been his unshorn beard. This prickly, untamed bristle brushed against his face several times over, and he could never get enough of it.

Erwin felt loved by Salvatore. Whether it was real or if it was the afterglow of that shared masturbation, he could not say. What he did know was that Salvatore was more than willing to give in to his mischief, should he choose to.

Out from the corner of his eyes, he saw the other snaking his arm down and grabbing him by the waist again. He was pulled close to Salvatore, but this time, he did not resist, much less react.

“So, could you tell me how are you able to sneak your hand like that?”

“As I said before, it’s a trade secret,” Salvatore winked. “I hope you don’t mind me touching you more, now that we’ve been… well-acquainted.”


The older man chuckled as he put his right hand—his free hand—against Erwin’s chest. He placed it over his beating heart before sliding downward. It moved towards the area where his torso merged with Salvatore’s.

“This is where we separate,” he said, “but also, this is the point where we converge into one.”

Erwin put his own hand over Salvatore’s, and used his thumb to caress the dorsal side of the latter’s hand. Much like how the latter did to his face. “Hmm… we’re together as one, huh?”

“Do I take this as a yes?”

Erwin made a pause, then nodded. Although, to his surprise, Salvatore let go of him. He looked up at the man, the grim expression on his face looked pained, and he could not help but show concern.

“Wh-what’s wrong?”

“Truth be told, it looks like you’re still hesitating.”

“N-no, I’m not. It’s just that—”

“Erwin, please,” he cut him off. He leaned over and rubbed his face against the young man, though it strained their torsos in the process. “I’m obviously not going anywhere. But you paused for a bit. There was reluctance, if only for a bit.”

“But I—”

“No, it’s fine. By the looks of it, we’re still feeling high after that conjoined masturbation, anyway. So it will be for the best if we take it one step at a time. Why not take the chance to let us sort through our emotions in due time, what do you say?”

Erwin could only swoon at his words. He was sensitive to such things, it was both amazing and a tad bit horrifying.

“You’re kinda good at this.”


“Yeah, you are!” Erwin insisted. “I’m rather happy you’re not disgusted with me. Especially when I started pleasuring ourselves and all that.”

“No, don’t be. I saw you were curious, so it was not out of malicious intent,” Salvatore reassured him. “Besides, if given the chance, I would’ve been the one who would start it.”

The two men laughed; their feelings were all laid bare for them both to witness.

Erwin was rather amused by the situation. He never thought he could accept being physically connected to a 40-something-old man. And yet here he was, laughing alongside him. They were bonding, chatting and expressing their worries. They even console each other. This was the height of luxury, as it was comforting him. Letting him feel emotions with the validation he needed to hear. Like being with an old friend. Or, if push comes to shove, a would-be partner.

“So, how are we going to deal with this, then?” Erwin looked down at their legs, wincing at the huge mess they made. “This isn’t probably what you had in mind dealing with when you woke up, but… yeah. Things happened. And look at the cum, it’s like it’s everywhere!”

“Don’t fret about it too much,” Salvatore replied. “Yes, you’re stuck with me, but I’m also stuck with you. And after your little experiment earlier, I’d say we’re like pancake and butter.”

“Pancake and… butter?”

“Yes. Never one without the other. That’s us,” he said, putting his hand on their shared stomach. “Together, and most probably, forever.”

Erwin let out a small chuckle, amused at Salvatore’s choice of words. The idea of looking for a way to become separated from him was all but forgotten. “I mean, if you put it that way, I guess I don’t mind.”

The younger man’s laughter grew when Salvatore reached out and ruffled his hair. He put up a fight, pushing his arm away, and it turned into a little game of wills between them.

“Knock it off,” Erwin said between laughter. “I’m not a kid, you know?”

“You are when compared to my age, though,” Salvatore pointed out, but he did stop at the former’s request. “Now, why don’t we get down and clean up this mess, first? The sooner we’re done, the faster we can get on with our day.”

“I mean, you’re right.” Erwin flashed one last smile before his face turned sour. “But the thing is, I don’t know how to clean messes like this. Scouring the house is one thing. But this? And in huge amounts? Not sure how I’d deal with that. Do I even use the same detergents for this?”

The older man shook his head. “Well, you can start learning today. Think of me as your live-in tutor. I’ll help you teach ways to clean all this gunk.”

Erwin groaned, though not one bit angry about his situation. The relatively short time he became acquainted with Salvatore was precious. From their gauche first greeting to the handjob-masturbation experience. It was quite a memorable experience.

“Well, if we’re going to do it your way, I’ll try my best behaviour,” he shrugged. “So… what do you do when your student is… naughty?”

Salvatore winked. “I give them extra homework, if you get what I mean.”

“Oh, this. I like this. Care to teach me, professor?” Erwin closed in on the already short distance between them. Their nipples brushed against each other, eliciting a yelp from the other. “I’m more than willing to learn more from your so-called homework.” His words dripped from his lips in a flirty cadence, each syllable coated in playful suggestion. And he spoke softly, drawing out the sentence with a tantalising slowness. The blush on Salvatore’s face made all that effort in acting well worth it.

“Uh, I didn’t quite get that.” Salvatore’s voice turned a pitch higher. “What was that you said again?”

“Nothing that you should worry about, professor,” the young man purred. Erwin traced his fingers over the other’s well-built physique, carefully following each contour. And each pause emphasises them with deliberate enunciation. “Now, why don’t we get to it, hm?”

“I’ve got the chills all of a sudden,” Salvatore said as he led them both to get the cleaning materials.

18k words Added Jul 2023 3,450 views 5.0 stars (6 votes)

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Extra jeff by Josh Dugan You really can't get enough of Jeff even though there is so much of him. 596 words Added Sep 2005 11k views 5.0 stars (3 votes) No comments yet •Huge Cock•Multicock•Multileg•Multilimb•Replication•Wristfeet•Selfcest

Guess what happened by Jefftaur Imagine my surprise yesterday when my housemate came home four-legged! 1,930 words Added May 2002 11k views 5.0 stars (3 votes) No comments yet •Multicock•Multiarm•Multilimb•Wristfeet

Kyle’s third leg by Unknown Kyle finds an abandoned container of goo that turns his "third leg" a lot more literal. 5 parts 3,762 words Added Oct 2015 15k views 5.0 stars (2 votes) No comments yet •Extra digits•Multicock•Multileg•Multilimb•Three Legs

Leg clone by Josh Dugan One of our most attractive classmates was into cloning before it became widely publicized. And he went way beyond just making clones. 3 parts 2,787 words Added Feb 1997 10k views 5.0 stars (2 votes) No comments yet •Multicock•Boytaur•Multiarm•Multileg•Multilimb•Replication•Selfcest•Centaurs

Leg wheel by Martin Boyar Handsome Dave wants to become a wheel of legs so badly that even instructions jokingly made up on the spot actually work! 4 parts 7,253 words Added Jun 2006 9,597 views 5.0 stars (7 votes) No comments yet •Multicock•All Legs•Lots of Legs•Multiarm•Multileg•Multilimb•Replication•Selfcest •M/M

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