The front-porch pills

by JonaCella

A 22-year-old, fresh-out-of-college nursing graduate finds a bottle of unmarked pills on his front porch after a long week of work. After he notices his big wish coming true, he decides to invite a friend…

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“What is this?” I asked, grabbing the mysterious pill bottle that was seated on the front step of my house. There was no label or any words on it, just a plain white pill bottle. I brought it inside and texted a picture of it to my friend, Nico. “Bro, I just found this random pill bottle on my porch.”

He answered less than five seconds later. He was unemployed, so he always had free time to play games or talk whenever I got done work, which was where I had just come from.

I’m a male nurse, around 5’8 in height, so not very tall, 22 years old and fresh out of college. I have a pretty average build. Not too skinny, but definitely not fat. I came home from work with my scrubs on. I didn’t feel like taking them off immediately, like I usually do on a Friday night where I don’t have the chance to get randomly called into work, ruining my night plans; I wanted to check out what pills were.

“You should take one,” Nico responded.

“What? Fuck no, I don’t know what’s in those things”

“What do they look like? Use your nurse dictionary or whatever and look up what the pill is.”

I realized I hadn’t actually examined what the pills looked like yet. I cautiously opened the bottle. Inside the small pill bottle were around 15-20 pills, all colored a light blue with a few letters and numbers on them, all exactly similar to one another.

“I’ve never seen pills like these before. They look familiar, but I can’t tell what they are” I texted back, sending a picture of the pills.

“Dude. That’s Viagra,” Nico texted.

“They can’t be Viagra. Viagra’s usually a diamond shape, not oval-ish.”

“That’s the typical Viagra,” Nico explained. “The good stuff’s the oval-shaped pills.”

As a nurse, I was trained to recognize different types of medications and pill types to properly assist patients, but I hadn’t recognized this one. “Are you sure?”

“Trust me, I’ve used one of those before, when I went to a gas station and all of the generic Viagra was sold out. Best pill I’ve ever had, dude. It was like my whole body orgasmed at once when I was railing this chick. You gotta try one.”

For as long as I’d known Nico, he’d definitely got around a lot. I’d never taken any sex pills, but I’d treated cases of it where mostly younger guys would come in and tell me that they tried one and there was too much pain in their groin area. Just hearing about what could go wrong led me away from using those.

“I don’t know if I should be taking pills off my front porch, though.”

“Well, you could always throw them out. Just saying, you’d be missing the best orgasm of your entire life”

I glanced at the open pill bottle in my hand again. It would be so easy to just pop one in, do a little self-pleasuring, then get on with my night. And if anything does go wrong, I do have the knowledge on how to treat it, I have a first aid kit and plenty of supplies in case things go wrong.

“All right, I’ll try one, but only one. I don’t want this to be an addiction in disguise.”

“That’s more like it. Have fun with your jerk-sesh bro!”

I got a glass of water, one pill out of the bottle, and sat down on the couch. I didn’t put on any porn or anything on the TV, in case the pills were something like poison that could seriously harm me, I didn’t want EMS to break down the door with Naughty Professor Gives an F for “Fuck me” playing on the TV (it’s a long title but it’s the only thing that gets me in the mood). I lived alone, so doing it out on the couch wasn’t going to bother anyone, but I kept my scrubs on just in case, again, there’s an emergency if it’s not a sex pill.

I warily looked at the light blue pill in my hand, wondering if I’m going to regret taking this, and partially wondering if I’m going to regret taking any advice from Nico.

Here goes nothing. I laid the pill on my tongue and washed it down with water. No turning back now. I tensed, expecting a heart attack or projectile vomiting or even a boner any second now.

Nothing. Minutes later, he was still waiting. More minutes went by, and still no reaction to the pill whatsoever.

“Should’ve known it was just a prop pill, probably some sort of prank placebo some jokester laid out there.”

I slapped my forehead in self-disappointment, for allowing myself to believe some random pill bottle would have had some insanely pleasurable effect. My forehead felt strangely warm, though. Maybe it’s just warm in here. Seconds later, my head started aching. A small pain at first, but seconds later developed into a throbbing.

“Oh, fuck! What’s going on?!” I laid my head to rest on the back of the couch, covering my temples with my hands. When holding my hands on my forehead did nothing to stop the pain, I let them down to my sides, hoping I could redirect blood flow to my arms to alleviate the headache.

“I knew I shouldn’t have taken those… ahh, fuck!” The throbbing, pulsating pain now traveled down into my arms, then my chest, my stomach, and the rest of my body. It felt like the blood vessels itself was pulsating, almost as if it were desperately trying to push against my skin.

Looking down, I saw veins appear down my arms, the blue vessels protruding so tightly against my skin that a paper cut could easily get me to bleed out. I was panting like crazy. Although, it didn’t feel like I was panting from pain, but from pleasure. I noticed the throbbing sensation settled down now, and only centered in my arms now, much number than before. My excruciating headache was gone now.

Confused about where all the pain went, I looked down at my arms again where the veins were still protruding. My breathing slowed, and I let out a sigh of relief that the pain was over, but instead washed over with a slightly pleasured feel. My arms especially felt good, they were pulsating with this feeling like I just got done a workout, and they were relaxing after the pump.

The pleasurable sensation strengthened around my biceps now. I looked at my biceps with my arms still laying to my sides and along my legs, and saw the biceps do something super strange.

They were growing. I’ve never been built at all, the most muscle I have is a very, very thin set of abs, but that’s on a good day. My biceps slowly started growing bigger, originally they had almost no definition from being the same size as the rest of my smaller-than-average limbs. I couldn’t believe my eyes as my biceps bunched up little by little, growing to the size of small baseballs in just under a minute.

“What the…” I said as the growing stopped. I tentatively poked at my left bicep with my right arm, making sure I wasn’t dreaming—or hallucinating. As I felt my biceps, I could tell that there was definitely muscle under the skin, it wasn’t just a swelling or allergic reaction. “This is crazy…”

The sensation started again, centering in my triceps and forearms. I watched my triceps bunch up like my biceps did, slowly growing bigger and protruding more from my arms. The same goes for my forearms, as they got wider and-packed on with a little muscle. It wasn’t a lot, but it definitely made it look like I went to the gym often. My hands started growing next, adjusting to the size of my recently grown forearms, as they looked comically small compared to them. Each finger lengthened out, the palm grew wider, then finally expanded with muscle one more time before the sensation in my arms stopped.

I stared at the transformation that just unfolded on my arms. Those pills made me grow! My arms looked like those of a frequent gym-goer. Not huge by any means, but the muscle was noticeable even without flexing. Of course, I had to flex the guns. The biceps, triceps, and forearms all surged with power as I flexed them full of blood, bunching up and looking pretty decent.

The sensation returned again, this time in my shoulders and traps. I could see in my peripheral vision my shoulders slowly started inflating with muscle, looking like a balloon slowly getting pumped full of helium. Ripples in the muscles developed, and my traps started bunching up on the sides of my neck. Next, my neck began to thicken and widen,-packing on muscle as it grew and extended my head upwards. Seconds later, the growth stopped and I admired the feeling of muscular boulder shoulders and wide traps. “Fuck… this is amazing!”

The sensation from the last two growth spurts was nothing compared to the next one. The feeling now engulfed my chest, centering on my pecs. It felt like my pecs could’ve climaxed right there if they were physically capable. I moaned in pleasure as my pecs started growing outwards, a few centimeters at a time, letting me enjoy the growth. They pushed against the front of my scrubs shirt, which was already pretty baggy. My pecs bounced with each growth, becoming more and more dense with rock-hard muscle as they pushed my shirt outwards. I could see the groove between my pecs extend longer and longer down my chest, as the pecs filled out all the space they could inside the scrubs shirt, the nipples hardening and growing to the size of quarters, and when the growth stopped, my pecs easily extended out 2-3 inches from where they used to be sitting, flat as can be just minutes ago.

I groped each of my pecs, feeling the dense muscle that tensed under each touch. I could do pec pops now! I bounced each one back and forth, feeling the weight of my pecs on my chest, feeling like a small bookshelf had been placed there. Each bounce felt more and more satisfying as I had never had any muscle definition before this, always being picked on in middle school for being smaller than the other teen boys who developed into their bodies quicker than I had mine. I hadn’t even hit a growth spurt to reach my height of 5’8 until I was 19. It took 3 years to just reach this level of average weight, not being as skinny as before in of itself was an accomplishment for me, and I tried for years to develop any muscle at all, only to end up with nothing. Now, I was finally living the muscular life I had always wanted. And there was still more to go.

Lifting up my shirt in response to the sensation in my midsection, I saw rows of abs slowly start developing. Each set of abs grew like little balloons inflating on my stomach, the more the top set grew, the bottom set copied it, then the next set copied that set growth until the growth stopped where I now had 8 hard, chiseled abs on display. All of them tensed up even harder as I ran my hand along the groove between the abs. My back and lats started growing next, to adjust to the size of the rest of my torso. My late started to expand outwards to my sides, and I felt each striation of muscle on my back tense and shift as more and more muscle-packed on. I outstretched my arms on both sides, and I estimated my upper body width was at least 5-6 feet. This was incredible!

I did some Arnold Schwarzenegger poses after standing up and admiring my built torso in the full-length mirror in the living room. I did the classic double bicep pose, arm-down tricep pose, puffed-pecs pose, and admired how defined each muscle was, each little striation and vein visible on my muscles-packed underneath my scrubs shirt, which didn’t have a lot of available room left inside the shirt for all my body to move in. My upper body was at least double the size it used to be. Although, I noticed I wasn’t big everywhere. I glanced down at my legs in the mirror, noticing they hadn’t started growing. The amount of time that usually passed between the growth of each muscle set was way past now, did the pills only affect the upper body? My legs looked like those of a chicken with no growth to accompany my torso’s growth.

Just as I started to believe that was the end of the growth, my knees started to shake as the pleasure returned, bringing the sensation into my thighs and quads. I looked down and saw the outlines of my upper legs start to fill out the baggy scrubs pants. The hamstrings started protruding against the back of my legs, right underneath my butt. The thighs-packed on more and more muscle, almost growing as large as watermelons. No time passed before the upper leg growth stopped and the lower legs started to swell. My calves slowly became more and more inflated as they made a diamond shape on the backs of my legs, raising the end of my pantlegs higher and higher up my lower leg until they raised up so high it cinched around my lower calves.

Biting my lip in pleasure as the next sensation started, my shoes felt tight as I could feel my previously size 9 feet push against the fabric of the non-slip shoes, the growing sensation fully encapsulating the lowest part of my legs. I could hear fabric stretching more and more, ultimately ripping open the front of the shoe as my feet covered in the ripped remains of my socks protruded out. I wiggled my toes as they were freed from the confines of the now too-small shoe. “Fuck… ah, I’ll get them repaired somewhere.” My shoes haven’t ripped apart yet, but I didn’t want to completely destroy them as those were the only shoes I currently owned for work, so I left the partially destroyed shoes on my size 19-at-least-feet.

It seemed like the growth had stopped for now, I didn’t feel any of the sensation left. I admired my body one last time in the mirror, seeing the muscular hunk I’d become, and sat back down on the couch. Full of excitement, I decided to text Nico the results of the pill.

“Bro, you said that was Viagra? That was nothing like Viagra! It turned me into a muscle stud, dude!”

He responded quickly, “What the fuck? There’s no way!”

I sent him a picture of me in my nurse scrubs filled to the brim with muscle. I had noticed, when taking the picture of myself, that my legs had lengthened, as I could tell my head was higher above the couch then it used to be, and I now take up half the couch with my width alone.

“Bro there’s no way that’s you. You definitely photoshopped yourself”

“You wanna come over and see if for real?” This was a risky text. I had always had a crush on Nico but had never told him, he’s straight and has slept around with a lot of women before, so I know I wouldn’t have a chance with him. But if he were to try one of these pills too, then I could see him grow. Seeing Nico grow would be my ultimate life dream to be honest, like that would be the peak of my life and I would live off that high to my grave. Nico’s already incredibly hot, with his wavy-curled hair, defined jawline, sexy glasses, and decent height (taller than me, so it’s a bonus whenever we play-flirt, as friends do), but doesn’t have too much mass on him. Having a hot face and a muscular bod would be everything I’ve ever wanted.

Nico took longer to respond to my text than usual. I was a little worried I may have scared him off.


I couldn’t believe it. This might actually happen. Just thinking about it got me excited. I set the phone down and reached for my glass of water on the table (all that growing made me very thirsty). As I’m drinking the water, I start to feel the same sensation from earlier, this time right in between my legs and torso.

“Is… is my ass going to… oh, fuckkkk…” I moaned as the sensation started to move across my butt. It started to bounce and jiggle as it inflated with muscle, spreading over the couch cushions. It was the strongest sensation I’ve felt yet, even better than my chest. It was like both asscheeks were orgasming right then and there. Every little swell raised me up on the couch higher and higher, until both cheeks were the size of watermelons. My expanding ass left my scrub pants struggling to stay together. I heard stretch after stretch of the fabric, rip after rip of individual threads giving out, but ultimately holding together.

I was left panting after that growth spurt. Being the most sensational growth I had gotten so far, I had to take a moment to breathe after experiencing that absolutely incredible sensation. I felt the sides of my ass over the scrubs. My ass was full and dense, full of muscle; just like every other part of my body. Just imagine what Nico’s growth could look like got another part of my body excited.

I felt yet another sensation starting to warm up in my groin area this time. Because the growth wasn’t enough to burst out the clothes, I could only see the outline of my cock through my scrubs and boxers struggling to stick together, just like my pants. I started getting hard and feeling the growth sensation, this time even stronger than the ass growth.

“Oh god, this is going to be—ah—so fucking good—ah—” I moaned even louder as I felt my cock get hard through the scrubs. Because I was wearing boxers and baggy scrubs, as my cock got hard it started to bounce up against the fabric as it got pumped full of blood, quickly rising to half-mast. The sensation fully worked its way into my cock now, and the growth began.

My cock lurched forward, little by little, as it got harder and harder. Bouncing more and more intensely against the fabric as it struggled to be released from my scrubs, I moaned loudly as it thickened, the outline swelling from my original, small 3-inches, 1 inch around soft, to over 7 inches and 4 inches around, not even fully hard yet. It lurched more and more, desperately trying to find an exit as it bounced with weight.

“Jesus fucking-ahhh—christ…my dick… ughh—ah!” My cock lurched forward in one big growth spurt: 3 inches of length and 1 inch of thickness all at once, as it became fully erect. I couldn’t contain how horny I felt as it was now reading an entire 9 inches in length and 5 inches thick. My balls also started to swell, I could feel the sack carrying more and more weight as it grew underneath my shaft. Originally the size of two small golf balls, they were becoming so inflated that they grew to just around the size of grapefruit.

The growth finally stopped as my cock got halfway down my thigh’s length. It was still painfully hard and already dripping pre. It was now 3 times the original length of my member. I wanted to relieve the pressure, but I decided to wait. I had to wait. For Nico.

For now, I decided to admire my body and all the muscle I had put on. My body hasn’t changed from its growth spurt, not that I was expecting it to. I did some posing and checked myself out. I flexed my bicep and admired how my arm grew from just a stick to now having biceps the size of baseballs, pecs the size of melons, and thighs the size of watermelons. I flexed even harder, just to see how bunched up the muscle could get.

As I flexed, the sensation returned. The feeling of pleasure filled my biceps again. “Wha—again?” I asked as my biceps, still flexed expanded a little, again. My biceps inflated to the size of softballs, then stopped. My triceps also put on mass, to match my biceps. My sleeves looked like they were one growth spurt away from tearing.

“Did… did I force my biceps to grow?” I looked down at my chest, wondering if I could get it to happen again. I puffed out my chest, but got no reaction from the growth. I tried bouncing my pecs, just to see if it would change anything. I bounced my left pec a few times, but stopped when I felt the sensation, only in my left pec. My left pec bounced on its own as it grew a few centimeters past my right pec. I now bounced the right pec a few times. Same as the left one, it grew just enough to match the left pec. My pecs strained the front of the shirt even more. “So I have the bounce my pecs to grow them, but flex to grow my biceps.” I wonder what else I could grow. I got distracted from the thought of Nico growing, as I was occupied with the thought of growing more. My cock became soft again and laid flaccid in my lap.

“Yo bro, open up! You better not have lied to me!” Nico pounded on the door. I stood up, checked myself in the mirror one last time, and opened the door.

“Hey, Nico,” I said, as if my body didn’t completely go through a metamorphosis.

Nico stood at the door in shock, his mouth hung agape, looking up at me. Since he was usually the taller one, I’d always have to look up at him. But now, he’s looking up at me.

“…Well, come on in! Let me show you what the pills did” I opened the door wider for him to come in

Nico slowly walked inside, not taking his eyes off my new 6’5 body.

“Dude, what did those pills do to you?”

“They made me a stud! I thought they were gonna kill me at first, I had this awful headache, but it got replaced with this feeling of just orgasmic pleasure, and all this happened!”

Nico reached out to touch my chest. He grabbed my left pec and bounced it in his hand for a few seconds, which kinda turned me on. “This is real muscle… you gotta let me try one of those pills, man”

“Go for it, they’re on the kitchen counter. You take one of them with water. Oh, and I would sit down when you take it, it gets pretty intense in the beginning.”

Nico wasted no time going to get a pill from the bottle and a glass of water. He’s been to my house enough times that it’s like a second home for him, he knows i’m fine with him getting his own food or drinks. He sat on the opposite end of the couch I sat on (he’s always sat on the same side of the couch too, whenever he comes over. We both have our own sides of the couch that we sit in, like an unspoken rule).

Nico looked hesitant to take the pill.

“Don’t worry, it’ll only hurt a little in the beginning”

Nico reserved himself back to his usual, cool demeanor, and took the pill and washed it down in a fell swoop. It took a few more minutes until the headache took effect.

“When you say it’s gonna hurt, how badly?”

“Aww is the little baby scared of getting hurt?” I teased him.

“I’m not scared you dick, just wondering…” Nico pulled at his tank top, seemingly cooling himself down where guys would tug at their shirt a bunch of times to let air through. This might be the first stage where my forehead got hot.

Nico began tapping his hand against the couch, he looked uncomfortable.

“Something wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing,” Nico said quickly. I could definitely tell the effects were starting. He seemed fidgety and was really trying to cool himself off with his tank top even more. He wiped a bead of sweat off his brow, and put his hand up to his head in pain.

“Fuck, you weren’t kidding, oh fuck this hurts…” Nico closed his eyes in pain, started breathing quickly, and laid back on the couch the same way I had done. I sat next to him on the couch.

Nico’s panting slowed and laid his arms to his side. I could see the veins in his already skinny arms start to protrude. “Fuck, dude, this actually is starting to feel kinda nice…”

“See? Told you, it only hurts for the beginning.”

Nico’s growth didn’t start quite where I had thought it would. Nico began panting slowly, and he let out a soft moan as he looked down towards his crotch. He was wearing gray sweatpants, and I could see the outline of his already big dick start to harden in his pants, the bulge protruding away from him.

Nico already had a pretty good size dick in his pants: 5 inches soft, 7 inches hard, and decently thick too. I found this out once when he was drunk, as he gets very social about his private life to me when he’s drunk.

“Oh… fuck—ahhh—” Nico moaned again. He grabbed his cock through the pants fabric as it began to swell, getting hard from his touch as it made its way down his thigh. Every lurch, like mine, inflated his cock bigger, thicker and longer. Since it was already quite big, it didn’t take long for the pain and pleasure of the growing to overwhelm him, and he pulled out his growing cock and let it continue to grow into the air. It wasn’t fully erect yet, and was already 8 inches semi-flaccid. It fell onto his shirt, and as it became more and more erect, growing stiff into the air, it lengthened and thickened more. Nico couldn’t control his moaning, even though he tried to suppress it. The pleasure of his cock being the first to grow must’ve been too much for him to handle. It grew to a final length of 13 inches hard and was 8 inches thick. Nico panted and wiped off an ocean of sweat from his head. He stared at his grown manhood in awe.

He tentatively touched the tip of his dick, which spurted out a drop of pre as a result, flowing down his shaft and pooling on his lap. He winced when it did, it’s rock hard, rigid, and had veins everywhere.

He looked over to me. “Bro, I’m so fucking horny…”

My face flushed red. Was he hinting at something?

His attention returned to his body again as his biceps began to bulge. He looked down at his arms and saw his biceps begin to flex, each flex adding more and more muscle onto them, growing them to the size of baseballs. “Oh my god…uhh—ah!” He moaned as his triceps and forearms grew at the same time rapidly, quickly adding on muscle quicker than my growth did.

“Dude, this feels amazing, fuck, I wanna cum so badly but it feels so good…” He tilted his head back in pleasure as his shoulders, traps, and neck began to change next, growing one at a time in short bursts. His shoulders inflated, his traps widened, and his neck elongated and thickened. His growth was happening faster than mine, so he wasn’t given much of a break in between growth sensations. He looked down at his exposed chest in his tank top as they began to puff out slowly, adding more and more muscle onto his growing frame. His lats and back grew too, at the same time as his chest did, so he was hit with three torso growths all at the same time. His cock twitched in pleasure, and another drop of pre dripped down his shaft. The tank top was much smaller than my baggy scrub shirt was, so his expanding pecs filled out his chest much more visibly, as I began to grow hard again seeing the transformation unfold.

Nico rubbed his pecs with his hands as they grew, playing with his growing nipples. Nico seemed to be enjoying this. He bounced his pecs a few times as the growth slowed down feeling their weight and heft. “Oh fuck, dude… ahhhh—”

He lifted up his tank top and saw the rippling abs beginning to form. The little bunches of muscle protruded outwards out of his stomach as the groove between them lengthened, with every breath his abs became more and more defined, quickly becoming hard as granite.

Nico strained, and with one growth spurt, his upper torso ripped his tank top cleanly down the middle, letting it fall off his chest and shoulders. This really turned me on as I felt my cock twitch just from seeing him hulk out of his shirt.

The growth temporarily stopped in between the upper and lower body. Nico slowed his breathing and looked at his transformed body.

“Dude, you’re ripped!” I told him in excitement.

“Fuck, this is amazing… I mean look at me! My chest is huge, my arms are buff, I have an 8-pack, and… oh… fuck this feels good… ah—” Nico looked down and bit his lip as his balls began to swell underneath his sweatpants, pushing against his legs and raising his cock higher into the air and his balls filled out the space in his lap.

His ass started to shake in his sweatpants as they slowly started inflating behind him. As his ass took up more and more of the couch, he moaned loudly. Every time it expanded, his cock twitched, the ass growth was one of the more pleasurable ones. Nico went to grab his leaking cock, but stopped last second and grabbed onto his ass as it grew. His ass, once it stopped growing, was slightly larger than mine. (I was a little jealous.)

“Ahhh, fffuck…” Nico moaned in relief. “Dude, did this feel so good for you?”

“It was like a whole-body orgasm! It looks like you’re enjoying it more, though.” I said this as he reached into his sweatpants and started to fondle his balls. His hands had grown larger when his forearms grew, but his balls were easily larger than his palm.

“Mmmm… oh, shit—ah—” As he played with his balls, his cock lurched upwards one more time, now 14 inches, and slightly thickened. Another stream of precum flowed out of his thick cock, which was now emanating heat.

I got so turned on by that. My cock was now fully erect again. I felt the sensation again, but this time it was much less intense, happening all over my body. I looked for any growth, but couldn’t find any. However, I found out what was growing.

As I looked down my shirt, I saw that my pecs now had chest hair coiling out of them. I had a previously almost completely hairless body, so this was a surprise. My armpits suddenly felt scratchy as I looked inside my straining arm sleeve and saw armpit hair growing out of the pores. It extended all the way towards the opening of the sleeve before it stopped. The exposed section of my lower leg grew hair with an itchy feeling, and since I felt that same itchiness on my thighs, I assume that hair was growing there too. I pulled up my shirt and saw a snail trail leading down from my chiseled abs to my pubes, which I could see had a bush of hair growing due to how tight the pants were on my waist. I had never really been much into wanting body hair, but I have to admit it looks pretty hot.

Nico began to pant and moan again as his thighs began to fill out the sweatpants. Each pulsation added mass to the muscles on his upper legs and grew them as large as pumpkins. His calves began to grow next, pumping more and more rock-hard muscle into his legs that it looked like it could cut diamonds. His legs lengthened and raised the leg sleeves up to his calves.

“Oh fuck—my shoes-they’re getting tight—ah—” Nico’s feet began to grow inside of his Converse shoes. The laces slowly became undone as his growing feet and ankles took up more and more space. The front of his shoes ripped to allow his toes to stretch and grow, then his feet widened in the shoes, splitting the sides open and ultimately destroying them.

Because Nico’s cock and ass had already grown, his feet were the last thing to grow. Nico panted as he felt the relief from the pleasure. His cock was still stiff and hard, but everything else was done growing.

“Fuck, man, that was amazing.” Nico was now only in a pair of sweatpants that were too small on him (which was pretty sexy to me, seeing him too big for his own clothes). He hulked out of his shirt and shoes, and looked hotter than ever, with a round, big ass, bulbous pecs, rock-hard abs, and a huge dick. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted. His hot, Italian genetics make him a modern Greek statue. His body is that of an extremely endowed bodybuilder, or a really muscular pornstar.

We both went silent, both admiring Nico’s perfectly built body. Nico kept staring at his still stone-hard cock, every so often it would twitch and leak. Every few seconds he would bounce one of his newly developed pecs, still keeping his eyes on his dick. He seemed very comfortable with just letting his dick hang out hard in the open.

Nico had filled out his body much nicer than mine had, I noticed. While my body was still muscular and had a pretty big cock, something about Nico’s just looked sexier. Like it was made for him to have this muscular, sexy body.

“Hey, you have chest hair now,” Nico said as I was lost in space, staring at his pecs as he breathed in and out.

“O-oh, yeah, I do.”

“When did that happen? I didn’t grow any hair.” Nico pointed at his hairless chest and inexistent snail trail.

“Oh, it uh, just kinda happened when I saw you growing. I felt a tingling all over, and it just started sprouting up.”

“Hmm, nice.”

We both sat in silence again, just looking at ourselves and each other for a few minutes.

“Was it hot?” He asked, now looking at his flexed biceps.

“What?” I asked.

“Was it hot? Seeing me grow?”

Would it be weird to say yes? I didn’t know what to say.

“Uh-y-yeah it was pretty hot I guess…”

“Good.” Nico looked over at me for the first time since he stopped growing.

He didn’t say anything. We locked eyes. I felt my face flush red with embarrassment.

“Can we grow bigger?” He asked.

“G-grow bigger?”

“Yeah, that can’t be all of it, right?”

I thought about when I bounced my pecs and they grew, and when I flexed my biceps hard enough to grow.

“Actually, there is, let me show you some”

I got up from the couch, stood in front of Nico who was still sitting, and started bouncing my pecs.

After a few bounces, like last time, they began to slowly inflate, little by little. They were now pushing against the shirt so hard I heard a few small rips.

Nico’s eyes widened. “Do it again!”

I reluctantly continued. I bounced my pecs more, a little faster this time, even adding a few bicep poses into the mix. Nico’s eyes followed every bounce, every flex, every striation of muscle that moved on my chest and arms. He looked completely in awe.

I felt the sensation appear again as my pecs heaved forward 2 inches off my chest and my biceps inflated to 22 inches around, simultaneously ripping open the arm sleeves and ripping the front of the shirt where my pecs jutted out, now fully exposing my chest.

Nico moaned and his cock lurched another inch upwards, now 15 inches long. “Keep doing that, bro, it’s so hot.” He began to stroke his massive cock as I posed.

I felt praised that Nico was turned on by my growth, so I tried as many things as possible to grow everywhere else. I spread out my lats, showing off the muscular stations of my back where it then grew wider and thicker, ripping the back of my shirt in two.

“Ngh—fuck, keep it-ah-up…” Nico moaned again, his cock leaking precum.

I did another pose, showing off my abs and chest again, which made me torso grow enough to completely rip the shirt off.

“Jesus fucking—ah—Christ, that’s so fucking hot bro, I gotta cum soon but it feels so good…” Nico looked like he could climax any second..

I flexed my glutes and thighs, making them grow to the point they both ripped the top of my scrubs pants. Then, flexing my calves and feet, ripped off the rest of the pants and the remains of my shoes. I can always buy another pair. The only thing remaining were my boxers. Trying to flex every muscle I had, I focused all my energy onto growing every part of me—just enough to break the boxers. I pushed and pushed, feeling the pain of trying to focus the sensation, and then-

Snap. The boxers rip in half, and every muscle grows at least an inch around. My hard, leaking cock was now pointing out towards Nico, growing longer and thicker, until finally cumming. I moaned in pleasure as the thick ropes landed right in front of Nico on the floor.

Nico moaned and leaned back onto the couch where every muscle suddenly grew a few inches all at once, now about my size, completely ripping the sweatpants and falling to the ground. His cock lurched 1, 2, 3, 4 inches in front of him as he looked like he was gonna climax right then and there. Nico laid back on the couch, panting, out of breath.

“Bro, I can’t cum, there’s so much pressure and nothings working, I think it’s the pill man.” He told me suddenly.

I didn’t know how to respond to that.

“Bro, you gotta do me this one favor.”

“…What is it?”

“Can you make me cum?”

I was left totally speechless. This was something I had wish he told me my entire time knowing him, and now I wasn’t prepared to be faced with it.

“Please bro, it hurts so much and I can’t do it. It just keeps growing and—ah—” Nico’s cock lurched another inch and he moaned, now reaching 20 inches in length.

I have to accept. It’s for Nico. My best friend.

“All right, I’ll try.” I walked over to him and kneeled on the floor, eye level with his huge cock as it pointed directly at me, menacingly twitching. Nico was holding the base of his shaft in pain, not able to wrap his hands around the width of it.

I wrapped my hands as much as I could around his manhood and started stroking, using his leaking pre as lube. Nico gripped the side of the couch and started heavily panting. This pressure must be really high for him. I wonder why he’s not able to cum though? He’s been turned on since he’s started growing, it doesn’t make sense that it would prevent him from cumming. Maybe it’s a side effect of the pill that didn’t affect me.

“Faster, bro, please…” Nico moaned. Hearing him moaning and telling me to go faster only turned me on even more. I stroked up and down as fast as I could, feeling the heat of his cock on my hands, the blood pulsing through its thick veins. Nico’s hands were on his head now, seemingly in more pain from how much pressure is built up from not being able to cum.

There’s one other way I could try, though. I moved closer to Nico’s cock and began to suck him off, hoping it would be enough to bring Nico to climax.

Nico tensed in pleasure and gasped, when I looked up to make sure he was all right with it, he gave me a thumbs up through the pain. Knowing he was all right with me going this far to alleviate his pressure, I worked his shaft up and down with my mouth and tongue. I wasn’t able to throat it very far, it was too thick for my throat, but just enough to throat some of it.

Nico moaned louder and louder as I kept blowing him. His cock began to twitch, every few seconds increasing the twitching amount more and more until it was practically shaking. With each twitch, some of his muscles would grow. His pecs boomed. His biceps became mangos in size. His thighs expanded. His feet bigger than Shaq’s. His ass taking up half the couch. Every time he grew, his cock twitched more and more, moaning even louder and louder.

“Fuck, bro—I’m-ah-im gonna cum!” I stopped pleasuring his cock and saw as Nico gripped the sides of the couch with enough force to tear holes with his fingers. His feet clenched so tightly, his toes practically made a U-turn under his feet. His cock lurched higher, higher and higher, reaching over 2 feet in length and almost a foot in width, before Nico finally was able to reach climax and came, launching his seed in thick ropes that coated the opposite wall. He came for a whole 18 seconds, there must not be a single sperm left in him after that.

Nico panted heavily as his cock finally began to soften and lower onto the floor, since his ass protruded so far forward after the growth spurt, his cock is now laying limp on the ground.

“You’re a lifesaver, bro. I thought that was gonna kill me.”

“It’s no problem, you know I’d always help you.”

Nico smiled and looked up at me. “I know. Let me return the favor.”

Nico helped me clean up the mess we made with all the cum. It took us 2 full bottles of cleaner and 16 towels to wipe it all up, but we got it done. We were still naked, as no clothes would be able to fit our 7-foot frames.

“Thanks for helping me clean up, I appreciate it.”

“Eh, it’s the least I could do. Well, I could do more, but let’s not use all the fun up so soon.” He smirked as he said this. “Oh, by the way, could I stay the night? It’s getting late and I don’t think I’ll be able to fit in my car.”

“Yeah of course! I have a king-sized bed so you should be able to fit on it, I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“Why don’t you sleep with me? There should be enough room in your bed. You don’t have to sleep on the couch in your own house.” Nico turned back as he was heading to the shower to clean himself off from all the sweat and cum. His soft cock was hanging down to his knees.

I was surprised by this. Usually, Nico liked having his own space if he ever stayed the night. I was also a little nervous about sleeping in the same bed as my crush and best friend. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to invade your space…”

“Yeah, I’m sure.” He winked with his usual Nico charm and walked into the bathroom to use the shower.

Later, we climbed into bed after both of us got showers. We were still naked; again, no clothes that fit. The bed creaked when our combined mass laid on the bed, but held steady.

“Sorry if things got a little weird today,” I said to Nico.

“Don’t be sorry, I enjoyed every second of it. It was pretty hot seeing you grow like that, you were always pretty small before. I thought it was cute how you’d always look up at me.”

He found me being short cute? And he enjoyed it?

“You thought it was cute that I was short?”

“Yeah, and you’re still shorter than me now,” Nico said, pointing down to the end of the bed where his feet hung off the bed while mine didn’t reach as far.

“So what, do you still think I’m cute if I’m shorter than you, even if I’m in a super muscular body?”

Nico chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and brought me close to his side, resting my head on his bicep and laid me against the side of his huge pecs. His chest was easily too tall (they extended past his chin) for me to comfortably lay on, so his biceps were a nice substitute. I noticed that he was still hairless, the growth from last night didn’t seem to grow any hair on him. I’m fine with that, Nico’s hot as is. The hair would’ve just hidden more of his sexy body.

“I still think you are.” Nico smirked, before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

I did the same, falling asleep in the arms of my crush. My one and only Nico.

The next morning, I woke up in Nico’s arms, now with my head resting on his pecs. I was about to quietly get off so I wouldn’t disturb him sleeping, but before I could, I heard him say “Good morning, sleepy.”

I turned to see his face, still keeping my head resting on his chest, and he was smiling. “How was your sleep?”

“It was really nice actually… uh, something feels different…” I noticed.

“Yeah, look at our bodies,” he said.

I looked at Nico’s body first. Almost all of the muscle and cock length from last night was completely gone, like it never happened. Almost all of it.

“Looks like some of the muscle stayed around,” Nico mentioned, motioning towards his pecs that weren’t nearly as big as last night but were still a good inch or two off his body. Same with his abs, not quite a chiseled 8-pack but a nice, soft 6-pack, smooth enough to sleep on. His arms and legs are thinner now, but you could definitely see a little muscular definition on them. He also shrunk, to 6’2, decently shorter than last night but still taller than he was originally. Lastly, his cock was no longer 2 feet long. It shrunk down to 10 inches soft, compared to his original 5 inches soft, which was still plenty big.

I looked at my own body and saw roughly the same changes in my muscles. The only difference was, I was now 5’11 and my cock looked about 6 inches soft. Double the size of my original length.

“Seems like those pills were only temporary,” Nico added.

“Yeah, what a shame…” I said. I was kinda hoping we could’ve been big forever. It felt great being that big and powerful, just having that might I’d never felt before.

“We can always take another pill,” Nico suggested.

“You’re right, we have a good amount of them left.”

“Eh, I like you this size. Shorter than me. You’re fun-sized.”

I blushed when he said that. I noticed he was still holding on to me from last night.


“Yeah, you’re cute when you look up at me. I like that. I want you to do it more often.”

I blushed even harder.

Nico chuckled. “It’s adorable seeing you blushing up. Your face gets all red.” He then did something I’d never expected him to do.

He kissed me. Not on the lips or anything, just my forehead, but that was enough to turn my face redder than a tomato. I couldn’t keep myself from smiling.

“I was scared that, from the experience last night, it would have been so freakish that you wouldn’t have wanted to hang out with me anymore,” I said.

“Why wouldn’t I want to be with you? You’re funny, adorable, you’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”

I felt myself blushing so hard that I was afraid the rest of my body would suffer blood loss. I tried saying that I wanted him the same way, but I could only stutter every word that came out.

Nico laughed a little at my fumbling and held me closer, keeping me embraced in his strong, loving arms. “I’m glad you feel the same way.”

8,598 words Added Oct 2024 3,527 views 4.8 stars (9 votes)

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