The Enhancements & Enchantments Bureau

by Quiet94

Little is known about the Enhancements & Enchantments Bureau, the department that specialises in granting those it deems worthy with exceptional boons. One incredibly kind man with an unfortunately small manhood is the latest candidate to be chosen by the bureau.

3 parts (3 new) 6,244 words Added Oct 2024 1,605 views 4.9 stars (9 votes)

Part 1Little is known about the Enhancements & Enchantments Bureau, the department that specialises in granting those it deems worthy with exceptional boons. One incredibly kind man with an unfortunately small manhood is the latest candidate to be chosen by the bureau. (added: 19 Oct 2024)
Part 2
Part 3
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Part 1

I was being one of those guys, I wanted even more for myself when I already had so much. I should just be happy and accept my lot in life, I sighed, sinking into my bus seat, I stared out the window. It was Friday and it had been a long week, so maybe I was just a bit cranky and felt sorry for myself.

But really though, I have so much other men would kill for, I was 6’3, a good head of thick, chestnut hair, hairy chest, a delightful happy trail, and a good dusting of hair on my legs. I found my body hair kind of just looked after itself, it always seemed to look just right. I absentmindedly flexed my pecs, feeling them tense up and push against my coat slightly.

I was conventionally attractive, with a pristinely groomed short beard and ocean blue eyes. I had a great body with good genetics, which made it easy for me to build a body so many craved. At a steady 210 pounds, 19-inch arms, 28-inch thighs, pillowy pecs, and an ass to die for, I had a lot going for me!

There was just one—embarrassingly—small problem. My dick.

It was disappointingly and disproportionately small, at 3 inches erect, and barely 3.5 inches around, it barely made its way up half of my fist, nevermind reaching the prostates of any guy I’d convinced to give me a chance in the bedroom—topping was usually out of the question, that’s if I could even keep them in bed once they saw my laughable manhood. I had a couple of walkouts in my late teens and early twenties, in all honesty, I wasn’t sure which was smaller of the two, my cock, or my confidence.

“I can’t believe you’re still single after all this time,” my friends would often say... Yeah, wonder why that is... All the years of work I’d done to improve myself, but deep down, it just didn’t matter, no one really wanted me once they saw how little I had to offer them when it came to sex. “But you could bottom!” Yeah, I could, but it’s never really done it for me, maybe it’s just the sexual partners I’ve had, but I’ve never really enjoyed sex. The couple of times I did get to top, they felt more like a pity fuck. And both times, the guys blocked me right after they left—I’m guessing it was as good for them as it was for, not good at all. During my mid-20s I kind of just stopped trying to date and hook up, it felt too difficult and embarrassing. Maybe I’d never find my person, but the older I got, the less heartbreaking it seemed. Now I’d turned 30, I’d all but convinced myself I’d be single forever, all thanks to my very, very little guy.

Just a few more inches. That wouldn’t be too much to ask would it?

I scolded myself for thinking so selfishly, I pulled myself out of my stupor, looked at my arm and gave it a little flex, life was good, I shouldn’t need to remind myself so often! Ahh even better, my stop was coming up, the morning commute was almost over. I Noticed an elderly lady was struggling with her shopping bags, so I offered to help her. She smiled warmly at me and asked if it would be okay if I carried her bags home, she was only a short walk away. I obliged, happy to help brighten her day and make things a bit easier for her. I’d always believed that in a world where you can be anything, be kind, and if anyone truly terrible came along—just kill them! (With kindness, obviously.)

I waved goodbye to the elderly lady and I briskly walked towards my office building. My job was, fine, an office job that was nothing to write home about, I could tell you about it, but that’s not really why you’re here, is it?

I put my all into my work, and had earned a respectable living as a result. There were some good perks too—the recently renovated onsite gym for one, which was actually decent and had everything I needed to maintain my build, it was more than enough to keep me around all these years. Management had joked that maybe they should keep investing in our gym rather than in our systems and tech, and then charge customers to join...yeah, I didn’t really think it was funny either, but in the interest of being kind, and I guess a bit of a bootlicker, I did let out a little chuckle.

I usually used the gym every workday, it would be leg day this evening, unironically a favourite of mine. The morning went by without much of note, well except for Stacy. My desk neighbour had started to confide in me about her husband and home life, which was fine, she’s quite shy so her opening up is a big deal, I think she just needed someone who would listen, which I was more than happy to do. Essentially it all boiled down to a lack of communication, particularly in the bedroom. I suggested that she try to talk to her husband and go from there, it seemed to help.

Then lunch came, and with it, Dale. The office prick. He knew how to rub everyone up the wrong way, myself included. I loved to be kind, but Dale made it impossible. I found the kindest thing I could do with him was to just keep well enough away and limit my interactions with him, but even that was a challenge, it always seemed like he was around exactly the same time as me.

Unfortunately, that included the gym, so I saw a lot more of him than I would intend to. Even more unfortunate, he was really fucking hot, 6’5, 240 pounds, and with a massive dong, easily 8 inches soft, and if reports are to be believed—a grower, not just a shower.

To my utter dismay, he’d seen my far less than stellar endowment a few months back, he’d always commented that he was the bigger man, but since he’d seen every part of me, he took every opportunity whenever we were alone to torment me over my size, how I was smaller than him in every conceivable way, how much better than me he was. How, even if I could catch up in the gym, I’d never be taller and I’d never be able to grow what mattered most.

The words he said when he first saw my ‘teeny weenie’ still haunted me. “Ohhh, it all makes sense now! No wonder you’re always so kind to people, gotta please everyone outside the bedroom since you can’t lure anyone in with such a disappointing bitch dick like that!” I had pretty thick skin but that one got to me instantly, if I weren’t already beet red from my workout he would have seen how embarrassed I silver linings, I guess?

“Oh hey shortass, how’d your morning go?” he asked, which snapped me back to the present as he brushed past me to get to the fridge, being sure to lightly graze his bulge against me as he did so. I wasn’t sure exactly if it was an attempt at flirting, some sort of humiliation or exhibition kink, or if he was just being an obnoxious bully.

“Oh, hey, fine. You?” I replied, trying to be as neutral as possible to avoid having to converse with him too much. Ping!—oh thank god, I retrieved my pre-prepared chicken, broccoli and rice from the microwave.

“Yeah it’s been an awesome morning, forgot to put on underwear because I woke up late, Margaret from accounting didn’t know where to look during our morning meeting! You know how it is...oh, haaa, actually I guess you don’t!” he jibed as I walked away.

“Very good Dale, I’ll catch you later.” I rolled my eyes as I left the shared office kitchen. Today was clearly a day to eat at my desk. I should have planned better to avoid Dale’s lunch hour, though it normally seemed to be whenever mine was anyway.

“Oh, okay bro, see you and your dicklet later at our gym, yeah?” he taunted after me, absently rubbing his huge bulge.

What a prick. I had to wonder, would I be that much of an asshat if I had that amount of dick? I’d tried so hard with him at first to be kind, but it was fruitless. I knew he was into fitness, so one morning I brought in two homemade protein smoothies, he took one sip and spat it in my face, he said it was “the most rank thing he’d ever tasted.” I didn’t know him well at the time, but his reaction told me all I needed to know, I’d made conscious efforts to avoid him ever since.

Many people in the office didn’t quite understand why I never reacted to Dale, they claimed I was ‘big enough’ to take him on if he tried anything. But my retort was always the same: what would the point in any of that be? I’d never been in a fight with anyone, and I wasn’t going to change that now. Besides, I’d likely just end up being fired, and I’d grown to love my role and the convenience of the office gym.

The rest of the day blurred by, I had a big project to sink my teeth into, the third one this year, I was kind of hoping it would go to someone else, but the managing director made it clear I was the man for the job, no one can do what I do, yadda yadda yadda.

So 5 p.m. came before I knew it. Finally, time to get my squats in, yes! I’d been looking forward to this all day, I didn’t just exercise to look good, it was my way of blowing off steam, particularly after intense days at the office.

Gleefully, and with haste, I made my way to the locker room. I wanted to be in and out before Dale had a chance to see me there.

Unfortunately, he was already there. Today was definitely out of the ordinary for Dale and his antics though, I went into my usual stall I’d commandeered a couple of months ago to shield myself from any onlookers, only to find Dale, completely naked...and hard as a rock.

I couldn’t take my eyes off him, everything was just, perfect. His thick frame was packed with muscle, as I slowly peered down, taking in all the wonderful sights of his amazing body, his enormous shoulders, bulging biceps, his pecs! It took everything I had not to slide my face into his cleavage. His immaculate abs and wasp-like waist made him look even more powerful.

My eyes drifted further down... and there it was, his fabled prick, on full display in all its glory, framed by his tree trunk thighs and imposing, protruding balls. After obsessing for so many years over the size of my embarrassment, I knew just from looking, this was easily 10 inches. 10 extremely, aesthetically pleasing, mouthwatering inches of pure masculinity. It was seriously thick, too. It almost explained why he was such an ass all the time, too much blood required for his dick, not enough to reliably power his brain.

I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, him just staring at me coldly, me ogling him, unable to move, almost forgetting to breathe...but then things just got...odd. He broke the uneasy silence.

“Today, I thought I’d show you what a real man looks like, that’s the real reason I didn’t wear underwear, I wanted you to see me and think about my massive dick all day, it was all for you. You’re always staring, so I thought, ‘I’ll give you something to stare at’. But, honestly, lunch wasn’t enough, I could see you looking, I knew you felt my fucking huge soft cock as I brushed past you, but I knew I could do more, I thought, what other way could I get his attention? And of course, your shitty little locker-room-hidey-hole came to mind!” As he said this, he banged his fist against the stall wall four times, emphasising his point. It really drove home how huge Dale really was, he made the stall look tiny.

My eyes snapped back to his dick, and he leered at me, sneering as he spoke...I think, I wasn’t looking, I was consumed by his perfect manhood.

“I’d say eyes up here bro but honestly you’re so pathetic, there’s no way you can look away, is there? I’ve seen how you look at me, guys like you normally make me kinda horny, wanting what you’ll never ever have, being so infatuated by how much meat I’ve got, but you…” he thrust his hips as he spoke, spurting a bit of pre. “You disgust me, trying to keep up with me with a tiny little clit like that? Give it up bro, leave the lifting to the real men,” he chuckled, clearly getting off on this odd display of power.

What the hell was going on? Was Dale jealous I was also working out at the office gym? Was he more homophobic than I’d given him credit for? Why was he doing this? Why couldn’t I move? Had I breathed at all since stepping into this stall?

“You walk around this place thinking you are so much better than everyone, well I’m better than you, everyone can see it. I’m not like you, I don’t have to be kind to get people to respect me, they know I’m an alpha, I demand respect by just existing, and it’s given freely! You pathetic shithead, you want this so bad, tell me how much you want it.” He raised his voice enough for me to finally snap out of it.

“D-Dale, I have no idea what I’ve ever done to you, or w-why you’re doing this, but please, I don’t think I’m better than anyone, or better than you at all! I jus—” My cheeks burned crimson red as I spoke. I was so embarrassed.



Bull. Shit. You’re always picked for projects over me, everyone likes you, but guess what, I have what matters most!” He grabbed his prick and stroked, some more pre oozed out of his slit.

“You want this, you’ll never have it, I almost need three hands for this beast and your tiny fucking dicklet can’t even fill half a hand!” he laughed.

“I’m glad we could do this, I’m glad I could show you what you’ve been fantasising about for months, thinking about this got me so boned up, I couldn’t wait for you to see how big I am and how small you are.” He closed the gap between us and smeared his pre covered prick over my abdomen.

“That’s the most you’ll ever touch, next time you’re picked for something or someone laughs at one of your shitty jokes, just remember this, remember my massive prick rubbing all over you, and how insignificant you are compared to me. I have everyone’s respect, not you,” he sneered down my ear, his breath was hot, the combination of this and feeling all his manhood press against me caused me to quiver, and, not that anyone would detect it, but my cock was as hard as granite at this point, despite myself, I found this whole exchange thrilling, even though it was completely weird and unhinged.

“If you ever tell anyone about this, I’ll make your life hell.” He pushed past me, and walked through to the gym.


Part 2

I stared blankly at the stall wall, unmoving. What the hell was going on? I’d always assumed Dale was just your average asshole, albeit with a well above-average body, but clearly I missed that he was some sort of dick-crazed exhibitionist and was apparently jealous of how well-liked I was?

I couldn’t really process what had just happened. Suddenly, the thought of going through that room shot through my fog of confusion and set my mind on fire, doing tonight’s workout seemed impossible with Dale nearby.

I left, defeated. As I walked, tears welled up and I found myself shaking. Dale was right, like it or not, I wanted what he had, he knew it and he knew his prick and his godly body would now live in my head, rent-free. I sat at the bus stop and realised I had over an hour’s wait before the next bus. Further punishment, I thought, for skipping out on my workout.

Dale’s unpredictability scared me the most, what was he going to do next? Would he follow through with making my life hell? What if he succeeded? What if he turns everyone against me?? What if I lost my job and this life I’d worked so hard to build???

I realised my anxiety was flaring and I was spiralling. I focused on my breathing. A few slow inhales and exhales later, the fog cleared. I thought logically for a moment. He couldn’t turn anyone at work against me—he basically said it himself. I was well-liked and well-established; he didn’t have any allies. Though, according to Dale, apparently everyone respected him. I guess that was true, they may not have liked Dale very much, but no one denied his contributions to the office, he brought in the most clients. Yet, thinking on it, there was no one he could use to make things difficult. So, my life won’t end—phew, catastrophe over! I sighed, my heart rate slowed and my breathing returned to a relaxed state.

Then I realised how fucking horny I was, despite Dale being a sexually power-crazed weirdo, he was also everything I physically wanted for myself, the sight of his prick was burned into my retinas, and I could still feel his hardness pressing against my abdomen, I absentmindedly rubbed the area, I felt his cold pre coat my fingers.

Before I could stop myself, as thoughts of his massive arms and tree trunk thighs flooded my mind, I licked my fingers. Had this been his intention? Was he actually some sort of mastermind sex-criminal hell-bent on ruining my life by making me too horny to function? I hoped I would be more disgusted with myself and what I was doing, but his pre tasted...good...really good, it was hard to not like what I was doing...

“I don’t think there’s any rhyme or reason why he’s acted this way, sir, sometimes people are just... unpredictable,” a calm voice said beside me.

Shocked, I spat my fingers out and looked over to my left. A kind, older-looking gentleman smiled warmly at me.

“Who—” I sputtered.

“Yes, I did just answer your thoughts, no, I’m not some sort of hallucination. My name is Michael, I work at the Enhancements and Enchantments Bureau,” he stated. He was wearing an exquisite black suit that fit him perfectly, the blazer was embroidered with a paisley pattern, his golden tie brought out the gold flecks in his eyes, and he smelled faintly of oak and sandalwood. He was pleasing to be near, I felt myself warming to him instantly.

“We’ve been watching you for some time now, we understand your desires for...more down there, and I’m excited to announce your application has been successful!” he announced with a hint of joy, but remained entirely professional.

“Application? I never applied for... Sorry, what Bureau? I’ve never heard of you guys before,” I questioned. Though I could suddenly feel my doubt escaping me, seemingly being replaced with more positive thoughts about what Micheal had to say.

“I understand you have questions, let me assure you, this is all very much real and above board. Your kindness to others and your willingness to better yourself despite your...let’s say what you find embarrassing, has endeared many at the Bureau, votes were unanimous—we are here to help you with what you crave most.”

I still didn’t quite grasp the conversation, I stared at Michael, confused. “Michael I’m very sorry, but I’m not sure what you’re talking about?” As I asked this, it’s almost as though my heart wasn’t in it, I kind of didn’t care whether I understood or not, I was just happy to be part of the proceedings, my natural, logical self who would question this and want to understand was nowhere to be found.

“Your penis, sir. You are embarrassed about the size of your penis, correct? You also already sense there’s something magical afoot—I can hear your thoughts, that’s not normal is it?”


Before I had time to think, Micheal asked again: “You want a bigger penis, correct?”

“Yes,” I replied, there was no use being coy now.

“Excellent. So, there’s a few things I need to go over with you, apologies, but this is all going to move quite quickly.” Michael proceeded to deliver what seemed to be a meticulously rehearsed script.

“Here at the Enhancements and Enchantments Bureau, or the EEB for short, our mission is the betterment of truly kind individuals, in whatever form they desire, we won’t be satisfied until all our candidates are enchanted by our service and enhanced beyond their desires! Many of our candidates prefer physical enhancements, such as yourself, while others seek other ways to improve.”

I suddenly felt quite shallow. Maybe I should have asked for something more meaningful, maybe more intelligence to solve the world’s problems or something?

“I know what you’re thinking, you should dream up something more meaningful. That’s not how this works, and what you want is meaningful, this enhancement will bring you everything you could have ever wanted. We understand every aspect of your being right down to your very DNA. We know what you need more than you do, it’s our business to know,” Michael stated, seemingly addressing my thoughts as they occurred.

He continued, “For you sir, it’s really quite simple, your plan is as follows, each and every morning you wake up, for as long as you desire, one inch will be added.”

“One inch?!” I replied, unable to hide my excitement and simultaneously not questioning the reality of what I’d heard, or whether any of this was even possible or real, it’s as though how I should’ve reacted was being actively edited and censored as I sat with Micheal. Scepticism turned to excitement, doubt turned to joy.

“Yes, I should clarify what this means. You will gain an inch, but not just where you are thinking, think of this as a clause that will prevent things from going too far. You will not only increase your penis’s length and girth, things like your height will also increase,” Stated Micheal.

This snapped me back to reality. I could feel that the strange edits to my thoughts and feelings had stopped, as though the entity responsible could sense my inner turmoil, that I was not okay being censored, it had backed off before I could be upset by it. Or perhaps its job was complete and it no longer needed to continue. With clarity returning to my mind, I began to think about what it would be like to be bigger down there.

“Yes, I already know what you are thinking, this all sounds great on paper but the practicalities are, if you want the kind of penis you’re thinking about...”

Dale’s endowment flashed up in my head once more.

“Yes, such as that, you will also need to become much taller, you can understand this will cause significant changes in your life, things are not made for especially tall humans, are they? Moreover, a smaller frame can only support so much before things stop being able to function properly. You could end up with a huge floppy 30-inch penis that was entirely useless, there wouldn’t be enough blood for your body, and you’d likely die,” Michael explained, rather callously.

He was right, though, I was already 6’3, and never concerned myself with being any taller, and what would this mean for overall musculature? I also obviously didn’t want to die from having a giant dong, even if it did sound like a kind of humorous way to go.

I hadn’t even formed the question aloud yet, but Michael already knew what I wanted to ask next. “Ahh, you’ll be most pleased with the results and find things will at the very least, remain in proportion. Do you have any questions? I promise to wait until you state them aloud from now on. The ‘replying to your thoughts’ dynamic can get a bit odd, can’t it?” Michael suddenly eased up, seeming more human in his approach now.

“Before, I didn’t quite react as I thought I would, why is that?” I asked.

“Ahh, apologies for that sir, it’s a protocol to protect the Bureau. Whilst we value your individuality, we have found editing the thoughts and feelings of our candidates for the first few moments during your introductory meeting ensures the process is smooth, we meant no harm but understand this could be viewed unfavourably,” Michael replied, with genuine concern and a hint of remorse, indicating he didn’t necessarily personally agree with this protocol.

I took in what he said, I wanted to be more upset with his answer. I felt like my entire being was just video footage they could cut and edit on a whim, but I couldn’t help but appreciate his honesty. It didn’t seem like something they would do again. Moreover, it added weight to his claims that this seemingly impossible and magical process was about to occur. I thought for a moment. “I think I already know the answer, but what’s the catch?” I asked him.

“You do know the answer, sir,” Michael started. “There is no catch, this is purely for the betterment of your life, you already know you want this, and we know you believe every word I have just said.”

Again, Michael was right. “How will it work?” I asked.

“Great question, you carry out your days as normal, live your life as you always have, and whilst you sleep, that’s when we’ll do our work. You can review how you feel with us every morning once you’re up and about,” he replied.

“How will I explain the changes in me to other people?” I asked, suddenly feeling quite anxious about the impact this would have on my relationships with my friends and family.

“Excellent, we knew you would be the perfect candidate for this, your questions reflect this sir! So, no one is going to notice your changes, except for one person.”

It was my turn to answer before the name could leave Michael’s lips.

“Dale,” I stated flatly.

“D—yes, correct! We know this will drive Dale crazy, leading to some exciting outcomes for you. What Dale did this evening was wrong, this will be an elegant way to deal with him,” Michael replied, he seemed impressed that I knew where he was going.

“I can tell you don’t have any further questions, so, would you like to get started right now?” Micheal queried.

“Sure,” I replied. Any doubts I’d had, even the ones edited away, were gone, I had no reason to doubt this was real.

“Wonderful! So, just for this night, things will happen rather rapidly, in a moment, I will snap my fingers, and you will find yourself waking up in your bed at home, it will be tomorrow morning. One inch will have been added, as discussed. There are many adjustments we need to make to effectively enhance and enchant your life, once they are done, we won’t need to perform these adjustments again until you are satisfied and require no further enhancements or enchantments,” he explained, the more he spoke, the more excited I was.

“I know the answer but shall ask as a formality—would you like to proceed?” he asked.

I smiled at Michael. “Yes, thank you, absolutely!”

Michael smiled warmly, and snapped his fingers. As soon as he did, a flash of warm yellow light erupted from his hand. This light danced and shone brilliantly, as it swirled and enveloped me, it began to change and bend into something resembling golden sunlight, I could feel its warmth on my skin. It became so blindly brilliant, that all I saw and felt was the sun’s embrace. Then, silence. Calm. Serenity.

I woke up to a new day. The sun kissed my face.


Part 3

I looked around in my room, everything seemed to be the same. So, I hadn’t been robbed or anything, that was a good start. I could see that it was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and a refreshing breeze gently swirled through the bedroom.

All I knew for sure was my meeting with Michael and the EEB was very much real, my dick never got so hard so quick in all my life, I eagerly pawed at it through my bedding, excited to feel the difference. One, one, O-N-E inch! A whole inch extra of dick! It immediately felt bigger in my hand. I enjoyed the familiar sensations, and heavily appreciated the new ones, my dick had never taken up this amount of space in my hand before! I was dangerously close to cumming, but something stopped me, it gnawed at me and brought me back from the edge of release. It started as a small thought at the back of my mind, but quickly grew. It cut through my arousal and excitement like a hot knife through butter.

It wasn’t quite disappointment, but I couldn’t escape a lifetime of feeling inadequate down there. My jubilance fell flat, I was still only 4 inches erect, it wasn’t something to celebrate, not yet.

I shook myself, once again I was torturing myself with cruel thoughts of inadequacy when this entirely life changing experience was playing out before me! I still had way more dick than I’d ever had in my life, and it was just the beginning, I could have even more!

I recalled Michael’s instruction, that I could decide each day if I wanted to continue, today would be a no brainer, I salivated at the thought of reaching 5 inches. I couldn’t even really comprehend it, 5 inches is the average for most men. That would be such an incredible upgrade!

The thought of this redoubled my efforts, and I came in no time at all. My loads were usually fairly meek, but his morning’s delivery proved to be a surprise, and a welcome one. I hadn’t cummed that much in years! I enjoyed the afterglow for a couple of minutes, before I decided what I wanted for breakfast.

Steak and eggs, yeah. Sounded good for a Saturday morning. Whilst doing a mental check of how many eggs I had left in the fridge, another of Michael’s instructions rushed back to me.

My body would grow along with my dick, an inch every day added to my height...that would add up quickly, did I really want to end up giant sized? I felt a pang of worry as I began to move out of bed, expecting to feel a huge difference in my stature as I took up more space, but frankly? I couldn’t really make out any immediate changes, other than my dick of course. My point of view had certainly shifted a bit, everything now looked like it did when I was wearing shoes, I guess. My pecs still obstructed my view, the same as they had for the last couple of years. I kneaded them a little, they felt pretty much the same, they filled my hands and felt powerful.

This all felt okay, this was okay! I just wish I could do something to notice more of a difference.

Weight. That’d do it.

I rushed over to my bathroom, and stepped on the scales.

220 pounds.

10 pounds overnight. This really put things into perspective, I realised how quickly this would add up, and decided to make note of my measurements in the coming days. I walked back into the bedroom and over to my desk. I pulled out an unused notebook from my desk drawer, and sat down to measure and write up all my stats.

Height: 6’4
Weight: 220 pounds
Arms: 19 inches
Chest: 54 inches
Waist: 32 inches
Quads: 28 inches
Length: 4 inches
Girth: 4 inches
Shoe size: 10.5

Shortly after I’d measured everything and jotted it all down, I could smell steak and eggs cooking away. Confused, I walked through to the kitchen.

“Ahh! Good morning, sir!” Michael beamed as he plated up a generous, hearty portion of steak and eggs.

“Do come sit down and enjoy, I thought I’d treat you to some breakfast. Why don’t you tell me about the changes you’ve noticed and how you feel today?” Michael motioned for me to sit at the breakfast bar. It suddenly occurred to me that I was completely naked, yet Michael seemed completely unphased.

“Erm, maybe I should cover up first, so sorry Michael!” I replied, turning away and shielded my dick with my hands.

Michael snapped his fingers, and I was immediately clothed in some loose fitting, comfortable silk pyjamas.

“If you are more comfortable this way, we will of course accommodate, rest assured though this is all within our expected parameters, we have seen it all before sir!” Michael smiled warmly once again before adding, “Though I must admit, your chest is particularly impressive.” his eyes darted down at my pecs, lingering for a moment before looking back to the meal he had prepared.

“Now please, take a seat!” Michael motioned once again for me to join him at the breakfast bar. I was happily obliged, the food looked wonderful and I was actually very hungry by this point.

We chatted for a while whilst I made my way through my breakfast. When I’d finished, Michael looked at me expectantly, before asking “I’m so glad to hear you are enjoying your first morning, so I must now ask, do you wish to continue receiving your enhancements and enchantments?”

“Yes. Absolutely,” I said without hesitation.

“Wonderful, well, I shall leave you to it, cherish your day, and we shall meet again tomorrow!” With that, Michael smiled, he turned away and walked towards the window. It was kind of odd, but my eyes suddenly couldn’t focus on him at all, it was only a few moments, but once my eyes refocused on where he had been, Michael was nowhere to be seen.

I looked back down at my plate, taking stock of the events that had unfolded in the last 12 hours. “Wow.” I found myself saying to my plate. If it could’ve answered, I imagined it would have said something along the lines of “I know, right?!”

I decided to use my day visiting a local gym, since the office wasn’t open on weekends. It was nice to finally workout after being denied the night before. All I could really notice throughout the day was the number five. Five protein bar wrappers left on a side table in the smoothie bar cafe, five sets of twelve reps. Five protein yogurts for the price of four at my local supermarket. Five stops until I’m home. Five kids were laughing in the park as they played. Five minutes until my favourite show started. Five portions of chicken taken out of the freeze ready for meal prep. Five minutes before my dinner was ready. And finally, five minutes before bed. It had been a quiet, but calm Saturday. I kicked off my slippers and hopped into bed. Tomorrow would bring so much more. I wondered if I would be like a child on Christmas Eve, too excited to sleep, but as soon as my head hit the pillow, I felt a familiar warming embrace guide me into a deep sleep.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

(More to come)

3 parts (3 new) 6,244 words Added Oct 2024 1,605 views 4.9 stars (9 votes)

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