Lloyd Irving

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The Ixlutani
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The Ixlutani by Lloyd Irving Kyle Anderson set out with his best friend Ben Miller for one last hurrah, revisiting the woods behind their childhood homes and the mysterious cave they discovered there, before Kyle’s impending nuptials with his longtime girlfriend, Olivia. What neither man knew was that after that day neither their bodies nor their relationship would ever be the same. 9 parts 54k words (#62) Added Jun 2021 Updated 14 Aug 2021 21k views 4.9 stars (23 votes) •Cock Growth•Cut to Uncut•Cock Shrinking•Cock Theft•Huge Cock•Straight to Gay•Muscle Theft•Muscle/Strength•Increased Libido•Transformation•Getting Taller•Plausible Size Difference•Size Decrease•Size Increase•Bisexual•Hetero Sex•Supernatural •M/M•M/F

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