Be careful what you download

by Tereshky

Tim Ryan learns a lesson about using Instagram filters. Pick to the wrong one and it might change more than your pics.

3,438 words Added Dec 2019 19k views 4.5 stars (17 votes)

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Timothy Ryan was your average guy. He was funny and polite. People generally liked him when they noticed him. The problem was that didn’t happen often. For one thing, he was somewhat shy; for another he was about 70 pounds overweight. All throughout high school, he struggled with eating healthy and felt self-conscious about going to the gym, making it difficult to change anything. Still he had his core group friends and he was relatively happy with that.

Unfortunately for Timothy, going off to college would mean leaving those friends behind. His freshman year was a struggle. It’s not that people actively disliked him, they just didn’t notice him. It’s very difficult to be surrounded by thousands of people your age and feeling completely invisible. That’s when he decided things had to change.

In the first 18 months of college, he practically reinvented himself. He started lifting weights, counting calories, jogging, and swimming. He lost 85 pounds, gained a six pack, and started introducing himself as Tim. He went from chubby to toned and suddenly people started noticing him. The people in his dorm asked him if he had just transferred at the beginning of his sophomore year even though he’d been living there for a year. He got invited to parties and guys started talking to him on Grindr.

Tim found he enjoyed the attention quite a bit. So he started posting pictures of himself shirtless on Facebook. He got the usual likes and comments from his friends and crushes but he wanted more. So he got an Instagram account and started posting pictures of himself. Yet, for someone hooked on attention, the process of racking up followers was painfully slow. That is, until he met Scott.

He didn’t know Scott in person but when this gorgeous muscular hunk wanted to friend him and DM, Tim was quick to accept. They chatted quite a bit, exchanged pics and developed an online friendship to the point where Tim would tell him just about anything.

“Fuck man, you’ve got hundreds of thousands of followers,” Tim messaged one day. “I wish I could have that.”

“You don’t think 500 is enough?” Scott replied.

Tim furrowed his brow. Obviously it wasn’t, but Scott looked like a sports model. As much as Tim liked showing off his new body, he felt he didn’t measure up to someone like Scott and he felt like that would never happen. “I just want everyone to notice me. I’ve gone my entire life being ignored and I guess I think it’s my time to shine.”

“You’re pretty cute,” Scott said. “I’m sure you’ll get plenty of followers in time.”

“Not fast enough,” said Tim.

“Well… there is a way you can speed things up,” said Scott. “There’s a program that you can use on your pics to make them stand out more but you can only get it on the dark web, so I don’t know if it’s for you.”

“What does it do?” Tim asked, instantly curious about anything that would help his stuff get likes.

“It makes you more… noticeable,” said Scott. “It’s hard to explain. But if you’re interested I can show you how to get it.”

Tim immediately agreed and Scott told him what he had to do. The websites he had to go to in order to find it were pretty sketchy and he couldn’t imagine all of the viruses he was risking but he was desperate. Once he had the program he opened it and a black box appeared.

“Okay, now what do I do?” Tim asked.

“Drag and drop a picture into it,” Scott replied. “Pick a good one, it only takes one.”

Tim searched through his selfies and selected a locker room pic that made him look the most “swole”. Then he dragged it over to the black box. Suddenly the screen went blue and his computer crashed. “Fuck!” he shouted.

He had nothing to worry about. Everything started back up without any trouble but the program he downloaded was gone. “Jesus, that thing was probably a virus! Glad my computer got rid of it.” But he noticed a new picture file on his desktop. He opened it and it was the same locker room picture from before but with a little wink emoji in the corner. “Wait… that’s it? It’s the same stupid picture.”

“Scott… what was that?” he DM’ed. “I went through all of that work, my computer crashed, and all that happened was it put an emoji on my picture. That’s so dumb.”

“Just upload it,” was Scott’s only reply.

Tim thought for a minute and decided “Why not?” And it was done. Then he realized it was 2 a.m. and he had class in the morning. So without even saying goodnight, he jacked off, closed his laptop, and went to bed.

He felt like he’d only been asleep for five minutes when the alarm went off. Half asleep, threw on a pair of workout shorts, grabbed a towel and his toiletries and went out into the hall to the bathroom. He hopped into one of the showers, washed up, then wrapped the towel around his waist and started brushing his teeth without looking in the mirror. It was always fogged over in the morning.

“Hey Timmy, been hitting the gym a little hard,” his friend John said slapping him on the shoulder.

“Huh?” Tim said in a stupor. “Thanks man.”

He continued brushing his teeth, a little more awake after the compliment when several other people came in and noticed he’d been working out too. This was bizarre. He saw these people every morning as he got ready. Maybe he looked extra pumped today. He wanted to know.

Waiting until no one was around he whipped off his towel and used it to wipe off the mirror and gasped. His pecs were several inches bigger than they had been. His biceps were swollen too. He had gone from thin and athletic to almost beefy overnight. He stood there gaping at himself. Then he noticed his cock was an inch or two longer as well. “What the fuck…”

“Hey, Timmy, you mind wrapping up? You can stare at yourself in your room. I need the sink!” John said, stepping out from the shower.

“I uh… yeah… sorry… I just… sorry man,” Tim said grabbing his things and wrapping the towel around his waist before heading back to his room.

He skipped class that morning. He spent the time looking through the pictures on his phone. He took selfies almost every day. How could he not have noticed how big he was getting? But when he looked at the pictures he’d taken of himself that week, none of them matched what he saw in the mirror. He stepped on the scale he kept in his room, it read 180 pounds. He’d gained 20 pounds over night.

Then he noticed his Instagram was blowing up. Opening it, he saw that he’d gotten five hundred likes on that picture he had posted the night before and a bunch of new followers. Not only that, the picture now matched his current physique. The emoji had changed to a surprise face. “What the…?”

Then he noticed the new message from Scott. “Morning. I see you tried out the new Instagram filter.”

“What are you talking about?” Tim wrote back.

“That program you downloaded,” said Scott. “It’s an Instagram filter that changes you instead of the picture. The more likes, comments and attention it gets, the more you change. The more you change, the more people notice you and the more attention you get. Then the picture is updated to reflect what you look like.”

“But my computer deleted that program!”

“Deleted it? You just downloaded it into your body.”

“How is that even possible?”

“Dunno, but look at yourself in a mirror and tell me it isn’t true,” Scott replied.

“Jesus, what do I do!?” Tim wrote.

“Umm… enjoy it… jeeze, you were just complaining about not getting any attention. Now you can get all kinds of attention. Also, didn’t you say you had an exam today, I think I’d be getting ready for that.”

“Oh god… the exam…” Tim said out loud. He looked at the clock. He had 15 minutes to get to class before they shut the doors. He hunted around for clothes that would fit him properly. He had been accustomed to wearing tight fitting things before and none of those shirts would go past his shoulders. Eventually he settled on a pair of workout shorts and a button up that his mother had gotten him for Christmas. He had rarely worn it before because it fit somewhat loosely on it. But it fit his chest perfectly now.

He ran across campus just in time to take his seat. The exam was 10 pages long and he tried to concentrate on his work but he kept thinking about what was happening to his body. Then, as he turned to page four of the exam his phone started to vibrate. What was going on? Suddenly his chest felt like it was getting tighter and he realized. The phone was giving him notifications that people were liking and commenting on his picture. Someone with a ton of followers must have shared it.

The vibrations came in so continuously that they were beginning to disturb people nearby. But more disturbing for Tim was that his arms were beginning to get tight in his button up. His pecs started to stretch the shirt as his growing delts made it difficult to maneuver in. Tim unbuttoned his top buttons to relieve some of the strain but the phone kept vibrating away and his body continued to quietly swell right there in an auditorium filled with hundreds of students and he was sitting close to the front row.

He felt an extreme tightness in his briefs. His nuts began to hurt as they strained against the tight fabric. His swelling bubble butt was stretching the seams. Tim was starting to question why he always had to go for that sexy tight underwear. Everything was getting skintight. His pecs and back strained against his button-down shirt. He tried to get up to leave but he heard a ripping sound when he moved causing him to freeze in terror as nervous sweat soaked into to every fabric and his phone continued to vibrate with a frenzy of Instagram activity.

Then he realized something to his horror. If he was getting more buff, the picture was getting more buff. More people were going to like it. Without warning a button popped from his shirt like a cork from a bottle of champagne. It pinged against the front podium causing the professor to look up to see what had made the noise. Tim tried to get up to leave but his thighs were larger than he remembered and getting out of the tight desk was difficult. The movements caused his shirt to give way into loud rips as more buttons went flying.

The elastic snapped on his briefs inside of his gym shorts which were thankfully holding together but all eyes were on him as he made his way up the stairs and his chest burst through his shirt. He didn’t stop to see anyone’s reaction as he ran out of the room, down the hall, and out the door where he shed his shirt in a nearby trash can.

As he made his way back to his dorm he felt the torn remnants of his briefs fall out from his gym shorts. He didn’t stop to pick them up even though people stopped and stared at what was happening. He had a body now that everybody noticed. He could no longer blend into the crowd. Suddenly he pulled up the picture on his phone. It had 10,000 likes and he had nearly double that number of followers. Scott had just shared the photo with all of his followers thirty minutes ago with comment, “Check out my hot friend” and the activity he was getting from it was insane. Then suddenly he realized there was a way to get this to stop.

He deleted the photo from his account. The growth slowed just in time to keep his ass from ripping his gym shorts. No sooner had he done this then a voice broke his concentration. “Tim!? Tim Ryan?! Whoa dude I haven’t seen you six months. You’ve been busy.”

Tim looked and say to his dismay two faces he knew, Zack and Rachael. Zack was a hot lacrosse player and Rachael was his best friend. They had been the only people in his dorm who made any effort to befriend him in his freshman year. Zack had been hopelessly out of his league but he appreciated the friendship. Still they were attractive, popular, and busy and when they moved into a house together with some friends Tim hadn’t seen them since.

“Uhhh hey guys…” Tim said, blushing.

“Ha! It is you!” Rachael said. “Zack didn’t believe me!”

“You’ve really changed man, congrats on all the progress you’ve made. That new diet and workout routine you started last year really paid off,” Zack said. Although as he said it Tim could see him looking at him in a new way. Zack was actually thirsty for him.

“Just on a side note though…” Rachael said lowering her voice to be discrete. “You might want to wear underwear with those shorts.”

Tim looked down at his bulge, he could see his fat 10’’ soft cock resting on a pair of lemon sized nuts as his junk pressed against the fabric. “Oh god…” he moaned to himself as he turned bright red. “Hey guys! I gotta run! Catch you around?” he said taking off without waiting for a reply.

“Shoot me a text!” Zack shouted after him.

He got back to his dorm, passing the RA in the hall. She just stared at his hulking mass, clearly not recognizing him. People who hadn’t seen him in months might believe he’d bulked up but the RA had just seen him that morning before all the changes. There was no way she would believe it was Tim. She was about to ask him who he was and who he was there to visit when he put his key card up to the door and walked in. Leaving her confused in the hall.

He walked around his room and then sat down on the bed. How was he going to explain this to people. He could explain away 20 extra pounds, but this? The gym shorts started to bother him so he pulled them off and gawked at his enormous junk. Even soft his dick was massive. He glanced over at the scale, did he dare weigh himself?

A few minutes later he stood trembling before the scale. One foot after the other he stepped on it and was shocked, he weighed over 280 pounds. He’d gained 100 pounds in a few hours. He stood there stunned for a minute before he realized something. The number was flickering between 280 and 281. He stood there breathless as the scale popped up to 282 a minute later. He was still growing!

In a flash he opened up Instagram and messaged Scott. “I thought you said I’d only grow if people liked or interacted with that picture! I’ve deleted it! Why am I still growing?”

“Don’t you know that nothing is ever deleted from the internet?” Scott replied. “People copied the photo off of Instagram. Right now people are posting the photo on Tumblr, using it to catfish people, and so forth and so on. Go on, open the file on your desktop, it’s still growing.”

Tim opened the file and sure enough the locker room pic was massive. Suddenly his cock started to throb. “Uh oh, looks like one of those fake accounts is taking off,” Scott replied as Tim’s cock began to grow and expand. Soon it was pressing up against his growing pecs. His balls had swollen to the size of grapefruits.

Then came the knock at the door. The RA wanted to know what was going on.

Scott! The RA is here! How do I fix this? I can’t explain what’s happened! She’s going to think I’m someone else in the dorm and call the cops! I don’t even have any clothes that fit!”

Scott’s only reply was, “Grab a towel, mate.”

Tim grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. He opened the door just a crack and poked his head out. “Yes?”

“You clearly don’t live here. I need to know why you have one of our keys!” As she was talking, Tim’s cock was beginning to grow out from behind the towel but it was still shielded by the door.

“I… uh…” He thought for a moment.

“Wait… your face… you look just like Tim. Are you guys twins?”

“Yeah… sorry for the confusion. I’m just here visiting but he’s in class right now. So he gave me his key,” he said, holding his 18’’ cock behind the door. His nuts looked like softballs dangling below it.

“Wow, you even sound like him. Well, if you want to stay the night with him there are some forms you need to fill out.”

Tim looked down at his unconcealable cock. There was no way she could come into the room. “Yeah, that sounds great… I’m just changing at the moment, can we do this later today?” Said Tim.

“Sure no problem. I’m in room 405. I’ll be there until 3,” she said leaving.

He closed the door and dropped the towel. Measuring himself against the door frame he realized he was getting taller too. He looked at his discarded shorts on the bed. There is no way his expanding ass and enormous junk could fit into his workout shorts again. Then he had a thought. “That pic was taken in those gym shorts. What does it look like now?”

He opened his laptop and the emoji had moved from the corner to cover his groin. It had grown and become a blushing face. The picture now appeared to be naked. He was now 6’ 5’’ and 350 lbs.

“Scott! Help!” he typed frantically. “My life is falling apart here! I can’t go on as me if I keep changing like this!”

“Do you really want my help?” Scott wrote back.

“Yes of course!” Tim wrote back.

“You know a lot of the ‘muscle morphs’ you see online are just guys like you who downloaded the program. I could give you a job and a place to stay just like I do for them.”


Scott sent a link which lead to a porn site where everyone was impossibly massive. Many of them made Tim look skinny. There were guys with cocks so huge they were practically immobile. “People pay a lot of money to see guys like you fuck around with each other. Why not join us? You never have to wear clothes again and every day more people hand over their money just to look at you. All the attention you ever wanted.”

“But… I can’t fuck in front of a camera!” Tim whined.

“Trust me, with balls that massive you’ll be so horny that’s all you’ll ever want to do, no matter who’s watching… I just happen to have some guys out there in a van to pick you up. But you better decide fast. If you wait until that RA comes back you might be too big to get out of there. It’s your choice.”

3,438 words Added Dec 2019 19k views 4.5 stars (17 votes)

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