As you please

by Ybara Montefiore

Todd stumbles upon a training camp that offers him a guaranteed routine to make him grow, but he worries what the program might be hiding.

7 parts 13k words Added Aug 2022 Updated 1 Oct 2022 23k views 5.0 stars (30 votes)

Chapter 1 Todd stumbles upon a training camp that offers him a guaranteed routine to make him grow, but he worries what the program might be hiding. (added: 27 Aug 2022)
Intermission 1 After winning his parents’ approval for the strange bodybuilding camp, Todd spents a few months pre-training and psyching himself for what he hopes will be major muscle gains. (added: 3 Sep 2022)
Chapter 2: Zena Todd takes a tour of the facilities and meets some of the staff, getting his first real impression of what he’s in for at the growth camp. (added: 10 Sep 2022)
Intermission 2: Morning Todd shares his first morning in the facility with Jacon via video call. (added: 1 Oct 2022)
Chapter 3: The First of Many Todd starts his first day with an enormous meal and a schedule designed to help him grow the muscle he craves. (added: 17 Sep 2022)
Chapter 4: Pain Todd experiences his first intense workout and starts seeing results sooner than he expected. (added: 24 Sep 2022)
Intermission 3: Night Todd checks in with Jason, who is impressed. (added: 1 Oct 2022)
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Chapter 1

It started off as a simple request online, “Workout advice for an 18 year old 5’6 121lb guy”, in a forum for bodybuilders within the state of Oregon.

I didn’t expect a lot of replies initially, due to the fact that there were only 86 members for this specific forum that was just named “Fitness Guide for Newbies”, which was admittedly on the nose. With no knowledge on working out, I hoped to find someone who’d help me as my current physique is less than ideal; lanky arms, thin thighs, and a torso that could be blown by a breeze. It was my birthday and I was really feeling like I should look age-appropriate by now, and not like some 14-year-old looking adult that barely had the strength to push open a steel door.

With that in mind, I was surprised to discover that a few people actually replied to my inquiry, though they were frustratingly vague in their answers:

“Oh, have you tried this beginner’s routine?”

“What have you been doing since starting?”

“There are gyms that can help you out more.”

I answered them all back politely, but didn’t follow through in conversation with any of them. Skimming through all the details those who answered had given, none of it felt like enough to satisfy my inquiry on workout advice. I needed a person to coach me into working out. And two weeks in, I met him.

“Hey, I’m a private gym trainer at the edge of Salem. Is this question still up?”

It was about 8 p.m. on a Thursday night when it was posted, but I was only able to answer after I’d gotten to bed at ten.

“Oh yeah, hello. My name is Todd. I’ve actually been going to the gym since I’ve put up that question way back, but progress has been slow so I don’t mind any more advice coming.”

A good ten minutes later, the person replies back.

“Ah, well, I’m here to offer a summer-long gym outreach program that sounds right for you. As I’ve said, I’m a private gym owner around the edge of Salem, Oregon, and I’m looking for potential newcomers in fitness or bodybuilding as a whole. The name is Gavin, and I’m 26 years old.”

Just 26? I thought to myself, wondering how he had managed to end up running a training gym at such a young age. I figured it could be a scam, but my curiosity got to me as I proceeded to ask ridiculous questions.

“Interesting. Does this outreach program come with a price? Surely it does, although I’ll bet that I already can’t pay for it even if it does sound worth the money.”

“You’re right about that, Todd. But my fee will based on how your progress, and your experience will be in the camp. But to answer your question, we accept a minimum of $249 paid through card or cash on-site.”

“That is just too high to even consider, especially for your target market. Your facilities must be amazing to match how much it’s worth.” I assumed this would be what ends the conversation, as that much of an initial asking price would be absurd.

“If you’d like to see images of the site and its facilities, I would gladly take to this convo in private through email.”

I thought about it for a second, and figured why not. If this were legit, I’d have a place to sort my hobby out for the summer. I typed back “Sure” and added my email address.

“Noted, I will send an attachment of the facilities we currently have in place, as well as photos of former clients that have seen great change through our selection of routines made for them.”

“Can’t wait to see it.” I sighed, glad the conversation was over. It was already 11 p.m., so I decided to sleep first before checking my email on the computer. A bodybuilding summer camp, who would’ve thought.

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Coming home from the gym after school the next day, I finished showering and, pulling on a towel I had the text-to-speech bot check my emails as I continued finishing up for the day.

9 New E-mails received, 6 detected as spam, 3 detected as important.

Reading E-mail, subject: History Group Assignment. To Elise’s group, kindly finish up submitting your essay on Anglo-Saxon Linguistics by Sunday, you will be the first to report on your findings.

“Damn, almost forgot that. Gotta do my excerpt or else Elise is gonna kill me.”

Reading E-mail, subject: Todd, Do The Damn Essay. It’s me, Elise. I know you received Mr. Sunder’s email too. It’s been 2 days since I expected your output, so you better do it now. Conclusion is all you gotta do, man.

“Annnd there it is... Welp, at least there’s nothing to expect now.”

Reading E-mail, subject: Zena Fitness Outreach Center. Hello, it’s Gavin. How do you do? Below are just a few images of the site’s many facilities, labeled on the bottom left of each image accordingly. We have also added an image of clients who have given permission before to have their progress taken and be used as marketing for the center. You will find the specific routine we’ve provided for them as well... 14 images have been attached to this E-mail.

“Oh yeah, almost forgot about that... I guess Elise can wait for a bit,” I said as I finally finished up fixing myself for bed, sitting down at the computer to check on what the place actually looked like. Was this “camp” even legit?

To my surprise, the place really was real. A few of the images were what you’d usually expect in a summer camp: a mess hall, dormitories, staff rooms, and even a lake right at the front of it all. All that made up the first 10 photos shown. Then came collages of 4 guys, around my age, all with the same river as background. They were all sweaty and topless in each pic, smiling happily, getting progressively more muscular as each photo was taken. Skimming through those images, I saw they’d been labelled according to the intensity of the routine they’ve chosen.

The first category was “Regular.” This was for a 19-year-old dude with curly hair, a tan skin, and an overall slim build. But as the images of him in the collage progressed, he changed from having a swimmer’s bod to looking like an avid gym goer. The notes said he’d gained 25 pounds, with a starting weight of 145 pounds at 5’9”.

For “Large,” there was a 20-year-old man with a basic messy cut, light-skinned, and an already decent build, with the notes explaining he’d been on a plateau for a month at the gym. Again, as the images went on, he apparently gained an impressive 62 pounds on his frame of 6’2”, with a starting weight of 183 pounds. He was nearly 250 pounds by the time he finished.

Then there was the “Oversized,” category. This showed an 18-year-old guy, of Asian appearance with golden-brown skin. His initial image was by far the lightest of the bunch, weighing in at just 110 pounds—scrawny even for a height of 5’5”. I was shocked and amazed by how much he has gained through his collage. He was reported as having amassed 137 pounds in weight due to his routine—not to mention his new height of 5’10”, which still made his new size unimaginably unnatural. His arms looked like they could be my thighs, his chest could be fluffed pillows on a bed, his legs could match the largest pine tree I’d seen, and with a lat flare like that I could only imagine how his back looked, seeing as all the photos were facing forward.

“Jesus... How is this even real...?” I just stared at the images in awe as every one. It didn’t seem possible, especially considering they’d all taken a measly 4 months to develop a body of their size.

Finally, the last photo was an empty collage, with lettering right on the center and in bold, “Your story, once you consider!”

I let out a quiet laugh. All this had to be Photoshop, or at least having all the clients in the images taking god knew what to boost this much mass in them. “All right, so that’s how it is... I gotta ask what the hell was up in those images.”

I replied to the email. “Good evening, Gavin. It’s Todd. As much as your program looks promising, I cannot believe that the clients you’ve shown me grew this much mass in just one summer. It almost looks unnatural in how much they’ve all gained, especially the last client. I would like to know how you feed them, train them, and even find them, before considering your program for me.”

While waiting for Gavin’s message, I skimmed back through the images and noticed that all the guys looked flustered. All were indeed sweating, but a closer look on their eyes and facial expressions seemed that they’re in a state of climax of some sort, like their bodies were proving to be too much for them.

“Hello, Todd! Good to hear from you again. Yes, you have seen that our former clients have grown considerably since their start, and I must assure you that none of the actions made towards them have been with abusive or made without their permission. All have been reported with their knowledge and full enjoyment of the program. As for what the program has in store, it cannot be disclosed as of now, due to our center’s confidentiality of its own practice.”

The message itself was already sketchy on its own, but what I wanted to know was whether this was all done naturally or not. “Gavin, I would like to rephrase my question earlier, and be more up-front. Were the clients subjected to steroids to boost their growth so significantly in a short amount of time?”

“Again, I cannot provide any of the information you are inquiring, unless you are attending one of the center’s routines, and you are on site.”

That would’ve stirred up all the red flags for me, but I had another question, hoping that this would get an answer. “Why are the facilities seemingly empty?” I typed. “Shouldn’t the center be full of eager newcomers in fitness on your end? Especially the dormitory—it looks like you’re only able to accommodate one person for what appears to be a large cabin.”

The reply came back quickly. “This is because we accept one member per summer, with you being the sixth person we’ve considered in having in the routine of your choosing. We focus on a single client in order to fulfill their needs in just the 4 months given to us for their summer’s break. It is what brought the fast results, and what we maintain to ensure proper satisfaction for our former members.”

This made me feel somewhat important, making me more open in accepting their offer. “That is all. I’ll contact you again soon to confirm.”

“I will write down your name on our reserve list right now. Thank you, Todd. Have a nice evening!”

“Thank you, as well.” I sighed, wondering what’s gotten over me. The curiosity in me made me need to know what program could possibly make these three people grow so unexpectedly, especially the last person. Was I even willing to find out? Would I be getting into something I shouldn’t? Until then, I needed save up for the fee... and finish that history essay.


Intermission 1

Early Morning

“Mom, dad, I’ve found a worthwhile summer outreach for my new hobby I picked up on.” I sat in front of them at the dinner table, with my laptop prepared to show them what this outreach center looks like.

“Oh, and that is?” Mom asks, wondering when I decided to have another hobby other than playing online.

“Bodybuilding. I think I want to try out bodybuilding...”

My dad’s eyes widen with disbelief. “Huh... I mean that’s interesting, Todd. But this is completely unexpected, especially from you.” Considering that I’m pretty much stuck inside my room all day, it’s true me getting to like working out would seem unlikely to them.

“Yeah, actually. I’ve been going to the school gym for two weeks now. Met a few guys there that have attended this place right here last year... I think it’d be good for me.” I show them the photos of the site itself, all its facilities and whatnot—hiding the more extreme second and last transformation collages so as to not make them deny the trip.

“Well, it looks promising,” Mom says. “This guy looks about your age and he’s changed a lot... We’d love to put you here but looking at the place, it looks pretty expensive. What are your thoughts, Stan?” My mom looks to my dad. Her eagerness to let me enjoy what I’d like disappears every time costs are put in play.

“How much is it to start, Todd? Let’s say we have a budget for this of about $1000, since it’s still 2 months away for summer. I’m gonna guess there’s a down payment that the people there are expecting you to pay before arriving, so what would it be?” Fortunately, my dad expects the center to cost way more than it did. I mean, I would too, especially with those results. Ten thousand or more wouldn’t seem unlikely.

“$249, that’s what they told me will be the cost of the entire thing. But it would depend on my end if I’m satisfied with the progress I’ve made there. So it’ll go up from there if I want to continue on for longer.”

“That... that’s low,” my mom says. “With facilities like this, how is that even possible?”

Dad considers. “Well, if it’ll be based on what Todd’s progress there, I’m sure he’ll just be on the low-end of things right? Unless you really want to get huge in this camp, but I doubt you will in a couple months.” He has a point, but I don’t comment.

My mom puts her hand on top of mine. “Honey, I know this will really be good for you, but we can only go through with enough for your summer. As your dad says, our budget will be $1000 on this, so if you ever wish to extend your stay, we can’t let you past that limit.”

“Wait, what does that mean?” I look at them uncertainly, with a slight grin on my face, hardly believing it would be this easy.

“I guess your mother means is, we’ll let you go, only if you enjoy yourself, and see major differences after.” My dad smiles back at me, with my mom following him.

I give them a hug across the table, say my thanks and race back up to the computer in my room; excitement and anticipation blooming inside me.

“Gavin, I’m in.”

Within 5 minutes, he answers. “See you soon :)”

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Two months later

Just one more day! I feels like it was just yesterday I posted the inquiry on the forum. For two months, I’ve stuck to the gym and ate as much food as I could consume, in order to prepare myself for tomorrow. Seeing as I’m already up to 133 pounds, I’d say I’ve gained a decent amount of muscle since, although mixed with maybe four pounds or so of fat from all the extra food, but that’s what I get for not knowing enough. Thankfully, Gavin was kind enough to provide some advice while I count the days, so the pre-camp change was pretty generous for my expectations.

Looking at my luggage full of sleeping clothes, tank tops, regular shorts, and a handful of boxers, I’d say I’m all set other than hygiene products. Although Gavin says everything will be provided for, I still plan on packing my deodorant and razor to ease the burden of finding some there. Rummaging through the bathroom, I take a glance of myself in the mirror and decide there’s one more thing I need to do before I sleep. I grab my phone, lay it on my bedside table, and take a selfie of myself facing the front, back, and sides of my body with just my boxers on. Looking at it, I see an average build person, with a slight shoulder and arm broadness that wouldn’t be a surprise for some, a noticeable chest bump off the sides which could be more than half an inch forward, a back that’s straight V shape of slight muscle indents on the traps and lats, and thighs that are slightly bumped on each side. “This will do for now... Tomorrow will be another story.”

Gavin’s pick up schedule towards the camp would be 5 a.m. sharp, as rush hour would easily make our journey much longer, despite being just 55 mile distance away from my home. I agreed to meet downtown, but my father insisted on meeting Gavin himself to secure my protection and verification, to which Gavin agreed to. I obviously don’t know what to expect of him, as he refused to show any pics of himself up to now—though I assume that his stature is quite large, with the muscles of his traps and neck being clearly visible on the center’s ID of him. Either way, meeting him at home will give my parents and myself some relief.

But speaking of meeting up, I’ll need to wake up in 6 hours. “Ahh...” I sigh. “Bulging muscles, here I come.”

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Monday, 3 a.m.

My dad knocks on my door. “Hey Todd, you gotta get ready. Rise and shine!” he says softly.

“Yep... coming...” I stand up, groggy mixed with excitement. I start to bathe first, before packing up my bag one last time, heading downstairs for the early breakfast my father cooked up: four eggs, two chicken breasts, black coffee, and a bowl of oatmeal. It was the usual breakfast my mom had started cooking for me when I told them about camp, but with my mom still sleeping, dad took it on himself to cook for me.

“Have a good sleep?” he asks, smiling.

“Haha yeah,” I say. “I packed my stuff for the trip, and hopefully did not forget anything.”

My dad rubs his head, looking concerned. “Listen, this is a pretty new thing for you and I honestly don’t know where to begin. We’ve never even considered you liking bodybuilding—hell, exercising even. But this is probably a good chance for you to improve yourself, and we’re proud, Todd.”

I can’t help but smile and hug him back. “Thanks, dad. It means a lot to me... You think I’ll be able to fit in my room after?” I chuckle.

He joins me on the laugh. “Ha, you’ve got a limit buddy. But sure, let’s see how much you gain after.”

After that exchange, I finish up eating breakfast, fix up what’s left of what I can pack in my bag, and wait in the living room to text with some of my friends who’re wondering where I’m going this early. One of these is my best friend, Jacob.

“Yo, Todd. I heard you’re going to some summer camp down south. Aren’t you a bit too old for that shit? You in rehab for something?” he jokes.

“Ha, if that were the case, I wouldn’t even be at school last week. But nah, it’s actually a bodybuilding training center. You know how I got into it a few months back? I kinda decided to take more seriously this summer.”

“Now that you mention it, you’ve actually gained some heft recently. Isn’t that enough though? Hell you’re making fast progress as it is. Why do a camp thing on top of that?”

I smile as I reply. “Actually the reason I even gained anything is from the coaches there, man. They got me in a good routine to do here, but apparently I can see an even bigger boost when I arrive there. Actually, here’s a pic to let you know what I’m shooting for.”

I decide on which photo to show Jacob. Knowing he won’t tell my parents about it, I’m gonna go with the freakiest growth of them all.

Jesus, man! Is this for real???” He’s definitely shocked and in as much disbelief as I was.

“That’s all real, dude. I even checked if it’s photoshopped or smth, but based on how sharp the images are, it’s unlikely.” Not that that explains growing more than twice your weight, exactly.

“So, this is your goal? Fuck man, I can’t imagine you looking like this when you come back. I mean, it’s cool and all but from how this guy looks, he practically can’t handle his own size.”

“I mean, yeah. I’d love to get this big man, or bigger... I guess it’s just talk coz I just got to the gym, so maybe once I’m there I’ll change my mind.” That’s true, I don’t even know if that much muscle will make me feel happy, but I need to know there than here imagining it.

“Hey, it’s your body. If you want to look like the Hulk, be my guest. Hope you can send progress photos like this tho, just so I get updated about your progress, and definitely anchor you to reality when you still want to grow like this.”

“Haha, all right man. You be the judge when I arrive.”

“Good. Well anyways, safe trip bro. Don’t miss us when you make it big, literally!”

“Thanks man, see yea!” I close my phone, and check the time. 4:37 a.m. He’s about to arrive. Guess I can nap for a bit...

Suddenly, a light knock on the door comes up. I wake up, check my phone and see that the time is exactly 5:00 a.m. “Wow, he did not joke around about being here at five sharp.” I groggily open the door to the man I would assume to be Gavin.

“Todd Halter? The name’s Gavin. I’m here to pick you up for camp.” His rather deep yet warm voice invades my ear, and it hits me this is the first time we’ve actually talked.

“Oh uhh yeah, please. Come in first. My dad would like to talk to you...” I fumble my words, not expecting a guy just a few inches above my height to arrive. Granted, his body seems to be fit, with his chest and shoulders being bulged out in his skin tight shirt around that area, his 6 pack abs subtly showing when he breathes, and a back wide enough to almost nudge our doorframe by 2 inches. I cann’t see his legs as much as his upper body, these being hidden in loose jogger pants, but based on the butt shelf he packs, they would definitely be worth a look too.

“Gladly,” he says as he enters the living room. “I assume I’ll be taking the payment from him first?”

“Yeah, that’s what we talked about... And uh, you look great...” That just came out of my mouth? What the hell?

He smiles, seeming pleased I mentioned his body. “Hah, trust me, Todd. I’m sure you’ll start to look even better than I do once we get to work.”

“Honestly, I expected you to be bigger, based on the images of the clients you showed me.” He definitely does not seem out of the ordinary, especially in comparison to that last client in the photos. I’d say he’s about 5’10 at 180 pounds, give or take.

“Well, the staff of the center requires us to not gain more than 200 pounds of body weight,” he answers, his expression serious. “Since we’re all below 6 foot, it’s pretty easy to maintain this size, which is necessary for the type of workload we do. Depending on our shifts for the day, that is.”

“I see...” I can’t think of any other questions to add, just in awe of how Gavin really looks and wondering how I’ll do when I arrive.

Dad enters the room, after finishing up his coffee in the dining area. “Ah, you must be Gavin. We’ve heard a lot about you, and I hope you take good care of our son.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. Do you have any questions before we start handling payment?” Gavin asks, all business.

“Oh, uh—no, none at all! But, I do want to tell you something in private, if you may.” My dad directs him to the kitchen area, out of earshot.

They take about 10 minutes before coming back to the living room once more to rejoin me. “Okay, son. Gavin and I had a discussion, and I think you’re all set for the trip,” Dad says, seeming content.

“Awesome! Well, I guess this is it. Shouldn’t mom be awake by now?” I ask as Gavin carries off my bags to the car outside, clearly not having a hard time with any of it.

“Oh no, your mom said she’d like to rest for work later, but she did ask me to take a photo of you first in the living room. Just to remember you by.” Dad pulls out his phone to capture me in the living room.

I do a comical double-bi pose and smile genuinely in front of the fireplace. “All right, Dad. See you in a few months. I hope you and mom do well while I’m gone!”

“Don’t worry about us, Todd. Just enjoy yourself and you’ll be back with us in no time.” We share a hug, and I wave back as I reach the car.

I smile with excitement as I approach the car. “Okay, Gavin. Let’s head off!”

“Of course. May your stay with us change your life for the better!” I climb in the back and Gavin puts the car in gear and drives us off, aiming a happy smile back at me through the rearview mirror.

“So uhh... Gavin, what did you and dad talk about before? Is it something about my budget?” I am a bit concerned, hoping that whatever we paid for is enough for me to see considerable progress.

“$3000. That’s all I need to say.” Gavin looks straight towards the road, still smiling.

I stare at the back of his head in surprise as we drive away, quickly leaving home behind.


Chapter 2: Zena

After an hour long drive, Gavin taps me on the shoulder, waking me up from my nap. “Hey, Todd. We’re here man!” Gleefully, as he opens the door to greet a few people outside. Grabbing my things in the trunk, and heading first towards my cabin.

“Oh.. wow... That was pretty quick,” I say, still out of the place before getting out of the car to stretch out my back and breathe fresh air.

“Is this him?” A man besides Gavin and two other men points at me.

“Ah yeah that’s him. Hey Todd! I’d like you to meet Kyle, Desmond, and Tyler,” Gavin calls me over to give them a warm handshake.

“Hello sir. Happy to be here,” I speak calmly, shaking hands with Desmond first.

“Nice for you to join us, and please just call me Des. The outreach hasn’t started yet,” Des speaks with an average tone compared to Gavin, yet his body is a tan and firm one, probably them all being around the same age as Gavin.

I shake hands with Kyle next. “Heyoo, name’s Kyle and I’m the cook around here. If you need anything at all to eat, just hit me up in the mess hall.” His complexion is much lighter than Des’s, but with a cap hiding his furled up hair.

Finally, the third man greets me. “And of course, I’m Tyler. I’m one of the coaches in the camp, aside from Gavin here. You might not know this but I’ve been giving him advice to relay to you while you work out back at your place.” Huh, that explains how they managed to come up with my plans quickly. Other than being the biggest of them all in terms of height, he’s the leanest compared to Gavin, who’s the beefiest.

“It’s great to meet you all, I hope my progress will be worth the wait soon after,” I say, kind of shy in contrast to how big all them look compared to me.

“Well don’t sweat it, we’ve got about... five hours until we start serving lunch for your training later. For now, just enjoy your stay in the camp and get to know the faculties, staff, and such. I’m sure you’ll find something that peaks your interest,” Des adds with the same sincere manner of Gavin.

“If you’d like, I can give you a tour of the place. We’ve placed your belongings in the cabin over there , just in case you ask haha,” Gavin says with a smile.

“But before that, here are the ground rules. Every client is told the eight rules that they need to strictly follow here. This is in the order of safety, observation, protection, and progress. Des will read it for you.” Tyler passes on the rule pamphlet to me, and to Des.

- Rule no. 1: There will be a 10 p.m. curfew for you not to endanger yourself in the wild. The staff are also held to this rule.

- Rule 2: There will be no usage of the facilities after 10 p.m. The kitchen of the mess hall will be safely locked out to prevent animal breach.

- Rule 3: The gym is accessible 24/7 by all clients and trainers.

- Rule 4: Food will only be provided by the head cook, after a month of the client’s stay.

- Rule 5: No talking to other staff, unless you are told to or if there’s an emergency.

- Rule 6: The growth to be experienced is permanent. Enjoy at all times.

I felt a shiver up my spine from that last rule. “Wait, what?—”

“That will be all the rules for now. Gavin, if you would.” Des signals Gavin, as he confers with the other guys after we walk across the center’s arch.

“Uhhh, Gavin. What were those last two rules again? I didn’t expect that to be part of anything strange.” I look nervous and somewhat afraid.

“Don’t worry about that for now. You’re not going to experience what that rule expects you to unless it’s what you want.” Gavin continues to walk as I stride beside him.

“Okay... okay then... So uh... What building is this now?” I try to change the subject in order to move past that rule.

“Ah yes, this would be the mess hall. Here you’ll find all the meals you’ll want to eat over the course of your program, once we discuss what routine you want to do after this tour, then will Kyle start preparing your meal later.” Gavin shows off the mess hall, being a large modern building that could have a second floor if it wanted. Most notably, it has an entrance that could allow a 10 wheeler to enter its doors.

“Next, is the central building. This houses the gym, common area, and dormitories aka the cabins, of the camp.” When we enter the gym, it was also at least two stories high, with enough space to fill a barn. Not to mention the lack of machines in the gym itself, only having free weights such as barbells and dumbbells neatly placed around the area. Again, with all the doorframes having extreme wooden doors for an entrance, with the back end of the gym being tempered glass, leading towards the common area.

“This would be the commons, this leads to all the dormitories on the left and right doors, with your room being on the right side.” The place looks the same size as the gym, with four couches centered towards the middle table of the room. Probably the most normal of all buildings.

“Right in front of us is the pool... Olympic sized. The middle part of it gets deep at 10 feet, so watch your step if you can’t swim.” Again, it’s odd in design, like every part of this place is.

“Back in the common area, that would end our tour. The staff quarters are right next to the mess hall, if you have any further questions after this.” Gavin concludes the tour, completely oblivious to how surprised I am to see the proportions of all the rooms here.

“I uhh yeah... I just have one question. Who exactly is Desmond here?” I just need to have an answer for that first.

“He’s the overall manager of this place, if you need anything that we can’t do for you, he’s pretty much the only person who’ll know what to do about it.” Speaking with admiration for his boss, Gavin smiles.

“All right then, that’s all I need to know.” I want to know more, but I don’t think I’ll even have anything answered for now.

“Then we’ll move on to choosing your routine. Bear in mind, all of this can be changed in the future when you decide to either go down or go up a level in intensity. So don’t feel pressured to take the best of the best just yet, you’ll need to choose that on your own.” He pulls out a tablet from his sling bag, and pulls up a screen.

“Your choices being the regular routine, which will let you gain about 20-50 pounds of weight, 10% of which will be body fat. The next is Large, expecting you to gain 51-100 pounds of weight there, with 12% body fat. Then lastly, Oversized, 101-200 pounds of weight to be added, with 16% bodyfat to be gained.” I tells me as if nothing was out of the ordinary in his words.

“Excuse me, 200 pounds max on Oversized? How is that even humanly possible?” I just gape at him, trying to comprehend how that would look on a person.

“Trust me, it might not sound feasible, but we’ve had clients I cannot tell the name of come here and see that through. But again, you can go with either of the choices and see for yourself if you want to go for more.” Gavin waits for my answer, as he taps on the tablet, making his forearm ripple with his fingers.

“I’m... how much will Oversized cost to reach 200 pounds?” I ask, as flustered as I am now.

“$2000. That is what Oversized in general will cost. 200 pounds is just what the maximum that can be gained from this, and we charge that much regardless if they reach it or not. You only have 4 months here, but I’m sure you’ll reach 150 pounds gained from us.” His pecs flexes slightly through his stretchable shirt.

“I can afford that... but... Do you think I should gain that much muscle?” I look at Gavin, with concern on my face.

“Todd, being this big will never feel like a burden. We haven’t had a single client that has said otherwise, so I am confident that you will enjoy your time here as we train your potential.” He smiles, giving me a shoulder pat.

“Well, all right then. I want the Oversized package...” A wave of relief flood my thoughts as I finally choose the routine for me.

“Okay, you’re now signed up for the Oversized routine! Your father gave me $3000 before the trip as payment, so from that payment, I will give you back $1000 for pocket money,” he adds with a slight chuckle.

“So, what now? Do I just go to my room to unload or do I do something first?” I look around as if to find some kind of paperwork to sign.

“I mean, you’re already here, there’s no more paperwork necessary as we’ll do it for you. Just rest up in your cabin! I will call you up for lunch later.”

“I see... Welp, bye Gavin. I’ll be ready when we’re ready!” I reach out for his hand for a handshake.

As he shakes it, he softly puts my palm on his skin tight shirt towards his pecs, then his abs. “Starting now, address all of us as sir.”

I stutter. “Y... Yes, sir.” Blushing, I immediately let go of his grip and run towards the dorm entrance towards my room, 03. I don’t notice the sheer size of the room first, running towards the bed face down on the pillows.

“Ohhhh goddd... What did I get myself into?”


Intermission 2: Morning

Getting back up from bed, I finally glance on my room’s size. The doors all match the size of all doors I’ve seen outside the dorm, so does the height and width of the room, being the same as the common area and gym. “I’m guessing the shower room is just at the end of the hall. Gavin probably forgot to mention that in my hurry.”

I start to unload my luggage, seeing that there’s a wardrobe twice my size, I drop all my belongings there, only to find that it’s filled to the brim with uniforms of different sizes. from socks, shoes to tees, tank tops, hoodies, shorts, and more. There won’t be a place here that I can place all the packed clothes I brought, thinking I’d wear them. “I should’ve asked Gavin first if I even needed clothes from home.”

The only items I unpack in the end are my hygiene products: cologne, shampoo, soap, and such. I set them neatly on top of the coffee table in front of the double king sized bed.

The room is pretty decked out. The river past the pool can be seen through two-story-high windows, as the morning sun peers through the room. Half of the left wall contains a mirror as tall as the windows, with the wardrobe of all uniforms being right beside it. The right wall, however, boasts a 50 inch TV (which I’d assume to be 4K), with a set of couches facing toward it with another coffee table before them, similar to the one in front of the bed. The architecture of the room seems pretty modern, simple and sleek, with wooden floors and cemented walls. It all feels so empty.

“I guess I have nothing to do for a bit...” After examining the room, I remove my shoes and socks, readying myself for later in bed.

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3 hours later, 10:43 a.m.

I wake up again, noticing from my phone that Jacob sent a message. I give him a call.

Jacob answers. “Yooo Todd! How’s the place looks so far, the road trip went well?” Happy as ever to hear from him, I give him a smile.

“Hey Jacob, and yeah all’s good so far. Took a nap for a bit, and I’ve gotta like eat lunch in an hour or so. You’ve gotta look at this room, man. It’s just crazy big.” I give him a panoramic view from the bed view, just letting him realize how ridiculous the proportions look.

“Broooo, that’s just unreal! But considering how that dude look from the photo you sent me, I’m guess they expect you to get big don’t they? And holy fuck, is that a TV, it’s huge!” He makes a high grin, just taking in the view.

“Yeah, the TV is definitely big. I gotta try it out sometime. But yeah, uhhh the thing is, I went along with what that dude’s program was... I think it’ll look good on me when I start looking that big and—” Before I can finish, Jacob speaks over me.

You what?! Dude, that’s wayyy too big, for real! How the hell will you even sustain that when you get home? Not to mention the height that guy added in, you’ll be unbelievably large for anyone to consider you normal!” I had to lower my phone’s volume, afraid of someone hearing, despite the size of the room.

“Calm down man, I just want to, you know... look big... I mean, you’ll vouch for me when I turn out like that right?” I ask.

“Todd, I’ll support that decision no matter what, but unless that size will even remotely feel good for you, which based on that guy’s face he looked he’s having a hard time breathing, I don’t see this as a win-win thing here.” He speaks with sincere concern over my decision, but I had to reassure him back.

“It’s all right, Jacob. I’ll have you take a look every day, starting later. I’ll probably be working out after lunch anyways, so at night you’ll already get to see how I look like.” I smile back at his face.

“Well... Can you show me what you look like now? I wanna take a screenshot of you on call so I can compare it with what you look like later.” He looks at me with a curious expression.

I hesitate. “I mean, I got a clear photo of me at home, so I’ll just send you that first, then you’ll see later on at night.” I find the photos on my gallery, sending it to our DM’s.

“Hmmm, all right all right. You already look good here man, so I don’t know what else you can add on... But I’ll keep an open mind for now, and I’ll check you out again later, haha...” He forces a concerned laugh.

“Yeah, sure, Jacob. Thanks for keeping it cool... Anyways, wanna check out how the TV looks?” I change the subject quickly.

“Hell yeah, man, that must be 4K right?”

“Youuu bet it is!” After that I give him a brief surroundings-check of the room, outside the dorm, the common area, gym, and everything Gavin showed me. All areas are empty of anyone but me. We both looked around in awe, just the size of everything in the building is unbelievable, but as we talk about it, it soon starts to get familiar with me.

Heading back to my bed, I start to ask Jacob something before the clock turns to noon. “Uh, hey. I gotta ask you something. It was about the trainer who picked me up... After I signed the routine deal, I reached out for his hand for a shake where he suddenly put my hand to linger on his torso before telling me to refer to all the staff as sir. Got any ideas about that?”

“Okay, wow, looks like someone’s being seduced. Jesus Christ. I uhhh... I don’t know man, I guess it’s his way of making you like muscles. Like a sales tactic for you to get into what they give you.” He looks quizzically at me.

“That’s what I thought, but do you think he’s like... Leading me on for something?” My eyebrow lifts to suggest that Gavin might be flirting with me.

“I mean, that could be man. Won’t know until it happens again. But if you feel uncomfortable because of it bro, say it, and I’ll be picking you up there myself.”

I give a laugh. “Haha nah, it’s fine. I think he means well. But yeah, I’d also like to talk to you about my fa—”


Chapter 3: The First of Many

I hear a knock on the door. “Todd? It’s me, Tyler. I’m here to pick you up for lunch!”

“Yes, sir!” I quickly get out of bed, not being able to say goodbye to Jacob. I open my door and see Tyler in a different shirt than a while ago. Now he’s wearing a blue tank top and gym shorts that show off the firmness of his body, just like Gavin’s but sized for his taller frame.

He stops me before I leave the room with his heavy left hand on my chest. “Not before you’re wearing your program uniform. It’ll be the white tank top and short shorts like mine. You’ll find it on the left drawer of your closet,” he says, sternly.

I take out the clothes and check them out first. The cotton is soft and breathable, with the grey gym shorts sporting a yellow stripe on the seam. Quickly changing up, I remove my hoodie and pants in front of Tyler, noticing he looks away before I do. “Huh, shouldn’t you be like looking at me right now? At least to see how my body looks?” I ask him, just to see if that question triggers something similar to Gavin.

“Sorry, but no. Our clients’ privacy can’t be ignored. So when you go to the shower or change clothes, we cannot look. Unless you ask us to,” he adds with a slight blush.

“Understandable... Well, I’m ready.” I show my outfit in front of him, I feel bare, with my skin almost feeling like there’s nothing on it from how light the tank top fabric is.

“Good, let’s get a move on.” Tyler nods his head towards the side, signalling me to with him to the mess hall.

While we walk out of the dorm. “So, what’s your height and weight? You and Gavin seem pretty opposite,” I venture, trying to break the ice.

“Sorry, Todd. No talking to any of us unless you’re being talked to... But I’m 6’2 and 172 pounds,” he says sternly, different from his attitude a while ago.

“All right...” I awkwardly walk with to him to the mess hall, with Des standing on the entrance.

“Ah, Todd. You’re here. Good to see you already wearing the uniform for you, we’ll see you fill that out fast, based on the routine you chose.” Somewhat optimistic with the time I’ll spend here.

“Glad to see you again, sir.” I smile at him, noticing he’s wearing a different uniform, resembling the usual summer camp outfit worn by officers, except that blue tone and minus the hat.

He nods, as I sit down in the middle table. Kyle can be seen in the kitchen, cooking. He’s wearing the same as Tyler, but with an apron and hair net.

Des grabs a clipboard on a corner table, walking up in front of my table after. “All right, what I have here is your schedule for the day. I’ll be telling your schedule every morning, starting tomorrow, in order for you to get familiar with how we’ll preserve your routine. Since it’s the summer, you’re the only person here to enjoy the entire campground; therefore, you’re our only focus for this time of year. We’ll make sure your growth is up to our standards, just as every other summer client before you.”

I nod, not uttering a word to offer my attentiveness.

“First, your schedule for today will be as follows. 12PM—1:30PM is your Lunch, 1:30PM—3:30PM is Break Time, 3:30PM—7:30PM will be your Training with Gavin and Tyler, 7:30PM—9:00PM will be your Supper, and finally, 9PM—10PM is when we’ll expect you to be inside the center building. Oh, and to answer your question, break time is to let your body complete its digestion of the food you ate. I will leave the training to how Gavin and Tyler sees it fit, as with Kyle your food. Understood?” He all but barks that last part, alerting me to the correct response.

I nod. “Understood, sir!”

“Good, I’ll let Kyle handle your meal now. Tyler and I will head on to the gym to prepare your routine for the day. Eat it all, you’ll need it.” he says soberly. He then leaves with Tyler.

Kyle walks up to me, slightly sweating from the heat in the kitchen. His shoulders and biceps glisten from the sun roof overhead, with a visible vein moving up his forearm to his chest. “Lunch is made. You ready to eat?” He smiles, proud of what he cooked.

“Yes, sir!” I look excitedly, thinking of what will be served.

Kyle nods, and jogs back to take out a tray full of food, ranging from chicken, eggs, fruits, a large jar of oats with white powder, and a tumbler of milk. “Today’s specialty is 4 chicken breasts, 8 eggs, 34 ounces of high protein milk, 2 bowls worth of oatmeal, 4 servings of protein powder, and 2 bananas.”

“Holy fuck...” My jaw drops, just in awe of the amount of food in front of me.

“Language, Todd. But yes, this is all you must in within the next... hour. Failing to eat all of this will have a $10 fine, paid immediately.” Kyle smiles, as he wipes the sweat off his face and arms in front of me.

Realising I don’t have my wallet, I just close my mouth back and nod. “Yes... Yes, sir.”

“Good. I am also required to mention that based on the routine you’ve chosen, the shake I will prepare for you has a mix of our own steroids, ensuring fast growth and body development.” He prepares the shake by opening up the lid of the jar and pouring the milk inside it.

Not sure how or what to respond with that information for now, I just continue nodding. I just stare at his detailed yet beefy arms, as he starts shaking the jar up to blend all the ingredients inside it. “Enjoy your meal!” He sets the jar next to my plate, noticing my stare towards his thick guns, giving me a smile.

I look away, now staring at the huge pantry’s worth of food I need to finish within an hour. “I can do this...” I tell myself, determined, and begin chowing down on the tender chicken.

Kyle watches me from the counter for a moment, smiling, then continues inside the kitchen to clean up.

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“Finished... Fuck...” I burp, with intense noise, as my tank top is raised up to let my belly out from its almost watermelon sized bulge. I rub it around, making it that I don’t start vomitting right after this.

Kyle checks in on me, now with his apron gone and a cap on his like this morning. “All good, not gonna lie, I was expecting that $10. Thankfully for you, it’s break time. Which means...” He pulls out a bottle of oil.

“Which means... what, sir?” I’m still breathing heavily, as I stare at him sidelong.

He sits behind me and starts pulling up my tank top. “I’ll be rubbing your belly with this oil, to ensure that what you ate stays down. “ He now starts to rub his latex gloved hands on my belly, with the oil helping it glide around my bloated abdominals smoothly.

“Oh... that... feels so much better.” I release a sigh of relief, letting my hand rest on my lap beneath my belly.

“You can sleep if you want to. Once you do, this’ll all be gone,” Kyle whispers in my left ear, gently applying pressure downwards in a repeated motion.

“I... all right... I’ll just...” Just like that, I start shutting down my eyes.

“Good...” Kyle slowly reaches down for my groin. That’s the last thing I notice before fading into unconsciousness.


Chapter 4: Pain

I jerk my right leg up, quickly standing up to check my surroundings.

“Hey, hey! You’re good Todd. Calm down!” Kyle stands up from behind me, holding down my shoulders with his oiled up hand.

“What... Did I fall asleep?” I groggily ask, I see my tank top on the table, with all food already cleaned out.

“Yeah, it’s 20 minutes until your training, actually. You should get a move on.” Kyle grabs my tank for me, and setting aside his gloves to the table behind him.

“ Oh... all right... bye, sir...” I pull my tank back on as if nothing happened, but I realize walking back that the belly I’d gained has all but disappeared, almost back to what it originally looked like—and yet my tank top feels snugger than it was when I wore it. “Wait, how did you—”

“Keep walking, or else you’ll be late for training!” Kyle shouts over toward me, halfway to the center. I speed up, and turn my eyes forward again.

Opening the gym door, Gavin and Tyler waits in one of the stations meant for what looks like deadlifting. “Ah, there he is. You look filled. Go back to your cabin and find another tank. What you’re wearing looks filthy.” Gavin points at the wet marks left by when I spilled a bit of the drink on my top.

“Ah... Yes, sir!” I exclaim, proceeding to my room to find another uniform. But first, I have go check myself in the mirror, and it’s as I thought... I look thicker.

“Woah... This feels weird.” I smile a bit, noticing how full my arms now look, with my chest pressing on the strings of the tank more noticeably than before. Not to mention how my thighs now fit perfectly with the gym shorts.

I give myself a bicep flex. It isn’t a peak, logical as I assume what I gained was mostly fat. They must’ve turned all what I ate into bodyfat, having it be quickly absorbed all over my body. “I see now. I guess this’ll be normal for the rest of my stay... Nice...” I do a side chest, again being kind of the chubby pec look, it will probably look better by the end of the week.

Starting to notice how long I’ve been in the room, I start to change to another top, shorts, and shoes, rushing to the gym after my pose down.

Gavin and Tyler are now where the benches are. “Todd, over here,” Tyler calls me to go to them. “We expected you to take a few extra minutes. Seeing as how you’ve filled up from what we fed you made you want go check yourself out? Don’t worry, that’s normal for first timers. But by tomorrow, you go directly here after you’ve been fed all right?” he adds sternly, giving my shoulder slap on the right and making me notice how round it got from my lunch.

“Understood, sir.” I stay put, waiting for what kind of training they have in mind for me.

Gavin pulls out a notepad from his pocket. “All right. Before we start, I’d like to tell you first that the gym itself has its rules, just three to keep it simple. One being is to follow our routine as we say so, you have nothing else to do but to exercise as we command you to. Second, that you’ll be given five-minute breaks in between muscle groups to go to the restroom, drink water, or catch your breath. Third is that you’re never to wipe your sweat off your body. You might have noticed how it’s a tad bit warmer here than outside the gym? That’s intentional to wring out the water weight in you. Dabbing your sweat will just make you cool off, and we don’t want that. Do you understand what I’ve said to you?”

When he mentioned sweat, I start to realise that I’m already sweating from my scalp and nape. “Yes, sir!”

“Good, I’ll now assist you with the first half of your training, the weightlifting. Tyler will meet us in the pool area afterwards where you will finish up.” Gavin puts the notepad on a side table next to a water dispenser. “The first order of business being upper body. We’re leaving no muscle behind above your legs, and after this, we’re hitting them. Understood?”

“Yes, sir!” I say with more enthusiasm.

“Good boy. Now then, let’s begin!” Gavin blows a whistle, starting off my first training session with the camp.

I am told to stretch first for 30 minutes, making sure that all the muscles I’ll be working on for the day will be warmed up. “Keep flexing and stretching those legs! I’m not gonna see any part of you that isn’t re right now!” he drills me as I already start to feel the sweat dripping down the rubberised floor.

First on the list wis chest, back, shoulders, then arms. Gavin watches my form with extreme supervision, making sure the weights he places on the bar are exactly what I need to do the sets he prescribed. At first, I struggle with every rep given to me, the bench being the first of four muscle groups. Then five sets after, I feel like doing a sixth one. But Gavin does not deviate from the routine, soon moving unto the next chest exercise... then the next... then the next... then the next... until we finally finish with my pecs already a deep red from how sore they are.

As promised, I am given five minutes to do whatever I need to do. First is drinking four cups of water from the dispenser (due to how small they are), then going to the restroom to take leak, then coming back out—only for the next muscle group to already start. Deadlifts, barbell rows, shrugs, and weighted pull ups. Rest. Overhead press, lateral and rear raises, and upright rows. Rest. Bicep curls, hammer curls, tricep extension, tricep dips, and forearm grips. Rest.

“Finally... Finished!” I try to reach for the water dispenser again, only to be stopped by Gavin.

“Take a breather, we’re gonna make all that water weight drip off of you now. You still got legs to do,” he says somewhat smugly, looking down at me from the bench where I’m sitting.

“Yes... Yes, sir!” This is practically a nightmare but it’s one I’m still loving. The sweat off my skin just feels amazing—I can’t even comprehend how much water I’m letting out right now.

“Next order, abs, thighs, and calves. Move it, Todd!” I let out a grunt, moving towards the pull up bar to do weighted hanging leg raises, then weighted planks, sit ups, and V curls. I rest. Weighted squats, leg extensions, leg press, and weighted lunges. Rest. Weighted calf raises, jumping jacks, then a 30-minute fast jog outside the gym. Rest.

I lay on the floor right in front of the entrance, once we finish it all up. “I’m actually... done... Ha...ha...” I look defeated, almost having the longest possible workout everyone could even have.

“We’re not done.” Gavin quickly pulls me up to face him, giving me 500ml of water to drink, which I quickly down. “You still have an hour of swimming to do. Go to Tyler now, and change up immediately.”

I try to breath before speaking. “Yes... Yes, sir... Yes, sir...” I now start walking towards the common area to get to the pool, not even minding how I look in the gym mirrors, or how I’m still drenched in sweat.

Tyler is by the other end, with a new set of clothes for me to wear. One is like the usual gym wear, while the other is a pair of swimming shorts. “You change here, I’ll just look behind. Head to the water after. It’s already been warmed during your session, so it’s safe.” He looks away from me.

As I’m changing, I notice that the tank is a bit difficult to remove upwards, prompting me to ask for help. “Uhh, Tyler, need help here.”

Tyler looks behind him, seeing me struggle to raise my sweat soaked tank off, which has attached itself below my pits where my lats are popping out. “Damn it, Todd. Looks like you really are gonna be an Oversized one, like last year. You’re already packing some good meat here.” He slaps my wet shoulders, and I notice how it bumps out a fair bit more than when he did it last.

With that tank out of the way, he looks back again and I change to the new shorts, heading down to the pool corner where it stands at 5 feet.

“I’m ready, sir.” I stand, as Tyler turns to me, pulling out a notepad like Gavin’s.

“All right, you’ll just need to do 20 laps within the next hour, and you’ll be good to go. Seems you know how to swim, so I don’t need to teach you at all.

“Understood, sir.” With that, I get a cool off, with the pool being slightly cooler than my body temperature now. I start doing laps, three minutes across every time. I catch my breath at the end and middle point, making sure to not hit any of the markers in order to move a straight line.

After just my 18th, Tyler signals me to come up. “That’s enough, it’s already supper. I’ll dry you off while you make it immediately to the mess hall, understand?”

“I understand, sir.” I get up the pool, get a towel pat down by Tyler, making sure not a single wet spot is left. He asks me to pull down my shorts, and he pats down my thighs as well.

I change my clothes behind him, and I say my thanks. He just nods. I proceed to the mess hall to find Kyle already setting up the table for me. Des is at the table, opposite to where I will sit.

“Good evening, Todd. Your progress looks promising so far. Mind if I join you for your dinner?” Des asks with the kindly manner as during the morning I arrived.

“I don’t mind at all, sir.” I sit in front of him, as Kyle grabs the last of the meal, being half as hefty as the meal before.

“What I have for you now is just a quad layer vegan beef burger, with regular cow cheese. The same mix of protein shake as before, except for the oats. Plus, four pills containing our blend of multivitamins, anavar, trenbolone, and dianabol. You will take this every dinner, with the protein plus steroid mix from before being the same amount as now.” Kyle then mixes up the glass jar once more, but with a third of it being left out.

The thought of me taking steroids would have never have crossed my mind, but with what this center promises me, I’ll just have to take their word for it.

“Go on, eat up. I’m just here to tell you more about the staff, what are objectives are, and what you will have after four months.” Des pulls out another clipboard from the other seat beside him, with Kyle placing the jar beside my meal, and heading back in the kitchen to clean.

I first grab the drink, realising all over again how thirsty all that exercising got me made me. I finish half the jar in a matter of a second. Gasping for air, I stop and now head on to the almost six-inch-tall burger, which I couldn’t even tell was plant based from texture or smell alone, though the taste does give it away a little.

While I continue, Des starts to read the first page from the clipboard. “Okay, what I have here is just a profile of each staff you’ll meet here. There will be me, Desmond, 28, Who’s 5’10 at 197 pounds. Kyle, 22, who’s 5’8 at 175 pounds. Tyler, 24, at 6’2 and 172 pounds. Lastly, Gavin, 26, at 5’9 with 189 pounds of mass. I’ve heard from Tyler that you asked him without being told to speak, so I considered that since you’re new, you’d want to know more about us. Which is why you can keep this clipboard of our personal information, except our home address and contact information, for you to familiarise yourself with us during your dorm hours. Understood?”

I swallow a piece of my burger in my mouth before answering. “... Yes, sir!” He nods in approval, noticing how I let out my belly again just like last time.

“You probably have a thought or two about the stuff we put in your food. We gotta tell you, it is something bodybuilders get to juice their muscles into overdrive, but our mix is much purer. The Oversized routine is only available in the summer, for clients such as yourself, who really want to blow up in just a short time frame for personal reasons only. Those who choose regular or large are who plan on competing or just want a small edge in their physique, which you wanted nothing of. You wanted to look like Austin, the teen about your age that took that same routine you’re taking now, and we will comply. You will grow, and you will look the same or even bigger than he did then. Until now, just enjoy your meal... And the absorbent oil rub after.” He smiles, with a grin that signifies ulterior motives.

Shrugging it off, I had to ask about the oil. “You mean that oil... Kyler rubbed on me awhile ago, sir?”

“Oh yes, that one. You might’ve also noticed how after a few hours long rub, all of what you ate would be absorbed by your body quicker than what’s thought to be possible? Well, that’s with the help of that oil. All the nutrients the food we provide is quickly transfered around every muscles in your body, in order for it to dissolve into it once needed. It isn’t fat per se, but a goo that makes muscle growth seemingly instant, hence your initial pudginess. But look at you know, I’d say you’ve gain 3 pounds just from your meal alone a while ago. And you’ll definitely gain even more, once Kyle gives you a rub down after that drink of yours.”

I’m finally finishing up my last meal. My tank top is as tight as ever, prompting Kyle to rush over my side to remove it. With latex gloves and oil at hand, he signals Des that I’m ready for another belly rub. “He’s good for another one, I’ll bring him to his room before 10:00 p.m. He shouldn’t fall asleep this time.”

“Uhh... Yeah... I think I’ll be good by now, sir...” I say, with Kyle sitting behind me, and starting to rub my belly like he did before.

“I’ll leave it to you then, Kyle. Todd, I’ll see you on the weekend.” Des nods, and walks out of the mess hall.

“Just relax, Todd. You’ve got nothing to do other than to enjoy my massages. I may ask you to stand up once your belly shrinks halfway. You being awake makes that way easier.” Kyle gives a slight exhale from that comment.

“Yeah... Sure. Thank you, sir.” I breathe deeply with my eyes closed, not feeling drowsy like last time.

“That’s a good boy, indeed...” Kyle reaches down for my crotch, inside my shorts, stroking it gently as I start to moan. “We’re gonna make you grow beyond your wildest dreams.”

I nod. “Please, do. Sir...” Feeling the goo circulate beneath my skin, I smile a smile just like Austin’s.


Intermission 3: Night

“And we’re done! You good, Todd?” Kyle pulls his hand out of my dick, finishing up my belly rub too.

“Wait... You’re not gonna make me cum? After almost 2 hours, sir?” I ask, still panting at the abruptness.

“Sorry, that was just part of the circulation. I needed to stimulate your penis in order for your heart to pumping as I rub you down. It gets the goo going to the muscles around you much faster than if I don’t.” Kyle shrugs as he removes the latex gloves to throw it out a trash bin.

“Okay, but, why after so long, I still couldn’t cum? I was just leaking since you started... Sir.” I grab my tank, not wearing it, knowing that I won’t be able to fit it anymore, based on how stuffy my thighs feel on my shorts.

“Oh, in the first rub, I attached a clamp on your balls to prevent you from shooting. You are not allowed to ejaculate whatsoever during this session, in order for natural testosterone to continue building up in the day time during your meals and workouts, then being passed on around your body during your sleep.” He smiles back.

“Damn... Well, that sucks.” Practically living a fetish dream, and I’m not allowed to cum at all. I guess it’s a trade-off I need to comply with.

“Don’t forget to address me, Todd. But anyways, let’s head off to your dorm. You’ll need the rest for tomorrow, as the time you’ll wake up will be 7 a.m.” Kyle walks me off the mess hall, while I walk bare chested in the cold night breeze.

Arriving at my cabin, I decide to check myself out for my progress. “Holy fuck, Des was not lying with that bulk up.” I notice that my chest is casting a shadow below my mounting four pack, the shoulders that Tyler slapped on are now a smooth round bulge that lead my biceps and forearms with branching veins toward my pecs. “I need to call up Jason.”

Grabbing my phone from the bed, I ring up Jason. “Yo Todd. What’s up? Did your training go well?” He is playing a game on the PC, seemingly focused.

“Dude, you need to check my progress out. It’s only been a day and man did I gain a ton.” I prop my phone on the coffee table where the TV is, standing in front for Jason to check out. “You think this is normal?”

“Hold on, almost done. Fighting the demon boss in this game I’m playing.” He bites his lip, clearly determined to finish playing first, while I stand there waiting. “Now, what’s not norma—Jesus Christ, Todd, you got wider!” Eyes bugging, he grabs his phone to take a closer look.

“I know right? This is just... Wow. I mean, look at this!” I give him a double bicep, I see myself in the reflection off the TV, with my shoulders and biceps matching in peak. “They weren’t kidding with how the oversized track will get me huge quickly.” I show off my back bicep pose now, trying to widen my lats even more.

“Todd, are you like fucking drugged right now? Coz there is no way that much size in just one day is natural,” he continues staring while I keep flexing in different poses.

Doing a side chest, my pecs pop up like a shelf. “I mean, yeah they gave me stuff, but I’m pretty stoked about my growth that I honestly don’t mind it. It’s sure as hell working in growing me.” Pulling up my thighs, I flex their somewhat fiber like appearance. “I mean, you gotta admit, this looks great.”

“Yeah, but this is practically cheating bro. Those drugs will fuck you up after you get home. You’ve only been there a day and you’re looking as good as any guy your age is by now. Get back here and finish whatever’s left you got there by tomorrow morning, coz I’m picking you up.” Jason looks extremely concerned, like I’ve made a mistake in judgement.

“Oh come on, I’ve only gained liked 10 pounds... I actually haven’t checked, but thanks for the reminder. But please don’t go here, I’m fine man, I promise. They won’t put a thing in me without my consent, that for sure. Besides, I still want to see how this goes!” I give him a most muscular, realising how good it actually feels when I’m bulked up.

“I admit bro, you look real nice, but I’m still going there tomorrow. I want to see you’re all right with my own eyes.” Jason just leans on his desk, with his arms crossed over.

“Fine, but it’s an hour drive. anyway I doubt you’ll even be allowed to enter without my approval. Hell, I’m not even sure if they will either way.” I slump down on the couch, my pecs lay rested now on my somewhat bumped up abs.

“I’ll see what I can do to check on you, Todd. Get some rest, please.”

“Haven’t even bathed bro. See you soon, I hope... Love to give you a feel of these arms.” I give him a slight arm flex over my chest, but he ends the call before I can continue with my other arm.

Sitting blankly for a bit, I give my pits a quick sniff. “Oh yeah, it really is time for a bath.”

7 parts 13k words Added Aug 2022 Updated 1 Oct 2022 23k views 5.0 stars (30 votes)

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