
Stories that fall into the series “Threefer”.

Authors associated with this series: BRK.

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Threefer by BRK
Threefer: Cam by BRK
4 stories found Sorted by series order Total word count: 19,097


1 Threefer by BRK His lover doesn’t seem to mind, but Quinn decides to try out some pills that are supposed to grow his dick anyway while Diego’s away. The fact that they work is less surprising than the two unexpected side-effects that soon develop. 4 parts 11k words Added Apr 2019 Updated 30 Jan 2021 18k views 4.6 stars (33 votes) •Always Hard•Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Nipcocks•Hyper Cum•Nipple Emissions•Complete •M/M•M/M/M

2 Threefer: Cam by BRK For Cam, living with Quinn and his beautiful nipcocks is a dream—a dream that also stimulates a growing feeling of envy. 2,461 words Added Feb 2022 4,031 views 4.9 stars (8 votes) •Nipcocks•Nipple Emissions•Multicock•Muscle Growth•Complete •M/M/M•M/M/M/...

3 Threefer: Wes by BRK Being around not one but two lovers transformed by the strange cock-growth drug DX3, Wes can’t but wonder what would happen if he took some, too. 3,067 words Added Apr 2022 4,416 views 4.8 stars (4 votes) •Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Nipcocks•Nipple Emissions•Increased Libido•Mouthcock•Complete •M/M•M/M/M/...

4 Threefer: Barry by BRK Performing at a festival with his band, Barry is getting way too stimulated thinking about all the things that have happened to him since his drummer Wes introduced him into their little group—especially some unexpected and very personal changes that no one knows about yet, not that he’ll be able to hide them for long… 2,816 words Added Jun 2022 3,181 views 4.5 stars (2 votes) •Nipcocks•Multicock•Muscle Growth•Increased Libido•Gradual Change•Mouthcock•Complete •M/M/M/...

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