Special Deposit

Stories that fall into the series “Special Deposit”.

Authors associated with this series: Moi Auci.

This Page: Top Stories
Special deposit by Moi Auci
Gamble Labs by Moi Auci
2 stories found Sorted by series order Total word count: 4,696


1 Special deposit by Moi Auci A college kid turns to sperm donation to raise some quick cash, but an odd turn of events leads to a transformational experience at the sperm donation lab and no desire to return to college. 1,981 words Added Apr 2019 15k views 4.5 stars (11 votes) •Cock Growth•Huge Balls•Ball Growth•Huge Cock•Human to Cock•Cock Body•Hyper Cock•Hyper Cum•Transformation

2 Gamble Labs by Moi Auci A college guy goes looking for his missing special friend, a journey that takes him to an odd sperm donation lab and an unexpected transformation. 2,715 words Added Mar 2020 9,940 views 5.0 stars (8 votes) •Cock Growth•Huge Cock•Human to Cock•Hyper Cock•Transformation •M/M

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