Weekly Update*: 21 May 2022

No story from me this week but lots of good stuff nonetheless, so check out the sexy contributions below and find what strikes your fancy. Make sure to star-upvote and comment the stories you like to help others find them and let the authors know their efforts are appreciated.

I’m on reduced BRKness this month, but as I’ve been saying things will return to normal in June—and with a bang! The June 4 update is the venue for the 15th successive bimonthly Vignette Party wherein I write one-scene stories prompted by my beautiful and stalwart suggestion-level Patreonites. If you’re in that group, please DM me on Patreon and let me know what you’re wishing for—I’m looking forward to making real for you. And if you’re not—you can be! Check out my Patreon page for more info.

The Friday Flashback this week collected stories about horny mermen, so take a gander at that if you missed it. The next site update will be a week hence, on 28 May. As of right now I’m not sure if that will be an asterisk update like this (no BRK) or a full update (BRK ahoy). The week after, 4 June, will definitely be a return to full updates. In the meantime, In the meantime, thanks for visiting, and enjoy the site.

Posted: 21 May 2022  • 

This week’s new stuff: